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Y , v v v' ORDINANCE N0. 5 1929, BEII`TG All E4�.ZvGENCY ORDIHAITCE R-LATI'TG�O THE ASS3SSPSm. NT OF THE CAST OF COT_TSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEt.�ITTS IN SAPTITIRY SETIER DISTRICT No. 47, OF Tlr�, CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COLOR:.DO, 411'1) PROVIDIITG FOR THE PAY= AITD .00LLT-0TICH T'_;.''.RrAF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS: Section 1. That under and by virtue of the provisions of Ordinance No . 34, 1927, passed and adopted on the 31st day of December , A. D. 1927, Sanitary Sewer District No. 47 was duly created and provisions made in said ordinance for the construction of certain improvements in said district , consisting of a trunk line sanitary sewer of such size as may be determined necessary to take care of the sewage , with laterals therefrom, to serve said distrixt, with manholes at each of said street inter- sections, said district comprising all of Babbitt 's Addition, all of Kenwood Heights, all of Westlawn Addition, Blocks 3, 4 and 5 of Prospect Place , Block 8, West Half of Block 9, and Block 11 of Scott-Sherwood Addition, in the City of Fort Collins, Colorado. That the said improvements as therein provided have been duly con- structed as provided by law and duly accepted by the City of Fort Collins as therein provided; that thereafter the City Engineer end the Commissioner of Works , on to-wit : the 5th day of Jamar4 , A. D. 1929 , duly reported to the City Council that the cost of constru-otion of said improvements, in- cluding the cost of inspection, collection and other incidentals , end also incl,30ing interest, is ^941,950.22; that in and by said report the Commissioner of Works, pursuant to the report of tYe City "nineer, duly apportioned upon all the lots or tracts of land in the district improved, in proportion as the area of each lot or tract of lard in the d.istric:t is to the total of all the area of all the lots or tracts of land so improved, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance .,To. 7, 1921, relating, to local public improvements, as amended by Ordinance No. 9 , 1.9"6, and Ordinance j -1_ 9 • No. 34, 1927, creating said Saiiitary Sewer District 7o. 47, and which district is hereinafter more rr. rti.culariy described by lots and blocks, together with the apportionment and rate per sgUare foot, the said findi.n�p and report of the Commissioner of Works and the City gn,=ineer being in accordance with the report of the City En ineer in respect to the proposed assessment on each lot in said district. Section 2. That at the r-�)lar meeting of the City Council held on the 12th day of January, A. D. 1929, said report of the Commissioner of -Works and City Engineer concerninZ said proposed assessment for improvements in Sanitary Sewer District No. 47 was by resolution of the City Co ncil duly adopted for the parpose of consideration and determination at a reu]a r meeting of the City Co»ncil to oe held on the 16th dad* of February, A. D. 1929 , pnrsuar_t to a notice of the City Clerk as provided by law; that in and by said resolution the City Clerk was instructed and directed to publish notice in th- official newspaper of the City of Fort Collirs for a period of ten (10) d3,7*s , addressed to the owners of property to be assessed in Sanitary Sewer District No. 47, stating the whole cost of the improvements and the share apportioned to each lot or tract of land in said district, and notifying the oi^m_ers thereof that any complaints or objections that mi; ht be made in writir by them to the Cit,r Clerk and filed in his office within thirty (30) days from the publication of said notice , would be heard and determined by the City Council at a re wla r meeting thereof to be held on the 16th day of February, A. D. 1929, at the hots of eight o 'clock in the