HomeMy WebLinkAbout033 - 06/24/1965 - ASSESSING THE COST OF IMPROVEMENTS IN CONSOLIDATED IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO 58 ORDINANCE NO 33 , 1965 BEING AN ORDINANCE ASSESSING THE COST OF IMPROVEMENTS IN CONSOLIDATED IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO -58 AND PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT AND COLLECTION THEREOF WHEREAS heretofore by appropriate ordinances and resolutions duly adopted by the Council of the City of Fort Collins there was established Consolidated Improvement District No 58 for the purpose of installing curb gutter and asphalt pavement on certain streets in the City of Fort Collins Colorado, all pursuant to Article 15 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Fort Collins Colorado 1958 as amended and WHEREAS pursuant to said ordinances and resolutions said improvements have been installed and accepted by the City of Fort Collins and WHEREAS upon accepting said improvements the City Council adopted the report of the City Engineer respecting the cost of said improvements and the schedule of assessments prepared by the City Engineer and ordered notice to be published as provided in Section 15 68 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Fort Collins Colorado 1958 as amended which said notice was duly published as therein provided and WHEREAS Thursday the 27th day of May 1965 is the date set for the hearing of complaints and objections and the determination of the same and for acting upon an ordinance assessing the cost of such improvements and WHEREAS complaints and objections in writing have been made to the proposed assessments by some of the property owners within the district and the City Council sitting as a board of equalization has heard said objection and determined the same and ordered modifications made to the assessment roll which modifications have been made NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS Section 1 That the total cost of the improvements in Consolidated Improvement District No 58 including the cost of engineering legal and publi cation interest during construction and collection to wit $42 051 31 is hereby assessed upon the real estate in Consolidated Improvement District No 58 in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 15 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Fort Collins 1958 as amended and the proportion of said cost assessed upon each lot or tract of land in said district shall be as follows "CONSOLIDA` D STREET DWROVYKENT DISTRICT NO. 58 ASSES.SIRENT ROLL 1 9C3,1 �ego ..e.._ ....._._,.....„,,.,,,... ..»..a.,...,._.a„.,.wVF..._.,�-�.�_,..�„_�•"..,,Us,�e,�,.a.s.,�.._�.��..,.�m�-a-�_—_.:.�,>,,.,�,,,s.m,..�-�...�.�:�..::.:s,..:�_..-_--• -- .-._ -.. . _..�.,�.....,�..� _ - b,�., _ .- _....�,.�:,..:... VINI ;ai!="-P l.'0 0>iTNk;R-S.NAZE, h-ADDFIFSS PAVENENT ASSESSMENT AMUA r OF coB & cicr. r�R ASSESS* AMOLMD Or MA TER SIML MML YRONME IRATM PER ASSESS_ FRONT ItITE PER MOT AS`M5 o SEP ICE SIEular' <;SS%�Sxtii s FM FOOT DERT .