HomeMy WebLinkAbout008 - 12/12/1941 - RELATING TO THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1942, AND ENDING DECE r ORDINANCE NO 8 , 19419 BEING "THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE'' , AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE FIS- CAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 19422 AND ENDING DECEITBER 31, 19422 AND FIXING THE MILL LEVIES FOR SAID FISCAL YEAR BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS Section 1 That there be and is hereby appropriated out of the revenues of the City of Fort Collins for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1942 and ending December 31, 1942) the sum of Two Hundred Eighty-five Thousand One Hundred Five and six hundredths ($285,105 O6) Dollars, to oe raised by taxation and otherwise, which said sum is hereby divided and appropriated for the following purposes, to-wit- DISBURSEMENTS BY APPROPRIATIONS Building Inspection ---------------------------- $ 2,706 80 City Scale Emergency - Interest and Warrant No 3 ------------------------------ 520.00 Emergency Street Improvement Fund - Interest --- 386 05 Engineering General Government ----------------- 32400 00 Fire Department -------------------------------- 209760.00 Fire Department Building Emergency - Interest -- 208 00 Forestry Department ---------------------------- 940 00 General Government ----------------------------- 14,000 00 Grand View Cemetery ---------------------------- 81900 00 Group Insurance -------------------------------- 150.00 Library ---------------------------------------- 9, 030 00 Library Repairs - Interest --------------------- 100 00 Library Building Fund - Interest --------------- 165 00 Lights ----------------------------------------- 14, 500.00 Municipal Camp Grounds ------------------------- 1, 372 40 Parks, City ------------------------------------ 61963 59 Parks --------------------------------- 4,066 00 Pioneer Museum --------------------------------- 800 00 Police Department ------------------------------ 16, 940 00 Public Grounds and Buildings-------------------- 3 , 645 00 Public Health ---------------------------------- 2,250.00 Special Town Ditch Removal Fund - Interest ----- 30.00 Streets and Alleys ----------------------------- 23, 569 00 Contingency Account ---------------------------- 1 145 16 Total ------------------------- 13 , 547 00 r� Preliminary Local Improvements --------------- $ 10,000.00 Conduit Bonds Sinking Fund ------------------- 5,440.00 Refunding Bonds of 1939 Sinking Fund --------- 4,187. 50 Local Improvement Districts (City Share ) ----- 7,079.31 Water Bonds, Redemption and Interest --------- 58,120.00 Light & Power Revenue Bonds, Redemption and Interest -------------------------- 63,731.25 Grand Total ----------------- $285,105.06 Section 2. That for the purpose of providing neces- sary funds for meeting the appropriations set forth in Sec- tion 1 of this Ordinance , the following levies be and are hereby made upon each dollar of the assessed valuation of all taxable property within the corporate limits of the City of Fort Collins, the same being the amount necessary, together with estimated miscellaneous receipts , to provide for the pay- ment of the foregoing appropriations and to meet the payment during the fiscal year ending December 31, 1942, of all proper- ly authorized demands upon the City Treasurer, to-wit Local Improvement Districts ----------- 955 mills Conduit Bonds Sinking Fund------------- 735 mills Refunding Bonds of 1939 Sinking Fund--- 565 mills General Expense ----------------------- 12.745 mills being a total of 15 mills, which levies shall be certified to the County Assessor and to the Board of County Commissioners of Larimer County, Colorado, by the Commissioner of Safety and Ex-Officio Mayor and the City Clerk, as provided by law. Section 3 In the opinion of the City Council an emergency exists for the preservation of the public health, peace and safety, and this Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage under and by virtue of the authority contained in Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter. -2- i Introduced, read at length, and adopted by the unanimous vote of all members of the City Council at a regu- lar meeting, held this 12th day of December, A D 1941 (A:�w 2�� Comm s ner Safety and Ex-Officio Mayor Attest / ✓z_cccw� City Clerk -3- STATE OF COLORADO, ) ss. County of Larimer ) I, IvTILES F HOUSE, City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins, do hereby certify and declare that the foregoing Ordinance, consisting of three ( 3 ) sections, was duly pro- posed and read at length at a regular meeting of the City Council, held on the 12th day of December, A D 1941, and was duly adopted and ordered published in the Larimer County Coloradoan, a weekly newspaper and the official newspaper of the City of Fort Collins, by the unanimous vote of all mem- bers of the Council, as an emergency ordinance , in accord- ance with the provisions of Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter, and thereafter and on to-vat the _3 th day of December, 1941, was duly published in the Larimer County Coloradoan, a weekly newspaper published in the City of Fort Collins, Colorado IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said City, this 18th day of December, A D. 1941 City Clerk PROOF OF PU ICATION Ei 1Jy' �� t' l/.',r larimer TL/ountN Toloradoan —ORDINANCE NO. S. 1941 E CCC777 BEING "THE ANNUAL APPROPRI- I i ATION ORDINANCE", AN EMER- STATE OFCOLORADO l GENCY ORDINANCE RELATING 1{ gg, TO THE ANNUAL APPROPRIA- COUNTY OF LARIMER