HomeMy WebLinkAbout018 - 08/09/1924 - RELATING TO THE AMENDMENT OF SECTION 18 OF ORDINANCE NO. 010, 1919, RELATING TO THE USE OF WATER FRO ORDINANCE NO IR I(, BEING AN EDMGENCY ORDINANCE RELATING TO THL AMENDMENT OF SECTION 18 OF ORDINANCE NO 10, 1919, RELATING TO THE USE OF 014TER FROM THE CITY 'HATER WORKS AND REGULATING THE USE THEREOF BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY GOUNCIL OF ThE CITY OF FORT COLLINS Section 1 That Section 18 of Ordinance No . 10, 1919, relating to the use of water from the City Water Works and regulating the use thereof, be and the same is hereby amendea so as to read as follows "Section 18 Hose used for the sprinkling of lawns or gardens gill be permitted during the following hours only From Five O 'clock A M until Eight O 'clock A. M and from Four O 'clock P M until Eight O 'clock P. M except on the first aay of the month following a month of 31 days in which case those residing upon the even side of the street will have the excclusive use of the water from Five O 'clock A M. until Eight O 'clock A M and those residing upon the odd side of the street will have the exclusive use of the water from Four O 'clock P M until Eight O 'clock P M The sprinkler or nozzle attached to said nose snall not eviceed 3/16 of one inch in diameter and water shall not, be usea throu6n hose or pipes without a nozzle or sprinkler attached thereto and tnis regulation shall apply to all users of water whether flat or metered service " Section 2 In the opinion of the City Council an emergency exists for the preservation of the public health, peace and safety, and this ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and publication, under and by virtue of the authority contained in Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter Introduced, read at length and adopted by the unanimous vote of all the members of the City Council this 9th aa� of August, A. D 1924 Commissioner of S ty and EX fficio A,TTEST Mayor V ,r�2� City Clerk i STATE OF COLORADO., ) SS COUNTY OF LARIITER ) I, A J Rosenow, City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins, ao nereoy certify and aec±are tnat the foregoing ordinance consisting of two (2) sections was duly proposed and reaa at length at a regular rieeting of the City Coancil hela on the 9th aay of August, A D 1924, and was duly adopted and ordered publisned _n The Fort Collins E.cpress-Courier, a daily newspaper and the ofiicial newspaper of the City of Fort Collins , by the unanimous vote of all the rie Zbers of the Ci17 Courcil, as an erlergencv ord-narce, i n accoraarce wiuli the provisions of Sec-u �ons 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City Cnarter, and thereafter and on to-wit the /02 day of August, A D 1924, said Ordinance No AS, was aaly pub_ishea in the Fort Collins Ezpress- Courier a aailj newspaper publ_shea in the City of Fort Collins , Colorado IN !ITTESS hiEREOF I Have hereunto set -q1T hand and affiyea the seal of said City , this /,;:� •d av of August, A D 1924 d - .Lty Clerk