HomeMy WebLinkAbout006 - 07/08/1948 - CREATING AN IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTTO BE KNOWN AS STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 9 (EMERGENCY ORD 2311, ORDINANCE NO.__ e.__ _.SERIES OF_154e M,/.1pp M.,Y�v nwp 4N OiRDILiNCB CSEr'.TING AN IYPPDYEL::.::I DISTRICT IN EB CITY OF ?ORT COLLINS, COLOPLEC, TLP BE LN(My A8 5TO.g1L JW?. IMF&G1jL..E::1 LISIRICT hG, 9, DPD"a't.ING, Tl* CON:3TROCTIOL TEEPEIN OF LTURM, SEV,-h :L.r"" -0YB EJVFS, PR®9'rCI:;o Pan TH3 ISSjANC2 C? Bop fiS dP IkP B LIS'TF.ICT IN FbY- .:,.0:.3 Pvn ,SiIL ?�OVEA1 M, "D MGLARING AN E:d/E1tGc:;CY. +rheRBnS, The City Council of Port Collins, Colorado, pursuent to the provisions of ordinance :.o, 7, :,cries of 1921, and .pon the requisite petitions subscribed by the owner Of' not less thLn 1; of tte property to be bssecLed for ti,e local improvements hereiezfter described, ha;;, by resolution., d,ay found End decl.red that there existed a necessity for. the creation of Ltorm Zexer 'xprove;L-nt District : o, 9, and the constructi,�on therein of Bert ' stor.0 bexer "provecentz, as descried In said petitions and recol.tlon; and %ia USAS, ti/e City °neireer has made- ME report in the premises, and has filed with the Clerk of -aid City Ell the =29 and certificates of bib s;rvey, as well as tchedula plans, specifications, apprux1r,Et:ons of east, end all other g tiers br.d tirineb in cozplete fora amS s.bLtance L.z by law and Laid ra:zolati,,n required; and :SiuPcd , by re:;oluti•;n duly paseed and adoyter' by said City Council on the 24th day of duly, i.,L, 1947, the report so zade and filed by said City 2neineer wEs adopted, and the Laid report, together with details, specifications, estimr:teb, maps, end schedules, was L;proved and adopted by said City Council; and - n-P..B_', by sbid resolution, the said City Cornell directed the aty Clerk to p-lblisi. In the Fort :ollics Coloradoan, the official nes:bpaper of said City, notice of s propobitlon to create said Listrlct, Lrd thLt on cyst 28, 1947, Lt 4 o'clock cortflGints Lnr! ob;ections ti,Lt :cleat be • ,de in ­triting eanrerning the proposed ixpr;vezentz by the owner or o7rers of any reel eetLte to be aeaesaeG, or an person or perarna Interested eererally, mould be heard and determined by .time City Cour.cll of said City of -,art Collins, I before final action of said Council taereon, End tLat after deter_lnLtA' rn of Lll complaints ob,ectibnL anb mLee, sL1d City Co ncil xz,ld take end c :nsider an Ordinance sreLting so:d dim-tri:a and ordering ti,e lm. rove�cnts in said reaol,ition and notice proposed; End j RZ- the 01ty Clerk, by advertisez.ent for perl.d : f a.:re ti:En two (2) .� weeks prior to the slid Path day of Lugist, .Z. 1947, gave notice in form and sabsta:.ca_ to the =Ltters End thiezb above ._e: ticned he ordered to be give:., In all respects in actor- da:.re xlti, lLn End said order; End ifs iiv aS, at the time er.d place specified in said Ltice, tkie City Council met ¢ in open session for the purpose of hearir:g any ob;ectlons or protests that miLght be .fade . } Leair,at said i�. rovesents; Lod lnavidoel prote is in writing were filed by three (3) property owners and a protezt. in petition fora a1_red by one hundred twenty (120) property owners wa., .;;resented, mad the creati -;noP Stores serer lagrovement Cistriet .1o. 9 was sealed in:ieflnitely; and ti,e City Council is now of the opinion that Storm Lewer lmprove7�ent D15tr•Ict ::o, 9 ihmind be created, THEEB?.;RE, B`_ I. L:iiINHD BY 7"L C11 Ci hCIL .:P ;e5 CITT C? n-7 CL..I'.:5, 1CLOT.s:L0, Tr.:_T: Section I. :meld lnprove_­er.tn hereinbefore de-cribs'. anal referred tu'consistine of store se er i=provea nts, all Ls in ti.e petition and re-ol..tion for said Improvements set forth End da.cribed, were duly ordered after notice duly i-lven end i_e:,ring duly he'd, thk:t the petition was duly presented to sEld City Council, end thLt eLid petition was "bzcribed by the re.c.iced number of Oxaars, Ell as re.,ulred-by said Ordinance No 7, Cer•les of 4'i 240 - ORDINANur; NO.F__.__SERIES OF 1949 -- i :aid -n.L zk,e1T coca::Et of, concrete cr vitrified the se+,er p1;,e- Sr, the b�;.r.;xisata .;,antft:ea Lrc! olzsc, dereribed I.,, cLid notice of the proposal t, li c7 et:4P sa:: -_'lstri_t, to;;ether• n,'i: inlets, :c,anhoies, oppurtensncea and incidentals, Ell Sn acco aorta m rn the :cp, detLil ., e:.ti tea., plans and sp?ciflcati,ns on file In ti.e off- Ice of '.e s; Clerk. -acn L ; uvemente snal,l be conzt r.cted and 1nE celled in the rist.rict Y,.:,nded h3 fUllo•ss: Caraxenmin :,.t ti,e n:,rtk.rect c::rrer of 'lock 2, prospect ?lace ::dditS:;r.; r ense roat:: to r.c v�: .u. :est timer ar -1oek 4, ::enwaod ::eieY,tE Addition; th•-nce ea:.t to Lne aa .t..ae_t c ner Jr :IocX 267, Loomis rddition; thence ta; th to the aoutnwezt corner of ..loci of net %av;: ,.cd:CSAC; Cr:ence ea: t to t.,e e.J tr,sa. t corner of dock 4, +e t LLrn adlt:Jn, tierce north tc the nortaerst corner of Caock 2057, S,00mis «addition; thence went tc t, , r.or*,ice:._t corner of :lock 287, Loezja addition; thence north to the nsrthl�aaat corner + Of :J:k 2Cb, OO iw .-dd St SOn; :..5C:CF. wept to the ':Feat J1^e or LChlnetJn iveniel, thence ; nJ[':h L� the :.i -'i LEL C.,:'nEr Uf .i UCt: 1, ;'roapect :lace :.dditi OC tnP,71•:e we-A tU tJ.^_ place or be jrtni.,t, Ell .r: .:r:® :Sty of ?ort Collin:., Colorado, excepting n.reatz and Elleya within f 3cid Eistr ... i Gect:on 3. &:d :Satr 1c. -•r:L11 ba known ' End the ,j ;me is 'se.retry dceignated storm _e e: . rove e%t :Sctrict e c1_n 4. The conatr.:c:1:,c Lnd SnatLllatien If the st :?"Pr :a,,rove:.enta In and for 2E16 :ztri `, as r.:,a: cy t:.e yla:.s, Er;sclfi,cet:on ar. L r, t:,r.r cf, prepared ' 'b, ttje City 2ndlnear End ;proved by ti.e City ;caacll of as:d sty, and n, cn file � r In the office jr --e Clerk of sa ` Sty, ccL,,d t a sa_e 1 r r etf e ..or Zed Err' ord're3. ;f .:eCti On E �y ViT't�E Jr f:r,dln y.- - Luce Jr t:'.e o�.yre:.=:a .:. dlnznce . ... 7, local k d of _::e :1ty E:•L1I be :... .:e . for the r.e c ;: r,.o_:e :,f r:r:e f.,r ti.e loal R ,a S qr vas r,ta :n t..iz rdinence desc-ibee rnd ;.rov:de' tj be c-,nbtr .cte' it sL_d Llttr :ct, l a in Lr. E:aQx.t Cdi. �. exceed the CJat .+ Ea:d I_jrJV6:�hLt E, ^I .':' L. ":1{:^F.t l^t;, :.r Yr eCt::.Gr e i .n*e t J .S oti:er in 'de::tap e.a se or a , , ..eCt.i E. .'.'.-,e CL.l ShLll ce dated .:.,re�.er 1, 1948, sr.. 1 bcLr r.e:::a s ..—. •en �1C yea s fr,m L:.d after the ¢ of the S riot i snL11 oe .r.yable ti;e Dearer } � r date tr. :-r.-of, :.1` !ect call prior .'Ey ent as by Sa"r. provldFd, shall be ..becrlbcd by i tke r, c.,.nte. ..irreo -,.y t,.e City '.reF.,;rer, Lnd Ltten.ed by 'r.e City Clerk i:.der the .. sEsl Jf ::e City, th 21 be aa'Lble out of Lhe aoneyz collected on ac. oant of the a:. ems..cnt�, p to be :::Lde f1T• raid . . .rove.snta, and phL!l beLr interezt at the rate .5f six per cent (6�) n per annaa,, yeya Sd r. u;, ble a.e_i-ern.ally. 1-S :; ons shall 'ce sl7n1.d with the fLe'simile iii::.e.ture , of -.r,a City C=erk aid r sP 11 is Sr denami ctlon of ?I e . ' :fired Jlisrs each, and nail be r.,isberf conaec tively rr .z c ,e 'E.