TIONS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1942, AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1942, AND FIXING THE MILL LEVIES FOR 1 ✓ SAID FISCAL YEAR. do Solemnly BE TT ORDAINED THE FORT COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT swear that I am the of the COLLINS: ' Section 1. That there be and to Lorimer County Coloradoan, that 'Che a" is a public weekly news- hereby appropriated out of the rev- paper printed, in whole or in Dart, and published In the County of souse of the City of Fort Collins for the ear b LadIDer, State of Colorado, and has a general circulation therein; that 1 1942flandl endings Decembera91,a1941 said newspaper Is the continuation of the Fort Collins Leader and the the sum of Two Hundred Eighty-five ,Thousand One Hundred Five and . Mountain and Plains Weekly, which were weekly public newspapers six hundredths ($285,165.06) Dol- 1 tare, to be raised by taxation and and were published continuously and uninterruptedly in said County of otherwise, which said sum is hereby Lorimer fora period of more than fifty-two consecutive weeks prior to divided and appropriated for the P D following purposes, to-wit: February 1, 1941, and on said date they were consolidated; and since Diabunements by Appropriations Building Inspection ..$ 2,706.89 said date they were continued and published as the Lorimer County I City Scale Emergency In- Colora,doan. That as the Fort Collins Leader and as the Mountain and terest and Warrant E No. 3 520.00 Plains Weekly prior to February 1, 1941, and as the Lorimer County Emergency Street improve- ; Coloradoan since February 1, 1941, the said Lorimer County Colors- ment Fund - Interest... 386.05 Engineering General Gov- doan has been published continuously and uninterruptedly in said ernment . . . ........... a,400.00 Count of Lorimer, State of Colorado, for Fire Department . n Eo,76o.00 ' y period o[ more than fifty- Fire Department Building two consecutive weeks next prior to the first publication of the annexed Emergency - Interest .. 208.00 Forestry Department .... 940.00 legal notice or advertisement; that said newspaper has been admitted General Government .. .. 1400000 to the United States mails as second-class matter under the provisions Grand View Cemetery 8:900:00 , � Grrup Insurance ........ 160.00� of the Act of March 3, 1879, or any amendments thereof, and that said Library . . ............ 9,030.00 Library Repairs - Interest 100.00 newspaper is a weekly newspaper duly qualified for publishing legal Library Building Fund - notices and advertisements within the meaning of the laws of the Interest . . . .......... 165.0n , Lights . . . ............. 14.600.00 State of Colorado; that copies of each number of said paper in which Municipal Camp Grounds 1,372.40 Parks, City . 6,963.59 said notice or advertisement was published were transmitted by mail Parks . . . ..... ...... . 4,066.00 or carrier to each of the subscribers of said paper, according to the Pioneer Museum......... 800.00 Police Department ....... 16,940.00 , accustomed mode of business in this office; Public Grounds and Build- , Inge . . . .............. 3,645.00 That the annexed legal notice or advertisement was published in Public Health ........... 2,250.00 Re- the regular and entire issue of eve number of said weekly newspaper Special Town Di interest.. every moval Fund - Interest.. 80.00 Streets and Alleys ... ... 23,669.00 Contingency Account ... 1,145.1 for *=a � consecutive issues; and that the first publication Total ... .....$136,547.00 of SJ�(dj�notice was in the Leans ofysaid newspaper/dated Preliminary Local �Im- � ti/ p A-D. 194L, and that the last conduitmBond Sinking $ 30,000.00 Fund . . . .............. 5,440.00 Refunding Bonds of 1939 publication of said notice was in the issue of said newspaper dated Sinking Fund ......... 4,187.50 Local Improvement Dis- tricts (City share) ... 7,079.31 -�-+'�-"�1�`'�"'t-� A.D. 194L. Water Bonds, Redemption and Interest ........... 68,120.00 , DD Light & Power Revenue �� ���� IN WIT $$WI�ERF.OF I have hereunto Bet my hand this�t Bonds, Redemption and ..... 11,711,21 day of "�"�'F `Q"j-' A.D. 194-L. Grand Total .. $285,105.06 Section 2. That for the purpose of providing necesssary funds for meeting the appropriations set forth In Section 1 of this Ordinance, the following levies be and are hereby made upon each dollar of the as- sessed valuation of all taxable prop- party within the corporate ltmita of the City of Fort Collins, the same Subscribed and sworn to before me, a notary public in sad for being the amount necessary, to- gether with estimated miscellaneous / r7 rf receipts, to provide for the Payment the County Of Larimer, $Rate Of Colorado, this d � day Of of the foregoing appropriations an to meet the payment during the fis- -� // cal year pe log December 3L 1942, ands C�y'..�.,,•(e••{��— A.D. 19'4-4. of all properly authorized demands upon the City Treasurer, to-wlt: Local Improvement Die- - My commission expires 194_ Conduit Bonds Sink '955 mills �1 ing Fund .. .735 mills C./// 1 Refunding 1939 Sinking Bonds Fund .565 mills Notary Public. General Expense ..12.745 mill. -I being a total of 15 mills, which levies $ball be certified to the Coun- ty Assessor and to the Board of County Commissioners of Lorimer Publication Fee $ Attorney County, Colorado, by the Commia-; stoner of Safety and Ex-Offleto Mayor and the City Clerk, as pro- Paid by on . vided by law. Section 3. In the opinion of the-- I City Council an emergency exists' for the preservation of the public' health, peace and safety, and this Ordinance sball take effect upon its