Section. 1. That under and by virtue of the provi sioiis of
Ordinance 1�o. 11, 1925, dully paused and adopted on the 18th day of
April, A. D. 1925, as amended by Orzlinance 110. 11, 1926 , passed and
^.dopted isiarch 11, 1926, Laporte Avenue Improverent District No. 20
eras d!ly created and provisims made in said or6inance for the con-
struction of certain improvanents in said district, co::� sistine of
grc.iing , paving, curbing xid guttering, p:,vin; to co:i.sist of reinforced
concrete paving, ot',:,rwise known and described as one-course reinforced
concrete cement , the samie as installed in ogler paving districts
t11rLUfnout t e City; that tho said :improvements as therein provided
:eve been duly constructed as ^provided by laiv and duly accepted by
the City of sort Collins as therein _provided; that thereafter the
City Engineer and the Commissioner of Wor1z , on to-wit': the 19th
day of February, A. D. 1927 , duly reported to tl e City Caanci.l that
the co It of construction of said irrnrovements , including the cost of
ilnsoectian, collection aiid other inciden als , i-id also including
interest, is �78,343.20; that in and by said report the Commissioner of
'°Ior'rs , pursuant to the report of the City Engineer, duly ap,Dnrtioned
upon all the lots or tracts of land in the district improved., in
proportion as the frontage xxDb:tC==mm of each lot or tract of land is to
the total of all the frontage of all the lots or tracts of land so
im_roved, exclusive of public higlnrays, pursuant to the provisions of
Ordinance No. 7, 1921, relating to local public improvements , as amended
by Ordinance 11-0. 9, 1926, and Ordi_-_aize No. 11, 1925, as amended by
Ordinance -?o. 11, 1926, creating Laporte Avenue Improvement
Bistrict No. 20 , and which district is hereinafter more partic._larly
described by lots and blocks, together ;fith the ag_: ortionment and rate
per front foot , the said findings and report of the Commi,_sio_ier of
'"forks and the City Engineer baiiZ in accordance with the report of the
City Engineer in respe at to the proposed assessment on each lot in said
district .
Section 2. That at the regular meeting of the City Coupe it held
on the 19th day of Februar , A. D. 1M7, said report of the Commiaaioner
of Wori:s and City EX18ineer concerning said proposed assessment for
improvements in Laporte Avenue Improvement District No. 20 was by
resolution of the City Cou,zil duly adopted for the pimpose of con-
sideration and det,2minaticn at a re�:ular meeting of the City Council
to be held on the 26th. day of -::arch, A. D. 1927, pursuant to a notice
of the City Clerk as provided by law; t_,.at in and by said resolution
the City Clerk was instructed and dir: cted to publish notice in the
official newspaper of the City of Fort Colliiis for a -period of ten (10 )
days , addressed to the owners of property to be assessed in Laporte
Avenue Improvement District No. 20, stating the whole cost of the
improvements and the s_.are apportioned to each lot or tract of land in
said district , and notifying the ormers thereof that any complaints
or obj actions that night be made in writing by them to the City Clerk
and filed in ilis c_. fice within t' irty (30 ) days from the publication
of said notice, woc.id be heard and deter_lnuled by the City Cou_cil,
at a regular meeting thereof , to be held on tLe 26th day of Larch ,
A. D. 1927, at the hour of eight o'clock in the forenoon of said day
in the Council Chamber in the City Hall in said City ; that after said
hearing the City Ccuncil mould tape up the matter of the passa`°e of
an ordinance assessing the co st of said _mprovements ; that pursuant
to the authority contained in said resolution the City Clerk caused
to be published said notice in the Fort Co;lies xpress-Courier, tale
official newspaper of said City of Fort Collins , for a period of Len
days, as provided by ordinance; and th-,t due proof of pullication has
been dal-,r filed in the office Hof the City Clerk; no complaints or
objections havinie been filed, at sa_d meeting of the City Co.mcil
held on the 26th day of 1.1arch, A. D. 1927, the assessing ordinance for
the cost of ti_e improvements i-.i Laporte Avenue Improvement District
ITo. 20 i;as ordered submitted f or passage and adopt ion.
