HomeMy WebLinkAbout033 - 01/26/1956 - VACATING PORTIONS OF PARK STREET AND WEST STREET, AND THE ALLEYS IN BLOCKS 305, 315, AND 316, LYING ORDINkics 110, 339 1955
THE ALLTsYs IN BIAus 3o5, 315, and 316, LrM NORTH
4mEms, the plat of Blocks 3o5, 315 and 316, hying North and East of
the Arthur Ditch right of may in the Capitol Bill Addition to the City of Fort
Collins, Colorado, recorded in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of
Iarimer rlounty, shmm portions of Park Street and Nest Street abutting thereon,
and also shoes certain-alloys contained in said blocks, and
IMEREAS, the owner of the lots in the above mentioned blocks abutting on
said streets and alleys has petitioned the Council of the City of Fort Collins to
cause the same to be vacated, and
WFEREAS, it appears that the streets and alleys requested to be vacated
have never been opened to public travel and are not now opened to the public, and
no public funds have been expended on such streets and alleys, and
WEERMS, it further appears that the entire area involved is being re-
subdivided and platted with streets, alleys and ether areas otherwise designated
and set aside for public use, which resubdivision has been approved by the Flaming
and Zoning Commission, and
WFEREAS, the Council of the City of Fort Collins is of the opinion that it
will be to the best interests of the City to vacate said streets and alleys as here-
inafter described.
Section 1. That those portions of Park Street and West Street# and the
alleys in Blocks 305, 315, and 316, lying East of the Arthur Ditch right of may is
the Capitol Hill Addition to the City of Fort Collins, more particularly described
as followe, to-wits
I. That portion of Park Street lying bets Blocks 306 and 316 in
the Capital Hill Addition to the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, and
more particularly described as follows:
All that portion of Park Street contained within boundary liaee be-
ginning at the SW corner of Block 306 and rnauing thoace North 424.6
fast, to the NW corner of Said Blocs 306, thence West 70 Foot, to
the gB corner of Block 3169 thence South 424.6 feet, to the s8 unman
of said Block 316, and thence East 70 feet, to the point of beginning,
all in the Capitol Sill Addition to the City of Port Collins, Caloradm.
II. Tbatportiam of Park Street lying between Blocks 305 and 306 and
North of the ri&t-of-W of the Arthur Utah in the Capitol Sill
Addition to the City of Port Collins, Colorado, and more particularly
described as fallen:
That portion of Park Street contained within boundary lines beginning
at the Q corner of Blocs 305 and running them south 214,92 feat,
more or less, to the Northerly line of the Arthur Ditch right-off,
thence N 52°00' W, 88.83 feet, along said ri&t-of-wW Una, to the
Best line of said Block 315, thence North 160,66 feet, mat or leas,
to the NB corner of said Hlock 315, and thsnee east 70.00 feat, to the
point of beginning, all in the Capital Bill Addition to the City of
Fort Collins, Colorado.
III. That partionof west street lying between Black 316 and the Arthur
Ditch right of Say in the Capitol Rill Addition to the City of Fort
Collins, Colorado and more particularly described as follows:
That portion of West $treat contained within boundary lines beginning
at the SW corner of said Block 316 and running thence North 43.57 feet,
more or less, to the Sasterly Lim of the Arthur Ditch righttt-of-war,
thence S. 3940, W. 17.82 feet, along Said right-of-way line, thence
g. 38*42, W. 37.01 feet, more or leas, along said right of way line,
to the South line of said Block 316 extended, and thence S. 69*390 S.
33,53 feet, more or lose to the paint of beginning, all in the Capitol
Hill Addition to the CiV of Fort Collins, Colorado-
Iv. That portion of beat street lying between Block 315 and the Arthur
Ditch right-of-war, and mare particularly described as fdllcvs:
That portion of Vest Street contained vithin boundary lines beginning
at the RW corner of Block 315 and running thence West 70.00 feat, to
the SeSterly Line of the Arthur Ditch right-of-way, thence South 86.58
feet, thence S. 364109 S. 35.53 foot, along said right-off line,
thence s. 41°59' S. 57.76 feet, along Said right-of-way line, thence
s. 53*2?' E. 13.01 feet, more or less, along said right-off}► line to
the urest lisp of said Block 315, and thence North 165.47 feet, more or
less, to the point of beginning, all in the Capitol Hill Addition to the
City of Port Collins, Colorado.
Q. The alley in Block 305 lying North of the Arthur Ditch right-of-sway,
in the Capitol Sill Addition to the City of Fart Calling, Colorado, and
more particularly described as follawa:
That portion of the alley in #id Block 305 contained Within bofssdary
lines begImaisg st the Bpi corner of Lot 9 in 41d Block and saucing
thence South 334.56 feet, more or leas, to the Northerly line of the
Arthur Ditoh rj&Ut-af mW9 thence g W39' W, 21.78 feet, more or lases
along said right-of-w lines to the 'meat line of said alleys tbsws
Borth 326.05 feet, more or leas, to the BB coarser of Lot 10 in said
Blocks and thence East 20 feet, to the Point of bsOmal", all in the
Capitol Hill Addition to the City of Fart Collins# Colorado.
V1. The A4ay in Block 315 lying North of the Arthur Ditch rightrot-
vay in than tqttol Sill. Addition to the City of Fort Co111sa9, Colorado,
and more particularly described as follcaaa:
That portior of the alley in said Block 315 contained Within boundary
lines beginning at the SW corner Of Lot 9 in bid Block and running
thence South 132.36 fast, more or loses 1k+ the irther]y line of the Arthur
Ditch right-offs thwqce S8r 27' w lb.45 feet, along said right-cf-
Way lire thence S6V48' W 3.98 feet, more or less, along said right
of Wray line to the West liar of said alleys thence North 135.47 feets
mare or lees to the NH corm of Lot 10 in said Blocks and thence East
20 feet, to the point of bung, all in the ogdtol Hill Addition
to the city of Fart Collins, Colorado.
Me The Alley in Block 316 in the Capital Rill Addition to the City
of Fort Collins. Colorado, more particularly described as follows
The alley in said Block 316 contained within boundary lines beginning
at the W coroner of Lot 8 in said Block cad reading Son'h 424.6
fasts to the SW cornea of Lot 1 in sad Blocks Umm as meat 20 feet to
the SE corner or Lot 16 in said Brock, throe North 424*6 feet, to the
Bib corner of Lot 9 in said Blocks and thence East 20 feet to the point
of begiadings all in the Capital hill Addition to the City of Fort
Collins,, Colorado.
be and the same are hereby vacated, abolished and abandoned.
Introducede considered favorably an first readings and ordered published
this 22nd dy of Decembers A. D. 1955* and to be presented for Baal passage an
Jam=T 26s A.D. 1956.
city G"WIC
Passed and adopted on fiaahl reading this 26th day of Januarys A. D. 1956.