HomeMy WebLinkAbout020 - 12/26/1936 - RELATING TO THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1937 AND ENDING DECEM J L ORDINUTCE NO 20 1Q36 , BEIYG ^Tr]E UIUAL APPPOPRI.P 1TIOiT ORDII%1 LINCE tt AN IaZERGENCI ORDINA0TCE RLLATING TO TNE ANnTrJU ILPPROPRI.�TIONS FOT� THE FISCAL YV-R BEGINNITTG JANULRY lst , 1937 'Ll D ENDII'G DECE13E.R 31st 19372 AND FIXING TF MILL LEVIES FOR SAID FISCAL YE.A_R BE IT ORWJNTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS Section 1 Thut there be and is hereby appropriated out of the revenues of the City of Fort Collins for the fiscal year beginning January 1 1937 , and ending December 31 1937 the sum of Three Hundred Tnirty-nine Thousand One Hundred Forty- two and 21/100 ($339 )142 21) Dollars , to be raised by taxation and otherwise which said sum is hereby divided and appropriated fol the following purposes, to-wit DISBURSEILENTS BY APPPOPRIATIONTS Building Emergency - Interest ---------------------- $ 240 00 Building Inspection -------------------------------- 1 622 00 City -all Addition - Interest----------------------- 60 00 City Park Tool House - Interest--------------------- 54 00 City Scale Emergency - Interest -------------------- 60 00 C C C Camp Fund --------------------------------- 395 54 -t lectlon Liquor Code 1935 Fund --------------------- 530 04 Engineering General Government --------------------- 2 129 54 Fire De-oartment ------------------------------------ 20 306 00 Fire Department Building Emergency - Interest ------ 208 00 General Government---------------------------------- 14,000 00 Grand View Cemetery -------------------------------- 7 366 91 Group Irsurance ------------------------------------ 200 00 Library -------------------------------------------- 8 180 00 Library Repairs-Interest --------------------------- 119 74 Lights --------------------------------------------- 15,000 00 Iviunicipal Airroort ---------------------------------- 408 00 Municipal Camp Grounds ----------------------------- 759 45 Municipal Railway Emergency - Interest ------------- 644 00 TT 75 Ft Lot 1 & 13 Block 4, Washington P1 -Interest 102 00 Parks - City---------------------------------------- 6 ,645 91 Parks - Lincoln ------------------------------------ 709 73 Parks - Mountain ----------------------------------- 50 00 Parks - Jashington --------------------------------- 529 45 Parks - ,South College Ave -------------------------- 614 02 Parks - West Nourtain Ave -------------------------- 1 131 91 Police --------------------------------------------- 151320 00 Police ana Iaunicipal Court Repairs - Interest ------ 40 00 Public Grounds and Buildings ----------------------- 4 223 09 Public Health--------------------------------------- 2,150 00 Publicity ------------------------------------------ 100 00 Special Town Ditch Removal Fund - Interest --------- 30 00 Streets -------------------------------------------- 22$ 78 19 -1- 4 Street Oiling Equipment fund - Interest ------ 140 00 17 P A Special ----------------------------- 1,000 00 Tiling for Park Land - Interest -------------- 92 00 41270739 52 Preliminary Local Impicvements -------------------------- 10 ,000 00 Conduit Bonds Sinking Fund ------------------------------ 52440 00 Refunding Bonds of 1929 Sinking Fund -------------------- 42950 00 Local Improvement Districts (City Share)----------------- 11 463 28 I,funicipal Railway - Operatinb and Maintenance ----------- 11,475 16 Water Works ------------------------------- � 21,508 00 Mater Works Sewer Flushing Maintenance ---- 2,500 00 VVater Bond Redemption --------------------- 33 000 00 Water Bond Interest ----------------------- 491635 00 106 643 00 Lunicipal Light and Power Bonds and Interest ------------ 612431 25 Grand Total ----------------4 339 ,142 21 Section 2 That for the purpose of providing necessary funds for meeting the appropriations set forth in Section 1 of this Ordinance , the following levies be and are hereby made upon each dollar of the assessed valuation of all taxaole property nrithin the corporate limits of the City of Fort Collins , the same being the amount necessary together with estimated miscellaneous receipts, to provide for the payment of the foregoing appropriations and to meet the payment during the fisccl yea-L enairg December 31 19379 of all properly authorized demands upon the City Treasurer to-wit Local Improvement Districts -------------- 1 56 mills Conauit Bonds Sinking Fund --------------- 74 mills Refunding Bonds of 1929 Sinking Fund ----- 67 mills General Expense --------------------------12 03 mills being a total of 15 Dills, which levies shall be certified to the County Assessor, and to the Board of County Commissioners of Larimer County Colorado, by the Commissioner of Safety and Ex- Officio Arayor ana the City Clerk, as provided by law -2- Section 3 In the opinion of tie City Council an emergency exists for the preservation of the public health peace ana safety, and tnis ordinance shall take effect upon its passage under and by virtue of the authority contained in Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter Introduced read at length and adopted by the unanimous vote of all members of the City Council at a regular adjourned meeting, held this 26th aay of December A D 1936 Mayor Attest City Clerk STATE OF COLORADO , ) ss County of Larimer ) I J D McINTYRE City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins do hereby certify ana declare that the foregoing Ordinance consisting of three (3) sections, was duly proposed and read at length at a regular adjourned meeting of the City Council held on the 26th day of December, A D 1936 and was duly adopted and ordered published in the Fort Collins Express-Courier a daily newspaper and the official newspaper of the City of Fort Collins , by the unanimous vote of all members of the Council, as an emergency ordinance in accordance with the provisions of Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City Cnazter , and thereafter and on to-wit the 29th day of December , 193 6 , was duly published in the Fort Collins Express-Courier, a aaily newspaper uublished in the City of Fort Collins Coloiaao Itv �TITNESS VMREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said City, this 29th day of December, A D 1936 City C erk