Sectiun 3. That the total cost of the improvements in
Laporte Avenue Improvement District No. 20, under and by virtue of said
Ordinance No. 11, 1925, as ar ;-,ded by Ordim-nee ITo. 11, 1926 , of said
City, including the cost of inspection , collection and interest ,
amounts to '78,843.20, :;iiich said slim is hereby assessed upon the
real estate in said Laporte Aventine Improvement District 11o. 20, in
accordance with the provis' oils of OrdL'Mre !To. 7, 1921, relating to
local public improvo ents , as amended by CldinLuice 1110. 9, 1926, and
the proportion of said cost assessed to each lot or tract of land in
said Laporte Avenue Improvement District 1:0. 20 eomprisizg the
followin; lots ='.: d bloc'_cs in s7. .d. di _ict, all i.e as folla.rs:
f outtar. FRONT.
41 Z. Hmr-,--7 Tlhaa.-biubop of Denver 190 9-�"- 18 .98
41 d. Henry Tlhm-Bls+b�a of Deaver 90 9. 240 .64 8 2 .49
41 .r. Henry fish-�s:��op of Denver 5� .64 8 32.19
41 J. ry '=fhon-Bishop of Denver50 .64 8 32.19
41 J. Henry TIken-Slabsp of Demcr �0 .64 8 32.19
41 J. Henry Tlhon-Bishop of Deaver S0 "38 32.19
41 J. Henry
enry Tiham-Bishop of Denver 37.5 •6433 24.14
42 City of port: Collins 167 9.963 167 •4249 1735.67
42 Rthel Kessssestiv aahofieIA 27.5 .6438 17.70
42 Ntra. .4poe i,clah for John W. °eloh
Agrso. to J.D. & Ads yhistler) 42 .6438 27- 4
.E167•-w t.
+ to beL. 42 iw.o Olson 42 6438 27 04
21e_ 4 4.2 David H. GuLla -her 21 13.52
211_ f' 42 De�vlel P. dsllo.Cbtr 21 .6438 13. 2
-=](r'j• to bvQ.42 Juesou ib;,i'se 42 .6438 27.04
.at t3'ai*qr.I+ot5-
';to Ug.92'.. 6438 117 .4249 1350.55
y to
'#yes. 42 '�a:i c:rris teased �? 9•`3b8 209
.Wit '•r�`r_TJ .+E�1!
' to beg 42 Fro& and T. 1.. Ctrnicsk 50 9.968 50 .6438 50 .4249 551.85
b ,1 ;sI att7,c¢.?t guise 57.5 .6438 37.02
? 51 Kli=4eth �girma 57.5 .64 6 37.02
8 51 1 ; =itas r7• .F,4 8 7*02
9 1 Carl Y law j7 8 � .02
1p j1 USX CutLbe;rtsoa 9.968 247.5 •643c^� 19t� .3&3 2]2�.2E
�ci'II50.11 51 F.W. and 11.1.. Vt-Ou1re 95 9.W 95 .6t 95 .368 i
•c�lH50•ll j1 S-4. srd ;. .. Mioag:kre (959 ourb at �' rs )-V 100 1t124.14
.aV95911 51 x.03=1 =» Jones uad Levi 2uming2me 9 9.g68 141 •6438 95 •368
>•et 95.11 51 rsray -Io ee e.nd L&vi aunnii (951 our st 2w replaced)-419.00 1053•+"
50 •ofalGe=•11 51 Hati3da � .
y Violet 46 6A8 �.81
� � 51 Gustav' Pastor 6
9 22 51 Qustsv pastor ? .6458 14.81
f ---
B�2• la y1 Richard J. Jeanie B. Langtaore :664438 a9.61
12 51 Charles hanks
2J' 13 51 R. C. Ellis y2/ 33
13 51 Henry F. Thom 1 8 .97
• 14 51 HS=7 . The= 131 .64 8 8. 9
Blk 51.3:40+.
