HomeMy WebLinkAbout037 - 10/17/1963 - REGULATION OF TRAFFIC UPON THE PUBLIC STREETS, ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THE MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE (19 ORDINANCE NO *7' 1963, BEING AN ORDINANCE FOR THE REGULATION OF TRAFFIC UPON THE PUBLIC STREETS OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COLORADO, ADOPTING BY REFERENCE "THE MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE FOR COLORADO MUNICIPALITIES" (1962) AS AMENDED HEREIN AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE SAME AND REPEALING CHAPTER 23 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COLORADO, 1958, AS AMENDED BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS Section LA There is hereby adopted as the traffic ordinance for the City of Fort Collins Colorado 'The Model Traffic Ordinance for Colorado Municipalities (1962)" with the exception of the following sections or parts thereof of said Model Ordinance which are not so adopted and which are expressly Section 172 deleted, namely Section 37(b) Section 52 /Section 173 Section 174 and Appendix A Section 2A "The Model Traffic Ordinance for Colorado Municipalities (1962)" is published by the Colorado Highway Safety Council State Capitol Building, Denver Colorado for the purpose of providing uniform traffic laws for municipalities throughout the State of Colorado The model ordinance includes comprehensive provisions covering 1 Rules of the Road including rules for drivers pedestrians and operators of bicycles and 2 Enforcement and Violations including enforcement of traffic regulations and arrest, and 3 Administration, including the establishment of a traffic violations bureau, and traffic administration It was published in November of 1962 Section 3A At least three certified copies of the model ordinance are on file at the office of the City Clerk and may be inspected during regular business hours In addition copies are available for distribution and sale to the public at a price not to exceed $1 25 a copy Section 4A The following sections articles and schedules or parts thereof of "The Model Traffic Ordinance for Colorado Municipalities (1962) ' are hereby amended to read as follows (The words "no change ' indicate that there has been no change from the wording of the applicable parts of the Model Traffic Ordinance) "Section 1 --Vehicles approaching or entering intersections (a) At street intersections the driver of the vehicle on the left shall yield the right-of-way to the vehicle on the right (b) The foregoing rules are modified at through streets and highways and as otherwise hereinafter stated in this article " "Section 3 --Vehicles Entering Through Street. Stop or Yield Intersection (a) The driver of a vehicle shall stop or yield as required by this ordinance at the entrance to a through street as established by the traffic engineer and described and set forth in Schedule III attached to and made a part of this ordinance and shall yield the right-of-way to other vehicles which have entered the intersection from said through street or which are approaching so closely on said through street as to constitute an immediate hazard (b) The driver of a vehicle shall likewise stop in obedience to a stop sign or yield the right-of-way in compliance with a yield sign as required herein at an intersection where a stop sign or yield sign is erected at one or more entrances thereto although not part of a through street and shall proceed cautiously yielding to vehicles not so obligated to stop or yield and which are within the intersection or approaching so closely as to constitute an immediate hazard " (c) No change "(d) Where stop signs have been erected on all corners at an inter- section the first vehicle arriving at the intersection shall after having stopped have the right-of-way and when two vehicles have arrived at such an intersection from different streets at approximately the same time the driver of the vehicle on the right having first stopped shall have the right-of-way " "Section 6 --Stop Before Entering or Emerging From Alley, Private Driveway, or Building (a) The driver of a vehicle entering or emerging from an alley driveway or building shall stop such vehicle immediately prior to driving onto a sidewalk or into a sidewalk area extending across any alley, or private driveway yielding the right-of-way to all traffic vehicle or pedestrian approaching in said alley, driveway or sidewalk or upon said street (b) The driver of a vehicle entering or emerging from an alley driveway, or building in a business district shall except when entering or emerging from a one-way street only turn such vehicle to the right " -2- "Section 9 --Local Speed Laws Applicable (a) No vehicle shall be driven at a greater rate of speed upon the streets within the corporate limits of the City than 25 miles per hour within the district designated 'Business District' of said City and 30 miles per hour upon all streets within the district designated 'Residential District' provided however, that no vehicle shall be driven at a greater rate of speed in any of the public parks or in Grand View Cemetery than 15 miles per hour and provided further that no vehicle shall be driven at a greater rate of speed in any alley in the City than 15 miles per hour and provided further that no vehicle shall be driven at a greater rate of speed than 15 miles per hour when passing hospital buildings or greater than 20 miles per hour when passing school buildings or school grounds between the hours of 7 30 in the morning and 4 30 in the afternoon when the school is in session nor shall the driver of any vehicle overtake and pass another vehicle in motion at such time and provided further that