HomeMy WebLinkAbout023 - 06/27/1957 - RELATING TO THE ELECTRICAL CODE PROVIDING RULES AND REGULATIONS (EMERGENCY ORDINANCE) ORDINANCE NO 23 1957 RELATING TO THE ELECTPICAL CODE OF THE CITY OT FORT COLLINS PROVIDING RULES AND REGULATIONS THEREUNDER PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION TIIEREOF AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES APD PARTS OP ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCI BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS Section 1 Duties of Electrical Inspector All electrical wiring in the City of Fort Collins shall be under the supervision of the Building Inspector and must conform with the rules and regulations of the National Board of Fire Underwriters known as the National Electric Code and the rules and regulations of the Electric Department The National Electric Code as now existing and with all future modifications thereof is hereby made a part of this Ordinance Meters house service and meter connections shall be located installed and connected in accordance with the requirements of this ordinance and rules and regulations of the Electric Department The installation maintenance or alteration of any and all elec- tric wiring connections apparatus or equipment used in connection there- with in on or attached to any building and above beneath and upon the surface of the streets alleys and places within corporate limits of the City of Fort Collins shall be under the supervision of the Building In- spector who shall also be the electrical inspector who is hereby directed authorized and empowered to enforce the provisions of this ordinance Section 2 Re-Inspections The electrical inspector periodically shall make a thorough ex- amination of all the electrical wires and appliances installed within the City of Fort Collins and when such wires or appliances are found to be in a dangerous or unsafe condition he shall notify in writing the person firm or corporation owning using operating or installing the same to place them in safe condition Any person firm or corporation failing or refusing to make the necessary repairs or changes and have such work completed within 5 days or any longer period which may be deemed rea- sonable by the electrical inspector, after the receipt of said notice shall forfeit and pay into the City of Fort Collins a sum of $5 00 for each day which shall elapse after the expiration of said period and the electrical inspector is hereby empowered with authority to order the discontinuance of electrical service to such defective wires or appli- ances until they have been repaired removed or changed as directed by the electrical inspector subject to the limitation of this ordinance Section 3 Right of Access to Building Said electrical inspector shall have the right during reason- able hours to enter any public or private buildings in the discharge of his official duties or for the purpose of making any inspection or test of the electrical wires and appliances contained therein and shall have the authority to cause the turning off of all electrical currents and cut or disconnect in cases of emergency any wire where such electrical currents are dangerous to life or property or may interfere with the worl of the Fire Department Section 4 Permits to Engage in Business No person firm or corporation shall be granted a permit or engage in the business of installing electric wiring appliances or electrical apparatus of any nature kind or description inside of or on any building or buildings within the corporate limits of the City of Fort Collins (except central station power houses substation or car barns) for the purpose of transmitting or utilizing electric current for light heat power or electrical signal systems or other purposes unless such person firm or corporation shall have given bond and received li- cense as hereafter provided Section 5 Licenses and Bonds Any person firm or corporation desiring to engage in the - 2 - business of contracting for or installing altering or repairing elec- trical wiring and apparatus shall first make application for a license in writing to the City Clerl stating the name of person firm or corpora- tion making application place of business and any other information re- quested by the City Clerk Such application shall be accompanied by good and sufficient bond in the penal sum of one Thousand Dollars ($1 000 00) with a surety company as surety conditioned that all electrical work in- stalled by said person firm or corporation or his or its employees shall be in accordance with the requirements of this ordinance and such application shall be accompanied by a license fee of one Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150 00) for the original license and examination fee and the sum of one Hundred Dollars ($100 00) for yearly renewal thereafter Upon passing examination and on compliance with the above provisions the appli- cant shall be given after a thirty (30) day period by the City Clerk a license card good for a period of one (1) year subject to revocation by the Electrical Inspector at any time if the holder thereof fails to comply with the provisions of this ordinance Section 6 Examination and Registration of Electricians \ Any and all electricians before engaging in the installation of electric wiring apparatus or appliances shall first pass a satisfac- tory examination compiled and given by the Electrical Inspector or a Board appointed by the City Council Upon completion of a satisfactory examination the applicant shall be given a registration card stating that he has passed a satisfactory examination and granting permission to the applicant to engage in the installation of electric wiring apparatus or appliances in the City of Fort Collins for a period of one (1) year subject to