Section 1. That the Zoning District Map adopted by Chapter
118 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins, be and the same
hereby is, changed and amended by including the property known
as the Horsetooth-Harmony Annexation to the City of Fort Collins,
Colorado, in the H-B, Highway Business District, the R-L-P, Low
Density Planned Residential District, and the R-P, Planned
Residential District, as follows
(a) H-B, Highway Business District
A tract of land located in the E 1/2 of Section 35, T7N,
R69W, of the 6th P M , of Larimer County, Colorado,
being more particularly described as follows
Considering the ea8t line of the SE 1/4 of said Section
35 as bearing S 00 06138" W and with all bearings con-
tained herein relative thereto
Commencing at the E 1/4 corner of said Section 35, the
said corner being the True Point of Beginning.
Thence, along the said east line, S 00006138" W, 2645 89
feet to the southeast corner of said Section 35, thence,
along the south line of the SE 1/4 of said Section 35,
N 89 53100" W, 569 66 feet, thence, along the east
boundary of a tract of land recorded in Book 1577 , Page
712, with the Larimer County Clerk and Recorder, N O1
00' 00" E, 531 03 feet; thence, along the north boundary
of said tract of land, N 89 53113" W, 436 88 feet, to
the east right-of-way of the Colorado and Southern
Railroad; thence, along said east railroad right-of-way
S O1 00 ' 00" W, 531 00 feet to the south line of the
SE 1/4 of said Section 35, thence, along said line N
89053100" W, 100 03 feet to the west right-of-way of the
Colorado and Southern Railroad, thence, northerly along
said railroad right-of-way to a point on-the north line
of the NE 1/4 of said Section 35, thence, along said
north line, S 89*29109" E, 100.00 feet to a point on
the east right-of-way of the Colorado and Southern
Railroad, thence, S 01024131" W, 1358.30 feet; thence,
S 89035' 14" E, 929 87 feet to a point on the east line
of the NE 1/4 of said Section 35; thence, along said
line S 00*08129" E, 1287.48 feet to the True Point of
Beginning; EXCEPT the following described portion
thereof. Commencing at the NE corner of the said SE
1/4 of Section 35; thence along the said north line of
the said SE 1/4 N 890471040 W, 1060.51 feet to the
westerly right-of-way of the Colorado and Southern
Railroad, thence, along the said westerly right-of-way
S O1006124" W, 840.09 feet to the True Point of Beginning,
thence, N 89047104" W, 423 00 feet, thence, 23.56 feet
along the arc of a curve to the left with a central
angle of 90000100" and a radius of 15.00 feet and whose
long chord bears S 45112156" W 21 21 feet; thence, S
00012156" W, 50.00 feet; thence, 224.80 feet along the
arc of a curve to the right whose central angle is
56*00100" and a radius of 230.00 feet and whose long
chord bears S 28012' 56" W, 215.96 feet; thence, 166.16
feet along the arc of a curve to the left with a central
angle of 56*00100" and a radius of 170.00 feet and
whose long chord bears S 28012/560 W, 159.62 feet,
thence, S 00012156" W, 143. 00 feet; thence, 166 24 feet
along the arc of a curve to the right with a central
angle of 31045100" and a radius of 300 00 feet and
whose long chord bears S 16005126" W, 164 12 feet,
thence, S 31057158" W, 391.92 feet; thence, S 58"02' 04"
E, 100.00 feet, thence S 89053100" E, 219.87 feet;
thence, S 00007 '00" W, 100.00 feet; thence, S 89*53100"
E, 20 00 feet, thence, N 00007100" E, 100.00 feet;
thence, S 89053100" E, 350.00 feet, thence, S 45000'00"
E, 150. 00 feet, to the north line of a tract of land
recorded in Book 1731, Page 812 with the Larimer County
Clerk and Recorder, thence, along the said north line
of the said tract S 89053100" E, 65 61 feet to a point
on the westerly right-of-way of the Colorado and Southern
Railroad, thence, along the said railroad right-of-way
N O1006124" E, 1188 05 feet to the True Point of Beginning.
