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ORDINANCE No. 3s 1960 RELATING TO THE ASSESSMENT OF THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS IN CONSOLIDATED STORM SEvM IMPROVEMENTi;DISTRICT NO. 13, OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS. dotoRAW, AND PROVIDING..FOR THE PAYMENT AND COLLECTION THEREOF.. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS: Section 1. That under and by virtue of the provisions of Ordinance No. 18, 1958, of said City of Fort Collins, duly adopted and approved on the 19th day of June, A.D. 1958, Consolidated Storm Sewer Improvement District No. 13 was duly created and provisions made in said Ordinance for the construction of certain improvements in said district, consisting of storm sewer improvements; that the said improvements as therein provided have been duly constructed as provided by law and duly accepted by the City of Fort Collins as therein provided; that thereafter the. City Engineer and the City Manager, on to-wit the 28th day of January, A.D. 1960, duly reported to the City Council that the cost of construction of said improvements, including the cost of inspection, collection and other incidentals, and also including interest, is Nineteen Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety-Four Dollars and S'_ x-t'.y-Four Cents ($19,794.64); that in and by the said report the City Engineer duly apportioned upon all of the lots or tracts of land in the district improved in proportion as the are& ' of each lot or tract of land is to the area of all of the lots or tracts of land so improved, exclusive of public highways, pursuant to the provisions of Sections 14 and 31 of Ordinance No. 7, 1921, and Ordinance No. 18, 1958, creating Consolidated Storm Sewer Improvement District No. 13, and which district is hereinafter more particularly described by lots and blocks, together with the apportionment and rate per square foot; the said findings and report of the City Engineer and City Manager being in accordance with the report of the City Engineer in respect to the proposed assessment on each lot in said districts Page 1 TOB� DI RZtxTsN©. 13 A3SESSA Ff RotL:` MOPERTY DESCRIPPIQN €WNER'S"NAME-& ADDRESS - "ARZA SQUARE FEET RATE PER SQUARE FOOT TCTAL ASSESSMENT ALF'ERT SUBDIVISION • Lot 11 Block 1, Folker, Ardean & Jima L. 5,760 .0087 50.11 Alpert Subdivision 1611 Person Court I Lot 2, Block 1, Webber, Joseph & Ida Margaret Alpert Subdivision 323 Parker 7,040 .0087 61.25 Lots 3 & 4, Block 1, Case, M- 11is C. & D. S. 11,520 .0087 100.22 Alpert Subdivision 319 Parker Lot 5, Block 1, Shoaf, Raymond 6,400 .0087 55.68 Alpert Subdivision 317 Parker Lots 6 & 7, Block 1, Bookman, Margaret Alpert Subdivision 315 Parker 123,800 .0087 111.36 Lot 8 Ahtk.,Z 84 of S 57f Poor, L. 'G. & R. H. 6,400 .0087 55.68 of Lot'"9z'Block 1, 301 Parker Alpert Subdivision Lot 9 exc. the N 641 & Wilhelm, AlexandQr & Marie E. 29,688 .0087 23.39 the E 8* of the S 5712 815 &Prat Mulberry Block 1, Alpert Subdivision N 64,11 of Lot 9, Block 1, Young, H. C. & R. M. 3,200 .0087 27,84 Alpert Subdivision 1702 Mathews Lot 10, Block 1, Robertson, Emma 61,400 .0 87 55.68 Alpert Subdivision 1022Woodford Lot 11, Block 1, Pieator, Charles L. & E. E. 6,400 .0067 55.68 Alport Subdivision 304 Alpert Lot 12. Block 1, Butler, George. F. 6,400 .0087 55.68 Alpert Subdivision 1248 Bannock Street Denver4,C9lorado Lot 13, Block 1, Alpert, Fannie 6,400 X087 55.68 Alpert Subdivision % Bookman 315 Parker Page 2 STORM SEM DISTRICT NO. 13 ASSESSMENT ROLL i PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 01MRIS NAME & ADDRESS AREA SQUARE FEET RATE PER SQUARE FOOT TOTAL ASSESSMENT Lot 14, Block 1, Patrick, R. H. 6,400 $ .0087 $ 55.68 Alpert Subdivision 310 Alpert Lot 15, Block 1, Schmehl, E. A. 5,760 .0087 50.11 Alpert Subdivision 312 Alpert Lots 16 & 17, Block 1, Steele, A. W. & S, E. 12,160 .0087 105.79 Alpert Subdivision 314 Alpert Lot 18, Block 1, McQuain, Luella 6,400 .0087 55,68 Alpert Subdivision 324 Alpert Lot 1, Block 2, Eggleston, J. Elliot & Virginia L. 6,400 .0087 55.68 Alpert Subdivision 1801 Peterson Lots 2, 3 & 4, Block 2, Williams, W. H. 17,920 .0087 155.90 Alpert Subdivision 319 Alpert Lot 5, Block 2, Yauger, Floyd 6,4OO .0087 55.68 Alpert Subdivision 315 Alpert Lot 6, Block 2, Jones, Don A. & M. S. 6,400 .0087 55.60 Alpert Subdivision 311 Alpert Lot 7, Block 2, Langston, R. L. & V. L. 