WHEREAS, heretofore by appropriate ordinances and resolutions duly
adopted by the Council of the City of Fort Collins, there was established Con-
solidated Street Lighting Improvement District No 1 for the purpose of installing
artificial street lighting in certain areas in the City of Fort Collins, Colorado,
all pursuant to Article 15 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Fort
Collins, Colorado, 1958, as amended, and
WHEREAS, pursuant to said ordinances and resolutions, said improve-
ments have been installed and accepted by the City of Fort Collins, and
WHEREAS, upon accepting said improvements the City Council adopted
the report of the City Engineer respecting the cost of said improvements and
the schedule of assessments prepared by the City Engineer and ordered notice to
be published as provided in Section 15-68 of the Code of Ordinances of the City
of Fort Collins, Colorado, 1958, as amended, which said notice was duly published
as therein provided, and
WHEREAS, Thursday, the 23rd day of September, 1965, is the date set
for the hearing of complaints and objections and the determination of the same
and for acting upon an ordinance assessing the cost of such improvements, and
WHEREAS, no complaints and objections in writing have been made to
the proposed assessments by the property owners in the said district
Section 1 That the total cost of the improvements in Consolidated
Street Lighting Improvement District No 1, including the cost of engineering,
legal and publication, interest and collection is $33,130 08, and that of
said cost, the City of Fort Collins shall pay $15,537 27, leaving the sum of
$17,592 81 which is hereby assessed upon the real estate in Consolidated
Street Lighting Improvement District No 1 in accordance with the provisions
of Chapter 15 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Fort Collins, 1958, as
amended, and the proportion of said cost assessed upon each lot or tract of
land in said district shall be as follows
All that part of the SEA of the SE , of Sec,2-7-69. Griffin, Patrick 6?8,40 1,29
and the IAA of the NE- of Sec,11-7m69, lying North P,O, Box 55
and East of the Poudre River and South of the Fort Collins, Colorado
Lake Caaiial Ditch; except Railroad RAT lase Griffin
Addition to Fort Collins,
Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 of Block 1, of the Union Pacific Railroad 373,0 1.29 1♦BI .I7
A"vcrside u^•,__ uUbdi-ricion & t:lct. 7r` c.- jtp»+h
of Lake Canal to Riversida Subdivision, Fort Collins, Colorado
Begin 40.0' East and 157.0' South from the NW car. Marshall, L. N. 86.4 1,29 11f.46
Sec. -.2-7-69, thence East 100.0' , thence South 15.0' , 618 North College
thence East 66.01 , thence South to the Poudre River; Fo-t Collins, Colorado
thence along the north bank of the Poudre River
86.4' South of the point of beginning, thence North l6!• 75
86.4' to point of beginning. Being part of Lot 1,
Uutside reservation.
Begin 40,01 East and 35.0' South from the MW cor Stinnett, P. & G. 80.0 1.29 i0;,117
Sou, 12-•7-69,thmonce Eeat• 70,01y thence Smith 80,013 (Ray's Market)
thence West 70.01 , thence .":orth 80,01 to begi;uuing, hO2 List Lake
being part of Lot 1, outside of reservation, Fort Collins, Colorado
Begin 110,01 East & 35.0' South from the M%T Stinnett, J. R. & G, °V, 42.0 1,29 54. 1S
cor See 12-7-69, thence Eact 2301,thencc South 402 East Lake
to river, Thence West along North bank of Poudre .Mont Collins, Colorado
River, thence North to a point which is 172'
South & 206.01 Eaot from the IV --or Sac,12-7-691
thence West 66,01, thence North 15,01,thence
West 100.01,thenee North 42.01,thence past 70.01 . thence
North 00,0' to beginning,
Comm, at the SW cor of Sec. 1-7-69,thence North Rapp, T.A. & H.M. 73.0 1,29 74 . ( 7
1031, East 136',Seuth 103',Wesv 136,0' to begin, 2601 loth Street
less roads, Greeley, Colorado
a , , I
v _ , M, v
L.atiiu UrMurriurt P'ROidTAOE A:iS Sa1�"'��"OT � �
Com at a pt 40.0'tEE & 103.01 N of the SW cor of Brook's, Shem Motors Inc. 65.0 � � 1.29 - $ 83.85I
See.1-7-69,thence Id 65.0',th E 110.0',th S 168.0', P.O. Box 313
th 14 1Ii.0',th N 103.01,th iti 96.0' to beginning. Fort Collins, Colorado
Coc. at a pt 168, N & 40= E of the SRrd cor Sec.l-7n69; Julian, Ruth 212.0 1.29 273.0
th N 2121sth E 110+ ;th S 2121;th W 110' to beg. 740 North College
Fort Collins, Colorado
A nor of the S1141 of the S'r,� of Sec.1-7-69 as .follows, T & S Enterprises, Inc. 189.4 1.29 244-33
beC a'i� a pt 360' N & 4o, E of the SW cor of said % T. J. Gleason et al
SVJ of SW*- th N 189.1.',;th E 190' ;th S 189.41 ;th First National Bank Bldg.
