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ORDINANCE NO 60 1966 BEING AN ORDINANCE ASSESSING THE COST OF IMPROVEMENTS IN CONSOLIDATED SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO 53 AND PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT AND COLLECTION THEREOF WHEREAS heretofore by appropriate ordinances and resolutions duly adopted by the Council of the City of Fort Collins there was established San- itary Sewer Improvement District No 53 for the purpose of installing a sanitary sewer in connection with certain property in the City of Fort Collins Colorado all pursuant to Article 15 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Fort Collins Colorado 1958 as amended and WHEREAS pursuant to said ordinances and resolutions said improve- ments have been installed and accepted by the City of Fort Collins and WHEREAS upon accepting said improvements the City Council adopted the report of the City Engineer respecting the cost of said improvements and the schedule of assessments prepared by the City Engineer and ordered notice to be published as provided in Section 15-65 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Fort Collins Colorado 1958 as amended which said notice was duly published as therein provided and WHEREAS Thursday the 22nd of September 1966 is the date set for the hearing of complaints and ob]ections and determination of the same and for acting upon an ordinance assessing the cost of such improvements and WHEREAS no complaints or ob]ections in writing have been made to the proposed assessments by any property owners within the district NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS Section I That the total cost of the improvements in Consolidated Sanitary Sewer Improvement District No 53 including the cost of engineering legal and publicatioji interest during construction and collection and further including a plant(�D investment fee and tdp charge against the properties in the district to-wit $28 806 50 is hereby assessed upon the real estate in Consolid- ated Sanitary Sewer Improvement District No 53 in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 15 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Fort Collins 1958 as amended and the proportion of said cost assessed upon each lot or tract of land in said district shall be as follows - 1 -- ASSESSMENT ROLL SANTITARY' S tI DISTRICT 53 -- --- - _ - PLANT INVEST- I► YEREST 0 0 622441 MENT FEE AND TO FIRST TOTI L Nk-T E AND ADDRESS COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION AREA ASSESSMENT _ _ TAP PAYMENT AS-'Sc I Armanth Hoernicke Lot 1, Block 7, Buckingham Place 6350 142 50 175 00 4 22 1 321 Poute ?I$ Box 13 John C E31io Lot 2, Block 7, Buckingham Place 6350 142 50 175 00 4 22 321 Route i, 150 Palmer Drive George and F SchwinOt Lot 3, Block 7, Burkingham Place 6350 142 50 175 00 4 22 321 1 209 3 d £trePt Joe E Trujillo Lot 4, Block 7, Buckingham Puce 6350 142 50 175 00 4 22 3e] 7 21J 3rd Street DaTid ManwelIer The South 33 33 of Lot 5, Block 4233 94 99 175 00 3 21 21- ' 2j7 aid Str^et 7, Buckingham Puce John G Johnston The North 3/3 of Lot 5 and Lot 6 8467 ]90 01 175 OG 4 85 36^ 81' 221 31d Street Block 7 Buckingham Place M T ano E Mesa I4t 7, Block 7, Buckingham Place 6350 142 50 175 00 4 22 323 225 31d Street M J and S h Gallegos Lot 8, Block 7, Buckingham Puce 635C 142 50 175 0() 4 22 323 ' )Cl9 Svcamoie Street J J Castro SIP of Lo-t 9, Block 7, Buckingham 1050 go 89 ]75 00 3 54 269 233 3rd Street Place Henry Fn_t * of Lot 9, Block 7, Bu-kingham 4050 90 89 375 00 3 51t 269 239 Fast Linden Place %irolas Castro S2 of Lot 30, Block 7 Buckingham L050 90 89 -- 1 21 233 3 d Str-Pt Pure ASSLSSMEDPI ROLL SANITARY SEWQR DISFRICT 53 - -2- --_��- PLANT INVEST- INTEREST 0 0 022hhl ME19T FEE AND Tfl FIRST TOTAL NAMF AND ADDRESS COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION AREA ASSESSMENT TAP PAYMENT ASSESSiuijl 5 M Santos c/o Marga^et Sanchav N2 of Lot 10, Block 7, Buckingham L050 90 89 175 00 3 5h 269 L3 217 r2S'G Linden Place Lupe Moreno Lot 11, Block 7, Buckingham Place 8100 181 77 375 00 4 75 361 52 213 East linden Josie Rivera Lot 12, Block 7, Buckingham Place 8100 381 77 175 00 h 75 361 52 209 Last Linden U R nra M2nue1a Moreno Lot 13, Block 7, Buckinghan Place 8100 181 77 175 00 4 75 301 52 205 East Linden Nicolas Castro Lot 14, Block 7, Buckingham Place 8200 181 77 -- 2 42 18h L9 2j3 jrd Street V 0 and D L Brose Lot 15, Block 7, Buckinghan Place 6350 1u2 50 175 00 4 22 321 72 Route 2, BoK 36 Loveland, Colorado George Steeley (Trustee) Lot 16, Block 7, Buckingham Place 6350 142 50 175 00 4 22 321 72 224 2na btreet Jozec ana Anna Bielanski Lot 17, Block 7, Buckingham Place 6350 142 50 175 00 4 22 3?1 72 220 2nd Street irietLa [del ter c/o Jacobo Soto Duron Lots 18 and 19, Block 7, Buckingham 1-700 285 00 350 00 8 45 643 45 212 2nd Street Place LPih ITeit Lot 20, Block 7, Buckingham Place 6350 lla2 50 175 00 4 22 321 72 208 2n v Street C-irl Sauers Lot 21, Block 7, Buckingham place 6350 142 50 175 00 4 22 321 72 20h 2nd Street A D^ and C Alvarez Lot 22, Block 7, Buckingham Place 6350 242 50 175 00 4 22 322 72 200 2nd Street ASSESSMENT ROLL SANITARY SMMR DISTRICT 53 -3- "— PLANT INVEST- INTEREST 0 0 022441 MENT FM AND Ta FIRST TOTAL NAME AMID ADDRESS COMPLETE ZIGAL DESCRIPTION AREA ASSESSMENT - _ TAP PAYMENT ASSESSMENT H P and R H Jesser Lot 1, Block 8, Buckingham Place 6350 342 50 175 00 4 22 321 72 201 2nd Street Tom, Edna and Rudv Louis Baca Lot 2, Block 8, Buckingham Place 6350 342 50 375 00 4 22 321 72 205 2nd Street Sam Ramire2 Lot 3, Block 8, Buckingham Place 6350 142 50 175 00 4 22 321 72 134 1st Street Fernande2 Lots 4 and 5, Block 8, Buckingham 12700 285 00 175 00 6 15 466 15 1115 Lipan Street Place Denver, Colorado Adela and Martinet Ambr12 Lot 6, Block 8, Buckingham Place 6350 142 50 175 00 4 22 321 72 208 1st Street M Montoya c/o Victor Lemos Lot 7, Mock 8, Buckingham Place 6350 142 50 -- 1 90 144 40 229 2nd Street Mary V Lemos Lot 89 Block 8, Buckingham Place 6350 142 50 175 00 4 22 321 72 Route 4, Box 11 G and H C Rodriguez Lot 9, Block 8, Buckingham Place 8100 181 77 175 00 4 75 361 52 121 East Linden ke Elias Lot 10, Block 8, Buckingham Place 8100 181 77 175 00 4 75 362 52 936 C31ntonia San Jose, California Guadalupe, M and Jennie M Balderrama Lot 11, Block 8, Buckingham Place 8300 383 77 175 00 4 75 362 52 308 Willow Street Gene Barker Lot 123, Block 8, Buckingham Place 8300 181 77 175 00 4 75 361 52 Red Feather Lakes, Colorado 0 ASSESSMFNT ROLL SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT 53 PLANT INVEST- INTEREST © 0 022441 MENT FEE AND TO FIRST TOTAL NAME AND ADDRESS COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION AREA ASSESSMENT TAP PAYMENT ASSESSDICNl Trustees of Iglesia Christiana Dec Concilio Lot 13, Block 8, Buckingham Place 8100 181 77 175 00 4 75 362 52 Latino Americano of Fort Collins 105 East Linden Adele Ambriz