ORDINANCE NO. 22 , 1969 )
This ordinance adopts the National Electrical .Code of 1968 promulated
by the National Fire Protection Association with certain changes , deletions
and amendments and includes comprehensive provisions covering wiring design
and protection, wiring methods and materials , electrical equipment for general
use , restrictions on electrical installations in hazardous locations and for
special occupancies special electrical equipment and communication systems .
Said ordinance further requires the granting of a permit to install or repair
electrical apparatus or work, establishes the fees to be charged for such
permits , requires the filing of a bond with the City before any permit is
granted, requires inspections of. electrical work by the Building Inspector
of the City of Fort Collins , provides for the licensing of electricians in
the city and establishes the license fee to be .paid for a license , and
establishes the requirements to obtain a license . The text of this Ordinance
is available for public inspecton and -acquisition in the office of the City
Clerk and copies of the Code adopted by this Ordinance are also available in
the office of the City Clerk and open to public inspection and can be purchase(
at a price of $ 2 . 00 per copy.
This Ordinance contains the following penalty provision:
"Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions
of this ordinance shall be guilty of a violation of the ordinances
of the City of Fort Collins punishable as provided in Section 12-6 of
the Code of Ordinances of the City of Fort Collins , Colorado , 1958 ,
as amended. Each day that a violation continues shall be a separate
and distinct offense ."
City S r
(This is to be published in lieu of publication of Ordinance)
Il .'
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of a public hearing upon a proposed ordinance
repealing Section 4-98. through Section 4-1.15 inclusive of the Code of Ordinances
of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, 1958, as amended, and adopting the National
Electrical Code, 1968, recommended by the National Fire Protection Association,
said hearing to be held in the Council Chambers in the City Hall of the City of
Fort Collins, Colorado, on the 2 4th day of April , 1969, at the hour of 1 :30 P.M.
or as soon thereafter as the matter may come on for hearing at which hearing
the parties in interest and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard.
Copies of the National Electrical Code, 1968, -are on file with the City Clerk
and are open to public inspection and are available for distribution and sale
to the public at a price not to exceed $2.00 per copy. The purpose of the
Code to be adopted is the regulation of the installation, alteration or repair
of electrical wiring systems in the City and the said code includes comprehensive
provisions governing such matters. Said code was promulgated by the National
Fire Protection Association, 60 Batterymarch Street, Boston, Massachusetts, 02110..
DATED at Fort Collins, Colorado, this 3rd day of April , 1969.
City q>fk
(to be published once at least 15 days prior to the date of hearing and once at
least eight days prior to the hearing.)
ORDINANCE NO. 2X 19699 .
Section 1 . Pursuant to the authority conferred by Section 7,' Article II, of the.
Charter of the City of Fort Collins, there is hereby. adopted by the City of Fort Collins
for the purpose of providing for the protection of the public health and safety and for
the purpose of regulating persons engaged in the business of electrical wiring, or persons
laboring at the trade of electrician and for the purpose of regulating the installation,
alteration or repair of electrical wiring systems in the City of Fort Collins, Colorado,
that certain code known as The National Electrical Code of 1968 promulgated by the National
Fire Protection Association and the whole thereof including the introduction, tables and
examples; index and appendix thereto, save and except such portions as are hereafter changed,
modified or amended (by Section 2 of this Ordinance) of which code not less than three copies
have been and now are filed in the office of the Clerk of the City of Fort Collins and may
be -inspected at regular business hours or purchased by the public at a price not to exceed
$2.00 per copy, and the same is hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at
length herein and from the date on which this ordinance shall take effect the provisions
thereof shall be controlling within the limits of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado.
Section 2. The following chapters, sections or parts thereof of the National
Electrical Code of 1968 are hereby amended as follows:
A. Section 230-7O'(b) is hereby amended so that the first paragraph thereof reads
as follows:
"The disconnecting means shall be located at a readily accessible
point nearest to the entrance of the conducters either inside or outside
the building or structure; provided, however, that for all buildings except
one or two family dwellings such disconnecting means shall be located on
the exterior of the building. Sufficient access and working space shall
be provided about the disconnecting means.
