Section 1. That under and by virtue of the provisions of
Ordinance No. 27, 1923, of said City of Fort Collins, duly adopted and
approved on the first day of September, A. D. 1923, Sanitary Sewer
District No. 40 was duly created and provisions made in said ordinance
for the construction of certain improvements in said district, consisting
of sanitary sewers; that the said improvements as therein provided have
been duly constructed as provided by law and duly accepted by the City
of Fort Collins as therein provided; tia t thereafter the City Engineer
and the Cormissioner of Works, on to-wit: the 15th day of December, A. D.
1923, duly reported to the City Council that the cost of construction
of said improvements, including the cost of inspection, collection and
other indidentals, and also including interest, is $5469.39; that in and
by said report the Commissioner of Works, pursuant to the report of the
City Engineer, duly apportioned upon all Of the lots or tracts of land in the
district improved, in proportion as the area of each lot or tract of land
is to the area of all the lots or tracts of land so improved, exclusive
of public highways, pursuant to the provisions of Secticne 14 and 31 of
Ordinance No. 7, 1921, relating to local public improvements, and Ordinance
No. 27, 1923, creating Sanitary Sewer District No. 40, and which district is
hereinafter -:ore particularly Lescribed by lots and blocks, together with
the apportionment and rate Tier square foot, the said findings and report
of the Commissioner of Works and City Engineer being in accordance with
the report of the City Engineer in respect to ti.e proposed assessment on
each lot in said district.
ct 1 2. That at the regular n._at: of the City Council held
on the 15th day of December, A. D. 1923, said report of the Commissioner of
Works and City Ehgineer concerning said proposed assessments for improvements
in Sanitary Sewer District No. 40 was by resolution of the City Council
duly adopted for the purpose of consideration and determination at a
regular meeting of the City Council to be held on the 19th day of January,
A. D. 1924, pv rsuant to a notice of the City Clerk as provided by law;
that in and by said resolution the City Clerk was i:atructed and directed to
publish notice in the official newspaper of the City of Fort Collins for
a period of ten days, addressed to the owners of property to be assessed in
Sanitary Sewer District No; 40, stating the Whole cost of the improvements
and the sharp apportioned to each lot or tract of land in said district, and
notifying the owners thereof that any complaints or objections that might
be r.:ade in writing by them to the City Clerk and filed in his office within
thirty days from the publication of said notice, would be heard and
determined by the City Council at a reguAr meeting thereof to be held on the
19th day of January, A. D. 1924, at the hour of eight o'clock in the forenoon
of said day in the Council Chamber in the City Fall in said City; that after
said hearing the City Council would take up the matter of the passage of an
ordinance assessing the cost of said improvements; that pursuant to the
authority contained in said resolution the City Clerk caused to be published
said notice in the Fort Collins Express-Coir ,ier, the official newspaper of
said City of Fort Collins, for a period of ten days, as rrovided by ordinance,
and that due proof of said public^tion has been duly filed inthe office of
the City Clerk; no complaints or objections having been filed, at said
meeting of the City Council held on the 19th day of January, A. D. 1924, the
assessing ordinance for the cost of the improvements in se.id Sanitary
Sewer District No. 40, was ordered submitt=d for passage and adoption.
Section 3. That the total coat of the improvements in said
Sanitary Sewer District No. 40, under and by virtue of sail Ordinance No.
27, 1923, of said City, including the cost of inspection, collection and
interest, amounts to $5469.39, which said sum is hereby assessed upon the
real estate in said Sanitary Seer District No. 40, in accordance with the
Provisions of Sections 14 and 31 of Ordinance `_'o. 7, 1921, relating to local
public improvements, and the proportion of said cost assessed to each lot
or tract of land in said Sanitary Sewer District No 40, comprising the
following lots and blocks in said district, shall be as follows
MA1 Ar 59UT RML M UNTO 90 b RICT # 40
RLM 175 (COM
48 %a 0=0 LUO*r VanufactUring oa. an .0114"1 Jaen
49 The Remo Lumbar Manufacturing Co., 00 oSU440 72.41
g'0 The HOM9 L=ber gunufactusing CA. 6300 .0114467 12.11
1he 90,14 baabor manufaOtuAng Co. &CIA .011.4467 72*U
r UM 65
a�;.slacb65, �
"t-of way of 0roaley-
841tLake A Paol.tic py»-FZ 01OXIS
Ryeto point 264'MotSl►ine *Mock
Moat to SO& Jam" F, RoUn 2068 .0114467 23.68
492021o'80t8Try edB r. lecc 659 M90'y
VJW14VI.90'.8 00 to b4g. G1=M and Cathe"ine P011e7 7344.8 .0114469 eko?
,2 sarch A. Catlott 490o .on4467 540A9
3 Sam A. Catlett 4900 90114467 $6009
'$ ctulae % smd Pau% Be Bontgomery 490 0OU4467 56."