foreno;ln of said day in the Council Chamber in the City Hall in said City; that after said hearing. the City Council would tyke up the matter of the passaSe of an ordinance assessing the cost of said -2- r . improvements ; that prrsuant to the authority contained in said resolution the City Clerk caused to be published said notice in the Fort Collins Express-Courier, the official newspaper of said City of Fort Collins, for a period of ten days, as provided by ordinance ; and that due proof of publication has been duly filed in the office of the City Clerk; no complaints or objections having been filed, at said meeting of the City Council held on the 16th day of February, A. D. 1929, the assessing ordinance for the cost of the improvements in Sanitary Sewer District No. 47 was ordered submitted for passage and adoption. Section 3. That the total cost of the improvements in Sanitary Sewer District No. 47 , under and by virtue of the said Ordinance No. 34, 1927, of said City, including the cost of inspection, collection and interest , amounts to $41,950.22, which said sum is hereby assessed upon the real estate in said Sanitary Sewer District No. 47, in accordance with the provisions. of Ordinance No. 7, 1921, relating to local public improvements, as amended by Ordinance No. 9, 1926, and the proportion of said cost assessed to each lot or tract of land in said Sanitary Sewer District No. 47 comprising the following lots and blocks in said district , shall be as follows: I i LOT ijLK A'.I.DMO1V PRO.C`titlA i CWNER AM .. 1 1 Babbitt A,3. & Mary Ferguson 6100 .00397 ".25 2 1 " *T. & ?wry Ferguson 5375 .UOZ97 21.36 3 1 Daisy B. & Charles A.Jeffers 6925 .0Ov97 27.55 4. 1 Boulsh Babbitt Cameron 847 .00397 33.69 5 1. " U l th Belibitt Camron 146M. 5.00 a97 58.38 6 ? " Peuleh Tkebbitt Cameron 8290.75.90397 3P..96 7 1 Semel Rein 8275*5 .00597 3£.90 8 1 n 04=01. Vein 8260.25.00597 52.84 1 " Charles T. Wrie-t 9000 .00397 33.78 Y_ 2 " CIrArlee T. Wrlght 9000 .00397 35.78 2 Me xyle s 7* Trla^rht 9000 .00397 3 .78 4 2 0%crlez T. wria�tt 9000 .00307 35.78 35 2 " Clurlss T. Fright 9000 .00397 55.78 6 2 Charles T. arT101 9000 .00399 5b 78 7 2 " Iiim D. Bissey 725E .00397 28.83 8 2 " AmIa D. llsscsy 2 500 •00597 9.94 9 2 " Anna B. Bissey 95+00 .00597 37.77 10 2 " H. G. Dahlgren 9500 .001397 37.97 11 2 " B. G. Oablgven 0500 .00397 37.77 12 2 " H. r.. -)alagron 9500 .00597 37.77 13 2 * H. G. Dahlgren 9500 .00397 37.77 14 2 +' Bwm S. Christensen 8228.37.00397 52.70 15 2 " X11 K. ChriatGnseu 8211012.00397 32.64 16 2 " Axm B. Bisse7 8196,87,00397 32.59 17 2 " V 0, W'Rb2,r= 8180,62.00397 32.5E 18 2 " 8. 0. Dahlgrim 81.65013.00397 32.46 19 2 " No 0. Dahlgron 8149.88.00397 32.40 20 2 " Ora S. Long 8154.63000397 52.34 21 2 1, ow :'a; n 81'19.30.00397 32.28 22 F ^ T. n. -"r. 95M .00097 57.76 23 :' w. Y. lions 9500 .00397 37.76 24 p " F. T.: s s�*'Per 9800 .00Z97 57.76 25 2 " ors. Z. Long 9500 .00397 37.76 26 2. $ Mape s-Cmtrier p Co. 95M .00597 37.76 1 3 " Walter .:. Utaldfir 9000 .00397 35.78 2 3 BGwe d 3o ftith 9000 .00397 35.78 3 3 " Otte Aller 9000 •00327 35.78 4 3 " Otto Miller 9000 .00397 35.78 5 3 I3arl A. mAd Anna T, ate;* 9000 .00397 35.78 6 3 William A. Stallings 9000 .00397 35.78 7 3 ' Charles T. affright 9000 .00597 36.78 8 d " charlea a. '=:`s'f 2, 1000 .00597 ^".76 9 3 " II. G. Da_hliTwt 9500 .00397 37.76 10 71 " 11. G, 11abIFmu 95M 57.76 11 3 " 113. G. Dahlgren 9.509 .00397 57.76 12 3 " 0-re V. Lon8 9500 .00397 57.76 13 3 " raE 37.763 14 3 " 211Sabeth Roberts 8085*72*00397 32.1.5 15 3 " Elizabeth mberts 8070.47.00397 32.08 16 3 2 H. G. Debazran 8055.21.00M 32.0E 17 5 " H. G. €ahl€;ren 8039.97.00."Y 51.96 18 3 0 H. G. Drahlgren 8024.72.00397 31.90 19 3 H. G. Dah1gren 8009.22.00397 31.84 20 3 " HeMm P. iiarfleld 7993.97.00397 51.78 21 3 ' Kelm P. Barfield 7998*72.00397 31.7E 22 3 H.G.Dahlgren 9500 *003597 37.76 23 3 "' Lon H. Ulrich 9500 .00397 37.76 24 3 ?. V. Song 9500 .00397 37.76 25 3 " Florence T. Foran 9500 •o�i397 37.76 26 3 Florence T. Foran 0500 .00397 37.76 LOT BLK ADDITION 'PROP:74T OTWIM ATT14 ItUTE COST 1 4 Babbitt Ross vt, mturray 9000 .00397 35.78 2 4 " r rstk a• Lott 9000 900397 55.78 3 4 " Beulah Babbitt c=®ron l."t04a2A .0039"? 