Section 1 Adoption Pursuant to the power and authority
conferred on the City Council of the City of Fort Collins ,
Colorado, by Part 2 of Article 16 of Title 31, C R S 1973,
as amended, and Article I , Section 7, of the Charter of the
City of Fort Collins there is hereby adopted as the Building
Code of the City of Fort Collins by reference thereto the
Uniform Building Code, 1976 Edition, Volume I , together with
the Uniform Building Standards, 1976 Edition, published by
the International Conference of Building Officials, 5360
South Workman Mill Road, Whittier, California, 90601, all to
have the same force and effect as if set forth herein in
every particular. The subject matter of the adopted codes
includes comprehensive provisions and standards regulating
the erection, construction, enlargement, alteration, repair,
moving, removal, conversion, demolition, occupancy, equipment,
use, height, area and maintenance of buildings and structures
for the purpose of protecting the public health, safety and
general welfare
Section 2 Amendments and Deletions The Uniform
Building Code, 1976 Edition, Volume I , hereby adopted is
hereby amended and changed in the following respects
A Section 204 thereof is hereby deleted and the
following substituted therefor
"Sec. 204. (a) In order =o determine the suitability of
alternate materials ve . .ternate methods of construction
and to provide for rciz:c^able interpretations of the
provisions of this e , 1-, there shall be and is hereby
created a Building Lcsre of Appeals consisting of five
(5) members who are TT zl3fied by experience and training
to pass upon matters c^raining to building construction.
In addition to such I to (5) members, the Chief Building
Inspector and the Chi , M!E the Fire Prevention Bureau
shall be ex officio rembers of the Board without vote.
The Chief Building Inspector shall act as Secretary of
the board.
" (b) The five (5) members of the Building Board of
Appeals shall be appointed by the City Council and
shall serve for a term of four (4) years at the pleasure
of the Council. Members shall serve without pay. The
appointment of any member may be terminated for non-
attendance to duties and for cause. The members of the
Building Board of Appeals heretofore in existence are
hereby appointed as members of the Building Board of
Appeals herein created Lo serve until their terms on
tie said former Building board of Appeals would have
" (c) Whenever the Chief Building Inspector or other
administrative offic &l of the city charged with the
enforcement of building regulations (but specifically
not to include the zon) rtg laws of the City of Fort
Collins) refuses to issue a building permit for the
reason that the proposed building or structure does not
comply with the building regulations of the city, the
person applying for the permit may file with the Building
ioArd of Appeals a request for relief from the decision
of the Chief Building Inspector, stating that the
refusal to issue the building permit to him was based
on an erroneous interpretation of the building regulations.
7hQ Building Board of Appeals shall hear and decide all
erpeals made to it and shall have the duty to authorize
and direct the Chief Building Inspector to issue a
permit only under the following circumstances:
" (1) When the Board determines that the interpre-
tation of the ouxlaing regulations of the city by
the Building jaspe. tor was in fact erroneous.
" (2) When the 13oard determines that the alternate
design, alternate tiiaterials and/or alternate
methods of corn-4kutition requested by the applicant
are, in fact, nquvialent to those prescribed by
= Y
the code considering quality, strength, effective-
ness, fire resistance, durability, safety and all
other pertinent factors.
" (d) The Building Board of Appeals shall require
that sufficient evidence or proof be submitted to
substantiate any cTaams that may be made regarding the
design, alternate materials or alternate methods.
Unless specifically extended by the Board, the authoriza-
tion for any variance shall be valid for not more than
six (6) months from the date granted.
" (e) Persons desiring to appeal a decision of the
Chief Building Inspector to the Building Board of
Appeals shall, at the time of making such appeal, pay
to the Director of Finance a docket fee in the amount
of ten dollars ($10. ) . Written notice of hearings
shall be given to all parties concerned at least three
(3) days prior to the hearing or by mailing the same to
such party's last known address by regular mail. The
Board shall from time to time adopt such additional
rules and regulations as it deems necessary and advisable
for the conduct of its hearings and for carrying out
the provisions hereof.
" (f) A quorum of three (3) regularly appointed
members shall be necessary for any meeting of the
Building Board of Appeals, and the affirmative vote of
at least three (3) regularly appointed members shall be
necessary to authorize any action of the Board. The
said Board may exercise any power or perform any duty
regardless of whether the number of qualified members
appointed to the Board shall at any time be less than
five (5) .
