WHEREAS at the general municipal election held in the
City of Fort Collins, Larimer County Colorado on the 2nd day of
April 1946 more than a majority of the qualified taxpaying
electors of said City voting on the question submitted author-
ized the City Council of said City to contract an indebtedness
on behalf of said City and upon the credit thereof by issuing
the negotiable coupon bonds of said City in a sum not to exceed
$250 000 for the purpose of acquiring a sewage disposal plant for
said City, and
WHEREAS the City Council considers it necessary and
advisable to authorize the issuance of $148, 000 of said bonds for
such purpose
Section 1 That for the purpose of providing funds
for acquiring a sewage disposal plant for said City, the Council,
on behalf of said City and upon the credit thereof shall issue
the negotiable coupon bonds of said City in the principal sum of
$148 000 consisting of 148 bonds in the denomination of $1 000
each, numbered 1 to 148 inclusive payable in lawful money of
the United States of America and bearing interest from and after
the lst day of March A D 1947, at the rate of 1 3/4% per an-
num payable semi-annually on the lst days of March and September
of each year, evidenced by interest coupons attached to said
bonds said bonds shall be due and payable on the lst day of
March as follows $10 000 in each of the years 1948 and 1949,
$11 000 in each of the years 1950 to 1953 inclusive, $12, 000 in
each of the years 1954 to 1960, inclusive, bonds maturing in the
years 1958 1959 and 1960 shall be redeemable at the option of
the City on March 1 1957 and on any interest payment date there-
after in inverse numerical order on notice to the original pur-
chaser of said bonds and notice published once in a newspaper of
general circulation in Denver Colorado, at least thirty (30)
days before the date of redemption
Said bonds and the coupons thereto attached shall be
payable at the office of the City Treasurer in Fort Collins Colo-
rado they shall bear date the lst day of March, A D 1947, and
shall be signed by the Mayor and Treasurer of said City, attested
by the City Clerk under the official seal of said City all
coupons shall bear the original or facsimile signature of the
Treasurer of said City
Section 2 That the said bonds and coupons thereto at-
tached shall be in substantially the following form
(Form of Bond)
N o $1 000 00
The City of Fort Collins, in the County of Larimer and
State of Colorado acknowledges itself indebted and hereby
promises to pay to the bearer hereof
on the lst day of March A D 19 with interest thereon at
the rate of one and three-fourths per centum (1 3/4%) per annum
payable semi-annually on the lst day of March and the lst daylof
September in each year, both principal and interest being pay-
able in lawful money of the United States of America at the of-
fice of the City Treasurer, in Fort Collins Colorado upon
presentation and surrender of the annexed coupons and this bond
as they severally become due
* (This bond is redeemable at the option of the City on
March 1 1957 and on any interest date thereafter in inverse
numerical order in the issue of which it is one )
This bond is issued by the City Council of the City
of Fort Collins for the purpose of acquiring a sewage disposal
plant for said City under the authority of and in full conform-
ity with the Constitution and laws of the State of Colorado and
the Charter of said City, and pursuant to an ordinance of said
i -
City duly adopted, published and made a law of said City prior to
the issuance of this bond
It is hereby certified and recited that the issuance
of this bond was duly authorized by the qualified taxpaying elec-
tors of said City at a regular municipal election, and that all
the requirements of law have been fully complied with by the
proper officers of said City in the issuance of this bond that
the total debt of said City including that of this bond, does
not exceed any limit of indebtedness prescribed by the Constitu-
tion or laws of the Stite of Colorado, or the Charter of said
City, and that provision has been made for the levy and collec-
tion of annual taxes and an irrevocable pledge of sewer revenues
sufficient to pay the interest on and the principal of this bond
when the same become due
The faith and credit of the City of Fort Collins are
hereby irrevocably pledged for the punctual payment of the prin-
cipal of and the interest on this bond
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF the City Council of the City of
Fort Collins, on behalf of said City has caused this bond to be
signed by the Mayor and Treasurer of said City sealed with the
seal of the City attested by the Clerk thereof, and the attached
coupons to be signed with the facsimile signature of the Treasurer
