HomeMy WebLinkAbout018 - 10/22/1937 - RELATING TO THE ASSESSMENT OF THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS IN CONSOLIDATED IMPROVEMENT D ORDINANCE NO 18 1937 BEING AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE REL4TING TO THE ASSESSMENT OF THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS IN CONSOLIDATED IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO 402 OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COLORADO, AND PRO- VIDING FOR THE PAYMENT AND COLLECTION THEREOF BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS Section 1 That under and by virtue of the pro- visions of Ordinance No 2, 1936, duly passed and adopted on the 20th day of lurch, A D 1936, Consolidated Improvement District No 40 was duly created and provisions made in said Ordinance for the construction of certain improvements in said District , consisting of surfacing the streets within the boundaries of said District with a two and one-half inch mat composed of earth, gravel , sand and oil , in such proportion and combined in such manner as was specified in the specifications of the City Engineer , that the said improvements as therein provided have been duly constructed as provided by law and duly accepted by the City of Fort Collins as therein provided, that thereafter the City Engineer on to-wit the 17th day of September A D 1937 , duly reported to the City Council that the cost of con- struction of said improvements including the cost of inspection collection and other incidentals and also including interest , is $12,998 50 , that in and by said report the C J ommissioner of Works , pursuant to the report of the City Engineer , duly appor- tioned upon all the lots or tracts of land in the district improved, in proportion as the frontage of each lot or tract of land is to the total of all the frontage of all the lots or tracts of land so improved, exclusive of public highways pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No 7 , 1921, relating to local public -1- improvements as amended by Ordinance No 9 , 1926 and Ordinance No 6, 1933, and Ordinance No 2, 1936 , creating Consolidated Improvement District No 40 , and which District is hereinafter more particularly described by lots and blocks, together with the apportionment and rate per front foot , the said findings and report of the Commissioner of Works and the City Engineer being in accordance with the report of the City Engineer in respect to the proposed assessment on each lot in said District Section 2 That at the regular meeting of the City Council held on the 17th day of Septenber, A D 1937 , said report of the Commissioner of Works and City Engineer concerning said proposed assessment for improvements in Consolidated Improve- ment District No 40 was by resolution of the City Council duly adopted for the purpose of consideration and determination at a regular meeting of the City Council to be held on the 22nd day of October, A D 1937 , pursuant to a notice of the City Clerk as provided by law, that in and by said resolution the City Clerk was instructed and directed to publish notice in the official newspaper of the City of Fort Collins for a period of ten (10) days, addressed to the owners of property to be assessed in Consolidated Improvement District No 40 , stating the whole cost of the improvements and the share apportioned to each lot or tract of land in said District , and notifying the owners thereof that any complaints or objections that might be made in writing by them to the City Clerk and filed in his office within thirty (30) days from the publication of said notice, would be heard and determined by the City Council, at a regular meeting thereof, to