HomeMy WebLinkAbout051 - 09/11/1969 - ASSESSING THE COST OF IMPROVEMENTS IN STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO 61 ORDINANCE NO. 51 , 1969 f BEING AN ORDINANCE ASSESSING THE COST OF IMPROVEMENTS IN STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 61 AND PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT- AND COLLECTION THEREOF. WHEREAS, heretofore by appropriate ordinances e-d resolutions duly adopted by the Council of the City of Fort Collins , there was established Street Improvement District No. 61 for the purpose of installing curb, gutter and all asphalt paving on certain Streetsin the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, all pursuant to Chapter 15 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, 1958, as amended; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to said ordinances and resolutions, said improvements have been installed and accepted by the City of Fort Collins; and, WHEREAS, upon accepting said improvements, the City Council adopted the report of the City Engineer respecting the cost of such improvements and the Schedule of Assessments prepared by the City Engineer and ordered Notice to be published as provided in Section 15-65 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, 1958, as amended, which said Notice was duly published as therein provided; and, WHEREAS, Thursday, the 21st of August, 1969, is the date set for the hearing of complaints and objections and the determination of the same, and for acting upon an ordinance assessing the cost of such improvements; and WHEREAS, no complaints or objections in writing have been filed by property owners within the district. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS: Section 1 . That the total cost of the improvements in Street Improvement District No. 61 , including the cost of. er,gineering, legal , publication, interest during construction and collection, to-wit: $42,710.76, less the portion of said cost to be. paid by the City of Fort Collins, to-wit: $2,641 .10, is hereby assessed upon the real estate in said District in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 15 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, 1958,. as .amended, and the proportion of said costs assessed upon each lot or tract of land in said district shall be. as follows: { i i • i ' I -CO;1 �s trrT IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 61 ASSESSMENT ROLL CURS AND AMOUNT - :AXE. AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION FRONTAGE PAVEMENT AMOUNT GUTTER FOR'_ TOTAL I;iTIi1tE5'[TO %'!':\i, 1 i IN FEET ASSESSMENT FOR ASSESSMENT CURB AND F ESS CERTIFICATION ASS..;;.,?: RATE PAVEMENT RATE PER PT, CUTTER i West ilobins, C. 14. £f V. K. Commencing 35 feet North of the 57.50 $6. 281 $361.18 $2.S22 $144.99 $506. 17 $3. 44 $SU9 . 61 US Balsam lane' Southeast corner of Lot 3, Block 1 il'ort Collins, Colorado 184, thence West 190 feet, thence North 35 feet, thence East 190 feet, thence South 35 feet, to point of beginning also the bast 140 feet of the North 30 feet of said Lot 3 Block 184. � Pnrr, Florence; Harold The North 1/2 of Lot 2 and the 85 .00 $6.281 '$533.91 $2:S22 $214. 33 $748. 24 $5.09 i}7-' 53 IF. and Dorothy M. Dilts South 3S feet of Lot 3 in Block ,IL+ Cowan Street 184. Fort Collins, Colorado 953 33 � Busley, L. £I Ginsberg; The North 1/2 of Lot 1 Block 184 150.00 $6. 281 $942.20 $2.S22 $378. 23 $945.99 $6.43 $952. 42 , C fc/o Speedy Foods, Inc. also the South 1/2 of Lot 1, Block -374.44 I11.0. Box SO4 184 , also the South 1/2 of Lot 2 - 3, 79 Port Collins, Colorado Block 184 in the City of Fort Collins, Colorado. East Chance, .1 . R. 4 E. R. Commencing at a point 15'0 feet 83.00 $6.281 $S21. 35 $2..522 $209. 28 $521 . 35 $3.55 $Kd.90 1ti21 Pitkin North of the Southwest corner -209. 23 ;:urt Collins, Colorado of Block A. City of Fort Collins p•pp . . ithence East: 50 feet; thence South 66 Meet, thence East 50 feet, thence North to Southerly line of Riverside Avenue, thence North- j . westerly along the Southerly line . � of Riverside Avenue to the North- west corner of Bloc: A. thence South along west line of said block to point of beginning. rejl:n, L.C. The West-56 fect -0 the South 150 150.00 $6. 281 $942. 20 $2.S22 $378.23 S.61 y �942. 2D $u. 11 ;a94., 1601 North .Col Iego feet of Block A, City of Port 378.23 j Fort Collins, Colorado Collins . � � 0.00 TOTAL S25.50 3300. 54 1363oll 36SU. 57 $3663.9S $24.92 $ i I I!A IV� I N 1 S11, ET IMPPOVI.