HomeMy WebLinkAbout003 - 02/15/1935 - RELATING TO THE FIXING OF A SCHEDULE OF RATES INCLUDING RULES AND REGULATIONS TO BE CHARGES AND COLL ORDINANCE NO 3 , 19352 BEING AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE FIXING OF A SCHEDULE OF RATES INCLUDING RULES AND REGULATIONS, SAID RATES TO BE CHARGED AND COLLECTED BY THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO, FOR ELECTRIC LIGHT, HEAT AND POWER SERVICE, AND MUNICIPAL POWER AND LIGHTING WIThIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS, PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 4 OF ARTICLE XVIII OF THE CITY CHARTER, AND REPEALING ALL PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AREAS, Under and by virtue of Section 4 of Article XVIII of the City Charter, the power to regulate rates and to make rules and regulations for service by public utility corporations is reserved to the people to be exercised by ordinance of the Gouncil, and WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Works and Public Utilities, pursuant to the authority of the Gity Council , has investigated and caused to be investigated the matter of rates, rules and regulations for the service of electricity for light, heat and power purposes, within the corporate limits of the City of Fort Collins, and has reported to the Gity Council on the said subject, wherein said Commissioner recommends to the City Council the passage of an ordinance covering said recommendations, there- fore BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS Section 1 That the Public Service Company of Colorado pay to the Gity of Fort Collins an occupation tax, for the use and occupancy of the streets , alleys, and public grounds of the said City, in operating and maintaining its lines therein, one and one-half (112%) per cent on the gross revenues of said company, for all electric service in the City of Fort Gollins , in monthly installments on sworn statements , prepared by said company and duly filed with the City Glerk at the time of such payments And for the purpose of advising the City of the -1- correctness of the said returns, it shall be lawful for the Commissioner of Works and Public Utilities to inspect, or cause to be inspected , the books of the said company, and report to the City Council thereon Section 2 The City Council finds and determines that the proposed rates to be charged and collected by the Public Service Company of Colorado are lawful and expedient rates, and which schedule of rates is hereinafter set forth and adopted as the lawful rates for the said Company to charge and collect within the corporate limits of the City of Fort Collins , for light, heat, and power furnished to the inhabitants of said city and for muni- cipal power and lighting, in accordance with the terms and pro- visions of the schedule of rates hereinafter set forth in Section 3, together with the general rules and regulations filed with the City Clerk by the said Company, which said rules and regulations shall govern and control the said Company in rendering service and charging and collecting rates provided in this schedule , which schedule of rates is hereby accepted and adopted as controlling in the matter of the service to be rendered until further modified by regulations of the City Council Section 3 The following schedule of rates is hereby adopted and approved, which shall be the rates lawful for the Public Service Company of Colorado to charge and collect for light, heat and power service , and municipal power and lighting, within the corporate limits of the City of Fort Collins , being the schedule of rates referred to in Section 2 of this ordinance SCHEDULE 1 RESIDENCE SERVICE Available for domestic service only Not available to clubs, fraternities , sorollties , lodges, hotels or rooming houses -2- RATE (Net) First 35 kwh used per month, per kwh $0 06 Next 35 kwh used per month, per kwh 04 All additional kwh used per month, per kwh 02 MINIMUM Net minimum charge per meter, per month 1 00 DELAYED PAYMENT CHARGE To all bills not paid within ten days from date of bill, there will be added five per cent of the net bill CONTRACT PERIOD All contracts under this schedule , except when a line extension other than a service loop is required, shall be made for a period of thirty (30) days , automatically renewed for like periods but terminable thereafter, where no service is longer required, on three (3) days' written notice SPECIAL RULES AND REGULATIONS Under this schedule company will permit 110 volt motors rated up to one-quarter (I) horsepower split-phase type, or one-half (2) horsepower repulsion-induction type , or where service is available^220 volt motors rated to five ( 5) horsepower SCHEDULE 2 GENERAL BUSINESS LIGHTING SERVICE Available for business service only RATE (Net) First 100 hours use per month of billing demand, per kwh $0 06 Next 100 hours use per month of billing demand, per kwh 04 All additional use per month, per kwh 02 MINIMUM Net monthly minimum charge per 100 watts of billing demand 10 But not less per meter, per month, than 1 00 DELAYED PAYMENT CHARGE To all bills not paid within ten days from date of bill there will be added five per cent of the first $100 00 or less of net monthly bill, plus two per cent of the amount in excess of $100 00 DETERMINATION OF BILLING DEMAND Billing demand, which in no event shall be considered as less than 500 