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ORDINANCE NO , 1923 BEING AN ORDINANCE AMENDIffG SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE NO 5, 1922, RELATING TO SCHEDULE OF RATES AUTFORIMED TO BE CHARGED AND COLLECTED BY THE POJDRE VALLEY GAS CO @'ANY FOP GAS WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS WHEREAS, On the 29th day of June, A D 1923, the Poudre Valley 11as Company successor in interest to the grantee of the franc'iise under Ordinance IIo 6, 1904 submitted an application to the City Council for peTmisaion to change its schedule of rates, submitting in connection therewith a proposed schedule of rates and WHEREAS, Said application together with said proposed schedule of rates, were dull referred to the Commissioner of Public Works and Utilities for investigation and report thereon and thereafter and an towit the 7th day of July, A D 1923, the Commissioner of Public Works and Utilities re-3orted back t'ie proposed schedule of rates by the Gas Company, recommending that an ordinance be drawn adopting said schedule of rates therefore BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIC CITY OF nRT COLLINS That Section 1 of Ordinance No 5, 1922, relating to schedule of rates authorized to be charged and collected by the Poudre Valley Gas Company for gas within the corporate 1L^ii*s of the City of Fort Collins be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows "Section 1 The Poudre Valley Gas Company successor in interest of the grant-e under Ordinance No 6, 1904 may charge and collect not to exceed t7e following rates for gas consumed witnin the corporate limits of the City of Fort Collins, and may enforce the regulations prescribed herein, and the following rates effective August 1, 1923 the cost of the Dublication of this ordinance to be paid by the Poudre Valley Gas Company ILLMADITATING AND ML GAS RATE First 200 cubic feet $ 85 gross $ 75 net Next 3000 cubic feet 140 gross 130 net per 100 cubic feet, Next 2000 cubic feet 1*0 gross 12J¢ net per 100 cubic feet Next 5000 cubic feet 130 gross 120 net per 100 cubic feet Next 10000 cubic feet 12JO gross 11�0 net per 100 cubic feel- Next 10000 cubic feet 120 gross 110 net per 100 cubic feet Excess of 30000 subic feet 110 gross 100 net per 100 cubic feet Rate for prepayment meters 17-,�¢ per 100 cubic feet, with minimum charge of 750 on each meter MINIM I MONTHLY GUAWTM Minimum charge for five light meters - 850 gross - 750 net per month per meter, Ten light meters $1 10 gross - net $1 00 per month per meter Twenty light meters or larger - $1 35 gross, $1 25 net per month ver meter PROMPT PAYMENT DISCOUNT Payment of bill for preceding month on or before the loth of the next sue eeding month entitles consumer to net rate If paid after the loth then thegboss rate applies No discount on gas sold t'u= prepayment meters INDUSTRIAL. RATE Industrial rate by contract may be obtained by special contract for a period of not less than six months, $2 00 readiness to serve charge plus charge of $ 95 per 1000 cubic feet for gas consumed with a monthly minimum of $30 00 RULES AND RFGUMIOTTS No meter will be connected for less than a three months' period The company shall have the privilege of demanding the minimum for said period in advance, if deemed necessary Consumers delinquent for sixty days from date of bill shall be disconnected from the coMaany's service lines without notice The company may, if deemed necessary, when any consumer is delinquent more than t-n days, discontinue the service after giving twenty-four nours notice " Section 2 All ordinances and harts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed Introduced, read and ordered published this 14th day of July, A D 1923 Passed and adopted this day of , A D 1923 ssioner of Safety wfd ExOfficio Mayor ATTEST ;,o14 `-� City Clerk STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS coLrmY OF LA"IMER ) I, A J Rosenow, City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins, do hereby certify and declare that the foregoing ordinance, consisting of two (2) sections, was duly proposed and re,d at length at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 14th day of July, A D 1923, and was duly ordered by aye and nay vote to be publisned once in full in The Fort Collins Courier, a daily newspaper of the City of Fort Collins, in accordance with the Arovisions of Section 7 of Irticle IV of ne City Charter, that thereafter and on, towit the -"* day of , A D 1923, at a regular meeting of the City Council the id o dinance came before said Council upon it© final pessage a petiod of more than ten days having elapsed since its publication as above set forth and that said ordinance was upon se and reading ado to as an ordinance, and thereafter and on towit the ��/`s� day of , A D 1923, the said Ord nance No V,o , as fine pas ed and adopted was duly published in The Fort Collins Courier, a daij,7 newspaper published in the said City of Fort Collins, Colorado f- IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand tlis LY1 � day of , A D 1923 City Clerk