regardless of the above no person shall drive a vehicle upon a street or alley at a speed greater than is reasonable or prudent under the conditions then existing and provided further that no person shall operate or drive a gasoline or oil transport truck of over 1500 gallon capacity on the streets of the City at a greater rate of speed than 20 miles per hour No vehicle shall be driven at a greater rate of speed than 20 miles per hour on the streets on a university campus on streets where this speed limit is clearly indicated by signs " (b) No change (c) No change "Section 10 --Special hazards The fact that the speed of a vehicle is lower than the limits as set forth in Section 9 shall not relieve the driver from the duty to decrease speed when approaching and crossing an intersection when approaching and going around a curve when approaching a hill crest when traveling upon any narrow or winding roadway, or when special hazards exist or may exist with respect to pedestrians or other traffic or by reason of weather or other roadway conditions -3- and speed shall be decreased as may be necessary to avoid colliding with any person, vehicle or other conveyance on or entering the street in compliance with legal requirements and the duty of all persons to use due care " "Section 12 --Emergency Vehicles Not Subject to Speed Limits The speed limitations set forth in Section 9 shall not apply to provided that authorized emergency vehicles when responding to emergency calls/IM the drivers thereof make use of visual and audible signals This provision shall not relieve the driver of an authorized emergency vehicle from the duty to drive with due regard to the safety of all persons using the street, nor shall it protect any driver of any such vehicle from the consequence of a reckless disregard for the safety of others ' "Section 14 --Careless Driving Any person who drives any vehicle within this municipality without due regard for the safety of persons or property having regard for the width grade curves corners traffic and use of the streets of the City and all other attendant circumstances, is guilty of careless driving " "Section 15 --When Signal Required " (a) No change '(b) A signal of intention to turn right or left shall be given continuously during not less than the last 100 feet traveled by the vehicle before turning Such signals shall be given regardless of existing weather conditions ' (c) No change "Section 18 --Limitations on U-Turns No driver of any vehicle shall turn such vehicle so as to proceed in the opposite direction upon any street at which 'No U-Turn' signs have been erected as provided in Section 144 and shall not make said U-turn upon any other street except at an intersection, and then only from the right-hand side of the street when such movement can be made in safety and without interfering with other traffic No vehicle shall make said U-turn upon College Avenue from said College Avenue intersection with LaPorte Avenue south to its intersection with Laurel Street " -4- 'Section 34 --Parkins at Curb " (a) No change (b) No change "(c) Vehicles may be parked in the center of the 100 and 200 blocks of South College Avenue, 100 and 200 blocks of North College Avenue 100 and 200 blocks of West Mountain Avenue and from the east side of Linden Street to Peterson Street on East Mountain Avenue at an angle of 45 degrees within the lanes marked therefor Vehicles parking in the center of said streets shall not back into said parking area and vehicles parked in the center of said streets shall not back out in departing from said center parking and shall move in a forward direction and shall yield the right of way to all vehicles approaching from the right Vehicles parking on the above designated blocks on College Avenue and Mountain Avenue shall enter said parking areas only in the directions designated by the traffic engineer " "Section 38 --Stopping, Standing, or Parkins Prohibited in Specified Places (a) No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a police officer or traffic-control device in any of the following places 1 On a sidewalk 2 In front of a public or private driveway 3 Within an intersection 4 Within 5 feet of fire hydrant 5 On a crosswalk 6 Within 20 feet of a crosswalk at an intersection 7 Within 30 feet of any flashing beacon, stop sign, or traffic- control signal located at the side of a roadway, 8 Between a safety zone and the adjacent curb or within 30 feet of points on the curb immediately opposite the ends of a safety zone unless the traffic engineer indicates a different length by signs or markings 9 Within 20 feet of the driveway entrance to any fire station and on the side of a roadway opposite the entrance to any fire station, within 75 feet of said entrance when properly signposted CI:,,t, -5- 10 Alongside or opposite any street or roadway excavation or obstruction when such stopping standing or parking would obstruct traffic 11 On the roadway side of any vehicle stopped or parked at the edge or curb of a street 12 Upon any bridge or other elevated structure upon a street or within a street tunnel 13 In front of a theatre entrance 14 In front of the entrance or exit of a hotel of 15 or more guest rooms except for the expeditious loading or unloading of guests 15 At any place where official signs or markings prohibit stopping or parking " (b) No change "Section 39 --Unattended motor vehicle No person driving or in charge of any motor vehicle except a licensed delivery truck or other delivery vehicle shall permit it to stand unattended without first stopping the engine, locking the ignition, and removing the key No vehicle shall be permitted to stand unattended upon any perceptible grade without stopping the