Ordinance iTo 10.1929.
I "S tl D S"_'iUC^_UT'iS A D ^_TIi, US" OF BUITDL GS, Sm. 'ITCT'U'ES ALD
D:: S="Y 72 POPUII"T'IO + ' 'D "0i VID 127'T'0371 TO DIVIDE TIFL" �7, ^Y
For the purposes of this orainance certain terms and words are
hereiith defined as follows
+ords used in the preaent tense include the future words in
trio singular numoer include the plural ana words in the plural
numoer include the singular the word "buildinT ' includes the
word "structure " the ward "shall" is mandatory and not directory
Any words not herein defined shall be construed as defined in the
ouilding code
/ -1-
ccessory Building i suoordinabe building or portion of main '
ouiloire , the use of which is incidental to that of the nain build-
Boarding uouse A building other than a hotel , where lodging or
meals for five or more persons are served -Lor compensation
3uildino A structure for the support shelter or enclosure of
persons animals or chattels not including a ooundary wall or
Bvildinp , eirnt of The vertical distance at the center oi: a
building ' s tirincipal Front measured from the established grade yo
the hi�aest point in the cooing of a flat roof to tqe aecl line of
a mansard roof or to the center height oet een the eaves -,ad ridge
for gaole , hio or gambrel roofs Tor ouiidings set oeck from the
street line ae height of the uuildinr, may oe measured froi the
average elevation of tie Linisned grade alonb the front of +ae
ouildin , proVided tlae distance from she street line is no' less
tnan the height of such grade aoove the established grade
Dwellin_ Oise--auily A detached building designed for or occu-
p_ed eyclusivel3 by one family
Di ellinF , rlwo-zanily A detached or semi-detached buildinC de-
al ned for or occupied exclusively oy two families
D ellinp ' ultiole A building designed for or occupied oy
tnree or more families living in separate apartments
'Pauly A family is any number of indiviauals living together
as a singtg housekeeping unit, and doing their cooking on the
.1ronta[ e 1,11 the property abutting upon one side of a street
bet een two intersecting streets measured alonp- the street line
Cara,_e, '21ivate A garage i ith a capacity for not more than
three self-propelled vehicles for storage only Provided, however,
a private garage nay exceed a three-vehicle capacity if the lot
whereon such gara a is located contains not leas than 2000 sauare
feet for each vehicle stored
Garage Conmunity garage consisting of a series of stalls
under a continuous roof with a capacity for not more than give
sel�-propelled vehicles for storage only Provided, however a
coruminit,v gara,,e riay ezeeed a five-vehicle capacity if the lot
iheieon such garage is located contains not less than 1200 souare
fee` for each vehicle stored
Gara, e , I`uolic A garage other than a brivate or com.-nuiity
garage used for the housing or care of more than three sel�-
propelled vehicles, or where any such vehicles are equippea Mor
operation, reparred, or kept for remuneration, hire or sale
Grede ='stablished ^he grade of the street curd line fined by
the city
Lot Land occupied or designed to be occupied by a ouilding and
its accessory buildings including the oven spaces requirea uy tnis
ordinance and such oven spaces as are arranged and designed to be
used in connection with ouch ouilfting, and having its print-pal
frontage upon a street or dfficially approved place
Lot , Corner A lot of which at least two adjacent sides gout
for their full length upon a street
Lot Interior .i lot other than a corner lot
Lot , "hroLi h An interior lot having frontage upon two streets
Lot Line .he line oounding a lot as defined herein
on-C.onforminf Lse 1 ouilding or land occupied by a use that
does not conform with the regulations of the district in ihich it
is situated
Dlace An open unoccupied space not less than 30 feet wide
permanently reserved for purpose of access to aoutting oroperty
Street i ouolic taoroughfare 30 feet or more in width
Struc oral lteration my change in the supporting meinoers of
a ouilaing, Bach as oearinb walls, columns, beams or girders
Yard An open space on the same lot with a building unoccupied
and unoostructed from the ground upward except as otherwise pro-
vided herein
.Lard , 2ront A yard extending across the full width of ' ie lot
between the front line of the building and the street lot line
lard, -iear A yard extending across the fall lidth of the lot
between the rear line of the building and the rear line of the lot
Yard aide A yard between the ouilding and the side line of the