U 190' to beginning. Fort Collins, Colorado
Bag at appt 569.4' N & lt0' E of S`.sd cor of Sec.1»7-69, Bickel, L. L. & E. 141. 205.1 1.29 264.97
th 11 205.1;' ;th E 190' ;th S 205.41;th W 190E to beg. 1801 Crestmore Place
Fort Collins, Colorado
Lots 11,12,13,1.1.t,15, Block 1, Riverside Park Subd. Busch, H. E. & M.E. 125.0 1.29 161.25
& z of vac. alley" on W also comm. at the NE cor 1}O5 E. Prospect
of Lot 151B1k. 4thence E 50',th S along R.O.W. 125'; Fort Collins, Colorado
-Uh W rfO';th N 125' to beg"irming- .
Yeats 1,2,3,is,5,6, Block 2, RiversideParkSubd. idells, Doe 1.50.0 1.29 193. 50
1033 Glenmoor Drive
Fort Collins, Colorado
Lots 7 & 81 Block 2, Riverside Park Subd. Scriven, H. E. & E. 50.0 1.29 6I -50
909 North College
Fort Collins, Colorado
Trots 9110,11,12, Block 2, Riverside Park Subd. Beyer, J.F. & A.E. 100.0 1.29 129,00
13755 Crabapple Road
Golden, Colorado
lots 1,2,3,435362* Mock 35 also beg at the SE Rickard, F.D & F.E. 150.0 1.29 1.93,50
cor of Lot 1, Block 3, E 5010T 1501 , W 5010 1501; 1001 Whedbee
Riverside Park Subdivision. Fort Collins, Colorado
Dts 7,819,10511,1293iock 3, also beg at the UE Gordon, G.L. & F.A. 150.0 1.29 193.50
cor Lot 12 dlk.3, E 50',S 1501, 7 50,N. 150' 1023 North College
Riverside Park Subdivision, Fort Collins, Colorado
tdBP��lY�lOt ._ ._.,,_..�........ O1�R°.i"IJ7ii` •c��^ A A ._._._,... .�. a:3 �..._.. _
-- - _�_------ _ -- FEET RATE PER FOOT A.SSESSP,F
Begin at a pt 774.81 N of the SW cor of See.1-7•-69, Bickel, L.L. & E.M. � 173.4 9 $ 1.251
th N 173.41,th E 230.01 , th S 173.413th W 230.0) 180) Crestmore Place 223.u;
to beg. Fort Collins, Colorado
That Dart of the S , of the Wt, of See.1-7-69, Excellart Advertising Corp. 94.7 1.29
beg at a pt along Sec. line 1,042.901 N of the 900 North College
&I cor; th E 2301,th S 94.7013th W 230E, more or Fort Collins, Colorado
less, to Sec. line, th N along See. line to
pt, of beg.
Begin at a pt on See. line 10137.61 X of -Lho S-1 cor Deiuei, E. & C.F. ! L10 94.7 1.29 11"! -...
Of Seo.1-7-69,�hence E 23030 th S 94.70),th W 2301, 608 Monte Vista
th n 94.701 to point of beginning,. Fort Collins, Colorado
Part of the 0W41 of the SW4 of. Sec.1-7-69; beg at Sentel E & C.E. Mallo 94.7 1.29 J.22-L!
a pt 1J137.61 N of the SW cor of said Sec.!-7-69, 608 Monte Vista
th N 94.7+) th E 2301, th S 94.71, th W 2301 to Fort Collins, Colorado
Beg at a pt 1,232.3' N of the 0W cor of Sec.1-7-69, Pastor, J. & K.P.. >i 2. 79 1r:`
th N 94.71 to the iW cor of the S`rd4 of SW4 of said 938 North College
Sac., th E 2301, h S 91a.7°, to a point East of the Fort Collins, Colorado
point of beg., th W 230' to beginning.
Com. at a pt 1027.01 N of the SW cor of See.1-7-693 Nasard, J. & P.C. 60.0 1.29
th N 60,,th E 1901,th S 601, th kJ to begimii:,g,less 1004 W. Oak Street
road. Fort Collins, Colorado
Deg" at a pt 1,3C7.01 W Of the SW cor of Sec�1-7-69, He;-er, J. & E. 150.0 1.29 19.
h N 1lr0', the nee E 1901, th S 1503,th W to % Sportsman Cafe
beginning Jess road. 3.00" N. College Ave.