be held on the 22nd day of October, A D 1937, at the hour of seven o' clock in the forenoon of said day in the Council Chamber in the City Hall in said City, that after said hearing the City Council would take up the matter of the -2- passage of an ordinance assessing the cost of said improvements , that pursuant to the authority contained in said resolution the City Clerk caused to be published said notice in the Fort Collins Express-Courier, the official newspaper of said City of Fort Collins, for a period of ten days as provided by Ordinance , and that due proof of publication has been duly filed in the office of the City Clerk, and that no complaints or objections having been made to said assessment by any property owners within said district , the City Council did confirm the apportionment and assessment as theretofore made by the City Engineer and the assessing ordinance for the cost of the improvements in Consolidated Improvement District No 40 was ordered submitted for passage and adoption Section 3 That the total cost of the improvements in Consolidated Improvement District No 40 , under and by virtue of said Ordinance No 2, 1936 of said City, including the cost of inspection, collection and interest , amounts to 612 998 50 , which said sum is hereby assessed upon the real estate in said Consolidated Improvement District No 40 in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No 7 , 1921 relating to local public improvements, as amended by Ordinance Nos 9 , 1926 and 6, 1933, and the proportion of said cost assessed to each lot or tract of land in said Consolidated Improvement District No 40 comprising the following lots and blocks in said district shall be as follows -3- FIIIaL A�*SRLi; WINT ROLL FOR OIL :'pacts . '3u GHAY WEPACINU IN CONSOLIDAYMD IMP10YUMO? DISTRICT 1 MIR 40. ^l FOR 0 ^ SAG .. . TOTS- . PA TT) 4 of 9 5eo =lxsrwood Aid. Catrine N�Yd av .e�i ��.©� 10 1 scott zierwood Aid. O. J. 50 .511 26.55 ;5 11 1 .aeott :herwood Add. 'k. R. I tam Inc. 5o .611 25.65 -2 EF 12 1 ; cott •;borweed Add. Bruce Tell 50 .511 25.56 ,r. �5 13 1 .:rapt Sherwood Add. Byron Albert 50 .511 26.56 G. 14 1 wcott sherwoed Add. Nettie 0. Gook 50 .511 26.56 =.,5 15 1 ed eott :hsrwe Add. Roy 0. Ceffia 60 .fill E5.5F : 55 16 1 ;.00tt 6herwood Add. Lulu R, Brownell 60 .511 26.55 25, 5E R140' of 8 E Scott Lherwood Add. ;bale Bear Boonor 140 .511 71.54 71 . 54 :I of 8 2 Scott >=herweet Add. Huth a. :"unter 60 .511 25.55 9 2 Scott :%ereaeid Add. 0, 1, ReaserachwItt Fat. E40 .511 122.64 lb 2 Scott =>herlreed Yd. Sendw IT. ftrchi/fson 50 .511 25.55 25. 55 11 2 Scott 3herwoed Aid. J. H. '=ella 50 .511 25.55 25. 55 12 2 ,-cot a :.herwood Aid. Uldlend :savings and Loan C90. 50 .511 25.65 13 2 -Gott .�hsrwood Aid. Marla S. VaKibben 50 .511 Ea .56 25. F5 14 2 r4ott Sherwood Add. Harley 0. Gaines 50 .511 26.56 25, F5 15 2 4ott =h*rwood Add. T. C. Turner 50 .511 25.55 G 16 E 'Cott '.herwood a.dd. Florence L. and •.herm- n Fr. :..oramen 50 .611 25.6b 2E. 55 1 S Scott tsrwood .dd. 11.11 A. Defty 190 .511 27.09 O7.09 1£ and 13 3 Scott Sherwood add. 02rginda -. 3svier 100 .511 51.10 51 .10 14 3 ..cote Sb*lM0d -.dd. .hover and Marjorie -syton 50 .511 25.55 25, 55 16 3 Uaott Reused iidd. 1>una, L. Armstrong 50 .511 25.56 25. 55 ld 4nd 17 3 ��eott aherarod ;Ad. `ary t Stover +-man 100 .511 61.10 51 .10 18 3 Ucott mod add Je+tger Lo©ml s 60 .fill 25.56 2 F, F 5 19 3 :yeott ftmr ood .:dd. Joa and 1Jargarst ?arquharson50 .611 26.5E 25. 55 80 and of 21 3 Scott sherwood Add. Me, Mend 0rias A. F.reuger 75 .511 30.31 22 and R . of 21 S Scott ulierwood Add. ftpltol Life Ina. Co. e6S .511 136.43 135.43 sheet 1 of 12. L3 T. FUZZ" GT I? . F Ci' z_� • ,mn m�,,•,,,i ,..