HomeMy WebLinkAbout079 - 12/14/1972 - ASSESSING THE COST OF IMPROVEMENTS IN CONSOLIDATED STREET PAVING AND STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT NO 64 1 ORDINANCE NO 79, 1972, BEING AN ORDINANCE ASSESSING THE COST OF IMPROVEMENTS IN CONSOLIDATED STREET PAVING AND STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT NO 64 AND PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT AND COLLECTION THEREOF WHEREAS, heretofore by appropriate ordinances and resolutions duly adopted by the Council of the City of Fort Collins, there was established Consolidated Street Paving and Street Lighting District No 64 for the purpose of installing curb, gutter, sidewalks, pav- ing and street lighting on certain streets and alleys in the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, all pursuant to Chapter 15 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, 1958, as amended, and 1 WHEREAS, pursuant to said ordinances and resolutions, said improvements have been installed and accepted by the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, and WHEREAS, upon accepting said improvements, the City Council adopted the report of the City Engineer respecting the cost of `^ such improvements and the schedule of assessments prepared by the City Engineer and ordered notice to be published as provided in Section 15-65 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, 1958, as amended, which said notice was duly published as therein provided, and WHEREAS, November 22, 1972, is the date set for the hearing of complaints and objections and the determinations of the same and for acting upon an ordinance assessing the cost of such improvements, and WHEREAS, all complaints and objections in writing filed by property owners within the District have been considered by the City Council NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS t Section 1 That the total cost of the improvements in Consolidated Street Paving and Street Lighting District No 64, including the cost of engineering, legal, publication, interest during construction and collection, to-wit $71,515 85, less the portion of said cost to be paid by the City of Fort Collins, to-wit $16,124 31, is hereby assessed upon the real estate in said District in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 15 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, 1958, as amended, and the proportion of said costs assessed upon each lot or tract of land in said District shall be as follows 111'A•A UK1VC tiuI V V j ru Iv! ..LJ11,1 .I iw vi •• - -- _- ___ -- ----- - - - -- - ---- - ^----- CURB AND M1OUNF 1RONFACE PAVLMENT MOUNT CUIPER FOR INFLREST PO TOTAL NAA E AND ADDRESS DLSCRIPTION IN FLET ASSFSSMENF FOR ASSESSMENT CURB AND FOFAL CLRFIFICATION ASSESS RATE PAVLMLNT PATF PER FT GUFFER Ferguson, Anthony Lee $ Beg at pt on S In SE 1/4 117 SO 3 26601 383 76 383 76 Sharon Lee 9-7-69 wh bears S 89035130"E 2340 West Mulberry 870 ft from S 1/4 cor of sd roa t Collins, Colorado Sec 9, th N 000 241 3011E 147 50 Parcel No 97094-03-023 ft, S 8903513011E 97 80 ft, S 0002413011W 147 50 ft, N 89 0 35 1 3011W 97 80 ft to POB NIA x vv e// (0 331 A M/L) well, Warren R Beg at pt wh bears S 89035130t1 258 61 3 26601 844 62 844 62 Yellowstone