revocation at any time by the Electrical Inspector or Examiners Board for failure to comply with the provisions of this Ordinance A fee of Ten Dollars ($10 00) shall be charged for this examination and shall be collected annually thereafter No electrician shall be permitted to - 3 - do any electrical work unless holding a license under Section 5 or em- ployed by one licensed under Section 5 No apprentice electrician while in the performance of his duty shall work upon any job while not under the supervision of a journeyman electrician either in the installation of new work or repair work No more than four (4) apprentice cards shall be issued to any one person At the expiration of four (4) years of continuous service as an apprentice electrician said apprentice shall present himself for examination as a journeyman electrician Section 7 Application for Permits Before any electrical construction work is started either the installation of new apparatus or the repairing of apparatus already in use the person or corporation responsible for such work shall file with the Electrical Inspector an application for a permit describing in de- tail the material and appliances intended to be used Such application shall give the location of the worl by street and number and shall be countersigned by the person under whose supervision the work is to be done and if found proper and conforming to the rules and regulations contained herein and the National Electrical Code a permit shall be issued by the Electrical Inspector No such work shall be permitted unless under the supervision of a duly qualified journeynan Electrical Contractors shall furnish such plans and specifica- tions of proposed work as may be deemed necessary by the Electrical In- spector before any permit for same shall be issued It shall be unlawful for any person firm or corporation to allow any person not registered as a journeyman electrician apprentice electrician or helper to work on any permit obtained by any licensed electrician Section 8 Fees for Inspection and Permits In order to procure a permit for the installation of electrical - 4 - wiring the said companies firms co-partnerships corporations or in- dividuals shall before having any electrical work commenced or any addi- tion made to old wiring make written application to the Electrical In- spector and shall pay the Department the amount as required by the follow ing schedule For inspecting apparatus for which no fee is herein prescribed the Inspector shall charge Two Dollars ($2 00) for the first hour or part thereof and One Dollar ($1 00) for each additional hour or part thereof engaged in maling the inspection When an addition or change is made to work on which a certificate has been issued where a permit was not issued for the addition the original certificate shall be canceled and the regular fee charged for reinspecting the original work and additional work All switches will be classed as outlets NEW WORK 10 outlets or less $2 00 Additional outlets each 10 Additional to old work first outlet 50 Each additional outlet 10 FIXTURES Twe-ity-five cents (25p) will be charged for the first fixture five cents (5(,) for each additional fixture Three (3) drop cords wall sockets or receptacle will be classed as one (1) fixture MOTORS AND GENERATORS Motors up to and including k h p $ 50 Motors over k h p 1 50 Generators used for lighting or power in- cluding switchboard 4 00 Motor generators for charging or picture machines 1 50 Transformers (Power and Lighting) 1 50 Changing motor when no wire is installed 1 00 Rectifiers 1 50 ELECTRICAL SIGNS First thirty (30) sockets or less $2 00 Each additional 100 or fraction 1 00 First transformer on high voltage sign (Neon) 3 00 Each additional transformer 1 00 - 5 - Transparencies of over 2 sockets will be classed as signs Transparencies will be classed as additions to old wiring connecting sign $ 50 Where sign is connected by contractor taking out sign permit no fee will be charged for connection OUTLINING In outlining where soclets are installed within 24 inches of each other three (3) sockets will be classed as one (1) outlet Window reflectors will be classed as outlinings and not fixtures FANS Ceiling fans wired for extended or rehung each $ 50 ELECTRIC RANGES AND IDEATING DEVICES Electric ranges and stationary heating devices $ 50 MISCELLANEOUS Repairs $ 50 For feeds 50 MINIMUM Minimum fee on all work $1 00 TEMPORARY WIRING Temporary wiring fees will be half of regular fees with no charge for fixtures attached thereto and no fees shall be more than $10 00 for any one installation Temporary permit will only be issued for thirty (30) days When temporary light is desired when all fixtures are not installed a permit for all fixtures to be installed must be taken out This rule will also apply to motor installa- tions /J For reinspection on account of corrections One Dollar ($1 00) / Section 9 Certificates of Inspection On the completion of the work covered by a permit in accordance with the rules of this ordinance and to the satisfaction of the Electri- cal Inspector said Electrical Inspector shall issue a certificate of in- spection In this certificate said Electrical Inspector shall certify 6 - that the work is in accordance with the rules covering the respective class to which it belongs as specified by this ordinance Whenever a permit is issued for an addition to old work which does not conform to the rules as laid down in this ordinance the Electrical Inspector shall issue a statement that the new work complies with the rules but that certificate cannot be issued owing to its connection with the old work which does not comply with the rules of the Electrical Inspector Section 10 Construction Requirements No certificate of inspection shall be issued for any new