HomeMy WebLinkAbout032 - 07/08/1971 - ANNEXING THE WORTHINGTON FARM FIRST ANNEXATION 01 DI \ ��Cl ,\O 32 IC71 Bl l\C A` 011D1 �4 Cl AV\I XI NC (I 1 l ATN 1 FP1 1101 1 10 111 ( 1 11 01 1 01 1 C01 1 l\S COMM I III I1AS hcietofoio a iijttcn petition tomher iith four p) iits of in annexation Mal) Ill; filed i i h the Cit) Clot of the City of host Collins icquestin. the annexation of ceitnin teiiitoil norc particuliil) desciibod beloi to the City & loit Collins Coloi iao aid WIP I 1 AS the City Council ias found and deteiminod and does heicb) find aid deteinine that said petition is in substantiil compliance with the piovisions or Color do Pexi,ed Statutes 103 s 137 21 6 as an^ndcd and 1111F1 LAS the of nei s of one hundred poi cent of the pi opei ty to be annexed hnN e petitioned foi said annexation and 1AHLRIAS not less than ole sixth of tie peiimctei of the area to be annexed is con tiguous with the City of Foit Collins and a co mnit) or interest exists betieen the teiiitoil to be annexed and the Cit) of Foit Collins and the teri_itoi) to be annexed is urban of sill be uibanizec in the ncai futuic and such teiiito,y is integrated of is capable of bean. iptegia ed iith the City of lort Collins and WHLRIAS none of the piovisions of Colorado Revised Statu`cs 1063 § 139 21 4 at amended aie violated by the annexation of this territory to the City of loit Collins and 111111FAS no election is ieouiied under the provision of Coloi,do Revised Statutes 1963 § 339 23 6 (2) and no additional terms and conditions aie to be imposed in connec`ion with this annexation and WHLRLAS the teiirtoiy is eligible foi annexatioi and the City Council deniies to iiicx the same to the Cit) of lort Collins NOW THLREI O F BL 1T 01 D INK BY THE COU NCI L OF 1 HL CI T Y OF FOP f COLL111S Section 1 fhat all of the territory mole particularly desciibed as situate in the Count) of 1 arimei State of Colorado to i it A tract of land consisting of the NW 1/4 and the N 1/2 of the SW 1/4 all in Section 26 Township 7 North Range 69 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian Larimer County Colorado being more particularly desciibed as follows Considering the North line of the NW 1/4 of said Section 26 as bearing N 89 59 18 E and with all bearings contained herein rela- tive thereto Beginning at the NW corner of said Section 26 thence N 89 59 18 E and along the North line of the NW 1/4 of said Section 26 and the center line of Drake Road a distance of 2654 69 feet to the N 1/4 Corner of said Section 26 thence S 00 15 47 E and along the North- South center section line of said Section 26 a distance of 3968 51 feet to the SE Corner of the N 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of said Section 26 thence S 89 46 20 W along the South line of the N 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of said Section 26 a distance of 2641 93 feet to the SW Corner of the N 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of said Section 26 thence N 00 27 26 W and along the West line of the SW 1/4 of said Section 26 a distance of 1326 70 feet to the W 1/4 Corner of said Section 26 thence N 00 26 28 W and along the West line of the NW 1/4 of said Section 26 a distance of 2651 85 feet to the Point of Beginning r ,...-�-..�.—T,....�.�---.�-�-T�-.2-r.--�..�-.._-•.T-,--T-.�-,--�,.-.-�a ,.r _ _ ,,._-�---�r---..-.---_-^- -�•-t��----c------ - �- be and a.t hea is annexed to the Cit) of l on t Co I ins z ad bade a pia.t of sua d City t o be Inoin is the Worthington Farm First Anncxataon to the Cwt) of lost Collins Secu on 2 Thit in annexing s2a d tew i itow 1 to the City of loll Collins the City o' l oit Collins do-s not as'u ie an} obligit io is rc specQ nL the constaucta on or i ,ter rains sot er lines pas mains OHMIC sell w eO lines Stweci ' oa any Knea sere icc s of ut ilil le in co mection i a.t h the terra t oa f hew uby annexed c xccpt 1S ma> be pw ova dud b) the o din ante' of the City of lost Collins lntaoduced considered favoi2bl) on first ieidinp and ordeacd published this 17th A) or June 1971 and to be pacsented foi final pisszge on the 8th da) of July 1971 S�J rI> AT"I L S I City Clel k Passed and adopted on final loading this 8th da) of July A D 1971 M AFTLST 7 City Clew k 2 -... -v,F.---^- '.•--,-- .._ -�c.-`---..-.--r � .M __r a..Ta--x---.>-�'--'.-...-..-.--r-east-.7--r- ,-_,..-.-"^,-.--".