51.84 4 10. " OW A. Lightfoot 82M .00397 32.29 5 4 " D.13.voller & *,.E.Shaap el=ft MOM 32.29 6 4 B. M. Si bee U23 .00597 32.29 7 4 *" R. G. Dah16M 8125 .00597 32.29 8 4 * E G. Da3t.?k roron M= .00399 52.29 9 4 " n: 0. 7907.79 .00397 31.44 14 4 " M* S* F shbr* 7"=4*04 40397 3^1.50 1.1. � e :iiki:"rF' �°:- +"r,'1:::1� ?a.,�.('i o•�..� •!3G397 251 75 MAT. IVU 70B `s&4Xi DIMPICT ITT P'A:NTITAff SUV71R 7,"PROV.TMA,NT J47 1 1 Vestlawn Ca=Unc aanor '*n tz V?S,41.62 oomw 92.0E 2 1 " Or-rolinc lacaLcr �Antz 6625s18 •003 E' 89.86 3 1 " Caroline E1aamor Lhnntz 6607.56 .(4 89.62 4 1 4$ Caroline =*umor ' axtz G7' 9.80 .01356 91.28 5 1 " Caroline Mecnor :.%ntz 8550 .0W56 115.97 6 1 " Caroline Elcaaor !antz 8550 .01356 115.97 7 1 " Clara "R. Nita 85" .01356 115.97 8 1 " Clard R. ::rsi.th Cw50 .01556 115.97 9 1 " Anna B. Cole 6252.48 .01356 84.81 10 1 " Anna 3. Cole 61" 2. 01356 85.04 11 1 Security r-avings & toan Asaoeictirm 6322.2T. .01356 83.04 12 1 " ecuritn f!vv'rzs rf, Lver Asaooislion $2520" .01356 84.Ei1 13 L eah tt, s�,ith g 48 .01i66 84.81 14 1 Ed Fs MMe Jeffreys 61Ws22 001 85.04 15 1 Eeitfrc 70aa':Creyd 61M.22 .0UM 83.04 16 1 Charles G• SuidoR ASIML48 .01M 84.81 17 7 " Caroline Meanor ';Santa .02 M 115.97 18 i " J. tdam a 101M6 115.97 19 1 " Caroline Meanor Mantsi am AIM 115.97 20 1 Caroline 31.vamr vwtz wZ0 .01#M 115.97 21 1 " Carolina Meanor Mentz 6703.49 *01229 90.92 22 1 * Caroline Eleanor ;.'cants 6545.75 .0 88.78 ForrootE a 6588.13 ♦02 M 88.55 1 Forre"f,3 it n 6640.78 .01M 90.18 1 2 E. K. long 6591910 .01356 89.40 2 w " a. 1E• bong 6 ^` .'77 .01=6 87.29 b 2 " Bs r: Iinag 041ellrZ .01.w56 87.05 4 2 E. N. long Wlzc.-;,5 .01.356 E13066 b c " E. F". as 3554 101M 74 U5097 7 Carot.lne Tensor ventz 95M .01ZtE 115.97 8 z Camline 31a nor Umnts e550 0013M 115097 9 Tt 4#0whariatte 3ft3ht*& 6°' 004Z .0135f5 E74.81 10 " Charlotte McILtorh €1U.22 .012mb6 J3.04 11, = Charlotte :rCr23tL'T E1.EP.0 *4113 B 03.04 if, 2 CbArlotte P.77xtInt0z. 625 .4a .01356 14.81 13 2 " T. T. Plebards 6252.48 .01356 84.81 14 2 " ka*ms S. Richards 6122.22 .01356 83.04 15 2 " Caroline Meanor i tz 51u2.z3 .01356 83.04 16 2 "-mroline N1 emaor ibztz e252.48 .01156 84.81 17 2 (�areolinz Sleawr 53ants 855C .01366 115.97 is 2 " E• 2. Cooke 8550 .01356 115.97 19 2 " Mmrq `ia wen 8550 .01356 115.97 20 2 ' Caroline leanor iantz ebw .01356 U5.97 81 2 " Caroline '::leaner Mentz 6510008 .01356 88.30 22 2 " Caroline :leanor '%ntz 6556.54- .01.556 86.22 14of'2Z&.?4 2 " 3 .3A M & Frank H Root 6a97.03 .01356 86.77 1 S-Jof23U4 2 " Louis Weuve 6397.77 .01356 86.7q LOT BLE ADDITION 71ROP u2'i'7C ama AREA RATE COST 1 3 Westlawn Dan Chrietemen 6397.77 .01.38E 86,78 2 3 " Edward He Baker 6E46.39 .0198E 84.7E 3 3 Edward R. Baker 6M8,77 .AIM 84,49 5 3 " Lashl -PePet a InTeal�# $M*04 r03Mi 86,04 ofRuby Margaret 4 e01iM 115,97 5 3 7 3 " Margaret 00 Drewry d�ffi i 115,97 Miq T. Garrison 86li0 .01aM 115.97 8 3 to Lillian Be Burdorf 8360 .01356 118.97 9 3 " Tease Be Mapps 6252e48 e01335$ 44*U 10 3 to How Lumber & Supply Co 6122e22 .0130 M04 11 3 " Roy DeWUO 6122.E2 .0198t ri•04 18 3 " Lillian Be 3urdorf 6252#48 . ason 13 3 IN Anthony Sweetman 6252048 a 44*K Barley 14 3 " Te P, Larsen 6122eas , 543e88,lft16 3 " a, dale 4168e6 rQ4YM6 011r1i4 N43.88fof S87 76115&3.6 3 to 307nere & Kleanor Bellaire 4168.E e01.9M 54e84 �742 •18er16 3 " Gustav Pastor 4037.5 .03m 64.7E 3t 17 3 " . D. Tones 8530 rA 215e97 18 3 " P. Te am .A� 1.15097 19 3 of Rosa To Hightengale 8550 e01314 U5,97 20 3 to 3rlerSn" A. MMrr 8350 oOIW ].16.97 21 3 To Waldo Riffaarl" $316.63 .02M6 46,68 22 3 IF Prederiek A $ rent L Diehl 61.66*75 foe" 23&24 3 " Wendell Pr Martin 6205.63 .A3M6 84.17 SiLu" 3 " 00 P, Brandner 6203.62 .0188E 64,17 w 4 Frank C. Conrey 633E .0135E 83.94 2 4 " Rarry H. Pitts 62" .0338E 84.15 3 d e Sarah me Zama 62" .0198E 84,15 4 #r * Frank Me Gardner 6336 .01356 85e94 8 4 w Caroline Eleanor 14ants Bobo .01556 121*12 6 4 w Them# T. Swan* 899A .01356 1.21.1E 7 4 N Ursa He Stephens ,01356 1.21.a 1.2 8 4 • Grace 0e Viper e01356 121.12 9 Caroline Eleanor Mintz 81M .0138E 121,12 110 4 w 74seele.iBa rCaardner MM •01356 121.1E s ^ am .03.88E 121e12 22 4 r Tennis Rotroff .01356 121,12 13 4 * Caroline Sleanor Mintz 6l5 .01356 85.94 14 4 • Caroline Eleanor Hintz 624 e01356 86.1.5 1.5 4 e H. K. Mayer 62% .4138E 84,15 16 4 * 7ebn LARel.en Be Wa3 Ues E3a56 .0138E 88.94 17 4 " Caroline Eleanor Wentz 6W .0.1M 83e94 is 4 of Charles Le Preusah 004 AIM stele 19 4 " T. T. Lawson 6804 e02356 84,15 so 4 " T. T, Lawson 6M e01356 85,94 21 4 of T. R. Henderson am .01356 121.12 E8 4 " Caroline Eleanor Mantz am .01356 121.18 23 4 " Edna Ile Clark am .01356 lam.e12 24 4 of .A.R.&WInnie B. Bales 89M *01356 121..1E 88 4 of Ml=is A. Todd 8930 e013" 1.21,12 26 4 To S.W.J'obason&M.1d.StClair am e01356 121.1E 27 4 to Charles +, Heriugh am .0135E 121.12 28 4 It Fall& & Kathryn Me Farris .01356 121e12 E9 4 to First R'at'l,Bank of Ftecol. .01356 85,94 30 4 to, Oda eaumatel mason e01356 84,15 1 & 32 4 " Caroline S1.eanor nanta .01556 85.04 132 4 " Blanshe Baker winter 6270 .01356 85.04 1 5 To Emma Se Kimball 6336 .01356 65094 2 5 " 1�=a So Kimball 6204 001.356 64a15 3 5 " Caroline Eleanor YAntz 6204 .01.356 84.15 4 5 to Caroline Eleanor Mintz 633E .01.356 85,94 5 5 t7 Caroline Eleanor Tjantz 8930 .01356 1.21.12 IAT 1319 .ADDICT TON PROPMrY OWNER AREA PATE COST 6 5 WzSTWER Caroline :.leanor Mintz 8930 .01356 121*iz 7 5 " Ida Xop„elll 8930 .41358 121012 8 5 " :=eorge Brittell 8930 .01556 121.12 9 5 " George Prlttell 8930 .01356 121.12 10 5 " Ada r. Drittell 8930 .01356 1E1.22 11 5 Leo T. Holland 893D .013:6 121.:.2 12 a Caroline sleanor *its 8930 .01356 121.22 13 5 Elsie Schroeder 6336 .01356 85.94 14 5 " Zlaie Schroeder 6204 0015H 84.15 15 5 " rate Wharton 6204 .01556 84.is 16 5 " Fenton G. Gates G:536 .01356 85.04 17 5 " Pulliam F. roldnan 6336 .01356 65.04 is 5 " William T. Woeaman 6204 .01356 84.15 19 5 " Caroline Eleanor :Hants 6204 .01356 84.15 20 5 " Caroline Isanor Ift itz CZ3G .0/�1356 85,ID4 21 5 " Glyn iv, mauk 8980 901356 121.12 22 5 U I%ud© A. iasmo a930 001556 121.12 23 5 " Caroline Awenr Hants €930 .01356 1.81.12 24 5 Carolina 11SOMW mats 89m 0 .C2356 1E1.12 25 5 TM Christina 8* r 6930 .01:56 1.21.12 26 5 " Wilbur Do URrobA.0 8930 *01356 la*12 27 5 " Caroline 1Uanor stints 0930 .Cs. �56 121.12 28 5 " 7'belli• me 100h a930 .01356 1P1.12 29 5 " Alto Fotrott 6v36 .C1356 85.£4 30 5 " 7'loyd PJAertrude G.Nhbersmll o204 sC1358 84.15 31 5 " Henry L.Fbberts and Guy ti�healook 6204 .01356 84.15 52 5 " Henry L. Roberts and, G y 'Wheelock 6336 .ClL,56 85.84 1 6 44 MAry z. 'Ferry 6336 *01356 85.94 2 6 " Mary Re 'Ferry 8204 OOIZ 6 84.15 3 6 " Charles He Fuller 6204 .01356 84.15 4 6 " harry P. Copeland 6C�+36 .C135C 85.94 5 6 " R.L. y e Squfts Se ,lcr 8930 001356 121.12 6 6 " Myrtle t Earl Squire E?V& 002.556 1E1.12 7 6 " Caroline Eleanor hints 8930 .01356 12.1.12 8 6 " Caroline Eleanor mantz 8930 101356 121.12 9 8 " H. C. Bradley 8930 .01356 121.12 10 6 " William 3upernaugl: VON 001356 121.12 11 6 W. H. .Adkins W50 .01M 121.12 12 6 " Nora 1. .Albean 8930 .01394 121.12 13 6 H. A. Tieonann 6336 .01356 85.94 14 6 " Lillian Be Andrews 6204 .01356 84.15 15 6 " Margaret G. Drewey 6204 •02356 84.15 16 6 " Gladys may Allen 6336 .01356 85.94 17 6 " Margaret G. Maxwell 6336 .01566 85.94 18 6 * Margaret G. Iraxwsll 6204 .01356 84.15 19 6 " Frank C. Coney 6PO4 001.356 84.1.5 20 6 " Rdward C. Nett 6336 .01356 85.94 21 8 " prank Ghent 8930 .01356 121.12 22 6 " Charles Winn 8930 .01358 IP-101r0 23 6 " Caroline Eleanor rnantz i 93O .01356 121.12 24 6 " T. ->,. Adams 8930 .M56 181.12 25 6 °' T. ,'W. Adams 8930 .01556 121.12 26 6 " T. ,. Adams 8930 .01356 121.12 27 6 T' T. C4. ,Ldsms 8930 .01556 121.12 28 6 Caroline loanor Mantz 8930 .01556 121.12 29 6 " Myrtle Squler 6336 .01356 85.94 30 6 " R.L.Rquler & A. seuka 6204 .013M 64.15 51 6 " Caroline Eleanor antz 6204 .