WHEREAS heretofore written petitions were duly filed and presented
to the City Council requesting the creation of a special improvement district
for the purpose of improving certain streets and alleys by grading and sur
facing the same with asphalt surfacing and by installing curb and gutter where
necessary and
WHEREAS the City Council has pursuant to said petitions, received
the necessary reports and given the notice required, all as specified in Chapter
15 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Fort Collins Colorado 1958 as
amended and
WHEREAS the City Council is of the opinion that it is in the best
interest of the City of Fort Collins to form said special improvement district
Section 1 That there is hereby created and organized an improvement
district under and by virtue of the provisions of Chapter 15 of the Code of
Ordinances of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado 1958, as amended to be known
as Consolidated Street Improvement District No 59 comprised of all the property
fronting on the following streets and alleys
Stover Street from Stuart Street to Parker Street
Juniper Court West from Shields Streets to termination thereof
Sycamore Street 900 Block thereof
City Park Avenue from Birch Street to Plum Street
Myrtle Street from Riverside Street to existing paving
Alley in Block 103, City of Fort Collins
Alley in Block 126 Ci y of Fort Collins
Alley in Block 94 City of Fort Collins
Section 2 That he improvements to be constructed shall consist of
the improvement of the above named streets and alleys by grading and asphalt
surfacing the same, and where necessary by installing curb and gutter all as
more fully set forth in the map plans and specifications heretofore submitted
by the City Engineer and accepted by the City Council by resolution on the 21st
day of July 1966
Section 3 That the total cost of such improvements shall not exceed
the City Engineer s estimate heretofore accepted of Fifty Two Thousand One
Hundred Eighty Dollars and Eighty-One Cents ($52 180 81) and that said total
cost shall be assessed against the assessable frontage on the streets and
alleys in said district based on the number of feet of said properties abutting
on said streets and alleys at the following rates
Stover Street from Stuart Street to Parker Street $ 6 64
Juniper Court West from Shields Streets to
termination thereof 7 21
Sycamore Street - 900 Block thereof 6 96
City Park Avenue from Birch Street to Plumb Street 8 59
Myrtle Street from Riverside Street to existing paving 10 19
Alley in Block 103, City of Fort Collins 2 47
Alley in Block 126, City of Fort Collins 2 42
Alley in Block 94, City of Fort Collins 3 65
NOTE Curb and gutter exist along some frontage on Myrtle
Street Where the same exists cost shall be reduced
$1 50 per front foot
To said cost to be assessed shall be added where necessary the cost of
water and sewer services to be installed
2 -
'Lao amount set forth above to be assosced shall be ass3csed against
the c-a.:ra of property in said district abutting upon streets and alleys set
forth above on tao basis of the frontaWo oz said property abutting paid streots
and alloys at the amount3 set forth above for dradingr,, pavement, and curb and
gutter and tho coot of sm or and eater connections where required shall bo
aadod to the asaoosmants againot tho proport�r served by said connections
Such assessments shall bo mado in accordance uith tho provisions of Caapner
15 of the Codo of Ordinances of the City of Fort Collins,, Colorado,, 1958,,
a-� amnded
Section k That the City Council has parsaant to notice auly trailed
and puelishod all as proAded in Chapter 15 of the Code of Ordinances in the