Fort Callan®,Colorado
Com at a pt 2101 h5 of SW cor of t;Wg of Sid''-y of Dreher Pickle Co. 150.0 1.29 11,
Sec.!-7-69, th E 403 to pt, of beginning, th P.Q. i'ox 46
N 15010 th E 150', th S 1501) th W 1503 to beg. Fort Collins Colorado
( L. Calkins )
( 1008 N. College 1
( LVororemonts only)
?ots 102,3 & the South lot of Lot 4, Block 4. She=ard; W.H. JrJ, & B, fl5,n 1,'39 1Oq 65
Ft.verside Park Subdivision. 805 South Shields
Fort Collins, Colorado
tc 5,6, & N 151 of Lot 4; RI-ock 1t, Union Pacific Ra;lsosd �
. , verside Pert; -1A1b ivjgiora 314 Linden Street d5'G 1.29 S ��.85
Fort Collins, Colorado
Muck h, Riverside Park Subd. Everitt, M.M. & J.N. 150.0 1.29 193.50 {
% P.O. Box 822
+ r=opt Col!:Lne, Colorado
tia-ca..+ed 4th Street in Riverside Park Subd. Everitt IALaber Co. 80.0 1.29 103.20
�4s 1,2,3,1t,5,6,7,8,9}10 & the Si of ipt 11, Everitt, M.M.p & J.N. 262 1`29 c
j, (u. eraide Park Subdivision. % P.Q. Box 822 >��oU>
Fort Collins,Colorado
12,13,1u,15,16,17,18 & '�kar� t� of Lot 11, Union Pacific Railroad a:l 187.5 1.29ock 5, Riverside Park Subdivision. 314 Linden Street 241.87
Fort Collins, Colorado
Segin at a pt 36C' F4 of the SW cor of the Na of Harrah, W.B. & C.F. 60.0 1,�9
Ule SW-4 of Sec.1-7-0 th East 1901, th N 60', 1010 N. College Ave. 77.1.10
`:h 4T'1901. th S 601 tQ beginning. Felt 001�ne, Coleaud;;
in at a. pt. 1�20t 14 of the S`:F cor of the EIW� o_ 63oo1ey, H. i u 0
i.h- 3WI of Soc.l-7-69, th N 140t, th E 1901, 110fi N. College
1•�9 180.60
k= S 11�01, th W 190' to beginning, less road. Fort Collins, Colorado
P.eaz3n at a �t on W Sec. line 560t N froze. the Skitt R.G. a R.H. Sr. ". B.A. 65.0 1.2Y
W cor of Nz of SIVI See. 1�-7-69, said pt being 1112 Alford Street 83985
:L'887' N of SU cor of See, 1-7-69, th N 65t,th Fort Collins, Colorado
';.9015 th S 6513 Uh W 1901 to beginning.
L." ; at a pt 2,489.01 N & 4o.C�t E of the 51 car of Dreher Pickle Company 537,0 0_7.,6n th r lr'- +h S 537' th W 1501 ,th ?,0. Dox �S6 1°2' 692,73
11 5371 to beginning, Fort Collins, Colorado
"Agin 401 W of the E % cor. of Sec. 2-7-69, th N Wilkinson, $.R-& R. L. Osbourn 298.5 1.29 385.06
723.5' more or less, th W 550.0' , th South 528.5' b J. Magnum & D. H.Niewald
_li E 55J.4' t� bngi.aniinn, lsss .road as described 631 Monte Vista
in book 1143, page 187, and Book 1173, page 216. Fort Collins, Colorado
APvin 312.71 N of W4 cor Sec 1-7-69'Uh S 890131E Dreher Pickle Company 15.0 1.29
w:rcenter lin^ of ao.;e ea eme,c ; .y P.O. Box_ h6
line, Book 916, page 300. Fort Collins, Colorado
s till .ice _ = J v l5
64 > rS A i — 7AT
- — FEET P47.-. 1crp AE�,5ESSMENT
comm. 25146.7' S & 40' W of the NE cor G ngeryp M.W. & L.E. 136.0 $ 1.2? - $ 175.44
of Sec 2-7-69. th W 2801,N Maw, 1-7 95.3' 1802 North College E
th N 35050' W 251t-36' th W 768,56', Fort Collins, Colors
th S 377.36,l,th E 1326.011 th N 136,0'
to beginning.
Comm 1,905.34, S & 40' W of the NE cor Starkey, L. P, 241.36 1.29 311.35
of Sec 2-7-69, th S 241.36' ,th W 2.80', Box 188 Route 1
PJ 6R°20' Cd 95°3011th P: 35'S0' .: ,
Fort Collins, Color:�uo
254.361, th E 517.4 feet to beginning.
Comm 1,905.15' S of NE cor. of Sec. Hov$, R. V. 56.0 1.29
Z-7-G9, th W 340' th N 56' , th C 72.24
3401 , th S 56.0' to beginning to- Fort Collina,Coloradoe
gether with easement for road
right of way.
Comm 1,642.54' S of NE oor of See 2-7-69 Boxlea L B. 206 80 1.29 26b.`l"!
21 11 1 326t, th S 164.25',th E 1,326.0+ , Route 2, Box 25A
th IJ 1g4.25 & also Comm 1,806.6' S of 1i 1309 North College Ave.
cor of See 2-7-69, th W 1,326, to W line Fort Collins, Colorado
of the SEn of the NE th th S 98.55', th E
1,326,0'0 La N 98.55' less to Hoyt.
Comm 1,478.3' S of the NE cor of Basal M.W. & A.M. 150.25 1.29 193.82
Sec 2-7-69, th W h001,th S 16h.25', 1405 N. College Avenue
th E 400+, th N 164.95° to beginning Fort Collins, Colorado
less road on S & 40' road on East.
3omm 1,478.3' S of NE cor of Sec Thompson, H.D. & M.A. 14.0 1:29 18,06
2-7-69,th W !tool .th S 164.25',th E 1100', 1401 N, College Avenue
th N 164.25' to beg, The S 14' of the Fort Collins, Colorado
above described land for a private
road right of way.
