HomeMy WebLinkAbout004 - 04/09/1932 - AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 003, 1927, RELATING TO THE FIXING OF A SCHEDULE OF RATES, INCLUDING RULES AND ORDINANCE NO 4, 19320 BFING AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO 32 1927, RELATING TO THr FIXING OF A SCHEDULE OF RATFS, INCLUDING RULES AND REGULATIONS, SAID R1TFS TO BI+ CHARGED AND COTLECT7D BY THE PUBLIC SERVICE COIIIPANY OF COLORADO, SUCCESSOR TO THL WESTERN LIGHP AND POWLR COMPANY, FOR ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POIWEPH SERVICE LVIIHIN 1Hh COHPOHATE LIMITS OF rHE CITY OF FORT COLLINS BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLIES That ordinance No 3, 1927, be amended by substituting in place of Schedule 1 the following SCHEDULE 1 RESIDENCE LIGHPING Applicability Applicable in corporate limits of Fort Collins Availability Available for domestic service only Not available to clubs, fraternities, soiorities, lodges, hotels or rooming houses DOMESTIC RATE RATE (Net) A minimum charge per meter, per month, of which entitles the customer to the use of 10 kwh ¢1 00 Next 30 kwh used per month, per kwh 06 Next 30 kwh used per month, per kwh 04 Next 130 kwh used per month, per kwh 03 All additional kwh used per month, per kwh 02 MINIMUM Net minimum charge per meter, per month 1 00 DELAYED PAY?4ENT CHARGE To all bills not paid within ten days from date of bill, there will be added five per cent of the net bill CONTRACT PERIOD All contracts under this schedule, except when a line extension other than a service loop is required, shatl be made for a period of thirty ( 30) days, automatically renewed for like periods but terminable tnereafter, where no service is longer required, on three ( 3) days' written notice SPECIAL RULES AND RBGULAIIONS Under this schedule company will permit 110 volt motors rated up to one-quarter (4) horsepower split-phase type, or one- half (2L) horsepower repulsion-induction type, or where service is avail- able 220 volt motors rated to five ( 5) horsepower That schedule 2 be amended so as to read as follows SCHEDULE 2 COMYERCIAL LIGHTING B SS Applicability Applicable in corporate limits of Fort Collins Availability Available for business service only COTMERCIAL RATE RAIE (Net ) First 50 hours use per month of billing demand, per kwh 075 Next 50 hours use per month of billing demand, Der kwh 06 Next 50 hours use per month of billing demand, per kwh 04 Next 100 hours use per month of billing demand, per kwh 03 All additional use per month, per kwh 02 MINIMUM Net monthly minimum charge Der 100 matts of billing demand 10 But not less per meter, per month, than 1 00 DELAYED P AYI TENT CHARGE To all bills not paid within ten days from date of bill there will be added five per cent of the first $100 00 or less of net monthly bill, plus Lwo per cent of the amount in excess of $100 00 DLTEPWINATION OF BILLING DEMAND Billing demand, which in no event shall be con- sidered as less than 500 Batts, shall be determined on the following basis Section 1 - CONNECTED LOAD BASIS - Connected load shall be classified as ( a) lighting, (b) heating devices, fans and small utility motors of not over 3/4 horsepower rating, ( c) motors of over 3/4 horseporer rating -2- Billing demand shall be based on the sum of Class ( a) and ( c) load When combined Class ( a) and ( c ) is less than 3000 watts, 100f of said combined load shall be the billing demand When combined Class ( a) and ( c ) load is 3000 Natts or more, billing demand shall be 100° of first 3000 plus 70% of next 5000, plus 60% of said combined class ( a) and ( c) load in excess of 8000 watts Section 2 - YEASJRED MiAND BASIS - When the total connected load is in excess of 2500 Natts, the billing demand, at the option of the company, may be determined as the actual maximum demand determined by suitable meter measurements, but not less than 2500 watts CONTRACT PERIOD All contracts under this schedule, except when a line extension other than a service loop is required, shall be made for a period of thirty ( 30) days, automatically renewed for like periods, but terminable thereafter, where no service is longer required, on three ( 3) days+ written notice SPECIAL RUL7S AND RFGULATIONS Under this schedule company will permit 110 volt motors rated up to one-quarter (4) horsepower split-phase type, or one-half (2) horsepower repulsion-induction type, or where service is availaole, 220 volt motors rated to five ( 5) l.orsepower The minimum charge of $0 10 per 100 Natts of demand will not be applied to churches, eleemosynary institutions and schools, not