Section 1 That Section 112-118 A (3) of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended to read as follows
(3) Monthly Rate
(a) Fixed charge, per account two dollars and
three cents ($2 03)
(b) Demand charge, per kilowatt-hour
[11 First one thousand ( 1 ,000) kilowatt-
hours $0 0462
[21 All additional kilowatt-hours $0 0297
(c) Energy charge, per kilowatt-hour $0 0151
(d) In lieu of taxes and franchise
[11 Percent of charges billed five and
zero-tenths percent (5 0%)
Section 2 That Section 112-118 A (4) of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended by deleting therefrom the words and
figure one dollar and seventy-nine cents ($1 79) and inserting therein the
words and figure one dollar and eighty-six cents ($1 86)
Section 3 That Section 112-118 B (3) of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended to read as follows
(3) Monthly Rate
(a) Fixed charge, per account three dollars and
twenty cents ($3 20)
(b) Demand charge, per kilowatt three dollars
and seventy-two cents ($3 72)
(c) Energy charge, per kilowatt-hour $0 0151
(d) In lieu of taxes and franchise
[11 Percent of charges billed five and
zero-tenths percent (5 Ob)
Section 4 That Section 112-118 a (4) of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended by deleting therefrom the words and
figure one dollar and seventy-nine cents ($1 79) and inserting therein the
words and figure one dollar and eighty-six cents ($1 86)
Section 5 That Section 112-118 C (3) of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended to read as follows
(3) Monthly Rate
(a) Fixed charge, per account six dollars and
eighty-four cents ($6 84)
(b) Demand charge, per kilowatt
[11 On-peak kilowatts three dollars and
seventy-two cents ($3 72)
[21 Off-peak kilowatts in excess of on-peak
kilowatts one dollar and eighty-six
cents ($1 86)
(c) Energy charge, per kilowatt-hour $0 0151
(d) In lieu of taxes and franchise
[11 Percent of charges billed five and
zero-tenths percent (5 0%)
Section 6 That Section 112-118 C (4) of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended by deleting therefrom the words and
figure one dollar and seventy-nine cents ($1 79) and inserting therein the
words and figure one dollar and eighty-six cents ($1 86)
Section 7 That Section 112-118 D (3) of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended to read as follows
(3) Monthly Rate
(a) Fixed charge, per account
[11 Single-phase, two-hundred ampere ser-
vice two dollars and ninety cents
($2 90)
[21 Single-phase, demand service four
dollars and eight cents ( $ 4 08 )
[3] Single-phase, above two-hundred-ampere
service six dollars and thirty-five
cents ($ 6 35)
[4] Three-phase, two-hundred-ampere service
four dollars and sixty-eight cents ($
4 68)
[5] Three-phase, above two-hundred-ampere
service ten dollars and ninety-nine
cents ($10 99)
(b) Demand charge, per kilowatt-hour
[1] First two hundred (200) kilowatt-hours
$0 0936
[2] Next one thousand eight hundred (1 ,800)
kilowatt-hours $0 0488
[3] All additional kilowatt-hours $0 0382
(c) Demand charge, per kilowatt
[1] All kilowatts billed in excess of twelve
( 12 ) kilowatts two dollars and
seventy-nine cents ($2 79)
(d) Energy charge, per kilowatt-hour $0 0151
(e) In lieu of taxes and franchise
[1] Percent of charges billed five and
zero-tenths percent (5 0%)
Section 8 That Section 112-118 D (4) of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended by deleting therefrom the words and
figure four dollars and forty-five cents ($4 45) and inserting therein the
words and figure four dollars and sixty-three cents ($4 63)
Section 9 That Section 112-118 E (3) of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended to read as follows
(3) Monthly Rate
(a) Fixed charge, per account
[1] Single-phase, demand service seven
dollars and seventy-four cents ($7 74)
[21 Single-phase, above two-hundred-ampere
service ten dollars and eighty-eight
cents ($10 88)
[31 Three-phase, two-hundred-ampere service
nine dollars and ninety-seven cents
($9 97)
[41 Three-phase, above two-hundred-ampere
service seventeen dollars and ten
