HomeMy WebLinkAbout003 - 03/26/1927 - RELATING TO THE FIXING OF A SCHEDULE OF RATES, INCLUDING RULES AND REGULATIONS, SAID RATES TO BE CHA ORDIITAPiCE 110. 3 _, 1927 , BEING AIT ORDII�'AlICE RELATIITG TO THE FIXING OF A SCHEDULE OF RATES, TITCL?-= ", RULES AT:D REG LATICISS, SAID RATES TO BE CHARGED AND COL-. ;_' J BY THE PUBLIC SERVICE COI,2AIY, SUCCESSOR TO THE 'TESTM'%IT LI": P07M COLPAE'l, MR ELECTRIC LIGi'_T AND POWE R SERVICE, UM LL- L LIGI1TING 71ZTHTId THE CORPORATE LTLIITS OF THE CITY OF FORT CC... _: PTP'it SUAITT TO TIE PROVISIONS OI' SECTICI? 4 OF ARTICLE XVIII. OF _ .. .;ITY CH RTER. WHEREAS, Under and by virtue of Section 4 of Article XVIII of the City Charter, the power to regulate rates and to make rules and regulatioi,s for service by public utility corporations is reserved to the peo;le to be exercised by ordinance of the Council; and MMEAS, The Commmissioner of Works and Public Utilities, pursuant to tide authority of the City Cotuicil, has investigated and caused to be investigated the matter of rates, rules and regulations for the service of electricity for liGht , heat and power purposes, within the corporate limits of the City of Fort Collins , and has reported to the City Council on the said subject , wherein said Commissioner recommends to th,e City Council the passage of an ordinance covering said recom:.;endat ions; and MIEREAS, The Public Service Company of Colorado is successor to The Western Light and Power Coimpany; therefore BE IT CRDATIM BY rMZ CITY COUiTCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLIiIS: Section 1. That the Public Service Company of Colorado pay to the City of Fort Collins an occupation tax, for the use and occupancy of the streets, alleys , aalci public grounds of t_lc said city , in operating and maintai:.__. its lines t_ierein, one and one-half (1- /o) per cent on the for eleetria serviqo-;in the City of Fort Collins, gross revenues of the said companyJin monthly inst&llments on sworn statements, prepared by said company acid duly filed with the City Clerk at the time of such payment . And for the purpose of advising the City of the correctness of the said returns , it shall be lawful for the Commissioner of Works and Public Utilities to inspect, or cause to be inspected, the books of the said company, upon the making of said returns , and duly, report to the City Council thereon; and in addition, the said company shall pay for the cost of publication of this ordinance. Section 2. The City Council finds and determines that the proposed rates to be charged and collected by the Publiclervice Company of Colorado are fair and reasonable rates, and which schedule of rates is hereinafter set forth mad adopted as the just and lawful rates for the said Company to charge and collect within the corporate lkmits of the City of Fort Collins , for light, heat and power inrnished. to the inhabitants of said city and for municipal lighting, in accordance with the terms and provisions of the schedule of rates hereinafter set forth in Section 3, together with the general vales and regulations filed with the City Clerk by the said Company, which said rules and ro-gulations shall govern and control the said Company in rendering. service and charging and collecting rates provided in this schedule, which schedule of rates is hereby accepted and adopted as controlling in the matter of the service to be rendered until further modified by regulations of the City Council. Section 3. The following schedule of rates is hereby adopted and approved, which shall be the rates lawful for the Public Service Company of Colorado, successor to The Western Light and Power Company, to charge and collect for light and power service , and municipal lighting, within the corporate limits of the City of Fort Collins , being the schedule of rates referred to in Section 2 of this ordinance: SCHEDULE I. RESIDENCE LIGIUIIZ. APPLICABILITY. Applicable in corporate limits of Fort Collins. AVAILABILITY. Available for domestic service only. Not available to clubs, fraternities, sororities, lodges, hotels or rooming houses. Y RATE. A minimum charge per month of $1.25 which entitles the customer to a use of thirteen (13) KM. For a six room house or less: Next thirty (30) XWH used per month, per I'IM . . . . . . . . .w0.06 Next thirty (30 ) XYM used per month, per ICVM . . . . . . . . . 