watts, shall be determined on the following basis Section 1 - CONNECTED LOAD BASIS - Connected load shall be classified as (a) lighting, (b) heaping devices , fans and -3- small utility motors of not over 3/4 horsepower rating, (c) motors of over 3/4 horsepower rating Billing demand shall be based on the sun of Glass (a) and (c) load When combined Class (a) and (c) is less than 3000 watts , 100% of said combined load shall be the billing demand When combined Class (a) and (c) load is 3000 watts or more , billing demand shall be 100% of first 3000 plus 70% of next 5000 , plus 60% of said combined class (a) and (c) load in excess of 8000 watts MEASURED DEMAND BASIS When the total connected load is in excess of 2500 watts, the billing demand, at the option of the Company, may be determined as the actual maximum demand determined by suitable meter measurements, but not less than 2500 watts CONTRACT PERIOD All contracts under this schedule, except when a line extension other than a service loop is required, shall be made for a period of thirty (30) days, automatically renewed for like periods, but terminable thereafter, where no service is longer required, on three (3) days' written notice SPECIAL RULES AND REGULATIONS Under this schedule company will permit 110 volt motors rated up to one-quarter (¢) horsepower split-phase type , or one-half HE horsepower repulsion-induction type , or where service is available , 220 volt motors rated to five (5) horsepower The minimum charge of $0 10 per 100 watts of demand will not be applied to churches , eleemosynary institutions and schools, not conducted for profit -4- SCHEDULE 3 BUSINESS DISPLAY LIGHTING SERVICE Available for business sign, window and display lighting service in the business section, when the size and character of the installation meets the approval of the Company, and the burning hours are controlled as specified in the rate RATE (Net) Sign, window and Display Lighting _Dusk to 10 P M Burning First 1,000 watts of connected load,per month,per 100 watts $0 80 Next 1,000 watts of connected load,per month,per 100 watts 70 All additional watts of connected load, per month, per 100 watts 65 Dusk to 11 P M Burning First 1,000 watts of connected load,per month,per 100 watts 90 Next 1,000 watts of connected load,per month,per 100 watts 80 All additional watts of connected load, per month, per 100 watts 75 Dusk to Dawn Burning First 1,000 watts of connected load,per month,per 100 watts 1 60 Next 1,000 watts of connected load,per month,per 100 watts 1 40 All additional watts of connected load, per month, per 100 Additional Hours Use watts 1.25 When any load is burned for a longer period than specified in the contract, a charge for each additional hour of daily burning period , per month, per 100 watts, of 10 shall be added to the contract schedule MINIMUM Net monthly minimum charge per customer as provided by the burning hours of the rate No connected load shall be considered as less than 200 watts DISCOUNT The above rates are net To all bills not paid within ten (10) days from date of bill, there will be added 5% of the net bill CONTRACT PERIOD All contracts under this schedule shall be made for a period of twelve (12) months, automatically renewed for like periods but terminable , where no service is longer required, on three (3) days' written notice •.5- SCHEDULE 4 GENERAL SECONDARY POWER SERVICE Available for an initial specified demand for alternating current power service metered at the voltage of company's established secondary distribution system RATE (Net) First 20 kwh used per month per Hp of contract horsepower, but not less than for the first 100 kwh used, per kwh $0 05 Next 40 kwh used per month per Hp of contract horsepower, but not less than for the next 200 kwh used, per kwh 04 Next 140 kwh used per month per Hp of contract horsepower, but not less than for the next 700 kwh used, per kwh 02 All additional kwh used per month, per kwh 015 MINIMUM Net monthly minimum charge per horsepower of contract horsepower 1 00 Nor less per meter, per month, than 1 00 And for not less than 3 consecutive months each year DETERMINATION OF CONTRACT HORSEPOWER When the connected load is five horsepower or less the total connected load shall be considered as the contract horsepower When the connected load is in excess of five horsepower the contract horsepower, which in no event shall be taken as less than five horsepower nor less than seventy-five per cent of the manufacturer's rating of largest motor connected, shall be determined, at option of company, by either of the following methods (1) Connected Load Basis The following percentages of the total connected load shall determine the contract horsepower For installations of (a) One motor 100% (b) Two motors 80% (c) Three motors 70% (d) Four motors 60% (e) Five motors 50% (f) Six or more motors 45% Provided that motors of less than one horsepower rating and miscellaneous appliances of less than 1000 watts shall not be counted as motors in the determination of the above percentages, but shall be considered as part of the total connected load (2) Measured Demand Basis The contract horsepower shall be taken as the measured demand, determined by suitable meter measurement, but shall in no event be less than 30% of the total connected load -5-A DELAYED PAYMENT CHARGE To all bills not paid within ten days from date of bill, there