Avenue E 967 80 ft & again N 00024130t1 Alliance, Nebraska 69301 E 147 50 ft from S 1/4 cor 9-7- Parcel No 97094-03-003 69 th N 0002413011E 258 61 ft, S 8501914011W 114 31 ft, N 890 3513011W 87 80ft, th S 000241 3011W 150 ft, S 89 0 35 1 3011E 103 86 ft, S 00024130"W 98 50 ft, S 8903513011E 97 80 ft to POB Jones, Robert V & Beg at S 1/4 cor 9-7-69 th S 130 65 3 26601 426 70 426 70 ' Mildred F 8903513011E 997 80 ft, N 00241 411 S 24th Street 3011E 407 ft to true pt of beg, Fort Collins, Colorado th along arc of curve to left Parcel-No 97094-03-016 52 36 ft, long chord of wh bears N 07°0513011W 52 21 ft, N 1403513011W 49 66 ft, th along arc of curve to left 50 67 ft, long chord of wh bears N 070201 W 50 54 ft, N 000413011W 238 25 ft, S 890551301111 383 8 ft, S 00071E 33S 89 ft, S 8903513011 E 264 67 ft, N 8501914011E 124 35 ft, S 8903513011 E 20 ft to true nt of beg, less S bk 1121, p 440, less bk 1165, It p 506, less bk 1288, p 492 CURB AND AMOUNT 1 RONTAGE PAV1 MLNT AMOUNT (,UrFER FOR ZNITLRESF TO TOTAL tIAME AND ADDRESS DLSCRIPTION IN POET ASSLSSMENT FOR ASSFSSMhNT CURB AND TOTAL CIRFIFICAFION ASSESS RATE PAVEMLNT RATE PER 1T GUTThR Jones, Robert V & A tr in SE 1/4 9-7-69, beg 120 04 3 26601 392 05 392 05 Mildred F at pt wh bears S 8903513011 411 S 24th Street E 997 80 ft & again N 00* Fort Collins, Colorado 2413011E 407 ft $ again N - Parcel No 97094-03-021 07005130"W 52 21 ft $ again N 14035130"W 49 66 ft $ again N 10027130"W 28 83 ft from SW cor of sd SE 1/4) th alg arc of a 200 ft rad curve to R. 21 79 ft, th- lg chord of wh bears N 03°121W 21 78 ft, N 00004130"W 178 25 ft, S 89° 55130"W 383 67 ft, S 000071 E 200 ft, N 89055130"E 384 71 ft to POB exc that pt desc in bk 1165, p 504, less bk 1351, p 33 Jones, Lawrence A Tr in SE 1/4 of 9-7-69 beg at 80 00 3 26601 261 28 261 28 411 S 24th Street pt wh bears S 3903513011E Fort Collins, Colorado 967 80 ft, N 00024130"E 407 Parcel No 97094-03-022 ft, N 07005130"W 44 38 ft, N 14035130"W 49 66 ft, N 070201 W 58 12 ft, N 000041301111 98 25 ft from S 1/4 cor of sd Sec 9, th N 000041 30111V 80 ft, S 890 55130"W 91 ft, S 0000413011E 80 ft, N 8905513011E 91 ft to POB Fverett, Leonard E $ Tr in SE 1/4 9-7-69 beg at pt 133 75 3 26601 436 83 436 83 Florence J wh bears S 8903513011E 997 80 315 Impala Drive ft, N 0002413011E 407 ft, N 070 Fort Collins, Colorado 0513011W 52 21 ft, N 14035130" Parcel No 97094-03-017 W 49 66 ft, N 070201W 50 54 ft, N 0000413011W 238 25 ft from SW cor of sd SE 1/4, th N 00 0 04 1 30111V 133 75 ft, S 890 551 30111V 195 55 ft, S 000071 E 133 77 ft, N 8905513011E 195 46 ft to POB I I11i URIVE P;kht J - - ---------T---- ------ --- -- ----- -- CURB AND AMOUNT -- - 11.ONTAGE PAVIMENT AIIOUNF ( UTFFR FOR INIERESF FO TOTAL NAME AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION IN FEET ASSESSMENT FOR ASSESS11hNT CURB AND TOTAL CIREIFICATION ASSFSS RATE PAVIMTNT RATE PLR FT GUTTER Allen, Fverett S $ Beg at pt wh bears S 89035/3011 524 94 3 26601 1714 46 1714 46 Gladys R E 997 80 ft and again N 0°2413011 408 24th Street E 407 ft from SW cor of SE 9-7-69 Fort Collins, Colorado th along the arc of a 200 ft radius Parcel No 97094-03-019 curve to left 52 36 ft the long chord of wh bears N 07005130/1 W 52 21 ft, N 14035130"W 49 