ORDI1WICE NO 84 1973
Section 1 That the Zoning District ilap adopted by Chapter 118
of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be and the same hereby is changed
and amended by including the property lmown as the East Prospect Street
First Annexation to the City of Fort Collins Colorado in zoning districts
as follows
The following described portion of such annexation in the I G
General Industrial District to wit
A tract o! land si uate in the Sout'ieast 1/4 of Section 18 Town.h p 7
Nort-i Range 68 Webt of the 6M P M La-irier CounLy Colo^ac.o
which consiaering ie South line of said Sec ion 18 as oearinb \ 88 59'
10" E and wit`I all bearin rs cor a ^ed nerein relative the-e o is con a -icd
v4lthi i the boundary lines wnica beg n a a porn on the said Sou -I lire
which bears N 58 59' 40" L 10o0 95 reet rom he Sou r 1/1 cor- a, o
said Sec ion 18 and run -fence along the Eas erly line or Rive-site Ave-,.e
1 f1 QI 9n t l t o r_c
r)0 � . 10- 1 a-d � ' tin ilurig tic, a-c oI a j90 IOo �S
curve to he le a dis a-ice or 1102 16 ee `ie long c`io-d or - ch oe.^s
N 31 47' 20" W 10-6 68 reet and aga n N 63 31' 20" W 539 49 ee o
the Wes line o ae Sou reast 1/ or sa d Sec Ion 18 t`ie-ice \ 00 03' 00
N 243 47 fee to tie Sok r«es erl, -ig-i -o.t-way 1 ne of the u^io^ Pac c
Railroad the-ice alo-lg sa d Souciwes erly 1 n� S 61 32' 20 ' ''30 24
feel auu at a.n along ne arc oI -I 1-,37 28 foo ^adi, s curve o t-e r
-i dis -ince o 1703 30 'ee the long c-ord of whicn Dears S 30 47' 50 `
E 1622 71 ee a-a a;ain S 00 03' 20' E 680 43 reet o 'ie Sou 7 1 ^e
of said Sec io-i 18 de-ice S 88 59' 40" W z'20 06 feet `o t'-e pol-i o
beglnni^g con a ni- 0 20 2137 acres more or Less
A trac o land si ua e in Sec on 20 Townsnip 7 \ortn Parre 668 West o
the o 1i P -�I Larirner CoLnty Colorac.o wrich cors dering ne Sou a i
of said Section 18 �s bearing N 88 59' �O" E and .ii n all bears-os co- a -eo
herein rela the nerp o is con i-ed t 1 nin the bouraary lines % nic i ono
at a point which u, -trs S 00 3S' 30" E 6uO 73 ieet L^o-n `ae \o- h 1/4
corner of said Section 20 and run Lhence S 14 12' 30 ' E 962 23 fee
thence S 88 12' 30" E 629 92 iLeL o the NorL'ieasL corner o` Lae Sou naves
1/4 of the Nor neis 1/4 of saia Section 20 thence S 00 19' W 1289 A
feet to +he Sou -leas corner of the Soutnwest 1/A of the \o-- heast 1/4 o
said Section 20 the-ice S 88' 00' E 1318 00 feet o he East 1/i co-ner o
said Section 20 thence S 00 26' 17" W 2671 64 `eet to ne So.. -eas co--e-
of said Sectio i 20 tnence N 88 52' W 41 80 `eet to a poi-i` on Lne ce- e-i -,e
of the Colo-ado & Sou tern Railroad thence along said cen`erli-e \ 49 Oo'
20" W o147 00 teet thence N 00 02' 24" 11 694 91 feet the-ce S 89 23'
3 0" E 1350 29 ee trerce N 00 38' 30" W 665 57 fee to the point of
beginning contai-iins 180 1232 acres more or less
The following described portion of said annexation in the C Commercial
District to wit
A tract of land si uaLe in the Sou nwest 1/4 of Sect on 17 and the \o- t- vest
1/4 of Section 20 Township 7 Nor a Range 68 Wes o he o a P ZI
Larirner Coun y Coloraao whica consiGewinb ne Sou h 1 ^e o` sa a Sec on
18 as bearing N 88 o9' 40" E and wi h all bearings cor a ned rerein
relative here o is cor a ned t/ thin t-ie boundary lines -, nich nevi- a ne
