WHEREAS the City of Fort Collins Colorado and the Town
and Cities of Estes Park Longmont and Loveland Colorado
(hereinafter collectively referred to as the Municipalities )
heretofore created the Platte River Power Authority a Non-Profit
Colorado Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the ' Non-Profit
Corporation ) as their agency and instrumentality to supply
their electric power and energy requirements and at the present
time the Non-Profit Corporation supplies the wholesale electric
power and energy requirements of the Municipalities and
WHEREAS the Non-Profit Corporation will not be able to
obtain a ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that interest
payment on bonds of the Non-Profit Corporation will for federal
income tax purposes be excluded from the gross income of the
recipient in time to enable the Non-Profit Corporation to
accomplish the long-term financing necessary to meet its
financial obligations for the Yampa Project and
WHEREAS the Municipalities now desire to avoid the need
for such a ruling by the Internal Revenue Service and pursuant
to the provisions of Section 29-1-203 1 C R S (1973) which
was enacted by the 1975 General Assembly to contract together
to establish a separate governmental entity to be the successor
to the Non-Profit Corporation and as such successor to continue
to supply the wholesale electric power and energy requirements
of the Municipalities
Section 1 That the City of Fort Collins contract with
the other Municipalities to establish a separate governmental
entity to be known as the Platte River Power Authority (herein-
after referred to as the Authority") by the execution and
Contract' ) in the following form
THIS CONTRACT made and entered into this day of
1975 by and among the parties to this Contract wnicn are
CITY OF FORT COLLINS COLORADO, a municipal corporation of the
State of Colorado ( Port Collins") CITY OF LOVELAAD COLORADO
a municipal corporation of the State of Colorado ( Loveland )
CITY OF LOdGMONT COLORADO a municipal corporation of the State
of Colorado ( Longmont ) TOWN OF ESTES PARK COLORADO a munici-
pal corporation of the State of Colorado ("Estes Park ) and the
PLATTE RIVER POWER AUTHORITY a non-profit corporation of the State
of Colorado (the "Non-Profit Corporation ) When specificity is
not required individual municipal corporations which are parties
hereto will hereinafter be referred to as a ' Municipality' and
all of such municipal corporations will hereinafter be collectively
referred to as the Municipalities'
WHEREAS Fort Collins owns and operates a municipal elec-
tric system which supplies electric power and energy at retail
to users located within the city limits of Fort Collins and
WHEREAS Loveland owns and operates a municipal electric
system which supplies electric power and energy at retail to users
located within the city limits of Loveland and the adjacent service
area of the Loveland electric system and
WHEREAS Longmont owns and operates a municipal electric
system which supplies electric power and energy at retail to users
located within the city limits of Longmont and the adjacent service
area of the Longmont electric system and
WHEREAS testes Park owns and operates a municipal elec-
tric system which supplies electric power and energy at retail to
users located within the town limits of Estes Park and the adjacent
service area of the Estes Park electric system and
WHEREAS the Municipalities heretofore created the Non-
Profit Corporation as their agency and instrumentality to supply
their electric power and energy requirements and at the present
time the Non-Profit Corporation supplies essentially all of t`le
wholesale electric power and energy requirements of the Municipal-
ities and
WHEREAS the Municipalities now desire pursuant to the
provisions of C R S (1973) §29-1-203 1 to establish a power au-
thority as a separate governmental entity to be the successor to
the Non-Profit Corporation and as its successor to continue to sup-
ply the wholesale electric power and energy requirements of the
NOW THERLFORL the Parties agree as follows
1 EFFECTIVE DATE This Contract shall become effective
when it has been duly executed and delivered on behalf of all
the Municipalities
2 -
Municipalities do hereby establish a separate governmental
entity to be known as Platte River Power Autnority (the
Authority ) to be used by the Municipalities to effect the
development of electric energy resources and the production
and transmission of electric energy in whole or in part for
the benefit of the inhabitants of the Municipalities
2 1 PURPOSE The purpose of the Authority is to con-