66 ft, th along arc of a 200 ft radius curve to right 50 67 ft, the long chord of wh bears N 07°20' W 50 54 ft, N 0004130"W 389 32 ft N 8905513011E 325 88 ft S 00041301/ E 541 89 ft, N 89035'30"W 300 68 ft to beg (4A M/L) Brown, Theodore M $ Beg at pt wh bears S 89035/3011 149 40 3 26601 487 94 487 �4 Margaret A E 1027 80 ft $ again N 002413011 812 1/2 East Elizabeth E 257 60 ft from S 1/4 cor 9-7-69 Fort Collins, Colorado th N 0024130"E 149 40 ft, S 890 Parcel No 97094-03-025 35' 3011 E 100 ft, S 0024130"IV 149 40 ft, N 8903513011W 100 ft to beg Schultz, Stanley A & Beg at pt wh bears S 89035130"E 118 80 3 26601 388 00 388 00 Margaret J 1027 80 ft $ again N 0024130"E 428 Impala Drive 138 80 ft from S 1/4 cor 9-7-69 F--t Collins, Colorado th N 0024130"E 118 80 ft, S 890 cel No 97094-03-013 35130"E 100 ft S 0024130/1 W 119 60 ft, N 89008' 11 100 ft to pt of beg Harbour, Daniel F Tr in SE 1/4 of 9-7-69 beg at pt 108 80 3 26601 355 34 35S 34 2318 W Mulberry on S lin wh bears S 89035130/1 E Fort Collins, Colorado 1027 80 ft fr S 1/4 cor of sd Sec Parcel No 97094-03-024 9, th N 00024'30"E 138 80 ft, S 89° 0811E 100 ft, S 00024130"W 138 ft to pt on sd S In, N 890351301111 100 ft to POE, sub3 to R/1V for W Mulb St over Srly 30 ft 111'ALA URI_Ve - --- ------ --- ---- ,,,L 4 CURB AND AMOUNT I kONTACE PAVI MENT AMOUNT GUTTER FOR IM I RESF FO TOTAL NAML AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION IN FEET AbSLSSMLNT FOR ASSLSbMFNT CURB AND FOFAL CERFIFICAFION ASSESS RATE PAVI'MENT RATE PLR FT GUTTER City of Fort Collins 30 00 3 26601 97 98 97 98 Paid by Poudre R-1 School District 4,2SO 00 - 4,250 00 TOTAL 1,772 49 $10,038 96 $10,038 96 I II- I JIKLCI ----- - --CURB AND M10UNI ------- — IRONTAGE PAVLIILNT AMOUNT' CUTTER FOR INILREST FO TOTAL PAMI AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION IN MEET ASSISSMENT FOR ASSLSSMENT CURB AND DOTAL CLRIIFICAIION ASSFSS RAI E PANLI II N F LA FE PLR FT GU FTER Spring Creek Farms, Inc Tr in NE 1/4 Sec 24, 17N, R 1377 08 (pave ) 5 14230 7081 36 4 00089 5341 51 120422 87 1744 Lemay 69A and also in the NW 1/4 1335 08 (c & g) fort Collins, Colorado Sec 19,T7N,R68W of the 6th Parcel No 87190-00-014 P M , Larimer Co ,Colo , wn considering the N In of NW 1/4 of sa Sec 19 as bearing N 89° 41'40"E and with all bearings cont nerein rel thereto is coat witiln the boundary Ins wh beg at NW cor of sd Sec 19, th N 89° 4114011E 1467 15 ft, to S 00018' 2011E 90 00 ft, th alg t,ie arc of 370 00 ft rad curve to the right a distance of 213 10 ft, the long chord of �%n bears S 160 - 1114011W 210 17 ft, th S 32041/4011 11 150 00 ft, to along the arc of a 416 86 ft rad curve to the left a dis of 220 81 ft, th�_long chord of in bears S 17031110"li 218 24 ft, th S 02°20'40"W 369 67 ft, t,i along a 930 00 ft rad curve to the right a dis of 335 27 ft, tie long chord of wn bears S 1204012011W 333 46 ft, th S 23000 '00"W 58 23 ft, to S 580301 0011E 29 54 ft, to S 23000100"W 31 33 ft, th N 5803010011W 8 97 ft, th along the arc of a 394 15 ft rad curve to the left a dis of 216 69 ft, the long chord of wn bears N 740151001t W a dis of 213 97 ft, t,i 11 921 38ft, th N 30 00 ft, to S 89047100"W 198 46 ft, th N 397 00 ft, to S 89047100t1 W 29 06 ft, to N 253 38 ft, th N 820 