6,400 .0087 55.68 Alpert Subdivision 309 Alpert S1 of Lots 8 & 9, Block 2 2, Ward, Guy I. & Mae B. 69400 .0087 55.68 Alpert Subdivision 1722 Mathews NJ of Lots 8 & 9., Block 2, Johnson, Ellen E. 6,400 .0087 55.68 Alpert Subdivision 1718 Mathews I Lot 10, Block 20 Van Ornum, J. & B. A. 6,400 .0087 55.68 Alpert Subdivision P.O. Box 147 Lot 11, Block 2.. Hull, Frances H. 6,400 .0087 55.68 Alpert Subdivision 302 Stuart Toot 12, Block 2, Southard, Nella A. & Charles 6'400 0087 Alpert Subdivision 3o4 Stuart 55.68 I Pale 3 STM,,SIMM DISTRICT .NG* 13 ASSESSHNT.. ROM PROPERTY DESCRIPTION MmtB .NA & ADDFEW AREA SQUARE FEET RATE PER SQUARE FOOT TOTAL ASSESSMENT Let 13 & 14, Block 2, Kibler, Lawrence K. & 12,800 � 0087 111a36 Alpert Subdivision Katherine A. 300 Stuart Lot 15 & w 201D of Lot 16, i nn,' Charles & Mary F. 8,320 .0087 Block 20 Alpert-Subdivision 334 Stint E 254D of lot 16 &b 402' of S000lfaky, Emanuel & Katherine 8,320 .0087 72.38 Lot 17, Blocak '2, Alpert Subd, 338 Stuart Lot 18 & E 1w, of Lot 17, van De Veghe., Maur oe &.Marie 83,320 .0087 72,38 Block 2, Alpert Subdivision 340 Stuart i GLANTZ SUBDIUSION Lot 1, Glantz Subdivision Tuet ng, Robert 0, & E. Mo 6;2To :0087 54.;o3 601 E. Prospect Lots 2, 3, 4, 5 &,6, Glantz, George & Catherine � .0087 294.73 Glantz Subdivision 601 E. Prospect ; Lot 7, Glints Subdivision . Hoss, Lloyd & Josephine .a 6,571.62 :0087 57.17 16?4 Smith Pi--ace Lots -8 & 9j. Glantz Subdivision Hoban, N. R. & Jo. Ba 13vl43.24, :0081 114.35 300 Pitkin Street FLINN RESUBDIVISION. OF BLOCK. 3 CF. THE aa�r-,MR9aKER..:SUBDiv ISION 1 Lot 8, Block 3 Hughes, Elizabeth . 10,640 .0087 92.57 1620 bhedbee Lot 7, Block 3 Mlaller, J. P. & M. E. 10,640 .0687 92057 1616 Vhedbee i Lot 6, Block 3 Wright., Walter E. & Bertha M. 10,500 oOO87 91035 1614 bhedbee Lot 5, Block 3 Driskill, John D. & DortM 0, 10,500 00087 91.35 % Scott Agancy, State Building i Page 4 STORM SHRER_DISTRICT NO. 13 ASSESSMW ,ROLL PROP&RTY DESCRIPTION CWXCRtS NAME & ADDRESS AREA SQUARE FEAT RATE PER SQUIRE FOOT TOTAL ASSESSMOT Lot 4, Block 3; Flinn Resub. Hurd, A. V. & Me Me 10,500 .0087 91.35 1610 Whedbee Lot 3, Block 3 Brenner, J. L. & R. A. 10,500 .0087 91.35 1608 Whedbee W 60t of Lot 1, Block 3 Stephens M. H. & E.. He 91000 .0087 78.30 501 L. Prospect Lot 2 & E 101 of Lot 1, Thomas; Walter D. & Helen D. 120000 .0087 104.40 Block 3 505 Be Prospect GRAY-STRECffit.SUBDIVI3M. i Lot 1, Block 1, Anderson, R. L. & Be P. n,100 .0087 96.57 Gray-Strecker Subdivision 401 E. Prospect Lot 2, B1ock`ly, Schroeder, John A. & 0. M. Up 250 .0087 97.88 Gray4trecker Subdivision 403 E. Prospect Lot 3, Block 1, Tinsley, Albert 0. & Bernice 11,250 .0087 97.88 Gray-Strecker Subdivision 1605 Peterson Place N 5or of Lot 41 Block 1, Miller, Grace Elizabeth 7.i500 .0087 65.25 Gray-Strecker Subdivision 1607 Peterson Place Box 45 ( S 25t of Lot 4- and a]il of Smithy Ernest N. & Sarah S. 15,000 .0087 130.50 Lot 5, Block 1, Gray4trecker 1609 Peterson Subdivision Box 274 Lot 6, Block 1, Hoary Sherman S. & Lydia M. 11,250 .0087 97.88 Gray Strecker Subdivision 1613 Peterson N 76t' of Lots 7 & 8, Block 1, Thoen, E. Dorman & Mable 11,400 .0087 99.18 Gray Strecker Subdivision 1617 Peterson S 76, of Lots 7 & 8, Block 11 Johnson, C. L. & M. P. 11,400 .0087 99.18 Gray Strecker Subdivision 1619 Peterson 3 loot of Lot 13and the S 100t' Funk, Fred & Ida 10,000 .0087 87.00 of the E 250 of Lot 14y Block-2, 430 Parker Gray Strecker Subdivision Page STORM SEXIER DISTRICT NO. 13 ASSESSMENT ROLL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Q?7M13 NAME & ADDRESS AREA SQUARE FEET RATE PER 'SQUARE FOOT TOTAL ASSESSMW � N 521' of Lots 13 & 14 & Powers, Leroy & Rene 9,600 $ .0087 $ 83.52 j the S 10 of Lot 12, Block 20 1623 Vhedbee Gray Strecker Subdivision N 65T of Lot 12, Block 2, Peterson, R. L. & K. H. 9,750 .0087 84.83 Gray Strecker Subdivision 1619 Whedbee Lot 9, Block .2, Shinn, 'Edgar A. & Anna 14250 .0087 97.88 Gray Strecker Subdivision 1615 Vhedbee Lot 8, Block 2, Reed, Lloyd M. & Mabel V. ll,250 .0087 97.88 Gray Strecker Subdivision 1611 Whedhee Lot 5, Block 20 Frick, Donald L. & Helen S. 11,250 .0087 97.88 Gray Strecker Subdivision 1607 Whedbee Let 4, Block 2, Rigdon, Charles 11,250 .0087 97.88 Gray Strecker Subdivision 4l1 E. Prospect Lot 1 &W 751 of Lot 6, Busch, Harold E. & Margaret E. 16,875 .0087 146.81 Block 2, Gray Strecker 405 E. Prospect Subdivision Lot 100 Block 