HomeMy WebLinkAbout004 - 03/01/1954 - SUBMITTING TO THE QUALIFIED TAXPAYING ELECTORS OF THE CITY AT THE REGULAR MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE H i re ORDINANCE NO 1 1954 AN ORDINANCE SUBTAITTING TO THE QUALIFIED TAXPAYING LECTORS OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COLORADO, AT THE REGULAR MUNICI- PAL ELhCTION TO BE HELD APRIL 6, 1984, THE QUESTION OF AUTHORIZING THE' ISSUANCE OF HAT IIR BONDS OF PAID CITY IN THE PRIN- CIPAL AMOM OF $1,800,000, AND DECLAR- ING AN 51ERGENCY WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado , deems it necessary and advisable to supplement the water supply ani to extend and improve the water system of said city, and WHEREAS, the City does not have in its treasury suffi- cient money available for such purposes , and ` WHEREAS , the City Council deems it necessary and desir- able to issue bonds of the City for such purposes, subject to the approving vote of the qualified taxpaying electors of the City, THEREFOIRE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THfl CITY COUNCIL OF THE � CIT f OF FORT COLLINS Section 1 That at the regular municipal election to i be held in the City of Fort Collins Colorado, on the 6th day of April, 1954, there shall be and there Is hereby submitted to a vote of the oualified taxpaying electors of the City the question stated in the form of ballot and notice hereinafter set forth Section 2 Only qualified registered taxpaying elec- tors of the City shall be permitted to vote upon the question , submitted Section 3 The question so submitted shall be voted on at said election at the polling places designated for said regular election, and such election shall in all respects be held and conducted as nearly as may be in the manner prescribed by law for elections of munioipal officers 2 - I � li I I ` I� II Section 4 The ballots to be used in voting upon the i !iquestion submitted shall be prepared and furnished by the City !jClerk to the judges of election to be by them furnished to the , voters Such ballots to be deposited in separate ballot boxes I ishall be in substantially the following form �i I {I � , I i I� I t � If f , II II RI i �I 1 I ,I I I II I I II I � 1 I' I I , G - 3 - 4ITT OF FORT COLLIOS o COL©RADO WATZR BOND 'SLIDrIaN ARIL 6, 19" QUESTION SUi3MTEis *shall the 0ity OounQil of the city of Port 00111A89 Coloredoo oomtraot an Indebtedness on behalf of the City and upon the aredit thereof, by issuing the negotiable ooapeA bonds of the City in the asgregate amount of 01#6004000 for the purpose of dt► p�smeatissg the water supply and exteadlas azaAl isrroving the waterworks system of said altyo such bonds to beqr tAtorest[at a *Mte not exeeedIn6 3A per aAAUM, payyable smmiM annually$, to mature serialY *it un 66 years from their date and to be redeem+ able at the option of the 01ty is years after their date?* FOR WATHR BONDS s � � t AGAINST WATHR BOWWs E f w w r N r w r •r rt ♦ r ► ♦ it INSTRUCTIONS TO WTIMS The voter shall prepare his balloto in— dioeting his approval of disapproval of the foregoing propos$%10 a by plaeing a *rose W opposite the group of words above whieh expresses his aholas on said question, and shall then deposit his ballot in the ballot box provided for sash purpose I I I .. 4 r i I ' I I I II I� Section 5 Said bond election shall be conducted by j Ilthe judges and clerks appointed to conduct the regular municipal II Ileleotion on said date ` Section 6 The votes cast at said election on the I , I� question aforesaid shall be returned and canvassed and the result I� declared in the same manner as nearly as may be as provided by flaw for the return, canvass and the declaration of the result of votes cast at an election of municipal officers Section 7 .A notice of the time and place of said eleo-1 i Ition shall be published in three successive weekly editions of I The Fort Collins Coloradoan , a newspaper of general circu- lation, published in the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, the � first of which publications shall be at least fifteen (ib) days I Ibefore such election, and a copy of such notice shall be posted flat each place of voting at least fifteen (lb) days before such I election, and the City Clerk is hereby charged with the duty of 1jI effectuating this provision I I Said notice to be published and posted as aforesaid i shall be in substantially the following forms I I I I I I II I I I I� II i I) � II I I I II I �I I I I ' - I fi I+ I CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COLORADO WATIR BOND ELECTION APRIL 6, 1984 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That at the regular muni- Iaipal election to be held on April 80 1964, in the City of Fort lCollins, Colorado, there shall be submitted to the vote of the qualified taxpaying electors of the City the following question: "Shall the City Council of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, contract an indebtedness on behalf of the City abd upon the credit thereof, by issuing the negotiable coupon bonds of the City in the aggregate amount of tl,500,000 for the purpose of supplementing the water (I supply and extending and improving the waterworks system of said city, such I bonds to bear interest at a rate not. II exceeding 3% per annum, payable semi annually, to mature serially within BS ' years from their date apd to be redeem• �I able at the option of the City 15 years after their date? Said election will be held at the polling places desig4- j noted for said regular municipal election on said date — the polls will be open continuously from the hour of 7 00 o'clock a m, to and until the hour of 7t00 o+cloak pom* IThe ballots to be used in voting upon the question submitted will + be prepared and furnished by the City Clark to the judges of elm tion, to be by them furnished to the voters, and such ballots shall be deposited in separate ballot boxes to be furnished for that purpose The election will be held and conducted as nearlt as may be in the meaner prestaribed by law for elections of muni-o cipal officers Registration for said election will take place in the manner now provided by law Any person possessing qualifications lito vote at said election but whose name does not appear on the official registration list, may register with the City Clerk of Ijort Collins, Colorado, at any time during business hours up to and including Tuesday, the 30th day of March, 1984, one week be- lIfore said election IN MT1113SS WHERROF, the City Council of the City of 11IFort Collins, Colorado, has caused this notice to be published L and posted as reouirea by law, and dated this day of 19646 City Clark S R A L ) p 1+ � w $ w i 1 I i Section 8 By reason of the fact that the City Is not supplied witl-i adequate water facilities, it is the opinion of the City Council an emergency exists for the preservation of the public health, peace and safety, and this ordinance shall take effect upon its passa&e, under and by virtue of the authority contained in Sections 6 and 17 of Article IV of the City Charter. Adopled and approved by the unanimous vote of ! all members of the City Council, this /1' day of 1954, i I t Cdmmissioner of Safety and Ex-Officio Mayor I £ L ) I ATTPST i � j! / City Clerk I I I I I 1 S i fi I a STATE OF COLORADO) ) ss COUNTY OF LARIMPR) I MILES F HOUSE City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins, do hereby certify and declare that the aforesaid Ordinance, consisting of eight sections was duly proposed and read at length at an adjourned meeting of the City Council, held on the lst day of March, A D 1954, and was duly adopted and ordered published in the Fort Collins Coloradoan a daily newspaper and official newspaper of the City of Fort Collins by the unanimous vote of all members of the City Council, as an Emergency Ordinance in accordance with the provisions of Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter and thereafter and on to-wit the 2nd day of March A D 1954, said Ordinance No was duly published in the Fort Collins Coloradoan a daily newspaper published in the City of Fort Collins, Colorado IN WITNESS W HFREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said City this 2nd day of March A D 1954 ' City Clerk Fr`f- L°o ��� N s L'o !o r�ec! oa. vcr `/- �' /4 1 � a ro-k. e't -- •b 1.