Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to
in violation of
do any act/ or to fail to perform any act required in this
Ordinance,or any Resolution duly adopted by the City Council
of the City of Fort Collins , or any law of the State of
Colorado not inconsistent with this Ordinance and not covered
by any ordinance or resolution of the City of Fort Collins.
Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any person
to drive or move, or for the owner to cause or knowingly permit
to be driven or moved, any vehicle which is in such unsafe
condition as to endanger any person or property, or which does
not contain those parts or is not at all times equipped with
such lamps , brakes and other equipment in proper condition and
adjustment as required by the laws of the State of Colorado,
and which lamps and other equipment are not used at the times
and places as required by the laws of the State of Colorado.
Section 3. Upon all streets and alleys within the
corporate limits of the City, vehicles shall be driven upon the
right half thereof, except when overtaking and passing another
vehicle proceeding in the sans direction as herein provided;
drivers of vehicles proceeding in opposite directions shall
pass each other to the right and shall give to each other at
least one-half of the main travelled portion of the street or
alley as nearly as possible ; in overtaking and passing vehicles
proceeding in the same direction, the driver of a vehicle over-
taking another vehicle proceeding in the same direction
first giving an audible Lvarning
shall pass to the left thereof/at a safe distance and shall
not again drive to the right side of the street or alley until
safely clear of the overtaken vehicle and the driver of the
overtaken vehicle shall give way to the right in favor of the
overtaking vehicle on audible signal and shall not increase
the speed of his vehicle until completely passed by the over-
taking vehicle , no vehicle shall be driven on the left side
of the center of the street in overtaking and passing another
vehicle proceeding in the same direction, until such left side
is clearly visible and is free of oncoming traffic for a suf-
ficient distance ahead to permit such overtaking and passing to
be completely made iritnout interfering with the safe operation
of any vehicle approaching from the opposite direction or any
vehicle overtaken and in every event the overtaking vehicle must
return to the right hand side of the street before coming within
100 feet of any vehicle approaching from the opposite direction
Section 4 In turning corners all vehicles shall
keep to the right of the center of the street and the driver
shall extend his arm to indicate the direction going, in full
conformity with the laws of the State of Colorado, and where
streets are laned left hand turns shall only be made from street ,
and right hand turns from lanes most distant from toe center of the /
the lane which is nearest the center of the street /no vehicle
shall turn across any street except at street intersections
Section 5 No motor vehicle shall pass a
street cal when the same has stopped to permit the alighting
or taking on of passengers, but shall come to a stop and so
remain until the passengers rave alighted and passed to the
curb or have boarded the car except vheie safety zones are
provided for passengers , all passengers shall proceed to the
car or curb without stopping., and when street cars or passengers
are standing near or approaching a safety zone no vehicle shall
be driven over or through said safety zone
Section 6 The driver of a vehicle approaching
an intersection shall yield the right of vray to a vehicle
which has entered the intersection from a different highway
and trohen two vehicles enter an intersection from different
highways at the same time the driver of the vehicle on the
left shall yield the right of way to the vehicle on the right
The driver of a vehicle within an intersection intending to
turn to the left, shall yield the right of wav to any vehicle
approaching from the opposite direction which is within the
intersection or so close thereto as to constitute an immediate
hazard The driver of a vehicle about to enter or cross a
street from a private road or driveway, shall yield the right
of way to all vehicles approaching on said street
Section 7 No vehicle shall be driven at a
greater rate of speed upon the streets within the corporate
limits of the City than twerty-five miles Der hour within the
fire limits of said City and thirty miles Der hour upon all
streets outside the fire limits of said City, and not to exceed
fifteen miles per hour in any of the public parks or Grandview
Cemetery of the City No vehicle shall be driven in an3 alley
in excess of twelve miles per hour Provided further that no
person shall drive a vehicle on a street or alley at a speed
greater than is reasonable and prudent under the conditions then
existing and any kind of reckless driving at whatever rate of
speed is Drohibited, and Drovided further that all gasoline or oil
transport trucks of over 600 gallon capacity operated or
driven on the streets or alleys of the City shall limit the
speed of such trucks to not more than ten miles per pour, and
shall not park within the fire district of the City
Section 8 In passing from an alley or private