- ,.yT' E,13, 4, 5,16 and ` q of 17 4 "Scott 2ierwood odd. Shristopher au*l Not, 275 .511 240.40 16 and NJ of 17 4 5 cott <lharwood t dd. sthol A. Voodoorth Set. 75 .511 38.34 _ 19 4 oott lierwood Add. merles H. Sheldon Not. 50 .511 26.55 20 4 Scott whorsood "dd. Francis H. sebrap 50 .511 25,55 21 and 22 4 oott Sherwood ;add. Osorgs T. -301rer sat. 100 .611 61,10 15.16 and 17 5 Scott *lclasod Ad, . J. VoClintock 150 .511 78.65 r ' ,65 18 5 Scott Sherwood ;add. - ora Ann St. John 50 .511 RE456 . 55 199 20 and 21 5 Scott 3horwood itdd. Alfred b. and Stile N. Thomann 1€0 .511 76," 76.65 22 5 Sea►tt Sherwood add. Hubert A. Alpert 50 .511 95.80 25. 55 23 5 4ett -Sherwood AAK* 41we S. :;arch 50 .611 86.$$ 25. 55 24 5 Scott �Zwrwee4 Ai. A® =taus. 50 .511 2b,86 25 5 f>cott ShorePWAAC. Obarlotte :". Stauss 50 .511 26 5 ;Cott 5�! AAd* do `. 0ombn 50 .811 85jW 25.55 s4 of lots a, 7 and 8 u 0cott 54i*rwood ndd. Molly areenwalt 47i .511 24.27 24.27 vj of Hj of iota 6 7 and 8. 6 23aott Sherwood .dd. Otto Miller 47j .611 24.27 4 of 34 of lots 81 7 and B. 6 ::cott herwood i.dd. rioyd and %dith c:rosa 47? .611 24.217 of lots 6, 7 and S. 6 reott 3horwood Add. Otto 11111er 47 .511 24.27 F56 a of lot 9 8 Scott -:herwood E.dd. Wyrl i e T. Hash 55 .511 08.10 s1.35e of lot 9 end W135' of 3J of lot 10 6 vcott Sherwood Add. readier °tear 210 .511 107.31 11 and 5J of 10 6 Scott Sherwood Ad.. 1MMio V. -latz 75 .511 38,33 12 6 Scott 3horwood t K. Lutz Let. 50 .511 25.55 13 6 Scott d.•harwood Ai 3CaUll 50 .511 95,55 n1401 of 14 4 Scott Sherwood Add. Q. Finley 50 .511 25,55 140e of 15 6 Scott 6herwood ..dd. es Taylor 50 .511 25.55 ,g401 of 16 6 Scott Sherwood add. Onorge F,obinson ( 50 .511 25.55 `E. SF ( 140 .3533 49.46 49.4 R50* of lcta 149 15 and 14 6 Scott : hervood =add. :41th F. Beir 50 .3533 17.67 17 .67 -blot 2 of 12. , WON N C}�1.S)('1 $i " . FRS ?'"q'AQIi "!M . t.. �"+ 'ii 1.1�.......�� 7 FAWtt "]berms Li lien Hadley 50 .611 18 7 !'Sott Sherwood Add. blue R. Robinson 50 .511 WW 2: 19 7 :Scott therwood Add. -Floyd F. and Pay Douglas Vanderwark 50 .511 25.56 "7. 55 20 and 21 7 Odott -SherwooO Add. 1':abel u. Jennsway 100 .511 61.10 1 .10 22 7 :3cott Ohorwood Add. Mamie Lindenmier 50 .511 25.65 -. 55 23 r. 7 "soft _>herwoe� alaudm and Bernice "ieieer 50 .511 25.66 24 7 :7oott !aiorwooi Aid. %dg€=r I% Barkley 50 .511 25.55 2F. 5b 9 and 10 9 ;"Cott 4bevve" A". J. 13. :shill 190 .311>33 87.13 lob .511 51.10 11 and 916E of 12 9 Scott -slRss" Adj. J. E. shill 65 .511 3%22 33.22 3351 of 13 and S351 of 12 9 .:eott ;hwftod yd. looms Schwab 70 .611 35.77 3F. 77 14 and fit of 13 9 keott Oherwood Add. 3thel V. Schafer 66 .511 33.22 15 and le 9 3cott :Zorwood Add. Robert 11. `calker 100 .511 51.10 317'Y t'ARK, Olty of Fort Collins 2203*64 .511 1166.67 274. 91 13 1 Wa*ingtOn :lace Add. Adolph atiebasn 40 .511 M.44 20.44 14 WOMI,iagton . lace .'add. Lou J. -almor 40 .511 20.44 15 Eton .lace Add. *ter ,:. Fpanner !st. 40 .511 20.44 16 1 Eton =-lace A4d. NAW and Hari* Haynes 40 .511 20.44 17 1 Eton Place #i. N. W. Haloes 40 .511 20.44 20.44 18 1 U�taa Plase ! . H. L. 1#7ant 40 .511 20.44 19 l Eton P2ass Aid. Dennis O'Laughlin 40 .511 20.44 20 1 4m*4066 m-- Plsss Add. IT. H. COMM 40 .611 20.44 - 21 1 .lace A", eta n7 40 .511 20.44 22 1 :'lace Aid. :.ydia J. Layland 40 .fill 20.44 23 1 ?'#Iton : lace AAd. John J. Harding 40 .611 20.44 `51.41 of 24 � I Vehington - lace W. 