cents ($17 10)
(b) Demand charge, per kilowatt
[11 On-peak kilowatts two dollars and
seventy-nine cents ($2 79)
[21 Off-peak kilowatts in excess of on-peak
kilowatts zero dollars ( $0 00 )
(c) Demand charge, per kilowatt-hour $0 0382
( d) Energy charge, per kilowatt-hour $0 0151
(e) In lieu of taxes and franchise
[11 Percent of charges billed five and
zero-tenths percent (5 0%)
Section 10 That Section 112-118 E (4) of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended by deleting the words and figure four
dollars and forty-five cents ($4 45) therefrom and inserting therein the
words and figure four dollars and sixty-three cents ($4 63)
Section 11 That Section 112-118 F (3) of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended to read as follows
(3) Monthly Rate
(a) Fixed charge, per account seventeen dollars
and sixty-seven cents ($17 67)
(b) Demand charge, per kilowatt but not less than
fifty (50) kilowatts twelve dollars and six
cents ($12 06)
(c) Energy charge, per kilowatt-hour SO 0151
(d) In lieu of taxes and franchise
[1] Percent of charges billed five and
zero-tenths percent (5 0%)
Section 12 That Section 112-118 F (4) of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended by deleting therefrom the words and
figure five dollars and eighty cents ($5 80) and inserting therein the
words and figure six dollars and three cents ($6 03)
Section 13 That Section 112-118 G (3) of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended to read as follows
(3) Monthly Rate
(a) Fixed charge, per account twenty-three
dollars and seventy-seven cents ($23 77)
(b) Demand charge, per kilowatt
[1] On-peak kilowatts, but not less than
fifty (50) kilowatts twelve dollars
and six cents ($12 06)
[2] Off-peak kilowatts, in excess of on-peak
kilowatts six dollars and three cents
($6 03)
(c) Energy charge, per kilowatt-hour $0 0151
(d) In lieu of taxes and franchise
[1] Percent of charges billed five and
zero-tenths percent (5 Oa)
Section 14 That Section 112-118 G (4) of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended by deleting therefrom the words and
figure five dollars and eighty cents ($5 80) and inserting therein the
words and figure six dollars and three cents ($6 03)
Section 15 That Section 112-118 H (2) of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended to read as follows
(2) Applicability This schedule applies to customers
served at the primary voltage of the City' s
electric system [thirteen thousand two hundred/
seven thousand six hundred twenty (13,200/7 ,620)
volts nominal] for three-phase industrial power
and combined lighting and power At the Utility' s
option service to new customers with a connected
load of ten thousand (10,000) kilowatts or more
may be served under a contract rate
Section 16 That Section 112-118 H (3) of the Code of the City of
Fort Collins be, and it hereby is, amended to read as follows
(3) Monthly Rate
(a) Fixed charge, per account forty-six dollars
and eighty cents ($46 80)
[1] Additional charge for magnetic tape,
single metering point one hundred nine
dollars and seventy-two cents ($109 72)
[2] Additional charge for each additional
metering point twenty-five dollars and
eight cents ($25 08)
(b) Demand charge, per kilowatt but not less than
five hundred (500) kilowatts eleven dollars
and twenty-six cents ($11 26)
(c) Energy charge, per kilowatt-hour $0 0151
(d) In lieu of taxes and franchise
[1] Percent of charges billed five and
zero-tenths percent (5 0%)
Section 17 That Section 112-118 H (4) of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended by deleting therefrom the words and
figure five dollars and forty-two cents ($5 42) and inserting therein the
words and figure five dollars and sixty-four cents ($5 64)
Section 18 That Section 112-118 I (2) of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended to read as follows
(2) Applicability This schedule applies to customers
served at the primary voltage of the City' s
electric system [thirteen thousand two hundred/
seven thousand six hundred twenty (13,200/7 ,620)
volts nominal] for three-phase industrial power