5 Rote Hamm 4900 .011446V 56•
6 William Aldrieb Sa�Etereon 6300 .011.44611 72.
Dania L, $uvwl (Cont. to Darloritaa V1 u) 6w .0114" 7x.11
►i. Molar 4 OO *01144d7 %Gap
9 Walter Bills 4900 .OU 4441 56*"
to Walter Bill# 490 .0114"7 $60"
1t walfor Sills 4900 .0114461 $6.09
12 Val-her Jillw 400 .0114461 $6.09
1440113 water $111s 490 .OU.447 $64"
6201 13 L. C. Moore 100 .tl114467 800
105, 14 Sarah A. bailoy 122,9 .01144b7 14M
�1 OM25'14 awns. Ida uccu�34ugh 3,130 *021 G9 36.06
S 114 &Awia 8. =4 AU a A. Breen 1225 .OU4W 14002
15 Surab A. Bailey > 274 000 •0114467 ,64-09
33 Ida Tallr b 00 .0114467 64.11
14 Ida Te9,we 000 .0114461 64 U
Jacob Rowel. 4g00 .O1i4467 $6009
1Ruth Casey 4900 .0114469 9*07
11 Ura, Bart A. hiller "DO .0114461 56.99
1e Boomer R. Allen 4900 .0114467 56.09
19 T'inim #uad LUlion E. St. Clair 4g00 0OU4467 06
20 A1ite meutt 6 0 .02*44ft M
21 lmj=in 7, D3aersuff 630 .011447 7a.1/�b
22 J. vanial gartinaa 4900 *O114449 $60"
23 J. Daniel vartines 4900 .Dll447 56.09
24 Semi 11811 4gt30 .6114w %409
25 James A. noon# 4W *0114461 56409
Blom 29S
6 Haxwey H. OTiffin T000 .011.4467 60.13
7 Noirllay H. Griffin 5600 oCU4467 646U
8 Ramey as Griffin *0 .0114467 "ll
9 Harvey He Griffin $600 .0314 67 64,11
10 Harvey H. Griffin 5600 .A114467 64.11
11 Awa $. E, Hadley 4900 90114467 56009
12 Anna 9, H. Hadley dg00 ,0114467 56.49
13 ftamay He Griffin 4900 .0114467 56.09
14 Harvey He Griffin 4900 .OU44" 56.09
15 Harvey He Griffin 4W .0114461 56.09
16 Harvey ff. GrifM 4900 .011446`i 56,09
BLOM 285
1 First Notional Banat 4900 *0114467 56.D4
2 Cbnrad Diets 4900 ae114467 56r09
3 Conrad Diets 4900 .0114467 54"
4 t. Co 8a medy 4900 .0114461 56.09
5 0eorge Bott 4900 ao114467 $6*09
6 Andrew T. Cuts 630 .0114467 72,11
7 Smoot Holcomb 000 .0114467 72*11
8 Anna Chrietieam 49W *01J4467 56,o9
aeorgo Gam 4900 .01414* $4409
10 glva Nonnoid 4900 .0l,4461 36.09
Mva hold 4 0D` a,611440 56.09
nva fdma 14 4900 .¢1144Q Ab"
-15 0. A. Haman 4900 M011 AM
16 0. A, Wwon 4900 *0114467 56.09
17 09 A. fWas 60114461 A6"
18 0. A. Naeon 4g00 *QU4467 $6,"
19 Robots& F. Briggs 4900 r0#1 b609
20 Rebecca F. Briggs 630a .ou � 2.11
21 c o,eo A, Mallon 63M *0114467 72.11
22 Charles A. Whallon "00 .0114467 0009
23 ifdeard anydo r 4g00 aou4467 $61,09
24 'fan aht Be 3tuver 4900 *011440 56.09
25 Bow d. Wylie 49ei0 .0114467 56.09
26 as S. 'HAi8 4900 #0114467
Jacob Rsdorborger 5600 .0114467
28 Peny B. Kim man AM .OU"67 64.11
31 A tonia and Julia autlerres 6300 00114467 72*11
12 JSmes Roten 6300 .0114467 72.11
33 Fra* rla4 koon 6300 r0114467 72*11
34 Araftda 0. T,amert 63" .0114467 �7,9#12
95 prana" M. No"" 400 *0114467 124,u
36 'Be F. Flonere 7750 .017.4467 8MI
37 Be V. no"re 62o0 aou4467 704"
38 13. F. FlwAft 6MO 90114467 7049?