of said City as of the lst day of March, A D 1947
ayor a
( SEAL )
ATTEST Treasurer
City Clerk
* (This clause to be inserted in bonds maturing in 1958 1959
and 1960 )
(Form of Coupon)
No $ 8 75
On the first day of September, A D 19_ * (unless
the bond to which this coupon is attached has been called for
previous redemption) the City of Fort Collins in the County of
Larimer and State of Colorado, will pay to bearer
in lawful money of the United States of America at the office
of the City Treasurer, in Fort Collins, Colorado, being six
months ' interest on City of Fort Collins General Obligation Sew-
age Disposal Plant Bond dated March 1, 1947, bearing
(Facsimile Signature)
* (This clause to appear in coupons due September 1, 1957 and
thereafter )
Section 3 That when said bonds have been duly executed the
City shall deliver the same to the purchaser thereof on receipt
of the agreed purchase price therefor The funds realized from
the sale of said bonds shall be applied solely to the purpose of
acquiring a sewage disposal plant for said City and for no
other purpose whatsoever, but neither the purchaser nor any sub-
sequent holder of said bonds shall be responsible for the appli-
cation or disposal by said City, or any of its officers, of any
of the funds derived from the sale thereof
Section 4 For the purpose of meeting the interest on
said bonds promptly and as the same becomes due, and for the pur-
pose of providing for the ultimate payment and redemption of the
said bonds there shall be levied on all the taxable property in
said City in addition to all other taxes, direct annual taxes
in each of the years 1947 to 1959 inclusive which shall be suf-
ficient promptly to pay said interest and principal when due
Said taxes when collected, shall be deposited in a
special fund to be known as the "Sewer Bond Fund" and such taxes
shall be applied solely to the purpose of the payment of the in-
terest on and the principal of said bonds respectively, and for
no other purpose whatever, until the indebtedness so contracted
under this ordinance both principal and interest, shall have
been fully paid satisfied and discharged
All revenues to be derived from the sewer system of
said City shall be placed in said Fund, and after paying the
cost of maintaining and operating said System such revenues
shall be applied in the payment of the interest on and principal
of said bonds and any other bonds which may be issued by said
City for sewer purposes Upon the application of such revenues
in the payment of bonds authorized herein and interest thereon,
the levy or levies herein provided may thereupon to that exuent
be diminished
The sums hereinbefore provided to meet the interest on
said bonds and to discharge the principal thereof when due, are
hereby appropriated for that purpose, and said amount for each
year shall also be included in the annual budget and the appro-
priation bills to be adopted and passed by the City Council of
said City in each year respectively
Section 5 It shall be the duty of the City Council
of said City annually, at the time and in the manner provided
by law for levying other city taxes, if such action shall be
necessary to effectuate the provisions of this ordinance to
ratify and carry out the provisions hereof with reference to the
levying of taxes and the collection of taxes and revenues and
said City Council shall require the officers of and for said City
to levy, extend and collect such taxes and to collect such reve-
nues in the manner provided by law for the purpose of creating a
fund for the payment of the principal of said bonds and interest
thereon, and such taxes and revenues when collected shall be
kept for and applied only to the payment of the cost of operating
and maintaining said system and payipg the interest on and prin-
cipal of said bonds as hereinbefore provided
Section 6 All ordinances, or parts thereof, in con-
flict with thjsordinance are hereby repealed
Section 7 After said bonds are issued, this ordinance
shall be and remain irrepealable until said bonds and the interest
thereon shall be fully paid, satisfied and discharged
Section 8 As the acquisition of a sewage disposal
plant for said City at the earliest possible time is necessary
as a health and sanitary measure, it is hereby declared that an
emergency exists that this Ordinance is necessary for the pres-
ervation of the public health, peace and safety that it shall
take effect upon passage and be published within one week there-
ADOPTED AND APPROVED as an emergency ordinance this
3rd. day of April 1947
- Mayor
( S E A L )
City Clerk
It was then moved by Commissioner Howell seconded
by Commissioner Bevington , that all rules of the Council
which might prevent, unless suspended the final passage and adop-