-,.�.s.w/„..�rz._Gy_yy'n..�r yr..� �j- /'�L Miller * {l M. yj�.('! ./�j�� �ya \l ,,gg�5T, 6f lot 17£ Block Mille ' L, H. .& M. B4 :dl/4�J $ 1.i 47 $ 6331 68,71 .�C4, Yort V 011,.Z18 Bon-75t - Fort conins, Colorado 140n of lot 17D Mlb "J;>P, & L 14m 1.37 192.39 DI-jok. 104t Fort Collins 424 S, Mason Street r Forrt Collins.,Colorado ion; -1 r Block 104D Rohrbachert E D. h7 d5 1.37 65.27 c G 65:.2 y . Fort Collins 212 Wes. -Mulberry St. Fort Calling Colorado Lot. 1419 Black ire„ Sgyderb� L,M6,R®Ai,& E.J, 42.5 1.37 5810 m 3 _ m 58,40 lc :, .0ho East 5 210 W.- Mulberry St, -Io ft t,cULw Fort Collins.Colorado a J5.0t of Lot 124b Anderson Jerry L, 5,0 1.37 6.87 m Q 6,,6!. Bldrck,io4, Fort Collins 327 S. & cad Fort Collins.,Colorado ,rat, '.54 Block 104, Herron,'. Peter & Janice 47,5 1.37 65.27 6 4 Fcvpt C01Urw % Jack H. Williams 905 Edwards, Ft. Collins •ns LY, lu, Block 104j Herron.='Pefer & Janice. 47.5 1M 65,2E Fort Oo119ns % Jack H, Williams 905 Edwast[sg Ft, C®ilim 6OO ;3e'.Oa I&um m WESTsiDE ADD o %' 25 & 26, Baca, J;T' & E®M® 7400 3a90 273�00 7660 2:,06 1, P1,1 20 - 417,:20 Block 273b West side 2967 Wv'.11th Avenue Add. F w. coll-l12e Denver 4,, Colorado ' A w 35'. of BE W of Monto C A, & J E 0 1 6�5'i yaE.. 3500 3�90 136�50 lots 25 & 2 , Block 2739 622 Maple Street ylestside Add.Ft< Collins ?port Collins Colorado P 1 COIDOLIDATED STREET IMPROUNENT DISTRICT NO 58 ASSESS14ENT ROLL 1964 Pa&e 2 OIMRIS NAME & ADDRESS PAVEMENT ASSESSMENT AMOUNT OF CURB & GUTTEP ASSESS AIDUNT OF WATEP stliBR TO L FEETr'RON AGC RATE PER ASSESS FRO14T ROTE PER FOOT ASSESS SERVICE SERVICE ASSESSAENT FEET FOOT FEET E 35' of Lots 25 & 26, Moore, A 0 & N S 35 0 $ 3 90 $ 136 50 35 0 $ 2 06 $ 72 10 $ - $ - $ 208 60 Block 273, Westside Add 224 North Ave , C-4 Fort Collins Cheyenne, Wyoming Lots 27, 28 & Sa Lot 29, Sanchez, Joe & Ben 70 0 3 90 273 00 - -Block 273, Westside Add 617 Cherry St - 273 OO Fort Collins Fort Collins, Colo Lots 1 & 2,Block 273, Dowell, Harry A 140 0 3 90 546 00 Westaide Add - m - - 546 00 Fort Collins Lots 15 & 161 Block 272, Mincer, 0 J 75 0 3 90 292 50 75 0 2 06 154 50 447 00 Westside Add 627 Maple Street Fort Collins Fort Collins, Colo Lot 14, Block 272, IJalthall, John & May G 35 0 3 90 136 50 - - - 136 �50 Westside Add P 0 Box 255 - FoTt Collins Fort Collins, Colorado Lot 13, Block 272, Milburn, 136 50 M E 35 0 3 90 136 50 Westside Add 223 East 6th e - - Fort Collins Cheyenne, Wyoming Lot 12, Block 272, Valcon Inc 35 0 3 90 136 50 -Westaide Add % H C Howerton 136 50e Fort Collins 2201 W Mulberry, City Lot 11, Block 272, Mata, A H , Josephine 180 0 3 90 702 00 180 0 2 06 370 80 .. - 1,072 SO Westside Add and Steven Fort Collins 237 N Whitcomb Fort Collins, Colo 700 BIACK MAPLE STREET Lots 23 24, 546 0025 & 26, Kint$ley, F 0 & M.M 140 00 3 90 546 00 - - Block A3, Westaide 728 Maple Street - Addition, Ft Collins Fort Collins, Colorado r."W 07_IIlATED STREET UTPROVtMENT DISTRICT M 58 9SSESMIEUT