Begin at a pt 2,489' N and 40' E of Alexander, Morde L. Et.Al. 463.0 1.29 597
the SW cor of See 1-7-69, th N 46319 % E1 Palomino Motel 27
th E 175', th S 46310
th W 175' to beg, 1220 N, College Avenue
Fort Collins, Colorado
Begin at a pt 2,967' N of the SW cor Riordan, F.A. 185.0
of Sec 1-7-69, th N 185',th E 215', 811 :est Northview 1°2Q 238,65
.th S 185', th W 215' to beginning, Phoenix, Arizona
FRONTAGE— Ao Page E SN 'Z� b----�T�L 's
Beg at a pt 39152t N & 40, E of the Tennesee Products Co. 175.0 $ 1.29 $ 225' ?;
S11 cor of Sec 1•-7-69, th N 17 t,th Tax Deptu, P.O. Box 2511(Nor'di Bay Station)
E 2151,th S 17511th W 2151 to beg. Houston, Texas
less roads & ditches.
Beg at a pt 393271 N of the SW cor Franks, O.F. & A.P. 150.0 1.29 193.
of Sec 1-7-69,th E 215t,th N 15013 3.310 W. College Avenue
th W 215t,th S 150+ to beginning. Fort Collins, Colorado
Beg at a pt 3,4771 N of the SW cor Wray Plumbing & Heating 101.0 1.29 130.2.
of Sec 1-7-69, th E 2152,th N 101,, % Iry-in Schwindt, ot.al.
th W 2151,th S 101, to beginning, 1817 Crestmore Place
less public road on West. Fort Coliins,Colorado
Beg 3,6781 N & 40' E from the SW cor Dreher Pickle Company 40.0 1.29 51�6'
of Sec 1-7-69,th E 1751,th N 401, P.O. Boa 46
th W 17510th S 401 to beg. Fort Collins, Colorado
Beg at a pt 3,578t N of the SW cor Kirschner, J.O. 100.0 1.29 129.0'.
of Soc 1-7-69, th E 21519th N 10011 1700 Kipling Street
th W 2151, th S 1001 to beginning, Lakewood, Colorado
subject to 401 road.
Beg at a pt on the W see line 3,7181 Pastor, O.S. & A.E. 130.0 1.29 167.7c
N of the SW cor of Sec 1-7-69,th E 508 Villanova Court
215t,th N 200t, th W 2151,th S 20019 Fort Colline,Colorado
to beginning, less Btate Highway on
West, less N 700 . ,
Pastor O.S. & A.E. 70,O 1.29 90.3c
Tile N 70.0 feet of: Begin at a pt on 508 VHlanova Court
the W Soo 7.ina 3,7180 N of the SW cor Fort Collins, Colorado
of Soo 1-7-69, East 215r,North 2001,
West 2151, South 2001 to beg. less State
Highway on West.
Beg at a pt 1,278.29t S of the NE cor Wellnits, W.W. & B.L. 200.0 1.29 258.0C
of See 7.-7-69, th W 25012th S 2001, 3108 Lusk Place
th E 2151, th N 2001 to beg. Cheyenne, Wyoming
Eneept the E 4Ot for highway.
Comm 1,149.781 S of the NE cor of Fletcher, L.W. 128.51 1.29 165.7:
Sec 2-7-69 th W 1 326t th S 3 8.51+, 1475 N. College Avenue
th E 1'3261,th N 3M.51f Z, less acre for Fort Collins, Colorado
road, less amount sold on contract to McClure.
,' v�i �����1' _..______e��,�.,77'e�T$i:�.� & at-. S�`--� '�(iL.�-•...__.-....___.._ � S��`e � II
iui.0 PER POT AS:iS5a7clu'i
D5Z at a Pt 1,068.55' S & 40, W of the Deimos, P. & Ewald Patzer u1-[3 $ 29
- - .1
NE cor of Sec ?-7-69, th S 81.,23',th P.E.C. ,:gilding 104.79
14001,th N 81.23',th E 400, to beg, Fort Collins, Colorado
Cor 985.531 S of the NE cor of See Jones, J. L. & N. J. 82.96 1.29 107.02
2-7-69, th S 164.251, th W 1,32610 1505 N. College Avenue
th N 164.251,thl E 113261, to beg. except Fort Colorado
oar] OS? F , lees 81. 1 Y � Collins,
R/W sat as o_ ,23 l:00 in
the SF cor as described in Book. 943,page 28.
Corte 766.52' S of the NE cor of Sec huller, H. I£, 75.0 1 .29 96.75
2-7-69, th W 198.910, th S 2191,th E 1856 Michael Lane
198.913th N 219' to beg, less Co.Road Fort Collins, Colorado
& less the N 1410 .
Comm. 766.521 S of the HE cor of Sec James, D.J. & V.H. lw1 .0 1.29 185,76
2-7--69, th W 198.9t th S 2191,th E 1513 N. College Avenue
198.913th N 21.9.01 to beg. less Co.Im-, Fort Collins, Colorado
& less the South 75.0 feet.
Corn 657.021 5 of t-ne ir; cc: of 6cc Moad, 1I.D. & J.L. 109.5 1.29 141.25
2-7-69, th S 109.51 th W 198.91 th 1603. N. College Avenue
S 2191,th 11 1.127.11,th N 328.5', Fort Collins, Coloradu
th E 19326+ to beg, less ditch & Cc.Rd.