0.04 All additional KV/H used per month, per ICMA . . . . . . . . . . . 0.03 For houses larger than six rooms, five (5) KVIH shall be added per month to the six (6) cent and f.ur (4) cent steps Of the rate for each additional room. DETERMINATION OF ROOMS. Active rooms include all rooms, except halls , closets, bath- rooms , pantries and porches, (unless the porch is used as sleeping porch, in which case it will be considered as an active room) . Basements will not be classed as active rooms, unless they are used for other purposes than storage , flrnace rooms, or laundries. No residence shall be con- sidered as having less than six (6) rooms. MINIMUM. Net minimum charge per meter, per month, 01.25. DISCOUNT. The above rates are net . To all bills not paid within ten days from date of bill, there will be added 10 0 of the net bill. CONTRACT PERIOD. All contracts under this schedule , except when a line extension other than a service loop is required, shall be made for a period of thirty (30) days, automatically renevred for like poriods but terminable, where no service is longer required, on three (3) days ' written notice. SPECIAL, RULES ATM REGULATIONS. Under this schedule Company will permit 110 volt motors rated up to one-quarter (s) horsepower split-phase type, or one-half ( ,,) horse- power repulsion-induction type , or sphere service is available 220 volt motors rated to five (5) horsepower . -3- t i SCIEDULE 2. COP,II,2RCIAL LIGI1TING. (BUS IiIcSS) APPLICABILITY. Applicable in corporate limits of Fort Collins . AVAILABILITY. Available for business service only . RATE. First 60 hours use per month of maximum demand, per KWH �0.085 Next 60 hours use per month of maximum demand , per KWH. 0.060 Next 60 hours use per month of maximum demand , per KWH 0.040 All additional use per month per KWH 0.030 DETERDMTATION OF DEIUND. Demand determined at option of Company, either by 'suitable meter measurement or estimated as percentage of total connected load. 71hen estimated, it shall be taken as 90% of first 5000 watts and 70% of balance of total connected load; small heating devices, fans and small utility motors of nct to exceed 4 horsepower shall not be included when estimating demand; empty sockets shall be considered as 50 watts each. No total billing demancl shall be considered as leas than 500 watts. MINDUTY. Net minimum charge per month, per 100 watts of demand 'V";0.10 but not less per month, per meter, than $1.25. DISCOUNT The above rates are net. To all bills not paid within ten days from date of bill, there will be added 10 of the net bill . CONTRACT P LE.IOD. All contracts under this schedule, except when a line extension other than a service loop is required, shall be made for a period of thirty (30 ) days , automatically renewed for like periods, but terminable , where no service is lo_1Ler required, on three (3) days ' written notice. SPECIAL RULES Ai,'D REGULATICi;S. Under this schedule Company will permit 110 volt motors rated -half (E) up to one-qu rter ( } horsepower split-phase type , or one _G_ horsepower repulsion-induction type , or rrl_ore service is available, 220 volt motors rated to five (5) horsepower. The minimum charge of $0.10 per 100 watts of demand will not be apalied to churches, eleemosynary institutions a-id schools, not conducted for profit . SCHEDULE 3. COIJ22RRCIAL LIu- TIi4G (CONTROLLED FLAT HATE. ) OPTIONAL. APPLICABILITY. Applicable in corporate limits of Fort Collins . AVAILABILITY. Available upon written aphlicaticu 'for a contract period of one year for electric service for sign, window or display lighting, in the business section only, when the size and character of"the inztallation meats the approval and the burning hours are under the control of the Company; and for porch lighting of residenc:;s when other electric lighting service furnished by the Company is used. RATE. SIGN, .7111DOT1 AIM DISPLAY LIGHTING. Dusk to 10 P. M. Burning; First 1000 watts of connected load per month,per 100 watts 00.80 Next 1000 watts of connected load per month,per 100 watts 0.70 Additional watts of connected load per month,per 100 watts 0.65 Dusk to 11 P. 11. Burning First 1000 watts of connected load per month,per 100 watts 0.90 Next 1000 watts of connected load l.) er month,per 100 watts 0.80 Additional watts of connected load per month,per 100 watts 0.75 Dusk to Dawn Burning First 1000 watts of connected load per month,per 100 watts 1.60 Next 1000 watts of connected load per ronth,per 100 watts 1.40 Additional watts of connected load per month,per 100 watts 1.25 Porch Lighting, Du,:!