2, Wainwright, R. G. & M. J. 11,250 .0087 97.88 Gray Strecker Subdivision 1610 Peterson Place Lot 7, Block 2, Klie, Gladys E. 11,25o .0087 97.88 Gray Strecker Subdivision 1608 Peterson Place Lot 11, Block 2, Smith, E. J. & D. I. 11,250 .0087 97.88 Gray Strecker Subdivision 1612 Peterson Place Lot 16, Block 2, Stewart, Warren & Katie 11,400 .0087 99.18 Gray Strecker Subdivision 1618 Petcwson Place Lot 3, Block 2, Oakes, O. L. & S. M. ll,250 .0087 97.88 Gray Strecker Subdivision 409 E. Prospect Lot 2 & E, 75v of Lot 6, Amen, John E. & Christine 16,875 .0087 146.81 Block 2, Gray Strecker 407 E. Prospect Subdivision Page 6 STORM SIMM DISTRICT NO, _13 ASSESSMENT ROB' PROPERTY D&SCR1PtI1 (7N1NERr3 NAM & ADDRESS AREA SQUARE FEET RATE PER SQUARE FOOT TOTAL ASSESSMENT � E 211 of Lot 15 "& W 50?'of Fonker, A.A. & Mary L. 8,242 $ .0087 71.71 the S 100'1 of Lot 14 & 420 Parker the W 6t of the N 521 of Lot 14, Block 2, Gray Strecker Subdivision w 54t of Lot 15, Block 2, Peterson, R. L. & K. H. 8,208 .0087 71.41 Gray Strecker Subdivision 410 Parker PERSON RESUBDIVISIfIN OF GRAY-STRECKER.SUBDIVISI€N Lot 31, Person Resub. Holste, Norman Bo & Shirley M. 6,250 .0087 54.38 161.3 Person Court Lot 32.. Person Resub. Grover, H, R. & 0, M. 61,250 .0087 54.38 1611 Person court Lot 30, Person Resub. Fullmer, B. Ho & Laree So' 6,250 .0087 54.38 1615 Person Court. Lot 29, Person Resub. Peil, R. & Elie. K. 60250 .0087 54.38 1617 Person Court Lot 289 Person Resub. Allison, James D. & Georgia M. 6,250 00087 54.38 1619 Person Court Lot 27, Perna Resub. Siebert, Rita M. 6,250 .0087 54.38 304 Parker Lot 331 Person Resub. Phibbs, Sidney I. & Alice H. 7,500 .0087 65.25 1620 Person Court Ej of Lot 26, Person Resub. Flinn, R. M. 33120 .0087 27,14 Box 1, 302 Parker Lot 34, Person Resubo Croy,. Viola E. 7,500 .0087 65.25 1618 Person Court i Lots 35 & 36, Person Resub. Morris, Alfred H. & Allen Ho 15,000 .0087 130,50 Bailey, Colorado Page 7 STORM WOR DOMOT NO.. 13 AMSMWM ROLL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION WMRIrS NAIL & AbDFM RATE PER SWARE FOOT TOTAL ASSESSMNT i i E f of Lot 379 Person Resub. Morris, He Re 70650 .0087 $ 66.56 322 Parker E a of Lot A Berson Resub, Hall, Re .Je 7,65o .0087 66.56 320 Parker JUMICR PbACE Lot 1, Justice Place $aott, TIO,m A. A. & Gertrude Be 7,200 .0087 62.64 325 E. Prospect Lot 2, Justice Place Henderson, R. D. & Me so 7,200 .0087 62.64 323 Be Pr®speet Lot. 3,- Justice Pleee Cass, A; L. & Fe M. 10,080 .0087 87.70 32i E Prospect Lot 4, Justice Place Deloaier,'S J, & P.S, 9,520 .0087 82.82 -# l�Q Oq, Peterson E 120'r of Lot 5, Justice Place Vood, E L. & Me A. 60000 oOO87 52.20 2340 30:couege � i y. e 50L .of Lots 5 & 6, TO Mo a�.'_•P. 5000 .0087 43.50 Justice Place 1610yIWO �. E 120t of Lot 6, Justice Plaee' Rodgers, Clarke Me 6,000 .0087 52.20 Rt. 1 Box 287 Lot 7, Justice Piave Kiethlyy Mara P. 19,800 .0087 172.26 315 E, Prospect - S 1241; of Lot 7, Justice Place Bustos, S.D. & D, Me 13,200 .0067 114.84 16og Person Court - Beg. at a pt. 53i'v v & 30t N Miller, Edwin A. & 9,120 0087 of the SE cor of the SW of Romola Flinn 79.34 of the IjEj of the NVI of 151 Se College Sec 24M7 9,th l .601 th.N 152Ve th E 60r, th 8 152r.to Pt of beg. S i CIEjG STORM SEWER DISTRICT NO, 1 ROLL. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION OWNERTS NM & ADDRESS AREA SQUARE FEET RATE PER SQUARE FOOT TOTAL ASSESSMENT Beg ! 60t E of the 5 cor -of smith, Ronald Z. & 6,840 $ ,0087 $ 59.51 the NEof the NE4 of the NW4 Shirley of See-24-7-69, th N 152r, th E 45t, t632 S. College th 3 152 t, th V 45 t to pt of beg. Beg at a pt 105`t E of the SW Toimsend, Bill K. & 6,840 .0087 59.51 cor of the Wt. of the NEjof the La Berta R, NVI of Sec 2 -7-.69, th N 182t, 516 Parker th E 45rm th S 182*, th W Wt to pt of beg. Beg ate pt 150t E of SW cor Knickles, Kermit E. & Mary of the W2 of the NE4 of the 518 Parker 13,68o .0087 119.02 NE4 of the NWI of Sec.24-7m69, th-N 182t°, th E 90t,th S 182g9 th W 90t.to pt of beg. Less . the E 30t of 'Lot 11. N 26ot of the E loot of the Millsap, G. W. & M.M, ll,040 .0087 96,o5 NE4 of the NE4 of the N4 of 605 E. Prospect Sec t4-769 S 400t of the E 100r of. the Millsap, G. W. & M.M. 96,160 .0087 836.59 E 2 of the NE4 of the NW4 of 605 E. Prospect Sec 24-7-o69 N 2601 of the E 100r of the Evans, Hovard E. 279600 .0087 240.12 NE4 of the NE4 of the NW4 of 805 Colorado sec 24-7-69 E 901` of the * of the NE4 