lot and extending from the front yard to the rear yard
In order to regulate and restrict Lne location of trades , inays-
tries and other uses, ana the location of buildings designed or
occupied for specific uses to regulate and limit the height and
size oz ouildinta to regulate and determine the area of yards and
ot-ier open spaces about buildings and to regulate and restrict the
density of population, ' ,ie City of ''ort Collins is hereby divided
into t-ie following classes of Zoning Districtsi
"A" 1zesidence Districts
"B" residence Districts
"C" ilesidence Districts
"DI Commercial Districts
"""' Commercial Districts
"i" Industrial Districts
The ooundaries of the Zoning Districts are snown upon the map
rhich accompanies this ordinance designated as the "Zoning 'Dis-
trict ap' Said map is hereby declared to be a part of this
. -cept as hereinafter provided, no building snall be erected
or structurally altered, and no uuilaing or prenises aiall be
used for any other purpose, other than permitted in the 3oning
District in which such building or premises is located iTo lot
area shall/be so reduced or diminished that the yards or open
spaces shall be smaller than prescribed by this ordinance nor
shall the lot area per family be reduced in any manner except in
conformity with the area regulations hereby estaulished for the
district in which such building is located To yard or other
open space provided about any building for the purpose of com-
plying vdth this ordinance shall be considered as providing a
yard or other open space for any other building
In on "A" ?esidence district -
Use To buildin€ or premises shall oe erected, structurally
altered or used except for one or more of the following uses
1 One-family dwelling
2 t,hurch
3 Elementary and high school College
4 Library museuta and municipal recreational uses
5 Telephone exchange, where no public busiviess office and
no repair or storage facilities are maintained
6 Farming, znd gardening
7 Golf club
8 ccessory uses customarily incidental to the above uses
ITeit_ht Ilo dwelling shall exceed 35 feet in height and no other
building shall exceed 45 feet in height
Yards 'Por every building there shall be provided a front yard
F ~ 1
and a rear yard each of not less than 30 feet in depth and a side
yard on each side of the ouilding of not less than 5 feet in width
nor less than one-fifth the height of the building
Lot rea For every one-family dwelling there shall be provided
a lot area of not leas than 6000 square feet
In a "B" 3esidence District -
Use Io ouildinr or premises shall oe erected, structurally
altered or used except for one or more of the following uses
1 Any use permitted in an "A" Residence District
2 Two-family dwelling
3 Fraternity and sorority house Boarding acid rooming house
4 Private club, fraternity and lodge , except those the cffiief
activity of which is a service customarily carried on as a
5 Lursery and greenhouse
6 ccessory uses customarily incidental to the above uses
eitnt Same as required in an "All Residence District
_ards For every ouilaing there shall be provided a front yard
-and a rear yard each of not less than 25 feet in depth and side
yards the same as required in an "A" Residence District
Lot=Area, For every dwelling there shall be provided a lot area
of not less than 4500 square feet per family for one-family dwell-
ings and not less than 3000 square feet per family for two family
370r.l'IOIT V
"C" iMID770". DT_S`"_iICrS
In a "C ' iesidence District -
Use PTO ouilding or premises shall be erected, structurally
altered or used a%cenu for one or more of the iolloi-ing uses
1 any use permitted in a "B" Residence District
2 ultiDle dwelling
3 Tospital and clinic
4 TTotel and apartment hotel
5 Institution of an educational philanthropic or eleemosy-
nary nature
6 Community garage
7 ccessory uses customarily incidental to the above uses
TTeiF at T'o building shall exceed 50 feet in heipht
.Lards ''or every building there shall be provided a front ,hard
and a rear vard each of not less than 20 feet in depth and side
yards on each sine of the buildintr of not less +nan 5 feet in width
nor less than one-sixth the height of the ouilding
Lot area For every one-family and two-family dwelling there
shall be p,fovided a lot area of not less than 3000 square feet per
family For every multiple dwelling there shall be provided a lot
area of not less than 600 square feet per family
In a "D" Commercial District -
Use All ouildings and premises may oe used for any use per-