City of Fort Collars, Colorado,, 1958, as amondsd,, considered all complaints
and objoctions sado and jaled in smiting by the vm:rs of any real cctato to
bo assessod or ar4l persons intcrestcd and tho City Council further iir_ds that
all rcquirements of the ordinance of the City, of Fort Collins respecting -u2.e
potit..ona and imoroveronts have been obsom d and eommlied with in all respects
a-,d it is hereby orderod that the imiovenants of the Consolidated/Improvemant
Dic triet No 59 as provided for in the map,, plans and specifications heretofore
adooted bar the City Council be and Choy aro ho-oby ornered to be constructed
Section 5 For tho purpose of paling tho costs of said irorove~mats,,
bonds of t1io C3.ty of Fort Collins in tho aggregato nrincinal amounD of not to
evcoed $52,180 81 are herobf authorized to be issued by the Director of Finance
of the City of Fort Collins,, which bonds shall bear date of Nova-aber 1, 1966
Said bonds shall bear the name of Consolidated tnprove-'Lent District No 5 9 of
the City of Fort Collins,, Colorado, and shall bear interest at tbo rate of 6,4"
por annum,, pi mblo somi-annually; said interest to be evidenced by coupons
attached to the principal bond and attootod by the facsimilo signature of the
Director of Financewhieh said bonds shall be in denom=tiors of not more than
$10000 00 each,, and each of said bonds shall be oubscribed by the hayor,, co.nter-
sig�cd or w e Director of FinavlcO and shall havo the corporate seal cl the
C.Litr affixea thereto, attcstod by t10 Deputy City Clerk- ,and said bollds shall
ba rcgiatored irit% the Director of Fina-wo and snail be deliverod from time to
tires ..-, roouirca for the paymo- ,, of the York norc,in nrovi.ded, or the Counc.61..
in its di.,crctioa, nay cell saia bo°uls to pay such costs in each, and said bolds
shall be sold to tno hip and o. at bidders for cash, but in no event sor less
t1an par, and in all crses to the bast aavantaCe of the City Said boado sa.all,
ba rodeecablo out of the moneys collectod on acco,-at of tao ascesss%nts made for
said improve-Louts, and all mOW r3 collectod from said assessments 8wtre " the sale
of bards for said imnrovaTlants shall bo creacoa to the Consolidavcd/Imo-oaeraat
District NO 59 and the fund3 so collected shall be used oa1j for tube parmoat of
tho aorit of corstiructioa of said imrovercnts and the interest, collection costs
and other incidental ozoonses thereon Said bonds shall be numoered co�e-
cativoly and s`rall be radcemablo consecutively according to numoar and is the
order of issi a:co, and the Director of Finance shall preserve the recoras co-i-
eorning the isa" ce of said bonds in a suitable book kept for said purposes
All of said bonds shall be absolutoly auo and payable ton (10) year3 fro-1 Cate
of issue., ana shall ba subject to call and pay-meat at any tire ra for thereto-
All assocsmoats made pu.suaat to this orainance together with all irterest
thereon., penaltics for dosault in pa,=nt trorooft and all cost-, in collcctl.ng
the samo shall fro-1 the data of Final publ. cation of the asses.-inc ordinance
aero"Ster to bo adoptod, constitute a perpetual l.Len on the proaortf tacreia
assessed on a parity v1th the tax lion for general Si. te, County, City, To.M
or School taxes and no salo or such property to caforeo aW general State,
Counts, Citfs TO-an or School tax or othor lion, shall erctinguish the pe-petual
lien of such asaecs=nts herein proviaed to be made
Section 6. Said bonds and coupons attached thereto s�:ll bo sub-
stantiall,r in %he, folloxang sorms:
Cc41SOLIUTED/31 ,t0vl I"NT DIsWGT NO 59
No $1,000
7,4o City of roft Collins, in tre County ox Lwimer and State of