-440• .s140• 52 James H. Gritton 40 9.968 40 .6438 40 .368 439.21
•NW I of rM
10, .IZ40•-
'"*•-3 0• 52 John H. and Ids L. Griffith 40 9.968 40 .6438 40 .368 439.21
O,Nhs !•zef Yd
t4�0'-1409 52 Lary Oatterson 40
OtNofMcor. 9.968 40 .6438 40 .368 439.21
•14 -&701 522 Paul C. Johnson 70 15. 2 52 Fort Collins Investment Cann y 9.968 215 .6644 8 70 .368 85$•75
3 . 52 Elisabeth Quinn 3.80
2 .6438 33.80
4 Llizabeth V,uinn
Elizabeth tuinn 27 :6438 13:70
16 52 Agnes Ruth Trotter 12 .6488 9.05
17 52 16srg+aret s. Boltz 4 64 8 28.017
• 17 52 s. Walter Brown � :6418 3.22
18 52 S. 'Walter B rov n 35 .64 8 22.53
52 Frederick -William chueler 35 :6438 2a•53
52 Margaret Ruff 50 9:968 190 .6438 gO :368 b3 .15
21 Z Helen A. LIker 50 9• 50 :6438 50 .368 y$3.02
22 52 Caroline iyleanor tNantz 50 9. 50 .6438 50 .368 549.02
23 52 Caroline Eleanor Vantz 40 9:%8 40 :66,4�38 40 :368 439.20
3 bl The sort Collins National Bank '64j8 87.02
s 4 1 Charles Ji. huller
N 4 61 John I3. :tilkins 57 .6438 37.02
-�94$+ 61 Alta B. iuldebrant 142 9.968 257 .6438 142 .368 1633.25
.�48•-�11y•- 99 qq�� ��i,443pp qg �g
2 � 6 61 Vernon Fe Stephens 50 9:96i3 50 :b433 ,r0 Os %A
-S165t-�0 r
61 Grace - .ebster
'RBSi�`,�cor 50 9.968 50 .6438 50 .368 549.02
5' 61 Iialley T.. and Retta Ubright 45 9.968 45
oY .6438 45 .368
72-�' 61 r1al.ley L. and Iletta Albright (45'ourb �20je replaced)-49.00
rot6 484.11
o - -
i N172�g r_
61 John H.Silkins 45 9.968 21 .6438 45 .368 605.16
61 The fort Collins National Beak � :643i3 37.02
sE u 37 02
0' 1 62 George
n Delis 150 9.968 3Q5 .6644 8 150 .308 1727.53
oxge ��. and e7e11a suese
t# bey; 62 Alice AW. 40 9.968 410 6438 40 •368 439•66
5 2 62 George W. and Della Suess
s6o' 2 62 tUloe Renial •
2 rg 62 Ma��ry Coe V. Clark 45 ,664438 28:4
Barg oolla:ex
'jo 6229
Albextena Dom, 64 3 N. 6
g� 0. S. Jones 8 99
• 9 62 0. S. doves R
5'1fof!4cor. 45 .6438 2 ;97
190 r-N'5o r_
"50• 62 Arthur 0. ; traub'NoY l 50 .6438 32.19
0 beg 62 T. x'i. and Mrs. .i:lizabeth OtBrian 50 .6438 32.19
'i iof$.4 COr.Blk-
'159-4aor.Bl115t-62 Tryphena 3._. Navin 50 9.968 16$ .6438 50 .368
SofSV(1151-N509-su51-62 Tryphena L. Davis (501 garb at 20je replaced) -W,10.0o 613.05
50 of
•s -ZI659-*Rof 62 rnura C. Graves 50 9.968 "o .E�438 5c .368 49•02
01'165•- 62 -7raag W. and HUgh L. JLoQuire 50 9.968 50 .6438 50 .368 549.02
59 62 F. J. Ulrich 40 9.968 40 .6438 40 .368 439.21
9.90 207$ .64 8 532.331