mitted in a 'C" 'Residence District or for any other use except
the folloviinE-
1 3alery, employing more than 5 persons
2 31ac smitainp or horsedhoeing shop
3 3ottling rorl s
4 Building material storage yard
5 CartinC express hauling or storage yard
6 Contractor' s plant or storage yard
7 Coal co e or wood storage yard
8 Coopera.-e works
9 CreaLiery and produce
10 DlreinE and cleaning iorl s employing more than 5 personz
11 Ice plant and storage house of more than 5 tons capacity
1? Laundry, employing More than 5 persons
13 Livery stable
14 Lumber yard or planing mill
15 l,ach2ne shop
16 iill distrioutin6 station other than a retail business
conducted on the premises
17 Stone Tard or monument works
18 Storage warehouse
19 Storage or baling of scrap paper , iron uottles, rags or junk
20 All uses excluded from an "7" Commercial District
21 Any kind of manufacture or treatment other than the rganufac-
ture or treatment of products clearly incidental to the con-
duct of a retail business
22 Puolic garage, provided, however, a nuulic gara-e primarily
for storage or sale of motor vehicles 4ith incidental repair
facilities mal be erected by permission of tre Board of Id-
justmen+ if there is on file in the Building Inspector' s
office tie individual i ritten consents of the owners of 75
ner cent of all the property iithin 200 feet of the site
of ''ae pronosed o-arare ou+ in no ca^e shall a pvolic Sara€e
oe permitted, Liaving an e�cit or entrance within 250 .feet of
an entrance or exi of a public or private school , playground,
nvulic library, church, liospi+al hone for dependents, o.L other
_Millar public or semi-public ins`itu`ion
$etghtt Jame as required in a "C" -leside.Lice District
Mont Yard he. e all the frontage on one side of tie st.Leet be-
tween two intereectin, streets is located in a "D" Commercial Dis-
trict, zio front yard shall oe required
/ There part of the frontage on one side of the street
between two intersecting streets is located in a "D" Commercial ,
District and the remainder of tie frontage is in an 'A" 113 ' or "C"
Pesidence District tie front yard requirement of the abutting "A" ,
"B' or "C" 'tesidence District , respectively, shall govern provided
that on corner lots such front yard requirements shall not oe applied
to the frontago on mo e than nne street
Rear lard Whete the rear of any uuilding or lot of a "D" Com-
nercial District aunts upon a residence Distric+ with no alley
oetieen the districts there shall be provided a rear yard of not
less than 10 feet in depth
Side "ards lone required except for dwellings, for whici here
shall oe provided side yards of not less than 4 feet in wid' h
Lot rea The same for dwellings as required in a "C" 'Reoid ence
In an "y" Commercial 'District -
Use All buildings and premises may be used for any use permitted
in a 'D' Commercial District or for any other use except the follow-
1 Abattoir
2 cetylene gas ranufacture or storage
3 Acid manufacture
4 -ammonia, bleaching powder or chlorine manufacture
5 arsenal
6 4snhalt manufacture or refining
7 31a st furnace
8 3oiler wort s
9 Bricc, the or terra cotta manufacture
10 Burlap manufacture
11 Bag cleaning
12 Candle manufacture
13 Celluloid manufacture
14 Co'-e oven
15 Coal tar products manufacture
16 Crematory (not including those in cemeteries)
17 Creosote treatment or manufacture
18 Dextrin Elucose and starch manufacture
19 Disinfectants manufacture
20 Distillation of bones, coal or wood
21 D estuff manufacture , (not including chenical dyes)
22 TIcteriainator and insect poison manufacture
23 "mery cloth and sand paper manufacture
24 Pat rendering
25 .Fertilizer manufacture and potasn rendering
20 Fireworis and explosives manufacture or storage
27 +'lour mill
28 large plant
29 ftel manufacture
30 Gas (illuminating or hearing) manufacture
31 Glue , size or gelatine manufacture
32 rnnpowder manufacture or storage
33 Incineration or reduction of garbage, dead animals or
34 Iron, steel, brass or copper foundry
35 Lamp blacl manufacture
36 Lime manufacture
37 Oil cloth or linoleum manufacture
58 Ore reduction
39 Oiled goods mLnufactured from raw materials
40 ?aner and pulp manufacture
41 Paint , oil, shellac , turpentine or varnish manufacture
42 :etroleum vroducts refining or %h olesale storage
43 Potasa worl s
44 Printing ink manufacture
45 Pyroxylin manufaoture
4o oc' crushing
47 'lolling mill
48 tuboer and rntta percha manufacture
49 S-Alt works
50 Sauerkraut manufacture
51 Sausage manufacture (wholesale)
52 Shoe olacking manufacture