duct its business and affairs for the benefit of the Munici-
palities and their inhabitants and to provide the wholesale
electric power and energy requirements of the Municipalities
2 2 FUNCTION OR SERVICE The function or service to be
provided by the Authority is the supplying of the wholesale
electric power and energy requirements of the Municipalities by
(i) Purchasing electric power and energy
from the United States Bureau of Re-
clamation or zny other supplier
(ii) Acquiring constructing owning re-
constructing improving rehabilitating
repairing operating and maintaining
generating plants and transmission
systems or interests therein for the
purpose of delivering to the Municipal-
ities to the extent of their require-
ments electric power and energy gen-
erated thereby or purchased from other
(iii) Selling at wholesale to the Municipal-
ities the electric power and energy
which the tunicipalities require
(iv) Selling exc'ianging and otherwise dis-
posing of under the most economically
advantageous terms and conditions ob-
tainable any and all surplus power
and energy which the Authority owns
and produces or which it is obligated
by contract to purchase
3 -
(v) Developing electric energy resources
and producing and transmitting electric
energy in whole or in part for the oene-
fit of the inhabitants of the Munici-
palities and
(vi) On rescission or termination of tnis
Contract to vest all right title and
interest of the Authority in or to all
of its property and assets in t'ie Hunici-
2 3 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Tne governing body of the Author-
ity shall be a Board of Directors in wnich all legislative
power of the Authority is vested
2 3 1 NUMBLR The number of Directors shall be four
2 3 2 APPOIITMENT The governing body of each of the
ifunicipalities snall appoint one member to the Board of Direc-
2 3 3 TERM The term of the Director appointed Dy Lstes
Park shall expire on December 31 1975 t'ie term of the Direc-
tor appointed by Fort Collins shall expire on December 31
1976 the term of the Director appointed by Loveland snall
expire on December 31 1977 and the term of the Director ap-
pointed by Longmont shall expire on December 31 1978 Their
successors shall be appointed each for a tern of four years
from the date of the expiration of the term for wlica his pre-
decessor was appointed and until his successor is appointed
and has qualified
2 3 4 RENIOVAL Any Director appointed by the governing
board of a Municipality may De removed at any time by such
governing board with or without cause
2 3 5 VACANCILS A vacancy occurring in the Board of
Directors whether such vacancy be the result of resignation
- 4 -
death removal or disability shall be filled by the appoint-
ment of a successor Director by the governing body of the Mu-
nicipality which appointed the Director whose office has become
2 3 6 COMPENSATION Directors shall not receive compen-
sation for their services but the Board of Directors may by
resolution provide for reimbursement to Directors of their
actual expenses for attendance at meetings of the Board of Di-
rectors and for expenses otherwise incurred on behalf of the
2 3 7 ANNUAL MEETINGS An annual meeting of the Board
of Directors shall be held within the first 120 days in each
year at such place in the City of Fort Collins State of Colo-
rado as shall be designated in the notice of the meeting to
elect officers to pass upon reports for the preceding fiscal
year and to transact such other business as may come before
the meeting If the day fixed for the annual meeting shall fall
on a legal holiday the annual meeting shall be held on the
next succeeding business day Failure to hold the annual meeting
at a designated time or failure to hold the annual meeting
in any year shall not cause a forfeiture or dissolution or
otherwise affect the Authority
2 3 8 REGULAR MEETINGS The Board of Directors may from
time to time provide by unanimous resolution of all Directors
for the time and place for the holding of any regular meetings
without notice to Directors other than such resolution
2 3 9 SPECIAL MEETINGS Special meetings of the Board
of Directors may be called by the Chairman or any Director and
it shall thereupon be the duty of the Secretary to cause notice
of such meeting to be given as hereinafter provided Special
meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at such time
and place within the State of Colorado as shall be fixed by
the Chairman or the Director calling the meeting
2 3 10 NOTICE OF MEETINGS Written notice of the annual
or of any special meeting of the Board of Directors shall be