'Arab A. Prnnz 51.4 .511 26.27 25 and 3121 of lot 24 1 -aahington :lace Add. J. A. Henderson 52 .511 26*57 "host 3 of $/ Im, r. _ :.L jr, _ or i-sK,FY 6' xr. FROJ� ` � RATF �'(�^AT AifnTTTTT PCTn "83 of 13 2 -ashington leas Add. E. ley Inc. �J2 $ a 14 and E10* of 13 2 2�aahington s lace.Add. tttli Rsaost b0 .b11 28.55 16 2 Washington lace add. hart t:olllns ldg. end Lam tia.40 .Ell 205.44 16 2 "ieahington . lace Add. :port Collins Md0. and Lean Ce.40 .511 20.44 14 17 2 ' shington Ince Ldd. , dne 7xcDepold 40 .511 20.44 =4 is 2 6ashington lace add. r)raan 40 .511 20.44 19 2 Osshington leas .Add. Lewis i. 40 .511 rl,44 20 44 20 2 "ashington :lace Add. Mrs. F, S. fey 40 .511 20.44 00 ,44 21 2 7sshingtoa kloas Add. Undo a. Blumenthal 40 .511 Q0.44 20.44 22 2 `ialthington Fla" Add. 1. ,. 14440 40 .all M.44 20.44 23 2 ` anhington I%aea Add. wilIlam P. belle 40 .511 20.44 20.44 $901 of 24 2 =sae vgtaa k1 et Add. Clayton elktatt eo .511 30.66 1 3 'ashington 1-lece Add. T. L. Dw7re 60 .tall 30.60 20.44 2 3 ashington 11acs Add. Meade A. 3irdrhIstle 40 .511 21.44 3 3 :eshingte0 i'lace Ad. 0. Slahin 40 .511 20.44 1.44 4 3 Washington Plaee Add. G. Uehin 40 .611 20.44 20.44 5 3 aahIngton Flats Add. Om"le 0. Yober 40 .511 20.44 20.44 6 and E� of 7 3 'unhingtan Fla" Add. We D. Sylvester 6C .511 :0.66 30.66 8 and aX of 7 3 Veehingtan Pleat Add. San Sarasina 6C .511 30,66 30.�" 9 3 sahieeglow Moto Add. F. R. aiM May U. T rthewa 4G .Si2 u�.44 90,44 10 3 71t loons! F1aN Add. ^. Z. KwV 40 .511 29.44 27.44 11 3 -'Al 41! plats Add. 0. lie Oloe 4C .511 2€,44 12 3 is to rlase Ad. Braves Themp son 73 .511 37.30 37 . 30 N751 of lots l h 13 4 'eshington ,leas Kidd. Oil of Fort :olllns 103.4 .611 52.84 10. 57 2 4 -ashingtox Place Add. R.I. Ramey 40 .511 90.44 20.44 R 4 "`ashingtoa Flo" AM, J. 8, 7ouma 40 .511 20.44 4 4 sashlr►gMat Plaae ii.dd. Oscar P. 4etzler 40 .611 00.44 20.44 is 4 aahingiMt Plaao -dd. Dom bell Bassear 40 .511 20." 7n.44 S 4 .eshingiit Pleas Add. Gowgs isos 40 .511 20.44 20.44 -7 4 shin a► Place Ldd. Lads 4. 7*dln 40 .611 20.44 8 4 Leh Im blase xdd. 1). E. end 2� is stalls s 4fl 5 1 20.44 � eD nB . 1 9 4 :aehingbat Pleas Ad. Paul vend Lela "bert 40 .511 040.44 ,_ .44 10 4 ':ashingi a pleas Ad. H. D. and Ire" lwbertn 40 .811 120.44 4 11 4 `tashingtet Pleat Add. Jr. it. sad %v" Me Bledeeoe 40 .511 20.44 12 4 'ashingtan Platt Add. Vesta R. '-tzzen 40 .611 20.44 44 meet 4 of 12. "�° L� l a"115J1 .ia i?-'S• _ _ _ TRMMA MC NE. TOTAL. S /t ) y 269 Locals quid. Ater f;. and 3ladys Dixon 190 *fill 97.09 7.0�1 D and 310' of 0 269 Loomis juw J. €s. Joslyn 50 .KI 25.55 5. 130f of C and =1 of B. 269 1,ao eis Add. 50 .611 25.55 25 t and W201 of B. 269 Loomis ;tdd. norenes x. `L`aylor 90 .511 450" 45 99 9125, of 17 270 Locals ,' dd. C. Y. :smith 125 .511 63.06 t551 of 17 270 Loomis .'Add. .,ybil Van s";lckle 65 .511 33,29 33.22 f451 of late 110 14, 15 wA 18 270 La le Add. Rachel Lone ma 45 .511 23.00 23.00 W451 of rip• Of lots 11 , 14, I9 and 18 S70 Loonle Add. Phnor L. Goading 45 .611 23.00 23.00 Ewe or n000 of lots 119 14, 15 and 18 R70 LmmEta Add* H. A. Puber 50 .511 25.65 2F. 55 x50' of lots 110 140 15 and 18 270 Loomis Add. Union savings & %onn Assoc. 50 .511 25.55 2`. 5 n1201 of 1 279 Looseic =;dd. :ncob U. ortner 120 .511 61.32 24 . "9 "'70' of 1 279 L,owalss _add. John lunderland 70 .511 35.77 Ls70t of 2 f'7P L.ogmiss Ad. Lore ThoWoon 70 .511 35.77 i 1120, of 2 P71P L.&Ws ;add. Clustev I estor 120 .511 CI0.v 81401 of 19 2W 14 is --dd. A. -_. Adam 50 .511 25.55 2::. 55 S1491 of 20 290 L.OMIs :-dd. end H. Huakett 50 .611 P5.55 9F. « 21 2W Weals ->dd. . Scott 50 •fill P.5.55 26. 5E 22 aw LOMIS Add. p •lId i€at ie 1?, scat 5<) .511 25•Sfi 2E 15 23 aw Add. � j Blair 50 .511 25.55 E4 9L�T Lw 11rs Add. • OW !slue Pleeher 50 .511 25.55 2E. `"5 I1 S s of 25 LW LOmsi a ,,dd. s X. Be&" 50 .fill 25,55 2F. 55 �;115' of 26 290 Laftln I-dd. Alamaitder 50 •511 25,55 2F 55 1 28b Loomis i4d. laws* 100 .511 87.09 7,7,119 17 28i+ Loomis .dd. J616 47 .511 24.97 24 .27 18 L:89 L.OwwU A"* WILIem Q 47- .511 24.27 24 .27 19 289 Lei Doi* A. gay M800021 47 .511 24.27 24.27 20 289 LoaMft Add. Oortrude L. McCormick 474 .511 24.P.7 24 .27 beat 5 of 12. 