elec- trical construction unless all materials apparatus and devices used in connection with such construction are approved and listed by the Under- writers' Laboratories (or other electrical testing laboratory satisfac- tory to the Electrical Inspector) and unless all electrical construction wiring methods and workmanship conform to such rules and regulations as are embodied in this ordinance The latest editions of the National Electrical Code of the National Board of Fire Underwriters the Electrical Bulletins of the Mountain States Inspection Bureau and the National Safety Code of the Bureau of Standards shall be at all times used as authorities for deter- mining questions arising as to details of electrical construction except as otherwise provided in this ordinance Section 11 Arbitration The Chief Electrical Inspector shall be deemed the judge of what constitutes proper compliance with the provisions of this ordinance but should any person or persons disagree with the findings of the Elec- trical Inspector such person or persons will have the right to submit to the City Council in writing any exception they may have to findings of the Electrical Inspector The City Council shall arbitrate such matters and their findings shall be final The Chief Electrical Inspector is hereby authorized to make such additional working rules and regulations with the approval of the City - 7 - Council for the guidance of the electrical contractors and wiremen as he may deem necessary Section 12 Approved Materials and Appliances All electrical materials and appliances used in the installation of electric wiring systems or in connection with such systems and all electrical materials and appliances sold or offered for sale either in person or by agents clerks or employees in the City of Fort Collins shall be approved and listed by the Underwriters Laboratories or by some other disinterested and properly equipped electrical testing laboratory satisfactory toithe Electrical Inspector of the City of Fort Collins It is not the intent of this provision to require that ordinary motors meters and such devices which are not included in the list of inspected appliances issued by the Underwriters Laboratories shall be approved but it is the intent of this ordinance to require that wiring materials and devices such as those included in the list of Inspected Electrical Appliances issued by the Underwriters Laboratories shall be approved Section 13 Wiring Methods (a) All electric wiring including additions extensions of changes in existing wiring hereafter installed for transmission of elec- tric current for light heat or power in or on all buildings located within the corporate limits of the City of Fort Collins shall be approved rigid conduit electrical metallic tubing or metal moulding with the follow- ing exceptions (1) Metal armored cable (BX) may be used for fished work in dry places in rewiring any now existing buildings out- side the Fire District All wiring in the Fire District in rigid andametal conduit BX will not be sha1L be permitted for exposed wiring in any building Flexible conduit shall be used in wiring showcases and counters within the Fire District (b) Branch lighting circuits shall be limited to 1 000 watts - 8 per circuit with not more than 10 current consuming outlets per circuit Each outlet shall be considered at not less than 100 watts These circuits shall be protected by a circuit brealer having rated capacity not greater than 20 amperes (d) Branch lighting circuits supplying only sockets or re- ceptacles of the mogul type with wires not smaller than 1Qo 12 used for wiring the fixtures and for taps not over 18 inches long from circuit wires may have not to exceed eight (8) mogul sockets or receptacles on one circuit These circuits shall be protected by circuit breakers having a rated capacity of 40 amperes providing the rated capacity of the cir cult breakers do not exceed the safe carrying capacity of the circuit wires (e) Branch lighting circuits and combination branch lighting and appliance circuits shall be only two wire circuits and the neutral con- ductors of these circuits shall not be inter connected except at the center of distribution (f) For the purpose of determining the size of conductors of service feeders and sub-feeders each branch circuit shall be considered as carrying full connected load but with a minimum of 1 000 watts per cir- cuit (g) Conductors for inside wiring systems shall be of sufficient capacity to produce not to exceed 2/ drop in voltage between the service devices and the farthest outlet on circuits (h) Grounding The neutral conductor of all two or three wire single phase alternating current systems shall be grounded at each in- dividual service This grounding connection shall be made to the neutral service conductor in the service cabinet on the supply side of the service switch (1) The grounding conductor shall be an insulated copper conductor with a safe carrying capacity not less than one- fifth that of the service conductor to which it is attached - 0 - In no case shall the grounding conductor be smaller than No 8 The ground shall be extended without ,joint or splice to a suitable water pipe or where water pipes are not avail- able to an approved grounding rod or pipe driven into per- manently moist earth (2) The grounding conductor shall be properly protected from mechanical injury and the connection made to the water pipe or grounding electrode by means of an approved ground clamp or fitting Where practicable the point of connec- tion shall be readily accessible This grounding conductor may also be used to ground the conduit system In all cases grounding connections shall be made to the service conduit or service cabinet by means of approved grounding fittings or lugs (3) The neutral