0.2 271 S. i RRfehheurssoo n 10 9.90 10 .64�8 106.12
012 271 W. Z- Vaplon 30 9.968
271 d. F6. vaplon 20 9. 20 :6644 8 21122.25
271 Oney A. Fullerton 20 9.968 20 .6 212*g
271 Oney A. Fullerton 40 9.968 40
271 Sam L. Mayor 40 9.963 40 .64 8 424.48
271 91111 m L. Soles 40 9.968 40 .6438 424.48
271 Fred and Clara :s'vans 40 9.968 40 .64 8 ves v a
1 A. T. Neyer 40 9.968 40 .64 424.40
2 1 RutP. C. Cortmax► 40 9.968 49 .64 8 424.48
i 11 AillianaiQ�: � . Pulliam 40 9.968 207J ;64 532.�1
64 8 332. 9
271 Roy m. Rutledge 50 .64 8 12*19
271 Forrest G. .uo-,,ne 0 .64 8 2.19
1 :Elsie ::. Cikrlstian 0 8
�2G. � � eewant to Allie A. zompeon) 3ey .64 8 22.2 � 3
272 s. ;. Kinney 2 .64 F3 14.49
15.2 2� � 8. :�i� 15 ,� 8 3,4�4
20.2j 272 Lon June 20 .64 8 12.88
272 Inn Jades 35 .6438 22.5
5 272 Grace SM. Cooper 0 9.968 21 .643$
26 272 Grace E. Cooqer 27 9. 17 .64N 5. 2
26 272 Ethel 4a1do liaoxnon 17 17 .648 185.7J2
J 27 272 Ethel +side Thompson 17 9. 1 .64 185.72
g 272 Bred J. jade 17 9.968 1 .64188 185.72
w 8 272 Fred J. -ade 1 .966 1 .648 185.72
272 Catherine Iloon :state I .9Gf3 1 .64S 1885,72
a 0P c. rng INTM V-I0g It= TOM
' 29 272 Catherine !loon Zatate 17 90 1
29 272 GA"a B. Collamer 17 g. 1 .643& . .12
ara 30 72 Cl B. Cerll�go r
17 9• 17 .64 8 18
0 2J2 C. Short 17 9. .64 8 185.
1 272 '• C. Short 17 9. 17 .6438 185.72
31 272 Charles .Awi11an 17 9. 17 .6438 185M
32 rn Charles La Minces 17 90 17 . .64M 1i35.72
32 272 yaaeph G. Moon 17 9 17 6438 185
3R33 272 JOseph G. Moon 17 9. s7 .64 8 185 9
33 272 Gana ¢n sor3na 17 9. 17 .64J8 185.'r2
t 272 Genes Sorenson 5 72
„J4 272 John To 1i 1 9. 17 .64 8 18
3 272 John at. 13ouamss 17 9• 17- .6438 485.72
35 9.968S 2l5 .6438 aS7.3o
281 Bells C. and J. aaaak 911L 40 9.966 2071 .64 8 532.31
281 Malls C. and J. wills 40 9.968 40 .64 8 424.48
281 3elle C. and J. Xwk Mills 40 9.963 40 .64 424,48
281 r. M. Ri�'a 40 9.968 40 .64 8 424,48
281 Jacob 'a. 4�
281 Ja00 2illrar 4400 9•y968 40 -6438 424.45
281 Gam"I od 40 9.968 40 -6438 424.48
2 1 A" TB. 40 9.968 40 .6433 424.48
• 9 281 Ralph Harris 33 9� 3� •64..338 3508 74.2199
10 " g 81 Yrreedd Keii 40 9.9€8 2671 .664433 532.3i
u 281 Irving H. Drennon 50 .64 8 32.19
12 281 "lla Coo`keia 50 .64 32619
281 Uilliam 11. aa13l� 32
281 so a ai. .t3ales 50 .6644 8 32,19
t �eora3ak.
-i280•_ .
-92801- 282 school District 5 280 9.960 510 .6438
•9.280•- 282 aohool L'istrict z'5 (2800 cizb at 20Se replaced)-856.00 3063.45
10 01ot.M;oor.