B. Section 240-16 is hereby amended by adding thereto a subsection (d) as follows:
"(d) Switches or panels shall not be installed within a bedroom,
bathroom, toilet room, clothes closet, storage room, under or over stairways
or in furnace or boiler rooms; provided, however, that this prohibition shall
not apply to industrial and commercial furnace and boiler rooms which are
specifically designed to accommodate electrical switches and panels if the
following conditions are met:
(1) The maximum 'temperature at the proposed location
does not exceed the allowable working temperature of the electrical
equipment, and
(2) Electrical working space is provided around the
electrical equipment, and
(3) The proposed location meets the accessibility criteria
of this code. "
C. Section 250-81 is hereby amended by deleting therefrom the second sentence
D. Section 250-82 is hereby deleted from said code.
E. Section 250-83 is hereby amended by deleting from the first sentence thereof
the following words and figures:
"and .250.82
F. Section 336-3 is hereby amended by adding thereto the following sentence
at the start thereof:
"Non-metallic sheathed cable shall be used for wiring only
in buildings that are basically of wood construction and shall not
be used as unprotected, exposed wiring."
G. Section •347-2(a) is hereby- amended by- deleting therefrom the. figure "18"
wherever the same appears and by substituting therefore the figure"36". -
H. Chapter. 5 is hereby amended by adding thereto an additional article .556 as
"Article 556 - Institutional Occupancies.
556-1 All mental hospitals, mental sanatoriums, jails, prisons,
reformatories, houses of correction, hospitals, nursing homes,
rest homes, or similar occupancies where the personal liberties
of the inmates are restricted shall use only rigid metallic conduit
or electrical metallic tubing as the wiring method."
Section 3. Where the use of "approved" materials, equipment or devices is required
by the National Electrical Code, 1968, the label of or listing by: the Underwriters Laboratory,
Inc. will be accepted as an approval . Alternate materials may be approved by the Building
Inspector. All electrical signs shall be approved before any permit for the installation or
erection of such sign is granted.
Section 4. No person shall do any electrical construction work including the
installation of new electrical apparatus or the repairing of electrical .apparatus already
in use unless such person has first applied for and obtained a permit describing the scope
of such work. Such permit shall give the location of the work by street and number and
shall be countersigned by the person under whose supervision the work is to be done. No
permits for electrical construction work shall be. issued to anyone other than a person
holding a valid and existing-master electrician 's license of the City of Fort Collins .
No work shall be permitted except under the supervision of such duly licensed master
electrician. Before any permit is issued the Building Inspector may require that such
plans and specifications of the proposed work be. furnished as are deemed necessary. No
person, firm or corporation shall allow any person not duly licensed as a master electrician,
journeyman electrician or apprentice electrician to work on any electrical construction
project, except that this provision shall not apply to any person entitled to a permit under
the exception contained in Section 4-11 (b) . of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Fort
Collins, Colorado, 1958, as amended.
Section 5. No permit shall be granted to any master electrician licensed hereunder
unless such master electrician has first filed with the City Clerk a good and sufficient
corporate surety bond in the penal sum of .$5;000.00 conditioned that all electrical work
installed by the said master electrician or his employees shall be in accordance with the
requirements of the ordinances of the City of Fort Collins .
Section 6. The following fees shall be paid to the Director of Finance before the
issuance of any permit hereunder.
A. Special improvement permit for existing single
family dwelling occupancies only covering a new
service and/or ten or less outlets $ 2.00 '.
B. A new service only for other type existing
buildings (not to be added to the schedule below) 5.00
C. Permit fees for new construction or remodeling
by a square foot area of floor space for projected
use (unfinished basements in dwelling occupancies
not to be counted)
(1 ) Not more than 1 ,000 square feet $ 7.50
(2)_ Over 1 ,000. square feet and not
more than 1 ,500'. square feet 10.00. .
0). Over 1 ,500. square feet and not
more than 2,000. square feet 15.00
(4). Per 100 'square feet in excess of
2,000 square feet ..25
(Shell buildings with lighting only shall be 50%. of
the above square foot schedule)
(Partial wiring or completed wiring or re-wiring of
new or existing buildings where more than two
electrical motors of one horsepower or more are
installed shall be charged a permit fee equal to
150%. of the amount determined by. the foregoing
square foot fee schedule.)
D. For the connection of an electrical sign
(1 ) One sign each address 3.00'.
(2) More than one but five or less at
one address 5.00.
(3). More than five at one address 10.00.
(:4). Outline lighting each address 3.00.
E. Reinspections 5.00. '.
F. Temporary wiring per inspection _ 10.00. 1
(Temporary wiring shall not be in existence
more than 60 days. )
G. All other permits which are not described in.
the scope of the. above fee schedule 5.00. '.