Lot 34, Block 8, Buckingham Place 8100 181 77 175 00 4 75 361 52 208 let Street lalph Romero Lot 15 Block 8 Buckin 224 tat Street gham Place 5720 128 36 -- 7 73 130 09 Guadalupe Pena c/o Tom Baca, Junior Lot 36 and that part of Lot 35 698o 156 64 175 00 4 44 224 let Street lying south and west of Cov Ditch, 336 08 all in Block 8, Buckingham Place Jim and Julia Trujillo Lot 17, Block 8, Buckingham Place 6350 142 50 175 00 4 22 32] 72 -20 1st Street, P 0 Box 297 Lee Gallegos Lot 18, Block 8, Buckingham Place 6350 342 50 175 00 4 22 216 let Street 321 72 Cleofas Ambnz Lots 19 and 20, Block 8, Buckingham 12700 285 00 350 8 45 643 45 208 let Street ' Place 11els Ambriz Lots 21 and 22, Block 8, Buckingham 12700 285 00 350 00 8 45 643 h5 8 let Street Place E and C Montoya Lots I and 2. Block 9, Buckingham 15660 351 43 175 00 7 00 533 43 1726 Esmond Place Richmond, California John and Marl Specht Lot 3, Block 9, Buckingham Place 7830 775 71 175 00 4 66 355 37 108 East Lincoln Avenue ASSESSMENT ROLL SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT 53 - - PLANT INVEST- INTEREST 0 022441 MENT FEE AND TO FIRST TOTAL NAME AND ADDRESS COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION AREA ASSESSMENT TAP PAMENT ASSESSMENT Benjamin 0 Meade, D J Enright and J D Lot 4, Block 9, Buckingham Place 7830 175 71 175 00 4 66 355 37 Beatty, c/o Poudre Valley National Bank Alex Sing Lot 5, Block 9, Buckingham Place 7830 175 71 175 00 4 66 355 37 336 East Lincoln Avenue .aura M Miller Lot 6, Block 9, Buckingham Place 7830 375.71 175 00 4 66 355 37 322 East Lincoln Avenue Adam and Mary Harras Lot 7, Block 9, Buckingham Place 6350 342 50 175 00 4 22 321 72 117 2nd Street d Ruby Rostek Lot 8, Block 9, Buckingham Place 6350 IV 50 175 00 4 22 321 72 2543 La Porte Avenue Charles H Van Pelt c/o John and Patsy Duvall Lot 9, Block 9, Buckingham Place 6350 142 50 175 00 4 22 323 72 125 2nd Street Jim and Julia Trujillo Lot 10, Block 9, Buckingham Place 6350 142 50 175 00 4 22 321 72 220 lot Street Katie Heinrich Lot 21, Block 9, Buckingham Place 6350 142 50 175 00 4 22 321 72 32 1st Street Katie Fang Lot 123, Block 9, Buckingham Place 6350 142 50 175 00 4 22 321 72 137 2nd Street Ruby Rostek, c/o Martin and Bertha Rodriguez Lot 13, Block 9. Buckingham Place 6350 142 50 175 00 4 22 321 72 141 2nd Street Sam Rannrez Lot 14, Block 9, Buckingham Place 635o 142 50 375 oo 4 22 321 72 334 lat Street ASSESSMENT ROLL SANITARY SEWER DISTRTCT 53 .b- PLANT INVEST- Ibl"PLRLS1 0 u 02240 MENT FEE AND TO rIRST TOTAL NAME AND ADDRESS COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ARLA ASSESSMENT TAP PAYMEW ASSESSnU T,U and A P Alvarez Lot 15, Block 9, Buckingham Place 6350 142 50 175 00 4 22 321 72 144 1st Street Adela Ambriz Lot 16, Block 9, Buckingham Place 6350 342 50 175 00 a 22 321 72 140 1st Street Sam and Josie Ramirez Lot, 17, Block 9, Buckangham Place 6150 142 50 175 00 4 22 321 72 'l 1st Street i{atie Heinrich Lot4 189 19 and 20, Block 9 19050 1427 50 525 00 12 70 965 20 132 lst Street Bar kingnam Place G A and E M Lymber Lots 21 and 22 Block 9, Buckingham 12700 285 00 175 00 6 15 h66 15 120 1st Street Place Conrad and Leah i(issler Lot 1, Block 10., Buckingham Place 7830 175 71 175 00 4 66 355 37 200 East Lincoln Avenue B P and H E Miller Lot 2, Block 0, Buckingham Place 7830 175 71 175 00 4 66 355 37 2014 East Lincoln Avenue R V and G A Osborn Lot 3, Block 30, Buckingban Place 7830 175 71 275 00 4 66 355 37 208 Fast Lincoln Avenue 7 Waag Lot h, Block 10, Buckingham Place 7830 175 71 175 00 4 66 355 37 ct? East Lincoln Aven»P T A and 11 A Put am Lot 5 less a triangular piece of 770h 172 89 175 00 4 63 35? 