of Jesser, Frank H. & Frances B. 59,1oo .0087 516.78 the NE4 of the NW4 less 30ta 801 535 E. Prospect in the.W cor of Sec. 24-7M69 Com 82*' E of the NW cor of Holsinger, E. W. 36,34o .0087 316.16 the NE4 of the NE4 of the NW4 2382 Linden Sec. 24-7-69,th E 1581',,th S i 230t,th W 158C,th N 230't to pt of beg. Page 9 STORM SEER AISTRICT NO. 13 ASSESWM ROLL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS AREA SQUARE FEET RATE PER SQUARE FOOT TOTAL ASSESSMENT Com at the NW cor of the * Irwin, Harry A. & Agnes P. 85,580 $ .0087 $ 744-55 of the NEI, of the NE4 of the 511 E. Prospect NW4 of Sec 24-7-69,th E 82t, th-S 230t,th E 158t to E line of W-" of NE4 of NEI of W of See 24-7-69 Com 90t W of NE cor of the Stalder, Mollie and 2,400 .0087 20.88 W2of the NE4 of the NEI of Albert G. & Mable E. Flacon the Ntof see 24-7-691,th S 531 E. Prospect 80t,th-E 30t,th N 801,th W 30 to pt.of beg. i AUBD TVISION Beg at a'pt 30't S of the I Depgy, E & V. R. 10,725 .0087 93.31 cor of Lot 14,Maynard Subd. Box_967, th S 75"ith E 143.51 I th N Iddhe Springs, Colorado 40.59't It th W,1.5r, th N 34.41t, to a pt 30t S of N line of Lot 14, th W 142t. For of Lots 1 & 14, .described Apgaby, Hubert A. & Ethel M. .0087 as follows: Beg at a pt 1051D S 1702 S. College •33,475 291.23 of the NV cor of Lot 145, th S and Andrew & Mary Novak 125tq th E 175r, th .S 2*,th E 3811', th. N 202t' to a pt 30x 'S & 213t E of Nib cor of Lot 14, th V 71t, th S 34.41't�, th E 1.5r, th 3 40o59r, .th'W 143.50r. to beg. Pt of Lots 1 & 14, Maynard Subd. Stephan, R. Eo & D. M. Y .0087 i'ffiY11 Beg at a pt 2130 E & 30'Lt S of 1705 Remington 27,674 240.76 NW cor of Lot 14, th S 202't, th E 137t, th N 2024.9 th V-137'r to beg. W 240t of S 501 of Lot 1, Davey, T. V. & N. G. 319300 .0087 272.31 Exc. N 21t of S 501'of E 175t. 303 S. Grant W 240t' of Lot 2. i Page 10 j STORM SEER, DISTRICT NO.. 13 Assessment Roll emi PROPERTY DESCRIPTION OWNERMS NAW&3 ADDRESS AREA SQUARE FEET RATE PER SQUARE`FOOT TOTAL ASSESMNTS E 3:10t of S 6,01' of Lot 2 Anderson, R. E. & M. R. 7,94o $ 20087 $ 61.25 Maynard Subdivision 1709 Remington V 35o'*' of Lot 4 Thirof., David A. & Eleanor 56,000 .0087 487.20 M 350t of Lot 3 1734 S. College Maynard Subdivision S 80V of the V 180r of Lot 5 Finkner, A. Ao & 8, M. 8196o .0087 77.95 Maynard Subdiviadnu % Snnaet Motel W lOOT of Lot 5, Maynard Subd. Pastor, Gus & H. M. 119200 ,0087 97.44 1850 So Grove Denver, Colorado S 92.25f of Lot 5 &W 27.75V NjYel"s, R. Ho & E. V. 40024 .0087 355.17 of Lot 6, Maynard Subdivision Route 4p. Box 334 E 1104:of the $ 48r of:;Lot 1 Trone, J. W. & L, V. 7,040 .0087 61,25 & the E 11©s of the N Iti of 1707 Remington Lot 2, .N'aynard• Subdivision M 751V of the S 112,a of Lot 7 Betz, D. J. & T. L. 8,400 .0087 73.08 Maynard Subdivision 224 Stuart MAYNARU SUBDIPISIOI+T::.UNFLAT'PSD ( Beg 48av E & 30f S of.NW Cot Hlise,, Mary Aird 5,849,6 .0087 of the ST of the Nq of 205 Parker 50.89 See 24»7--69, th E 128% th S 43.7't,..th V 128V to N 43.71t to pt of beg. Beg 608x .E & 301- S of NW aor Brown, Preston C, & Edith C, of S* of Wj of N* of 619 Plum 5,600 o0087 48.72 Sec 24..7..69,...th E"'4?1', th S 150=', th Ohl 32m, th N 70r, th W 1011, th N. 801= to beg. Page 11 STORM SE M DISTRICT NO. 13 ROLL PRMMRTY DE3CRIPTI0ti OWNER`15 NAME & ADDRESS AREA SQUARE FEET RVE PER SQUARE FOOT TOTAL ASSESSMENT Be 480t E' & 30't.'S' of W cor of Ktaxberger, H. M. & Leitha B 13,800 .0087 120.o6 of Nu4 of NW4 of Sec 26,7-�69, 1702 Remington . th.E 1,28L,- th 6 iO 36.31', th E. 102' th S 70t, th W 138TP th N 150T to pt of beg. Beg 480T E & 180T S of Nth oar Williams, E. H. & Jennie L. 89,500 .0087 73.95 of SKI of-Wj of Ni4 of See 24- 1704 Remington 7.69,. th E 170T, th-S 50r, th W 170t, th N 150t to pt.-of beg. - Beg 480t'& 230t S` of NW cor Todd, Dorothy 82500 .0087 73.95 c. Of of N4Y4 of N1�4 of % Sgt. D.. Vayne Todd Se 24•-7r69� the �MPeth Ft. D x.N.. J. S 50t, th.W 17OP9 th N 50"t to pt of beg: Beg 480.t E & 280't S of N cor Douglass, Albert T. & Roberta R. 8,500 .0087 73.95 of M4 of. 1 4 of .NM 4of 1708 Remington Sec 24-4749, -the E 170i, th S 50t, th V 170t, th N 50. to pt of beg.. Beg 480t E & 33017 S, of W cor Baese, P. H. & Mildred M. 8,500 .0087 73.95 of s 4 of NW4 of,N of Sec 1710 Remington ( 24-7 9,�h E,1.7.Ovv th 3 50`t, th W 170t, th N 56,k to pt of beg. Beg 480t E & 380L S' of.NW cor Hayes, ffi Lenoa L. 89500 .0087 73.95 of SWI of Mi of Nw4 