HomeMy WebLinkAbout003 - 02/26/1959 - RELATING TO THE VACATION OF CERTAIN ALLEYS IN STEELE'S SUBDIVISION OF TRACT 5 OF EMIGH'S SUBDIVISION OS31IRAt;C5; NO. ,.LL 19590 OUNG AN ORDIROM MAUNG TO TUB VACATIM OF CEBU= alUJITS LN Stf1 RIS SUNDIVISMN OF ==- $ Cdl =MIA MOLVAM WHUMAS, the plot of Blocks One and Two of Steels'* SudedivLdba of TarWt 5 of bdgh's Subdivision of the South half of the Southeast quarter of Section Fourteen, Township Sewn "Oro, lleegie sixty-stno !Vast of the Sixth P*H. in the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, recorded in the office of the County Clark and Recorder of Larbor County above certain alleys contained in said blocks; and Wfi B, the aware of the lots in the above msatiouad blocks abutting an said alley* have petitioned the Council of the City of Fort Collins to cam" the &nuns to be vacated; and H08 w* it appears that said allays haw weever bean opened to the use of the public* that the City of Fort Collins has never eapeoded any public funds urn said alleyes and that sold allays are not needed for any public purpose; and WliSEtBa'iS, it further sppeare that the rights of the iahabitants of the City of Fort Collins will in so way be prejudiced or injured by the vacation of said alloys• SAI, Tl3St FOR,$. M IT ORDAIMM BY THE Wt738GIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLUNSt Section 1. That certain* alleys, more particularly described as follows, to-VIV The alley lying north of hots 1,20 and 3 in Block 1 of Steele's Subdivision of Tract Has 5 of Mxtgb's Subdivision of A of M of Section 140 Township 7 Worth, Mange 69 West of the lath P.M,* in the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, more particularly described as being contained within boundary lines beginning at the a cower of tot l in Stock 1 of said Steele's Subdivision and running thence North 20 feat, to the SE cornet of Lot 4 in Block 1 of said Steels'@ Subdivieion thence west 140 feat, to the Sw corner of Lot 4 in Block 1 of said Steele's Subdivision, thence South 20 feet to the XW earner of Lot 3 in said Steole's Subdivisions ,and tboace East 140 feat, to the point of beginning, and the allay lying north of Lots 1, 20 and 3 in Block 2 of Steele'as Subdivision of Tract No. 5 of Emigh's Subdivision of the S'e of SM,, of Section 14, Tomship 7 3ortb, taro 69 'hest of the bth P.M. is the city of pint collumo Colorado. ecru particularly dasartbad as being rontsina0 within bwApfi wy liars bagUminp at CM U coarear of Lot 1 is mock 2 of said Otoole's sdwtvisum sad smmiug eI , north 20 ftst► to the 98 envu of Lot 4 in simb 2 off! said stsele's Subdiviaim Mesas wet 149.4 foss* to the ss torw r of Lot 4 in clock 2 Of said st"Iess adwivu4me tbmm itoutb so fast► to the IN Cosner of fait 2 is clock s of said stsale'e s"visiout and thaaae Zest AX4 !sett to the point of beglenLfg; be and the ssaia we hereby vaaetsdt abolishW and abated. 2ntrodwAd. considessd fsear4bly on first r"diago sad osdesred published this 22nd doW of demttttyt A. D. 1989t and to ba gT*SWItad *tor 9LW paseage on febumy 26. 1959» HIM ATiab`?a City C oak Passed and adopted on final wing this 26th dey of 8'ebrmy, A �r A'1TUTS City clovk �g