WHERFAS heretofore a written petition was filed with the City Clerk requesting
the annexation of certain territory to the City of Fort Collins and
WHEREAS the City Council has taken the necessary steps and held the hearings
as required by lai and has determined that said territory is eligible for annexation and
should be annexed to the City of Fort Collins
Section 1 That all of the territory more particularly described as situate
in the County of Larimer State of Colorado to-wit
A tract of laid situated in the N 1/2 of Section 27 T71N R6911 of the 6th P \1
County of Larimer State of Colorado Considering the East line of the N 1/2 of said
Section 27 as blaring N 00004 Si E and with all bearings contained herein relative
thereto Commenc ng at the h 1/4 Corpei of said Section 27 said corner also being
the liue Point of Beginning thence along the center east west section line N 890
33' 18 h 2644 66 fee to the center 1/4 corner of said Section 27 thence continuing
along the said center east test section line N 89033118 W 1320 44 feet to the SIV
corner of the SE 1/4 of the NIV 1/4 of said Sec ion 27 therce along the test line of the
E 1/2 and the NW 1/4 of said Section 27 N 00000'29 iV 2658 68 feet to the NW corner
of the NE 1/4 of the \'IV 1/4 of said Section 27 thence along the north section line of
said Section 27 S 89026157 E 960 42 feet thence S 00000132 E 514 03 feet and
parallel to the north south centerline of said Section 27 thence S 89026157 E
360 00 feet and parallel to the north line of said Section 27 thence along the north
south centerline or said Section 27 N 00000132 1' 514 07 feet to the N 1/4 corner
of said Section 27 thence along the said north line S 89026'S7 E 2648 74 feet to
the NE corner of said Section 27 thence S 000041S1 11 994 27 feet to the Nh corner
of the S 1/2 of the S 1/9 of the N 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of said Section 27 thence along
the nor h line of the S 1/2 of the S 1/2 of the N 1/2 of the N'E 1/4 of said Section 27
N 8()029116 IV 264 00 feet thence parallel to the east line of said Section 27 S 000
04'S1 1 1,)2 27 feet thence S 89026116 ' E 264 00 feet to a point on the east line
of the said Section 27 thence along the said east line S 00004 51 IV 186 82 feet
thence N 89029116 1' �)70 00 feet thence along a line parallel to the east line of
of said Section 27 S 00°04151 IV 200 00 feet thence S 89029' 16 E s70 00 feet to
a point on the east line of said Section 27 thence -ilong the said elst line S 00004'o1
h 69 70 feet thence N 890.)S'09 1V 200 00 feet thence along a line parallel to the
east line of said Sectior 27 S 00004'51 ' W 100 00 feet thence S 89055 '09 E 200 00
feet to a point on the east line of the said Section 27 thence along the said east line
S 00004 51 IV 968 A feet to the True Point of Beginning
except the folloiing described portion thereof
A trac* of land located in the NE 1/4 of Section 27 T7N R6911 of the 6th P M
L-minei County Colorado being more particularly described as follows
Con idering the Eest line of the NE 1/4 of said Section 27 as bearing N 00004'S1 E
and with ill beliings contained herein relative thereto Commencing at the E 1/4 cornea
of said Section 27 thence along the said elst line. N 00004151 E 1524 82 feet to
the Tiue Point of Bebipn ng thence N 89°29 16 IV 264 00 feet thence N 00004 51 F
132 27 feet thence S 89029 16 E 264 00 Feet to a point on the said east line thence
along the said east line S 00004 51 Iv 132 27 feet to the True Point of Beginning,
be and it hereby is annexed to the City of Fort Collins and made a part of said City to be
known as The Village square Annexation to the City of Fort Collins
Section 2 That in annexing said territory to the City of Fort Collins the
City of Fort Collins does not assume any obligation respecting the construction of %rater
mains sewer lines gas pains electric service lines streets or any other services or
utilities in connection with the territory hereby annexed except as may be provided by
the ordinances of the City of Fort Collins
Introduced considered favorably on first reading and ordered published this
7th day of December 19 72 and to be presented for final passage on the
28th day of December 19-7Z—
&,�, g. &,,,
City Clerk
Passed and adopted on final reading this 28th day of December 1972
city Clerk `
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