engine and effectively setting the brake thereon, and turning the front wheels to the curb or side of the street " "Section 44 --Parkina for certain purposes prohibited No person shall park a vehicle upon any street for the principal purpose of (a) Displaying such vehicle for sale (b) Washing, greasing, or repairing such vehicle, except repairs necessitated by an emergency (c) Displaying advertising (d) Selling merchandise from such vehicle except in a duly established market place or when so authorised or licensed under the ordinances of this municipality (e) Storage, or as junkage or dead storage for more than 72 hours (f) Occupancy thereof, or parked upon any lot or premise within the city limits for the purpose of occupancy thereof, unless the same shall meet with all sanitary and building code requirements regulating the construction and occupancy of habitable buildings " -6- Section 53 --Stopping, Standing, or Parking of Buses and Taxicabs Reeulated The operator of a bus or taxicab shall not stop stand or park upon any street in any business district at any place other than at a bus stop or taxicab stand respectively, except that this provision shall not prevent the operator of any such vehicle from temporarily stopping in accordance with other stopping, standing or parking regulations at any place for the purpose of and while actually engaged in the expeditious loading or unloading of passengers " "Section 60 --Metered Parking Zones," (a) No change '(b) Every vehicle shall be parked wholly within the metered parking space for which the meter shows parking privilege has been granted and with the front end of such vehicle immediately opposite the parking meter for such space No more than one vehicle shall be parked in any parking space ' (c) No change Section 76 --Parking Bicycles shall be parked in such a manner as to afford the least obstruction to pedestrian or motor vehicle traffic " "Section 78 --License Required No person who resides within this municipality shall ride or propel a bicycle on any street, or upon any public path set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles unless such bicycle has been licensed and a license plate attached thereto as provided herein This section and sections 79 through 83 inclusive shall become effective September 1 1964 " "Section 79 --Iacense Application Application for every bicycle license shall be made upon a form provided by this municipality and shall be made to an issuing department designated by the City Manager A license fee of One and 50/100 Dollars ($1 50) shall be paid to the municipality before each license is granted No renewal of license shall be necessary unless said license shall have been revoked or suspended for violation of this ordinance " -7- 'Section 80 --Issuance of License (a) The issuing department upon receiving proper application and payment of license fee therefor is authorized to issue a bicycle license which shall be effective upon issuance (b) The issuing department shall keep a record of the number of each license the date issued the name and address of the person to whom issued, and the number of the frame of the bicycle for which issued and a record of all bicycle license fees collected by him License fees so collected shall be remitted monthly to the clerk or treasurer who shall give a receipt therefor " "Section 81 --Attachment of License (a) The issuing department upon issuing a bicycle license shall also issue a license bearing the license number assigned to the bicycle and the name of this municipality (b) The issuing department shall require such license to be firmly attached to the frame of the bicycle for which issued in such position as to be plainly visible (c) No person shall remove a license from a bicycle except upon a transfer of ownership or in the event the bicycle is dismantled and no longer operated upon any street in this municipality " "Section 82 --Transfer of Ownership Upon the sale or other transfer of a licensed bicycle the licensee shall remove the license and shall either surrender the same to the issuing department or may upon proper application have said license assigned to another bicycle owned by the applicant " "Section 83 --Rental Agencies A rental agency shall not rent or offer any bicycle for rent unless the bicycle is licensed and a license is attached thereto as provided herein and unless such bicycle is equipped with the lamps brakes and other equipment required in this article " "Section 85 --Obedience to Official Traffic-Control Devices (a) No driver of a vehicle shall disobey the instructions of any traffic- control device placed in accordance with the provisions of the ordinance of this municipality unless at the time otherwise directed by a police officer subject to the exceptions granted the driver of an authorized emergency vehicle in this ordinance -7k- (b) The drivers of all vehicles when traveling along any street adjacent to which is located a school building used for school purposes, except police or fire department vehicles while being operated in an emergency in the performance of public duty, shall at all times have such vehicle under control so as not to endanger pedestrians traveling through or across said streets in the vicinity of such school and upon signal of any person authorized by the Chief of Police shall come to a complete stop and when continuing shall do so with due regard to the safety of all pedestrians upon said street or portion thereof The signal to stop may be given either by a person holding a stop signal or having his arms extended, or by the placing of a traffic stop sign or signal in said street or immediately adjacent thereto " "Section 87 --Traffic-Control Signal Legend Whenever