» 50•- 282 Eugene a.. N'nr 42* .6438 27.36
-"9• 282 M. A. and C. 0. :Biller 42-a .6438 27.36
LVAU s Z3ti'Ta'g . ION R.. T3 TOTAL
r.,g9p t_
e� 282 ' arietta renimar 90 .6438 57.94
'•a52*- E
2• 282 Hurlis 52 9.968 192 .6438 641.96
08 and52'E
,. .U8v-
.-3we 282 M. Segal 48 9.968 48 .6438 509.38
291 Coy C. aL;nooker 75 .6438 48.28
291 Sohn J. CCrisesan 60 9.963 1521 .6438� 696.23
2 291 Xary� a. Boland 25 9• 20 64 8 371.42
3 291 Coorge J. Smseton 9• p .(�e. a '53.06
291 George ameeton 40 9.96$ 4{3 .64 8
291 Cearge .;. Saaeton (4C' curb at 20¢ replaced)- $.00 416.48
291 r. A. Rutherford 40 9.968 40 .6438
i 1r. R. Rutherford (40' curb at 20je replaced)-48.000 ZontgMMK7 409�9� .6438 416.4.8
F.F. R. Ro (401 curb at 20je replaaed)48.00 416
2. P. 7aJtisiere 40 9.968 40 •b1 8 •
1 Bars A. 0amerm 40 40424
291 David
KimbElliott 4400 ,h�4 Q8 �43 :
291 Fred Bali 5 .64 8 32. 9
291 George X. 3
291 George R.Gralun 5a 38 3?.19
291 A. Rohtmeoas 50 .6438 .i9
L 292 Catherine Dwlnall 5 •64 a 22•
2 29^ second ,'-esbyterlan Church of Fort Collins �5 .64 8 22.
292 William �. and Grace E. outcalt 22 .64 $ 14.49
William Y
?3 229922 Sarah A. Doweettt .64 8 22.
?4 292 F. it. Wo 35 •64 8 22.
292 ;dart* T. van .'ntwsrp 0 9.968 210 .64 8 4 .2
292 Mae E. Milstead 5 9.968 35 .64 8 .42
27 292 R. C. Cartia 5 9.968 35 .6438 irli.42
PROM!= 04MA FR29 is RATS INTiiIi.a=10R t V; Tf)TAL
28 292 Hannah E. Harding 35 9.968 335 .6438 371.42
* 29 292 Hannah Z. Harding 8 f 9.96$ 8 1 .6438 92.8
s 29 292 Jtunes W. 'tads 26 * 9.%8 26 # .6+338 2�8:
* 30 292 Jmes W. Wade 17 9.968 1 .64 8 95. 1
* a 30 292 henry D. and Katherine B. Grace 17 9.968 l7 .6438 185.771
1 292 Henry D. a nd Katherine B. Grace 35 9.968 .64 8 R.42
@ G. A. Comings .968 .(�4 8 .42
2}2 G. A. Cuminge .968 .64 8
292 C. H. MoLlraly 5 .968 1515 .64 8 gq1.42
5 292 C. H. llravy 35 9.968 .64 8 487.30
302 lira. 14im -lobster 50 .643 32.199
ss 2 302 Augusta Schxs 15 .6438 g.bb
1 302 G. L. Dexter 15 .64338 9.66
l 302 0. L. Dexterr 50 .6438 32.19
15 302 G. L. Dexter 50 .64 8 32.19
16 302 Julia V. Atherton 55 6.4768 205
16 302 Julia v. Atherton (551 curb a t 20¢ replaced)411.00 477.19
1?� 02 Aquilla B. Sanders 50 6.4768 50 .6438
1Z 302 Aqu�illa B. landers (50• c:rb at 20 / replaced).410.00 346.03
111$$$ a2 Della Isarsh 50 6.4768 50 .64 8 P56.l9 302 Del a March 50 6.476$ 5a .64 8 b.o20 02 Otto Epson 50 6.4768 50 .64 � 6.a