�N'I[Xr DISTRICT NO. 61 ASSI,..SSN:I:N'I' IZOIJ, CURB AND At',IUUNT AND ADDI%'ESS DESCRIPTION FRONTAGE PAVEMENT AMOUNT GUTTER FOR TOTAL TOTAL IN FEET ASSESSMENT OR ASSESSMENT CURB AND CI`R'!'II`JCA"ION RATE PAVEMENT RATE- PER FT. GUT":ER Nest i A ra I,o n L. East S5 feet of Lots 10 11 100.00 $3. 174 $31.7.41 $2. 580 $258.00 $323. 26 $2. 20 $32S.46 1015 Svc:more Hinman Subdivision, City of -252. 15 Collins , Colorado Fort Collins,1 Colorado. 5. 8S jS"roll, I!arold 0. If. Lot 12, Hinman Subdivision 50.00 $3. 174 $IS8. 71 $2.580 $f?9.00 $28S. i9 $1.94 $287. 13 t. West' Street -2.S2 , Fort Collins , Colorado 126.48 I:,)rt Collins Federal Lot 13, Hinman Subdivision $2.580 50.00 $3. 174 $158. 71 $129.00 $287. 71 $1.96 $289 .67 IS;ivl.ng . li Loan Assoc. 1 !:C)I,t Collins, Colorado 11"rooks, -D.1,1. & A.J. Lot 14, Hinman Subdivision'I s. i 50.00 $3. 174 $158. 71 $2.580 $129.00 $287.71 $1.96 58-R Star Route $289.67 1%lorrison, Colorado 80465 Mova, E.D. Lot 15, Hinman Subdivision 50.00 $3. 174 I%Cst SLI Cot $158. 71 $2.580 $129.00 $287.71 $1.96 ,�'289.67 ! Furt Collins, Colorado JSanders , Gary Lee Lot 16, Hinman Subdivision 50.00 1 $3. 174 $158. 71 $2.580 $129 .00 $287.71 $1 .96 $289 .67 13IS, Edwards Fort Collins, Colorado I J ci co i).N , Bctty E. Lot 17, Ilininan Subdivision 50.00 $3; 174 $158. 71 $2.S80 $129.00 $287. 71 $1.96 $289.67 10d host Street ( Fort Collins, Colorado ldaurer, Arthur L., & L.Y. Lot 18, Hinman Subdivision 50.00 $3. 174 $158, 71� $2.580 $129.00 $20. 71 $1 .96 $289 .67 ldOo Wcst Street 1 'ort Collins, Colorado East Smith, N.C. & M.A. ISO.00 $3. 174 Lot 22, Hinman Submdivision $476.12 $2.580 $387.00 $492.46 $3. 35 $49S. 81 1 .120 Ilawkins -370.66 Fort Collins, Colorado 16.34 i IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 61 ASSESSMENT ROLL HA;JICI NS •STREET (cont. ) CURB AND AMOUNT AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION FRONTAGE PAVEMENT AMOUNT GUTTER FOR:' TOTAL INTEREST TO TOTAL IN FEET ASSESSMENT FOR ASSESSMENT CURB AND CERTIFICATION ' ASSESSMI.':\ I RATE PAVEMENT RATE PER PT. GUTTER ( Long, A.F. $ G.J. Lot 21, Hinman Subdivision 100.00 $3. 174 $317.41 $2.580 $258.00 $575.41 $3.91 J404 West Myrtle $579.32 I . t • ; Dort Collins, Colorado Fort Collins Federal Lot 20, Hinman Subdivision 100.00 $3. 174 $317.41 $2.580 $2S8.00 $575.41 $3.91 $S79.32 iiSavings .& Loan Assoc. 1300 (Vest Oak Fort Collins, Colorado ; Brooke; Hazel M. Lot 19, Hinman Subdivision 100.00 $3.174 1408 Iiawkins $317.41 $2.580 $258..00 $575.4.1 $3.91 $579 Fort Collins, Colorado ` City of-Fort Collins 24.00 3. 174 $76.18 $76. 18 52 $76. 70 i TOTAL $924.00 $2932.91 $1696.67 -$4629.58 $31.50 $4661.08 i i ' f I MASQN STREET (^; � IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 61 ASSESSMENT ROLL i • ' CURB AND AMOUNT . '. !.SAME AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION FRONTAGE PAVEMENT AMOUNT GUTTER FOR.:` TOTAL INTEREST TO TOTAL IN FEET ASSESSMENT FOR ASSESSMENT CURB AND CERTIFICATION ASS[:SSMIXI ' RATE PAVEMENT RATE PER- FT. GUTTER —i ?Mattingly, J.IV. $ P. Lots 1,2,3,4,& S. Block 31, 1503 South Grant City of Fort Collins, Colorado 125.00 $15. 109 $1888.67 $5.661 $707.58 $2596.25 $17.65 $2613.90 i Fart Collins, Colorado I i'1'olivers, Inc. Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, & 11, 130.00 $15. 109 $1964.21 $5.661 $735. 89 $2700.10 $18.36 $2718.46 117 ,North Mason Block 3.1, City of Fort Collins, J' Port Collins, Colorado , Colorado. • i I .; City of Foft Collins 12.50 $15. 109 $188.87 $188.87 $1.28 $190.15 . ' I ' 1 TOTAL 267.50 $4041.75 $1443.47 $5485.22 $37.29 $SS22;S1 } i I } r A'iLEY BLOCK 31 IMPROVEMENT DISTINCT NO. 61 ASSESSMENT ROLL' I CURB AND AMOUNT :,\ME AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION FRONTAGE PAVEMENT AMOUNT GUTTER FOR:: TOTAL INTEREST 1'D TOTAL f i IN FEET ASSESSMENT FOR ASSESSMENT CURB AND CERTIFICATION ASSESSME,\., RATE PAVEMENT RATE PER FT. GUTTER L, t Gast ' Matti.ngl,v, •J.1V. P P. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, £ 5, Block ' 503 South 31, 125.00 $2.408 $301.03 $301 .03 $2.05 $303.08 Grant City of Fort Collins, Colorado Fort Collins , Colorado { Nest ''Tolivers, Inc. ° Lots 48 and 49 in Block 31, 135.00 $2.408 $325. 11 $325. 11 $2.21 $327.32 1117 North Mason City of, .Fort Collins, Colorado Collins, Colorado I 'City of Fort Collins 25 .00 , $2.408 $60. 21 $60.21 .41 $60.62 TOTAL 285.00 $686. 