53 Sav4►ill
54 Smelter
55 Soap manufacture
56 Soda and compound manufacture
57 Stock vards
58 Stone mill or quarry
59 Storage or baling of scrap paper, iron, bottles, rags or
junk except when enclosed within a building
60 Stove polian manufacture
61 Sulphuric , nitric or hydrochloric acid manufacture
62 3ugar refining
63 Tallow grease or lard manufacturilg or refining from animal
64 manning, curing or storage of raw hides or sYins
65 tobacco (chewing) manufacture or treatment
66 mar distillation or manufacture
67 Vinegar manufacture
o8 Tool pulling or scouring
69 aterproofing or tar roofxne manufacture
70 Yeast plant
71 Any o`�ier use that is injurious noxious or offensive to a
neighborhood by reason of emission of odor dust smoKe
bas or noise
72 all uses excluded from an "i" Industrial Dimtrict
Irei_pht T10 building ohall exceed a height greater than 75 feet
Loading SFace Dvery building erected on a lot abutting upon an
alley shall biovide a loading space for `he use of commercial ve-
hicles serving such building Such loading space , unless adequately
provided elsewhere on the lot , shall e�ctend not less than 14 feet
1i heiCht above `ne grade of the alley and not less than 18 feet
in deotn back from the alley line along 50 per cent of the alley
frontage, out in no case along less than 25 feet In lieu of the
foregoing requirement , a lot 50 feet or more in width may provide a
loadint space of not less than 10 feet in death bacl from the alley
line aloaL the entire alley frontage
Tne above regulations shall not be applied to require any portion
of a loading space within 50 feet of any street line ^ loading
space requirement may be modified or waived oy the Board of 1djjst-
menu on application in the case of a ban] , theatre or tither building
of eiwilar limited loadin apace requirements
Side Yards hone required e�ccept for awellin`s for wait here
shall oe urovided siae yards of not less than 4 feet in width
Lot rea For one-family and tio-family drellings the same as
required in a "C" Residence Distbtict For every multiple dwelling
there stall be provided a lot area of not less than 400 souare feet
per family
In an "F" Industrial District -
Use Ill ouildings and premises may oe used for any purpose not
in conflict with any ordinance of '-he City of Fort Collins reeula-
tint nuisances provided that no premises shall be occupied for a
permit o- issued _or airy of the followinc- uses unless the location
of rich mall nave beeii approved by the Board of Adjustment
1 Icid manufacture
2 Cerent lime, gypsum or plaster of pares manufacture
3 Fertilizer manufacture
4 Fireworks or exnlosives manufacture and storage
5 3Vel manufacture
6 Garbage offal or dead animal reduction or dumping
7 Clue manufacture, fat rendering or distillation of cones
8 Fetroleum refining
9 Smelting o= cr e
10 Stock yards or abattoir
11 Stone mill or quarry
Feight The same as required in an T'i'T Commercial Disyric+
Loadin_ Space The same as required in an "r' Co unercial District
Side ards IT one required except for dwellings for khica there
shall on- ,)roviaed side ,cards of not less than 4 feet in width
Lot rea The same for dwellings as required in a "C" Pesicflence
A use accessory to a use permitted in a residence district shall
oe nermitted in such district including also hone occupations
engaged in oV the occupants of a dwelling no+ involving the con-
duct of a retail business on the premises, and including also the
office of a physician surgeon, dentist, musician, artist or otner
nrofessional person iithin his private residence Ito advertising
sign of anv character shall be permittea in any residence district
except signs pertaining to the lease, sale, construction or im-
provement of a lot or building on which placed , and not exceediiag a
total area of eirht square feet, and except furtner that on a lot
occupied by a dwelling a sign pertaining,/the use thereof or oear-
in.c the name or occupation of an occupant shall oe permittea pro-
vided such sign shall be attached to the dwelling and shall not ex-
ceea one square foot in atea
Tae larful use of land existin€ at the time of the passage of
t1lis ordinance, although such use does not conform to the provi-
sions hereof, may be continued, out if such non-conforming use is
disconkinued any future use of said premises shall oe in con-
formity with 'lie provisions of this ordinance
The laii'al use of a building or part thereof existing at the
+ime of the passa€e of this ordinance , may be continued, although
