Section 1 General Any access from any public roadway to private
property hereafter provided, constructed, altered or repaired, shall be
through driveways constructed according to the provisions of this ordinance
Section 2 Definition The word 'Street" as hereinafter used is
intended to include any street, alley, or other public place within the City
of Fort Collins The word 'Roadway" shall mean the paved, improved or proper
driving portion of a street, designed or ordinarily used for vehicular travel
The term 'Sidewalk Area" shall mean that portion of the space lying between
the street roadway or curb line and the property line which is reserved for
sidewalks, either existing or proposed The term "Change of use" shall mean
any change of purpose for which any land building or structure is occupied,
maintained arranged, designed or intended The term "Parkway ' shall mean the
space between the street roadway or curb line and the property line with the
exception of the sidewalk area The word "Driveway ' shall mean any area,
construction or facility between the roadway of the street and private property
Section 3 Application for Permit (4Except when included in a
building permit it shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation or
organization to construct, reconstruct alter or repair any driveway in the
City of Fort Collins, without first obtaining a permit therefor and paying the
permit fee as required by Section 4 hereof provided, however, that no permit
fee shall be required of a subdivider constructing driveways as a part of
street and sidewalk installation within the subdivision No permit fee will
be required when driveway construction occurs as part of a special improvement
(b) Any party requesting such permit shall file a written application
with the City Engineer Such application shall be made on a standard City form
provided for that purpose, and shall include
1 The name and address of the applicant
2 The name and address of the owner of the property abutting the
street where the work is to be performed
3 The exact location of the proposed work giving the street address
or legal description of the property involved
4 A detailed plan showing the exact dimensions of the abutting
property and the exact dimensions and location of all existing
or proposed driveways and other pertinent features within the
limits of the frontage of said property
5 The plan shall also show the location of buildings loading
platforms or off-street parking facilities being served or to be
served by such driveways
(c) The City Engineer may require, at his discretion the filing of
any other information when in his opinion such information is necessary to
properly enforce the provisions of this ordinance
(d) No plan shall be approved nor a permit issued where it appears
that the proposed work or any part thereof conflicts with the provisions of
this ordinance or any other ordinance of the City of Fort Collins nor shall
issuance of a permit be construed as a waiver of the Zoning Ordinance or other
ordinance requirements concerning the plan
Section 4 Permit Fees Required The permit fee for each driveway
approved by the City Engineer shall be Five Dollars ($5 00) for a driveway up
to fifteen (15) feet in width For each additional foot of width (in excess
of 15 feet) an additional charge of Thirty Cents (30¢) per foot shall be charged
Section 5 Authority to Order Reconstruction of Curbs and Driveways
The City Engineer or his authorized representative may at their discretion
order the reconstruction, alteration or repair of driveways and curbs associated
therewith presently constructed or constructed hereafter under the terms of
this ordinance where they determine such to be an impediment to the free move-
ment of vehicles upon the streets or the uneconomic distribution of parking
space Iat the curb of the aforementioned streets or to travel or safety of
pedestrians thereon Such notice to reconstruct alter or repair shall be
given by registered or certified mail to the owner of the premises involved,
who shall commence such reconstruction alteration or repair within thirty (30)
days thereafter In the event the owner fails to so commence, the City may
make such reconstruction, alteration or repair, billing the costs of the same
to said owner who shall be obligated therefor
Section 6 Authority to Order Removal of Abandoned Driveways When,
in the opinion of the City Engineer or his authorized representative an
abandoned driveway constitutes a hazard to vehicular traffic or to pedestrians
within the City, they may order the removal of such driveway, the reconstruction
of the new curb shall be made by the owner of the premises involved after
notice having been given as provided in Section 5 hereof In the event of the
failure of the owner to remove the said driveway restoring the sidewalk area
and curb line the City may undertake such removal and reconstruction billing
the owner for the same as provided in Section 5 hereof, and the owner shall be
obligated therefor
Section 7 The City Engineer when directed by the City Council,
shall have the authority to order the removal of any driveway which would be
in the best interest of traffic movement or traffic safety, for pedestrians
or vehicles
Section 8 Adherence to Standard Plans and Specifications All
construction outlined in this ordinance shall be located and constructed in
accordance with the City of Fort Collins' Standard Plans and Specifications
which shall be drawn by the City Engineer, approved by the City Council and
available and on file in the office of the City Engineer and shall be performed
to the satisfaction of the City Engineer or his authorized representatives
The type of construction shall be as designated and/or approved by