- to Dav Connected load per month, per watt 0.015 Additio :al Hours Use: men any load is burned for a loiter period than that specified in the contract, a charge for eaeh addit_ onal hour of daily burning period per month, per 100 iratts of �00.10 shall be added to the contract schedule. MINIMUM. Net minimum ehar. e per oust omer per month: For sign, window -5- r i ' • L and display lighting as provided by the burning hours of the rate; no ., connected load Shall be taken as less than 200 watts. For porch lighting as provided by the rate, but not less than y0.75. DISCOUNT'. The above rates are net . To all bills not paid within ten (10) days from date of bill, there will be added 10% of the net bill. CONTRACT PERIOD. All contracts under this schedule shall be made for a period of twelve (12) months, automatically renewed for like periods but t _rmim ble, where no service is longer re.:uired, on three (3) days ' written notice . SCHEDULE 4. COI.LERCIAL COOKING AITD HEATING. (OPTI CITAL) AVAILABILITY. Available upon smitten application for a contract period of one year for business cookilig and heating only, where there is a connected load in ranges or other appliances of 3 KW or over. Not available for residence service. RATE. First 100 KffH used A per per month IC'NH w e 0.035 All additional use per month, per KPJH 0.030 Mill IMLM. Net minimum charge per meter, per month N2.00 for a connected load of not exceeding 3 KW plus for each additional KW connected in excess of 3 KW, per month, per KW $1.25 and for at least three successive months each year. DISCOUNT. The above rates are net . To all bills not paid within ten (10) days from date of bill, there will be added 10%. CONTRACT PITIOD. All contracts under this schedule shall be nade for o a period r � of twelve (12) months, autom:tica.11y renewed for like periods but terminable , where no service is longer required, on three (3) days ' written notice. RULES AlaD REGUL IONS. All servi e under its schedu a is sub ' ct to the eneral Servic Rules nd Reg tions o the Co mpa i , togeth with sue suppleme is the to and evisions ereof as e from tim o time in effect, rovide that c ies of al such rule hall be kept on file with th City C rk. SCHEDUIri 5. MISCELLANEOUS SMALL CONIIIMCIAL POWER. AVAILABILITY. For alternating current power service for installation of 5 horsepower or less at the voltage and phase of company's established system. RATE. For the first 100 KWH used per month, per K71H . . . . .7V net For the next 250 KWH used per month, per KM . . . . .4¢ net For all over 350 KM used per month, per K'rVH . . . . .2¢ net 1 1 DELAYED 2AYT=TT PENALTY. to bill Penalty of ,- cent per KWH will be adde.1/if not paid within ten (10) days after same is due. MINIMUM MONTHLY GUARAIrLEE. The customer shall guarantee a minimum monthly charge of Y1.00 net per month for each horsepower or fraction t1m eof connected for each month in �,:hieh service is demanded, and for not less4han five consecutive months each year. SCHEDULE 6. COIvi7MRCIAL AND 11MUSTRIAL PO"+Ir"f, i. AVAILABILITY. For alternating current power service for installations aggregating more than 5 horsepower at the voltage and phase of the CO.MDany's established distribution system. Power will be supplied under this schedule only to the extent that company shall have availbble power in excess of its requirements for other customers, of which fact its determination shall be final. RATE. For the first 20 KWH $sed per month per horsepower of contract power, per KiPfi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7¢ net For the next 40 KWH used per month per horsepower of contract poo-er , per KVVH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4¢ net For all current consumed in excess of 60 KVVH used per month per horsepower of contract power, per = . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . .23f' net_ DETEIT-II11ATION OF COUTRACT HORSEPO't7ER. On installation of 1 motor the contract horsepower shall be taken as tla manufacturers ' name plate rating. On installation of 2 motors the contract horsepower shall be taken as 80% of combined manufacturers' name plate rating. On installation of 3 motors the contract horsepower shall be taken as 70% of combirE d manufacturers' name plate rating. On installation of 4 motors the contract horsepower shall be taken as 60% of combined manufacturers' name -1late rating. On installation of 5 motors the contract horsepower shall be taken as 50% of combined manufacturers ' name plate rating. or mo re On installation of motors the contract horsepower shall be taken as 45% of combined manufacturers ' name plate rating. _g_ I • � 1 ..4t 1, . Each installation served from one ,meter or service shall be considered as a separate installation. Provided on any installation the contract horsepower shall not be less than the manufacturers' name plate rating of the largest motor or appliance connected also at the option of the company the contract horse- power may be determined as the actual 15-minute maximum demand as measured by a sui'5able demand meter. DELAYED PAYME11T PE 1ALTY. A penalty of z¢ per M will be added to' monthly bill if such bill is not paid within ten days after the same is due; provided, that such penalty shall not exceed $5. 00 on any month'sc'�111 . MINIMUM MONTHLY GUARANTEE. The customer shall guarantee a minimum monthly charge of $"1.00 net per horsepower or fraction of contract horsepower for each month in which service is connected and for a period of at least 5 consecutive months of each year. HOURS OF SERVICE. Customers whose load is 15 horsepower or more who do not guarantee to use service for 12 months each year shall not operate motor or motors,. betk✓e, in the hol.rs of 4.30 P. M. and 9 ;30 P. K. duri�iC the months of November, December and January and February, except in cases of absolute necessity to protect life or property . SCHEDULE 7.. COIvZ;ZRCIAL A_ID 11MILTS2RIAL P07MR. AVAILABILITY. By contract for alt ernat ing current power servic e fo r 12 months of each year for installation aggre&Lting more than 5 horsepower at the volta,;e and phase of the company's established distribution system; power will be supplied under this schedule only to the extent that company shall have ,available power in excess of its requirements for other customers, of Which fact its determination shall be final. -9- f i RATE. DEMAND CHARGE: For the first 25 KW maxima* demand per month per K1 . . . . . . . . . . . . .$4. 00 For the next 75 KW maximum demand per month per KW . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 For the next 200 KW maximum demand per month per KW . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 For ill over 300 KW .maximum demand p -::r month per KW . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.50 ENERGY CHARGE: For the first 100 hours use per month of demand per KW . . . . . . . . . . . 2 net For the next 100 hours use per month of demand per KW . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ¢ net For all over 200 hours use per month of demand per KW 1¢ net- DETERMINATION OF EIIIEW DEMAND. The KW demand may, at the option of the company, be determined by a maximum demand meter; otherwise it shall be assumed as being 0.8 times the contract horsepower, which shallvbe determined as follows : On installation of 1 motor the contract horsepower shall be taken as the manufacturers' name plate rating. On installation of 2 motors the contract horsepower shall be taken as 800 of combined uanufacturers ' name plate rating. On installation of 3 motors the contract horsepower shall be taken as 70% of combined manufacturers' name plate rating. On installation of 4 motors the contract horsepower shall be taken as 60% of combined manufacturers' name plate rating. On installation of 5 motors the contract horsepower shall be taken as 500 of combined manufacturers' name plate rating. On installation of 6 or more motors the contract horsepower shall flee taken