delivered to each Director not less than seven (7) nor more
than thirty-five (35) days before the date fixed for such
meeting either personally or by mail by or at the direction
of the Secretary or upon his default by the person calling
the meeting If mailed such notice shall be deemed to be de-
livered when deposited in the United States mail addressed to
the Director at his address as it appears on the records of
the Authority with postage thereon prepaid
2 3 11 WAIVER OF NOTICE Whenever any notice is required
to be given to any Director of the Authority under the provisions
of law or this Contract a waiver thereof in writing signed
by such Director whether before or after the time stated therein
shall be equivalent to the giving of such notice Attendance
of a Director at any meeting of the Board of Directors shall
constitute a waiver by such Director of notice of such meeting
except when such Director attends such meeting for the express
purpose of objecting to the transaction of any business be-
cause the meeting is not lawfully called or convened
2 3 12 QUORUM A majority of the number of Directors
then in office shall constitute a quorum for the transactioni
of business provided that if less than a majority of the
Directors then in office is present at a meeting a majorityi
of the Directors present may adjourn the meeting from time
to time and provided further, that the Secretary shall no-
tify any absent Directors of the time and place of such ad-
journed meeting The act of a majority of the Directors pre-
sent at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the
act of the Board of Directors
2 3 13 VOTE IN CASL OF A DEADLOCK In the event the
Board of Directors is deadlocked and unable to obtain a major-
ity vote of the Directors present at a meeting at wnich a
quorum is present either in favor of or opposition to a mat-
ter being considered by the Board for action any Director
may require a 'Weighted Vote A Weighted Vote shall then
be taken with each Director' s vote being given the proportion
(i) the dollar amount of electric power and
energy purchased from the Authority or
its predecessor during the twelve month
period ending with the close of the bil-
ling period for the month two months
prior to the month of the deadlocked
meeting and paid for by the Municipality
appointing such Director
bears to
(11) the dollar amount of all electric power
and energy purchased and paid for by
the Municipalities from the Authority
or its predecessor during said twelve
month period
The act of a majority of the Weighted Vote ' shall be the
act of the Board of Directors
2 3 14 DUTIES The duties of the Board of Directors
shall be
(i) To govern the business and affairs of
the Authority
(ii) To exercise all powers of tie Authority
(iii) To comply with the provisions of parts
1 5 and 6 of Article I of Title 29
of C R S (1973)
(iv) To adopt a fiscal resolution which com-
plies with statutory and other restric-
tions imposed by law on the affairs of
the Authority to govern the financial
transactions of the Authority including
the receipt custody and disbursement
of its funds securities and other as-
sets and to provide for the services
of a firm of independent certified pub-
lic accountants to examine at least
annually the financial records and
accounts of the Authority and to report
thereupon to the Board of Directors
(v) To keep minutes of its proceedings
2 4 OFFICERS The officers of the Authority shall be
a Chairman Vice Chairman Secretary Treasurer General Mana-
ger and such other officers and assistant officers as may
be authorized by the Board of Directors from time to time
to perform such duties as may be approved by the Board of
Directors The Chairman and Vice Chairman shall be members
- 8 -
of the Board of Directors but other officers of the Authority
need not be members of the Board of Directors
2 4 1 INITIAL ELECTION OF OFFICERS At the first meeting
of the Board of Directors the members of the Board of Directors
shall elect officers who shall serve as such officers of the '
Authority until the next succeeding annual meeting of the
Board of Directors and until their successors are elected
and qualified
shall be elected annually by the Board of Directors at the
annual meeting of the Board of Directors If the election
of officers shall not be held at such meeting such election
shall be held as soon thereafter as may be convenient Vacan-
cies or new offices may be filled at any meeting of the Boara
of Directors Each officer shall hold office until the next
succeeding annual meeting of the Board of Directors and until
his successor is elected and qualified