21 3302 Elisabeth Allen 50 6.4768 50 .6438 6.0
22 302 S. IL. Gibbet 55 6.4768 205 .6438 .19
23 302 lareia :iatts 50 .6438 32.19
1 12 Mall as U. Bierling 50 .64 8 32.199
2 312 Rat 15 .6438 9.66
13 312 Agnes L. Tate 1 .6438 9.66
14 312 W. C. Iamaons 0 .6438 32.19
1 312 Guy Aoneeker 50 332�� .1g
1 312 Farmers Life insurance Cam, 55 6.4768 2a5 .b4 488.19
17 312 M. and nettle Hancock 5t3 6.4768 50 .64 8 356.033
18 12 Clara S. Swope 50 6.4168 50 .6438
18 12 Clara Z. Swope ( 00 curb at 201E replaced)-410.00
1 John Nelson Jr. t50' curb at 2Od replaced)-010.00
1g if John Nelson Jr. 50 6.4768 50 .6438 .0
20 312 Ue and Hattie liuncocu 50 6.4768 50 .64 8 356.03
/5 of 21 312 rota l�. Batch 40.57 6.4768 40.57 .64J38
53 of 21 312 Leta F. Hatch (40.571 curb at 2W replaced)-w8.11 280.77
B1= iuoka= 04 limit ARCH'`W RAT I M33CTION RAT-1 TOTAL
Of 21 12 Melville J. Allen pufb 9.43 6.4768 9.43 .6438
of 21 12 Melville J. Allen (9.43*/at 20$ rs N,)-41.89 *15.26
of 22 112 Leta F. Web 44.62 6.4768 166.32 .6438 387•�
of 22 note F. l&toh (44.62• curb at 20¢ x +edi)-�$ qq22
of 22 le1vi11e J. Allen 10.38 6.4768 38.68 .6438
of 22 12 Uelville J. Allen (10.381 curb at 20W replaced)-- 2.08 90.05
3 3312 henry Schultz 5D .6438 32.19
2 14Win win 0. Butterfield 15 •64Ja 32*19
16 F22 Alfred R* 'Uestfall 56.3 6.4�768 36�:64
IB . S.
Garneey Jr. 5 64 63 �2
322 W- 3, Garnsey Jr. 6.4;68 .65 .64,, 8 56.64
19 322 Janine B. and L. ;Aalker 6,4768 �� .64 8 1.
20 22 J. E. and Scary =alker 6.4768 § .64 8 1.53
21 j22 A. L. Rohling 55 6.4 68 2 .64 8 1.1
22 322 George '-". rxug 505 .6438 32.19
1 Borger-L�nith G. B. Irvin 48.7 6.4768 48,75 .64 8 47.12
2 Borge**Cm1th F. Wiese Biddle 48 6.4768 198.95 .64 33 434-
3 ltorgerwe th William T. ;ewurk 5?.55 6.4768 207.5 .6438 50 .00
4 Lorger-with Willim T. lawark 56 6.47 50 .64 8 356.0
5 Lorgsr-3mith ltble G.
6 r Grey 50 6.47 a .64 8 56.a
Lorger-with Me 11awthorne Garage compsny 54 6.47 B PO .64 8 56.n
7 x�c►rgar-�4osa Abigail E. F�ath 50 6.476;
8 t1argerwumith Waude Uorger 50 6.4768 .84
9 -;ergs:+-Beii� Conservative roan Company 50 6.4768 84
,Nr lth Art lagers and J. :i. Varnwredel 57.5 6.4768 372.4
18 �or� i--i lth George Krug 42* .6438 27.339
19 Lorgl�ith J. Rowe 45 .643$ 2a•97
20 L_orammA"th John 'J. Have 45 .6438 28.
Boar tith J. a. Austin 20 $ 12.39
30 a Orly ith =: +ebar �'S JG.b�
1 ss�•ttaith Moore
& O'Soficor.
-� 0 � 50 0.4768 50 .6438 356.03
'E &30'Sof-koor.