traffic is controlled by traffic-control signals exhibiting different colored lights successively or with arrows, the following colors only shall be used and said lights and arrows shall indicate and apply to drivers of vehicles and to pedestrians as follows (a) Green Alone 1 Vehicular traffic facing such signal may proceed straight through or turn right or left unless a sign at such place prohibits either such turn However vehicular traffic including vehicles turning right or left, shall yield the right-of-way to other vehicles and to pedestrians lawfully within the intersection or an adjacent crosswalk at any time such signal is exhibited 2 Pedestrians facing such signal may proceed across the roadway within any marked or unmarked crosswalk unless directed otherwise by a separate 'DON'T WALK' signal (b) Yellow Alone or Yellow Together With Green 1 Vehicular traffic facing such signal is thereby warned that the red signal will be exhibited immediately thereafter or that the related green movement is being terminated and such vehicular traffic shall not enter or be crossing the intersection when the red signal is exhibited 2 Unless otherwise directed by a pedestrian signal pedestrians facing such signal are thereby advised that there is insufficient time to cross the roadway, but any pedestrian lawfully within the intersection at -8- the time such signal is exhibited shall retain the right-of-way as to vehicles (c) Steady Red Alone 1 Vehicular traffic facing such signal shall stop before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection or at a sign or marking on the pavement indicating where the stop shall be made or in the absence of any such crosswalk sign or marking then before entering the intersection or at the signal and shall remain standing until the circular green indication or modifying green turn arrow is shown 2 No pedestrian facing such signal shall enter the roadway until the circular green alone is exhibited and shall remain on the curb or off the roadway until the signal change occurs or unless permitted to proceed by a separate 'WALK' indication 3 The traffic engineer may, upon approval of the Council by a resolution, allow vehicles having stopped at a red signal to make a right turn if such movement can be done in safety provided appropriate signs are erected indicating the same " (d) No change (e) No change (f) No change (g) No change "Section 89 --Flashing Signals Whenever a red or yellow signal is illuminated by intermittent flashes either appearing alone or in conjunction with a traffic sign or in a traffic- control signal it shall require obedience by vehicular traffic as follows " (a) No change "(b) Flashing Yellow (Caution Signal) When a yellow lens is illuminated with rapid intermittent flashes drivers of vehicles may proceed through the intersection or past such signal only with caution, and in no event at a speed greater than 15 miles per hour " -9- Section 92 --Drivers' View or Control of Vehicle (a) No person shall drive a vehicle when it is loaded so as to obstruct the view of the driver or in such manner as to interfere with the driver's control over the vehicle and in any case no person shall drive a vehicle when there are in the front seat more persons than three " (b) No change (c) No change (d) No change (e) No change (f) No change (g) No change (h) No change "Section 97 --School buses -- Stops -- Signs -- Passing (a) The driver of a vehicle upon any highway road or street inside the city limits of the City of Fort Collins upon meeting or overtaking from either direction any school bus which has stopped for the purpose of receiving or discharging a school child or school children, shall stop his vehicle before reaching such school bus if there is in operation on said school bus visual signal lights as specified in subsection (b) of this section and said driver shall not proceed until such school bus resumes motion or until the driver of such vehicle is signaled by the school bus driver to proceed or until the visual signal lights are no longer being actuated (b) Every school bus used for the transportation of school children shall bear upon the front and rear thereof plainly visible and legible signs containing the words 'SCHOOL BUS' in letters not less than eight inches in height and shall display four visual signal lights which shall be two alter- nating flashing red lights visible to the drivers of vehicles approaching from the rear of such bus said visual signal lights shall be mounted as high as practicable be as widely spaced laterally as practicable, and shall be located on the same level Said lights shall have sufficient intensity to be visible at 500 feet in normal sunlight and such signal shall be actuated by the driver -10- of said school bus whenever such vehicle is being stopped for the purpose of receiving or discharging school children not less than 200 feet prior to the point at which said bus is to be stopped and at no other time " (c) No change (d) No change 'Section 98 --Driving Through Funeral or Other Procession or Passing the Same No operator of a vehicle shall drive between or pass the vehicles persons, or animals comprising a funeral or other authorized procession when such funeral or procession vehicles are properly identified by pennants or other authorized insignia and while such funeral or procession is in motion except when otherwise directed by a police officer This provision shall not apply to authorized emergency vehicles as defined in this ordinance " "Section 110 --Restrictions on Farm Tractors, Trailers, Trucks, and Commercial Vehicles Upon Use of Streets (a) When signs are erected giving notice thereof, no person shall operate or stop stand or park any farm tractor, trailer