2 4 3 REMOVAL Any officer or agent elected or appointed
by the Board of Directors may be removed by the Board of Directors
with or without cause whenever in its ,judgment the best interests
of the Authority will be served thereby
2 4 4 DUTIES OF OFFICERS In addition to duties desig-
nated by the Board of Directors the duties of the officers
shall include the following
2 4 4 1 CHAIRMAN The Chairman shall preside
- 9 -
at all meetings of the Board of Directors and ex-
cept as otherwise delegated by the Board of Direc-
tors shall execute all legal instruments of the
Authority When and while a vacancy exists in the
office of General Manager the Chairman shall act
as the principal executive officer of the Authority
and shall perform such other duties as the Board
of Directors may prescribe from time to time
2 4 4 2 VICE CHAIRMAN The Vice Chairman
shall in the absence of the Chairman or in the
event of his inability or refusal to act perform
the duties of the Chairman and when so acting shall
have all the powers of and be subject to all the
restrictions upon the Chairman The Vice Chairman
shall also perform such other duties as may be pre-
scribed by the Board of Directors from time to time
2 4 4 3 SECRETARY The Secretary shall main-
tain the official records of the Authority, including
this Contract Regulations adopted by the Board
of Directors the minutes of meetings of the Board
of Directors and a register of the names and ad-
dresses of Directors and officers and s'iall issue
notice of meetings , attest and affix the corporate
seal to all documents of the Authority and shall
perform such other duties as the Board of Directors
may prescribe from time to time
- 10 -
2 4 4 4 TREASURER The Treasurer shall serve
as financial officer of the Authority and shall
pursuant to the fiscal resolution adopted by the
Board of Directors governing the financial trans-
actions of the Authority and the restrictions im-
posed by law be responsible for the receipt cus-
tody investment and disbursement of the Authority s
funds and securities and for duties incident to
the office of Treasurer and shall perform other
duties as the Board of Directors may prescribe from
time to time
2 4 4 5 GENERAL MANAGER The General Manager
shall be the principal executive officer of the
Authority with full responsibility for the planning
operations and administrative affairs of the Author-
ity, and the coordination thereof, pursuant to poli-
cies and programs approved by the Board of Directors
from time to time and shall be the agent for service
of process on the Authority
2 4 5 BONDS OF OFFICERS The Treasurer and any other
officer or agent of the Authority charged with responsibility
for the custody of any of its funds or property shall give
bond in such sum and with such surety as the Board of Direc-
tors shall determine The Board of Directors in its discretion
may also require any other officer, agent or employee of the
Authority to give bond in such amount and with such surety
- 11 -
as it shall determine The cost of such bond shall be an
expense payable by the Authority j
Director and officer of the Authority whether or not then
in office and his personal representatives stall be indem-
nified by the Authority against all costs and expenses ac-
tually and necessarily incurred by him in connection wit'i
the defense of any action suit or proceeding in which he
may be involved or to which he may be made a party by reason
of his being or having been such Director or officer except
in relation to matters as to which he shall be finally ad-
judged in such action suit or proceeding to be liable for
wilful or wanton negligence or misconduct in the performance
of duty Such costs and expenses shall include amounts
reasonably paid in settlement for the purpose of curtailing
the costs of litigation, but only if the Authority is ad-
vised in writing by its counsel that in his opinion the per-
son indemnified did not commit such wilful or wanton negli-
gence or misconduct The foregoing right of indemnification
shall not be exclusive of other rights to which he may be
entitled as a matter or law or by agreement
2 6 TERM OF CONTRACT This Contract shall continue
in force and effect until June 30 2015 and until t'Zere-
after terminated by any Municipality following not
less than six (6) months written notice to the other Muni-
cipalities of its intention to terminate PROVIDED HOWEVER,
- 12 -
that this Contract may be amended modified rescinded or
terminated at any time by a written document approved and
executed by each and every Municipality which is a party
to this Contract PROVIDED FURTHER HOWEVER that this Con-