Section 7.' The installation, maintenance or alteration of any and all electric wiring,
connections, apparatus or equipment used in connection therewith in, on or attached to any
building and above, beneath and upon the. surface of the. streets, alleys or places within the
corporate limits -of the: City of Fort Collins shall be under the supervision of the Building
Inspector who shall also be. the Electrical Inspector who is hereby directed, empowered and
authorized to enforce the provisions of this ordinance. It shall be unlawful for any person,
firm or corporation to make any electrical connection or supply electrical current to any
newly installed wiring system in or on any building, sign or structure without first request-
ing an electrical inspection from the Building Inspection Division and receiving the approval
of the same from the Building Inspector. All electrical construction work for which a permit
is required shall be subject to inspection by the Building Inspector. Upon request from a
permit holder the Building Inspector shall make the following minimum number of inspections
on electrical construction work and shall either approve that portion of such work as
completed or shall notify the permit holder or his agent of any failure to comply with this
A. Electrical Underground Service - to be made after trench
has been excavated and conducters -installed and before
B. Electrical Rough-In - to be made when an interior conduit
or wiring receptacles, outlets, switch and junction boxes
and. fittings are in place and secured, but before any
installation of drywall or materials which would conceal
the:electrical installation. The rough electrical inspection
shall precede the framing inspection.
C. Electrical Energize'. - made upon request of the contractor
at the time he wishes to' convert from a temporary electrical
service to the permanent service equipment of the structure.
As a minimum the rough-in of the service entrance and the main
and branch conduit disconnecting means shall be completed and
approved and the grounding conducter attached to the water line.
D. Electrical Completed - this inspection is made..when the electrical
installation is completed in all respects. Fixtures are to be in
place, all appliances connected, all bonding and permanent grounding
completed and covers installed on all equipment.
In addition to the inspections specified above, the Building Inspector may make or require
any other inspections of any electrical construction work to ascertain compliance with
the provisions of the. electrical code and other laws and ordinances of the City of Fort
Collins enforced by the Building Inspector.. For the purpose of determining compliance
with the electrical code, the Building INspector may cause any electrical installation
to be reinspected at any time. . The' Building Inspector and all personnel of the Building
Inspector's Office shall have the right during all reasonable hours to enter any public
or private building in the discharge of their official duties for the purpose of making
any inspection or test of the electrical wires and appliances contained therein and shall
have authority to- cause the turning off of all electrical currents and cut or disconnect
in -cases of emergency any wire where such electrical currents are deemed dangerous to
life or property.
Section 8. Whenever the Building Inspector shall disapprove an application or
refuse to grant a permit applied for hereunder or it is claimed that the provisions of
the National Electrical Code, _1968, have been misconstrued or wrongly interpreted the
applicant may appeal from the decision of the Building Inspector to the Building Board
of Appeals within ten days from the. date of receipt of the decision of the Building
Inspector. Upon request of said appellant the Building Board of Appeals shall before
conducting any hearing augment its membership with not more than two licensed master
Section 9.. Any and all electricians must obtain a license issued by the Director
of Finance of the City of Fort Collins before engaging in any electrical construction
work in the City of Fort Collins. All electricians licenses shall expire on the 31st
day of December of each year. Licenses may be. renewed by paying the annual renewal
fee set forth:in this ordinance, provided such license is renewed on or before the 1st
day of April of each year. If any license expires and is not renewed before the 1st day
of April of the following year, such license shall not be renewed unless the initial fee
set forth below is paid. It shall be the responsibility of the master electrician that
all journeymen and apprentice electricians under his supervision or employed by him possess
a valid City of Fort Collins license. Fees to be paid for the issuance of licenses hereunder
shall be as follows:
Type of License Initial Fee Annual Renewal -Fee
Master Electrician 1--50.00 $100.00
Journeyman Electrician 10.00 10.00 '.
Apprentice Electrician . 3.00. . 3.00
The—fee—to be charged for any license shall not be prorated for any portion of a year.
Section 10.. Any master electrician who applies for a license from the City of
Fort Collins, must show written proof to the Building Inspector from the Colorado State
Electrical Board that he has obtained his State of Colorado Master License by written
examination. In the event any such person has such license. -but it was not obtained by
written-examination, such applicant shall submit to a written examination by the Building
Inspector of the City of Fort Collins and pass the same before any license is issued by
the City of Fort Collins . In the event such applicant fails to pass the examination, he
shall not retake the examination before the expiration of six months. A fee of $10.00
shall be charged for each examination. Any master electrician who presently holds a
license issued by the City of Fort Collins as of the effective date of this ordinance
. shall be entitled to renew such license annually notwithstanding the requirements of this
section; provided such license is renewed prior to April 1 of each..year. Any person
desiring to obtain a journeyman electrician 's license must first exhibit a valid license
issued by the Colorado State Electrical'. Board before a license will be issued by the City
of Fort Collins :
Section 11 . No apprentice electrician, while in the performance of his duties, shall
work upon any job while not under the immediate personal supervision of a journeyman or
master electrician either in the installation of new work or repair work. No apprentice
electrician shall be less than 17 years of age. At no time shall there be more than one
apprentice electrician for each journeyman or master electrician on any particular job.