as 45jo of combined manu.facturars' name plate rating. Each installation served from one meter or service shall be considered as a separate installation. Provided on any installation the contract horsepower shall not be less than the manufacturers' name plate rating of the largest motor or appliance connected also at-the option of the company the contract horse- power may be determined as the actual 15-minute maximum demand as measured by a suitable demand meter. DELAYED PAYMENT PEN LTY. A penalty of 2 cent per KWH will be added to monthly bill if such bill is not paid within ten days after the same is due , provided that such penalty shall not exceed $5.00 on any month's bill. MININUi M MONTH= GUARANTEE. The customer shall guarantee a minimum monthly charge equal to the demand charge each month for 12 months of each year. -10- y , FUE:G. The energy charges provided herein are based on coal costing not less than 'V1.80 nor more than �2.80 per ton delivered at main steam plant of company. When such coal cost is in excess of $2.80 per ton, as shown by the records of the company for the previous calendar month, the above base rate shall be increased 0.3 mills ($0.0003) per KWH for each increase of 10 cents per ton ; and when such coal cost is less than �1.80 per ton, the above base rate shall be decreased 0.3 mills ($0.0003) per KVJH for each 10 cents per ton decrease in the cost of coal. SPECIAL RULES. COIURACT PERIOD. All contracts under Schedules 5, 6 and 7 are for a minimum period. of 12 months, automatically renewable for a like period and terminable on 30 days ' written notice before the end of any such-l)-eriod. When the customer desires to change the connected load, a new contract may be entered into for a period of 12 months before tine expiration of the original contract. Customer is not permitted to change the connected load provided for in contract witho .:t signing new contract based on chan ;ed contemplated. under penalty of refusal of further service under this schedule. POINT OF YiFASUREIVIEPdT . All current , under Schedules 5, 6 and 7, -'all be considered as measured at the voltage of the company's established distribution system at the point where service is delivered. here the current is not metered at the company's established voltage , an amount shall be added to monthly bill for electric service equivalent to 25 cents per month for each KW capacity of the aggregate rating of customer ' s transformers connected. TRAIISFORMEBS. Customers who do not guarantee to use service for 12 months each year, urcler Schedules �s6 an . % shall be required to furnish and maintain transformers for step, voltage from that furnished by -11- I r � company's distribution voltage to that required by customer's installation. Company shall not be required to furnish transformers in any case unless they are of standard size and voltage. P01ER FACTOR. Should the average monthly power factor oT unbalance between phases of the customer's installation fall below 800, under Schedules 6 and. 7, the demand or contract horsepower shall for purpose of billing be increased in the ratio of 80% to the actual average power factor or unbalance. GEIMAL RULES AND REGLMATI011S. The City Council of the City of Fort Collins shall have the right and power at all times to make , change , adopt or approve all necessary rules and regulations governing the supply and use of electric service in the City of Fort Collins . All service under the above schedules is subject to the general service rules and regulations, together with such supplements thereto and revisions thereof as are from time to time in effect, provided, that copies5f all such rules shall be on file with the City Clerk. LTIIICIPAL LIGHT111G. G AVAILABILITY. For municipal street lighting and lighting of the City Ball and Fire Station, the dusk to 11 P. M. schedule is only available for decorative street lighting in business section of the city. RATE. Flat Rate: Iaultiple Incandescent Street Lighting: 309 watt lamps from dusk to dawn per uinum each 57 ;50 200 watt lamps from dusk to dawn per annum eac h 44.00 150 watt lamps from m dusk to dawn per annum. each 37.50 100 watt lamps from dusk to dawn p er annum each 30.00 60 watt