tion of said ordinance at this meeting be and the same are
hereby suspended, for the purpose of permitting the final passage
and adoption of said ordinance at this meeting
The question being upon the adoption of said motion and
the suspension of the rules the roll was called with the follow-
ing result
Those voting AYE
Commissioners S Warren Riddell
Wm M Bevington
J Morris Howell
Those voting NAY None
All members of the City Council having voted in favor of
said motion the presiding officer declared said motion carried
and the rules suspended
Whereupon Commissioner Howell moved that said
ordinance introduced and read in full at this meeting, be passed
and adopted as read
Commissioner Bevington secorded the motion, and
the question being upon the final passage and adoption of said
ordinance the roll was called with the following result
Thosevoting AYE
Commissioners Wm M Bevington
S Warren Riddell
J Morris Howell
Those voting NAY None
All members of the City Council having voted in favor
of the passage and adoption of said ordinance the presiding of-
ficer thereupon declared said ordinance was duly passed and
adopted as an emergency ordinance
on motion duly adopted it was ordered that said ordi-
nance be numbered 4 and that after its approval by the
Mayor and attestation by the City Clerk it be published in the
Fort Collins Coloradoan the official newspaper of the City of
Fort Collins and be recorded by the City Clerk in the ordinance
book according to law
Thereupon the meeting adjourned
-n^ m
Mayor 41
%%/ /
—� City Clerk
I Miles F House City Clerk of the City of Fort Col-
lins do hereby certify and declare that the foregoing ordinance,
consisting of eight (8) sections was duly proposed and read at
length at a regular meeting of the City Council of said
City, held op the 3rd day of April, A D 1947, and was duly
adopted and ordered published in the Fort Collins Coloradoan
the official newspaper of said City, by the unanimous vote of
all members of the City Council as an emergency ordinance in
accordance with the provisions of Sections 6 and 7 of Article
IV of the City Charter, and thereafter and on, to-wit the 8th
day of April , 1947 aaia ordinance No 4 was duly
published in said newspaper
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and af-
fixed the seal of said City, this 8th day of April ,
City Clerk
( S E A L )
{�!s negotiable adopts exceed
$2 said ing the interest m said bonds produe,
Gordon me for e a sum not to exceed $2wage ly and as the rime becomes due, and
R bole first dui 8WOr1 for the purpose of acquiring a sewage I for the Purpose of Providing for the
..............___.._.__....! ._. . g Y disposal lent Por seta City;
p y y; and ultimate payment and .redemption o
�j���qq n WHEREAS, the City advisable
con- the said bonds, there shall be levied
fit`.df eiders it neceesnry and advisable to on all the taxable Dal oty in said
upon oath, deposes and says: That .._h0 1s the_.........4anaaWai.11 _ 9818. authorize the issuance of $148,000 of City. in addition to al other taxes.
of the Fort Collins Ooloradoan; that ....he has personal knowledg said bonds for such purpose; dlrert annual taxes in each of the
NOW. THEREFORE, Elf IT OR- years 1947 to 1959, inclusive, which
Of all the facts set forth In this affidavit; that the Fort Collin DAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF shall be sufficient promptly to Pay
THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS, said interest and principal when due-
Coloradoan is a public daily newspaper of general circulation, hav COLORADO: Said taxes, when collected, shall be
1n its principal office and lace of business situated in said Count Section 1. That for the purpose of deposited in a special fund to be known
B D D D providing funds for acquiring a sew. as the "Sewer Bond Fertile. an}i such
of Latimer; that said Fort Collins Coloradoan is printed and pu age disposal plant for aala coy, the taxes shall be,applied solely to t s pur-
Council, on behalf of said City' end pose of the payment of the interest on
1lshed daily except Saturdays and legal holidays; that said Fort Col upon- the credit thereof, ahatl issue and the principal of said bonds, respec-
lins Coloradoan is a daily newspaper, duly qualified for the purpsa the negutlab1, coupon bonds of said tively, and for no other DurpaBe what-
City to the principal sum of $148.000. over. will the Indebtedness e0 con-
set forth within the meaning of Sections 1 tlo 7, inclusive, of Chapte conaistin 0[ 198 bonds in the denomi- treated under thig ordinance, both
130, of Volume 4, of 1936 Colorado Statutes Annotated, and an nation o� ES,000 each. numbered 1 to pr;ndpal and interest. shall have.been
148. inclusive, payable in lawful money I fully paid, satisfied and discharged.