2 i d . WAFT o eass N 20.44 13 W0040 add. Lelia Robertson 40 .511 20,44 14 890 a Add. Slim A. %111e 40 .511 20.44 15 290 I.aads -dd. W. P Hurley 40 .511 20.44 IS L ',dd 1 Kl A. , uvet 40 ,611 20,44 2q,44 W40 ' of 23 a Add. Wmbls and Tom K. Yule 40 .511 20,44 2.44 E10' of 23 4 Wh of 24 M 1,, a AM. rtome B. Tuner 35 .511 17,89 17 . og S50' of Sj of 24 mW 850' of lstn 26 and 23 230 Loma Add. 1,1111e D. Horgan 126 .511 63,86 a R 85 of &, or 1 71 MRble L. Black 06 .511 43,44 Q ' of S of 1 71 3tte La�wromm 105 .511 53,64 "n d90 of 5-j of a 71 I slo teiner 90 .fill 45.99 WOO• of A of 8 71 ennio R. Straw 100 .511 51.10 B92' of 4 72 John 0. sanford Sit .fill 47,01 B49' of 'g'W of 4 72 =:uby and L.arren S. Nowitt 49 .511 25,04 ^49' of 4 72 Laahby arsons Inv, as, 49 .511 25,04 B43' of 5 72 :hauncey I. and im ?hilquist 43 .511 21.97 50' of '19?' of 5 72 '. 0. Mort2nes 50 .511 25,55 t-47' of Z97' of 5 7E T*raaeis T. :*xtur 47 5. 11 24.02 i+50' of 5 72 entecostal Assembly of Clod 0lui'eh 50 .511 25.55 2E. r 1 and ti 81 "161m �QItE Frat. Hotme ooc.190 1511 97.09 945' of lows 11 aid I2 81 1 :mr1oa V. Rldd411 45 .511 23,00 23.00 W55' of E100' of lets 11 and 12 81 42f:rlee filddoll 55 .511 28.10 E501 of Wet of lots 11 and 12 81 -11GO ". Chase 50 1511 25,55 940' of lots; 11 anC 12 81 !(;a 2. Morrison 40 .511 20,44 'hoot 6 of 1: , ''• S3L0 ?` 1'20P RTY 0„19�aR .� _ :—!AT:,. mn it12�'t`f BIy0' of U of 4 ram_.g. lnO ,,q,�ille Kob 130 .51 66.43 `60 of 1!? of 41 82 B. C. Golitas d0 .511 m 66 E47� of 143 5 end 6 24 . 52 82 ti€irr;� 8« !MA'llttg' 47 .511 24.02 �4,02 47 lof AQW of lots 5 and 6 82 "le Oa3'�ts Fritz 47 .511 24.27 24.27 E47 tof , 1 Of" 1 ,tag 5 and 6 82 abe3 �. Fb�ts 47 - «511 r 4.27 ?'48 of lots 5 and 6 24.27 82 J. y Gal! 48 .511 24.53 24 . 53 1 abd 2 91 'Jharles H. :sheldon "Ist. 190 .sill 97.09 ES O' Hof lets Imo+ and 10 91 ". P. and �dyra F. 'neighbors 90 .511 45,99 4.-, on }�100 of 1 -ta 15 and 16 91 Hey N. Baker 100 .511 51,10 6 and &56.40 of lot 7 92 Julle H. Andrews 244.3 .611 124.89 24 n 7 8 and W14.3 i0f Co.ot 7 Qg C. � ,,ems 5 8 .511 43.44 Entire block 101 Lartmeer County 400 .511 804.40 2,94 .40 400 .685 $34.00 5 6 7 and. 6 Q. s IO2 LerimsP ro t}• 190 .511 97,09 10 I1 and l2 102 Lorimer ommty 47� .811 n- 4.27 102 Fort C.o113as H1sonle home Assoc. 142A .511 72.82 L6 in J. RD. 146comiek Ivy .585 90,68 27, 28 and -9 112 Oscar D. ?Robbins 75 .585 43.88 1UP of lots 30, 31 , 32, 33, 34 and 35 tll Pirestong aeaity oo. 150 .685 87.75 �haet 7 of 12, TOT. � ,)4 CROf 3 lEI SVroes Courier-:u ahldg :' .� 30� 230 24. 25 and 121 Charles J. right 10" .b86 58.60 27 rind 28 121 volU Ooodale 50 ."5 rv.E6 29,? 23 rend 30 121 Lsrah 0. Katlttgh 50 .585 P9125 29.25 31 and 32 121 Usy H. Baker 50 .685 29.25 1 and 2 122 Alida R. Kilgore 100 .511 51.10 51 .10 3 122 Cyrus Hillupa 50 .fill 25.55 2G , 55 4 122 Charlott B. McIntoeh 50 .511 25.55 =, 0= 5 122 Rarniatina :singleton 41bert and Herbert DOM Hilda lolger 60 .811 25.55 25, F,F 6 and 301 of 7 122 1. R. Barkley Inc. 60 .511 30." 3^, �" U021 of 8 and MOW of H40' of 7 122 "1111am H. "allace 90 .511 45.99 `,34 2/3' of 1 Um James M. rjrieksll 34 2/3 .611 17.71 2 and il1.5 lA5, of 1 in G. Bevorly Irwin 05 1/3 .511 33.39 zn 3 its John 'i. KlCm Sit .511 '5.55 40' of 4 123 A. d. ':oseoox -:st. 40 .511 20.44 10:%44 B and N109 of 4 123 Caroline % Vantz 60 .611. 10.68 ^ ^.6 6 123 .T. Nbtzer 50 .511 £5.55 - 7 and 8 123 Rmugallowl i,uthern manual .Church of Dort i;olllna 100 .511 51.10 51.10 1 and 2 361 of 2 124 John Awrle 85 .fill 4%44 43.44 1415, of 2 and :145' of 3 124 Jessie ". Clark 80 .511 10166 4 and N5' of $ 124 Miss C. Teduon 55 .511 2a.11 29 .11 6 and 6 124 W. 0. Darnell 100 .511 51.10 7 and 8 124 'Union Trust Co. of Lid. 100 .611 51.10 51 .10 ,"4zsst 8 of 12. IOi' .