Section 1 Pursuant to Section 5 of Article II and Section 29
of Article V of the Charter of the City of Fort Collins a Division of
Purchases is hereby established in the General Administrative Services
Department of the City Such Division shall be the purchasing agent for
all departments and other agencies of the City
Section 2 The position of City Purchasing Agent is hereby established
and the Purchasing Agent shall be the head of the Division of Purchases
He shall be appointed in accordance with the personnel rules of the City
and shall have all powers and duties prescribed by this Ordinance
Section 3 The City Purchasing Agent shall have the power and
it shall be his duty to purchase or contract for all supplies and contractural
services needed by any department or other agency of the City in accordance
with purchasing procedures as prescribed by this Ordinance the City Charter
and such rules and regulations as may be promulgated or approved by the
City Manager Except as may be otherwise provided by law it shall be
unlawful for any City officer or officers to order the purchase of any
supplies or make any contract within the purview of this Ordinance other
than through the Department of Purchasing and any purchase ordered or contract
made contrary to the provisions hereof shall not be approved by the City
officials and the City shall not be bound thereby
Section 4 The City Purchasing Agent shall prepare and secure
with the cooperation of the other departments and agencies of the City
standard and written specifications for supplies generally used by and
kept on hand for the various branches of the City Government The Purchasing
Agent shall in conforming with the provisions of this Ordinance purchase
such supplies and the same shall be maintained for the use of the various
departments and agencies of the City upon their requisition
Section 5 Except as otherwise provided in this Ordinance purchases
shall be made only after complying with the bidding procedure set forth
A Before making any purchase the Purchasing Agent shall
cause to be prepared written specifications detailing the City s requirements
on the item to be purchased The Purchasing Agent may request other departments
or agencies of the City to prepare specifications for purchases which will
be made primarily for such department or agency All specifications shall
be clear, free of ambiguity and shall provide a sound basis for competitive
bidding In the case of specifications prepared primarily for a purchase
for a specific department or agency of the City the same shall be approved
by both the Purchasing Agent and the head of the department or agency concerned
before being submitted to bid In case the Purchasing Agent and other
department or agency heads do not agree the matters shall be referred to
the City Manager through the head of the Department of General Administrative
Services for final determination
B The Purchasing Agent shall maintain a bidders' list which
shall be the basis for submitting invitations to bid Any person desiring
to receive invitations for bid from the City may submit his name for inclusion
on such list together with such prospective supplier's mailing address
telephone number and the type of goods such prospective bidder would propose
to supply Any such submitted name shall be included by the Purchasing
Agent on the bidders' list but the Purchasing Agent shall have the authority
to strike names from such list for good cause in accordance with rules
and procedures to be established in the purchasing manual Such rules
and procedured shall be submitted to and approved by the council before
final adoption
C Such specifications shall be available to any person
desiring to bid on the item to be purchased The Purchasing Agent shall
also solicit bids from all prospective suppliers on the bidders' list which
the Purchasing Agent shall maintain by sending such suppliers a copy of
the specifications and an invitation to bid Invitations sent to suppliers
on the bidders' list shall be limited to those suppliers ordinarily handling
commodities similar in character to those to which the invitation relates
The Purchasing Agent shall further submit an invitation to bid to any other
supplier who the Purchasing Agent feels would be capable of submitting
a bid and supplying the item to be purchased
D The notice inviting bids shall set forth the time within
which the bids must be submitted and the procedures to be followed in receiving
and opening all bids When deemed necessary by the Purchasing Agent bid
deposits shall be required and the notice inviting bids shall describe
the bid deposit requirements Unsuccessful bidders shall be entitled to
the return of their surety where the Purchasing Agent has required bid
deposits and a successful bidder shall forfeit any surety required by the
Purchasing Agent upon failure on such successful bidder's part to enter
into a contract within fifteen (15) days after the award
E Bids shall be submitted sealed to the Purchasing Agent
and shall be identified as bids on the envelope containing the same All
bids shall be opened in public at the time and place stated in the invitation