^� The principal of End ln.ere:a r. -aid a ;:,all ee yEyEoje Lt tr.. ,r. l ,e or the City reaairer. BLSd bonds shall be 9 v callable L,A payable in their r-Eilor r,.:•::.:ricr':1 order, both before ar,d after ::.e.tarity. dscti,,n 7, :he said L, rose.�-.rat; bonds ,hall be Sssied on eatl=: ted of the City Lngine r, approved by the sty :Uanc11, t d *.ell be sold to ?sy the cost of the lmirove..ents� 1 specified r.ere:n. :1:;' "reL:.lrer aY,LIl make o .- .:re:..rv=: a record o.' a'.1 b.:nd , Ssr},e"_ :nere:inder in a s..ita,;le n.Uk kept for tk,at r ar?o:,e. ecti+rn 3. :aid b.:,r.ca ss t::e e:i?ons thereto attch:-d sY,Ell. ae in z:.b�.cantlally i t e rollo•r:n� far_: - , 241 ORDINANCE NO..-:"_SERIES OF 1048 i A CIiY �P FCF.T UCLLIIrS ZTvr:; C3'.cF LI:;TRICT G9. 9 -- 1500.00 Ti,e City Of ?--t C r.:- o i / Co�11r.s, in the panty of l.arimer and .,,ate o. ^olorado, for vLlue received, acknorrledess itself inlet, ed and hereby ;,roisises to pay to the bearer hereof 1L lgarfal ::.oney of tl,e :nited ZtLtes of Imeriea, on the, first day of Nove:abcr, w,D. 1958, bleat to call and sy;rwnt, honever, Lt any time prior thereto, *it,, interest t:,ereon rri_. date .ntil ,r,ey ert, pLyable semi-snruelly on the first dLys of Ly a ,d :;ove.aber in etch jeer, as evidenced by and upon rreze t ,n Or t-:e as .ex ,d c, por:fi as they severally beeo:ce die, prineipEl and intere t beln,: pay o10 at the Cffice *,f o ^Sty ireas.rer. This bor.d ,Is CLlleble and payable in its rep;ILr niraericvl order In the lss:e t Of et,leh. it is one, both before End Lfter• :.:Ltirity. 6 This bond Is ias.ed for the p:rpcse of paying tue cyst ,f ..to.^:a ,,P-er Lap rove ment0 In :apr.: :o•nar i cnr•uve:cort :istriet ::o, 3, In Fail :it,', 4, virtie or end So. r.11 conformity with tnn Cunatit;tion End le,vs of the ::tat f ^olortd,, End th�;hLrter ar.d ordin5nces of said City duly Ldopted, aaproved, p.blished and x..,de 1Lrs of sLld City prior to the los.ie here-)F. This bond is peyab:e oat of "ie ,roceels of EOecSLl aztessments t , be levied upon reel eatLte citueted In the City of Fort :otlir.r., Colorado, in said :tore _e-er ::prcve:aent strict :` , 9, ;clally ber,erited oy sLid'1 :,;nave +nts, which asse"sc ntz, altb accrued inter•ect, Ere by ILW m_de nerpetuLl liens on call real estcte In the rg5:,ective a:;:;lnts u,ortlone :hereto and to �e assessed by an ore'nanee of said ^ity, said bins to nave priority over all Other liens exce?t ge_ner l true... It IF. hereby certified and recited that ti,e total issue of bonds of said City, for said District, including this bond, does not excee' the a-�oan�b a:thorized by 1ex; t'.at I � e•r.,ry requ.ire:nent of Ia- relLting, to the creation of Paid. District., the .:.along of' said Iocal S ;rove:uentE, and the issir, of t%,is band, has been f-illy com2. 11ed with by the proper officers of said City, End thLt all cunditSnns rec;ired to exist, and things req fired to be done Lpre¢G'eat to and in the iasae of this bond to render the same laef. l and velid, have happened been _;roprrly dcnc ,.nd ,)-rfor,:Fi, Lad did exist In rep-ilLr LA dae rime, form and m?nreer, qq regilred by law. F R ?or the payment of this bond and the interest Cher=on t:.e City plerEea all of e Ilia IL.vfal `cor orate poxsrs. IF TE"" is :.EuP, the ^Sty of Fort Collins hEs ceased this band to be sub-scribed by