.0- .L;217'-a50'-
jK#B h30'sof*cor. ore' B. !mW 50 6.4768 50 .6438 356.03
-+ 0' A.L.Thocipson(: g re event to Celia Behrman) 50 6.4768 50 .6433
HRS IPTI irloi� ti`_f`Y .iZs i s'.C> "A P"-, : lu aTC H AM TOTAL
93 &30'sof or.uec.10-11- replaced
' A.L.Thompeon (Agree-to Celia Behraan)-(50'ourb/at20jf)-v10.00 346.03
w30'sof .3ec.Z0-11-
+ Qum J. Gamine 40 6.4768 40 .6438 234.82
'S dn30• of r.sec. 0-11-
+-H217+- + ri111= T. 3%ith 40 6.4768 40 .6438
'S &s30'sof or*3ec.10-ll-
�i-Ri40+ William T. anith (40# curb rat 20je replaced) - 8.00 276.82
+H & O.Oof or.3ec.10-11-
+-R21Tv-W ' Zaoyrd 0. Reed 40 6.4768 40 .6438 234.82
&30 aof¢car.aec.10-L1-
l2u'-N217+-WI20' 'dilliwm Nagle 120 6,4763 120 .6438 854.47
ON & O'Sof or.seo.10-11-
'-i1i17+ ' Otto -Lhmpeon 40 6.4768 40 -6438 284.82
2`111; OI
t� Gotcor.:3e4.10-11-
A + 7'-4 59 B. shrader 45 6.4768 45 .6438 320.43
6 fsoi cor.sea.10-11.
11?f-�219}'-5117' -rederio J. and Grace .3. Ihmsen 30 5•5199
119- 6.476i3 13 , .6438 1091.80
+L &147*5of;oor.Zec.10-11.
+•9264#-ff!;0' rroAk 0. and Enna Ho mocker 50 .6433 32.19
H &197'sof,4�cor.see.10-11-
T. 0. acid Label B. Butner 50 .6433 32.19
7'B &24q7'3oficor.Sea.10-11-
►-3'70i' ,H1 j'-370}9 Rva Seely 70.5 .643t3 45.39
&s3173ot �sar.:teo.10-i1-
f , * : .6438 8.05
-➢rV -Z17 o �. s� 1-*
City of post Cellins (1,/2 intersection cost) 9201.00
City of Port Collins (curb replacements) 217.00
veatG'1 4• nll 6u:�E,'i:'Jili(i7 t3 'e-ei:1 '_ed for si:all be dune
and pa,, able Yv_t`'-in t ' rty (30 ) dga -s from the final _,assage and
publication of to is ordinance , v✓itho-o.t de_raand, -lrovided tact all
aasessr,,qents r,,ay at t:,.e el cetion of tlLo owners of the property to be
assessed be paid iz: t ,re'_:ty (20) equal installments, be, iiLaing
-�An s ti
/// / - T• , 1927, and payable annually on
Said last ;:i�_: i:_c:.(,.-Led date thereafter, until the full amotuit thereof has
been paid, with interest on the unpaid principal payable semi-annually
at the r.,. e of four a,-id ti.'_rcerquart_rs (4-3/410) p:>r cent per aiinum.
Section 5. Failure to pay the vdzole of the assessment uithin
the said period of t-lirty (30 ) days shall be conclusively, considered
and held an electi: z; on the -rt of a 1 p:-rso_is interested, whether
under disability or oth Mise, to pay in such installments.
Section 6. F-.inure to pay any installment, whe.the_ of princip al
or interest , When due , si:ail ca-uze t`.e whole of the unpaid principal to
become due and payable im -edict ely, amid the whole amount of the unpaid
principal and accrued interest shall thereafter draw interest at the
rate -f one (1;.) per cent per month, or fraction of a month, until the
day of sale as hereinafter pro'killed, but at any time prior to the day of
sale the ovmav may pay the amount of all unpaid installments, with interest
� .
at one (ljj) per cent pe� mon�;� , or fraction of a mon�h, and all penal �les
accrued, and si,:all thsreupon be restored to t '_e right to pay the
i.m- tallments in the same manner as if default call not been�uffered.