of Sec 1712 Remington 24-•7«99, th E 179'r,-th S 50t, th W 170T, th N 50* to pt of beg. Beg.480t E & 430:t' S of W cor Carson, Robert N. & Anita C. 8,500 .0087 73.95 Of SKI,, of W1 of MI of Sec 24-1-69,-th E 170t,th S .50t, 1714 Remington th V 170t,th N 5011 to-pt of beg. I i Page 12 STGRM SMM DMTRICT NO. 13 ASSESSIENT ROLL FRbPER'fY DESCRIPTION E T M25 NAPE & ADDRESS ABU SQUARE FEET RATE PER SQUARE FOOT TOTAL ASSESSPENT Beg 4801 E & 480t" S of NW'cor Jones, George 0. & B*Me J. 60800 .0087 59.16 pf SW4 -of N of N*.of Sea 24-7-69ith E 1701, th S 40-t-p M6 Remington th V 170t, th N 46v to,pt of beg. BA9 670t' E & 3012S of NW cor of McCurry, Alice H. 6,500 .0087 56.55 i4 of NWJ of NW! of Sec 24"7«69 221 Parker th.S 100t'2 th E 95ID, th N 1001, th v 65t.to pt of beg, Beg 735-t E & 30t S' of W cor Smith, De. E. Jr. & B.B. 6,500 .0087 56.55 of SW of NA o hf of 223 Parker Sea 24t 7469,.t E b5't`, th S 100 ,, th V 65t, -th N 160t to pt of beg Beg 670't E & 182n S of NW cor Dumler, V. M. & F.B. 7,800 .0087 6U.86 Of Sli 4 of 4.41 of Wj. of 1711 Mathews see 24-7-69, th E 130T.t th S 60t, th V 130t, th N 16ot to pt. of beg. Beg 670t E & 242,t S' of NW cor Blake, Darrel T. & Leta 7,800 .0087 61.86 of Bid of, 94 of.NWj of 720 Cherokee Sec R-7�69,-th E 130t, th S 60, th v 13ov, th N 60z to j pt .of beg. Beg 670t: E & 302L S of NW cor Nistere, T. J. & A. P. 9,880 .0087 85.96 of Sit of NWI of N* of See 1717 Mathewa 24-,7. 9, th E 130 p th- S 76 vj th W 130t, th N 76" to pt of beg. Beg 670'1- E & 378t. S of NW cor Laumaun, L. B. & Mary Lo 6,500 .0087 56.55 of the of the NW-4 of the 1719 Mathews of the of Sea 24-7-69,th S 50't, th-E 1301`, th N 50tpth W 1301' to beg. . i STORM SEVER DISTRICT NO. 13 ASSESSI-M ROLL Page 13 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION OWNERIS NAPE & ADDRESS AREA j SQUARE FEET RATE PER SQUARE FOOT TOTAL ASSESSMENT Beg 6 Ot, E` & 428t NW S of oor Robinson, Russell 61370 $ .0087 $ 55.42 of SWJ of NWj of NNI of See 24— 109 E. Mountain Avenue 7-69,th S 49t, th E:.130t,th N 49Y,th W 130t to pt of beg. Beg 6 0t' E & 130t S of NET cor Townsend, S. L. & P. C. 62760 .0087 58.81 of Sit of Niq of.Nd of 1709 Mathews sec 24-7••69,.th E 130'1`, th S 5211, th V 1300, th N 50V to pt of beg. Beg 670't'E. & 4821 S of NV cor Snyder Ralph F. & Lillian D. 6,500 .0067 56,55 of sf 4 of N4 of N� of "�,., U Sec 24-7-69,-th E 130r, th S 50ta dye th W 130T, th N 50'r' to pt of beg. 14 Beg 735'r E & 5321 S of W cor Dougherty, Lewis A. & Irene L. of SKIof Nhj of Nth of 240 Stuart 6�500 .0087 56. Sec 2 -7-•69,- th E 6-_, th S 1001.1 55 th W 65t, th N 100t to pt of beg. Beg 670TZ & 532r "S of NW cor Dugan, L. D. & G.X. 6,500 .0087 56.55 of SW J,of NWJ of NWJ of 236 Stuart Sec 24••7-69, th E 65t, th S 100*, th w 65T, th N lOOT to pt of beg. ! Tsb'-ORCHARD PARK SUBDIVISION Lot 1, lst Orchard Park Subd, Randleman, G. D. 6 600 1090 Elizabeth 00087 57.42 Lot 2, lot Orchard Park Subd. Faingold, B. S. & G. 60600 .0087 57.42 321 'W. let Avenue Cheyenne, Wyoming Lot 3, 1st Orchard Park Subd. Sargent, Gordon C. & H. S. 9,OOO .0087 78,% 1710 Whedbee Lot 4, let Orchard Park Subd,, Flinn, 4. M. Grant 9'W0 .C987 T8.30 127 3. j I Lot 5, lot Orchard Park Subd. Delinger, F. A. & B. 9,000 .0087 78.30 1720 Whedbee i STORM SEER DISTRICT N0. .13 AST ROLL . Page 14 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION W=tS NAM & ADS AREA SQUARE FEET RATE PER SQUARE FOOT TOTAL ASSESSHENT Lot 6, lat Orchard Park Subd, Holsinger, L. H. & IA. E. 9,000 $ .0087 78,30 1726 Whedbee Lot 7, lot Orchard Park Subd. Baxter, Everett M. &Wanita M, 1730 Whedbee Street 9,600 .0087 83,52 SECOND ORCHARD PARK SUBDIMION Srly 64t of Lot 8 & all of Lot 9, Beard, Franklin & L. S. 15012 .0087 137.56 2nd Orchard Park Subdivision, 528 Sheldon Drive Lot 10, 2nd Orchard Park Subd. Mller, Edwin A. 1711 'Whedbee 7,o8O .0087 61.60 Lot ll, 2nd Orchard Park Subd. Serna, Jack M. & G. L. 7,080 .0087 61.60 1715 Vhedbee Lot 12, 2nd Orchard Park Subd. Schroeder,, Harley S. & %bM E, 7,080 .0087 61.6o 1719 Whedbee Lot 13, 2nd Orchard Park Subd. GAII41 . , 7,080 .0087 61.60 Lot 14, 2nd Orchard Park Subd. Boyea, W. H, & Be A. 7,080 .0087 61.60 1807 Whedbee I 1 Lot 15, 2nd Orchard Park Subd. Lyon, J. G. & Helene N. 7,080 .0087 61,60 1 1 1815 Whedbee E 554' of Lot 16, 2nd Orchard Flinn, Re M, 5,940 .0087 51.68 Park Subdivision 127 S. Grant Lot 17 &W 0, of Lot 16, 2nd Walters, Robert W. & Bernadine E. 6,372 .0087 55.44 Orchard ]?ark Subdivii1on . 