Its :.:Ey�r, eo- nt-rsigned by the ^ity Treas:rer, r.tte::ted by theCity Clerk under the seal of ti,e City, and the interest c�upor.s hereto attLched to be signed with the "ac- sUnile slr.;natar= of ti,e thls Is' dty of ::ovember, ;..D. 1949. wayor Cv;:li Efl3 i:sSEL L .. r ty .ressarer ix I City ., erk • ;fit rd' f 1 249 ORDINANCE NO._ -a---SERIES Or 1946 (firm of Cuup^n) p16.00 Jn the first day of :,ovember, ••.D. 19_, the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, i i.. x111 ;ay to ti.e bearer. . ?IFTEr' •.:;D :;0/ 100 DOLLLRS In lusfui r-Oney of the nited -gates of ..merica, at the office of the City Treasurer, in a' lntera;t an its local Improvement band issued Port Collins, Coloreds, being six aort i a for the constrlcti. r local 1 move: vats in torm Soarer 'mprove:Ient District t:o. 9; in s 1d Cit; , ?rovided t`ie bond to which this coupon is attached shall not have been thereto fore paid. ..ttric!.e! t , b.,nd doted .:ove.t:;e�r 1, 1948, bearing. i j ::o• — {Facsimile ^ -tire? .. � er .:.ectf.>n 9. .;he City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to arrange for the priating of s cL bonds as ;ay be req..lred is meet the actual cost of said improvt-ents, C as herein provided, and .'ai:En ssid t.,nts are pre?ared, to deposit the same with ti:e City y :reesarer, to -e 15a1ed in pr:y_ent If ti,e cost of said improvements, as hereafter directed k ' a by the 3ftr. Council. erection 10. The ...ayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to advertise for bide to eonstract an install s.ch improvements, for rot lac: than 10 days in the ?ort Collins r y- CoiJradoan, the official nerspaper of the City. ' �ecti-n 11. 3y reason of ti:e`fact that the completion at_ the earliest ;,ossiole , date of the 1Wproveaents described in and contemplated by this, ordinance is necessary to s ' tie inr.ediate preservation of the public health, peace and safety, St is declare' ttan : e:zerger.cy exists and that this ordinance shall take effect ajon rssr'ace and puolicatfon. , r Cection 1ti. nil srdinai.ees, or %arts thereof, in conflict here'wlth are hereby t repealed. This ordinance shell be recorded In a book kept for that nur.ose, shall be t'lth- z : or and City Clerk, and shall be plblfshae in the Fort er,ticated by the signatures of lute way l,. , Ij Collins Coloradoan. S, _Tntroiuced, read at length and adopted by the unanimous vote of all members of the City 'u, ncil this. 8th day of 7aly,—D, 1948. fi y`ttest: yor F ' Gi�erk Sl�_Ia JF C.iLLrnLG I, riLEs ?. a J-=, City Clerk of t:.e 31ty of Fort Collins, do hereby certify and i X ! declare that. the aforesaid Grdinance, consisting of twelve =ections, waa dulyaronosed and :. � Si read at lent❑ at a regular meeting of the City Council, held on the 8th day of July, A.D... 1948, and was duly adopted and ordered published in the Fort Collins Coloradoan, a daily nevespaper and official newapaper of the City of Fort Collins, by the unardmous vote of all €#� r Grdinance in accordance with the provisions .. ? � '� City Council as. an. -:aergenel , �..e it .embers of' y . tt of Jections 6 and 7 of :.rtIcle IV of the. Cit,, Charter; and thereafter and on-to-wit: the 6 13th day of July , 6.D. 1948, said Ordiner.ce °;a. 6 was duly published in the Fort i Collins Osloradoan, a daily ne::spaper in the City of Fort -'ollins, Colorado. � I IIE 7JIT?tES .:'r.`:EEJP, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the sea1 of said City 1 i this 13th day of July , <.D. 1948. A City Clerk