amendment thereof passed pilaf to the date hereof; that said Wawa of the United States of America, and All revenues to be. derived from the
bearing interest from and after the sewer system of said City shall be
paper had, prior t10 January 1, 1936, and has ever since said dad Ist day of March, A. D. 194i, at the!placed in raid Fund,, and after paving
been admitted t0 the United States Mails as second class mattes untie rate of 1'w% per annum, payable semi- the coat o1 maintaining and operating
annually on the 1st days of March and said System. such revenues shall be
the provisions of the Act of March 3, 1879, and any amendment September of each year, evidenced by applied in the Payment. of the interest
interest contains attached to said on and print; al of said bonds and
thereof; that said newspaper Is printed in whole in said County o bonds: said bonds shalt be due and any ether bons which may be issued
Latimer and has a general circulation therein; that said newspape Pavable on the 1st day of March aye by said City for sewer revenues
follows: $10.010 In each of the years the application Of such revenues In the
had been so printed and published as a public daily newspaper o 1948 and 1949: $ll.000 in each of the payment of Bonds authorised herein
general Circulation in said County of Lorimer, uninterruptedly and in aeach rle got the years Inclusive:1954 to 1960,2� herein and interest
otndedreo thereon.
thereupon Ito
continuously, during the period of more than fifty-two consecutive elusive: bonds maturing in the years that extent be dminiahed.
1958, 1969 and 1960 shall be redeemable The sums bereinbefore provided to
weeks next prior to the first issue thereof containing the annexed at the a Lion of the City on March 1. meet the interest on aaid bonds, and
1957, an any interest payment date to discharge
the principal thereof"
legal notice or advertisement; that said annexed legal notice Or ad thereafter, in biers, numerical order. when due, are hereby appropriated
vertisement was published in the regular and entire editions of said op, notice
donee and nti original 9 toned once each that purpose.
shall also bed included f in
in a newspaper of general circulation the anmial budget;rid the anproPrla-
in Denver, Colorado, at least thirty tlen bills to he adopted and passed
TU@ 8d&�I..._of each y Council of said City In
newspaper Por.One successive weeks on....................... . (30) days before the date of retlemD- by the City
Lion. each vest resvectivhly.
successive Week; that the first publication of Said legal notice or Said bonds and the coupons thereto Section 5. It shall be the duty of
advertisement was is the regular and entire edition of said news-attached the shall
ty be payable
ble Fort rCo ling.e office a ethiey Gmenaind llnatl+s id lmanneru pro-
of Colorado- they shall bear date the lot vlded by law for levying' other city',
11 day of March, A. D.1}947.-and shall be taxes. if such action shall be necessarY'
0t ..............._....A ril...._., A. D. 19 � to effectuate the provisions of this,
paper of the __A.th day o1 ki signed by the Mayor anti Treasurer
that the last publication of said legal notice or advertisement was of said City'
atteateaa by the City pravnafons thereMfy one treference tto
Clerk, under tie of¢ 1 seal of said
tit y, City: all coupons shall bear the ors- the levying of taxes.and the collection
Q, ;}„-! final or facsimile signature of the Of Council sAnd revenues;
r a ues; and
dotfiaid City
In the regular and entire edition of said newspaper of the .... relaurer of seta City.
Sectim: 2. That the said bons and and for said City to levy, extend and
ebupone thereto attached shall be in I collect such taxes. end to roller[ such
day of ......._4!prll. .-- -..---. A. D. 19.47- and that>mbatantally the following form: I I sthe purpos the eaof cronei atlhg a fued nd
fForm of Hand) of the
copies of each number of said paper in which said notice or adVet UNTIED STATES OF AMERICA said t bonds and interest thereon,al and
Weement was published were delivered by carriers Or transmute OOUNTY OF LARIMER led, taxes and revenues, when collect'
by mail to each of the subscribers of said paper, according to th = GENERAL ORL GATIONL SEW AGE Itod the payment shall b itp0[f theaosapplied oPeraY
accustomed mode of busin•say a' this office. DISPOSAL FLANT BOISD�00 poll paari the interest on sand principal Oid s�stern s
1 ` The City of Fort Collins, in the saki bonds. as hereinbefore provided.
r - �I r part'
Oounty of Larimx end State of Colo- thereof
6. Ali ordinances. dinance
/ t- ----"'- '--" .................t ratio. acknowledges Itay indebted and thereof, b conflict with this ordinance
hereby promisee to pay to the bearer are hereby repealed.