35 $686.35 $4.67 $691.02 i i i I i J f 1 , I ° I PROSPECT, Page 1 IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 61 ASSESSMENT ROLL } CUIZ13 AND . AMOUNT -INAME, AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION FRONTAGE PAVEMENT AMOUNT GUTTER FOR: TOTAL INTEREST TO TOTAL ! IN FEET ASSESSMENT FOR ASSESSMENT CURB AND CERTIFICATION ASSESSMEN' ' • RATE PAVEMENT RATE PER PT, GUTTER i. • :street L.S. F, Mary *H. Beginning at a point on the North 172.60 $4.124 $711.86 $3. 171 $547,26 $1217.26 $8. 28 $1225.54 . Ic/o First National Bank line of the Northwest 1/4 of 41. 86 s Trust Department Section 24-7-69, which point is 505140 1205 West Oak 322.4 feet East of .the Northwest Fort Collins, Colorado corner of- said Northeast 1/4, thence j ' East 172.6 feet, thence South 660 { feet, thence West 172.6 feet, thence I North 660 feet to point of beginning, j ' I Locke, Jean C. The East 1/2 of the East 1/2 of the 165,00 $4. 124 $680.52 $3. 171 $523. 16 $1203.68 $8. 19 $1211 .87 1723 East Prospect Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 ,Fort Collins, Colorado of the Northeast 1/4 of Section j. 24-7-69. { ;llenry, E. $ D.M. Beginning at the Northwest corner. 100.00 $4. 124 $412.44 $3.171 $317.07 . $729 .51 $4.96 $734.47 801 East Prospect of the Northeast .1/4 of the Fort Collins, Colorado Northwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 ? of Section 24-7-69, thence South 165 feet, thence East 100 feet, thence North 16S feet, thence {Vest I 100 feet to the point of beginning. / . iWiedeman, Ben A. & M. The West 200 feet of the Northeast 100.00 $4,124 $412.44 $3. 171 . $317.07 .$729.51 $4.96 i � $734147 ' Route 1, Box 601 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of the I ort Collins, Colorado Northeast 1/4 of Section 24-7-69 J except commencing at the Northwest ! corner of said Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 thence South 165 feet, thence East 100 feet, thence North 16S feet, i thence (Vest 100 fept• .to point of beg. l j � I t! I r IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 61 ASSESSMENT ROLL CURB AND AMOUNT NAME AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION FRONTAGE PAVEMENT AMOUNT GUTTER FOR_ TOTAL INTEREST TO TOTAL IN FEET ASSESSMENT FOR ASSESSMENT CURB AND CERTIFICATION ASSESSMEN'1` i PROSPECT, Pa,�,Ye 2 RATE PAVEMENT RATE PER FT. GUTTER Jackson, Richard S. Beginning at a point 200 feet East 94.00 4.124 387.69 3. 171 298.04 685.73 4.66 690.39 807 East Prospect of the Northwest corner of the Fort Collins, Colorado Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 24-7-69, thence East 94 feet, thence South 660 feet, thence West 94 feet, thence North 660 feet to point of beginning. I Scott, Hollis W. $ L.M. Beginning 294 feet East of the 80.00 4. 124 329.95 3. 171 253.65 583.60 3.97 587.5. 11828 Dee Road Northwest corner of the Northeast Memphis, Tennessee 38117 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of the � . Northeast 1/4 of Section 24-7-69, thence East 80 feet, thence South 660 feet more or less to the South line of said Northeast 1/4 of North- west 1/4 of Northeast 1/4 of said section, thence West 80 feet, thence i. North to point of beginning. Fugate, R.' C. $ H. L. Beginning at a point 206 feet West 80.00 4. 124 329.95 3.171 253.65 583.66 3.97 ': '587.57 t 1904 Sequoia Street of the Northeast corner of the Fort Collins, Colorado Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section i 24-7-69, thence South 356 feet, thence j East 60 feet, thence South 274 feet, more or less, to a point 30 feet �. north of the South line of said Northeast .1/4, Northwest 1/4 Northeast 1/4, thence East 80 feet, thence South 30 feet to the South line of said Northeast 1/4, Northwest 1/4, Northeast 1/4, thence West 220 feet more or less, to a point 374 feet East of Southwest corner of said Northeast 1/4, Northwest 1/4, Northeast 1/4, thence North parallel j with the West line of said Northeast 1/4, Northwest 1/4, Northeast 1./4, to a point on the North line of said Northeast 1/4, Northwest 1/4, Northeast 1/4, thence East 80 :fee;:, more or less to point of Beginning. IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT N'O. 61 ASSESSMENT ROLL I: CURB AND AMOUNT >J:\ME AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION FRONTAGE PAVEMENT AMOUNT GUTTER FOR.: TOTAL INTEREST TO 'TOTAL { IN FEET ASSESSMENT FOR ASSESSMENT CURB AND CER'1'IFICATI0N ASSESSA?IN''i' . (PROSPECT, Pale 3 RATE PAVEMENT RAPE PER FT. GUTTER {• ` :jMoorc, J. D.$ F.J. Beginning 146 feet West of the 60.00 4.124 247.46 3. 171 190.24 437.70 2.98 440.68 !' 