Colorado, foi valw roceived, ,."no rledEca Izzolf indebted and hereby nro,ai.cea
to par to the bea-er hoz ooi, Vie sun oz
in I: rfal aoner of vhe Unit(A btates of lmccica, at ttn office of the DirccTor
of "Iranco oj. sa1.d City, or tho lot any o_ Novc war, 19763, subject to can and
pa.-man, ltc over, at .W titer prio^ cncroto, as proviaed in the CiTr Charter,
, i a Article 15 0_ the Code of Orasrarcoz of tue City of r ort Col3.3.nr, Cola ado,
co .-ienaod, oath inLcre rc vhcroon iron dive until payncnt, payable semi-.h.nrual3,r,
o-i the low d-r of iay, and 1st dar of I7orcmber at Lha office of the Director of
Fi,anca of v,a Citr of Foa t Collin, upo-i p^ocentavion and surrtnae- of z-te
wrmcAod canons as vhay soverall f becozs aue
fait band is issued foz. the purpowa of paging the cost of local irnrocc-
mo^ta co-ist-Lctod in Consolic.ztod/li%ovelont District 14o 59, -n sa-d Citr, con-
sisting of the trading and surfacing of co, tail s"oers and alleys With asphalt
surfacing and by installing curb and Zutvor c. a i-atcr and se ror conrecTioas id-are
necossarr br v=tuo and in gull conforizity truth the Charter and ordirances of the
City of Fort CoMms
this bond shall bo callable at ark{' time br tho Director of F inztnce of
tho City of 1 ort Collins as provsdod in Scetion 3,5-79 of the Code of Oi dina^cos
of t'^o City of Fort Collins, Color�ao, 1958, as ar ajod, w-hicn provides as -011cr s
i ro,rer tncra aie ay..ilaole zurds in the Civy Ticasury V-eroforc,
it shall be the autr of the Director of "'_ru-nco to call in and pay a sai t.olo
nur-bar of am bonds outstanding, by giving notice for Zive (5) days la an
ofi..cial no spaper pt..bliohod in the Clvy t v the ch-piration of a.Lrzy (30)
u ys D o-, T'ie first nu'all.catio-i o_ sttch notice, irterest on the bonds so gilled
sh ll coana iho not-ce shall spccify by rwroor the bonds called and all sack
bonus mall bs raid in nur_xieal o-acr I lho holder of any such uonas mar at any
tirio furnish h-s nootofAce ad&-css to —a Citr Clerk, and in such overt, a copy,
of the publication snail, be trailed by ono City Clerk to The bonaholder at slice
adureos, uitnia tcn (10) nays after the gate of ptzblic.tion "
This bond is nayable, out of t''o prom:ods oj. sp^glj, al assess^_^ntn to be
levied uno-i the real o-opervr, siTuato in saia Co*=13-datcdrfii^nrovo -naHt Diswrict
ho 59, esnecia3ly benefited or said and tho arount ox t''e asseos-
ments so co ba rude upon the real estata in ea-d distract for The D-y-font t"ereoa,
with acoLLod intorest, is a lien unal the said rcai estate in tle reopectiv
arounts to oe ap-oortio-tsd to said real estate ana to be assessed or an o-ain.nce
0f said C_tf, and Lho lien created Lr said assessing, o-dinanco, to-sL-er ntn all
ince-cat zhorcon and ncnaltios fo^ aciaulz in the narnont taerooZ, and Ell cosTs
3r collecting tno nano, .;hail, from the dale of Via final pub.zicaLio-i of the
asocssirg orainance horea_ror to be adopted, cnnstituto a perpetual lien on a
parity rice vho v= lien 2or general S6aze9 Coti.J, Citr, or School LL , a-.d no
sa-e at atca pro-3erty to cnforco any general ;tote, County, City, 0- School ta".0
or other 3-ion smell extin;uich the perpetual lien of such assessm3rits herein
provided to be rode
It is hereby cortiiied and reciTcd that uhe total i.s:;Le o_ bonds of
s.id Civy for said District, incluaing This bond, dcos rot o.>cocd the esti uto
of the Citr pnFineer, or the coicract, price io- sala Y n)rovo-c its, or the . Mount
authorised br la r, and it is further cortified and s '` d that every roquxeraazt
ou lair relating to oho creation of saia Consolic.attd "rovorronv District ,°o 59,