semitrailer truck or commercial vehicle with a gross weight in excess of the amounts specified in Schedule VIII at any time upon any of the streets or parts of streets described in said Schedule VIII attached to and made a part of this ordinance (b) All persons and corporations are hereby prohibited from transporting beet pulp over across or upon any paved or oiled street within the city or allowing any beet wagon or truck to stand upon said paved or oiled street containing beet pulp " "Section 125 --Traffic Violations Bureau to Keep Records Traffic violations bureau or the municipal court shall keep records and submit summarized monthly reports to the chief municipal judge of all notices and citations issued and arrests made for violations of the traffic laws and ordinances in this municipality, and of all fines collected by the traffic violations bureau, and of the final disposition or present status of every case of violation of the provisions of said ordinances Such record shall -11- be so maintained as to show all types of violations and the totals of each Said records shall be public records ' 'Section 127 --Notice Charming Speed Violation Shall Designate Speed In every charge of violation relating to speed, the complaint and/or the summons or notice to appear shall specify the speed at which the defendant is alleged to have driven also the speed limit applicable within the district or at the location "Section 130 --Failure to Obey Notice or Summons (a) The violation of a written promise to appear given an officer upon arrest or issuance of a traffic citation for any traffic violation shall constitute a violation of this chapter regardless of the disposition of the original charge (b) A written promise to appear in court may be complied with by an appearance by counsel " "Section 142 --Drivers Files to be Maintained (a) The Police Department shall maintain a suitable record of all traffic accidents written warnings arrests convictions and complaints reported for each driver except those concerning standing or parking, which shall be filed alphabetically under the name of the driver concerned " (b) No change "Section 144 --Other Powers of Traffic Engineer ' (a) No change "(b) By way of example but not by way of limitation, the traffic engineer shall have power and authority upon the basis of traffic engineering investigation and studies and upon resolution of the council approving the same to 1 Install and maintain traffic-control devices 2 Designate and place medians islands markers signs or signals within, or adjacent to intersections 3 Establish one-way streets or roadways 4 Establish through streets or roadways -12- 5 Designate those places where Yield signs shall be necessary and to erect the same 6 Establish parking restrictions limitations, regulations or prohibitions 7 Establish construction zones for special parking 8 Designate special parking zones for taxicabs TV Press and Radio cars or other special parking zones 9 Establish Tow-Away-Zones 10 Designate upon what streets angle parking shall be permitted 11 Establish Bus Stops 12 Permit the posting or erecting of signs by contractors or Public Utilities Companies of parking restriction signs 13 Designate parking metered streets and time limitations thereon 14 Designate and place signs at those intersections at which drivers shall not make a right or left turn a 'U" turn, or any turns at all times or during certain times 15 Designate those intersections or other places where multiple turns shall be allowed 16 Designate those intersections where angle crossing shall be permitted by pedestrians 17 Establish safety zones of such kind and character at such places where necessary for the protection of pedestrians 18 Designate and maintain by appropriate devices, marks, or lines upon the surface of the roadway crosswalks at intersections or other places where there is a particular danger to pedestrians crossing the roadway 19 Mark lanes for traffic on street pavements consistent with the traffic ordinances of this municipality 20 Establish Truck Routes 21 Designate those streets upon which farm tractors trailers semitrailers trucks, or other vehicles shall be prohibited from traveling 22 Authorize temporary street or alley closures 23 Establish traffic safety provisions with regard to street enclosures and building projects ' -13- "Section 167 --Application of Ordinance (a) This ordinance applies to every street, alley sidewalk driveway park area and every other way either within or outside the corporate limits of this municipality the use of which the municipality has ,jurisdiction and authority to regulate (b) A violation of any State Law covering the operation of motor vehicles ofthe State of Colorado not specifically covered by an ordinance or resolution of the City of Fort Collins, shall be deemed a violation of this ordinance and the offender thereof may be complained against in Municipal Court by designating this section of this ordinance and the particular law violated " "Section 169 --Repeal Chapter 23 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Fort Collins Colorado 1958 as amended and all other former traffic ordinances of this municipality are hereby repealed and all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with or inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed except that this repeal shall not affect or prevent the prosecution or punishment of any person for any act done or committed in violation of any ordinance hereby repealed prior to the taking effect of this ordinance ' "SCHEDULE II Section 175 --One-Way Streets and alleys In accordance with Section 144 and when properly signposted traffic shall move only in the direction indicated upon