ROLu 1 64 Page 3 -ML �' �i h A§1 �� rT— Arlo ir'®� `uU � j' w pw0irr 7?n i:; 02R 'ASLEbb YgfQ I' IUM 'MIR 'OOT A3XISS b-MILCB SE_RVI.0; 43515S1gEN1 rEET rOOT FMT Lot 27t Block 283t Mondragoa2IJ P « A T 35 0 $ 3 90 $ 136 50 35 0 $ 2 o6 $ 72 10 $ $ $ 208 60'� Westside Addit-lon 126% U 130 St Fz Collins Gardenat California Loz 28 Block 263s 11hittsor, Sumner G 35 0 3 90 136 50 - I'ostsxde Addition 714 Maple Street 3- 50 -Y, Collins Fort Collins,Colorado to is I & 2, Block 283, Fel skey 0�A & ICY 140 0 3 90 546 oo 140 o 2 06 288 40 m o g3t� 40 jeswide Addition, 303 N Loomis Street o Collins fort Collans4olorado Cove at, HE cor Blk 282, Brewbaker, H S & F A 180 0 3 90 702 00 ��estsxde Add , rh s 451 235 N Loomis street 702 00 11 180' N 450,E 180t to Fort Collins, roloaado bog FL, Collins Coi at UI cor BlIk 282, Second Presbyterian 180 0 3 90 702 00 0 0 0 702 pp Weohside Add Pb Collins, Charch th S L7 519D 180 Ot, North Grant at Maple 10 5t11 W 180 Or to beg 100 BIOCK PARSER STREET Lob 121 Block 1, Busch, R H & J L 160 0 3 56 569 83 - - d o - 569 83 I C Bradley Add 1640 s College Ave 't Collins fort CollinstColorado Lot 24 Block it Hurd, E C & W G 170 0 3 56 605 U i7o 0 2 o6 350 20 0 955 64 I C Bradley Add 1645 Remton St - Ft Collins fort Collins,Colorado Beg at pt 300S of W cor Kroepel, 14 T & FEE 213 0 3 56 758 59 213 0 2 06 438 78 0 0 1 197 37 of Lot 14-A rt Collins, 3702 S College Avenu® Maynard Sub th S 75°, Fort Colline.Colorado D 143 51,N 40 59°, W 151 N 34 411 to pt 30t S of Iv line of Lot 14, bh W i42t to pt of beginnings and (continued next page) COPSOLIDATED STREET IMPROUEMOPYT DISTRICT NO 58 ASSES aRr ROLL 196L ?a �`m �Olr� Ord �? � A AS A + ��� =""n-R FRONTAL RP TE PER ASSESS NM24T Win; PER FLOT $SgELSS SE_RUCE SERVICE fiS3ESbAGb11 FEET FOOT rFET Poi' of Lots 1 & 141, Kroepel, M T & ESE (Cont°d from Page 3� $ $ $ Ft Collins Maynard Subd dose as: Bog at pt 1050 S of NW cor of Lot 14.9 S 12509 E 175D S 20r E 381 N 2021 co pt 30v S & 213t E of PINT cor of Lot 14 1171t 3344101V Elet, S4059% W1435Oo to beg PT, of Lots 1 & 14.9 Kraxborger, M J & L E 137 0 3 56 467 92 487 92 Ft C0133.ns, Maynard Stab 100 Kenroy Court dose as: Bog at a pt 2131 Tort Collins,Colorado E and 30v S of W cor of Lot I419S202% E137% N 202e W 137c to beg A1137 "C" BLOCK 348 Loc 9, Block 148, Lohn J,N & E J 190 0 1 70 323 68 d d � - 323 68 IOv Collins 323 �'lut* Street Foot Collins.,Colorado Lot 22, Block 148, McDowell, JmA. & B J 19090 1 70 323 68 m Ft Collins 320 Locust Street 323 68 Fort CollinsyColorado Lot 1 Bloch 1489 Mackey, J W 50 0 1 70 85 18 m _ _ 85 18 rt Collins 829 Peterson Street Fort Collins,Colorado Lot 2, Block 14830 Severn, E M 50 0 1 70 65 18 85 18 tot Collins 825 Peterson $treat Fort Collins,Colorado lot 39 Block 148, Biederman, FoR & E V 50 0 1 70 85 18 o m - - m 85 18 Ft Collins 821 Peterson Street Fort Collins,,Colorado Lot h, Block 148, Foster, BE & L C 50 0 1 70 85 18 m m d m e 85 18 Ft Collins 817 Peterson Street Fort Collina,Colorado CONSOLIDATED STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT No, 58 ASSESSMENT ROLL 1964 Pa e 5 IPTION R 'ASSESSMENT AMOUNT OF CURB & GUTTERMESS, AMOUNT OF WATER TOTAL �w..... FRONTAGE RATE PER ASSESS, FRONT RATE PER.MOT ASSESS, SERVICE SERVICE ASSESSF4EK, ` FEET FOOT FEET Lot 5, Block 148, `' Kidd, . T.W. & S.W, 50.0 $ 1.70 $ 85,18 - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $5. 