such use dges not conform to the provisions hereof and such use
May be extended throvzhout the buildinL, provided no structural
alterations except tnose required oy law or orainance , are made
tnerein If no structural alterations are made, a non-conforming
use of a ouilding may be changed to any use permitted in a district
where such non-conforming use would oe permitted and not more
detrimental or injurious to the neighborhood
'henever a zoning district shall be Hereafter changed, any `hen
existing non-conforming use in such changed district may be con-
tinued or changed to another non-conforming use as provided in this
"'he foregoing requirements shall be svbJect to the follo ang
exceptions and regulations
1 ".ae provisions of this ordinance shall not annly to restrict
the neitnt of _rain elevators, chimneys , cooling towers, elevator
oulc-Meads, gas and water tan'_ s pent houses stacks , scenery lofts
radio towers orna rental ' owers monuments, cupolas, domes spires,
belfries and necessary mechanical appurtenances
2 s parapet wall not exceeding 4 feet in height may be erected
above the height limit of any district
1 For the purpose of the area regulations, a semi-detached
( two-family) dwelling of a double duplex (four-family) dwelling shall
be considered as one ouilding occupying a lot
2 aere dwellings are erected aoove stores, 15 Der cent of tre
lot area of corner lots and 20 per cent of the lot area of interior
lots shall oe open to the sky above tee first stbry
3 In computing the depth of a rear yard for any buildin€- ihere
such yard opens onto an alley, one-half of such alley may be assumed
to oe a portion of the vard
4 An accessory building of not mo e than 15 feet in height may
occupy not more than 30 per cent of a rear yard required fo_ a
dwelling but no accessory building shall be within 5 feet of its
rear lot line when such line =orms part of the front half oz the
side line of an adjoining lot
5 Piivate or community garages erected in any residence dis-
trict snall oe located on he rear one-half of the lot unless
built integral with 1 ne main building in vhicn case a garage shall
not be nearer the street than the main building
6 On a through lot tae iiont yard requirements of the district
in high such lot is located snall apply to ootn street frontages
7 Every part of a required yard shall oe open from its lowest
point, to the sly, unobstructed, except for the ordinary projections
of steps and open terraces and ' he Drojections of windoi sills belt
courses ana other ornamental features ' o the ex' ent of not more
than four inches Cornices and eaves may extend not more t an two
feet into any required yard Open terraces End one-story unenclosed
porches may extend not more than 10 feet into a required front lard
3ovndary walls and fences may be erected in a side yard to a height
not exceeding 5 feet and in a rear yard to a height not exceeding
6 feet
8 Open or lattice-enclosed iron fire escapes, fireproof unenclosed
outside stairways and bal(,o,iies maj roject into a yard not more
than 4 feet "lie ordinary 1)rojections of chimneys and flues zay oe
permitted into a yard provided tzat they do not exceed 5 square feet
in total horizon#al area and do not oostruct ventilation
9 iere no front yard is required, a cornice may project over
the street line not more than 4 feet
10 nere 40 per cent or more of uhe frontage in any district
requirin a front yard is built up, every ouildin& hereafter erected
shall provide a front yard of no less aepth than the avera.-e of the
front yards already established extent in no case shall there oe
required a front yard of more than 40 feet in depth
11 On corner lots the side yard regulations shall arply to the
entire street side of the lot e.ccept in the case of reversed frontage
iliere the corner lot faces an intersecting street In this case
there shall be a side yard along he street side of the corner lot
of u iidth of not less than 50 )er cent of the depth of the front
yard required on the lots in the rear of such co.Lner lot , and no
accessory buildin, on the corner lot shall project nearer the street
than the front building line of the lots in the rear
12 ^he provisions of this ordinance as to yards shall not oe
applied to decrease the width of a building to less than 24 feet on
any lot shown of record at the time of the passage of this ordinance
13 -iny lot shown of record at the time of the passage of 'ais
ordinance and having less area than required herein may be occupied
by not more than one family