the following streets or alleys Name of street or designation of alley Direction of traffic movement That portion of the alley in Block Ill from its intersection with the 100 block on West Mountain to its intersection with the 100 block of West Oak Street South That portion of the alley in Block 21 from the Southeast corner of the park- ing lot South to the 100 block of West Mountain South The Oval Counterclockwise -14- 'N East Drive from University Avenue to the Oval North West Drive from the Oval to University Avenue South Spruce Drive from Laurel Street to Old Main Drive South Rembrandt Drive from Laurel Street to Old Main Drive South Meridian Avenue from South Drive to Pitkin Street South East Meridian Avenue from Pitkin Street to South Drive North Ellis Drive from Pitkin Street to South Drive North West Ellis Drive from South Drive to Pitkin Street South Valley Street from East Village Street to West Village Street West Mesa Street from West Village Street to East Village Street East Forest Street from East Village Street to West Village Street West Woodland Street from Orchard Street to East Village Street East" SCHEDULE III Section 176 --Through Streets In accordance with the provisions of Section 3 and when signs are erected giving notice thereof, drivers of vehicles shall stop at every intersection before entering any of the following streets or parts of streets Name of Street Portions affected Canyon Avenue That portion of Canyon Avenue from its intersection with Howes Street to its intersection with Mulberry Street Cherry Street At the intersection with Whitcomb Street College Avenue Within the City limits Crestmore Place At the intersection with Park Avenue East Lincoln Avenue Within the City limits East Prospect Street Within the City limits except at its intersection with Lemay Avenue Elizabeth Street That portion of Elizabeth Street from its intersection with Remington Street East to the City limits Grandview Drive At its intersection with LaPorte Avenue Howes Street From the intersection of said street with Laurel Street North to the intersection of said street with Mulberry Street and North from its intersection with Mulberry Street to its intersection with Mountain Avenue and from its intersection with LaPorte Avenue North to end of street Jackson Avenue At its intersection with Oak Street Jefferson Street From the intersection of said street with College Avenue southeasterly to the intersection of said street with Mountain Avenue LaPorte Avenue At the intersection with North Howes Street McKinley Street Grandview Drive and Taft Hill Road and Shields Street and Washington Park Drive -15- I Laurel Street At the intersection with Remington Street, Mason Street, Loomis Avenue and Washington Street Linden Street From its intersection with Mountain Avenue north- easterly to its intersection with Jefferson Street Loomis Avenue At its intersection with Laurel Street Magnolia Street At the intersection with Canyon Avenue and Sherwood Street Mason Street At its intersection with Laurel Street Olive Street, and Oak Street McKinley Street At its intersection with LaPorte Avenue Mountain Avenue From the intersection of Mountain Avenue with Riverside Avenue West to its intersection with Shields Street and from its intersection with Shields Street West to the City limits Mulberry Street That portion from the intersection of said street with Riverside Avenue to the intersection of said street with South College Avenue and from the intersection of said street with South College Avenue to the intersection of said street with South Howes Street and from its intersection with South Howes Street West to its intersection with South Shields Street, and from its intersection with South Shields Street West to the City limits Oak Street At its intersection with Jackson Avenue Orchard Place At its intersection with Skyline Drive Park Avenue At its intersection with Crestmore Place Prospect Street At the intersection with Whedbee Street Riverside Avenue From the intersection of said street with Mountain Avenue southeasterly to the City limits Sherwood Street At the intersection with Cherry Street, Magnolia Street and Canyon Avenue Shields Street From the intersection of said street with Mountain Avenue South to the intersection with West Mulberry Street, and from its intersection with West Mulberry Street South to the City limits then North from Mountain Avenue to the City limits at the inter- section of LaPorte Avenue Taft Hill Road Within the City limits Washington Park Drive At its intersection with LaPorte Avenue West Prospect Street Within the City limits except at its intersection with Taft Hill Road Shields Street and the Colorado and Southern Railroad tracks Whedbee Street From the intersection of said street with Mulberry Street North to its intersection with Riverside Avenue and its intersection with Prospect Street Streets onTWeIgr��oS €a�e University camR � to intersection with Cherry Street Mason Street From Laurel Street to Pitkin Street Old Main Drive From College Avenue to Oval Bast Drive From Pitkin Street to the Oval West Drive From the Oval to University Avenue Center Avenue From Isotope Lane to Lake Street University Avenue From College Avenue to Meridian Avenue Meridian Avenue From Laurel Street to Pitkin Street Pitkin Street From College Avenue to West Ellis Drive South Drive From Center Avenue to Shields Street North Drive From Meridian Street to Shields Street " "SCHEDULE IV Section 177 --Parking prohibited at all times at certain places -16- Name of Street Portion Affected Riverside Avenue That portion from the intersection of said street with Mountain Avenue to the intersection of said street with Magnolia Avenue " "SCHEDULE V