The owners of any -,>roperty not in default as to any installments or
payments may at any time pay the v4iole of the unLL)aid principal with
interest accrued to t'ae miLturity of the next installment of interest or
Section 7. Payments may be made to ti- e City Treasurer at any
time wit:iin t_,firty (30 ) days of the final passage and publication of
�rhis ordinance and an alloviance of five (5%) per cent discount s;iall
be made on all payments made during such p- iod only.
Section 8 . In case of default in the payment of any
installment of principal and interest when due, any and all property
concerning which such default is suffered shall be advertised by the
County Treasurer and sold for the payment of the who'_e of the unpaid
assessment thereon; at the same time or times and in the same manner,
under all the same conditions and penalties and with the same effects
as are provided by law for sales of real estate in default of the
payment of general taxes.
Section 9. It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to prepare
the foregoing assessment roll in said Laporte Avenue Improve;nent
District No. 20 in proper form shouting in suitable columns each piece
of real estate assessed, the total amount of the assessment, the
amount of each i_istallmeat of principal and interest , and the date when
each installment will became due, with suitable columns for use in
case of payment or the whole amount or of any installment or penalty, and
deliver the same to the City Treasurer and thereafter payments mag be
made to the City Treasurer at any time within thirty (30 ) days after the
passage of this assessment ordinance and the taking effect thereof.
Upon the expiration of the thirty (30) days, the City Treasurer shall
return to the City Clerk the assessme_it roll shouting all pNyments made
the:eon, with the date of each payment , and thereupon the City Clerk
shall prepare a permanent local assessment roll in bock form, showing
in s--_i.table columns each piece of real estate or property upon which
the assessment is ;unpaid, the ','dole amo'.nt of the assessment unpaid,
the date to :a_ .ich the same is computed, the amount of each installment
of principal and interest , together with two (2j) per cent additional
thereon as collect :.on charges of the County Treasurer, and the date
when the same will become due, with suitable columns f or use in case
of the payment of any installments or penalties. Said roll shall be
certified by the City Clerk under the seal of the City, and by him
delivered to the County Treasurer of La.rimer County with his warrant
for the collection of the same .
Section 10. All collections made by the County Treasurer on
said assessment roll in any calendar month shall be accounted for and
paid over to the City Treasurer on the first day of each and every
month, with separate statements for all such collections for each
mouth, in the same manner as general taxes are paid by the County
Treasurer to the City.
Section 11. The oun ar of any divided or undivided interest
may pay his share of any assessment upon produaing evidence of the
extent of his int ere st satisfactory to the o ff i cer•s having, the roll
in charge.
Section 12. In the opinion of the City Cou_ic it an emergency
exists for the preservation cf the public health, peace and safety, and-
this ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and publication,
under and by virtue of the authority cal' a.ined in Sections 6 and 7
of Article IV of the City Charter.
Introduced, read at length and adopted by tlB unanimous vote
of all the members of the City Ccu-nail this 26th day of Idarch,
A. D. 1927.
ommis loner or Sarety an icio or
r y ler :.
r - i
I, A. J. ..OS�.IaG'a, City Clerk o.� tile City of Fort Collins,
do hereby certify and declare that tie fore,-&Ing ordinance consisting
of t:-relve (12) sections was duly proposed and read at length at a
regular meeting of the City Caunc _1 held on the 26th day of IGarch,
A. D. 1927 , alld vias dill;;- adopted and ordered published in the Fort
Collins Express-Caurior, a daily netspaper and the official nevispa ,--er
of tle City of Fort Collins, by the unanimous vote of al l members
of tile City Council, as an ;;merg ncy ordinance in accordaine with the
provisions of Scetio_is 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter of
the City of sort Collins, and thereafter and on to-grit: the
day of Larch, A. D. 1927,said Ordi;L nc. No. vias d:.ly published
in the 4. .rt Collins Express-Courier, a daily nevrspa.per published in
the City of Fort Collins , Colorado.
ITT ':AZT?-ESS ,"TII-.EOF, I have hereunto set my I and and affixed the
seal of said City t-.is 61.
day of Larch, A. D. 1927.