39 D• 8 elm 6200 .0114461 70.97
40 0. P. nowers 6200 .0114467 70.97
41 Be F. Plowers 6700 1,9114W
42 8. P. Flowers 6200 40114467 76o,97
43 Be F. n"Mrs 6200 .011440 7A.97
44 B. 9. f0,ouers 1750 .0614467 880I
45 7ho Nome Lumber Vanufaeturimg Co. 6300 .0134467 72.31
46 The home Lumbar Renufaoturing Cso. 6300 .0114467 72.11
47 The Hous 1dbor Manufacturing Co. 6300 .0114467 72.11
Section 4 All assessments herein provided for shall be dLe and
payable within thirty days from the final oasea"e and publication of t1 z s
ordinance witl-out demand, provided that all assessments may at the election
of the owners of the property asses. ed be paid in ten (10) equal
�7 y sr�
installments beginning OyrG / — - _ 1924 and
payable annually on said last mentioned da`e thereafter, t,ntil the full
amount thereof has been paid with interest on the unpaid principal payable
semi-annually at the rate of six per cent per anrum
Section 5 Failure to pay the whole of the assessment within
the said Te riod of th rty (30) days shall be conclusivelj considered and
held an election on the part of all persons interested, *ether under
disability or otherwise, to -ray in such installments
Section 6 Failure to pay any installment whether of principal
or interest when due, shall cause the whole of the urpaid principal to become
due and payable irunedia ely, and the whole amount of the unpaid principal
and accrued interact shall thereafter draw interest a +he rate of one (1)
per cent per mon*h or fraction of a montn, until t"�- day of sale as herein-
after provided, but at any „ime prior to the day of sale the owner -W pay
he amount of all Lnpaid irs allments, with interest at one (1) per cent
per month, or fraction of a month and all penalties accrued, and shall
thereupon be restored to the right to oay the installments _n trs same
mannor as if default had not been suffered The owners of any property
not in default as to any ins allmants of pgVments ray at anj ti-ie pay the
*ole of the unpaid principal witn interest accrued to the matLrity of the
next installment of inte-est or principal
Section 7 Payrients may be -ade to the City Tra�slser at any time
within tPir y (30) a ays of tle f.nal passage and publication of tris ordinance
and an allowance of five (5) per cent discoun* shall be made on all
payr:.ents made during such period only
Sectior 8 In case of default in the payment of any installment
of principal and interest when due, an;1 and all property concerning which
such default s suffered shall be advertised by the Co.xntj Treasurer and
sold for the payment of the shole of the unpaid assessmert tle reon at the
same time or times and in the same manner, under all the same condit ors and
penalties and with the same effec s as are provided by lava for sales of real
estate in default of the payment of general taxes
Sec*ion 9 It shall be the duty of th- Ci y Clerk to prepare the
foregoing assessment roll in said Sanitary Seer Die riot No 40 in nro-oer form
showing in suitable columns each piece of real estate assessed the total
amoun of the assessment the amount of each ins allment of rwincipal and
interest, and tla date when each installment will become dt,e witz suitable
columns for use in case of payment o`' the wnole amount or of ary installment
or penalty, and deliver the same to the City Treasurer and thereafter payments
may be TMade to t'-- City Treasurer at any time within thirty (30) days after
the vassage of this assessment ordinance and the takirg effect thereof Upon
the expiration of the thir4-y (30) days tle City Treasurer shall return to the
City Clerz the assessment roll showing all rayments r+ade thereon, with the
date of each payment, and thereupon the City Cleri shall prepare a permenert
local assessment roll in book form, showing in sait?ble columns each piece of
real estate or proAerty upon which the assessment is unpaid, the whole
amount of the assessment inpaid, the date to which the same is computed, the
amount of eac% installment of prince-oal and interest, together with two(2) ps-
cent additional thereon as collection charges of the County Treasurer, and
the date when the same will become aus with suitable columns for use in
case of the payment of any installments or penalties Said roll snall be
certified by the City Clerk under the seal of the City, and by nim ddl,vered
to the County Treasurer of Larimer County witn nis warrant for the collection
of the same
Section 10 All collections ra de by the County Treasurer on said
assessment roll in any calendar month shall be accounted for and paid over
to the City Treasurer on the first d y of each and every month, with
separa a statements for all such collections for each month in the same
manner as gereral taxes are paid by the County Treasurer to the City
Section 11 The owner of any divided or andivided interest may
pay his share of any assessment upoli prodkcing evidence of the extent of 1118
interest satisfactory to the officers 'having tha roll in charge
Section 12 In the opirion of the City Council an emergency
exists `or the preservation of the public health, peace and safe y, and tnis
ordinance shall take effect a on its passage and publication under and by
virtue of t1+e aathority contained in Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV of the
Citj Charter
Introduced, read at length and adopted by the unanimous vote of
all the members of the City Council this 19th day of January, A D 192a
Commissioner of Sa£e`y and E�ficio IdaS or
Am ir2Sm
City Clerk
I A J RO.,L'1TOTV City Clerk of the City of Fort
Collins do hereby certify and declare that the foregoing ordinance consi tin.-
of twelve (12) sectiors, was duly proposed and read at length at a regular
meeting of the City Council �is ld on the 19th day of January A D 1924
and was duly adopted and orde-ed published in The For Col�ins Express-Col-rie r
a daily nevspaper and the official newspaper of ttin City of Fort Collins
by the unanimous vote of all members of the Council, as an eme-gency
ordinance in accordance tid th the provisiors of Sections 6 and 7 of
Article IV of the City Charter and t1m reafter, on to-wit the z -Z day of
January, A D 1924 said Ordinance No -Z was dul published in The
Fort Collins Express-Courier, a daily newspap er published in the Cit3 of
Fort Collins Colorado
IAT WI MESS Uz'F F I have he-sunto set mj hand and
affixed the seal of said City this �z day of J iary, A D 1924
City Clerk