©2356 84.15 32 6 " Carolina ` emnor mantz 63,36 .01356 85.94 BIL AI1i3l'P ON i7z (�''r7 Y OIv-YI-.:'TI AREA 7.{t..`12E COST NGO'of"02`1 3 Pr?C7=T PLACE Marjorie '". Yost 4160 .01356 56.43 w?0` sMV I 5 If H. _V1. Mayor 3640 *01356 49.37 ' r 12�r ` 1 3 To William 'F. Mooted 1800 .01356 24.41 4 z To William G. Touted 6000 001356 8I.W 3 3 of Klein Land Conpany 6000 .01556 81.38 $ 3 " Klein W t;oa& , 6000 601.31016 81.38 3 3 of Elsie 7PAck Shoosmak-er 6000 .01356 8115J, a +q' -VEruua `:3. a stoad 6() 0 .01u56 81.36 7 & V ' ,AV'.; 1 S '" Taaob &.3lizaboth".eahter 6750 .0"t.356 91.56 of 8 3 " James C. ',hedbee 7350 .01356 99.6c 7,4010f(9 &10 ) 3 " Mith V, Stanford. 3760 .01356 51.00 542.71of ;8 of 9 and 10 3 ' A. NoToodma 4013.8 .01356 54.44 u 75' 9 5 0. S. Copley 4050 .01356 54.93 L 75` lc 3 of Louis "". >1aer. 3000 .01356 40.69 11 3 " Pay :' 1c5 6306 .0156 e5.56 12 3 ' Harry Y'o ig 6308 .0.1556 85.56 lv 3 of Roland IL ZCIM7. YcanG "a IOI 56 85.56 14 3 ^ Xethryn larshaall 6308 .01356 85.56 15 3 :"agar n 'tar:i;F 11 6306 101356 85.56 16 3 'cathrgn YRrshnll 10092.8 *01356 136.90 T 110` 16 4 IS Gustav raoto r 4l00 .O1356 59.68 ?�5`u1"d+iZO" 3 4 " ;tia�tav Bator 1650 .01v56 22.38 Jake motor 27.10 101356 37.30 1 30 10MI1.0, 14 4 Jake ''eotor =0 .01356 44.76 -1.50`of 15 1,16 4 To Ralph r ,stor 4000 .01556 54.25 E 50`or,30`14 4 To Ralph Mate r 1500 .01356 20.35 IC V 14 4 ofbabel Z. Jennriccay 1600 .014586 21.70 13 4 " :4abol 'E4 Towisimy V44400 1015,50) 86.81 12 1,7,abel ia. Tennew*y 6f4n00 001356 88.61 21 � " 2dgar A. Lawyer 6400 .01356 86.81 601of (9 &10 4 " rienry S. Titrgarald 5262 .01356 71.37 wpo,ofid00`3&.7.0 4 " Nellie Muter Dickinson 44M .01556 59.48 M0" 9 axi@ 10 4 ofCharlie r. Condors 4:385 .OIM6 59.48 8 4 ofDelia ii. Diak"an 7632 .01356 105*52 7 4 " Delia 1:, Dickinson 6400 e01956 86.80 6 4 "' Delia ato Diaz -luzon 6400 •€k3=0 A6e81 5 4 " Delia 1n`. Dickinson 6400 .11311M 66.61 4 4 If Del.1a Yo Lilokluzan 6400 001M 8%181 5 4 r Liazeis Le W i1118aa 6400 001556 86.81 �. 4 " An17a B. Cole 6400 •01356 86,81 1 4 of Anna Po Cole 6400 .0138E 86.81 1 5 'daude To Baxter 6448.46 .01356 87.47 2 5 To maude T. cater 6450.08 .01356 67.49 3 5 of Maude T. HaAcr 6451.68 .01356 87.51 i�20+4 5 " %.'oude T. Baztar 3226.64 .01>56 43.76 32014 5 of Tessie no, Do4ker 3226.54 *01356 4;i.76 5 5 it Jeaai& 43. Decker 6454.68 .01356 87.55 6 5 of Jesaie no Docker 6456,28 .01356 87.57 7 3 of I?artaa Ps Most 6457.68 .01356 87.59 8 5 of Bertha R. most 7702.44 .`)1356 104.47 X31.51 9 & 10 5 If Hillima Be Kemp 4531*23 .01356 61.4E 9'110` 9 & 10 5 4Oliver Mo Clarke 9628,88 .01356 150.60 11 5 " Garden no Yothergill 6456.28 .01356 87.57 12 5 of Gerd= No Fothergill 6454.66 $01356 67.58 13 5 " Gordan ,t, tothergill 6453.08 .01356 87.53 14 5 of Gordon 9, Fathergill 6451966 .01356 87.51 15 5 Gordon u . 1ayhergill 64b0.0b .01556 87.49 16 5 §ordon ' e 1'othergill 6448,46 .01356 87.47 LOT BLK ADDITION PROPARTY OMER AREA RATE COST 1 1 Sennood Heights Mary A. Harris 7126 0013" 96.66 2 1 * Mary A. Harris 7126 .0 96.66 3 1 " Fred T. Barnes 72M ,01' 98,74 4 1 " Mary A. Harris 72M .0 98.74 5 1 * Mary A. Harris 7280 .0�y� 98.74 6 1 * ibtry A. Barris 7280 .09 98,74 E50.317 1 * Kenneth D. Graham 2947.58 .0 39,98 E50.3•ofS40I8 1 *' Kenneth No Graham 2012 .0 27.29 E501ofe10017 1 " Bert Redd 2930 .01356 59.74 ESOcofW1001of S40'8 1 " Bert Redd 2000 .01356 27,13 W 60* 7 1 " Dan Chesnut 2930 .01356 39.74 W50+0fS4018 1 " Don Chesnut 2000 .01356 27.13 N 40. 