HomeMy WebLinkAbout012 - 06/28/1929 - RELATING TO THE LICENSING OF BILL POSTERS AND THE LICENSING FEE FOR THE ERECTION, MAINTENANCE AND IN y ORDIIT,dTCE LTO 'Y 1929 3EITTG AN D I'TIGETICY ORDI TAIICE TZELaTII G TO TrTE LICEITSIITC OF BILL POSTERS AID THE LICE TSI1 G F_�,u FOR TT-JL L'DECTIOI%i TIAII TENAI CE A TD iff=CTIOff OF BILL pOhRDS 1ITTTIIT TTIL+ uMPORA`_E LII. ITS OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS COLO_�ADO Br IT ORDAIIIED BY TrIE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 0_� FORT COLLIiTS Section 1 It shall be unlawful for any person firm or cor-ooration to Dost print, paint fasten or place any adver- tisement on any bill board within tie corporate limits of the City of Fort Collins without first having obtained a license therefor Section 2 The bill posters' license as contemplated in the preceding section shall be Seventy-five (175 00 ) Dollars per annum pajable in advance which license fee will be due and parable on the first day of January of each year and the same will expire on the tnTrty-first day of December of each � ear Section 3 Any person, firm or corp.ration dasiring to erect a-nd maintain or cause to be erected and maintairn d any bill board or oth-r structure desio ed to oe used for advertising pur- poses whereon any poster bill printing, paintinb or other advertising matter wRiatsoever may be stuck, tacked posted printed wasted fastened or placed within the corporate limits of the City of Fort Collins or who have already erected such bill boards and are maintain-L -ig the same witnin the corporate limits of the City of Fort Collins shall Tor Vie purpose of continuing the maintenance of said bill boards apply do the City Council for a license there- for which application shall state the number of bill boards so erected a_ad maintained, or to be erected ai+aintained, and the location thereof and shall accompany such application with a fee Teo and 50;100 (02 50 ) Dollars for each panel of bill ooard of the dimensions of twelve (12) feet by twenty-five (25 ) fect or three hundred (300) square feet or less and fol each additicnal panel of twelve (12) feet by twenty-five (25 ) feet or three hundied (300 ) -1- square feet or less a similar fee shall be charged and upon the granting of ary application for a license , the Commissioner of Safety and Ea-Officio Mayor and the City Clerk are hereby authorized to issue a license therefor which shall exoire with the fiscal year December thirty-first in each year Said license fee sbali cover all inspection and censor charges All of said bill boards to be erected under the regulations and limitations as orovided in the Building Code and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Fort Collins Section 4 Such person firm or corporation maintairing bill boards as aforesaid, within the corporate limits of the City of Fort Collins shall iteep and maintain the same in a safe , clean and well oainted condition and all posters bills printing painting or other adtiertis_ng matter shall before the same are posted be censored by the Commissioner of Saiety and Ex-Officio rajor and no posters , bills printing painting or otb r advertising matter whuch oy reason of their iniecent or immoral tendencies do not meet with the approval of the said Commissioner of Safety and Ex-Officio PLayor shalt be placed upon any of said bill boards within the corporate limits of the City of fort Collins Section 5 All license fees heretofore mentioned in this ordinance shall terminate on the 31st day of December of each year and all license fees shall be due and oayable on the 1st day of January of each year Whenever applications are received between the is t daj of January and the 31st day of December tle City Clerk shall make calculations and charge for such licenses in proportion as the remaining part of the year is to the whole year for the purposes of tics ordinance the month being considered as the snallest subdivision of the year Section 6 Any person firm or corporation who shall violate any of tvie provisions of tells ordinance shalt upon conviction be fined in a sum not less than Five (�5 00 ) Dollars and not more t )an One hund ed (0100 00 ) Dollars for each offense -2- together with costs of suit Section 7 O-dinance No 37, 1923 Ordinance to 1 1924 Ordinance No 39 1928, and all otner ordinances or A arts of ordinances in conflict with t is ordinance ar- hereby repealed Section 8 In the op-n-on of tune City Council an emergency exists for the vreservation of the public health peace and safety and this ordinance shall take of-tect uroon its passa,,e and publication under and by virtue of the authority contaire d in Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter Introduced read at length and adopted by the unanimous vote of all members of the Gity Council at a reotla r meting held this 28th day of Jure A D 1929 Commiss n2r o a e y an Urricio r or ATTEST City Clerk STATE OF COLOR DO ) ) SS C0Ui= OF LARI1?1TR ) I k J ROSIN011 City C1erl of the City of 7iort Collins do hereby c-rtify and declare ttiiat the fo7 e,,oing ordi -lance con- sisting of eight (8 ) sections was duly proposed and r ad at length at a regular meeting of t -ie City Council held on the 28th day of June A D 1929 and was duly adopted and ordered published _n the Fort Collins Express-Courier, a daily news-oaaer and the official newspaper of the City of Fort Collins by the unanimoL s vote of all memb-rs of the City Council as an emergency ordinance in accord- ance with theprovisions of Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV of the C_ty Charter and thereafter and on to-wit the y ZA1- day of "iy A D 1929 said Ordinance No / 1-`� was duly purl-ids ed in the Fort Collins Express-Courier a daily newsparer publisned in the City of Fort Collins Colorado IN WITITESS 1/g21?7OF I have h- reunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said City this da o J , A D 1929 J G-rt y _er -3-