11519 Peterson Northeast corner of. the Northeast j Fort Collins , Colorado 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of the E i Northeastl/4 of Section 24-7-69, thence South 356 feet, ' thence West 60 feet, , thence North 356 "eet, thence East 60 feet to point of beginning. errel, Olive M Beginning 66 feet West of the 80.00 4.124 329.95 3. 171 253.65 583.60 . 3.97 587.57 19 East Prospect Northeast corner of the Northeast iFort Collins, Colorado 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of the 1 Northeastl/4 of Section 24-7-69, { jthence West 80 feet, thence South . . .630 feet more or less, to a point I 30 feet North of the South line of said Northeast 1/4, Northwest 1/4, Northeast 1/4, thence East 80 feet, thence North 630 feet, more or less to point of beginning. ( Billings, Robert G. $ P.L.The East 66 feet of the Northeast 66.00 4. 124 272.21 3.171 209.26 481.47 3.27 484.74 4 I2035 Quail Creek Drive 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of -the , Lawrence, Kansas 66044 Northeast 1/4 of Section 24-7-69. f l ' I ' 6reckenridge, D. $ L.M. Tract 1, East Acres Subdivision 135.00 4. 124 556.79 3. 171 428.04 984.83 6,70 991.53 O1 East Prospect to City of Fort Collins except . Fort Collins , Colorado beginning at the Northeast corner of Said 'Tract 1, thence South 223 I feet, thence West 129 feet, thence f North 223 feet, thence East 129 feet to point of beginning. , 111olsinger, F.J. £ C.L. Commencing at the•-'Northeast 129.00 4.124 532.04 3. 171 409.02 941.06 6.40 947.46 402 Alpert corner of 'Tract 1, East Acres ( Fort Collins, Colorado Subdivision, thence South 223 I feet, thence West 129 feet, thence i I North 223 feet, thence East 129 Ij feet to point of beginning. IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 61 ASSESSMENT ROLL ' CURB AND AMOUNT AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION FRONTAGE PAVEMENT AMOUNT GUTTER FOR.: TOTAL INTEREST TO TOTAL I. j IN FEET ASSESSMENT FOR ASSESSMENT CURB AND CERTIFICATION ASSESSMENt. PROSPECT, Pale 4 RATE PAVEMENT RATE PER FT. GUTTER i ; '1'alkington, E.G. F, N.A. The East 88 feet of the West 176 88.00 4. 124 362.94 3.171 2.79.02. 641.96 4.37 646. 33 t 911 Gast Prospect feet of Tract 2, East Acres Sub- Port' Collins, Colorado division, and that portion of Tract 7 described as follows : Beginning ,, f 1 966. 1 feet West and 7114. 65 feet North of the Southeast corner of said Tract 7, thence North 80 feet, 1 thence .East 56. 8 feet, thence South 80 feet, thence West 56. 8 feet to point of beginning. ; Thompson, C. .$ V. The West 88 feet of the West 176 feet 88.00 4.124 362.94 3. 171 279.02 641.96 4.37 646.33 � 909 East Prospect of Tract 2, East Acres Subdivision, ; Fort Collins, Colorado also a part of Lot 7 described as a follows: Commencing 1054:1. feet West I and 7.44.65 feet North of the Southeast I r ' corner of Tract 7, thence North 80 feet i thence East 144. 8 feet, thence South 80 feet, thence West 144.8 feet to point of j i beginning. � Prezieres, Alta R. The East 88 feet of Tract 2, East 88.00 4.124 338. 20 . 3.171 279.02 ; 617.22 4.20 ;621!42 913 Last Prospect Acres Subdivision. f, Port Collins, Colorado i � Spr.ick, C:H. $ P.M. Beginning at' a point 13 feet East of 13.00 3.171 41.22 41.22 .28 4150 17 East Prospect the" Northwest corner of Tract 3 of ; Dort Collins, Colorado East Acres, thence South 230 feet, i 1 thence East 75 feet,thence South 30 f ! feet, thence East 176 feet, thence � •? South 225 feet, thence West 238 feet, i thence South 90 feet, thence West 145 feet, thence North, $O feet, thence {" Last 119 feet, thence North 495 feet, 1 thence East• 13 feet to point of beginning. TOTAL 1538.60 6267.38 4836.53 11103.91 75.53 11179.44 r I . I WtrS'l 'STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 61 ASSESSMENT ROLL j CURB AND AMOUNT j �' :1A1E AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION FRONTAGE PAVEMENT AMOUNT GUTTER FOR.: TOTAL INTEREST TO TOTAL IN FEET ASSESSMENT FOR ASSESSMENT CURB AND CERTIFICATION ASSESSM:iN1' RATE PAVEMENT RATE PER FT. GUTTER A West r Borges, R.W. W.E. The East 1/2 of Lots l 'and 2 100.00 4.535 453.51 2.522 252. 15 695.57 4.73 700.30 l 11100 Sycamore Block 325, Capitol Hill Addition. - 10.09 '; Fort Collins, Colorado 242.06 ! Reel, L.H. t 1".J. Lot 3 Block 325, Capitol Hill 50.00 4.535 226.75 2.522 126:08 352.83 2.40 355.23 j ISll West Street Addition. ( Fort Collins, Colorado I Long, Alfred & G.J. Lot 4, Block 325 Capitol Hill 50.00 4.535 226.75 2.522 126.08 352.83 2.40 355.23 04 West Mvrtle Addition ort Collins, Colorado Gies, Mollie Lots 5 & 6 Block 325, Capitol 36.50 4.535 165.53 2.522 :99.60 265. 