Section 178 --Parking Prohibited During Certain Hours on Certain Streets In accordance with Section 58 and when signs are erected giving notice thereof, no person shall park a vehicle between the hours specified herein of any day except Sundays and public holidays upon any of the streets or parts of streets within the district as follows Name of street or district Hours parking prohibited Mountain Avenue - 100 and 200 blocks West 1000 200 and 300 blocks East 2 00 A M and 6 00 A M College Avenue - 100 and 200 block North 100 and 200 blocks South 2 00 A M and 6 00 A M Oak Street - 100 block East 100 and 200 blocks West 2 00 A M and 6 00 A M Walnut Street - 200 block 2 00 A M and 6 00 A M Linden Street - 100 block 2 00 A M and 6 00 A M Remington Street - 100 block 2 00 A M and 6 00 A M Olive Street - 100 block East and 100 block West 2 00 A M and 6 00 A M " SCHEDULE VI Section 179 --Parking Time Limited on Certain Streets In accordance with Section 59 and when signs or parking meters are erected giving notice thereof no person shall park a vehicle for a period of time longer than one hour between the hours of 9 o'clock A M and 6 o'clock P M of any day except Saturdays Sundays and public holidays and on Saturdays from 9 o'clock A M to 9 o'clock P M within the district or upon any of the streets or parts of streets as follows Name of street or district Hours stopping, standing, or parking limited Center of the 100 and 200 blocks on South College Avenue One hour Center of the 100 block on North College Avenue One hour Center of the 100 block on West Mountain Avenue One hour Center of the 100 block on East Mountain Avenue One hour Center of the 200 block on North College Avenue and center of the 200 block on East Mountain Avenue Two hours" -17- i "SCHEDULE VII Section 180 --Parking time limited in metered parking zones In accordance with Section 60 and when parking meters are erected giving notice thereof no person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle for longer than the period of time designated by said parking meters upon any of the streets or parts of streets as follows Name of streets Metered parking time permitted College Avenue from its intersection with Two hours where indicated and Olive Street North to its intersection with 15 minutes where indicated LaPorte Avenue Mountain Avenue from its intersection with Two hours where indicated and Mathews Street West to its intersection with 15 minutes where indicated Mason Street Linden Street from the intersection of Two hours said street with Mountain Avenue Northeast to the intersection of said street with Jefferson Street Walnut Street from the intersection with Two hours Mountain Avenue Northwest to its inter- section with College Avenue Oak Street from the intersection of said Two hours street with Mason Street East to the intersection of said street with Remington Street The South one-half block of the West side Two hours of the 100 block of Remington Street The 100 and 200 blocks on South Mason Street Two hours The 100 block on North side of West Laurel Two hours Street The 200 block on Jefferson Street Two hours The 100 block on West Olive Street Two hours The 800 block on East side of South Two hours College Avenue Meter parking time From 9 00 o'clock A M to 6 00 o'clock P M each day except Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays, on Saturdays from 9 00 o'clock A M to 9 00 o'clock P M ' "SCHEDULE VIII Section 181 --Operation of Farm Tractors, Trailers, Semitrailers, and Trucks and Commercial Vehicles Limited on Certain Streets (a) In accordance with Sections 109 and 110 and when signs are erected giving notice thereof no person shall operate or stop stand or park a farm tractor trailer semitrailer or a truck or other commercial vehicle with a gross weight or size exceeding the following ton and size limits upon any of the streets designated by the Traffic Engineer Overallwidth ------ ---------------------------------- 8 ft Overall height ----------------- --- ----- -------- --- 12'k ft Overall length of a single vehicle -------------------- 35 ft -18- Overall length of a tractor and semi combination ------ 60 ft Overall length of a combination such as tractor, semi and following trailer ----------------------- 60 ft Overall length of a truck and full trailer ------------ 60 ft Gross weight on single axle ----------- ------ -------- 9 000 lbs Gross weight on any two-axle single vehicle -----------15,000 lbs Gross weight on any three-axle single vehicle ---------23 000 lbs Gross weight on any four-axle single vehicle ----------23 000 lbs (b) The Traffic Engineer shall designate streets and alleys on which vehicles or combination of vehicles exceeding the sizes and weights listed in sub-section (a) above may be moved or operated in cases of emergency In the event of an emergency application must first be made to and authorization obtained from the Traffic Engineer before such vehicles or combination of vehicles may be moved on said designated streets and alleys (c) Any person or persons association partnership or corporation who shall violate any provisions of this section shall be guilty of a violation of this section and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not to exceed One Hundred Dollars ($100 00) and shall pay all damages caused the City of Fort Collins by the operation of vehicles in violation of this section " Section 5A The following sections are hereby added to the Model Traffic Ordinance for Colorado Municipalities (1962) 'Section 110 A --Incompetent drivers -- Drivers' licenses (a) No person under the age of sixteen years, without a special permit as provided by the laws of the State of Colorado, and no person physically or mentally disabled