driveway or a public driveway to a street , the operator of the
vehicle shall bring the same to a full stop at the crossing or
sidewalk and shall give an audible sound before entering upon said
crossing or sidewalk and shall thereupon turn to the right
Section 9 Cit faze trucks or machines or vehicles
used foz fire purposes in response to a fire alarm or call or
other emergency and any motor vehicle while carrying a police
officer or officers on duty shall be exeript from all the provisions
of this Ordinance , and all ordinances relating to traffic upon the
streets and alleys and City fire truths or machines oz vehicles
used for fire purposes shall have the right of way over all
traffic upon the streets and alleys when answering any fire alarm
or call and all kinds of vehicles shall immediately proceed to
the curb on the right hand side of the street to avoid collision
faith the fire trucks or machines or vehicles used foi such purpose
and all traffic on street cars and railway trains shall cease
operation until the passing of the fire apparatus and all railway
trains where occupying street crossings shall immediately break
trains to permit passage of fire trucks No vehicle shall be
equipped nor shall any person use upon a vehicle any siren or
bell, except upon an authorized emergency vehicle
Section 10 All vehicles shall stop near the curb
except in case of emergency for the purpose of allowing another
vehicle or pedestrian to cross , and no vehicle shall be permitted
to stop on any street except to the right and near the curb and
when the person in cnarge of any vehicle may desire to leave the
same upon the street said vehicle shall be parked in the College
Avenue districts upon the East side of the railway track at an
angle of forty-five degrees to said track with the neatest point
of the vehicle distant therefrom five feet nine inches, and no
parking shall be allowed in the center of the street in Mountain
Avenue paving district from the East side of College Avenue to
the East side of Linden Street When tie owner or person in charge
of any vehicle shall desire to leave the same upon the street,
said vehicle shall be narked as near as may be at an angle
of forty-five degrees to the curb and against xxxxxxxxX4WXx=Yx
the curb No car -narked at the curb shall back out more than
six feet without stopping Cars parked in the center parking
shall not back out Parking in the paving districts is pro-
hibited between the hours of one o' clock A M and six o'clock
A M All vehicles shall be parked between the established
parking lanes then such are marked and not otherwise Bicycles
shall not be left on the sidewalk against any building or lying
upon the curb Wo Berson shall stop, stand or park a vehicle
except Nhen necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or
in compliance n th the directions of a police officer or traffic
control device in any of the following places On the sidewalk ,
in front of a public or private driveway vithin an intersection
Nithinf ise feet of a file hydrant , on a cross valk between a
safety zone and the adjacent curb within twenty feet of the
driveway entrance to any fire station ana on the side of the
street opposite the entrance to any fire station within seventy-
five feet of said entrance Nihen properly narked alongside or
opposite any street excavation or obstruction w'ien such standing
stoppinb or parking could obstruct traffic , on the roadway side
of any vehicle stooped or parsed at the edge or curb of a street,
on any place vhere official signs prohibit stopping on any
street railway track, in front of any entrance or building
where aesignated and marked by appropriate signs
;mA Section 11 The Commissioner of Viorks shall
� /oD
designate the place and the width of space required to be
designated where parking is prohibited under this ordinance or
any resolution of the City Council, and it shall be unlawful for
any person firm, co-partnershi-o or corporation, other than the
Commissioner of 7orks to mark paint, designate or by sign or
signs to prohibit parking
Section 12 No truck and no car with trailer
attached thereto shall be parked in the center of any street
or against the curb in the 100 block on North and South College
Avenue and the 100 block on East and West Mountain Avenue
Section 13 The Commissioner of Works may provide
places for the parking of bicycles on the curb and shall designate
the place and width of space required and the parking of all
vehicles except bicycles shall be prohibited thereat
Section 14 All persons and corporations are hereby
prohibited from transporting beet pulp over across or upon any
paved or oiled street within the City or allowing any beet wagon
or truck to stand upon said paved or oiled street when containing
beet pulp
Section 15 It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle
in any alley of the City except during the necessary and ex-
peditious loading and unloading of rerchandise and in no case
shall an3 vehicle be parked in an alley so as to interfere with
the free movement of traffic through the alley
Section 16 It shall be unlawful for any person to
park any vehicle on the left hand or wrong side of any street
Section 17 The City Council may by resolution
prohibit the parking of vehicles in any part or parts of the
City and may limit the time for parking in such places as may