1.% Ft. Collins 815 Peterson Street Fort Collins, Colorado Lot 6, Block 148 Horlacher, W. R. & L. R. 50.0 1.70 85.18 - - - 85. .:: Ft. Collins 811 Peterson Fort Collins, Colorado Lot 7, Block 148, Busch,° R.H. &.J*Le 50.0 1.70 85.18 - - - - 85.1c Ft. Collins 805 Peterson Street ( Fort Collins, Colorado Wj of Lot 8, Block 148, Morthole, G.K. & J.L. 50.0 1.70 85.18 Ft. Collins 1200 Newsom Fort Collins Colorado 400 BLACK SYCAMK)RE STREET .Lots 1 to 52 S of RR. Jones, M.A. & L.V. 142.0 4.62 656.02 142.0 2,06 292.52 112.78 103,83 13165 -L'c and por. of vac st. 415 Sycamore Street adj. on S. Block 55, Fort Collins., Colorado Ft. Collins W 120' of Lot 11, Wasinger, Carl & Catherine 120.0 4.62 554.39 120.0 2.06 247.20 - - 801 - Block 54, & por vac 434 N. Sherwood at adj on N Fort Collins, Colorado Ft. Collins E 701of Lots 11 & 12, Jones, M.A. & L,V, 70.0 4.62 323.39 70.0 2.o6 144.20 - - 467.5 & por of vac at adj 415 Sycamore Street Lot 11 on N, B1k.54, Fort Collins, Colorado Ft. Collins ALLEY - COU MBINE CT, TO MAKE STREET Beg at a pt 237.25'W Young,E.M, & V.M. 67,17' 1,52 102.04 - - - - - 102.E7; of NE cor Lot 13,Tenn. % Boner, E. &`F, Hghts, Ft. Collins, 1217 Maple Street th W 55',S 67.17' to Fort.Coll.ins, Colorado S line of Lot 13,E 55% N 67.17' to beg, CONSOLTDATED STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT flo. 58 A.SSESSMEl ROT-L 1964 Page 6 � •'"'� "' ASS" s ""PA-VE�i NT ASSESSkENT AMOUITr OF CURB & GUTTE-"" TE SMIF TOTAL FRONT RATE PER ASSESS FROKIT RUE PER FOOT ASSESS. SERVICE SERVICE !3SSESSME.- FEET FOOT T s .s Por of lots 21 & 22.1 Farmer, G.S. 25.0 I$ 1,52 $ 37.98 -- $ - $ - $ - $ $ 37.'- Columbine Ct.2nd Sub., 1217 Maple Street Ft. Collins,desc.as: Fort Collins,Colorado Beg at a pt 20' W of HE cor of Lot 22, th w 551,S 25',E 551,N 25' to'beg' w 47.68' of Lot 22, Morgan, D.E. & J.E. 140.0 1.52 212.75 - - 4 - _ 212 ..7'=; exc N 281& E 7.32' of 1220 Columbine Court Lot 21, exe. N 2819 Fort Collins, Colorado -'y Columbine Ct. 2nd Sub. Ft. Collins Com at a pt 165.25' W Bale, A.E. & P.L. 139.3 1.52 211.63 - - - _ 21]_ of WE cor of Lot 13, 1213 Maple Street Tenn. lights. Ft. Fort Collins,Colorado Collins,th lid 52',S 139..31,E 52', N 139.3' to pt of beg. Lot 23, Columbine Yartin, J. & P. 94.6 1.52 143.72 143.72 (Court 2nd Subd. 1216 Columbine Court Ft. Collins Fort Collins,Colorado ALLEY - BLOCK 128 N 601 of Lot 3, Copag Investment Co. 60.0 1.50 90.23 - - - - - 90.