the City Engineer and all materials used shall be of satisfactory quality and
subject to inspection and approval No concrete shall be placed until the City
Engineer or his duly appointed agents have inspected and approved the forms
Driveways shall be completely paved with concrete in the area between the
roadway and the property line
Section 9 Every driveway hereafter constructed reconstructed or
altered, in the street right of way shall conform to the following regulations
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(A) location
1 No driveway shall be so located as to create a hazard to
pedestrians or motorists, or to invite or compel illegal or unsafe traffic
2 Unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer all driveways
shall be constructed within lines at right angles to the curb line
3 No driveway shall be constructed in such a manner as to create
a hazard to any existing street lighting standard, utility pole, traffic
regulating device or fire hydrant The cost of relocating any such street
structure when necessary to do so shall be borne by the abutting property
owner Relocation of any street structure shall be performed only by or through
the person holding authority for the particular structure involved
4 No construction, alteration or repair shall be permitted for
any driveway which can be used only as a parking space or which provides access
only to the area between the street roadway and private property
5 All driveways shall be so constructed that they shall not
interfere with the drainage system of the street
(B) Size and Number
1 Except as otherwise provided herein the width of any business
driveway shall not exceed thirty five (35) feet exclusive of the radii of the
curb returns, the measurement being made along the flowline Where driveways
are to enter courts or alleys having a right of way width of forty (40) feet
or less the width of the driveways may exceed thirty-five (35) feet and the
limitation of the percentage of property frontage in driveways may be waived
provided the overall plan of the location of such driveways shall meet the
approval of the City Engineer
2 Except as otherwise provided above, the total width of all
driveways for any one parcel on a street shall not exceed fifty percent (50%)
of the frontage of that parcel along the street Whenever in a single ownership
the total width of existing driveways on a street is over fifty percent (507)
of the frontage of that parcel on the street, such existing driveways shall be
made to conform to the provisions of this ordinance in the event any of the
folflowing should occur
(a) Any alteration or repair of such existing driveways in excess
of twenty five percent (254) of the frontage of the ownership on that street,
or any widening of any such existing driveways
(b) Any construction of additional driveways in the parcel or
the alteration or repair of any driveways in the ownership in excess of twenty-
five percent (25%) of the frontage on which the driveways are to be altered
or repaired when the parcel has frontage on two or more streets
(c) Any change of use of the ownership as defined in Section (b)
of the ordinance to which these specifications are attached
(d) Any new construction reconstruction or any remodeling
exceeding twenty five percent (257) of the value of the improvements on the land
Upon the alteration or repair of any one or more of the driveways
as aforesaid, the City Engineer may require such changes in any or all of the
driveways of the parcel necessitated for better movement of traffic or to
provide better protection to pedestrians
3 Proposed driveways shall intersect the property line at right
angles Those driveways providing ingress to and egress from business estab-
lishments may with the prior approval of the City Engineer, intersect the
property line at an angle no less than sixty degrees (60 )
4 In no case shall the width of any driveway be less than ten
(10) feet, the measurement being made parallel to the roadway centerline and
excluding the curb returns
5 Driveways shall not exceed twenty (20) feet in width, exclusive
of curb returns for one or two family residential units Driveways for multiple
family units shall not exceed twenty-five (25) feet in width
6 No residential property shall be allowed more than two curb
7 Unless otherwise provided herein no more than two service
driveways shall be permitted for any one commercial frontage
8 In the case of commercial parking lots located on a parcel
of land abutting two intersecting rights of way the centerline of the proposed
driveway shall be no closer than fifty (50) feet to the intersection of the
pertinent right-of-way lines
9 Where a single ownership parcel is developed into more than
one unit of operation each sufficient in itself to meet the requirements of
off-street parking and/or loading as may be required by the Zoning Ordinance,
and where the safety of pedestrians or vehicular traffic is not endangered
then and in those events the requirements outlined above may be construed to
apply to each separate unit of operation rather than to the entire ownership
10 No driveway shall be wider than the curb cut between the curb
and the property line
Section 10 In the event the City Council of the City of Fort Collins
should determine that in the application of this ordinance, undue hardship
is created to any property owner it may grant an exception to said property owner
Introduced considered favorably on first reading and ordered
published this 2$tk day of May, A D 1964 and to be presented for final passage
on the 25th day of June A D 1964
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City Cler
Passed and adopted on final reading this flday of June, A D 1964
City Cler