be designated by resolution of the City Council and marked by
appropriate signs by the Commissioner of Works
x Section 18 It shall be unlawful for any person
to park upon a street any vehicle displayed for sale No
owner or occupant of any place of business shall suffer or
permit any vehicle whether left for safe-keeping , repairing
or otherwise , to so remain on the sidewalk adjoining or in
front of any such place No person shall operate or park any
vehicle on any street for the primary purpose of displaying
Section 19 The drivers of all vehicles when
travelling along any street adjacent to which is located a
school building used for school purposes , except police and
fire department vehicles while being operated in an emergency
in the -oerformance of public duty shall at all timeshave such
vehicle under control so as not to endanger uedestrians travell-
ing through or across such streets in the vicinity of such scnool
and upon signal of any person authorized by the Conoissioner of
Safety or bj the Cnief of Police shall come to a complete stop
and when continuing shall do so with due regard to the safety
of all pedestrians upon said street or portion tiereof The
signal to stop may be given either by a person holding a stop
signal or having his arms extended or by the placing of a
traffic stop sign or signal in saia street or immediately
adjacent thereto
Section 20 No person shall drive a vehicle
when it is so loaded as to obstruct the view of the driver
to the front or sides of the vehicle, or as to interfere
with the driver's control or the driving mechanism of the
vehicle , not more than three adult persons shall ride in the
front seat of any motor venicle in the City No vehicle shall
be operated upon any street or alley in the City unless the
driver's vision through any requited glass equipment is clear
and unobstructed
Section 21 do vehicle shall be driven over
any unprotected nose or apparatus of the fire or municipal
department , when laid down at any street , private driveway
or street car track, %ithout the consent of the department
official in charge
Section 22 It shall be unlawful for the
operator of any vehicle other than one on official business ,
to follow closer than 500 feet any fire apparatus travelling
in response to a fire alarm, or to drive into or stop any
vehicle within 500 feet from where fire apparatus nas stoppea
in ansvrer to a fire alarru
Section 23 No person shall drive any vehicle
within the corporate limits of the City while unaer the
influence of intoxicating liquor or narcotic drugs
Section 24 Any person who drives Gny vehicle
in such a manner as to indicate either a wilful or a wanton
disregard for the safety of persons or property shall be
guilty of reckless driving
Section 25 All street cars operated upon the
Fort Collins lIunicipal Raill�ay shall have the right of waj
over all the streets while in operation it shall be unlawful
for anyone to interfere in any manner with the operation of
any street railway car, or to park a vehicle upon any street
railway track or to interfere in any way with the street
railway system, or to strike collide with or drive into any
trolley pole used in the street railway system
Section 26 The operator of a vehicle shall not
drive within or ution any sidewalk area except at a permanent
or temporary driveiray, and shall not drive in or over any center
parking area
Section 27 It shall be unlawful for am person
walk or
to/stand in any street or parking of the City for the purpose
of soliciting a ride from the operator of any private vehicle
Section 28 It shall be unlawful foz any person
travelling upon any bicycle motorcycle coaster , sled, roller
skates or any toy vehicle to cling to or attach himself or nis
vehicle to any other moving vehicle or street car upon any
street Not more than one person shall ride upon a single bicycle
Section 29 It shall be unlawful for any person
to deface, injure move obstruct or interfere with any official
traffic sign or signal
Section 30 At intersections where traffic is con-
trolled by traffic control signals or by police officers ,
operators of vehicles shall yi t e right gfape est iawQ
Ql�utQ Al
crossing the street on a green or go signal, where traffic con-�
trol signals are not in place or in operation, of traffic is not
cohtrolled by- police officers the driver of a vehicle shall
yield the right of way slow down or stopping if need be to so
yield the right of way to a pedestrian crossing the street within
any marked cross walk or within any unmarked cross walk at an
intersection, whenever any vehicle is stopped at a marked cross
walk or at any unmarked cross walk at an intersection to permit
a pedestrian to cross the street the driver of any other vehicle
approaching from the rear shall not overtake and pass such stopped
vehicle Every pedestrian crossing a street at any point other
than within a marrea cross walk or within an unmarked cross walk
at an intersection shall yield the right of way to all vehicles
upon the street
Section 31 the City Council may, by resolution,
aesignate places and width of srace where passenger busses may
stop for the purpose of loading or unloading passengers and
when places and width of spaces are so designated rassenger
busses shall not stop or park at any other place or places ,
except those designated
Section 32 No tire on a vehicle moved on a