" (g) In addition to the power to determine the
suitability of alternate materials and methods of
construction and to provide interpretations of the
code, the Board of Appeals shall have the power upon
application of a property owner to authorize a variance
from the requirements of Section 104 of this code where
the Board determines that the strict application of
such requirements would result in peculiar and exceptional
practical difficulties or exceptional and undue hardship
upon the owner of the property, provided that the Board
further determines that the variance applied for is
reasonable in view of all of the circumstances considered
by the Board and the construction pursuant to the
variance would not materially increase any hazard to
life or property. In considering a request for such a
variance, the Board shall consider the feasibility of
following the strict requirements of the code; the use
made or proposed to be made of the property; if applicable,
the historic significance of the property; economic
factors relating to the cost of construction; and any
other factors which the Board determines are of signifi-
cance in connection with the application for a variance.
The overriding consideration in all cases shall be the
danger to life or property, and the Board shall not
approve a variance in cases where significant hazards
to life or property will continue or be created.
" (h) The Board of Appeals shall further have the
power upon application of a property owner to vary the
requirement of Sections 1602 and 1603 of the Uniform
Building Code so that properties located in Fire Zones
1 or 2 do not have to meet the additional requirements
of such zones but may meet only the requirements set
forth for properties located in Fire Zone 3. In granting
any variance hereunder, the Board of Appeals shall
consider any factor which affects life or property
safety, including the type and proximity of improvements
on adjoining properties, setbacks from the property
line for the improvements in question and the use to be
made of the improvements to be constructed. A variance
hereunder shall be allowed only if the Board determines
that the lesser requirements imposed by Fire Zone 3 are
adequate to safeguard life and property in view of all
factors considered. Variances shall not be allowed
where significant hazards to life or property will
result. "
B. Table No. 3-A entitled "Building Permit Fees"
contained in Section 303 (a) is amended by deleting therefrom
the first line of said table which reads as follows:
"$1. 00 to $500.00 $5.00"
and by substituting therefor the following:
"Less than $20.00 No fee or permit
$20.00 to $500.00 $5.00"
C. Section 407 is amended by deleting therefrom the
definition of family and by substituting therefor the following:
"FAMILY is an individual or two or more persons related
by blood or marriage or an unrelated group of not more
than three (3) persons living together in a dwelling
unit. "
(All of the definitions in Section 407 remain unchanged.)
D. Section 413 is amended by adding in the proper
alphabetical order an additional definition for lofts as
"LOFT is an intermediate floor placed in any story or
room within individual dwelling units of Group R occupancy
that is essentially open to the atmosphere of that
story or room, except that enclosed closets less than
three (3) feet in depth and enclosed toilet rooms less
than sixty (60) square feet in area may be permitted in
conjunction therewith. "
(All of the other definitions in Section 413 remain unchanged.)
E. Exception No. 4 to Section 503 (d) is amended to
read as follows:
"4. In the indicated one-hour occupancy separation
between Group R, Division 3 and M Occupancy, the separation
may be limited to the installation of materials having
a U.L. Class F-45 rating, and a tight-fitting solid
wood door one and three-eighths (1-3/8) inches in
thickness will be permitted in lieu of a rated fire
assembly. Fire dampers shall not be required in ducts
piercing this separation, provided they are constructed
of No. 26 gauge galvanized steel. "
F. Section 1302 is amended by adding an additional
subsection (c) thereto as follows:
" (c) Lofts. Lofts may be installed in any story
or room of individual dwelling units when they meet the
following requirements:
"l. Lofts shall not exceed 33-1/38 of the
total floor area of the story or room in which they are
installed, including separate spaces under the loft but
having a common atmosphere with the primary room.
"2. Minimum headroom below a loft shall be
V-0" measured to the lowest projection.
"3. Minimum headroom above the loft floor
shall conform to the requirements of Section 1307 (a)
and 1407 (a) .
"4. Ceilings over kitchens, storage or
furnace rooms shall be one hour rated.
"5. A stairway complying with Section 3305
shall be required from lofts having bathrooms and lofts
having greater than seventy (70) square feet of floor
"6. Where lofts are intended to be used for
sleeping rooms, smoke detectors as specified in Section
1310 (a) shall be required.
"7. The loft rails shall be at least thirty
six (36) inches high.
"8. The open side of the loft shall be a
minimum of sixty five percent (65%) open to the story
or room into which it projects.
"9. Light and ventilation shall be provided
according to the requirements of Section 1305 (a) .
"10. Any loft containing an enclosed bathroom
shall be provided with windows as required for sleeping
rooms as specified in Sections 1304 and 1404.
"ll. Lofts need not comply with the require-
ments of a story.