13 • 1.80 266.93 j . c/o Mollie Lehr Hill Addition. 518 North Shields. Fort Collins, Colorado East .? Ilodgson, C.W. (Estate) All of Block 315 of Capitol Hill 236.50 4.535 1072:54 2.522 590.03 1212.48 8. 24 1220.72 IPoudre Valley National. .Bank Addition to the City of Fort 450.09 j `1Fort Collins, Colorado Collins, Colorado lying South and West 139.94 of the right of way of Art-hur Irrigation Company except Lots 1 and 2 and the 1 South 30 feet of West 85 feet of I Lot 3; and the South 10 feet of !" East 85 feet ,of Lot- 3; and lots 17 and j 1 18 and South 10 feet of West 127 1/2 feet- of Lot 16; and South 30 feet of East 42 1/2 feet of Lot 16. The west 42 1/2 feet of Lots 17 $ 18, I Block 315, Capitol Hill Addition. ! City of Fort Collins 12.00 . 4.535 54.42 54:42 .37 : . 54.79 I I 'F'0TAL 1. 485.00 2199.50 733.76 2933. 26 . 19.94 . 2953. 20 i o } iCn )h1BINF. COURT ALLEY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 61 ASSESSMENT ROLL CURB AND AMOUNT !. j.�1AlE AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION FRONTAGE PAVEMENT AMOUNT GUTTER FOR: TOTAL LNTEREST TO TOTAL IN FEET ASSESSMENT FOR ASSESSMENT CURB AND CERTIFICATION ASSESSDIEN RATE PAVEMENT RATE PER FT. GUTTER East 11;'assenbe'rg, G.M. Lot 1 Block 1 Mountain View 50.00 2.598 129.90 129.90 .88 130.78 1305 North Shields Addition to the City of Fort lFort Collins, Colorado Collins I �Hansen, Edna G. Lots 2 and 3 in Block' l, Mountain 115.00 2.598 298.77 298. 77 2.03 300.80 1104 Columbine Court View Addition together with the Fort Collins, Colorado vacated portion of Maple Street { adjoining Lot 3 on the South, j except the East 58 feet of Lot 2 and the East 62 feet of Lot 3. West hicin, Charles H. Part of. Block 1 in Mountain View 164.64 , 2.598 427.74 427.74 2.91 430..65 � L 1S00 South Howard Addition and part of vacated Maple ;. ,Kimball., Nebraska Street, more particularly described, 1 as a parcel of land contained within boundary lines, which considering ' the South line of the NE 1/4 of Section 10-7-69 as bearing due East 1 and With all bearings herein relative thereto, begin at the SE corner of Lot 4 Block 1 of said Mountain View tI Addition and run thence S000381L' 14. 64 feet, thence Northwesterly � I along the arc of a 225 foot radius. curve to the right a distance of i 42. 08 feet, the long chord of which ` 4 { bears N81021'30"W. , 42.02 feet, thence I N760001W. , 166.49 feet, thence Northwesterly along the arc of a 275 ifoot radius curve to the left a distance of 43. 20 .feet, the long chord _ I of which bears N80030'W. -, 43. 15 feet, thence N85000'W. 1 .4:9.3 feet more or less to the west -Line of Block 1, Mountain View Addition, thence N00038'W. , 110. 51 feet to the Northwest corner } i of said addition, thence East 250 feet, ; I to the Northeast corner of said Lot 4, said Northeast corner of Lot 4 being j ^ k i 1I 11RT ALLEY.Pare 2 IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 61 ASSESSMENT ROLL j CURB AN'D AMOUNT A>iE AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTIOA' FRONTAGE PAVEMENT' AMOUNT GUTTER FOIL.:- ' TOTAL INTEREST TO TOTAL, I IN FEET ASSESSMENT FOR ASSESSMENT CURB AND CERTIFICATION ASSESSMISYT' ' RATE PAVEMENT RAPE PER FT. GUTTER `t ' N'00019`W. , 733. 92 feet and again Nest 206. 06 feet from the Southeast EE corner of the NE 1/4 of said Section k i 10 and thence S00°38'E. , 150 feet, 1 along the East line of said Lot 4 co point- of beginning. City of Port Collins 2.00 2.598 5. 20 5. 20 .04 5. 24 1...�TAL 331. 64 861.61 861.61 5. 86 867.47 I I t i ! k 1 I c j , I ff � f e j Winn:n c•rnr.r.•r IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 61 ASSESSMENT ROLL' i s CURB AND AMOUNT :NAME AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION FRONTAGE PAVEMENT AMOUNT GUTTER FOR- TOTAL INTEREST TO TOTAL I IN FEET ASSESSMENT FOR ASSESSMENT CURB AND CERTIFICATION ASSESSMEA.: f RATE PAVEMENT RATE PER FT. GUTTER f€ West ! Snyder, Earl J . 4 S.A. Lot 1 0£ the Griffin Resubdivision, 90.00 8. 232 740.86 740.86 5.04 745. 90 900 Lilco Street City of Fort Collins, Colorado. ' Fort Collins, Colorado k { ! Burgett, henry H. Lot 3 of the .Griffin Resubdivision, 60.00 8. 232 493.91 em - 493.91 3. 36 497. 27 1609 Wood Street City of Fort Collins, Colorado. ; Fort Collins, .Colorado � 1 t Scr'na, Oliver J. £; A.G. Lots 4 $ 5 in Block 306, Capitol Hill 100.00 8. 232 823. 18 823. 