paved or oiled street in the City, shall have on its periphery
any block stud flange , cleet lug solid rubber steel or
any protuberance of any material other than rubber , which
projects beyond the tread on the traction surface of the
tire , except tire chains of reasonable proportions may be
used when required for safety because of snow ice or other
conditions tending to cause a vehicle to skid Shary shod
horses shall not be permitted on any oiled or paved street
Section 33 It shall be unlawful to use operate
or drive any vehicle emitting excessive smoke or fumes or that
is in such a state of repair as to be unnecessarily noisy in its
operation nor shall any vehicle be used or operated with any
unnecessary noise or with any noise whatsoever likely to dis-
turb the public The Cit3 Council may by resolution prohibit
the use or operation of trucks and busses in parks and upon and
over such streets as it may designate and may designate and
limit the routes for trucks and interstate ana antra-state
busses in entering and leaving the City
Section 34 It shall be unlawful for any person
to refuse or fail to comply with any lawful order, signal or
direction of a police officer it shall be unlawful for any
operator of a vehicle to disobey the instructions of any official
traffic sign or signal placed in accordance with any ordinance
or resolution of the City of Fort Collins unless otherwise
directed by a police officer
Section 35 If any vehicle is found upon a street,
sideiaalk or alley of the CitS in violation of any of the pro-
visions ci this Ordinance or a resolution of the City Council
regulating the stopping standing or parking of vehicles and
the identity of the operator cannot be reaaily determined,
the owner or person in whose name such vehicle is registered
shall be held prima facie responsible for such violation
Section 36 The operator of any vehicle involved
to any degree in an accident resulting in injuries or death
dana e to
to any Derson of property shall within a re -tsopable time and
not to exceed twenty-foul hours thereafter , make a report in
writing of such accident to the Police Department
Sectiop 37 A violation of any State law covering
the operation of motor vehicles of the State of Colorado
not specifically covered by an ordinance or resolution of the
City of Fort Collins shall be deemed a violation of this
ordinance and the offender tnereof may be complained against
in Municipal Court br designating this section of this
ordinance apd the particular law violated
Section 38 Any person who shall violate anj pro-
vision of this ordinance or any resolution of the City
Council adopted pursuant hereto , shall be guiltj of a violation
of this ordinance and upon conviction tnereof shall be punished
by a fine of not to exceed Three hundred ($300 00) Dollars or
by imprisonment for not more than ninety (90) days or by both
such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the Municipal
Section 39 If any section, sub-section, sentence
clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held or
decided to be unconstitutional such decision shall not effect
the validity of the iemaining portion of this ordinance The
City Council hereb3 declares that it diould have passed this
ordinance and each section sub-section sentence clause and
phrase thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more
sections sub-sections sertences clauses or phrases might
be declared unconstitutional
Section 40 Ordinance No 19 1917 Ordinance
No 7 1918, Orainance No 33, 1920 , Ordinance No 14 19211
Ordinance No 18 1921 Ordinance No 8, 1923 Ordinance No
3, 1934 and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in
conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed, save and
except that all causes of actions accrued in favor of the
City of Fort Collins by reason of any violation of said
ordinances prior to the taking effect of this repeal, shall
be prosecuted as thougn no repeal had been made
Section 41 In the on.Lniop of the City Council
an emergency exists for the preservation of the public health
peace and safety and this ordinance shall take effect upon
its passage under and by virtue of the slutnority contained
in Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter
Introduced reaa at length and adopted by the
unanimous vote of all members of the City Council at a regular
meeting held this 4th day of December , 4 D 1936
City Clerk
County of Larimer )
I J D hIcIN= City Clerk of the
City of Fort Collins do hereby certify and declare that the
foregoing Ordinance consisting of forty-one (41) sections
was duly proposed and read at length at a regular meeting of
the City Council held on the 4th day of December A D 1936 ,
and was duly adopted and ordered published in the Fort Collins
Express-Courier a daily newspaper and the official newspaper
of the City of Fort Collins by the unanimous vote of all members
of the City Council as an emergency ordinance , in accordance with
the provisions of Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City
Charter and thereafter and on to-wit the 8th day of
December A D 193 6 said Ordinance No 17 was
duly published in The Fort Collins Express-Courier a daily
newspaper published in the City of Fort Collins Colorado
IN WITNESS WHBRE01 , I have hereunto
set my hand and affixed the seal of said City this 8th day
of December A D 1936
City Cle k