"EXCEPTION: Structural framing affected by the loft
shall comply with Section 2518 (g) . "
G. Section 1304 is amended by deleting the last para-
graph thereof and by substituting the following therefor:
"All egress or rescue windows shall meet the
following minimum requirements:
"l. A minimum net clear opening of 5.7
square feet. The minimum net clear opening height
dimension shall be 24 inches. The minimum net clear
opening width dimension shall be 20 inches. The maximum
height from the top of the floor to the finished sill
shall be 44 inches.
02. Windows with a net clear openable area
of not less than 5 square feet with no dimension less
than 22 inches shall be deemed to meet the requirements
of this section, provided the finished sill heights are
not over 48 inches above the floor finish. "
H. Section 1310 (a) is amended by adding at the end
thereof the following:
"Whenever practical, such detectors shall be operated
from the electrical system of the structure in preference
to batteries. "
I. Section 1404 is amended by deleting therefrom the
last paragraph and by substituting therefor the following:
"All egress or rescue windows shall meet the
following minimum requirements:
"1. A minimum net clear opening of 5.7
square feet. The minimum net clear opening height
dimension shall be 24 inches. The minimun net clear
opening width dimension shall be 20 inches. The maximum
height from the top of the floor to the finished sill
shall be 44 inches.
"2. Windows with a net clear openable area
of not less than 5 square feet with no dimension less
than 22 inches shall be deemed to meet the requirements
of this section, provided the finished sill heights are
not over 48 inches above the floor finish. "
J. Section 1413 is amended by adding thereto at the
end thereof the following:
"Whenever practical, such detectors shall be operated
from the electrical system of the structure in preference
to batteries. "
K. Chapter 14 is amended by adding thereto an additional
Section 1414 as follows:
"Sec. 1414. Lofts. Lofts may be installed in any
story or room of individual dwelling units when they
meet the following requirements:
" (1) Lofts shall not exceed 33-1/3% of the total
floor area of the story or room in which they are
installed, including separate spaces under the loft but
having a common atmosphere with the primary room.
" (2) Minimum headroom below a loft shall be V-0"
measured to the lowest projection.
" (3) Minimum headroom above the loft floor shall
conform to the requirements of Section 1307 (a) and
1407 (a) .
" (4) Ceiling over kitchens, storage or furnace
rooms shall be one hour rated.
" (5) A stairway complying with Section 3305 shall
be required from lofts having bathrooms and lofts
having greater than seventy (70) square feet of floor
" (6) Where lofts are intended to be used for
sleeping rooms, smoke detectors as specified in Section
1413 shall be required.
" (7) The loft rails shall be at least thirty six
(36) inches high.
" (8) The open side of the loft shall be a minimum
of sixty five percent (65%) open to the story or room
into which it projects.
" (9) Light and ventilation shall be provided
according to the requirements of Section 1405 (a) .
" (10) Any loft containing an enclosed bathroom
shall be provided with windows as required for sleeping
rooms as specified in Sections 1304 and 1404.
" (11) Lofts need not comply with the requirements
of a story.
"EXCEPTION: Structural framing affected by the loft
shall comply with Section 2518 (g) . "
L. Section 1707 is amended by inserting new sections
(b) and (c) as follows:
" (b) General - Mechanical units, ducts, piping or
structures shall not be installed, replaced or reset on
roofs without being properly supported by curbs, pads,
bases or piers which shall be flashed to the roofing in
a watertight manner. All unsupported sections of
mechanical equipment shall be a minimum of twelve (12)
inches above the plane of the roof so that they will not
obstruct the reroofing process. Mechanical units shall
mean heating, air handling, refrigeration and ventilation
equipment, including fans, blowers and similar types of
equipment. Units shall be so located that proper
drainage from the roof will not be blocked or impeded.
" (c) Weatherproofing Roof Openings - Roof openings
surrounded by curbs shall he sheathed over solidly and
covered with a minimum of twenty-six gauge metal or
equal. All seams and mitre corners shall be riveted
and soldered in a watertight manner. Such curbs shall
be a minimum of nine (9) inches in height. "
and by relettering the existing Sections (b) and (c) to (d) and
(e) , respectively.
M. Section 1711(a) is amended to read as follows:
"Sec. 1711. (a) Floor and walls - nondwelling units.
"In other than dwelling units, toilet room floors shall
have a smooth, hard non-absorbent surface such as
portland cement, concrete, ceramic tile, quarry tile,
sheet vinyl inlay not less than seventy-five thousandths
(0.075) inch in thickness (wear thickness not less than
thirty-five thousandths (0.035) inch) , monolithic
seamless floor systems (when installed over concrete) ,
ceramic floor system incorporating non-absorbent backing
materials when installed with waterproof adhesives and
other approved materials. Non-absorbent materials
shall extend upward onto the walls at least four (4)
"Where vinyl inlay or seamless systems are extended
upwards, the junction at floor and wall shall be
coved. Ceramic and quarry-type bases may be installed
with vinyl or seamless coverings if set with waterproof
"Walls within water closet compartments and walls
within two (2) feet of the front and sides or urinals
shall be similarly finished with approved materials to
a height of four (4) feet and, except for structural
elements, the materials used in such walls shall be of
a type which is not adversely affected by moisture.