424 Stuart Be at a pt on W line of the Lynch, James P. 7,800 .0087 67.86 of the NE41 of the Wj 511 Parker of-Sec 24-7.69, th 20t S• of the NW cor thereof, th S 65t, th E 120t°, th N 50tto.pt of our. 154 radius cur. to-left to pt 105"t E of Beg, th W 150t to beg. STORM SEWER DISTRICT NO. 13 ASSESSMENT ROLL Page 15 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION OWMtS NAME & ADDRESS AREA SQUARE FEET RATE PER SQUARE FOOT TOTAL ASSESSMENT Beg at a pt on the I W line of Morthole, Gordan K. & Joan L. 7,800 $ .0087 $ 67.86 the SE4 of the NE4 of the NW4 1705 Morningaide Drive & 85t S of W cor- thereof, th S 65t, th E 120t, th N 65-t, th W 120`V to pt of beg. Be at a pt on the W line of the Hansen, Richard M. & Carol 7,800 .0087 67.86 SE of the NE4 of the Nff4 of 1709 Morningaide Drive cCec 24.7-69 &-150t S of the NW cor thereof, th S 651', th E 120t, th N 65,', th V 120t to pt of beg. Beg at a pt 270t' E of M line & Walker, M. Frank & Edna H. 6,9500 0087 56.55 951 S of the N line of the SE4 1704 Morningside Drive of the NE4 of the W4 of Sec 24- 7-69, th W 100t,th S-65t, th E loot, th N 65r to pt of beg. Beg at a t 270t E of the V line Grandbouche L. & Eva D. 7,5oo .0087 65.25 Of the SEJ of the NE4of the 114 1700 Morningaide Drive & 201 S of the N line of the '�'4 of the NE4 of the NW4 of See. 24" 7«69, th S 75t, th V 100t', th N 60T to pt. of cur. of 15T radius curve to a pt 85t' W of pt of beg, th E 85`t to beg. Beg at a pt 195t N of SW cor of Jankouich, R. N. & I. It 900 008 the SE4 of the NE4 of the NW4 of 506 Stuart Street 7 10,53 Sec 24-7�69, th E- 215t', th S-60t, th W 165r,, th N 20t, th W 50t, th N to pt of beg. Beg at a pt 1951' N of the SW cor of Beye, Kenneth D. & L.V. 9,000 .0087 78.30 the SE4 of the NE4 of the NW} of Route 4 Box 321 Sec 24-7-69, th W. 150t,th S t,th th E 150t0 th N 60't to pt of beg. . i STORM SEWER DISTRICT NO. 13 ASSESSIENT ROLL Page 16 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION OWNERt3 NAM & ADDRESS AREA SQUARE FEET RATE PER SQUARE FOOT.,. TOTAL ASSESSNENT Beyei3mox�hft-t5m&WeVA 399325 $ .0087 342.13 tk,],p R 506 , et 36,5 ' 7 ' �" _. '17.,5 t E7 h to � , jel t A th S.13 , th 215 to pt %Gj,b oe-p't 2_15t S *f W cor Bristol, Morris G. & Erma H. of =4 Of r"M4 oP xyj Of 701 Mood Street 299.9000 .0087 2,601.30 Secs 24 7-69 th S 22' tt��t�h�� E 215t, th S 165t, th ErtaltE.2'r, th N 6121, th W 359.2t, th S 205t, th W 150r,th N lOt, th W 120t to pt of beg. Beg at the SW cor of Lot 17, Bush, P. L. 8,832 .0087 76.84 i 2nd Orchard Park Subd., th 445 Stuart Street N 1501 to true pt of bag, th if 69t, th N to S line of Alpert Subd. th E 69t to beg. Beg at the SW cor of the VWI Heater, E. 92000 .0087 78.30 of the NE4 of the NM NE4 of 512 Parker Street the NW4 of Sec 24-7-69, th N 182t, th E 60r,th S 182't,th W 60t to beg. Com at a pt 10't S & 135T W of Riba, Arthur R. 8,320 .0087 72.38 NW cor of Lot # 13, 2nd Orchard 425 Alpert Street Park Subd., th.W 65r', th S 128% + th E 651, th N 128tto pt of beg. Beg at a pt 16t S & 7Ot W of Paddock, Norman 8020 .0087 72.38 NW cor of Lot 13, 2nd Orchard 435 Alpert-Street Park Subd.th W 651,, th S 128t°, th E 65't, th N 128 to pt of beg. Beg at a pt 532t W & 30`r` N of Stark, L. D. & E. A. SE cor of SW4 of NE4 ofN6t4 of 404 Stuart Street 9,000 .0087 78.30 Sec 24-7-69., th w 60r,th N 1251, th E 60t, th S 1251' to beg. i STORM SCR DISTRICT NO. 13 ABBESS11ENT ROLL Page 17 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION OWNERtS NAM & ADDRESS AREA SQUARE FEET RATE PER SQUARE FOOT TOTAL ASSESSMNT Beg at a pt 460, W & 30IN Falk, M. .E. & B. No of the SE cor of the SW-11 410 Stuart Street 10,800 $ .0087 $ 93.96 of the NEI of the NWJ of Sec 24-7-k, th W 72'� th N 1501', th E 72t, th S 150t to pt of beg. Beg at a pt 3801V & 301, N Burgess, J. A. & G. I. .0087 104.40 of BE cor of S of NEI of 1040 Glen Moor Drive NW41 of Sec 24-7«69, th-W 80t'j th-N 150t', th E 80t, th S 1501 to pt of beg. Beg at a pt 300t'W & 30t' N of Gillman, B. Do & Ro A. 122000 .0087 104.40 SE cor of NEI of the NWI of 422 Stuart Street Sec 24-7-69, .th W 80t,th N 150T, I th E 801', th S 1501' to pt of beg. Be lot' E & 51' S of NW aor of Stearley, X K. W. & V. 5,950 o0087 51-76 of the NEI of the NW41 of 335 Parker Street See 24-7-693, th E 701.r', th S 8O't-, th W 70r, th N 80t to pt of .beg. Beg at a pt 801E of NW cor of Umbaugh, W. A. & D.D. 6,375 .0087 55.46 S2 of NEI of NWI of Sec 24»7.69, 345 Parker Street th E 75 t, th S 85r, th W 75 r', th N 85T to pt of-beg. Beg at a pt lOt' S of NW- cor of Beard, F. & L. 50,049 .0087 435.43. Lot # 8 2nd Orchard Park Subd., 528 Sheldon Drive th W 2a.2`f, th S 105'1`9 th W 25't', th S 111't', th E 229.2t', th N 201t, to pt of beg. Sec-. 