�LDe.E i tY'Y'Y C=7NIM-- FRONTAGE. HAT _ _A_ AMOUNT ODW" Sf! .81T 25.55 125 Jessie L.aidlas u lob 6Aterths Lova reels 50 .611 2'5.55 4 125 ntpr L. and ':uth A. Jones `o .611 26.55 5 and s8' of 5 125 H. K. itltton J[• .611 28.10 1461 of 6 its Ocrah J. and t)mrallne Kettle 45 .511 23.00 = 7 and 12B }iarthe W. wolter `"rustee, Data i hl Alpha =hand -'hapter 100 .611 51.10 1 .10 S501 of 12 196 Oeorbo T. Denig 140 .SII 71.54 71 . 54 67' of 1 126 1<ffe Lv"# 207 .R1 105.78 115.79 :sot cf #70, of 1 126 harry F>. 11-W7reary 60 .til 30.66 5 x10* of 1 and 830t of C 126 First s resbytsrian ::hurah of Tort Collins 40 .611 20.44 = ' .44 m500 of 80I of 2 1?6 First Baepptist fnureh of Mort Co112ns 50 .611 251" G 5 6W of S and --40' of 3 126 Jta la X. "orrill 60 .bll 3GO" NSO' of 3 126 Anal Otis rothergill 60 .611 as*" of 4 126 Jtseabe D. Eilgors 50 .511 Moe Aq of 4 126 Katherine Merrill 50 .511 26.56 5 128 01 am Rudol ,h 100 .511 51010 S4101 of 8 126 Harriette -vlingenber6 40 .511 20.44 20.44 960' of 6 12G r% -¢sl tsr Brow 6'1 .Ell 30.68 30,98 o� l 127 Yarloo -Slice and Doris Juel IOJ .511 51.10 of 6 of 1 127 '..ire Seasburn SO .511 215,55 150, of 1 127 jwthur A. and idallne >. Nunt 50 .511 26.55 C5 S50' of 2 127 Luella 14. Old©n 50 .511 `115*55 r5 V} of 6I of 2 127 S. C. small 50 .511 25.55 1 ,33 HT of 2 127 Albert L. Dren,iimen 243 .511 I.^.E.64 1 :?, 24 A of :# 1 �7 J. TB. Ouhlll and 11. "offer 143 .511 71.64 71 , 54 Swat 9 of 12. `t) a 1s .: F OTl Clair 0. and Delano ', r t - 13A Z�n To go �F 1:5 and 14 1.14 Oslin aoodnle 50 .535 29:25 I and 18 131 :z4srron 5G s535 29.25 17 and 18 131 :'oudra Valley I&tlonal Sank m 1385 22.26 , 25 of lots 190 200 21 and 22 ill oudre Halley Hationsl Bank 100 .but: 58.50 9 132 1`syhew 1'. Tilton 60 .511 21.55 10 lag e.ug_ist, .Tchn and Manche .arcaudar 50 .511 25.55 11 132 !Iamae H. Aelmer 50 .Zll 25.55 i 132 i'oud" Valley National Drank 50 .511 ^.fi.55 13 12£ site? D. PEtdru 1- .511 25.55 14 132 Carom Z see 51 .511 25.5€ 15 i32 ttry %bot*r 51 .511 25.55 16 1U yred R. and "mane v. Hartshorne 191) .511 97.09 N300' of of L1ock 133 j33 3ehool District fiber 5. 440 .611 224.a4 ?24 . P4 >S00' of of block 133" 133 Itrot Baptist lhurch of art :011146 100 .511 51.10 51 .10 9 and 10 134 c'olore" Snow of -Seas 1 hi IpslUm Corporation 100 .fill 51.10 11 134 *Am 12ao"k 80 .5i1 26.55 26.55 U44' of 12 134 W. c. rmk* 4� .611 ^2.48 22 48 GO of 12 and W351 of 13 134 Alma R. Bldnour .511 20.05 20.95 - 15 of 13 and 1422-; ' of 14 134 Anne 1. 'were .511 19118 _1 .16 327 ' of 34 and IR0' of IG 134 Rallvay Aevir� and 31dgv ,4suoc. 0411 19426 16 S40 of 15 134 samen aion talerumn .611 29.44 16 i34 vita atriek dU .612 95." -hoot 10 of 12. 1i{- �• ^.^"�^^.e'^^�..._ __ y f +i ER . i 55WL--{ 5 end 5 135 Ui ,... .,,. - nt€ 61-1 ,�B. F. 'etaffi a t:at. 140au ..511 1. 0 7 135 Owstav . astor 5r) .511 25." 6 135 Dora A. Jilts 50 .511 E5is 25. 55 9 and 10 135 Jessie M. Bradshaw 100 .611 51.16 51.10 11 135 Agnes %16g 50 .bll 25.ft 12 136 Jacob -Hutt 50 .511 25.56 25. 55 moot of 7 136 Frank +. .p;rver 80 .511 40�88 S20t of 7 end pCot of 8 136 T. 7 and C�raco V. Link 70 .511 35.77 w50, of p 136 Rose 11. Liner 50 .511 26," 3 of 9 136 Fred teas son - 60 .511 25 of 9 236 t e=evier Land and Investment ,;o. bO .511 25:2 25, F5 N of 10 136 Yyru Y. ',�Qtson 60 .511 250of 10 � bi of 1I 236 llugb V. Smith a0 .511 28w A. and ssattie B. Ibdnon 60 .511 25. of 11 136 0oldie rnd ',lixtboth rzrl 60 .511 25.b�F 25, E:5 N50t of 12 136 rlixabsth Lnderson 60 .511 25.55 87, of 12 136 Kensington ;.partments Inc. 87 .511 44.46 R50t of In 137 parle 6. Ieldon But. � 50 .52I 2IS.b:� U of mg of 3 137 Harold . 