001001E 199 39 ft, th N 641 01 ft to the pob w _ PAGE 6_ LURb AND ATCHUNf I RON FAGL PAV] i]LNT A,\iOUN f GUI 1 ER FOR I N 1] RLS f TO TOTAL wA, L AND ADDRLSS ULSCRIPfION IN I LLT ASS] SSPI NT FOR ASS] SSMLNT CURB AND TOTAL C] Rf1] 1LAI ION ASSESS RAPE PAVING RAIL PLR Fr GUITER Poudre School Dist No R-1 Beg at pt an bears S 890 411 396 60 5 14230 2,039 44 4 00089 1 586 75 2,039 44 RiffenLurga Scnool 40"IN 1497 to ft y again S -1,586 75 cr Fort Collins, Colorado 00018120"E 90 ft $ again S 0 Parcel Ao 87190-00-010 16011140"W 227 21 ft again S 32041'40"W 150 ft $ again S 1703111011W 202 54 ft, again S 0202014011W 369 67 ft from NI! cor 19-7-68, th S 390391 2011E 617 ft, S 11 005 1 2011E 681 70 ft, N 89029130"W 244 64 ft, to alg arc of 560 ft rad curve to R 302 96 ft 1g cnord Of w,i bears N 73059'S5"W 299 29 ft, N 580301W 370 73 ft, N 230 00' E 63 47 ft, to alg arc of - 960 ft curve to L 346 09 ft lg cnord of wh bears A 1204012011E 344 22 ft to POB (9 960 acres M/L) City of Fort Collins (pave)1034 36 5 14230 5 318 99 4 00089(cfg) 3,986 33 12,262 61 (c,g walk) 996 36 2 96809(walk) 2,957 29 f01AL 2808 04 $14,439 79 $12,285 13 $26,724 92 1.1 U%" K I DUNE CURB AND MOUNT IRONTAGE PAVI-M NT MOUNT CUTFLR FOR INFLRLST TO TOTAL NA J AND ADDRESS DLSCRIPFION IN FEET ASSISSMFNT FOR ASSFSSMENT CURB AND TOTAL CFRFIFICATION ASSESS RATE PAVI ,IFNT RAFE PER FT GUTFER P-Itzel, Clara A Beg at pt 70 ft L of SW cor of 135 00 6 15490 830 91 5 40319 729 43 1560 34 P 0 Box 124 NE of 10-7-69, N 00191W 165 1520 Laporte ft, E 103 ft, S 00191 E 165 ft Fort Collins, Colorado W 103 ft, to pt of beg Parcel No 97101-03-022 Philp, C Verne Fa Florence Beg at pt 70 ft E F, 165 ft N 58 00 6 15490 3S6 98 5 40319 313 39 670 37 1917 Springfield of SIV cor of NE 10-7-69, N 00 Fort Collins, Colorado 19, W 58 ft, E 103 ft, S 0019, cel No 97101-03-021 E 58 ft, W 103 ft to pt of beg z> lth, Steven H Beg at pt 70 ft E $ 223 ft N of 58 00 6 15490 356 98 5 40319 313 39 670 37 211 Clover Lane SW cor of NE 10-7-69, N 00191 Fort Collins, Colorado W 58 ft, E 103 ft, S 00191E Parcel No 97101-03-037 58 ft, W 103 ft to pt of beg - Porse, Lance P $ Marjory Com at a pt 70 ft E $ N 0*191 55 00 6 15490 338 52 5 40319 297 18 635 70 215 Clover Lane W 281 ft from S1V cor NE 10-7-69 Fort Collins, Colorado N 00191W 55 ft, E 103 ft, S 00191 Parcel No 97101-03-025 E 55 ft$ W 103 ft to pt of beg Deveraux, Jerome E $ Leta Beg 70 ft E and 336 ft N of SW 122 00 6 15490 750 90 5 40319 659 19 1410 09 217 Clover Lane cor of NE 10-7-69, th N 122 ft, Fort Collins, Colorado E 103 ft, S 120 ft, th 1V to pt Parcel No 97101-03-033 of beg jIl /P 1p, C Verne $ Beg at pt 216 ft E and N 00191 75 00 6 15490 461 62 5 40319 405 24 866 86 " fence L W 30 ft from SW cor of NE 10-7- 1917Springfield Drive 691 E 51 54 ft, N 00151W 75 ft, Fort Collins, Colorado W 51 62 ft, S 00191E 75 ft to Parcel No 97101-03-042 beg Williams, Bess E Beg 216 ft E and 30 ft N of 75 00 6 15490 461 62 5 40319 405 24 866 86 208 Clover Lane Sly cor of NE of 10-7-69, th roit Collins, Colorado E 101 5 ft, N 00151W 150 ft, Parcel No 97101-03-023 11 101 5 ft, S 00151E 150 ft to beg, less S 75 ft 1 l,1 kf� 1 1L 1 J114G 1 I\l L V -- "-- - ---^—^— ---- - -'— — -- I,URB AND AMOUNT — --- 1RONFAGE PAVIMENT AMOUNT