8 1 " W. P. Withrow 6012 .01356 81.55 9 1 * Rw1olph Herman Dreniman 6012 .01356 81.55 Irma Hamlin 6012 .01356 81.55 11 1 * Gordon M* Fothergill 5215.41 .01356 70.74 12 1 " Charles E. Besaw 3690 001.356 77.18 E 110, 1 2 " NArp A, Harris 5599 .01356 75.94 E 310f 2 2 * F. I. Rogers 5599 .01356 75,94 W501 1 & 2 2 " laretta Mquidel.l 5090 .01.356 69.04 5 2 2 Bessie B. Pettit 5600 .01356 75.96 4 2 " lilt; E. IAZear 7000 .01356 94.95 5 2 " Clarence HoUl.icte Stump 7000 .03.356 94,95 6 2 " Tohn G. Parks 7000 .01356 94.95 7 2 2 C. A. Bailey. Trustee 7000 .01356 94.95 8 2 * Go A. Bailey, Trustee 7000 .01356 94.95 9 2 ^ C. A. Bailey, Trustee 7000 .01356 94.95 W1101 10 2 " Frank E. Daujtx 5599 .01356 75.94 Yf1101 11 2 " Frank E. Dametz 5599 .01356 75.94 E50•of10 & 11 2 * €+9argaret G, Numell 5090 .01556 69.04 1 3 t!d9line Viola Hammond 8215,26 .01356 111.43 2 3 " Florence R. McAnelly 8215,26 .01356 111.43 3 3 " W. M. Sullivan 7000 .01356 94.95 4 3 * Rose E. Smith 7000 .01356 94.45 i 3 C. H, weaver 7000 .01356 94.95 6 3 " Una Mo Ragan 7000 .01356 94.95 7 3 " C. V. Lyon 7000 .01356 94,95 8 3 * A. C. Kluver 7000 .01356 94.95 9 3 " Doidhy at'.Demke Skinner & Uverna Adel Smoke 6034 .01356 81.84 10 3 * C. hy. Lyon 8215.26 .01356 U1.43 n 3 * C. n. Lyon 8215.26 .01356 111.43 1 4 MAry A. xiarris 7000 .01356 94.95 2 4 " Mary A. Harris 7000 .01356 94.95 3 4 " Mary A. Harris 7000 .OIZ56 04.95 4 4 " nary A. Harris 5733 .01356 77.76 5 4 W. M. Sullivan 72W .01356 98.74 6 4 " C, A. Pettibone 7280 .01356 98,74 7 4 " C, A. Pettibone 72M .01356 98.74 8 4 * C. U Taw .01356 98.74 1l 9 4 " 9. . j�01 fW .0l:5M 95.52 10 4 " D. X. U39=101 TW .01356 94.95 11 4 W* Y. UoDudel 1000 .01356 94.95 12 4 " W. U. UODMIal 9.4 .01356 80.83 13 4 * D, fNO. UrDMISI "15 .01356 101.95 i 14 4 " W. . UslMgtiel 7515 .01356 1u1.93 15 4 " w. M. Wadel 7515 .01356 101.95 16 4 * Mary A. Nazfts 9512,5 .01356 129.02 511011 5 A. Irl " !.son 5500 .01356 74.60 E110'2 5 " R. G. Coot 5500 .01356 74.60 W5013A 2 5 * R. Irl NWroon 5000 .01356 67.82 LOP BLK ADDITION PROPERTY OWNIR x:aSA IRM COST 3 5 Kenwood Heights Mary A. Harris 8000 .01356 108.51 4 5 It 1arq A. Harris 7000 .01356 94.95 5 5 Mrs. P. S. Carey 5600 .01356 75.96 E 3016 5 " Yrs. F. S. Carey 4200 .015" 56.97 rf 20t6 5 lied W* stow E800 001350 37.98 7 5 Fred Wa. Flow 7000 001356 94.95 8 5 " K. B. Sullivan 7000 001384 94.95 9 5 " Ethel P. Warner 7000 .01306 94.95 10 5 TM :,fiery A. Barrio 7000 AIM 99.95 12 5 " Mary A. NarAs 7000 Aim 96.95 12 5 wary A. Barris 6800 .01356 M23 13 5 " Mary A. Harris 8000 .01354 108*51 14 5 ,-:cry A, Harris 8000 002M 108.51 15 5 " cry A. Harris 8000 .01356 108.51 1 6 " Earl I. Pashby 8085 .01356 109.66 2 6 " Karl I. .pashby 8085 .01356 11-9.66 3 6 " Foy Go Cook 8065 .01356 109.66 4 6 " ROy 0• Cook 7519.05 .01356 101.99 5 6 " William &Winnifred ConoloSue 7000 .01956 94.95 6 6 " Yiojette F. Clark 7000 .01356 94.95 7 6 " L v*U &ysioy Little 9000 .01356 94.95 8 6 " k'. R. Hunter 7000 .01.356 94.95 9 6 " Levi &Ida L. Cunningham 7000 .01356 94.95 E 10 6 Levi &Ida L. Cunningham 3500 .01356 47.47 W 10 6 " C. m. Lyon 3.500 .01356 47.47 11 6 " C. 21. I.Ton 6139 .01356 83.E7 12 6 " ROY Q. Uook 7816.93 .01556 99.24 13 6 " Roy G. Cook 8086 .01356 109.66 14 6 " C . M. Lyon 6085 .01356 109.66 15 6 " C. ' , Lyon 8085 .01356 109.66 1 B Scott-Sherwood Butler Bros. Oev'1. Co. 9500 .01356 128.86 2 8 " Butler Pros, Dev'l. Co. 9500 .01356 128.86 3 8 " Butler Bros* Dav'1. Ca. 9500 •01356 128.86 4 8 " John I?, Simpson 9500 .01356 U8.86 5 8 " Butler Bros, Dev'1, Co. 9500 .01356 128,86 E 140' 6 8 F.R.BlandhI..C.Hesly 9000 .01356 94.95 E 140' 7 8 " .. 0. Dudley 7000 .01356 94.95 E 140, 8 8 * Vern Carter Ault 7000 .01356 94.95 ,>50'of 6-7-8 8 * Poudre Valley beat ional Bank of fort Collins, Colo.7500 .01356 101.73 9 8 w But>1e:r Lros. Dev'1. Co. 9500 .013M 1.P.8.86 10 e « Butler Bros, Dev'1. Co. 9500 .01356 128.86 1.1 6 " Butler giros. D&Y'1. Co. 9500 .01356 1E8.86 1s 8 " Butler Bros. Devtl. Cro. 9500 .01350 128.86 13 8 " Butler Bros. Dev'l• Co. 9500 .01356 12SOM 14 8 TM Butler Bros. Dev'1. Co. 9500 .01356 128.86 15 8 " Butler Bros, Dev'l. Col 9500 .01556 lrZ,86 16 a " Butler Bros. 