conductor of an interior wiring system shall be connected from one point only within the building to the grounding pipe or electrode (4) The neutral conductor shall not be used for grounding electrical appliances or devices (i) The kitchen shall have not less than two 20 ampere circuits for portable appliance outlets A dishwasher shall be on a separate 20 am- pere circuit The clothes washer shall be on a separate 20 ampere circuit If the utility room is separate from other areas there shall be at least one additional 20 ampere circuit provided (j) All current carrying feeders shall be of not smaller size than #12 wire switches and convenience outlets may be dropped from these feeders in Size #14 wire with not more than one outlet on any size #14 drop (k) All circuit carrying connections shall be soldered - 10 - Section 14 Service Connections It shall be unlawful for any person firm or corporation to make any electrical connection or supply electric current to any wiring sys- tem or portion thereof hereafter installed in or on any building within the corporate limits of the City of Fort Collins without first securing written permission or inspection certificate from the Electrical Inspector of the City of Fort Collins Section 15 Electric Signs Any person firm or corporation desiring to erect or hang any electric sign or signs in on or over any building or buildings within the corporate limits of the City of Fort Collins shall secure a permit from the Electrical Inspector and shall furnish said Inspector such in- formation as he may desire regarding size and weight of sign method of supporting and securing etc All electric signs must bear the Under writers Laboratories label of approval and be grounded to a Permit Sys- tem ground All such signs must be passed and approved by the Inspector of the Municipal Light and Power Department for power factor correction of transformers Neon signs shall be properly equipped to avoid all unnecessary and reasonably preventable radio interference and have the latest correc- tive devices for correction of lagging power factor Section 16 Interference with Radio Reception and Television It shall be unlawful for any person firm co partnership association or corporation knowingly or wantonly to operate or cause to be operated any wire or wires for carrying electric energy or any machine device apparatus or instrument of any Lind whatsoever within the corporate limits of the City of Fort Collins Colorado the operation of which shall cause reasonably preventable electrical interference with radio or television reception within said municipal limits provided however that X-ray - 11 - pictures examinations or treatment may be made at any time if the machines or apparatus used therefore are properly equipped to avoid all unnecessary or reasonably preventable interferepce with radio or television reception and are not negligently operated The Building Inspector of the City of Fort Collins or any person designated by the City Council of such City for such purpose shall have the right at any reasonable hour to enter any place or business or other premises in the City of Fort Collins for the purpose of inspecting or locating or attempting to locate any wires machine device apparatus or instrument of any kind whatsoever which is or may be kept or operated on any such premises in violation of the provisions of this ordinance and any person who shall prevent or attempt to prevent such Building Inspector or any person designated by the City Council of such City for such purposes from entering any premises in the City of Fort Collins shall be deened guilty of a violation of this ordi- nance and each day during which such violation continues shall constitute a separate offense This ordinance shall not be held or construed to embrace or cover the regulation of any transmitting broadcasting or receiving in- strument apparatus or device used or useful in interstate commerce or the operation of which instrument apparatus or device is licensed or authorized by or under the provisions of any act of the Congress of the United States Section 17 Light and Power Department Exempt The provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to construc- tion by the Municipal Light and Power Department Section 18 All licenses issued pursuant to the Building Code shall ex- pire December 31st of each year and any part of a year shall be deter- mined as one (1) year Section 19 Penalty for Violation Any person firm or corporation violating any of the sections - 12 - J or provisions of this Code shall be subject to the specific penalty pro- vided for the particular violation if such penalty is prescribed and if no specific penalty is prescribed shall on conviction of such violation be fined in a sum of not less than Ten Dollars ($10 00) and not nore than Three Hundred Dollars ($300 00) for each and every offense and for each day a-iy such violation continues he it or they may be charged and found guilty of a separate and distinct offense Section 20 Repeal of Conflicting Ordinances All ordinances or parts of ordinances conflicting with the pro- visions of this ordinance are hereby repealed Section 21 In the opinion of the City Council the adoption of the with- in electrical code is necessary for the actual preservation of the public peace health safety or property and it is therefore declared that an emergency exists and that this ordinance shall take effect upon its passage under and by virtue of the authority contained in Sections 6 and 7 of Article II of the City Charter Introduced read at length and adopted by the unanimous vote of all the members of the City Council at a regular meeting held this 27th day of June A D 1957 ATTEST Mayor �%iL.Cc� C7t/ City C1er1c - 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