or incapacitated in any particular temporarily or per- manently, shall drive a motor vehicle upon the streets of this municipality provided such disability or incapacity is such as to interfere with the ready and safe operation of such vehicle (b) No person shall drive a motor vehicle upon the streets of this municipality unless such person has a valid operator's license issued by the State of Colorado, or such operator's license as is required of such person -19- under the laws of the state or chauffeur's license if a chauffeur's license is required " "Section 110 B --Permitting incompetents to drive No owner, and no person having charge or control of any motor vehicle shall permit any prohibited person as in Section 23-114 to drive the same " "Section 110 C --Duty to Report Accidents Immediately (a) The driver of a vehicle involved in an accident resulting in injury or death to any person or any property damage shall by the quickest means of communication give notice of such accident to the police department No vehicle involved in such accident shall be moved except when so ordered by a police officer (b) The police department may require any driver of a vehicle involved in an accident to file written reports and supplemental reports concerning said accident whenever the original information is insufficient in the opinion of the police department and may require witnesses of such accidents to render reports to the police department (c) Every law enforcement officer who in the regular course of duty investigates a motor vehicle accident of which report must be made as required in this section either at the time of and at the scene of the accident or thereafter by interviewing participants or witnesses shall within 24 hours after completing such investigation forward a written report of such accident to the police department " 'Section 110 D --Duty upon striking unattended vehicle The driver of any vehicle which collides with any vehicle which is unattended shall immediately stop and shall then and there either locate and notify the operator or owner of such vehicle of the name and address of the driver and owner of the vehicle striking the unattended vehicle or shall leave securely attached in a conspicuous place in the vehicle struck a written notice giving the name and address of the driver and of the owner of the vehicle doing the striking and a statement of the circumstances thereof, and shall report such accident as provided in Section 23-121 hereof " -20- "Section 110 E --Duty Upon Striking Fixtures on a Street or Roadway The driver of any vehicle involved in an accident resulting only in damage to fixtures legally upon or adjacent to a street shall take reasonable steps to locate and notify the owner or person in charge of such property of such fact and of his name and address and of the registration number of the vehicle he is driving and shall upon request exhibit his operator's or chauffeur's license and shall make such report of such accident when and as required in Section 23-121 hereof " "Section 110 F --Permits for Curb Loading Zones (a) The Traffic Engineer shall not hereafter designate or sign any curb loading zone upon special request of any person unless such person makes written application for a permit for such zone (b) The Traffic Engineer may upon such application grant a permit and may, by general regulations, impose conditions upon the use of such zones A charge shall be made for each loading zone as follows in an area where traffic meters are established and where such loading zone will require the removal of a parking meter, Five Dollars ($5 00) per month on all other streets, Two and 50/100 Dollars ($2 50) per month Before issuing a permit for a loading zone the Traffic Engineer shall require that the person obtaining the permit agree to pay the above fee monthly in advance If any person holding a permit fails to pay such fee in advance the permit shall immediately be revoked The Traffic Engineer shall keep a complete accurate and up-to-date list of all permits granted for loading zones and their locations and shall transmit a copy of said list to the City Clerk No loading zones shall be allowed except as provided in this ordinance subject to the provisions of paragraph 3 of this section Every such permit shall expire at the end of each calendar year but may be reissued for the next calendar year (c) The application and permit required herein shall not apply to the designation of curb loading zones in front of any public building theater school church hospital or similar institutional building provided, however that no curb loading zone in front of any such institutional building shall be designated without written application by such institution, and the .21- Vj a Traffic Engineer shall keep a complete accurate and up-to-date list of all curb loading zones designated for such institutions and shall transmit a copy of such list to the City Clerk " "Section 119 A --Penalties Unless another penalty is expressly provided herein every person found guilty of a violation of any provision of this ordinance may be punished by a fine of not more than Three Hundred Dollars ($300 00) or by imprisonment for not more than ninety (90) days, and if in the opinion of the Municipal Judge he deems it advisable, the right to drive a vehicle upon the streets of the City of Fort Collins may be revoked for a period not to exceed six (6) months ' Introduced considered favorably on first reading and ordered published this 26th day of September A. D 1963, to be presented for final passage on the 17th day of October , A D 1963 Mayor ATTEST City Cle k Passed and adopted on final reading this 17th day of October A D 1963 Mayor ATTEST City C rk -22-