GUIDER FOR INFLRFST FO FOTAL NAME AND ADDRFSS DESCRIPTION IN IhhT ASSFSSMINF ] OR ASSFSSMFNT CURB AND FOTAL CERTIFICATION ASSFSS RATE PAVLMLNP RAFE PER FT GUTTER Schwindt, Philip $ Beg at pt 216 ft E of SW cor 50 00 6 15490 307 75 5 40319 270 16 577 91 Christina of NE 10-7-692 N 180 ft to tr 210 Clover lane Pt of beg, E 101 67 ft, N 50 Fort Collins, Colorado ft, W 101 67 ft M/L S 50 ft Parcel No 97101-03-024 to tr pt of beg Scott, Virgil E Beg 216 ft E $ 230 ft N of SW 48 00 6 15490 295 44 5 40319 259 35 554 79 802 N Shields cor of NE 10-7-690 th E 101 77 Fort Collins, Colorado ft, N 48 ft, W 101 83 ft, S "'rcel No 97101-03-026 48 ft to beg th, William F Beg 216 ft E and 278 ft N of 60 00 6 15490 369 29 5 40319 324 19 693 48 2444 LaPorte Avenue SW cor of NE 10-7-69, th E Fort Collins, Colorado 101 82 ft, N 60 ft, W 101 89 Parcel No 97101-03-039 ft, S to pt of beg _ Asa, Donald E $ A par of land in SW of NE 10- 60 00 6 15490 369 29 5 40319 324 19 693 48 Wilma R Lythgoe 7-69 desc as Beg at SW cor 216 Clover Lane Lot 5, NW sub, Ft Collins, th Fort Collins, Colorado E 101 93 ft, S 00151E 60 ft, Parcel No 97101-03-043 W 101 87 ft, N 0019111 60 ft to beg Drust Robert C Lot 5, Northwest Subdivision 60 00 6 15490 369 29 5 40319 324 19 693 48 220 Clover Lane Fort Collins Colorado cel No 97101-06-005 C�,.y of Fort Collins 12 00 6 15490 73 86 5 40319 73 86 FOTAL 868 00 $5342 45 $4625 14 $9967 59 ELIZABETH STREET PAGE 9 CURB AND AMOUNT FRONTAGE PAVEMENT AMOUNT GUTTER $ WALK FOR CURB INTEREST TO TOTAL NAME AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION IN FEET ASSESSMENT FOR ASSESSMENT & GUTTER TOTAL CERTIFICATION ASSESS RATE PAVEMENT RATE PER FT & WALK Geriatrics, Inc Tract in NW 1/4 of 18-7-68 398 00 6 48685 2581 77 6 84669 2724 98 5306 75 2928 West loth Street beg at pt on S In of sd NW 1/4 Greeley, Colorado wh bears N 89015'E 200 ft from Parcel No 87182-00-069 W 1/4 cor of sd Sec 18, th N 890151E 400 ft alg S In of sd NW 1/4, th N 000061E 300 ft, S 890151W 400 ft, S 000061W 300 ft to POB M C Company Fort Collins Orthopedic Assoc 102 00 6 48685 661 66 6 84669 698 36 1360 02 1200 East Elizabeth Subdivision Fort Collins, Colorado Parcel No 87182-05-001 Wells, Donald B $ Beg at pt on S In of NW 18-7-68 wh 481 03 (pave)6 48685 3120 37 6 84669 3216 09 6336 46 Elery Wilmarth bears N 89015'E 810 ft from W 1/4 469 73 (curb & gut $walk) P 0 Box 506 cor, th N O0O6'E 300 ft, th N 890 Fort Collins, Colorado 15'E 194 54 ft to Wrly side of Parcel No 87182-00-073 Riverside Ave, th alg sd Wrly side on arc of 676 62 ft rad cur to L 225 09 ft lg chord of wh bears S 520O5'E 224 06 ft, th continuing alg sd Wrly side on arc of 676 62 ft rad cur to L 17 27 ft lg chord of wh bears S 62020'5211 E 17 27 ft th alg Wrly In of McHugh St S 260 51'30"W 171 27 ft to S In sd NW 1/4 sec, th S 890151W 309 76 ft to pt of beg Maloney, J D 6 Lot 1, East Elizabeth 2nd 110 00 6 486 85 713 55 6 84669 753 14 1466 69 M T DeYoung 1080 East Elizabeth Fort Collins, Colorado Parcel No 87182-08-001 I I I .j \UI 111 b1K1 I 1 VJAU . lV - - -- -- — --- --—~------- - --- ----- — CURB AND AI 10UNT -------- -------- ---- I RONFAC'E PAVFNIFNT MOUNT GUI FFR $ hALK FOR CURB INIF'RF'SF TO TOTAL NAAL AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION IN IELT ASSESbMENF ] OR ASS] SSMhNT $ C,U1FER TOTAL CIRFIFICAFION ASSESS RAFE PAVLAII NF RAFL PER FT & WALK Betz, E R $ Beg SW cor of NIV 1/4 18-7-68 141 77(pave) 6 48685 919 64 6 84669 865 90 1785 54 Helen I th N 150 ft, E 1245 92 ft, 126 47(curb F, gut $walk) 920 Hospital Road S 150 ft, W 1245 92 ft to Tort Collins, Colorado beg, less st Ft Collins less Parcel No 87182-00-035 Bk 1366, P 927, less Bk 1401, p 827, 1421-241, Bk 1429-779, 1440-651 Doctors Center, Inc Lot 1, East Elizabeth Sub 233 03(pave) 6 48685 IS11 63 1595 48 3004 41 217 E Elizabeth 218 03(curb $ gut $walk) 102 70 cr rt Collins, Colorado 1492 78 rcel No 87183-12-001 East Elizabeth Dev Co Lot 2, East Elizabeth Sub 170 00(pave) 6 48685 1102 76 6 84669 1163 94 1102 76 P 0 Box 506 1163 94 cr Fort Collins, Colorado -0- Parcel No 87183-12-002 Clt) of Fort Collins Tr of land sit SW 1/4 of Sec 65 00 6 48685 421 65 6 84669 445 03 866 58 18, T7N, R68W of the 6tn P M City of Ft Collins, Co of Lariner, State of Colo, wn considering the W In of sd S1V 1/4 as bearing N U with all bearings cont herein rel thereto, is cont within the boundary wh begs at a pt wh Dears N 89015' 00"1 1248 22 ft fr the W 1/4 cor of sd Sec 18 $ run th S 00002'30"E 122 91 ft, th alg the arc of a 23 88 ft rad curve to the R a dist of 8 89 ft, the Ig chord of wn bears N 5302910711W 8 80 ft, to N 42048154"W 33 20 ft th alg the arc of a 93 75 ft rad curve to the R a dirt of 26 81 ft, the lg chord of wll bears N 34037' 161I11 26 72 ft, to N 26025137"W 13 33 ft, th alg the arc of a 1 1 I._.'\Ul 111 Jll<CL1 vi. at -------- — -- --- —1 Ukb ANC ATIOUINI' --- — I ROINITAGL PAVI rILI\T NWU\T (,U FFLR & IVAI k I OR CURB IA FI RLS F 10 FOTAL NA11L AND ADDRESS DLSCRIPFION IN FLCT ASSLSSPILNT FOR ASSESSMENT y GUFTLR TOTAL CLRIIFICAFION ASSESS PAVLMLNF RATE PLR FT $ WALK City of Fort Collins 77 66 ft rad curve to the R. a dis of 63 04 ft, the lg caord of wa (coat ) oears N 03°10'lu"1V 58 78 ft, th N 89015100"L 53 82 ft to tae POB - Cit> of Fort Collins 68 00 6 48685 441 11 441 11 TOTAL 1768 83 $11,474 14 $10,196 28 $21,670 42 --_- -_-- - ---- - -- -- -- ------- --- -- - ---------- — ——CURB AND MOUNT IRONTAGE PAVFMENT MOUNT GUTTER FOR INIFRLST TO TOTAL WuME AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION IN FEET ASSLSSMFNT FOR ASSESSMENT CURB AND TOTAL CLRTIFICAFION ASSESS RATE PAVLMLNT RAIL PER FT GUTTER Rouse, Arthur E f, Betty M N 1/2 of Lot 3, Block 127 50 00 3 71596 185 80 185 80 1603 West Mulberry Tort Collins, Colorado Parcel No 97132-19-001 Graham, Grace B S 1/2 of Lot 3, Block 127 50 00 3 71596 185 80 185 80 c/o Fdward & Phyllis A Stoner 706 South College tort Collins, Colorado grcel No 97132-19-002 Graham, Seymour N 1/2 of Lot 4, Block 127 50 00 3 71596 185 80 185 80 262 Park Avenue Glencoe, Illinois 60022 Parcel No 97132-19-003 Neff, Stillman E $ S 1/2 of Lot 4, Block 127 50 00 3 71596 185 80 185 80 Dauline Neff Beckner 714 South College Fort Collins, Colorado Parcel No 97132-19-004 Williams, Rhoades & Loa J N 1/2 of Lot 5, Block 127 50 00 3 71596 185 80 185 30 216 South College Fort Collins, Colorado arcel No 97132-19-011 united Bank N 33 1/3 ft of S 1/2 of Lot 33 1/3 3 71596 123 85 123 85 Trustee 401 S College 5 Block 127 Tort Collins, Colorado (Giddings) Parcel No 97132-19-012 United Bank S 16 2/3 ft of Lot 5, N 16 33 1/3 3 71596 123 85 123 85 Trustee for Ruey Shantz 2/3 ft of Lot 6, Block 127 401 South College Fort Collins, Colorado Parcel No 97132-19-013 I /\u 1 I , 1 1 u l,_1 -- -- -- CURB AND kMOUNT ] RONTAGE PA\ 1 11 NF AIMOUNT GUFfER I OR INIERhSF FO TOTAL \Ailr AND ADDRFSS DLSCRIPTION IN FELT ASSLSSMF-NT FOR ASSLSSDILNT CURB AND TOTAL CCRTIFIC%T10N ASSESS RATE PAVLMFNT RAFE PFR FT GUFTER United Bank S 33 1/3 ft of N 1/2 of Lot 33 1/3 3 71596 123 85 123 85 Trustee for Ruey Shantz 6, Block 127 401 South College Fort Collins, Colorado Parcel No 97132-19-014 Atlantic-Richfield Co S 50 ft Lot 6, Block 127 50 00 3 71596 185 80 185 80 Financial Administration Div 875 North Michigan Ave "hicago, Illinois 60611 zrcel No 97132-19-015 Juel, Marie, Alice $ Doris S 1/2 of Lot 1, Block 127 100 00 3 71596 371 60 371 60 729 Remington Fort Collins, Colorado _ Parcel No 97132-19-005 Sansburn, Leatha A S 1/2 of N 1/2 of Lot 1, Block 50 00 3 71596 185 80 185 80 719 Remington 127 Fort Collins, Colorado Parcel No 97132-19-006 Sansburn, Leatha A N 1/2 of N 1/2 of Lot 1, Block 50 00 3 71596 185 80 185 80 719 Remington 127 Fort Collins, Colorado Parcel No 97132-19-007 nderson, Arnold E $ S SO ft of Lot 2, Block 127 50 00 3 71596 185 80 185 80 uarlene H 2224 Purdue Road Fort Collins, Colorado Parcel No 97132-19-008 Cooper Real Estate $ Dev N 1/2 of S 1/2 of Lot 2, Block 50 00 3 71596 185 80 185 80 303 North College 127 P 0 Box 569 Fort Collins, Colorado P-iicel No 97132-19-009 Al LI_Y _ 1 \UIU 1 , 1 LU 1 Aj JAIINl lvl. a. CURB AND AMOUNT IPONTAGE PAVLPINT AMOUNT GUTTER FOR INTEREST TO TOTAL NA,\jE AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION IN EEbT ASSLSSMLNF IOR TOTAL RATE PAVEMENT ASSESSMENT CURB AND CLRTI}-ICATION ASSFSS RAPE PFR FT GUTf1;R Cooper Real Estate f, Dev S 42 ft. of N 100 ft of Lot 2, 42 00 3 71596 156 07 156 07 303 North College Block 127 P 0 Box 569 Fort Collins, Colorado Parcel No 97132-19-016 Rouse, A E $ Betty M N 58 feet of Lot 2, less E 58 00 3 71596 215 53 215 53 1603 Rest Mulberry 84 feet, Block 127, Fort Fort Collins, Colorado Collins arcel No 97132-19-010 I City of Fort Collins 38 00 3 71596 141 21 141 21 TOTAL 838 00 $3113 96 $3113 96 I GRAND TOTAL $71515 85 CITY'S SHARE $13883 45 I � I Section 2 All assessments herein provided for shall be due and payable within thirty (30) days after the final publication of this ordinance, without demand, provided that all such assessments may, at the election of the owners of the property assessed, be paid in ten (10) equal installments, the first installment being due on the first day of November, 1973, and on the first day of November of each year thereafter until the full amount thereof has been paid, together with interest on the unpaid principal at the rate of six percent (6%) per annum, said interest to be payable at the time of the principal payments Failure to pay the whole of such assessment within thirty (30) days as aforesaid shall be conclusively considered and held as an election on the part of the persons interested, whether under disability or otherwise, to pay in such installments Section 3 In the case of election of any person to pay in installments as