tract may not in any event be rescinded or terminated so
long as the Authority has bonds notes or other obligations
outstanding unless provision for full payment of such ob-
ligations , by escrow or otherwise has been made pursuant
to the terms of such obligations
2 7 PROPERTIES All assets and properties of the
Authority shall be held in trust for the purposes herein
mentioned including the payment of liabilities of the
rescission or termination of this Contract and the dissolu-
tion of the Authority all the assets of the Authority shall
immediately vest in the Municipalities The assets of the
Authority conveyed to each Municipality shall be that propor-
tion which the total dollar amount of electric power and
energy purchased and paid for by such Municipality from the
Authority and its predecessor during their corporate existence
bears to the total dollar amount of all electric power and
energy purchased and paid for by the Municipalities from
the Authority and its predecessor during their corporate
2 9 SEAL The Corporate seal of the Autnority shall
be in the form of a circle and have inscribed thereon the
name of the Authority and the words Corporate ' Seal'
- 13 -
together with such insignia if any as the Board of Direc-
tors may authorize
2 10 CONTRACTS Except as otherwise provided by law
the Board of Directors may authorize any officer or officers
agent or agents to enter into any contract or execute and
deliver any instrument in the name and on behalf of the
2 11 CHECKS , DRAFTS , ETC All checks drafts or other
orders for payment of money and all notes bonds or other
evidences of indebtedness issued in the name of the Authority
shall be signed by such officer or officers agent or agents
employee or employees of the Authority and in such manner
as shall from time to time be determined by resolution of
the Board of Directors
2 12 DEPOSITS All funds of the Authority shall be
deposited from time to time to the credit of the Authority
pursuant to law, in such bank or banks as the Board of Direc-
tors may select
2 13 FISCAL YEAR The fiscal year of the Authority
shall be the calendar year
2 14 PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS The principal place
of business of the Autnority shall be in Fort Collins Colo-
rado Annually on or before the first day of February of
each year and within thirty (30) days following any cnange,
the Authority shall file with the Division of Local Govern-
- 14 -
ment the name of the agent for service of process on the
Authority and the address of the principal place of business '
of the Authority
3 GENERAL POWERS The general powers of the Authority
shall include the following powers
3 1 ELECTRIC ENERGY To develop electric energy re-
sources and produce and transmit electric energy in whole
or in part for the benefit of the inhabitants of the Munici-
3 2 CONTRACTS To make and enter contracts of every
kind with the Municipalities , the United States any state
or political subdivision thereof and any individual firm
association partnership corporation or any other organi-
zation of any kind
3 3 AGENTS AND EMPLOYLL S 10 employ agents and em-
3 4 FACILITIES To acquire construct manage main-
tain or operate electric energy facilities works or im-
provements or any interest therein including without limi-
tation, to acquire construct reconstruct improve and
rehabilitate repair operate and maintain (separately or
jointly) generating plants and transmission systems for the
purpose of delivering electrical power and energy generated
thereby to the Municipalities and any mine well pipeline
plant structure or other facility for the development
- 15 -
production manufacture storage fabrication or proces-
sing of fossil or nuclear fuel of any kind for use in whole
or in major part in any of such generating plants and any
railroad cars trackage pipes equipment and any structures
or facilities of any kind used or useful in the transporting
of fuel to any of such generating plants and to sell de-
liver exchange and otherwise dispose of the power and
energy generated by said plants and any of the waste or
by-products therefrom and to purchase lease or otherwise
acquire and equip maintain operate sell assign convey
lease, mortgage pledge and otherwise dispose of electrical
generating plants and transmission systems together with
all lands buildings equipment and all other real or per-
sonal property tangible or intangible necessary or inciden-
tal thereto
3 5 PROPERTY To acquire hold lease (as lessor or
lessee) , sell or otherwise dispose of any real or personal
property commodity or service including without limita-