lamps from dusk to daiai p er annum eac h 15.00 300 watt lamps from dusk to 11 P. 11. per annum each 38.50 200 watt lamps from dusk to 11 P. M. per annum each 27 .50 150 watt lamps from dusk to 11 P. M. per annum each 22.00 100 watt lamps from dusk to 11 P. M. per annum each 18.00 60 watt lam-)s from dusk to 11 P. M. per annum each 9.00 -12- Flat Rate Series Are and Incandescent Street Lighting: 4 Ampere Series Magnetic Arcs from dusk to dawn per annum each $60.00 600 candle pourer from dusk to dawn per annum each 60.00 400 candle poorer fro. , dusk to davrzs per annum each 48.00 250 cczidle power from dusk to dawn per an= each 35.00 100 candle povrei from dusk to dawn per annum each 20.00 80 candle pourer from dusk to dawn per ani-mm each 18.00 60 candle pourer from Bask to da•,-m p or an_ium each 12. 00 600 candle pourer from dusk to 11 P. M, per annum each 48.00 400 candle power from dusk to 11 P. Lei. per annum each 36.00 250 candle pourer from dusk to 11 P. M. per annum each 26.00 100 candle power from dusk to 11 P. M. per salnum each 15.00 80 candle poorer from dusk to 11 P. M. per annum each 12.00 60 candle powei, from dusk to 11 P. M. per annum each 10.00 OTHER MMTICIPAL LIGHTING. The Company will furnish electricity for lighting in the present City Hall and Fire Station for otAinary and reasonable usage at a flair rate of v'100.00 per annum. TERMS AIJD C OISDITS�IdS. The Company will its tall, maintain and operate are lamps as required by the City at the above scheduled rates for street li;-Ming. The company will install, maintain and operate at the above scheduled rates for street lighting all incandescent overhead, bracket, or suspended street lights, complete, providing such lights are located within two hundred feet of the nearest available point on its existing distributi. n system, and provided the investment per fixture does not exceed the annual revenue from each such tiuiit . The company will operate and maintain ornamental street lighting standards and install and maintain the overhead or underground wiring, as re _uired for such standards at the above scheduled rates for street lighting. lih.enever the Company installs ornamental street lighting 'g standards, at the request of the City, the Company shall charge for each such unit , in addition to the above schedule of street lighting rates, an amount equivalent to 12 per cent on such additional investment until it is reimbursed for such investment , such 12 per cent being 8 per cent interest and 4 per cent depreciation. -13- Bills small be rendered by tie co>Dany and paid by the city for all municipal li0hting in equal monthly installments at the end of each calendar month. Ordinance Yo. 11, 1923, and Section 4.JAll ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Intrroduced, read and ordered published this day of s_T_ it A. D. 1927. Passed and adopted this Ad 04 of A. D. 1927. V0401, Commis io lef o Zafety aWAY-U : _ ATTEST : City Clerk. STATE OF COLORWO ) SS. COUi?TY OF LARILER ) I, A. J. ROSi3 00, City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins do hereby certify and declare that the foregoii�g ordinance consisting of four (4) sections was duly proposed and read at length at a regular"menting of the City Council held on the ./1.214 day of .1 , A. D. 1927, and was duly ordered by aye and nay vote to b LPublished once in full in The Fort Collins Express-Courier, a daily newspaper of the City of Fort Collins , in accordnnee with the provisions of Section "r of Article IV of the City, Charter; that thereafter and on, to-wit : the _:2-/0 day of , A. D. 1927, at a regular meeting of the City 'G"o`uncil, the salcL ordinance came before said Council upon its final passage, a period of more than ten days having; elapsed since its publication as above set forth, and that said ordinance was upon secon reading ado ted as pan ordinance , and there- after, and on to-wit : the day of q .. Z , A. D. 1927, said Ordinance No. �— V11ruly passed and adopted. was duly published in The Fort Collins Express-Courier , a daily newspaper published in the said City of tort Collins, Colorado . IN T1=S ;'TrEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this � 8 � clay of _� A. D. 1927. City Clerk.