tzo ca�inL of said local irprovtrents and tt o issuarce of this bona, has teen
fully ca-voliod frith by tho proper orticers oz co
said City, and that all conditions
to o7do.t and all things roquirca to bo dora procodont to and in the
iccuanco of this bo--A to render the same lm l)A and valid, have happe-iod and boon
properly dorio and norfor-rad and dtd exist in reCular and due time, form an-d
canrer as roeuired by law
I2I TL.) O'IIY IglaIDOs, tbo said C_ty of Fort Collins has caused ,1is
bo-id to be subscribed by its Yayoi, countersignkd by its Director of in�nco,
and attested by its Deputy City Clerk under tbo seal of sd City, and Lne
LLeiest couno-Is Yeiozo attaclied to co atve:.tod by the facsimile siCnatLre of
the Deputy City Clerk as of the 1st d9y of Novenbor, 1966
i or
(gErL) COU,ITI. SIC.iha
i ecLor qi 1 ioanco
.Deputy City Clerk -
(Form Coupoa)
No $30 00
On the 1st day of , A D 19 , unloss the bend to
Fhich this, coupon is attache as o�"'a mod or prior icdemptioa, oho Citr of
Fort Collins will pay S o bcaro-,
(1. RTi AND NO/100 DOLLLO)
in 1.- rPal money of the Unitood States of Aru rica, at the office of the Director
of Financo of sort Collins, Colo-ado � hs sr c t local
i-raco^c-cnt bond, doted Novoroor, 19..)69 issued for the Cradzn, and sL_riac_ng
of cor-cai-i nurects and alleys vit-i asphalt mfaeing and by instating curo
and Luttor anal wator and cower connections urere necessary in Consolidated street
Improve-lent District No 59
No (r,coirrd.le slfrmtueo)
Deputy City Clerk
scetc.on 7 Whenever considered prudent by The Dirocto- of Financo,
he is horeoy autrorizcd and emnoi arod, 4 ienevor suificient funds nay be in his
hxids, to the credit of Coisolidated/Improvcm3at District No 59, includinC six
riontWl interest on the unpaid principal, Lo advertise for five (5) days in the
official newspaper of said City, and call in a suitable numbeA. of bonds of said
District for payxzsat and at the expiration of thirty (30) days fro- the Lirst
publication, interests on said bvWs so called shall cease The notices shall
specify tho bonds so called by number of all bonds so issued shall be called
and paid in their numerical order
section 8 Upon the taking affect of this orainarce, the P.ayor is
heweby aui horizod and empo• ared to aaverti.ae for bids for the co•istrucLio i of
said iirprovoments is accordance with the Nana plans and specification he-oLo-
fo„o adoptcaj faich aavertiset:ent s1.11 be t deg published in an o2-x.cIal ro 3-
pane- published in the Cit,r Said Dublications . ro to be at lca3t a wvck apart,
and tro dato for oponing of bido shall be not leas %han ton (10) &Jr, a..toA. first
piblscation and bido receivod urder said udiertisement shall be submitted to tno
Council fay wonroval or rojection 4avcrtiaa-Lsnts for bids shall co-Tply with the
requirc»eats and bo in cecord�nco Stith the p~ovisions of Sccuion 15-60 of the Code
of Ora=ances of the City of 1 ort Collim, Colorado, 195$, ar, a-c"ded
Section 9 Uhea tao irmrovercrvs herein auohorized have ocen co*^pleted
and the sa-c approved and aceopted by cha City of Fort Collins, tha costs as set
forth above snail be acsessod upon real property in th3 District all as Yercin
before set forth
Section 10 Tbia ordinanco shall be =epealable until tho irdeotedness
herein provided for., wherevor tho sa-qe shall be created, shall have been dul,r paid.,
satisfied and discharged as horcin provided
Introduced, considered favorably on first reading and ordered
published this 25 ' day of August A D 1966 and to be presented for final
passage on the 15 ' day of September A D 1966
City Cl rk
Passed and adopted on final reading this 15 ' day of September
A D 1966 ()
yor /
City rlerk