Begin at a pt 657.011 S add 401 W of Arthur, L. & 0. 82�0 1.29 105.78
NE cor of See. 2-7-69 th W 1991,th 1603 N. College Avenue
N 82.15th E 19911th S b2° to beg. Fort Collins, Colorado
Coma 492.761 S of the NG cor of See Mitchell, H. R. & M.A. 82.25 1,29 106.10
2-7-69, th W 1,326, th S 164.25', 1071 E. 7th
t1i E 1932612th N 14.251 to beg, less Lovelanu,Colorado
821x1991 in the SE cor. Lose Bock 1243 Page 44
'Pre N 15 acres of the PIE4 of the NE4, Odum, A.S. & V.J> & Elizabeth M. Artell 462.76 1.29 596.96
less 1i acres Road & Ditch of See. 1713 N. College Avenue
2-7-69. Fort Collins, Colorado
Cem at IW cor of Sec 1-7-69,tih E 40.ul Dreher Pickle Co. 1,349.4 1.29 1,740.7;
to beginning, th E 1751. th S 1,349.01 P.0, Box 46
th W 175',th N 1,349.41 to beginning. Fort Collins, Colorado
._....—�_ _...�....— -...._._.......a. FEET ;P,A'1;' F1i3T . :..-
-L•.n. at the SE COY. Of See. E_-8-69, , 1-....._��n, E.S. Pon 11 _.
8v°59 a IV 270' , th N 1°14' E 240' , S l voh�r.;bce'. Street v.
38°59, E 2701, S 1°14' W 240' to begin- 1'--zt Collin;, Colorado
.sing, e c. a R/P., for road over S401.
Begin at a pt N 1014' E 240' from the
SE cor. of Sec. 35-8-692
the 88°59' hith'cr, C,O. & A.M. 183.0 Y 370', th N 1 141 E183' S 88°59, E 1809 N. College Avenue
3701, S 1014' W 183' to beginning. Fort Collins. Colorado
Begin at a pt. 2751 E of the SW cor, of Naut,,, J. & F. �u.0 1,29 38.70
Sec. 36-8-69, North 1821 W 851 , N 1481, 121 E. Willox Lane
E 1,1301 , S 3301 , W 1,04S' to beg, to- Fury Coll: s, Colorado
gether with a R/W for a private road
50' in width N of, along, and adjacent
to South line of Sec. from a pt. 401 E
Of SW cor. to a pt. 275' E of said cor.
Begin at a pt 40, E of the SW cor of Emslie, ..%. 62.0 1,.29 10rt,7
-l:nB SWG of See 36-8-69, t5 E 235' 7?r T'^t rson
ch N 18272 th W 235',th S 162/to beg; Fort Collins, Colorado
less the N 701 of the W 175'. as descd.
in .uook 1139-218, less private R/W adj. on South,
The N 701 of the W 175'of a tract Thirlof, D.A. & E. R. 70.0 1.29 90.30
described as: Beg at a pt on the S 1912 Mohawk Street
line of Sec 36-8-69,th 40' E of the Fort Collins, Colorado
SW cor, th E 2351, th N 18212th W
'35',th S 1821 to beginning.
Beg 182' N of SW cor of See 36-8-69, Brunszrlg, S. & F. E. ]4y.1 1.29 192.34
th E 19011 th N 149.1019 th W 1901, 115 Fairway Drive
th S 1149.10' to beg. Fort Collins, Colorado
Beg at a pt 331.831 N of the SW cor of Neal, J.W. & A.T. 230.17 1.29 296.92
Sec 36-3 -69,th N 230.171, E 232' th N % L.B. Fletcher
191.15' ,th N 81;°52' E 116',th N b5°05' 1475 N. College Avenue
E 79.54',th S Mow E 27119 th N 14.50' ,Fort Collin, Colorado
th N 45°00' W 15419 th N 1.�6°24' W 28.y9'
th N 44'56'W 332,23% th W h3,501 , th S 69°31' W 297.34', th W 62.37'to W line of said Sec. al,
,ih a to center line of Latimer & Weld Co. can
th along center line in a Nrthly,Estrly & Southrly direction to the East line of the SW9 of the SW� of said Section, Thenc? S along
ad East iirte to a pt 331.ED N of S line of ed Sect W 113201 to beg; also begin at a pt 894' N of the SW cor of Sec,36-8-69, th E 5689,
S 46°24' E 28,y9', th W 58915N 201 to beginning, Less Book 1101,page 442, less to City of Fort Collins in Book 1143 Page 185.