52 property beginning at the S E corner of Lot 5, thence N 1201,tb S i20 031 ,hence E to point of begirning, Block 10, Buckingham Place ASSESSMENT ROLL SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT 53 PLANT INVEST- INTEREST ® 0 022W MENT FEE AND TO FIRST TOTAL NAME AND ADDRESS COMPIETE =GAL DESCRIPTION AREA ASSESSMENT TAP PAYMENT ASSESSMENT Kathrvn Troudt, c/o James and Adeline Mare¢ Lot 6 and a triangular piece of 7956 378 54 175 00 4 71 358 25 220 Fast Lincoln AvRnu- property in Lot 5 beginning at the S E norner of Lot 5, thence N 1201, ttpnce southe ]v 320 03 1, thence 2 301 to point of reginning, all in Block 30, Buckin&Am Plscn h And T E HQarnA Lot 79 Block 10, Buckingham Place 635C 342 50 375 00 4 22 321 72 933 17Pst 75th Street Los Angeles, Califo nis Manuel C and Florence B Garza Lot 8, Block 30, Buckingham Piavp 6350 342 50 175 00 4 22 323 72 121 3rd Street Henry Lockman Lot 91 Block 10, Buckingham Place 6350 142 50 175 00 4 22 321 72 125 3rd Street Henry Betz Lot 10, Block 30, Buckingham Place 6350 342 50 175 00 4 22 321 72 129 3rd Street L M Mark Lot 13, Block 10, Buckingham place 6350 142 50 175 00 4 22 321 72 133 3rd Street � D and R Melendrez Lot 12, Block 10, Buckingham Place 6350 142 50 175 00 4 22 321 72 137 3rd Street G and A Romero Lot 13, Block 10, Buckingham Place 6350 342 50 175 00 4 22 321 72 143 3rd Street G and C Santisteven Lot 34, Block 10, Buckingham Place 6350 342 50 175 00 4 22 323 72 3L5 3rd Street ASSESSMENT ROLL SANITARY SEDER DISTRICT 53 PLART INVEST- INTEREST © 0 022441 DENT FEE AND TO FIRST TOTAL NAME AND ADDRESS COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION AREA ASSESSMENT TAP PAMENT ASSESSP"r1 C L and E Stieber Lot 15, Block 10, Buckingham Place 6350 142 50 175 00 4 22 321 72 816 West Mountain Avenue G and N Lamar Lot 16, Block 10, Buckingham Place 6350 142 50 175 00 h 22 321 72 3bO 2nd Street Rlby Roatak c/o John Bigham Lot 17, B1ock 10, Buckiigham Place 6350 142 50 275 00 4 22 �21 72 2nd Street Viola S Feeken Lot 1814 Block 20, Bucking am Place 6350 142 50 175 00 h 29 321 72 Route 4, Box 181 J T and V A Feeken Lot 19, Block 10, Buckingham Place 6350 142 50 275 r?J 4 22 321 72 524 Stover Street George, Henry and David Jr Suppes Lot 209 Block 10, Buckingham Place 6350 142 50 175 00 4 22 321 72 124 2nd Street A A and A J Mares Lot 210 Block 10, Buckingham Place 6350 142 50 175 00 h 22 321 72 120 2nd Street B G and M 14 Rice c/o R and E Elizalde Lot 22, Block 10, Buckingham Place 6350 142 50 175 00 4 22 321 72 116 2nd Street TOTAL 597-, r( 13,409 80 l , 2 00 371 22 2 ,30 Section 2 All assessments herein provided for shall be due and payable within thirty (30) days after the final publication of this ordinance without demand provided that all such assessments may at the election of the owners of the property assessed be paid in twenty (20) equal installments the first installment being due on the first day of December, 1966 and on the first day of December each year thereafter until the full amount thereof has been paid together with interest on the unpaid principal at the rate of six percent (6/) per annum said interest to be payable at the time of the principal payments Failure to pay the whole of such assessment within thirty (30) days as aforesaid shall be