'Dev'1. Co. 9500 .01356 luf3.06 v 100' 9 9 " C. F. Wolfer 5000 .01356 67.82 V 100' 1c 9 " C. F. Wolfer 5000 .01356 67.82 E"90* 9 and 10 9 " Mildred LICAnelly 9000 .01356 1E .07 U 9 " Mildred IoAaelly 9500 .01356 128.85 NU 12 9 " ?:ildrod 2850 .01356 38.66 S35' 12 9 " Ed, G* Robinson.Patate 6650 .01356 90.20 2735' 13 (9ll)9 Ed. Go Robinson. k4tate 6660 .01356 90.20 515, 15 and/14)9 " Ethel A3, Schafer 14350 .01356 167.51 15 9 " Lulu R. Brownell 9500 .01356 128.85 16 9 " Lulu R. Brownell 9500 .01356 128.85 1 11 " A. T'. Scott . *Estate 9547.5 $01356 129.50 2 U It A. W. Scott . Estate 9500 .02356 188.86 8 N Uri PLOOX ADDITION FROPnink y ORTIR AM RATE COST 3 11 300tt-5hOrwoo8 A. W. Scotto rstete 95UO $01556 128086 4 11 A. 6. Scotto Estate 950D .01M 128.86 5 11 A. W. Batt. ate 2500 *01M 128,86 B ll " A. . lilt$, � 9500 .511356 188.86 7 A. WS 96M *01356 128.86 8 11 " A. W, tM to 8550 s01356 115.97 10 1u1 A. W. Rt i ate 9500 *01,,356 128.86 A. wett � xxtate 9500 o01356 128.t36 " A. w. sw%t, Fstate 9500 .81356 126,85 1E 11 W A. W. Scott 9 :.State 9500 413ft 128.85 13 11 ^ A. W< Scotty ."state 95W *013b6 128.85 14 ll " A. 41. Scotty =state 9300 .01356 128.85 15 11 „ A. W. Scotto Estate 9500 .01356 128.85 lb 11 " A, W. Scott, Estate 92054 .01356 124*65 34¢ of trunk ltne cost for relies' sewer to city Port �Iolllns, Coln. 5277.139 Section 4. All assessments herein provided for shall be due and payable within thirty (30 ) days from the final passage and publication of this ordinance , without demand, provided that all assessments may at the election of the owners of the property to ue assessed be paid in ten (10) equal installments, beginning April 1st _ , 1929 , and payable annually on said last mentioned date thereafter, until the full amount thereof has been paid, with interest on the unpaid principal payable semi-annually at the rate of four and one-half ( 41r S) per cent per annum. Section 5. Failure to pay the whole of the assessment' within the said period of thirty (30) days shall be conclusively considered and held an election on the part of all persons interested, whether under disability or otherwise , to pay in such installments. Section 6. Failure to pay any installments, whether of principal or interest, when due , shall cause the whole of the unpaid principal to become due and payable in•:ediately, and the whole amount of the unpaid principal and accrued interest shall thereafter draw interest at the rate of one (1�) per cent per month, or fraction of a month, until the day of sale as hereinafter provided, but at a* time prior to the day of sale the owner may nay the amount of all unpaid installments , with interest at one (1%) per cent per month, or fraction of a month, and all penalties accrued, and shall thereupon be restored to the right to pay the installments in the same manner as if default had not been suffered. The owners of any property not in default as to any installments or payments may at any time pay the whole of the unpaid principal with interest accrued to the maturity of the next installment of interest or principal. Section 7. Payments may be made to the City Treasurer at any time within thirty (30) days of the final passage and publication of this ordinance and an allowance of five (5%) per cent discount shall be made on all payments made during such period only. � M ' Section B. In case of default in the payme nt of any instia.11ment of principal and interest when due , any and all property concerning which such default is suffered shall be advertised by the County Treasurer and sold for the payment of the whole of the unpaid assessment thereon, at the same time or times