Subscribed and sworn to before me, at and within the Count hereof Section 7. After ens bonds are e
ONE THOUSAND T>OT,LARS sued, this ordinance shall be and nc
�J Aril on the let day of March. A. D. 19 main irrepealable until +nallb pe afall7
of Latimer, State of Colorado, this'..`----- day of......._p.................... with interest hereon at the rate of one i the interest thereon
and three-fourths per rentum (lY%) paid, satisfied and discharged.
A. D. 19.47. per annum. pavable semi-annually on Section 8. As the acquisition of I
the let day of March and the 1st day sewage disposal plant Ior said CIt;
p of September 11 each Year, both grin- at the earliest possible time is laces
My commission explres.......J nna.rX_.2Q.,.--1951....._......4 cipal and interest balms callable in asrY as a health and sanitary meer
money of the United States of ure., it is hereby declared that an enter
at the
. -- ---.-'-------------- ---•-..- ---. -- - presentation
55e bond tin eredemable tat sibs bee bDubllahed whin tone week e sal
1. in Fort Conin.. Colorado. upon becesaar for the preservation 01 th
,. ,. ,- sate and safety. he
Notary Pu ie shed emotions and this bond a, they h shall take effect upon Passage, e
several) become due.
option of the City on March 1. 1.967.1 ADOPTED AS APPROVED as a
and on any interest date thereafter In April emergency ). 1947e this fled day c
inverse numerical ceder in the issue April, w M. Revington
of which it is one.) Mayor
This bond is issued by the City
Council of the City of Fort Collins for BRATd
the Durpoae of aeoulring a sewage die- RTTEST: ,
poaa plant for said City, under the Miles F. HC fine Clerk
authority OP and in foil cenforniltt'
with the Constitution and lams Of the"STATE OF COLORADO
<.;State of Colorado, and the Charter of,
said Ou u
v. and Puraanr to sn ordl I COUNTS' OF LARIMER I as,
Pence m said City duly adopted, pub- CITY OF PORT COLLINS )
Deliver to �t1111P _.FA House,_ City Clerk ,;ahea ens made a law of eatd City I Miles F. House. City Clerk of tl
:prior to the issuance of this bond.
It s hereby certified and reclted ilia[ City o4 Fort Collins. do hereby carte
is the issuance of this bend was duly and declare tbat the foregoing ore
authorixed by the qualified taxpaying narece, consisting of eight (8) sa
electors of aid City at a regular mu- tion was duly proposed and read
nicipal elec t
tion, and that all
the re- length at a regular meeting of
,eirements of law have been fully City Council of said City. held on 11
-- compiled with by the, proper officers dulydaadoptedprand o A. rdered7. and ish,
of said City ;n the issuance of this ppcan.uu
bond; that the total debt of said City. of the Fort Collins (er of said Clty tl
01ncluding that of this bon does not the unanimous voteof all[members)
xe"d any limit of Indebtedness pre- the City Council as an emergete
scribed by the Constitution or laws Of
the State of Colorado, or the Charter °rovds;ous off Sectlon�s 6 nand with
;y of said City, and that provision has Din
been made for the levy and collection thereafter and the
city charter,
the Sth it
of annual taxes and an irrevocable of. April. 1947. said Ordinance No.
pledge of sewer revenues sufficient to was duly published in said new
pay the interest on and-the principal
of this bond when the same become pagr'td,ITNE93 WHEREOF. I he
dun. hereunto get my hand and affixed t
The faith and credit of the City of!s
Fort Collins are hereby Irrevocably eal of aaid City. this Bill day
I A 1947.
pledged for the punctual payment of p Mlles F. House
the pprincipal of and the interest on City Clerk
this bond. (SEAL)
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Fort (bllfns Coloradoan 58-AA, Ap
City Council of the City 0f Fort Col- 8, 1947._
v line, on behalf of said City, bad caused
this bond to be signed by the, Mayor,
and Treasurer of said City, sealed with
the seal of the City, attested by the
Clerk thereof. and the attached Cou-
pons to be signed with the facsimile
city, a.natureof theof let dayof Treasurer of a March. A.