tion to buy lease construct appropriate, contract for
invest in and otherwise acquire and to own hold maintain
equip operate manage improve develop mortgage and
deal in and with and to sell lease exchange transfer
convey and otherwise dispose of and to mortgage pledge
hypothecate and otherwise encumber real and personal property
of every kind, tangible and intangible
- 16 -
3 6 COODEMNATION To condemn property for public
use if such property is not owned by any public utility
and devoted to such public use pursuant to state authority
3 7 DEBT To incur debts liabilities or obligations
and to borrow money and from time to time to make, accept
endorse execute issue and deliver bonds debentures prom- t
issory notes bills of exchange and other obligations of
the Authority for monies borrowed or in payment for property
acquired or for any of the other purposes of the Authority
and to secure the payment of any such obligations by mort-
gage pledge deed, indenture agreement or other collat-
eral instrument, or by other lien upon assignment of or
agreement in regard to all or any part of the properties
rignts assets contracts easements revenues and privileges
of the Authority wherever situated
3 8 LITIGATION To sue and be sued in its own name
3 9 SEAL To have and use a corporate seal
3 10 RATES To fix maintain and revise fees rates
and charges for functions services or facilities provided
by the Authority
3 11 REGULATIONS To adopt by resolution regulations
respecting the exercise of its powers and the carrying out
of its purposes
3 12 AGENTS To do and perform any acts and things
authorized by this section under through or by means of
- 17 -
an agent fiduciary or independent contractor of the United
States or any state or political subdivision thereof
3 13 JOINT OWNERSHIP To own operate and maintain
real and personal property, and facilities in common with
others as permitted by law and to conduct ,joint partner-
ship cooperative or other operations with others and to
exercise all of the powers granted in this Contract in ,joint )
partnership or cooperative efforts and operations with others
3 14 OTHER POWERS To exercise any other powers which
are essential necessary incidental, convenient or conducive
to providing the wholesale electric power and energy require-
ments of the Municipalities
4 POLITICAL SUBDIVISION The Authority shall be a
political subdivision and a public corporation of the State
of Colorado separate from the Municipalities It shall have
the duties privileges immunities rights liabilities
and disabilities of a public body politic and corporate
and other obligations of the Authority shall not be the debts
liabilities or obligations of the Municipalities
6 REVLNUE BONDS The Authority is authorized to issue
bonds notes or other obligations pursuant to the terms
conditions and authorization contained in 1973 C R S
§29-1-203 1 (7)
7 LIMITATIONS ON FUNDS In addition to any other
requirements or limitations with respect to Funds of the
- 18 -
Authority the limitations imposed by 1973 C R S §32-1-701
shall be observed by the Directors and officers of the Authority
8 AUTHORITY IS SUCCLSSOR The Authority is hereby
determined to be and shall be the successor to the Non-Profit
Corporation and the Authority is and shall be entitled to
all rights and privileges and shall assume all obligations
and liabilities of the Non-Profit Corporation under contracts
to which the Non-Profit Corporation is a party and which
contracts are existing on the date the Authority is established
As soon as practicable after the Authority has been established
and the required approvals if any of the Colorado Public
Utilities Commission lenders joint participants or others
as the case may be have been obtained the Non-Profit Corpo-
ration shall assign transfer and convey all of its properties
whether real or personal tangible or intangible to the
Authority and the Authority shall assume all obligations
and liabilities of the Non-Profit Corporation After such
succession and transition has been completed the Non-Profit
Corporation shall be dissolved
have accumulated a residual interest in the presently existing
Non-Profit Corporation composed of proprietary capital and
accumulated net revenues which aggregated $1 109 016 80 as
of March 31 1975 The Authority upon succeeding to the
assets of the Non-Profit Corporation as heretofore provided
- 19 -
in Section 8 shall retain the accumulated residual interest
of each of the Municipalities as a contribution by suca
Municipalities to defray the cost of facilities used and
useful in supplying the wholesale electric power and energy