14 In a "3 ' or "C" Residence District , on interior lots less than
75 feet in depth these shall oe rrovided a front yard ana a rear yard
each of not less than 10 feet in depth and a total yard area of not
less than 60 per cent of the area of the lot
1 Any lot in an " I" 'lesidence District not more than 75 feet in
width which immediately adjoins a "D" or "E" Commercial District ,
may oe used for a two-family dwellin,;, proviaed such drrellint. con-
forms to the regulations of the 13" Residence District
2 sny lot in a "B" 'esidence District not more than 75 feet in
width w u ca immediately adjoins a 'D" or "El Commercial District
may oe used for a multiple awelling, provided such dwelling con-
fotme to the regulations of the "C" -lesidence District
30 4RD 0? iWITST172TT
^here shall be a Board of .^djustment consisting of five members
appointed yyt the City Counoil Said Board shall exercise all the
powers and authority given to coards of adjustment under the pro- '
visions of Caapter 1821 Session Laws of Colorado of 1923 Said
ooard shall have the power, in appropriate cases and suoject to
appropriate conditions and safeuuards, to male special excentions
to tae terms of this ordinance in harmony with its general purrioses
and intent and in accordance with 4-ne general or specific rules
herein contained
in specific cases the Board of Adjustment shall have the Lollowing
1 ?Tear and decide appeals there it is alleged there is error
in any order, recuiiement , decision, or determination made oy an
administrative official in the enforcement of this ordinance
2 Hear and decide special excentions of the terms of this
3 uthorize upon appeal in specific cases such variance from
the terms of this ordinance as rill not be contrary to the public
interest, where , owing7 to special condition, a literal enforcement
of the proviaions of this ordinance will result in unnecessary
.a,rdshlp and so that the spirit of this ordinance shall be observed
aiad substantial justice done
M 4 Perait the reconstruction within 12 montns and continuance of
use of a ouilaing locayed in a district restric' ed against its
use, which has been damaged by fire or other calamity to such an
extent that the estimated cost of such restoration exceeds three
quarters of the fair value of the building based on replacement
cost immediately prior to such damage
5 Permit the extension of a building or use into a more restricted
district immediately adjacent thereto where the boundary line of a
district divided a lot in a single ownership as shown of record at
the time of the passage of this ordinance
6 Permit the extension of a nen-conforming use or ouilding upon
the lot occupied by such use or building at the time of the passage
of this ordinance
7 ?ermit in any district such modification of the requizements
of these regulations as said Board may deem necessary to secure an
appropriate development of a lot where adjacent to sued lot tlere is
a ouildina that does not conform to these regulations
8 Permit in a residence District a temporary ouilding for com-
merce or industry rzica is incidental to the residential develop-
ment such permit to be issued for a peiiod of not more than one
9 Pe mit `he location of the folloftng uses in a distiic from
fraternV-v or sorority house,
witch they aie pro ibited by this ordinance—/ cerietery, airnlane
lending =field hospital sanitarium and institutions of an educa-
tional correctional ph_lanthronic or eleemosynary nature
10 =e,.mit `he erection and use of a building or the use of a
premises or vary the area re^ula+ions in any location for a public
service corporation for puolic utility purposes ^ihich the Board
determines'/is reasonably necessary for the public convenience or
It shall be the duty of the Building Inspector to enxorce the
provisions of this ordinance
to ouilding shall oe constructed or structurally altered and used
until the Building Inspector has certified that such ouilding and the
use thereof complies rith the provisions of this ordinance or `hat
such use has been granted oy the Board of 9doustment
Befo e issuing a ouilding perru t for the construction, alteration,
or niovinf` of a ouildint the Building Inspector snail satisfy aira-
self that such builain�, and the use thereof after construction
alte ation or new location will conform to the provisions of this
Yo vacant land shall oe used and no existing use of land shall
be cnaiioed to another use except -Lor farming and gardeninF4 until
the Buildxn5 Inspector has certified that such use complies is th