-%'' Block 128,Ft. Collins P.O. Box 55 Fort Colli.ns,Colorado N 15' of Lot 4S S 401 Batson, J.,P: & M.J. 55.0 1.50 82.70 = m - - 82•�'':` of Lot 13,Block 128, .804 South College Ft. Collins Fort Colline,Colorado N 55, of S 85' of Lot h, Swift, L.F. 55.o 1.50 82.70 Block 128,Ft. Collins Route 1, Fort Collins,Colo. S 30' of Lot h,N 201 Royal Bun Cafe 50.0 . 1.50 75.18 - - + - 75.•,, of Lot 5,Block 128, % A.A. Schauer Ft. Collins 616 S. College Avenue Fort Collins, Colorado Page 7 tUIMRIS MM & A TOTAL FRONT RATE PER ASSESS, FRONT RATE PER FOOT ASSESS, SERVICE SERVICE ASSESSMENT FEET FOOT FEET S 801 of Lot 5, " Smith, c.E, 80.0 $ 1.50 $ 120.30 - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 120.30 Block 128,Ft.Collins 1119 13th Street Boulder, Colorado Lot 6, Block 128, Humble Oil & Refining Co. 100.0 1.50 150.37 Ft. Collins Carter Division Box 801 Tulsa 2, Okla. N 50'. of Lot 2, McPhail, E.L.; 5o.o 1.50 75.18 - - - - - 75 J Block 128,Ft.Collins Hagen, B.P. & E.L. Ill E. Plum Street Fort Collins,Colorado Sa of NJ of Lot 2, Stamper, M.H. 50.0 1.50 75.18 - - - - - 75.i6 Block 128,Ft.Collins 805 Remington Street Fort Collins,Colorado N 501 of S 1001 of Aldrich, A,D. & E,V, 50.o 1.50 75.18 Lot 2,Block 1282 809 Remington Street Ft. Collins Fort Collins,Colorado i S 501 of Lot 2, Sapp, G,W, & M,M. 5o.o 1.50 75.18 - - - - - 75.1.8 Block 128, Ft.Collins 813 Remington Street Fort Collins, Colorado N 35, of Lot 1, Hodgson, C,W, 35.0 1.50 52.63 - - - - - 52u+' ' C_ Block 128,Ft. Collins 1422 W. Oak Street Fort Collins,Colorado S 651 Of N 1001Of Lot 1, Smith, C,E, 65.0 1.50 97.74 - - - - - 97 7". Block 128,Ft.Collins 1119 13th Street Boulder, Colorado W 401 of the N 501 of Earl, W,A. & L.J, 50.0 1.5o 75.18 - - - - - 75 S 1001 of Lot 1,_ % Trust Department Block 128,Ft.Co111ns Poudre Valley Natl. Bank Fort Collins,Colorado S 501 of Lot 10 Thompson, A,D, & F, 50.0 1.50 75.18 - - - - - 75.18 Block 128,Ft.Collins Route 1 Box 266 Fort Coilins,Colorado Page 6 3 pal MI 0 R & ADD S AVEMENT ASSESSMENT AMOUNT OF CURB & UUTTER ASSESS. AVIOMIN OF 9MR TAT FRONT RATE PER ASSESS, FRONT RATE PER FOOT ASSESS, SERVICE SERVICE ASSESS. ", FEET FOOT FEET 600 - 1000 BIOCKS hST PROSPECT SW4 of SMZ3 of SWQ of Coffin, A.L. & R.E. 359.0 $ 4.89 $1,754.98 - $ $ - $ - $ - $ 1,754 s' Sec 14-7-69, less W P.O. Box 172 3051, less 1.4 Acres Grand Canyon, Arizona of Road & less N of Lake Street, Ft.Collins, Less Bk.11070P.607 Lot 1, Seaman Subd. Ackerman, L.A. & L,F, 111.97 4.89 547.37 111.97 2.06 230.66 7?8,0 Ft.Collins 1015 W. Prospect St. o Fort Collins,Colorado Lots 2 & 3,Seaman Sub. Denney, R.N. & W.J, 108.0 4.89 527.96 - - - - - 527 9 Ft. Collins 1005 West Prospect Street Fort Collins, Colorado Lots 4 & 5,Seaman.Sub. Hoffman, C.W. & PA. 108.0 4.89 527,96 108.0 2.06 222.48 - - 750e'?. i Ft. Collins 1001 West Prospect Street Fort Collins,Colorado Lot 6, Seaman Subd. Jorgensen,C.J.C, & M>L. 108.0 4.89 527.96 108.0 2,06 222.48 - - 750.4 Ft. Collins 929 West Prospect Street Fort Collins,Colorado Lots 14,15 & W 53903' Plymouth Cong. Church 253,03 4.89 11*236.95 - - - - - 3.2236;9! of Lot 16,B1k.2,College 916 West Prospect Street Heights Sub.Ft.Collins Fort Collins,Colorado E 46;97'of Lot 16,1ess Yockey, J,W, & E.P. 126.o 4.89 615.95 - - - - - 615.,<;; N 6019 W 79.031 Lot 17, 820 West Prospect Street less N 60,,B1k.2, Fort Collins,Colorado Cibllege Heights., Ft. Collins E 20.971of Lot 17, Culbertson, Don 60,97 . 