to bid A tabulation of all bids received shall be available for public
inspection in the office of the Purchasing Agent at all reasonable tunes
F The Purchasing Agent shall have the authority to reject
all bids parts of all bids or all bids for any one or more supplies or
services included in the proposed contract when the public interest will
be served thereby The Purchasing Agent shall not accept the bid of a
contractor who is in default on the performance of any other contract with
the City or in the payment of any taxes licenses or other monies due to
the City
G The Purchasing Agent shall have the authority to award
any contract to the person submitting the lowest bid therefor which meets
the specifications provided that in the case of an item to be purchased
primarily for the use of a specific department or agency of the City the
head of such department shall also approve such award of the bid before
an award is made In the event the Purchasing Agent (or the department
head concerned in the case of a purchase requiring such department head's
approval) determines that the low bidder should not receive the contract,
he shall submit the bids and his recommendation and any recommendation
of the head of any department concerned to the City Manager and in the
event the City Manager determines that the award should be made to the
low bidder then the Purchasing Agent shall so award the contract In
the event the City Manager determines that the contract should not be let
to the low bidder he shall submit the bids received and his recommendation
and the recommendation of the Purchasing Agent and any department head
concerned to the City Council for their final determination In determining
whether an award should be made to the low bidder the Purchasing Agent,
the department head concerned and the City Manager shall consider the following
(1) The ability capacity and skill of the bidder to perform
the contract or provide the services required
(2) Whether the bidder can perform the contract or provide
the service promptly and within the time specified without delay or interference
(3) The character, integrity reputation judgment, experience
and efficiency of the bidder
(4) The quality of performance of previous contracts or
(5) The previous and existing compliance by the bidder with
laws and ordinances relating to the contract or service
(6) The sufficiency of the financial resources and ability
of the bidder to perform the contract or provide the service
(7) The quality, availability and adaptability of the product
supplies or contractural services to the particular use required
(8) The ability of the bidder to provide future maintenance
and service for the use of the subject of the contract
(9) The number and scope of conditions attached to the bid
H In any case where two or more bids are received for the
same total amount or unit price the low bidder shall be determined by drawing j
lots in public
Section 6 In any case where it is determined in accordance with
the provisions of this Ordinance that only one supplier is available to
supply a particular item to be purchased for the City the Purchasing Agent
shall have the power to negotiate a purchase from such sole supplier in
accordance with the provisions hereof
A Before proceeding to negotiate a purchase pursuant to
this provision the head of the department having jurisdiction over the
agency for which the purchase is to be made shall file with the City Purchasing
Agent a sole source justification establishing that only one supplier can
provide the item to be purchased and that no substitute item is available
which would accomodate the needs of the department or agency for whom the
purchase is to be made The purchasing agent shall submit such sole source
justification to the City Manager who shall approve or reject the same
If such sole source justification is approved the Purchasing Agent shall
proceed to negotiate the purchase of the item requested but before commiting
to purchase the same shall submit the result of his negotiations to the
City Manager and obtain his approval therefor Any justification previously
approved by the City Manager may be used as the basis for a negotiated
purchase of additional quantities of the same item at any time within the
period of two (2) years from the date of approval by the City Manager
After such time the sole source justification must be resubmitted and reapproved
by the City Manager before additional purchases are made thereunder The
City Manager may if he believes it necessary limit his approval of a sole
source justification to a specific number of purchases or for a shorter
period of time than two (2) years in which case such limitation shall
B Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the foregoing
subparagraph A, no purchase of any item negotiated pursuant to a sole source
justification costing more than $10 000 00 shall be made until approved
by the City Council in open Council meeting
Section 7 The Purchasing Agent shall further have the power
to negotiate purchases of supplies and services in the following cases
where it is not practical to secure the purchase of such item by formal
bid procedure, to wit