will be added five per cent of the first $100 00 or less of net monthly bill, plus two per cent of the amount in excess of $100 00 SCHEDULE 5 BUSINESS COOKING SERVICE Available for business cooking and heating RATE (net) First 100 kwh used per month, per kwh $0 035 All additional kwh used per month, per kwh 03 Except that when no energy is used under this schedule during the "on-peak" hours the rate for all kwh used per month in excess of 500 kwh shall be , per kwh 02 MINIMUM Net minimum charge per meter, Der month For a connected load of 3 kw or less 2 00 Plus For each additional kw of connected load 1 25 DISCOUNT The above rates are net To all bills not paid within ten (10) days from date of bill, there will be added 5% CONTRACT PERIOD All contracts under this schedule shall be made for a period of twelve (12) months , automatically renewed for like periods but terminable, where no service is longer required, on three (3) days' written notice SCHEDULE 6 SPECIAL PRIMARY POWER SERVICE Available for alternating current power and inci- dental lighting provided service is taken at one point of delivery and metered at voltage of Company' s established primary distribution system Not available for standby or resale service RATE (Net) Demand charge First 100 Hp or less of billing demand, per month $200 00 Next 300 Hp of billing demand, per month, per Hp 1 50 All additional Hp of billing demand, per month, per Hp 1 00 Energy charge First 50 kwh used per month per Hp of billing demand,perkwh 02 Next 50 kwh used per month per Hp of billing demand,per kwh 01 All additional kwh used per month, per kwh 007 MINIMUM Net minimum charge equal to Demand Charge of rate , but not less per meter, per month, than 200 00 -6- DETERMINATION OF M IMUM DEMAND The KW demand may, at the option of the Company, be determined by a maximum demand meter, otherwise it shall be assumed as being 0 8 times the contract horsepower, which shall be determined as follows On installation of 1 motor the contract horsepower shall be taken as the manufacturers' name plate rating On installation of 2 motors the contract horsepower shall be taken as 80% of combined manufacturerst name plate rating On installation of 3 motors the contract horsepower shall be taken as 70% of combined manufacturers' name plate rating On installation of 4 motors the contract horsepower shall be taken as 60% of combined manufacturers' name plate rating On installation of 5 motors the contract horsepower shall be taken as 50% of combined manufacturerst name plate rating On installation of 6 or more motors the contract horse- power shall be taken as 45% of combined manufacturerst name plate rating Each installation served from one meter or service shall be considered as a separate installation Provided on any installation the contract horsepower shall not be less than the manufacturers' name plate rating of the largest motor or appliance connected also at the option of the company the contract horsepower may be determined as the actual 15-minute maximum demand as measured by a suitable demand meter DELAYED PAYMENT PENALTY A penalty of a cent per KWH will be added to monthly bill if such bill is not paid within ten days after the same is due , provided that such penalty shall not exceed $5 00 on any monthts bill SPECIAL RULES CONTRACT PERIOD All contracts under Schedule 6 are for a minimum period of 12 months, automatically renewable for a like period and ter- minable on 30 days' written notice before the end of any such period When the customer desires to change the connected load, a new contract may be entered into for a period of 12 months before the expiration of the original contract Customer is not permitted to change the connected load provided for in contract without signing .7- new contract based on changes contemplated under penalty of refusal of further service under this schedule POINT OF MEASUREMENT All current, under Schedule 6 , shall be considered as measured at the voltage of the company's established primary distribution system at the point where service is delivered TRANSFORMERS Customers who do not guarantee to use service for 12 months each year, under Schedule 6 , shall be required to furnish and maintain transformers for stepping-down voltage from that furnished by company's primary distribution voltage to that re- quired by customer's installation Company shall not be required to furnish transformers in any case unless they are of standard size and voltage POWER FACTOR Should the average monthly power factor or unbalance between phases of the customer's installation fall below 80%, under Schedule 6 , the demand or contract horsepower shall for purpose of billing be increased in the ratio of 80% to the actual average power factor or unbalance SCHEDULE 7 MUNICIPAL BUILDING LIGHTING SERVICE Lighting of the buildings in the City Park and Camp Grounds, City Library, flood lights for City Soft Ball Courts, and the Public Schools shall be as follows _ RATE (Net) All current used, per kwh 0 05 The City or School District No 5 shall have the right , upon written application, of obtaining service under any of the Companyts rates available for such service in lieu of the above rate MINIMUM Net minimum charge per meter, per month 1 00 _8r SCHEDULE 8 MUNICIPAL RAILWAY POWER AND LIGHT AND CITY HALL SERVICE Available only for combined power and lighting service to the Municipal