HomeMy WebLinkAbout034 - 07/26/1962 - VACATING A RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR A WATER LINE OVER AND ACROSS A PORTION OF THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 13, TOWN OBDE Nfi. ..-3= 1962. BBno An ap vacaxw A BIO QV tom( M A WAM LEE tfM`W ACROSS A l't98 M OF TM WMMUA89 by Quit Cleft Dead dated Jmmumy. ll;, ,1923, and recorded In Dooh 426 at page 176 of the La9rimr,County -records, the City:of art Collins me granted as tight of Way for the operations, imafutemmce. and extension, of a four inch (4p1) Halter pipeline over end aft468 a portion of the Wk ,01 Section 13, TO hip ?,North, Range 69 Weaat of the 6tb P.M., and E MREAS, this eater line has been abandoned end is no longer used and is•no longer ended by the City of, Fort Collins Insofar as it a rot aaas Tract C of University dares Fifth Subdiviaalon.and Tract B of the Lamy Sob» division, both in the City of,Fart Collimaj Coloradan, and WSSBBAS. 'the owner of said Traact C is tbaiversifty Acraas.-F19th Saab- division tad Trutt B in Lamay ''Subdivisfou boa Petitioned the Council of the City of tort Collins to vacate the saline,' and VMREAS, it appears that the rights of the residents of: the City of Fort Collins will to do way'be' prejudiced or injured by that vacation'of 'such a3a9�8a3ata�at.. NOV, TBSBBSfJu, BE ET;'ORDAIM M.TIM Comm of TBB a T'1` or 8asT COMM: Section 2a That that certain right of way' granted- to the.City of Fort Collins by'Quit daft Seed recorded January' 1, 1923, in Book 426_ tat pagan 176 of.,64 Laria6s Coin zy' iiidT4 for the 'atpeistion XiLwtaumeo and' extension of a four inch (4") ,eater. p goltue over aad''aacrosa A portion of the 5Eh of *iatior 11, Township, 7 Nortb; kaujal.69 West of the 6tla 0'H. insofar as said right of way- crosses Tract C. tfO&Ooiksity Acres,Fifth Subdivisions and Tract B, Laaaisy:•Subdivisions both in the Ditty of Fort Collins; Colorado, be adud •the same is bereby vacated,""olished's .and abated* See Esatsa�due d, + id �z4 ,Savosr ly,oas tint reading end. ordosrd published this 5t:h.dny of Julys A�, D, 19629 =6 to be presented for fIml Pessew On: tbe••26t h 4sy''09 ,ft,1y, A: Dr 1082. . r AI'i' T x passed-end adopt *-A.f1ml:tmd1mS Ms. 264b day; of 3ts1�p;::A;: D.. 1962. :.. ATMT s city Inlay