Sou miesL co_nc o s� iu Scc On .7 a-L, -u- 00 07' E 709 00
fee rlong ne Wes li-e o Lne said Sou moves Ile '-ence S 04 9' P
2606 68 ce o a po n on re Eas I ne o ne sad So,. rawest 1/-- -e-ce
S 00 02' 30 5t7 ,0 feet to he Soo ^ 1/� corner of sa Q Sect o-, 17
hence 1 8 13' W 90-t 12 fee hence N 88 13' 40 ' W 11" 8
thence S 00 02' 2e E 94 01 eeL Lnence S 89 57' 36 W 600 00 tceL
to a point on the Wes line of the sa d \or haves thence N 00 02'
24" %V 8j0 00 fee to the poi it of beginning containing 48 1127 ac-es
r7ore or less
The following described portion. of said annexation in the I L Limited
Industrial District to wit
1 �
A trac of land situate in the Soutl-west 1/1 of Section 17 and "e No-- yeas
l/-' of Sect on 19 and the \o_tnwest 1/4 of Sec ion 20 To%inshio 7 \or ,
Ranee 63 West oc the 6tn P TU which consiceri- he Sou 'i line o, saiu
Sec ion 13 as bearing N 88 59' 40 ' E ana .vi h all bearinbs co-- a -ec,
herein relu ire the-e o is cor a ned .n 'ii-i "e boundar,y liras %;hicti be; -z
at the \o-theas corner of sa d Section 19 and ru-i hence S 00 02' 2� '
E 850 50 feet alon- he East 1 ne of the said Nor nest 1/4 thence \ 89
57' 36" E 600 00 fee,, thence ti 00 02' 24 ' W 947 01 feet nence S 83
13' 40" : 1143 43 ee tne^ce S 8-r 18' L 90e a2 feet to the \or a 1/1=
cor-er o sa d Sec on 20 thence S 00 38' 30" E L326 30 ee ne ace \
89 22' 30 ' W 2,o2 Z6 ,ee6 o a porn o- ne cer er'ine o `-e Colo-ado a
Sou&e--n Rai'-oac hence orlon- said cenue-line \ 49 06' 20" t ' 2o5 00
Lee. hence \ �� 23' W �3S 31 feet o a po -it on the WesL line of
saia Section 20 ae-ce S 00 02' 2-" : 730 53 eet thence S 88 16' 36 '
W 526 9- ee thence S 1� 05' 36" W 110 27 ice thence S 88 03' 30-
W 379 23 ieet thence N 8a 19' 10" W 400 71 fee to a point on ne V es
line of the Lnioa Paci`ic Pa lroad thence N 00 03' 20" W 1710 03 eet
a point on tPe \o- a line or said Sec on 19 the^ce N 88 59' 40 ' E 1332 63
feet to tine poinL of oeb nnino con a -� , T 121 6387 acres more o- less
The following described portion of said annexation in the R L P Low
Density Planned Residential District to i�it
A tact or land sitLate in 'ze Nor h 1/2 or Sec ion 19 Townsa D 7 No-
Ran-e 68' Wes o, ne 6 r P M Lari—er Coun y Coloraao nice cons de--
in the Sou n lire o, said Section 18 as bearincr N 88 59' 40 ' ana « i n
all bear nos con , -ed herein rela ive ne-e o is co- Lainea nin t`,e
1'ounQu^ lines %;cicn oej r a a Do of on the Wes er'j 1 ^e or Te u- c
Paci is Pailro c. n c-1 bears N 33 59' 40 ' E 1321 73 `eet and as, n S
00 03' 20" 90o 6-- ieet iron. ne No- h 1/4 co--er or sa a Sec o- 19
and run tierce S 00 03' 20" E 713 39 ice along Baia Wes e--ly rl�n -or-"vay
line ne-ce N 89 58' 00" W 1305 9a `eet "ernce N 86 07' 02 W 166 0-
feet the^ce N 01 31' G0" E 4aS 30 cc thence \ 80 25' 40" 1--79
feet to the point o, aebinn.no con a -i nb 19 820 aces mo-e or less
Section 2 The Cit} Fncrineer is hereby authorized and du ected
to amend said Zoning, District Map in accordance with this ordinance
Introduced considered favorably on first reading, and ordered
� j
published this 4th day of October A D 1973 and to be presented for
final passage on the 18 day of October, A D 1973
77 �
City Clerk
1973 Passed and adopted on final reading this 18 day of October, A D
t - C
1City, Clerk