A Page 9
BeC at the SE cor of Sec 35-8-69, Chinn, J H & r 189 3 $ 1 29 $ 6,0 2O
th N 88 591W 685 901,tn N 0 531 E 123 Valley view Road
655 11, th N 72 321E 2551,th N 69 231 rort Collins, Colorado
E 1�78 51, th S 0 561 W 912 31 to
beginning Less Book 1097 Page 390
& Bk 1137, Page 395
Beg at a pt 7501 N of the SW cor Briggs, A M & J W 188 0 1 29 2b2 52
of Sec 36-8-69, th E 2721,th S 232 Pine Street
1881,th W 2721,th N 1881 to beg Fort Collins, Colorado
Beg at a pt 8941 N of the SW cor Harroun, H L % Salisbury, J & C J 124 0 1 29 159 96
of Sec 36-8-69,th E 1961,th S 124 , 1912 N College Avenue
th W 1961,th N 1241 to beg Fort Collins, Colorado
Begin at a pt 711 E of a p� 9571N of Sterett, J M & E M 43 0 1 29 55 47
the SW cor of See 36-8-69, th W 711, 2000 N College Avenue
th 5 431,th E -143 515 th N 2251,th fort Collins, Colorado
W IC 511 th Soutthhrly 2921 to beg
12,392 00 $ 15 935 68
West 651 of Lot 1, Western Stephens, M H & E H 65 0 0 28 $ 18 12
heights Subdivision 1304 Luke Street
Fort Collins, Colorado
E 5 01 of Lot 1 & the W 601 of Chol, M C 65 0 0 28 18 12
Lot 2, Western Heights Subdivision 1316 Westward Drive
Fort Collins, Colorado
E 10 01 of Lot 2 & the W 551 of French, J Jr & E W 65 0 0 28 18 12
Lot 3,Western Heights Subdivision 1312 Westward Drive
Fort Collins, Colorado
E 15 01 of Lot 3 & all of Lot 41, Grace, J R & 0 L 85 0 0 28 �3 69
Western Heights Subdivt%ion 1308 Westward Drive
Fort Collins, Colorado
Lot 5, Western Heights Subdivision Campbell, D W & M S 70 0 0 28 19 51
130 Westward Drive
Fort Collins, Colorado
PaRe 10
:.^t 6 'Jostern Heights Subdivision West, E.W. & R.L. 70.0 $ 0.28 $ 19.51
1300 Weatifard Driye
Fort Collins, Colorado
Lot 7, Western Heightm Subdivision Hill, Alden T. 70.0 0.28 19.5'!
1125 S. Shields
Fobt Collins, Colorado
Lot 8, Western Heights Subdivision Spinney, L.B. & E. 70.0 0.28 19.51 '
1224 Westward Drive
Fort Collins, Colorado
.got 9, Western Heights Subdivision Gorleon, B.A. & R.E. 70.0 0.28 19.5._
1220 Westward Drive
Fort Collins, Colorado
Lot l0, Western Heights Subdivision Henson, S.W. Jr. & T.B. 70.0 0.28 19.5.'
1216 Westward Drive
Fort Collins, Colorado
Let 11, Western Heights Subdivision Fischer, J.H. & V.L. 70.0 0.28 19,5:i.
1212 Westward Drive
Fort Collins, Colorado
Lot 12 & W 5' of Lot 13, Edgerton, J.D. & S.S. 75.0 0.28 20.91,
Western Heights Subdivision 1208 Westward Drive
Fort Collins, Colorado
E 65, of Lot 13 & the W 5' of Gaver, J. C. & G.G. 70.0 0.28 19.51
Lot lit, Western Heights Subdision 1204 Westward Drive
Fort Collins, Colorado
E 75' of Lot 14, Western Hghts.Subd. Miller, J.R. & D.E. 75.0 0.28 20.91.
1200 Westward Derive
Fort Collins, Colorado
Lot 15,Western Hghts. Subdivision Fischer, G. & M.A. 100.0 0.28 M 86
P.O. Box 731
Fort Collins, Colorado
E 85' of Lot 17, Western Heights Subd. Pallansch, E.P. & S.J. 85.0 0.28 23.69
1205 Westward Drive
Fort Collins, Colorado
Pa e 11
Lot 18 & W 5 01 of Lot 17 Sanford, L B & H E 85 00 $ 0 28 $ 23 0
Western Heights Subdivision 1209 Westward Drive
Fort Collins, Colorado
Lot 19 & E 5 01 Lot 20, Basm, P & S A 85 00 0 28 23 69
Western Heights Subdivision 1213 Westward Drive
Fort Collins, Colorado
Lot 20 lees E 5 0f Henning, J F & L E 75 00 0 28 20 91
Western Heights Subdivision 1217 Westward Drive
Fort Collins, Colorado
Lot 21, Western Heights Subdivision Washichek, J N & E S 90 00 0 28 25 09
400 Scott street
Fort Collins, Colorado
Lot 22 & E 5 0f of Lot 23 Dahl, C F & E E 80 00 0 28 22 30
Western Heights Subdivision 1201 Del Har
Fort Collins, Colorado
Lot 23 lespA 5 Of$ Western Johnson, G & A H 65 00 0 28 18 12
Heights Subdivision 1305 Westward Drive
Fort Collins, Colorado
Lot 24'. Western Heights Subdivision Niemann, L J & R AY 70 00 0 28 19 51
1309 Westward Drive
Fort Collins, Colorado
Lot 25, Western Heights Subdivision Seastone, D & L 6500 0 28 18 12
1313 Westward Drive
Fort Collins, Colorado
Ia4 26, Western Heights Subdivision Smith, C C & it J 65 00 0 28 18 12
1317 Westward Drive
Fort Collins, Colorado
Lot 27, Western Heights Subdivision Shirey, J E & J 8 65 00 0 28 18 12
1321 Westward Drive
Fort Collins, Colorado
Lot 28, Western Heights Subdivision Pierson, R.A & C 65 00 0 28 18 12
1320 Lakewood Drive
Fort Collins, Colorado
• a �n
. , FROTV�T, CiL � IiSSES f t
... U.-�_...