Section .l2. Upon the verified complaint in writing by. any person and after investi-
gation the Building Inspector may suspend or revoke any electrician's license for repeated
violations of any of the provisions of this ordinance. Any such complaint shall state
the electrician or electricians involved and the time, date and place of the violation.
Such complaint shall be available to the person against whom such complaint was made.
Section .l3... The Building and Contractors Licensing Board of the City of Fort Collins
shall hold a hearing at the request of any electrician who has had his license suspended
or revoked by the Building Inspector as provided in this ordinance. Any person desiring
to appeal any such suspension or revocation -shall submit his appeal to. the Building and
Contractor's Licensing Board within :15 days after the date he. receives notice of such
suspension or revocation. All appeals shall be in writing. The Building and Contractors
Licensing Board may on its own motion or if requested by the person making the appeal
augment its membership by. not more than two additional licensed master electricians or
journeyman electricians who shall be considered as full members for the purpose of conducting
the hearing involving the suspension or revocation of the license.
Section 14.. The provisions of this ordinance relating to licenses and permits shall
not apply-to the Department of Municipal Public Utilities of the City of Fort Collins,
Section 15. It shall be unlawful for any person,,.. firm, co-partnership, association
or corporation knowingly or wantonly to operate or cause to be operated any wire or wires
for the carrying of electrican energy or any machine, device, apparatus or instrument of
any kind whatsoever within the corporate limits of the City:of Fort Collins, Colorado, the
operation of which shall cause reasonably preventable-electrical interference with radio
or television reception within the limits of the City, provided, however, that x-ray
pictures, examinations or treatment may:be.made at any time if the.machine or apparatus
used therefore are properly equipped to. avoid all unnecessary or reasonably preventable
interference with radio or television reception and are not negligently operated. The
Building Inspector or his designated agents shall have the right at any reasonable hour
to enter any place of.business or premises in the. City of Fort Collins for the purpose
of inspecting or locating or attempting to locate any wires; machine,device, apparatus
or instrument of any kind whatsoever which is or may be. kept or operated upon any such
premises .in violation of the provisions of this section, and any person who shall prevent
such person for such .purposes from entering any premises in the City of Fort Collins shall
be deemed guilty of a violation of this ordinance and each day during which such violation
continues shall constitute a separate offense. This section of this ordinance shall not
be held or construed to embrace or cover the regulation of any transmitting, broadcasting
or receiving instrument; apparatus or device used or useful in interstate commerce or the
operation of which instrument, apparatus or device is licensed 'or authorized by or under
thie—provisions of any act of Congress of the United States .
Section 16. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of
this ordinance shall be guilty of a violation .of the:ordinances of-the- City of Fort
Collins punishable as provided in Sections 12-6 of the Code of Ordinances of the City
of Fort Collins, Colorado; 1958, as amended. Each day that a violation continues shall
be a separate and distinct offense.
Section 17.• All ordinances or parts of ordinances conflicting with the provisions
of this ordinance and specifically Section 4-98. through Section' 4-1.15 inclusive of the
Code of Ordinances of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, 1958, as amended are hereby
Section 18. If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase-, table,
chapter or other provision of this ordinance or the code hereby adopted is for any
reason held to be invalid said decision shall not affect the validity or constitutionality
of the remaining portions of this ordinance or the code adopted hereby. The City Council
hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance and adopted the code hereby adopted
and each part or parts hereto irrespective of the. fact that any one part or parts be declared
invalid or unconstitutional .
Section 19. . This ordinance and the code adopted hereby may be known and cited as
the City of Fort Collins Electrical Code.
Section 20.. Pursuant to the provisions of Article 2, Section 7 of the Charter of
the City of Fort Collins, the City Council hereby directs . the`City.Clerk to publish the
title of this ordinance together with a comprehensive summary of the substance of this
ordinance and a statement that the text is available for public inspection and acquisition
at the office of the`City Clerk in lieu of publishing this ordinance in full .
Introduced, considered favorably upon first reading and ordered published this
24th day of Apri.l ; : ; . • ; -1969,. and to be presented for final passage on the 1.5tt '
day of May, . . . , � . 1969. .
City Clerk
Passed and adopted on final reading this 1.5 th day of May, ,1969.
City Clerk '