conducted for profit That Schedule 6 of said ordinance be amended to read as follows sCHEDiULE 6 COIMMERCIAL 4ND INDUSTRIAL PMMR -3- Applicability Applicable in corporate limits of Fort Collins Availability Available for an initial specified demand for alternat- ing current power service metered at the voltage of Company' s established secondary distribution system POWLR RATE RATE (Net) First 20 kwh used per month per HP of contract HP, but not less than for the first 100 kwh used, per kwh $0 06 Next 40 kwh used per month per HP of contract HP, but not less than for the next 200 kwh used, per kwh 04 Next 140 kwh used Der month Der HP of contract HP, but not less than for the next 700 kwh used, per kwh 02 All additional kwh used per month, per kwh 015 DETERMINATION OF CONPRACT HORSEPO,VER When the connected load is five �iorseDomer or less the total connected load shall be considered as the contract horsepower When the connected load is in excess of five horsepower 'he contract horsepower, which in no event shall be taken as less than five horsepower nor less than seventy-five Der cent of the manufacturer' s rating of largest motor connected, shall be determined, at option of company, by either of the following methods ( 1) Connected Load Basis The following percentages of the total connected load shall determine the contract horsepower For installations of (a) One motor 1000 (b) Two motors goo ic) Three motors 701% d Four rotors 60% a Five motors 50f f Six or more motors 45% Proaided that motors of less than one horsepower rating and miscellaneous appliances of less than 1000 watts shall not be counted as motors it the determination of the above percentages but shall be con- sidered as pa-t of the total connected load ( 2) Measured Demand Basis The contract horsepower shall be taken as the measured demand, determined by suitable meter measurement, but shall in no event be less than 301do of the total connected load -4- MINIMUM Net monthly minimum charge per HP of contract horsepower ) 00 nor less per meter, per month, than 1 00 and for not less than 3 consecutive months each year DELAYED PAYMENT CHARGE To all bills nof—p—a-127within ten days from date of bill, there will be added five Der cent of the first $100 00 or less of net monthly bill, Dlus two per cent of the amount in excess of $100 00 That the paragraph entitled "Other Municipal Lighting" shall be amended to read as follows OTHER 11UNICIPAI LIGHTING AIM PUBLIC SCHOOLS Lighting of the buildings in the City Park and Camp Grounds , City Library, flood lights for City Soft Ball Courts, and the Public Schools, shall be as follows RATE All current used per kwh $0 05 The City or School District No 5 shall have the right, upon written application, of obtaining service under any of the Companyls rates available for such service it lieu of the above rate DELAYED PAYMENT CHARGE To all bills not paid vaithin ten ( 10) days from the first day of the month in which such bills are received, there will be added 5f of the amount of the bill MINIMUM Net minimum charge per meter, per month $1 00 Introduced, read and ordered published, this 9th day of April, A D 1932 Commissioner ool'Safe) and Ex-Officio Mayor AT PEST city Clerk STATE OF COLORADO ) SS COUNTY OF LARIMER ) I, A J ROSENOW, City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins, do hereby certify and declare that the foregoing Ordinance was duly introduced and read at length at a regular adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Fort Collins held on the 9th day of April, A D 1932, and ordered published, and was thereafter duly and regularly published in the Fort Collins Express- Courier, a daily newspaper and the official newspaper of the City A D of Fort Collins on the 12tri day of April, 1932, and was thereafter adjourned duly passed as amended and changed at a regul&meeting of the City Council held on the 7th day of May, A D 1932, and was ordered published as amended and changed in the Fort Collins Express-Courier, a daily newspaper and the official newspaper of the City of Fort Collins by the unanimous vote of all members of the City Council as an ordinance in accordance with the prorisions of Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV of the Citj Charter, and thereafter and on to-wit the 13th day of May, A D 1932, said Ordinance No 4 was duly published as amended and cha-iged in the Fort Collins Express-Courier, a daily newspaper published in the City of Fort Collins, Colorado IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said City, this 13th day of May, A D 1932 �-ve;'� City C er