_w'U 29, Western Heights Subdivision Dehlerts, D.E. & A.M. 65.o fb 0.28 $ 18,12
1310 Lai:un�oocl 1iai.0
Fort Collins, Colorado
t 30 & W 5.01 Lnt 31, NeAlsOn, A.W. & S.J. 70.0 0.28 19.51
'restern Heights Subdivision 1312 Lakewood Drive
Fort Collins, Colorado
?.ct 31 less W 5.01, Western Hughes, B.T. & R.B.Jr. 65.0 0.28 19.12
Ucc i�ats Subdivision 1308 Iakuaood Drive
Fort Collins, Colorado
Tf.,t 32 & W 5,0l of Lot 33, % Hookett, A.E. & S.L. 75.0 0,28 20,91
!!stern Heigi�ts Subdivision 130Z Lakewood Drive
Fort Collins, Colorado
L;t 33, less W 5.01,Western Coffman, R.C. 70.0 0.20 19.51
_ghts Subdivision 1300 Lakewood II•iva
Fort Collins, Colorado
,oui •u6 & E 15, Lot 47, Woddel, W.D. & S.J. 90.0 0.28 25.09
',`!stern Heights Subdivision 1301 Lckwood Drive
Fort Collins, Colorado
.r 55, of hot 47 & the E 201 Stall, H.R. & D.L. 75.G 0,28 20.91
Lct 48, `Western Heights Subd. 1-305 Lakewood Dr.
Fort Collins, Colorado
501 of Lot 48 & the E 201 of hot Anderson, H. C. & P.I?, 70.0 0.28 19 51
49, Western Heights Subdivision 1309 Lakewood Drive
Fort Collins, Colorado
',a 45, of Lot 4o & the E. 45' of Lot 503 Olson, O.A. &. E.L. 90.0 0.28 25.og
wastern Heights Subdivision 1117 Lakewood Drive
Fort Collins, Colorado
lot 51 & the W 201 of Lot 50, Schleusener, R.A. & E.E. 85.0 0.28 23�69
.;cstern Heights Subdivision 1321 Lakewood Drive
Fort Collins, Colorado
Lot 52 & the W 201 Lot 53, Smith, G.L. & J.G. 85.0 0.28 23,00
Western Heights Subdivision 1320 Springfield Drive
Fort Collins, Colorado
' 6
i" rj$Z Page 1TAiy
The E 45, of Lot 53 & the W 40, of M_ddlemog, G.E. & E. 85,O $ 0.28 $ 23:�"
Lot 545 Western Heights Subdivision 1312 Springfield Drive
Fort Collins, Colorado
The E 25' of Lot 54 & the W 55' of Cc sin, H.J. & V.L. 80.0 0.28 22 ;.
Lot 55, Western Heights Subdivision 1308a� Springfield Drive
Fort Collins, Colorado
E 55' of Lot 56 & the W 15, of Lot Everson, A.C. & E.E. 7010 0.28 19: -
55, Western Heights Subdivision 1304 Springfield Drive
Fort Collins, Colorado
ict 57 & the E 15, of Lot 56, Weisman, H.M. & M. 90.0 0.26 25,0`.
Western Heights Subdivision 1300 Springfield Drive
Fort Collins, Colorado
Lot 58 & the W 25' of Lot 59, McCahan, G.R. & G.B. 100.0 0.28 27,8E
Western Heights Subdivision 1220 Springfield Drive
Fort Collins, Colorado
East 40, of Lot 59 & the W 40' of Tesker, J.B, & G.E. 80.0 0.28
Lot 60, Western Heights Subdivision 1212 Springfield Drive
Fort Collins, Colorado
East 251 of Lot 60 & W 511 of Lot 61, DeLosier, M.W. & B.M. 76.0 0.28 21,19
Western Heights Subdivision 1208 Springfield Drive
Fort Collins, Colorado
East 14' of Lot 61 & -the W 6o+ of Pearcy, E.C. & R.A. 74.0 0.28 20.63
of Lot 62, Western Heights Subd. 1204 Springfield Drive
Fort Collins, Colorado
Lot 63 & the W 5.ol of Lot 629 Johnston, R.L. & C.H. 80.0 0.28 22.30
Western Heights Subdivision 1432 Meeker Street
Fort Collins, Colorado
E 73' of Lot 64, Western Heights Subd. Mesa Inc. 73.0 0.28 20.35
281 N. College Avenue
Fort Collins, Colorado
E 61' of Lot 65 & the W 7.01 of Lot 64, Mesa Inc. 68.0 0.28 18.95
Western Heights Subdivision 281 North College Avenue
Fort Collins, Colorado
L e 14
W 9' of 'Lot 65 & E 60' of Lot 66, Sheppard, B.L. & W.H. Jr. 69.0 $ 0.28 $ 19.23
Western Heights Subdivision 1209 Springfield Drive
Fort Collins, Colorado
W lot of Lot 66 & E 60, of Lot 67,
Western Heights Subdivision Wbfleisah, K.L. & G.L. 70.0 0.28 19.51
1213 Springfield Drive
Fort Collins, Colorado
Lot 68 & W lot of Lot 67, Reed, M.B.& G.H. 80.0 0.28 22.30
Western Heights Subdivision 1217 Springfield Drive
Fort Collins, Colorado
Lot 69, Western Heights Subdivision Miller, C.R. & M.A. 70.0 0.28 19.51
124 Princeton
Fort Collins, Colorado
Lot 70, Western Heights Subdivision Hookatt, S. & A.E. 70.0 0.28 19.51
1301 Springfield Drive
Fort Collins, Colorado
Lot 71, Western Heights Subdivision LIU, E, & T.C. 70.0 0.28 191>1.