7-ntch ?_, 5.511 25.55 a of op of 3 137 Aenry 1.=. iiherman 50 .511 95,55 "50t of 3 137 Delta _ho Jhupter 8d PI50 t ofi 4 Sigma Ift ODrperatlon 50 .511 25.55 337 .,tanley Caikawski f+0 .511 E5.66 of Kj of 4 137 Alpha *amm ibe ftlldlng Assoc. 50 .511 25.56 5t of 4 137 The oeta Teti of Sigma CIA h+uittS .3erporation 100 .fill 51.10 meet 11 of 12. BLOCK. I'nnC' L'= 0 �f t, i - r, 0 M IIr; drat Ad .- td n-n a I'. Jones go Mi E - i§ E L.C.Macrets YIrst Add. Mlanie Lee Hughes so .l11 25,66 9 RL. C.Poore's t'irst Add. Margie 0. Klaeosk iiR! .511 ER.K 10 end 41 ofll E L.Clltaore's Firat Odd. Howard T. I ureter 7$ .511 Z 8.33 1 and bi ofll E L.^.Uoore'a 01raW Ad. Mel A. Tamr1e 75 .611 38.33 .rtire :lock 1 L.^. loore's :"aaw d Add. school Dirtriet tuber 5 33C .5t2 1r-8.615 loR . '3 rtire Moak 4 L.C.Haore's `-Aeor.e Add. Seheal nlotrlet `lumber a (9)4 .511 ?(.M,64 37e .74 nAlre Blcok 5 Z..C.Moore's -,*Gord Add. Mt`t of Fort ;:ollina VAJ .611 U8.3O 77 .27 6 L.C.+More's '';oeonA Add. Dorothy P. "t;istloma 182 .511 P3.00 10 rind 20 6 L,a,M*ore's Second Add. Golorrdo lrzma of 'Agme Chi -pall*n r-rateralty TO) .511 117.97 1 and 2 7 L.G.Ilaore's 3acand Add. The`c !tea of ;:felts '-=eltn _seltc Kome Association Elm .Eli 1177197 Best 12 of 1r. Section 4 All assessments herein provided for shall be due and payable within thirty (30) days from the final passage and publication of this Ordinance without demand, pro- vided that all assessments may, at the election of the owners of the property to be assessed, be paid in four (4) equal install- ments , beginning December 1, 1937 , and payable annually on said last mentioned date thereafter until the full amount thereof has been paid, with interest on the unpaid principal payable semi- annually, at the rate of five and three-quarters per cent (5 3/4%) p er a nnum Section 5 Failure to pay the whole of the assessment within the said period of thirty (30) days shall be conclusively considered and held an election on the part of all persons interested, whether under disability or otherwise to pay in such installments Section 6 Failure to pay any installment , whether of principal or interest when due shall cause the whole of the unpaid principal to become due and payable immediately and the whole amount of the unpaid principal and accrued interest shall thereafter draw interest at the rate of one per cent (1%) per month, or fraction of a month until the day of sale as herein- after provided but at any time prior to the day of sale the owner may pay the amount of all unpaid installments with interest at one per cent (1%) per month, or fraction of a month and all penalties accrued, and shall thereupon be restored to the right to pay the installments in the same manner as if default had not been suffered The owners of any property not in default as to any installments or payments may at any time pay the whole of the unpaid principal with interest accrued to the maturity of the next installment of interest or principal -4- , Section 7 Payments may be made to the City Treasurer at any time within thirty (30) days of the final passage and publication of this Ordinance Section 8 In case of default in the payment of any installment of principal and interest when due any and all property concerning which such default is suffered shall be advertised by the County Treasurer and sold for the payment of the whole of the unpaid assessment thereon, at the same time or times and in the same manner, under all the same conditions and penalties and with the same effects as are provided by law for sales of real estate in default of the payment of general