and combined lighting and power At the Utility' s
option service to new customers with a connected
load of 10,000 kilowatts or more may be served
under a contract rate
Section 19 That Section 112-118 I (3) of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended to read as follows
(3) Monthly Rate
(a) Fixed charge, per account forty nine
dollars and seventy-four cents ($49 74)
[11 Additional charge for magnetic tape,
single metering point one hundred nine
dollars and seventy-two cents ($109 72)
[21 Additional charge for each additional
metering point twenty five dollars and
eight cents ($25 08)
(b) Demand charge, per kilowatt
[11 On-peak kilowatts, but not less than
five hundred (500) kilowatts eleven
dollars and twenty-six cents ($11 26)
[21 Off-peak kilowatts in excess of on-peak
kilowatts five dollars and sixty-four
cents ($5 64)
(c) Energy charge, per kilowatt-hour $0 0151
(d) In lieu of taxes and franchise
[11 Percent of charges billed five and
zero-tenths percent (5 0%)
Section 20 That Section 112-118 I (4) of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended by deleting therefrom the words and
figure five dollars and forty-two cents ($5 42) and inserting therein the
words and figure five dollars and sixty-four cents ($5 64)
Section 21 That Section 112-118 J (2) of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended to read as follows
(2) Monthly Rate
(a) Fixed charge , per account one dollar and
thirty-four cents ($1 34)
(b) Charge, per lamp, mercury vapor
[11 One-hundred-seventy-five watt eleven
dollars and ninety-seven cents ($11 97)
[21 Two-hundred-fifty-watt sixteen dollars
and forty-six cents ($16 46)
[31 Four-hundred-watt twenty five dollars
and sixty cents ($25 60)
[41 One-thousand-watt sixty one dollars
and nineteen cents ($61 19)
(c) Charge per lamp, high pressure sodium
[11 One-hundred-watt six dollars and
eighty-two cents ($6 82)
[21 One-hundred-fifty-watt ten dollars and
eighty-one cents ($10 81)
[31 Two-hundred-fifty-watt seventeen
dollars and thirteen cents ($17 13)
[41 Four-hundred-watt twenty six dollars
and seventy- seven cents ( $26 77 )
Section 22 That Section 112-118 K (3) of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended to read as follows
(3) Monthly Rate
(a) Fixed charge, per account forty eight
dollars and eighty-nine cents ($48 89)
(b) Charge per light, mercury vapor
[11 One-hundred-seventy-five-watt eight
dollars and forty-one cents ($8 41)
[21 Two-hundred-fifty-watt eleven dollars
and fifty-six cents ($11 56)
131 Four-hundred-watt seventeen dollars
and ninety-nine cents ($17 99)
[41 One-thousand-watt forty two dollars
and ninety-nine cents ($42 99)
(c) Charge per light, high pressure sodium
[11 One-hundred-watt four dollars and
seventy-nine cents ($4 79)
[21 One-hundred-fifty-watt seven dollars
and fifty-nine cents ($7 59)
[31 Two-hundred-fifty-watt twelve dollars
and three cents ($12 03)
[41 Four-hundred-watt eighteen dollars and
eighty-one cents ($18 81)
(d) Charge per light, metal halide
[1] One-thousand-4att forty two dollars
and six cents ($42 06)
Section 23 That Section 112-118 L (3) of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended to read as follows
(3) i4onthly Rate
(a) Fixed charge, per account forty-four
dollars and sixty-four cents ($44 64)
(b) Charge, per kilowatt-hour $0 03967
(c) Equipment rental charges, when applicable,
will be determined by cost analysis by the
Utility Service extensions and signal
installations made by the Utility shall be
paid for by the City General Fund, subject to
material and installation costs at the time
of installation
Section 24 That the amendments recited herein shall become effective
on all billings rendered on or after February 11 , 1983, relating to ser-
vices provided during the month of January, 1983, and thereafter
Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered pub-
lished this 5th day of October, A D 1982 , and to be presented for final
passage on the 19th day of October, A D 1982
_Mayo r
LZ 'ity Cler
Passed and adopted on final reading this 19th day of October, A D
City Clerk