4.89 298.05 - _ _ _ _ 298zOC' Less N 601 .AlI Lot 18, 900 W. Prospect Street less N 60',less S 1401 Fort Collins,Colorado of E 60, of Lot 18, B1k.2,College Heights., Ft. Collins CONSOLIDATED STREET II1PROVEME'v'T DISTRICT NO 58 ASSESSMNT ROLL 1964 Page 9 LAND C T 0 R19 NAME & ADDRESS PAVEMENT ASSESMENT AMOUNT SSESS OF CURB & CUTTER A AMOUNT OF WATLR SEWER TOTAL MONT RATE PER ASSESS FROIkr R.9WE PER F00^1 ASSESS SERVICE SFRVICE ASSESSIOLN1 FEET FOOT FEET E 60, of S 110, of Osbrom, E R & J L 60 0 $ 4 89 $ 293 31 60 0 $ 2 06 $ 123 60 $ - $ _ $ 416 91 Lot 18 and N 30t of 832 West Prospect Street E 60, of S 140t of Fort Collins, Colo Lot 18, College Hghts Block 2 Lots 19 & 20 less Fisher, M F & J A 181 8 4� 89 888 73 - - - - 888 73 50'xl80' in bE cor 828 W Prospect Street ` of Lot 20, Block 2 Fort Collins, Colo College Heights Beg at SE cor of Lot Fisher, B B & L 50 0 4 89 244 43 - - - - 244 43 20, Block 2, College 814 W Prospect Street Heights, Ft Collins, Fort Collins, Colo th W 5010 N 1801,E 50l, S to pt of beg Be� 1191' Trl of Sec cor Herzman, C W & M K 69 0 4 89 337 31 - - - • 337 31 SGI- of Sec 14-7-69, th 808 W Prospect Street W �9', N 289 35', E 69', Fort Collins, Colo S 289 471 to beg a Lot 1, Arthur C Sheely Rieh1, H & J C 270 00 4 89 1,319 90 - - - - • 1,319 90 lst Subd Ft Collins 1601 Sheely Drive Fort Collins, Colo Lot 11, Arthur C. Sheely Olds, Ben 174 64 4 89 853 73 - - • 853 73 2nd Subdivision P 0 Box 72 Fort Collins Fort Collins, Colo LAND DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS PAVEMENT ASSESSMENT AMOUNT OF CURB & GUTTER ASSESS, AMOUNT OF WATER SEWER TOTAL FRONT RATE PER ASSESS. FRONT RATE PER FOOT ASSESS, SERVICE SERVICE ASSESS FEET FOOT FEET Com 1047.5' W of SE cor Specht, Victor H. & D.I. 143.5 $ 4.89 $ 701.51 143.5 $ 2.06 $ 295.61 $ - $ - $ 997,1e of SW 14-7-69,N 289.131, 816 W. Myrtle Street W 212.5',S 289.73',E 212.5' Fort Collins,Colorado to beg less w 69' Ft.Collins Beg at pt 893.6' W of SE Quinlan A.W. & C.G. 153.9 4.89 752.35 153.9 2.06 317.03 - 93.58 1 162.j1. cor of SW 14-7-69,th N 730 West Prospect Street ' 278.5',W 153.911S 278.5', Fort Collins,Colorado E 153.9',to beg.Ft.Collins Beg at pt 818.61W of SE Springer, WM.C. & M.W: 75.0 4.89 366.64 - - - m - 366 dt, cor of SW 14-7-692N 550.5' 720 West Prospect Street �... MA to S line of Lake Nt. Fort Collins,Colorado th W 751along S line of Lake St.S to S line of See. E 751to beg less Pt.in College Hghts. less Bk.1159,P.128,Ft.Collins Com 582.21W of SE cor of Jebens, W.J. & E. 77.4' 4.89 378.37 - - - - - 378,37 SW 14-7-69,th N 550.51,W 714 W. Prospect Street 236401,th S 550.5' E Fort Collins,Colorado 236:401, exc. E 68.9' of Lot 1,B1k.2,College Hghts,,E 68.6' of Lot 19 Blk.2, less amt