18 SAO 828.78 f 617 Wood Addition to the City of Fort Collins, Fort Collins, Colorado Colorado. i ! ' Innis, Ruby Lot 6, Block 306,. Capitol Hill 50.00 8.232 411.59 411.59 2.80 414. 39 1621 North/Wood Addition to the City of Fort iFort Collins, Colorado Collins, Colorado. Williams , W.H. $ B. P. Lots 4 $ 5 of the Griffin 100.00 8. 232 823. 18 823. 18 5,60 828. 78 , 625 'W004 Street Resub-division, City of Fort Collins, ,Collins , Colorado Fort Collins , Colorado j C,J.ty of Port Collins 236.00 8.232 1942. 70 .1942. 70 13.21 1955.91 i TOTAL f 636.00 5235.42 5235.42 35. 61 . 5271.03 ; f i ( I : • f e ,AJJ r-v r!Orl 124 IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 61 ASSESSMENT ROLL ' CURB AND AMOUNT NAME 'AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION FRONTAGE PAVEMENT AMOUNT GUTTER FOR.: TOTAL INTEREST TO TOTAL IN FEET ASSESSMENT FOR ASSESSMENT CURB AND CERTIFICATION ASSESSMEN`, , i RATE PAVEMENT RATE PER FT. GUTTER i (Nanny, Inc. Lots 9 $ 10 in Block 124 100.00 $3. 166 $316.56 $316.56 $2.15 $318. 71 � 1.000 Travis Street City of Port Collins, Colorado ji'lainv:i.ew, Texas 79072 { Bond, E: 1. €, Thompson, ..Commencing at the northwest corner 54.00 $3. 166 $170.94 $170.94 $1.16 $172. 10 ;V. E. O of Lot 8 in Block 124 in the City of I1221 Remington Fort Collins, thence East 32 feet, jlort Collins, Colorado thence South 54 feet, thence west 32 feet, thence North 54 feet, to the place of beginning. i � I jKrebs, E.R. Lots 7 $ 8 in Block I24 in the City 46.00 $3.166 $145.62 $14S.62 .99 $146.61 � 2081 Hudson of Fort Collins, Colorado except Denver, Colorado Colorado commencing at the Northwest corner 80207 of Lot 8 in Block 124 in the City r of Fort Collins, thence East 32 feet, thence South 54 feet, thence Nest 32 feet, thence North 54 feet, to j the place of beginning. j I - I :City of Fort Collins 20.00 $3.166 $63.31 $63.31 43 t TOTAL 220.00 $696,43 $696.43 $4.73 $701.16 V l E i ! . _ALLEY BLOCK 125 IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 61 ASSESSMENT ROLL l CURB AND AMOUNT j.'• :,!AME AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION FRONTAGE PAVEMENT AIMOUNT GUTTER FOR: TOTAL INTEREST TO TOTAL i { IN FEET ASSESSMENT FOR ASSESSMENT CURB AND CERTIFICATION ASSESSNE\ + RATE PAVEMENT RAPE PER FT. GUTTER i East . , ACOwan, A.R. Lot 1, Block 125 50.00 $2.491 $124.54 $124.54 . 85 $125:39 d600 Remington , City of Fort Collins, Colorado Dort Collins, Colorado ' lS.idebottom, O.T. & E.M. Lot 2, Block 125 50.00 $2.491 $124.54 $124.54 .85 $125-.39 IS117 Remington City of Fort. Collins, Colorado . i Fort Collins, Colorado f ; Bever, O.E. Lot 3, Block 125 50.00 $2.491 $124.54 $124.54 .85 $125.39 123 Remington City of Fort Collins,. Colorado, i ort Collins,. Colorado i � Sansburn, L.A. Lot 4, Block 125 50.00 $2.491 $124.54 $124.54 .85 $125.39 719 Remington City of Fort. Collins, Colorado ;. ' Fort Collins, Colorado: 'Garner, R.J. $ D.M. Lot 5 and the South 5 feet of 55.00 $2.491 $136.99 $136.99 93 $137,92, 11625 Country Club Road Lot 6 in Block 125 r ; Fort Collins, Colorado City of Fort Collins, Colorado t ; Eddy, W.O. P, G.S. The North 45 feet of Lot 6 in 45.00 $2.491 $112.08 $112.08 .76 $122.84 i509 Remington Block 125, City of Fort Collins, j iFort Collins, Colorado Colorado. jAmerican Assoc. of Lots 7 $ 8 in Block 125 less 34.50 $2.491 ' $85.93 $85.93 .:58 $86,>:5T + ! University Women beginning at the Northwest corner 03 Remington of lot 8, thence East 32 feei, I + tort Collins, Colorado thence South 65.5 feet, thence West 32 feet, thence North 65.5 feet to the point of beginning. ' Streit, C.J. Beginning at the Northwest corner 65.50 $2.491 $163. 15 $163. 15 1. 11 $164.,26 { 400 Peterson of Lot 8, Block 12,8'; .thence East it:ort Collins, Colorado 32 feet, thence South 65.5 feet, {i thence West 32 feet, thence North 65.5 feet to point of beginning. j ALI.FY BLOCK 125 IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 61 ASSESSMENT ROLL' � CURB AND AMOUNT '<;AME AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION . FRONTAGE PAVEMENT AMOUNT GUTTER FOR; TOTAL INTEP.EST TO TOTAL IN FEET ASSESSMENT FOR ASSESSMENT CURB AND CERTIFICATION ASSESSMEIN j RATE PAVEMENT RATE PER FT. GUTTER (Vest Price, Laura Lot 9 in Block 125 in the 50.00 $2.491 $124.54. $124.54 . 85 $125.39 1 50U South College City of Fort Collins, Colorado. ( Fort Collins, Colorado jiishbacic, Inc. Lot 10 in Block 125 in the 50.00 $2.491 $124.54 $124.54 :85 $125.39 V 1251 South College City of Fort Collins, Colorado. ? Fort Collins, . Colorado i , Cars on, . K.I-. $ IV. Lot 11 $ 12 in Block 12S in the 100.00 $2.491 $249 .08 $249.08 1.69 $250. 