taxes Section 9 It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to prepare the foregoing assessment roll in said Consolidated Improvement District No 40 in proper form, showing in suitable columns each piece of real estate assessed the total amount of the assessment the amount of each installment of principal and interest, and the date when each installment will become due, with suitable columns for use in case of payment of the whole amount or of any installment or penalty, and deliver the same to the City Treasurer and thereafter payments may be made to the City Treasurer at any time within thirty (30) days after the passage of this assessment ordinance and the taking effect thereof Upon the expiration of the thirty (30) days , the City Treasurer shall return to the City Clerk the assessment roll showing all payments made thereon, with the date of each payment and thereupon the City Clerk shall prepare a permanent local assessment roll in book form, showing in suitable columns each piece of real estate or property upon which the assessment is unpaid, the whole amount of the assessment unpaid, the date to which the same is computed, the amount of each installment of principal and interest , together with two per cent (2%) additional thereon as collection charges -5- of the County Treasurer, and the date when the same will become due , with suitable columns for use in case of the payment of any installments or penalties Said roll shall be certified by the City Clerk under the seal of the City and by him delivered to the County Treasurer of Iarimer County with his warrant for the collec- tion of the same Section 10 All collections made by the County Treasurer on said assessment roll in any calendar month shall be accounted for and paid over to the City Treasurer on the first day of each and every month, with separate statements for all such collections for each month, in the same manner as general taxes are paid by the County Treasurer to the City Section 11 The owner of any divided or undivided interest may pay his share of any assessment upon producing evidence of the extent of his interest , satisfactory to the officers having the roll in charge Section 12 In the opinion of the City Council an emergency exists for the preservation of the public health peace and safety, and this Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage under and by virtue of the authority contained in Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter Introduced read at length and adopted by the unanimous vote of all the members of the City Council this 22nd day of October, A D 1937 Comm over o Safety and -Officio Mayor Attest City C erk STATE OF COLORADO, ) ss County of Iarimer ) I, MILES F HOUSE City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins , do hereby certify and declare that the foregoing ordinance , consisting of twelve ( 12) sections, was duly proposed and read at length at a regular meeting of the City Council, held on the 22nd day of October, A D 1937 , and was duly adopted and ordered published in the Fort Collins Express-Courier a daily newspaper and the official newspaper of the City of Fort Collins by the unanimous vote of all members of the City Council, as an emergency ordinance in accordance with the provisions of Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter of the City of Fort Collins and thereafter and on to-wit the 26th day of October, A D 19379 said Ordinance No 18 was duly published in the Fort Collins Express-Courier , a daily newspaper published in the City of Fort Collins Colorado IN WITNESS V&MREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said City this 26thday of October , A D 1937 City Clerk