aforesaid, the failure to pay any installment when due, whether on principal or interest, shall cause the whole of the unpaid principal to become due and payable immediately and the whole amount of unpaid principal and accrued interest shall thereafter draw interest at the rate of one percent (1%) per month until the date of sale as hereinafter provided, provided, however, that at any time prior to the date of sale, the owner of the property assessed may pay the amount of all unpaid and due installments, together with all interest that has accrued as aforesaid, and all penalties accrued, and upon such payment shall be restored to the right to pay the installments in the same manner as if the default had no* occurred The owners of any property not in default as to any installments or payments may at any time pay the entire unpaid balance of principal, together with interest accrued thereon, to the first day of the month following such payment Section 4 Payments may be made to the Director of Finance at any time within thirty (30) days after the final publication of this ordinance and in such event an allowance of five percent (5%) as a discount shall be made on all payments during such period only Section 5 In case of the default in the payment of any installment of principal or interest when due, all property concerning which such default is suffered shall be advertised by the County Treasurer and sold for the payment of the entire unpail assessment thereon at the same time or times and in the same manner under all the same conditions and penalties and with the same effect as provided by law for the sale of real estate in default of the payment of general taxes, all as provided by Section 15-76 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, 1958, as amended Section 6 The Director of Finance shall prepare the foregoing assessment roll in proper form as provided in Section 15-72 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, 1958, as amended, and shall keep a record of all payments made during the thirty-day period after the final publication of this ordinance and upon the expiration of said thirty-day period, he shall deliver said assessment roll to the County Treasurer of Larimer County with his warrant for collection of the same, all as provided in Section 15- 75 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, 1958, as amended Section 7 All collections made by the County Treasurer on said assessment roll in any calendar month shall be accounted for and paid over to the Director of Finance on the first day of each and every month with separate statements for all such collections for each month in the same manner as general taxes are paid by the County Treasurer to the City Section 8 The owner of any divided or undivided interest may pay his share of any assessment upon producing evidence of the extent of his interests satisfactory to the officers having the roll in their charge Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered published this 22nd day of November, A D 1972, and to be presented for final passage on the 14th day of December, A D 1972 Mayor ATTEST City Clerk Passed and adopted on final reading this 14th day of December, A D 1972 f Mayor ATTEST City Clerx