77 ISIS South She:ilds City of Fort Collins, Colorado. j i1'o:!t Collins , Colorado , Graham, .G. B. Lot 13 in Block 12S in the 50.00 $2.491 $124.S4 $124.54 .85 $12S.39 1 iRout.e 2 Box 4S-E. City of Fort Collins, Colorado. Fort Collins, Colorado i Lane, M.P. f M.P. Walt, Lot 14, Block 125 S0.00 $2.491 $124.54 $124.S4 .85 $125.39 I . 615 Monte Vista City of Fort Collins, Colorado. �. Fort Collins, Colorado 1:hmann, Iled��ig North 40 feet of Lot 1S, Block 125 40.00 $2,.491 $99.63 $99.63 68 $100.31 i. j1209 (Vest Mountain City of Fort Collins, Colorado. Fort Col,lins, .Colorado ' 1 INicol , John J. The South 10 feet of Lot 1S all 60.00 $2.491 $149 .45 $149.4S 1.02 $150.47 c/o Nicol Agency of Lot 16 in Block 125, P. 0. Box 71S City of Fort Collins, Colorado. 1Fort Collins, Colorado � C:i.ty of Port Collins 40.00 $2.491 $99.63 $99.63 .68 $100.31 TOTAL $840.00 $2092.26 $2092.26 14.25 $2106.S1 1 � h 1 A L.,EY RT nCK 140 IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO 61 ASSESSMENT ROLL CURB AND AMOUNT % :�A:`dE AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION FRONTAGE PAVEMENT AMOUNT GUTTER FOR:: TOTAL INTEREST TO TO'1'f\L IN FEET ASSESSMENT FOR ASSESSMENT CURB AND CERTIFICATION ASSESSM,\, RATE PAVEMENT RATE PER FT. GUTTER West : Moore, Florence The East 1/2 of Lot 7 in Block 146 100.00 $3.319 $331.85 $331.85 2.26 $334, 11 1519 Peterson City of Fort Collins, Colorado. Fort Collins, Colorado Waddle, Craig C. & IV.R. The East 50 feet of Lot 8, all of 285.00 $3. 319- $9.45.78 $945,78 6.43 $952.21 ' 9510 East: Grand Avenue Lot 9, and North 85 feet of iiEnglewood, Colorado s_:_ Lot 10, Block 146, City of Fort 80110 Collins, Colorado. Poudre Valley Const. Lot 11 and South 15 feet of Lot 10, .. 112.00 $3.319- $371.68 $371.68 2.S3 $374. 21 Gompanv Inc. Block 146, City of Fort Co.11ins, j1025 Lemay Avenue Colorado, Fort Collins, Colorado." East � T;oss, G.D. $ J.M. West 50 feet of Lot 6 Block 146 100.00.. $3.319 $331.85 $331.85. 2.26 • $334. 11 32S East Myrtle City of Fort Collins, Colorado. 1Fort Collins, Colorado � Yea.gcr, L. E. The North 1/2 of Lot 5 Block 146, 50.00 $3.319 $165.93 $165.93 1. 13 $167.06 ' ;{ 609 "Peterson City of Fort Collins, Colorado. ; Fort Collins, Colorado Brown, R.T. F L.M. The South 1/2 of Lot S. Block 146 S0.00 $3.319 $165.93 $165.93 1. 13 1 $167.06 d611 Peterson City of Fort Collins, Colorado. }' Fort Collins, Colorado ifill, Jon P, $ Leah. The •North 1/2 of.Lot_4, Block .146, 50.00- $3.319 $165.93 $165.9.3 1. 13 $16r 6 � 423 1/2 Mason Street City of Fort Collins, Colorado: i Fort Collins, Colorado i 1Till, .Iohn P. G Leah The. South 1/2 of Lot 4, Block 146, 50.00 $3. 319 $165.93 $165.93 1.13 $167.06 423 1/2 Mason Street City of Fort Collins, Colorado. ( Fort Collins, Colorado jGoodner, Everett The North 1/2 of Lot 3, Block 146 50.00 $3.319 $165.93 $165.93 1.13 .$167.06 { 62S Peterson Street City of Fort Collins, Colorado. = Fort Collins, Colorado i A'L-=-- 3i0C 146 IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 61 ASSESSMENT ROLL CURB AND AMOUNT i LAME AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION FRONTAGE PAVEMENT AMOUNT GUTTER FOR, TOTAL INTERI:S'1', '1'0 TOTAL, IN FEET ASSESSMENT FOR ASSESSMENT CURB AND CERTIFICATION ASS1iSSl�11i RATE PAVEMENT PATE PER FT, GUTTER t I ; Foster, R. €, E. L. The South 1/2 of Lot 3, Block 146, 50.00 $3.319 $165.93 $16S.93 1. 13 $167.06. l631 Peterson City of Fort Collins, Colorado. jFort Collins, Colorado � W.crner, A. Lot 18.of, Subdivision of Lots 1 $ 2 40.00 $3.319 $132,74. $132.74, .90 $133;64 P.O. Box 643 Block 146, City of Fort Collins, , Caton, Colorado 80615 Colorado. Kelly, J. L. & M.C. Commencing at a point 150 feet West 130..00 $3,319 $431.41 $431.41 2.93 $434. 34. � 1148 LaPorte of the Southeast corner of Lot 17 ! Fort Collins, Colorado of Subdivision of Lots 1 $ 2 Block 146, running thence North 40 feet, Thence West 90 feet to alley, thence South 40 feet, thence East 90 feet jto point of beginning. - ; Pall, ;Merle The East 150 feet of Lot 17, Sub- 150.00 $3:319 $497.78 $497.78. 3.38 $501 . 16 jRoute 1, Box 104 division of Lots 1 $ 2, Block 146, # Kailua, Mona Hawaii City of Fort Collins, Colorado. ( 96740 ( Laurel School Lots 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19 and 20 260.00 $3.319 $862.82 $862.82 5.87 $868.69 330 East Laurel Block 146, City of Fort Collins, . Fort Collins, Colorado Colofado. ! City of Port Collins 40.00 $3.319 $132.74 $132.74 .90 $1" 54 1 TOTAL $1.517.00 $S034.23 $S034. 