and in the same manner, under all the same conditions and penalties and with the same effects as are provided by law for sales of real estate in default of the payment of general taxes. Seeti,,n 9. It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to prepare the foregoing assessment roll in said Sanitary Sewer District No. 47 in proper form snowing in suitable columns each piece of real estate assessed, the total amount of the assessment, the amount of each installment of principal and interest , and the date when each installment will become due , with suitable columns for use in case of payment of the whole amount or of any installment or penalty, and deliver the same to the City Treasurer and thereafter payments may be made to the City Treasurer at any time within thirty (30) days after the passage of this assessment ordinance and the taking effect thereof. Upon the expiration of the thirty (30) days, the City Treasurer shall return to the City Clerk the assessment roll showing all payments made thereon, with the date of each pqV ment, and thereupon the City Clerk shall prepare a permanent local assess- ment roll in book form, showing in suitable columns each niece of real estate or property upon which the assessment is unpaid, the date to which the same is computed , the amount of each installment of principal and interest , together with two (2) per cent additional thereon as collection charges of the County Treasurer, and the date when the same will become due , with suitable columns for use in case of the payment of any installments or penalties. Said roll shall be certified by the City Clerk under the seal of the City, and by him delivered to the County Treasurer of Larimer County, Colorado, with his warrant for the collection of the same. 1 Section 10. All collections made by the County Treasurer on said assessment roll in any calendar month shall be accounted for and paid over to the City Treasurer on the first day of each and every month, with separate statements for all such collections for each month, in the same manner as general taxes are paid by the County Treasurer to the City. Section 11. The owner of any divided or undivided interest may pay his share of any assessment upon producing evidence of the extent of his interest satisfactory to the officers having the roll in charge . Section 12. In the opinion of the City Council an emergency exists for the preservatr- n of the public health, peace and safety, and this ordinance shall take effect up�,zi its rassa *e and publication, under and bly virtue of the authority contained in Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter. Introduced, read at length and adopted by the unanimous vote of all members of the City Council this 16th day of February, A. D. 1929 . Commissl oner o e y an 1, � ..cio .ayor_ d , STATE OF COLORADO ) SS. COUNTY OF L LRI171? ) I, A. J. ROSEPTOW, City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins, do hereby certify and declare that the foregoing ordinance consisting of twelve (12) sections was duly proposed and read at length o.t a regular meeting of the City Council held on thel6th day of February, A. D. 1929, and was duly adopted and ordered published in the Fort Collins Express-Courier, a daily newspaper and the official newspaper of the City of Fort Collins , by the unanimous vote of all members of the City Council, as an emergency ordinance in accordance with the provisions of Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter of the City of Fort Collins, and thereafter and on to-wit ; the 19th day of February, A. D. 1929, said Ordinance No . 5 -s duly published in the Fort Collins Egress-Courier, a daily ,ewspaper publisbed in the City of Fort Collins, Colorado. IId WIT ;ESS 1.TY? ECF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of sd.id Cite this l9th day of February, A. D. 1929. t7ity ClerI.