sold in Bk.1069-309, less amt sold on! Contract & desc.in Bk.1127,P.203,College Hgths.Ft. Collins Com at pt 661,21W of SE Carrol, H.J. & M.H. 80.3 4.89 392.55 - - _ _ 392.515 cor of Sd SW4 Sec.14-7-69, 640 W. Prospect Street N par.to E line of Sd j Fort Coliins,Colorado Sec.1180' W par,with S line of Sd Sec., 80' S par.with E line of Sd 4 Seo.,180' E along S line of Sd Sec.,80' to pt of beg.Ft.Collins Com at t 582.2' W of NE cor Miller, E. A. 78.7 4.89 384.73 - - - - - 384�7 of SW 1 -7-69,th N 301. to 151 S. College Avenue true pt of beg. N 155.51, Fort Collins,Colorado W 144.5',N 2712W 14.51,3 182.5', E 159' M/L to beg, less Bk.1218 P 579,Less- Bk;1228 P 342, Ft. Collins CONSOINATED STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO 58 ASSESSMENT ROLL 1964 page 11 DESCR1 N— 0 & MESS PAVMENT ASSESSMENT AMOUNT OF CUM & GUTTER ASSESS AMOUNT OF WATER SEWER TOTAL FRONT RATE PER ASSESS FRONT RATE PER FOOT ASSESS SERVICE SERVICE ASSESSMENT FEET FOOT FEET Com 424 51 W of Sh cor Willard, B J & R H 157 7 $ 4 89 $ 770 92 - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 770 9 of SW-4 of Sec 14-7-69, 634 W Prospect Street N 552 6', W 157 71.4 th Route 1, Box 266 S 552 61,E 157 71 to beg Fort Collins, Colorado less Bk 1054-57751ess E 741 of S 276 3i9 Ft Collins, and also com 424 51 W of SE cor of SW4 of Sec 14-7-690 th W 74% N 267 31, E 741, S 276 31 to beg Ft Collins TOTALS $ 26,h9V V $ 3,986 86 $ 112 78 $197 41 $ 310 274.3 City of Fort Collins Additional cost water & sewer services =$ 291 22 Additional cost on Prospect = 3;464 76 i cost intersections d 1,304 01 Arterial design on Prospect = 5,717 00 $ -"O U A, TOTAL COST OF DISTRICT $ 42,051 31 ASSESSMENT ROLL AS REVISED AT CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING JUNE 31, 1965 Section 2 All assessments herein provided for shall be due and payable within thirty (30) days after the final publication of this ordinance without demand provided that all such assessments may, at the election of the owners of the property assessed be paid in ten (10) equal installments the first install- ment being due on the first day of September, 1965 and on the first day of September of each year thereafter until the full amount thereof has been paid together with interest on the unpaid principal at the rate of six per cent (6%) per annum said interest to be payable at the time of each principal payment Failure to pay the whole of such assessment within thirty (30) days as aforesaid shall be conclusively considered and held an election on the part of the persons interested whether under disability or otherwise to pay in such installments Section 3 In case of election of any person to pay in installments as aforesaid, the failure to pay any installment when due whether on principal or interest shall cause the whole of the unpaid principal to become due and payable immediately and the whole amount of unpaid principal and accrued interest shall thereafter draw interest at the rate of one per