23 34.24 $5068.47', GRAND 'TOTAL $42422.22 $288.S4 $42710.76, CITY 'S SHARE $2623.26 $17.84 $2641. 10 1 • • i 4 lop Section 2. All assessments herein provided for shall be due and payable within thirty (30) days after the final publication of this Ordinance, without demand; provided that all such assessments may at the election of the owners of the property assessed by paid in ten equal installments, the first installment being due on the lst day of November, 1969,, and on the lst day of November of each year thereafter until the full amount thereof has been paid, together with interest on the unpaid principal at the rate .of 6% per annum, said interest to be payable at the time of the principal payments.. Failure to pay the whole of such assessment within thirty (30) days as aforesaid shall be conclusively considered and held as an election on the part of the persons interested, whether under disability or otherwise, to pay in such installments. Section 3. In the case of election of any person to pay in installments as aforesaid, the failure to pay any installment when, due, whether on principal or interest, shall cause the whole of the unpaid principal to become due and payable immediately and the whole amount of unpaid principal and accrued interest shall thereafter draw interest at the rate of 1% per month until the date of sale as hereinafter provided; provided, however, that at any time prior to the date of sale the owner of the property assessed may pay the amount of all unpaid and due installments, together with all interest that has accrued as aforesaid, and all penalties accrued, and upon such payment shall be restored to the right to pay the installments in the same manner as if the default had not occurred. The owners of any property not in default as to any installments or payments may at any time pay the entire unpaid balance of principal , together with interest accured thereon, to the 1st day of the month following such payment. Section 4. Payments may be made to the Director of Finance at any time within thirty (30) days after the final publication of this Ordinance and in such event an allowance of 5% as a discount shall be made on all payments during such period only. Section 5. In case of the default in the payment of any installment of principal or interest when due, all property concerning ' which such default is suffered shall be advertised by the County Treasurer and sold for the payment of the entire unpaid assessment thereon at the same time or times and in the same manner under all the same conditions and penalties and with the same effect as provided by law for the sale of real estate in default of the payment of general taxes, all as provided by Section 15-76 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, 1958, as amended. i Section 6. The Director of Finance shall prepare the foregoing assessment roll in proper form as provided in Section 15-72 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Fort Collins , Colorado, 1958, as amended, and shall keep a record of all payments made during the thirty-day period after the final publication of this Ordinance and upon the expiration of said thirty-day period he shall i deliver said assessment roll to the County Treasurer of Larimer County with his warrant for collection of the same, all as provided in Section 15-75 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Fort Collins , Colorado, 1958, as amended. Section 7. All collections made by the County Treasurer on said assessment roll in any calendar month shall be accounted for 1 and paid over to the Director of Finance on the 1st day of each and every month with separate statements for all such collections I for each month in the same manner as general taxes are paid by the County Treasurer to the City. Section 8. The owner of any divided or undivided interest may pay his share of any assessment upon producing evidence of the extent of his interests satisfactory to the officers having the roll in their charge. f i Introduced, considered favorably on first reading and ordered published this 21st day of August, 1969, and to be presented for final passage on the llth day of September, 1969. j ATTEST: Mayo City Clerk i 11 Passed and adopted on final reading this llth day of September, 1969. ii dam. . . ..... ...... ...... ..... Mayor City Clerk '; 1 i I i ft • I i f i t f i i i