"l. In heavy traffic areas with uncontrolled use
of toilet facilities such as service stations, transporta-
tion terminals, food and drink establishments, public
toilet facilities and open mall toilets, floor covering
shall not include sheet vinyl inlay.
"2. Carpet and other floor coverings may be
installed in private, individual toilets with restricted
access. "
N. Section 1711(b) is amended to read as follows:
"Sec. 1711. (b) Toilet facilities - Toilet facilities
and water closet compartments on the first floor and on
floors served by a ramp or elevator shall have a clear
and unobstructed access of not less than 32 inches. A
clear space, unobstructed by door swing, grab bars and
similar items, of not less than 32 inches, shall be
provided in front of the toilet stool. Grab bars shall
be provided on two sides, or one side and the back of
each toilet compartment. Toilet facilities shall be
identified by the universal symbol for the orthopedically
impaired. -
"1. In Group R Division 3 and M Occupancies and
within individual units in apartments, the clear width
of water closet compartments may be 30 inches; the
clear space in front of the toilet stool may be 24
inches; grab bars shall not be required; and facility
need not be identified for the handicapped.
"2. Where more than one water closet compartment
is provided, only one such compartment within each
toilet room for each sex need comply with the requirements
of this subsection. For all other compartments, grab
bars shall not be required; the access may be 24 inches;
and clearances shall be as set forth in Exception No. 1
"3. Where more than one (1) one-half bath compart-
ment (stool and wash basin) is provided on a floor
served by a ramp or elevator, only one such compartment
for each sex need comply with the requirements of this
"4. In hotels and motels of Group R Division 1
Occupancies, only four percent (4%) (but no less than
one) , of the total number of units shall be required to
comply with the Toilet Facilities requirements of this
05. When only one water closet per building is
required for each sex, grab bars shall not be required
in the toilet facilities. "
O. Section 1711(c) is amended to read as follows:
" (c) Toilet room faci3riites. In other than Group
R, Division 1 Apartment House Group M, and Group R,
Division 3 Occupancies, toilet room facilities shall be
as follows:
"l. Except for the projection of bowls and
waste piping, a clear unobstructed space 26 inches in
width, 27 inches in height and 12 inches in depth shall
be provided under at least one lavatory.
"2. Where mirrors are provided, at least one
shall be installed so that the bottom of the mirror is
within 40 inches of the floor.
"3. where towel and disposal fixtures are
provided, at least one shall be within 40 inches of the
floor. "
P. Section 1711 (g) is amended to read as follows:
" (g) Glazing for shower and bathtub enclosures.
Glazed openings in walls of tub and shower areas shall
be glazed with fully tempered glass, laminated safety
glass or approved plastic.
"EXCEPTION: Glazed openings with a minimum finished
sill height of five feet above the tub or shower base. "
4. An additional subsection (h) to Section 1711 is
added as follows:
" (h) Plastics. Plastics used in doors and panels
of shower and bathtub enclosure shall be of a shatter-
resistent type. "
R. Section 1716 is amended by adding an Exception 6
thereto as follows:
"6. In Group R, Division 3 and M Occupancies and
within individual units in apartments, handrails may be
raised to 36 inches above the nosing of the tread."
S. Section 2305 (d) is amended by adding the following
sentence at the end of the second paragraph thereof:
"Design snowload shall be thirty (30) pounds per square
foot. "
T. Table No. 29-A entitled "Foundations for Stud
Bearing Walls--Minimum Requirements" which follows Section
2909 is amended to read as follows:
Thickness of Width of Thickness Depth of Fo nLda-
Nimber Foundation Wall FcotIng of Footing tion Belcw Natural
Of (inches) (inches) (inches) Surface of Ground
Stories and Finish Grade
Concrebe Solid Unit _ (inches)
1 8 8 16 8 30
2 8 8 20 10 30
3 10 10 24 12 30
"NOTE: For the purposes of Table No. 29-A only, one
(1) story means one (1) roof load plus one (1) floor
load; two (2) stories means one (1) roof load plus two
(2) floor loads; three (3) stories means one (1) roof
load plus three (3) floor loads. "
U. Section 3303 (1) is amended by adding at the end
thereof the following sentence*
"Where a door leads to a potentially hazardous area,
the door shall be equipped with a locking device "
V. Section 3306 (d) is amended to read as follows:
" (d) Landings-Ramps having slopes greater than
one (1) vertical to fifteen (15) horizontal shall have
landings at the top and bottom and at least one inter-
mediate landing shall be provided for each five (5)
feet of rise. Top and landing and intermediate landings
shall have a dimension measured in the direction of
ramp run of not less than five (5) feet, and the top
landings of ramps required for the handicapped shall
extend one (1) foot on each side of the doorway.