24-7-69. Be at a pt 195`t N of SK cor of Bristol, Morris G. & Erma H. 119250 .0087 97.88 SW of NE-y of NW4 of Sec 24-7-69, 701 Wood Street th-W 15011 th N 75't, th E 150t0 th S 751 to pt. of beg. SW-, of NE4 of NW4 of Sec 24-7-69, Flinn, R. M. 28,500 .0087 247.95 i except Lots heretofore conveyed 127 So Grant 70 - Section 2. That at the regular meeting of the City Council held on the 28th day of January, A.D. 1960, said report of the City Engineer and City Manager concerning said proposed assessments for improvements in Consolidated Storm Sewer Improvement District No. 13 was by resolution of the City Council duly adopted for the purpose of consideration and determination at a regular meeting of the City Council to be held on the loth day of March, A.D. 1960, pursuant to a notice of the City Clerk as provided by law; that in and by said resolution the City Clerk was instructed and directed to publish notice in the official newspaper of the City of Fort Collins for a period of ten days, addressed to the owners of property to be assessed in Consolidated Storm Sewer Improvement District No. 13, stating the whole cost of the improvements and the share apportioned to each lot or tract of land in said districts and notifying the owners thereof that any complaints or objections that might be made in writing by them to the City Clerk, and filed in his office within thirty days from the first publication of said notices would be heard and determined by the City Council at a regular meeting thereof to be held on Thursday, March 10, 1960, at the hour of one-thirty o3c7Dck in the afternoon of said day in the Council Chamber in the City Hall in the City of Fort Collins; that after said hearing and determination of all such objections and complaints the City Council would take up the matter of the publication of an ordinance assessing the' cost of said improvements; that pursuant to the authority contained in said Resolution the City Clerk caused to be published said notice in the Fort Collins Coloradoan, the official newspaper of said City of Fort Collins, for a period of ten (10) days, as provided by ordinance, and that due proof of said publication has been duly filed in the office of the City Clerk; and that no complaints or objections have been made to said assessment by any property owners within said district, the Council of/the City of Fort Collins did confirm the apportionment and assessment as heretofore made by the City Engineer; the assessing ordinance for the cost of the improvements in Consolidated Storm Sewer District No. 13 was ordered submitted for passage and adoption. -2.+ Section 3. That the total cost of the improvements in said Consolidated Storm Sewer Improvement District No, 13 under and by virtue of said Ordinance No. 18, 1958, of said City, including the cost of inspection, collection and interest, with corrections, amounts to Nineteen Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety-Four Dollars and Sixty-Four Cents ($19,794.64), which said amount is hereby assessed against the real estate in said Consolidated Storm Sewer Improvement District No. 13 in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No. 7, 1921, relating to local public improvements and the proportion of said cost assessed to each lot or tract of. land in said Consolidated Storm Sewer Improvement District No. 13, comprising the following lots and blocks in said district, shall be as follows: Section 4. All assessments herein provided for shall be due and payable within thirty days from the final passage and publication of this Ordinance, without demand, provided that all assessments may at the election of the owners of the property assessed be paid in ten equal installments, ' beginning June 1, 1960, and payable annually on said last mentioned date thereafter until the full amount thereof has been paid, with interest on the unpaid principal payable semi-annually at the rate of six percent (6%) per annum. Section 5. Failure to pay the whole of the assessment within the said