HomeMy WebLinkAbout008 - 03/26/1959 - RELATING TO THE VACATION OF THE PORTION OF VIRGINIA STREET AND CERTAIN ALLEYS LOCATED IN SMEETON'S S ORDINANCE NO* 8, 1939 SSW AK ORDINAUCE F.W ATMO TU T& VAGATIAX OF THb PUSTILN ©F VIRGINIA STREET AND MTAM A=S LOCATED IN SHEETONeS SUBDIVISI(AT OF TRACT 8 OF EI9IGHIs SUBDIVISION. W OM AS, the plat of Blocks I and 2 of Smestcals subdivision of Tract No. 8 of msighes 8ubdivisioa of the South halt of the Southeast quarter of Section 140 Township 7 Borth, Saw 69 West of the 6th P K , recorded in Plat Book No. 4 at page 96 of the LarimerC;ounty records, shows rights of way for a strost, commaaly ldx Ma as Virginia Streets and Or certain alleys in said blacks; and WHMaS# the State Board of Agriculture has requested that the present right Of way for Virginia Street between West Lake and West Prospect streets be vacated, and that alley-erayi dedicated in the area under the plat for fteston's Subdivision also be vacated, and WHBBWO it appears that said alleys have never been opened to ties use of the public and the City of Fort Collins has never expended any public funds upon said alleys, and said alloys are not needed for any public purpose, and Waaa'AS, Colorado State University desires that said rights of way be vacated so that marriAd housing units mavy be constructed in the at+e+► involved# and WHMUS, the ,State SOard of AgrievIturs het agreed that, if said righta of mW be vacated, said Virginia Street will be relocated, and a right of way between West 1AW and West Prospsat streets viU be located East of the present right of way on the apprgm1nate boundary Zino between the so-called H arbison and Stonaker tracts, and athaAS, Colorado stater University has agreed that if the rights of way are vacated, the alternate location of Virginia Street betwen West Lake and West Prospect streets will be opened as an access prior to the closing of the present Virginia Street right of say, and has further agreed that it will install, at the mpenee of the University, surfacing and curb and gutter an both sides of the proposed Virginia Street right of way, and has further agreed that it will provide off—street surfaced parking along the North and South bmuWAries of the planned married housing tract lying M the North side of West Prospect Street, and the South side of West Lake Street, which committment would involve the installation by Colorado State University of curb and gutter along hest Prospect and Test Lake streets adjacent to the new housing development, and has further agreed that Colorado State University will, in co-operation with other property osmere, share in the cost of surfacing West Lake .Street where it is bounded on one side by University property, and on the ether side by private property, ate will bear the full cost where bounded on both aides by University property# and WHOEW, it is the opinion of the City Council that it will be to the best interests of the City of Fort Collins to vacate said street and alleys in consideration of the agraemente mule by the State Hoard of Agriculture and Colorado State Univeraityl NOWO THRB, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINSt Section 1. That Virginia Street as located between West Lake and Foot Prospect streets, and which is more particularly described as follows, to-alit: Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot 11 in Block 1 of said Smeeton's Subdivision, and running thence South 526.5 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 3 in Block 1 of said Smseton'e Subdivision, thence West 50 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 1 in Block 2 of said Smeeton's Subdivision, running thence North 326 05 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 9 in Block 2 of said Smeeton's Subdivision, and thence Bast 50 feet to the point of befit be and the saw is hereby vacated, abolished, and abated] Section 2. That Certain alleys, more particularly described as follows, to-4dt: Alley in Block l Beginning at the Southwest comer of Lot 11 in Block l of said a eston's Subdivision and running thence East 140 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 9 in Black 1 of said Smeeton's Subdivision, thence South 267 7 feet, more or lose, to the Northeast corner of Lot 1 in Slock 1 of saM SM®ton'a &W'vi coon, theme most 140 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot 3 in Block 1 of said Soetar►'e Subdivision, thence North 20 feet r 2 r to the Soutbwatt corner of Lot 4 in Block 1 of said aameetan'a SubdrvisiQUO thence Bast 130 feet to the Southeast comer of Lot 4 in Block 1 of said Smeetca's Subdivisions thence North 227.6 feet to the Northeast comer of Lot 8 in Block 1 of said &aeton's Subdivision# thence West 130 feet to the Northwest comer of Lot 6o Block 1 of said &w9ton's Subdivisions and thence Forth 20 feet to the point of beginaingi QU nA Block 2 Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot 9 in UoW2 of said awaton's Subdivision and running theme vast 1004 feet to the Sout=A corner of Lot 11 in Block 2 of said Swetan's Subdivisions thence South 264.8 feet, more or lose$ to the Northwest comer of Lot 3 in Block 2 of said fteeton's Subdivision, thence bast 143.4 That to the Northeast corner of Lot 1 in Block 2 of said Swaton's Sbditrisions thence NOTth 20 fact to the Southeast corner of Lot 4 in Block 2 of said Smeoton's Subdivision, thence West 233.4 feet to the Southwest comer of Lest 4 in Block 2 of said Sme aton's Subdivision* thence NorthAZ4.9 feet to the NOrLhnest comer of Lot 8 In Block 2 of said aMWt4M#8 8ubdivisiaa4s and thence Fsast.133.4 foot to the Northeast corner of Lot 8 in Block 2 of said Swetom's SUbdivisiaary and thence North 20 fret to the point of beginningj be and the same aria hereby vacated# abollshedi and abated; gstroducedp canaldwvd favorably on first reading, and ordered published this 26th dAy of February, A D 1959,0 and to be presented for final passage on Burch 26, 1959- �r ATTBST3 L4���� city park Passed and adopted on final reading this 26th day of March# A D 1959- ATTE3Ts C� * - 3 -