"Landings at the bottom of the ramps shall have a
dimension in the direction of ramp run of not less than
six (6) feet.
"Doors in any position shall not reduce the minimum
dimensions of the landing to less than forty two (42)
inches and shall not reduce the required width by more
than three and one-half (3-1/2) inches when fully
opened. "
W. Table 33-A following Station 3321 is amended by
adding a footnote No. 8 referring to hotels and apartments
as follows:
"8. Except for apartments, in all Group R Division
1 Occupancies where access is not at grade level, a
ramp or elevator shall be provided for the floor closest
to grade. "
X. Section 5108 is amended as follows:
(1) By deleting from subsection (d) thereof the
last sentence which reads as follows:
"Fees for Certificate of Inspection shall be as
specified in this section. "
(2) Subsection (e) thereof is deleted.
Y. Section 5113 (a) is amended by adding thereto at the
end thereof the following:
"Inspections shall be made by either a certified Elevator
Contractor or a certified Elevator Inspector. "
Z. Section 5406 and Table 54D in Chapter 54 are deleted.
(Impact requirements are covered by Federal Law. )
AA. Chapter 70 in the Appendix is hereby deleted.
Section 3. Definitions. The following terms, as used
in the Uniform Builil n��, shall have the meaning indicated:
BUILDING OFFICIAL - The City Building Inspector. Such
term shall be synonymous with the Chief Building Inspector
and shall include all his designated representatives.
MUNICIPALITY or CITY - The City of Fort Collins.
Section 4. Violations and penalties. The following
section of the Uniform Building Code contains a penalty
clause which is herewith set forth in full as required by
Part 2, Article 16, Title 31, C.R.S. 1973, as amended, and
Article II, Section 7, of the Charter of the City of Fort
Sec. 205. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or
corporation to erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair,
move, improve, remove, convert or demolish, equip, use,
occupy or maintain any building or structure in the
city, or cause the same to be done, contrary to or in
violation of any of the provisions of this code.
Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the
provisions of this code shall be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor, and each such person shall be deemed
guilty of a separate offense for each and every day or
portion thereof during which any violation of any of
the provisions of this code is committed or permitted,
and upon conviction of any such violation such person
shall be punishable by a fine of nor more than three
hundred dollars ($300. ) or by imprisonment for not more
than ninety (90) days, or by both such fine and imprison-
Section 5. Fire zones. Sections 38-6 through 38-8 of the
Code of the City of Fort Collins establishing fire zones are
hereby made applicable to the Uniform Building Code herein
adopted; and the fire zones therein created shall be the fire
zones referred to in Part IV of said Uniform Building Code.
Section 6. Codes of code to be on file; sale. At
least three (3) copies oY_the Uniform Buis unig Code, 1976
Edition, Volume 1, and the uniform Building Code Standards,
1976 Edition, shall be on file in the office of the City
Clerk of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, at least fifteen
(15) days preceding the hearing date set herein and may be
inspected by any interested persons during normal business
hours. After the public hearing thereon and final reading
and adoption by reference, the Building Code as finally
adopted shall be available for sale to the public through
the office of the City Clerk at a price not to exceed the
city's actual costs.
Section 7. Repealer; ex�cepti�on. Article I of Chapter
38, Sections 38-1 3 -5� 2, inclusive, of the Code of
the City of Fort Collins is hereby repealed; provided,
however, that the repeal of said Article shall not revive
any other section of any ordinance or ordinances heretofore
repealed or superseded, and provided further that such
repeal shall not make lawful any violation of the Article
hereby repealed, and provided further that construction
under any building permit heretofore taken out under the
Article herein repealed may be continued in conformance with
such repealed Article or if the owner thereof elects in
conformance with the Article herein enacted.
Introduced, considered favorably on first reading and
ordered published this 1st day of November, A.D. 1977, and
to be presented for final passage on the 13th day of December ,
A.D. 1977.
7,ST• Mayo I
Passed and adopted on final reading this 13th day of
December , A.D. 1977.
City Clerk