period of thirty days, shall be conclusively considered and held an election.on the part of all persons interested, whether under disability or otherwise, to pay in luch installments. Section 6. Failure to pay any installment, whether of principal or interest, when due, shall cause the whole of the unpaid principal to become due and payable immediately, and the whole amount of the unpaid principal and accrued interest shall thereafter draw interest at the rate of one percent (1%) per month, or fraction of a month, until the day of sale as hereinafter provided, but any time prior to the day of sale the owner may pay the amount of all unpaid installments with interest at one percent (1%) per month, or fraction of a month, and all penalties accrued, and shall thereupon be restored to the right to pay the installments in the same manner as if default had not been suffered. The owners of any property not in default as to any installments or payments may at any time pay the whole of the unpaid principal with interest accrued to the maturity of the next installment of interest or principals Section 7o Payments may be made to the Director of Finance at any time within thirty days of the final passage and publication of this Ordinance and an allowance of five percent (5%) discount shall be made on all payments made during such period only. r�W Section 8. In case of default in the payment of any install- ments of interest and principal when due, any and all property concerning which such default is suffered shall be advertised by the County Treasurer and sold for the payment of the whole of the unpaid assessment thereon; at- the same time or times and in the same manner, under all the .same conditions and penalties and with the same effects as are provided by law for sales of real estate in default of the payment of general taxes. Section 9. It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to prepare the foregoing assessment roll in said Consolidated Storm Sewer Improvement District No. 13 in proper form showing in suitable columns each piece of real estate assessed, the total amount of the assessment, the amount of each installment A principal and interest, and the date when each installment will become due, with suitable columns for use in case of payment of the whole amount or of any installment or penalty and deliver the same to the Director of Finance, and thereafter payments may be made to the Director of Finance at any time within thirty days after the passage of this assessment ordinance and the taking effect thereof. Upon the expiration of the thirty days, the Director of Finance shall return to the City Clerk the assessment roll showing all payments made thereon, with the date of each payment, and thereupon the City Clerk shall prepare a. permanent local assessment roll in book form, showing in suitable columns each piece of real estate or property upon which the assessment is unpaid, the whole amount of the assessment unpaid, the date to which the same is computed, the amount of each installment of principal and interest, together with two percent (2%) additional thereon as collection charges of the County Treasurer, and the date when the same will become due, with saiitable columns for use in case of the payment of any installments or penalties. Said roll shall be certified by the City Clerk under the seal of the City, and by him delivered to the County Treasurer of Larimer, County with his warrant for the collection of the same. r�.a Section 10. All collections made by the County Treasurer on said assessment roll in any calendar month shall be accounted for and paid over to the Director of. Finance on the first day of each and every month, with separate statements for all such collections for each month, in the same manner as general taxes are paid by the County Treasurer to the City. Section U. The owner of any divided or undivided interest may pay his share of any assessment upon producing evidence of the extent of his interest satisfactory to the officers having the roll in charge. Introduced, considered -favorably on first reading and ordered published this loth day of March, A.D. 1960, and to be presented for final passage on the �lst day of March, A.D. 196o. �c Mayor Attest: 2ff City Clerk Passed and adopted on final reading this 31st day of March, A.D. 196o. / Mayor Attest: /s/ Miles F. House City Clerk