D. 1947.
�• Treasurer
(Attach Affidavit of Publishing
Ordinance No 4 )
,, ....
The undersigned, each for himself and not one for
another, being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says
1 That they are, respectively, the duly elected,
qualified and acting Mayor, Treasurer and Clerk of the City of
Fort Collins, in the State of Colorado
2 That the City of Fort Collins, in Larimer County,
Colorado, is a municipal corporation of said State, duly organ-
ized and existing under and by virtue of a special charter adopted
under the laws of said State in the year 1913
3 That from the 1st day of March, A D 1946, to and
including the date of this affidavit, the following have been
the duly elected and qualified officers of said City, to-wit
Commissioner of Safety & Health,
and Ex-Officio Mayor Wm M Bevington
Commissioner of Public
Works & Utilities S Warren Riddell
Commissioner of Finance
& Ex-Officio Treasurer
to April 9 , 1946 Earl Douglas
from April 9 , 1946 J Morris Howell
4 That on the day of April, A D 1947, said
City delivered to the lawful purchasers thereof, its General Ob-
ligation Sewage Disposal Plant Bonds in the principal sum of
$148, 000, dated March 1, 1947, consisting of 148 bonds in the
denomination of $1, 000 each, numbered 1 to 148, inclusive, re-
ceiving therefor the full purchase price
5 That there is no litigation pending and so far as
is known to the undersigned, no threatened litigation relating
to the issuance or validity of said General Obligation Sewage
Disposal Plant Bonds of said City, and that so far as is known
to the undersigned, nothing exists to hinder or prevent the is-
suance of said Bonds
6 That the equalized assessed valuation of the tax-
able property in said City for the year 1945 was $ 7,938,340 00
and for the year 1946 was $8 212,320.00 , and that said City has
outstanding General Obligation Bonds as follows
Conduit Refunding Bonds $519000 00
Refunding bonds of 1939 31 ,000 00
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, We have hereunto set our hands and
the official seal of the City of Fort Collins, this day of
A D 1947
Subscrioed and separately sworn to before me this
day of , A D 1947
My commission expires My Commission Expires Sept 25, 1950
( S E A L ) Notary Pub c
$200, 000, DATED MARCH 1, 1947
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The undersigned, cashier of the Poudre Valley Nat' l
Bank of Fort Collins, Colorado, hereby certifies that he is per-
sonally acquainted with Wm M Bevington, the Mayor, J Morris
Howell, the Treasurer, And Miles F House, the Clerk of the City
of Fort Collins, Colorado, that he knows the above mentioned of-
ficers were the Mayor, Treasurer and Clerk, respectively, of the
said City on March 1, 1947, and on the date of the execution and
delivery of that certain series of bonds issued by the said City
in the aggregate amount of $200, 000, designated Sewer Revenue
Bonds, bearing date the 1st day of March, A D 1947, in the de-
nomination of $1, 000 each, numbered from 1 to 200, inclusive,
that he is acquainted with the signatures of said officers and
knows that the signatures appearing upon each of said bonds are
the signatures of such officers, respectively, and that said of-
ficers have to this certificate attached their respective signa-
tures as follows
SIGNED AND CERTIFIED This 23rd day of April ,
A D 1947
o G/Y -�,a2,f
- cashier of t e Pl�i Dadra
Valley Nat lBank of Fort
Collins, Colorado
The City Council of the City of Fort Collins, Coloilado,
met in regular session, in full conformity vizh law and the
ordinances and rules of said City, at the Council Chambers l
said City, being the regular meeting place of said Council, % n
Thursday , the 3rd day of April, A D 1947, at _4 _
o' clock P M
Upon roll call the following were found to be pres( nt
Mayor Wm M Bevington
Commissioners S Warren Riddell
J Morris Howell
City Clerk Miles F House
City Manager G H Palmes
City Attorney Herbert A Alpert
Thereupon there was introduced, read and considerei the
following ordinance, to-wit