cent (17) per month until the date of sale as hereinafter provided, provided however that at any time prior to the date of sale the owner of the property assessed may pay the amount of all unpaid and due installments together with all interest that has accrued as aforesaid and all penalties accrued, and upon such payment shall be restored to the right to pay the installments in the same manner as if default had not occurred The owners of any property not in default as to any installments or payments may at any time pay the entire unpaid balance of principal together with interest accrued thereon to the first day of the month following such payment Section 4 Payments may be made to the Director of Finance at any time within 30 days after the final publication of this ordinance and in such event an allowance of five per cent (57) as a discount shall be made on all payments made during such period only Section 5 In case of the default in the payment of any installment of principal or interest when due all property concerning which such default is suffered shall be advertised by the County Treasurer and sold for the payment of the entire unpaid assessment thereon at the same time or times and in the same 2 manner, under all the same conditions and penalties and with the same effect as provided by law for the sale of real estate in default of the payment of general taxes all as provided by Section 15-76 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Fort Collins Colorado, 1958, as amended Section 6 The Director of Finance shall prepare the foregoing assess- ment roll in proper form as provided in Section 15-72 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, 1958, as amended, and shall keep a record of all payments made during the 30-day period after the final publication of this ordinance, and upon the expiration of said 30-day period he shall deliver said assessment roll to the County Treasurer of Larimer County with his warrant for collection of the same, all as provided in Section 15-75 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Fort Collins Colorado 1958, as amended Section 7 All collections made by the County Treasurer on said assessment roll in any calendar month shall be accounted for and paid over to the Director of Finance on the first day of each and every month with separate statements for all such collections for each month in the same manner as general taxes are paid by the County Treasurer to the City Section 8 The owner of any divided or undivided interest may pay his share of any assessment upon producing evidence of the extent of his interest satisfactory to the officers having the roll in their charge Introduced considered favorably on first reading and ordered published this 3rd day of June, A D 1965, and to be presented for final passage on the 24th day of June A D 1965 or ATTEST J�/� �1�40i City Clerk Passed and adopted on final reading this 24th day of June A D 1965 ayor ATTEST bG� City Clerk 3 -