1305 Springfiel6d Drive
Fort Collins.. Colorado
Lot 72 and East 5.0 Lot 73 Hayman, R.W. & J.A. 75.G 0.28 20,91
Western Heights Subdivision 1309 Springfield Drive
Fort Collins, Colorado
The iPst 75.0 Lot 73 Swanson, C.M. & G. 75.0 0.28 20.91
'testern Heights Subdivision 1313 Springfield Drive
Fort Collins, Colorado
Lot 74, Western Heights Subdivision Wood, D.L. & C.B. 80.0 O�28 22,30
Box 621 1
Fort Collins, Colorado
Lot 75, Western Heights Subdivision Altman, J. & R. 80.0 0.28 22.30
1321 Springfield Drive
Fort Collins, Colorado
North 135.18 of the East 330 Watkins C.W. & H.B, 110.0 M8 3u,.oc
of South 2 of North z of South 1188 Westward Drive
z of of
4 0£ Southeast 4 Fort Collins, Colorado
Section 15-7-69 Less East 220.0
Begin at the Northeast corner of Davis, R.L. & L.M. 190,0 0.28
South 2 of North a of South 2 of 1201 South Shields Street
Northeast a of Southeast 4. Port Collins, Colorado
Section 15-7-69 ''Thence West 220.0
. Outh 15.18 South 8500 30' La:;t
220.0 North 135.18 To Beginning.
Com. 29.6 South of NE cor. of South h ;Iehnberg, R,D, &. C, 300,0 n ^q
of South h of NE 4 of SE >.; Sec. 75-7-69,U85 „restward Drive
th W 330.0' South 90.01 , E 330.01 , North
90.0' to Beginning.
Begin at a re47. 227.88' ::o,tiI of Carlson, T,M & D,S, 820,0 0,2"
Southeast corner Section 15-7-69 P.O, Box 478
Thence North 330.-0' , North 89° 301 Fort Collins, Colorado
West 1328.0' ;More or Less to the
West line of Southeast 4 of South-
east $ Thence S 00* * East 330.0',
South 890 292' East 1328' to point
of beginning, Less South 150', less
851 by 210' in Southeast corner less
portion in Western Heights Subdivision.
- n R
Section 2 All assessments herein provided for shall be due and pay-
able within thirty (30) days after the final publication of this ordinance
without demand, provided that all such assessments may, at the election of the
owners of the property assessed, be paid in five (5) equal installments, the
first installment being due on the first day of December, 1965, and on the first
day of December of each year thereafter until the full amount thereof has been
paid together with interest on the unpaid principal at the rate of six per cent
(67) per annum, said interest to be payable at the time of each principal pay-
ment Failure to pay the whole of such assessment within thirty (30) days as
aforesaid shall be conclusively considered and held an election on the part of
the persons interested, whether under disability or otherwise, to pay in such
Section 3 In case of election of any person to pay in installments
as aforesaid, the failure to pay any installment when due, whether on principal
or interest, shall cause the whole of the unpaid principal to become due and
payable immediately and the whole amount of unpaid principal and accrued interest
shall thereafter draw interest at the rate of one per cent (1%) per month until
the date of sale as hereinafter provided, provided, however, that at any time
prior to the date of sale the owner of the property assessed may pay the amount
of all unpaid and due installments together with all interest that has accrued
as aforesaid and all penalties accrued, and upon such payment shall be restored
to the right to pay the installments in the same manner as if default had not
occurred The owners of any property not in default as to any installments or
payments may at any time pay the entire unpaid balance of principal together
with interest accrued thereon to the first day of the month following such pay-
Section 4 Payments may be made to the Director of Finance at any
time within 30 days after the final publication of this ordinance and in such
event an allowance of five per cent (57) as a discount shall be made on all
payments made during such period only
Section 5 In case of the default in the payment of any installment
of principal or interest when due, all property concerning which such default
is suffered shall be advertised by the County Treasurer and sold for the payment
of the entire unpaid assessment thereon at the same time or times and in the same
manner, under all the same conditions and penalties, and with the same effect as
provided by law for the sale of real estate in default of the payment of general
taxes, all as provided by Section 15-76 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of
Fort Collins, Colorado, 1958, as amended
Section 6 The Director of Finance shall prepare the foregoing assess-
ment roll in proper form as provided in Section 15-72 of the Code of Ordinances
of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, 1958, as amended, and shall keep a record
of all payments made during the 30-day period after the final publication of this
ordinance, and upon the expiration of said 30-day period he shall deliver said
assessment roll to the County Treasurer of Larimer County with his warrant for
collection of the same, all as provided in Section 15-75 of the Code of Ordinances
of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, 19580 as amended
Section 7 All collections made by the County Treasurer on said
assessment roll in any calendar month shall be accounted for and paid over to the
Director of Finance on the first day of each and every month with separate state-
ments for all such collections for each month in the same manner as general taxes
are paid by the County Treasurer to the City
Section 8 The owner of any divided or undivided interest may pay his
share of any assessment upon producing evidence of the extent of his interest
satisfactory to the officers having the roll in their charge
Introduced, considered favorably on first reading and ordered published
this 23rd day of September, A D 1965, and to be presented for final passage on
the 14"h day of October, A D 1965
k_�4-1 7C i
yor /
City Cl rk
Passed and adopted on final reading this 141 day of October, A D
M yor - �--
�72 .
City Clerj