A Supplies or services the availability of which is so
limited tnat the normal bid process cannot be used or will result in substantially
higher costs to the City
B Perishable items
C Items which require substantial plant investment on the
part of the supplier
D Purchases made of items requiring a particular decorative
effect or purchases based on particular individual usage or professional
Before a purchase is made pursuant to this Section 7, a justification for
this type purchase shall be submitted to the City Manager for his approval
in the same manner as a sole source justification in the case of a purchase
made pursuant to Section 6 above and the purchase shall be made subject
to all the requirements which would apply in the case of a sole source
purchase Approval of any purchase hereunder may be used as the basis
for further purchases at any time within two years after the approval unless
the approval provides for a listed period of time or restricts the number
of purchases to some specific number
Section 8 The Purchasing Agent shall have the authority to join
with otner units of government in cooperative purchasing plans when the
best interests of the City would be served thereby Bids received by any
other governmental agency shall be the equivalent of bids received by the
City of Fort Collins and may be the basis for any purchase by the City
Section 9 In any case where the City has within the preceding
twelve months received bids for the purchase of any item the Purchasing
Agent ma) ne&-ti I I I uu eosful low bidder of such item for the
further purchase of the same material previously bid No purchase shall
be made pursuant hereto at a price higher than the previous bid of the
Section 10 In case of an apparent emergency requiring immediate
purchase of supplies or contractural services the City Manager shall have
the power to authorize the Purchasing Agent to secure by informal bid procedure
at the lowest obtainable price any supplies or contractural services regardless
of the amount of the expenditure Such informal bid procedures shall to
the extent possible consist of obtaining quotes from at least three suppliers
of the material to be purchased either by telephone or otherwise and awarding
the contract to the person supplying the lowest quote A full report of
the circumstances of any such emergency purchase shall be made in writing
by the City Manager to the City Council and the same shall be received
by the City Council in open meeting and such report shall be open to public
inspection at any time
Section 11 The Purchasing Agent shall have the power to negotiate
without bid for the purchase of any article or service not exceeding a
cost of $1 500 00 Such negotiated purchases shall be made in the open
market but wherever possible the purchasing agent shall obtain quotes
from at least three suppliers for any item so selected and shall award
the contract to the person supplying the lowest responsible quote after
first taking into consideration the standards set forth in Section 5
The Purchasing Agent shall keep a record on all open market purchases and
such record shall be open to public inspection
Section 12 The rules and regulations to be adopted relating
to purchasing hereunder may include provisions whereunder the Purchasing
Agent may authorize purchases of goods in the open market by other departments
or agencies of the City, provided that such purchase shall not exceed a
cost of $50 00 Such rules and regulations shall require that all receipts
be filed with the Purchasing Agent and that any such purchases be from
a supplier approved by the Purchasing Agent
Section 13 The City Manager shall have the power to authorize
the Purchasing Agent to approve a contract for services of a professional
technical or consultive nature the major result of which would yield to j
the City a report plan or similar document without regard to other provisions
of this Ordinance No such contracts for services resulting in a cost
to the City in excess of $10 000 00 shall be entered into until approved
by the City Council in open Council meeting
Section 14 Except in cases of emergency when authorized by the
City Manager the Purchasing Agent shall not issue any order for delivery
on a contract or open market purchase until the director of finance shall
have certified that there is to the credit of the using agency concerned
a sufficient unencumbered appropriation balance in excess of all unpaid
obligations to defray the cost of such order
Section 15 Any purchase order or contract made contrary to the
provisions of this Ordinance shall be void and wholly without effect and
shall not be binding upon the City of Fort Collins in any manner
Section 16 Any case where formal bids are required by the provisions
of this Ordinance and less than three bids are received by the Purchasing
Agent no contract shall be awarded upon such bids except after a report
to and approval by the City Manager
Introduced, cons eyed favorably on first reading and ordered
published this/,a day of U 1973, and to be presented for final passage
on the �2Qa day off� 1973 �
City Clerk
Passed and adopted on final reading this day of
ity er c