the provisions of this ordinance or that such use pas been granted
oy t,ie Board of Adjustment
nen application j.or a building hermit is made +-ne ruilding
Inspector may require a plat showin_, he actual dimensions of the
lot to oe ouilt upon the size of the ouildink to be erec ed and
such o+ ier information ao may be necessary to proviae for he en-
iorcement of these ref_ulations A cardful record of such appli-
cations aaVplats shall be kept in the office of the Building
Unless otherwise indicated on the "oning District Hap the district
boundary lines are street or alley lines 'here the district
ooundary lines are not siorn to be street or alley lines , and wnere
the property has been divided into lots and blocls the aistriut ,
boundary lines shall oe construed to ce lot lines In unsuodivided
property the distric` ooundary lines shall be determined by the use
of the scale of the Zoning District iap
CILLCrLS tu'D A =,D 771'TS
'ne City Council may iron time to tine , on its ovm action or on
betition after Duolic notice and hearings as Droviaed oy lai
amend, supplement or change the ooundaries or re`u.lations Herein
or suoseauently estaolisned, aenever the o ;ners of 50 Der cent
or more of the area of all real estate in any aistrict or part there-
of present a De+ition aul, Signed and acknowledged to ',e City
Council requestin,7 an amendment , su»plement or change in the re6u-
lations pieoc, ioed for suci district or mart '-hereof, it shall be
the duty of the City Council to vote upon said petition rithin 90
days after the filing of the petition wit', the City Clerk In
case a protest to the proposed amendment , supplement or change be
presented duly signed and acl�novrledged oy the owners of 20 per cent
or more eiuher of the area of the lots included in such proposed
cnan, e or of `hose immediately adjac8nt in the rear tnereoi extend-
inC 100 feet tnerefron or of those directly opposite thereto, ex-
tendin- 100 Leet from uhe street frontage of sucn opposite lots , such
amendment shall not become effective except cy the favorable vote of
three-fourths of all the members of the City Council
VIOL T IO i aTID F-7"L T r
,my person irn or corporation Trio violates aisobeys oiits
neglects or refuses to comnl3 with, or lino resists the enforcement
of any of 'he »rovisions of this ordinance shall be fined in a sum
not less than ^en Dollars nor mole tnan One 'rundred Dollars in ' ne
aiscretion of the Court, =or each offense Eaca day that violation
is permitted to exist after notification in writing by the Eailding
Inspector and the expira ion of the time designated in said notice
shall constitute a separate offense
Should any section, clause or provision of this ordinance ne
declared op'the Court to be invalid, -ne same shall not affect the
4 `�-
validity of the ordinance as a whole or any part thereof, other
than the part so declared to be invalid
Ordinance No 17, 1924 and Ordinance No 22, 19240 and
all other ordinances and parts of ordinances in oonflict with
this ordinance are hereby repealed
In the opinion of the City Council an emergency
exibts for the preservation of the uublic health, peace and safety,
and this ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and
publication, under and by virtue of the authority contained in
Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter
Introduced, read at length and adopted by the unanimous
vote of all members of the City Council at a regular meeting
held this ` 3 st day of May , A D 1929
ommiss o er o a y an c o ayor
City Clerk,
e r
I A J ROSENOW9 City Clerk of the City of Fort
Collins, do hereby certify and declare that the foregoing
ordinance consisting of nineteen (19) sections was duly
proposed and read at length at a regular meeting of the City
-� Council held on the 31st day of May , A D 1929
and was duly adopted and ordered published in the Fart Collins
Express-Courier, a daily newspaper and the official newspaper of
the City of Fort Collins by the unanimous vote of all the members
of the City Council, as an emergency ordinance in accordance with
the provisions of Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City
Charter, of the City of Fort Collins, and thereafter and on to-wit
the 13 th day of June , A D 1929, said Ordinance
No 10 was duly published in the Fort Collins Express-Courier,
a daily newspaper published in the City of Fort Collins, Colorado
III WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and
affixed the seal of said City this 7th day of June ,
A D 1929,
City Cleric*