conclusively considered and held as election on the part of the persons interested whether under disability or otherwise to pay in such installments Section 3 ;n case of election of any person to pay in installments as aforesaid the failure to pay any installment when due whether on principal or interest, shall cause the whole of the unpaid principal to become due and payable immediately and the whole amount of unpaid principal and accrued interest shall thereafter draw interest at the rate of one percent (1/) per month until the date of sale as hereinafter provided, provided however that at any time prior to the date of sale the owner of the property assessed may pay the amount of all unpaid and due installments together with all interest that has accrued as afore said and all penalties accrued and upon such payment shall be restored to the right to pay the installments in the same manner as if default had not occurred The owners of any property not in default as to any installments or payments may at any time pay the entire unpaid balance of principal together with interest accrued thereon to the first day of the month following such payment Section 4 Payments may be made to the Director of Finance at any time within 30 days after the final publication of this ordinance and in such event an allowance of five per cent (5/) as a discount shall be made on all payments made during such period only Section 5 In case of the default in the payment of any installment of principal or interest when due all property concerning which such default 2 - is suffered shall be advertised by the County Treasurer and sold for the payment of the entire unpaid assessment thereon at the same time or times and in the same manner, under all the same conditions and penalties, and with the same effect as provided by law for the sale of real estate in default of the payment of general taxes, all as provided by Section 15-76 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, 1958, as amended Section 6 The Director of Finance shall prepare the foregoing assess- ment roll in proper forms as provided in Section 15-72 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, 1958, as amended, and shall keep a record of all payments made during the 30-day period after the final publication of this ordinance and upon the expiration of said 30-day period he shall deliver said assessment roll to the County Treasurer of Larimer County with his warrant for collection of the same, all as provided in Section 15-75 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, 1958, as amended Section 7 All collections made by the County Treasurer on said assessment roll in any calendar month shall be accounted for and paid over to the Director of Finance on first day of each and every month with separate statements for all such collections for each month in the same manner as general taxes are paid by the County Treasurer to the City Section 8 The owner of any divided or undivided interest may pay his share of any assessment upon producing evidence of the extent of his interest satisfactory to the officers having the roll in their charge 4 Introduced, considered favorably on first reading and ordered published this 22nd day of September, A D , 1966, and to be presented for final passage on the 13th day of October, A D , 1966 ATTEST / ayor (( City C erk Passed and adopted on final reading this 13th day of October, A D , 1966 ayor ATTEST � City Cl rk �- 3 -