HomeMy WebLinkAbout025 - 08/07/1925 - RELATING TO THE VACATION OF SEVENTY-NINE AND FIFTY-FIVE HUNDREDTHS (79.55) FEET OF THE ALLEY IN BLOC ORDI'.Tf 7"11 'TO. ZS , 1925a r •I G p'7 " G: NCY 0??DP:T..^` P.?L^mS rG TO r y6^PTSO"' OF Q"9 1TY-3'IMw KTD FIFTY- FIP' PTJT7 P-VrTiS (79.55) F"T OF '"^ ALT?Y ITT 7LOCR 179, RLTM'IITG :TOP.TE AM SOUTH 3?T770 LOTS 17 AND 18, A"D LOT' 19 AM 20. VIMINAS, The City Courcilof the City of Fort Collins has been p3titioned to vacate all of the alley running north and south between Lots 17 and 18, and Lots 19 and 20 in Block 179, in the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, axcept the south t:vanty (20) feat thereof, and FrI?R1A$, It appears that said petition is sijgned by the oAn3re of all pro- perty abutting on said alley sought to be vacated, and rMR^"S, The o—irs of mor3 than four-fifths (4/5) of the ra:_:aining prop3rty in srid Flock 179 have signed the said petition; and "'MR,tS, It appears from said petition, as well as the r +cord of sail city, and the favorable report from the Cornissioner of Yorks, that said alley proposed to be vacated has never been opened or used by the general public and is not a public necessity for the residents of the said Block 179, nor the inhabitants of the City of Fort Collins, and that the opening and maintaining of the same vm -ld greatly incotiveni3nes the property owners abutting thereon and the travelling public, and that tha opening and maintenance of the said wuld involve a considerable expense on behalf of the City without any resulting benefit to the prop3rty hold3rs in said block or the city at largo; therefore M IT OFDA.IITTD BY 77 CITY COUNCIL OF T", CITY OF FORT COLLINS: Section 1. That seventy-nin3 and fifty--five htimdrsdths (79.55) fast of t113 allay in said Block 179, in the City of Fort Collins, running north and south bqV 3en Lots 17 and 18, and Lots 19dnd 20, being all of said allay except the south tsanty (20) feet thereof, be and the same is h3r3by macated, and from th3nea forthwith the said strip of land shall be treated as a part of said lots adjoining sail tract and all riCht, title and interest therein shall becor..a vested in the om3rs of the lots adjoining said tract, as provided by law. Section 2. In the 8pinion of the City Council an emergency 3xicts for the cr33ervation of the :Public health, peace and safety, and this orlinanca shall under and by virtue of the taka`effect upon its passage and publication, authority contairad in Sections 6 and 7 of Articl3 IV of the City Charter. Introdu03d, read at length and adopted by the unanimous vote of all tha members of the City Council, this _ day of August, A. D. 1925. Commissioner of Safety 7:xrOffi7 i )' or AiT'c^- Sty Clark. STr—� OF COLOR 1!0 ) C-=Y OF LAFIIMM ) I, A. J. F,OS T0?'1, City Clerk of the City of Fort Collir_s 3o hereby certify and declare tlat the for ;oing ordinance, —isti-g of two a��ear e.5 (2) s?ctions 'rats duly ^roposed-.nd read at 1=.ngth at a regular -. 3,t'�ng of the City Council held on the �� day of August, A. D. 1925,and •.vas duly adopt-0 and ordarad published in the Fort Collins ^xpr,ss-Cv.,ri,r, a daily naraspapar and th^ official newspap3r of tha City of Fort Collins, by the unanirous vote of all --a:bers of tine co-ncil, as an am�rgarcy ordinanca, in ^ocorloncs with the ::rovisions of Sections 5 Wd 7 of Irticla IV of the City Charter; and thars-.fter, on to-wit: the // 'day of Au u.st, A. D. 1925, said Ordinance 7o. 26- vas duly publ's? ad in the Tort ','ollina Txpress- Coariar, a daily newspaper published in tha City of Fort Collins. IN 17TIRSS =P-J F, I have heraunto sit my hand and affiz:d the seal of said City, this /f� 'day of Au ust D. 1925. City Clerk. 1