Street Railway, City Shops and City Hall of the City of Fort Collins RATE (Ne t) Energy Charge All kwh used, per kwh 0 01 Service to the Municipal Railway shall be metered at the voltage of Company's established primary distribution system Service to the City Hall shall be metered at the voltage of Company's established secondary distribution system The City shall have the right , upon written application, of obtaining service under any of the Company' s rates available for such service in lieu of the above rate SCHEDULE 9 MUNICIPAL STREET LIGHTING SERVICE Available for municipal street and park lighting at the voltage and/or current and phase of Company's established dis- tribution system for such service RATE (Net) Multiple Incandescent lamps Per Lamp , per year Burning Dusk to Dawn 750 watt lamps 81 00 500 watt lamps 60 00 300 watt lamps 45 00 200 watt lamps 36 00 150 watt lamps 30 00 100 watt lamps 24 00 60 watt lamps, 2 or more lamps per standard ) 60 watt Alley, bracket lamps, business district ) 15 00 Burning Dusk to 12 P M 300 watt lamps 38 50 200 watt lamps 30 00 100 watt lamps 21.00 60 watt lamps, 2 or more lamps per standard 9 00 Series Incandescent Lamps Per lamp, per year Burning Dusk to Davin 600 candlepower lamps 51 00 400 candlepower lamps 42 00 250 candlepower lamps 30 00 60 candlepower bracket lamps on existing general dis- tribution poles 18 00 Burning Dusk to 12 P M 600 candlepower lamps 43.20 The Company will install, maintain, and operate at the above schedule rates for street lighting all incandescent overhead bracket or suspended street lights complete , providing such lights are located within two hundred feet of the nearest available point on its existing distribution system, and provided the investment per fixture does not exceed twice the annual revenue from each such unit The Company will operate and maintain ornamental street lighting standards and install and maintain the overhead or underground wiring as required for such standards at the above scheduled rates for street lighting, provided the Companyts investment per standard does not exceed twice the annual revenue from each such unit Whenever the Company installs ornamental street lighting standards, at the request of the City, the Company shall charge for each such unit , in addition to the above schedule of street lighting rates , an amount equivalent to 12 per cent on such additional investment until it is reimbursed for such investment, such 12 percent being 8 percent interest and 4 percent depreciation The minimum charge per standard where 60 watt lamps are used shall be based on the use of not less than two 60 watt lamps Bills shall be rendered by the Company and paid by the City for all municipal lighting in equal monthly installments at the end of each calendar month GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS The City Council of the City of Fort Collins shall have the right and power at all times to make , change , adopt or approve all necessary rules and regulations governing the supply and use of electric service in the City of Fort Collins All service under all of the above schedules is subject to the general service rules and regulations now in effect and filed with the exCep74 ✓✓here in cony/ ca w 1�h ?'-h J Ord manea City Clerk$A together with such supplements thereto and revisions thereof as may be, from time to time , agreed upon by the Public Service Company of Colorado and the City Council Provided, however, that nothing in this ordinance contained shall in any way limit or restrict the power to regulate the rates and charges for service which are reserved to the people by the terms of Section 4 of Article XVIII of the City Charter -10- Section 4 Ordinance No 3 of the Series of 1927 , Ordinances Nos 3 and 4 of the Series of 1932 and Ordinance No 11 of the Series of 1934 and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed Section 5 In the opinion of the City Council an emergency exists for the preservation of the public health, peace and safety, and this ordinance shall take effect upon its passage , under and by virtue of the authority contained in Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter Introduced, read at length and adopted by the unanimous vote of all members of the City Council, at a regular meeting held this 15th day of February, A D 1935 Commissioner of Safety and Ex-Officio Mayor ATTEST ity Clerk STATE OF COLORADO , ) ss County of Larimer ) I, A J ROSENOW, City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins , do hereby certify and declare that the foregoing Ordinance , consisting of five (5) sections, was duly proposed and read at length at a regular meeting of the City Council, held on the 15th day of February, A D 1935, and was duly adopted and ordered published in the Fort Collins Express- Courier, a daily newspaper and the official newspaper of the City of Fort Collins , by the unanimous vote of all members of the City Council as an emergency ordinance, in accordance with the provisions of Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter, and thereafter and on to-wit the 21st day of February, A D 19352 said Ordinance No 3 was duly published in The Fort Collins Express-Courier, a daily newspaper published in the City of Fort Collins , Colorado IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said City, this 21st day of February, A D 1935 City Clerk