requirements of the Municipalities
10 FILING OF CONTRACT A copy of this Contract shall
be filed with the Division of Local Government of the State
of Colorado as soon as practicable following its execution
by the Municipalities and in all events within ten (10) days
after its execution by the Municipalities
11 NOTICLS Any formal notice demand or request
provided for in this Contract shall be in writing and shall
be deemed properly served given or made if delivered in
person or sent by registered or certified mail postage pre-
paid to the persons specified below
City of Fort Collins Colorado
c/o Electric Utility Director
P 0 Box 580
Fort Collins Colorado 80521
City of Loveland Colorado
C/o Director of Utilities
P 0 Box 419
Loveland, Colorado 80537
City of Longmont Colorado
c/o Director of Utilities
4th and Kimbark
Longmont Colorado 80501
Town of Estes Park Colorado
c/o Superintendent, Light & Power Department
P 0 Box 1200
Estes Park Colorado 80517
- 20 -
' 12 SEVERABILITY In the event that any of the terms
covenants or conditions of this Contract or their applica-
tion shall be held invalid as to any person corporation
or circumstance by any court having ,jurisdiction the re-
mainder of this Contract and the application and effect
of its terms covenants or conditions to such persons corpo-
rations or circumstances shall not be affected thereby
13 REGULATORY JURISDICTION This Contract shall oe
subject to filing with approval by and to such changes
or modifications as may from time to time be directed by
competent regulatory authority if any in the exercise of
its jurisdiction
14 DUPLICATE ORIGINALS This Contract may be exe-
cuted in several counterparts each of which will be an
original but all of which together shall constitute one and
the same instrument
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Municipalities have caused this
Contract to be executed as of the day of , 1975
By, Mayor
City Clerk
- 21 -
City Clerk
City Clerk
Town Clerk
- 22 -
Section 2 That Stanley R Case is hereby nominated and
appointed as the member of the Board of Directors of the
Authority to be appointed by the City of Fort Collins
Section 3 That the Authority is acknowledged and recog-
nized as the successor to the Non-Profit Corporation and the
City of Fort Collins does hereby approve consent and agree
that all contracts agreements indemnifications obligations
undertakings or other instruments (the "Existing Documents ')
which this Municipality has heretofore entered into with or
on behalf of the Non-Profit Corporation shall where applicable
be assigned and transferred to the Authority by the Non-Profit
Corporation and shall after such transfer and assignment remain
in full force and effect according to their respective terms
and conditions which Existing Documents shall include without
A Contract for electric power and energy dated
September 5 1975 between the Non-Profit Corporation and this
B Resolutions heretofore adopted by this Municipality
in connection with borrowings by the Non-Profit Corporation
from the First National Bank in Fort Collins Colorado and
the Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York
C Agreements if any between this Municipality
and the Non-Profit Corporation relating to the joint use of
facilities or rights of way
Section 4 If any section paragraph clause or provision
of this Ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable
the invalidity or unenforceability of such section paragraph
clause or provision shall not affect any other provision of
this Ordinance
Section 5 All ordinances resolutions by-laws and
regulations of the City of Fort Collins in conflict with this
Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent only of such incon-
sistency This repealer shall not be construed to revive any
ordinance resolution by-law or regulations or part thereof
heretofore repealed
Section 6 By reason of the fact that the City and its
inhabitants need to provide for and supply electric power and
energy at this time and to further facilitate the financing
by the Authority of projects presently committed an emergency
is declared to exist this Ordinance is declared to be necessary
for the immediate preservation of the public peace health
safety and property inasmuch as the supply of power and
energy affects the same and this Ordinance shall take effect
upon its passage under and by virtue of the authority contained
in Sections 6 and 7 of Article II of the Charter of the City
of Fort Collins
Introduced and adopted by the unanimous vote of all
members of the City Council at a regular meeting held this
3rd day of June 1975
SCi y Clerk