The Colorado and Southern Railroad right-of-way between
the south line of Section 26, Township 7 North, Range
69 West of the 6th P M. , and the North line of Section
35, Township 7 North, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M
A tract of land situate in the Northeast 1/4 of Section
35, Township 7 North, Range 69 West of the 6th P M ,
Larimer County, Colorado, which considering thg North
line of the said Northeast 1/4 as bearing S 89 42 '45" E
and with all bearings contained herein, relative thereto,
is contained within the boundary lines which b cin at a
point on the said -North line, wnich bears S 89 42 '45" E
900 00 feet from tm North l,/4 corner of said Section 35,
and run thence S 89 42145" E 603 30 feet along saig North
line thence S 00 17115" W 30 00 feet, thence S 35 44 '
05" E 97 08 feet, thence S 56618 '37" E 106 22 febt to a
point on the West right-of-way line of the Colorado and
Soutnern Railr8ad, thence along said Westerly right-of-
way line, S O1 04 ' W 566 81 feet, thence S 34°15'45" W
485 64 feet thence S OS039 '45" E 50 00 feet thence West
485 07 feet, thence N 13°12 ' W 98 09 feet, thence along
the arc of a 2114.17 foot radius cLrve to the right a
dist$nce of 497.68 feet, the long chorg of which bears
N 06 27123" W 496 53 feet, thence N 00 17115" E 465.00
feet to the point of beginning, containing 16 4862 acres,
more or less
(b) R-L-P, Low Densitv Planned Residential District
A tract of land situate in the Northeast 1/4 of Section
35, Township 7 North, Rarge 69 West of the 6th P.M ,
Larimer County, Colorado, which considering th8 North
line of the said Northeast 1/4 as bearing S 89 42'45"
E and with all bearings contained herein, relative thereto,
is contained within the boundary lines which begin at
the North 1/4 corner of said Section 35, and run thence
S 89 42145" E 900.00 feet along said North line; thence
S 00°17'15" W 465.00 feet, and again along the arc of a
2114 17 foot radius curve to the left a distance of
497.68 feet, the long chorg of which bears S 06 27123"
E 496.53 feet, thence S 13 12' E 135.00 feet; thence
along the arc of a 798.13 foot radius curve to the
right a distance of 573.92 feet, the long chordoof
which bears S 07°24 ' W 561 63 feet, thence S 28 00 , W
259 21 feet; thence along the are of a 1413.28 foot
radius curve to the left a distanc8 of 280.38 feet,
the long ch8rd of which bears S 22 19 ' W 279 81 feet,
thence S 78 53115" E 586.54 feet; thence S 89 49113"
E 349.99 feet to a point on the Westerly right-of-way
li$e of the Colorado and Southern Railroad; thence S
01 04 ' W 400.01 feet along said Westerly right-of-way
line to a point gn the South line of the said Northeast
1/4, thence N 89 49113" W 1597 55 feet to ghe center
1/4 corner of said Section 35, thence N 00 05153" W
2648.17 feet to the point of beginning, containing
61 3969 acres, more or less
Tract of land located in the SE 1/4 of Section 35, T7N,
R69W, of the 6th P M. , of Larimer County, Colorado,
being more particularly described as follows-
Considering the North line of the SE 1/4 of Section
35, as bearing N 89 47104" W and with all bearings
contained herein relative thereto
Commencing at the NE corner of She said SE 1/4, thence,
along the said north line, N 89 47104" W, 1060 51 feet
to the True Point of Beginning, said point also being
on the west right-of-way of the Colorado and South8rn
Railroad; thence, along the said right-of-way S 01
06' 24" W, 2028 14 feet to the north property line of
a tract of land recorded in Book 1731, Page 812 with
the Larumer County Clerk and Recorder. Thence, along
the north property line N 89°53'00" W, 65.61 feet,
thence, along the west property line of the s$id tract
of land recorded in Book 1731, Page 812, S 01 07100" W,
620 00 feet to the south line of the SE 1/4; thence,
along the said south line of the SE 1/4 , N 89053100"
W, 1477.71 feet to the SW corner of the said SE 1/46°
Thence, along the west line of the said SE 1/4, N 00
03134" W, 2650 51 feet to the NW corner of the said
SE 1/4, thence, along the north line of the said SE
1/4, S 89 47' 04" E, 1597 33 feet to the True Point of
The above described tract contains 94.569 acres
Commencing at a point 1102 feet West of the Southeast
corner of Section 35, Township 7 North, Range 69 West
of the 6th P.M , said point being on the West fence
line of the Coloradg and Southern R R. right of way,
thence running N 1 E 620 feet to the South bank of
a small branch lateral of the Pleasant Valley & Lake
Canal, thence West 70 26 feet, along South Bank of
said lateral, thence S.10W. 620 feet to said Section
line, thence East 70.26 feet to point of beginning,
Larimer County, Colorado.
(c) R-P, Planned Residential District.
A tract of land situate in the Northeast 1/4 of Section
35, Township 7 North, Range 69 West of the 6th P M. ,
Larimer County, Colorado, which considering the North
line of said Northeast 1/4 as bearing S 89 42145" E
and with all bearings contained herein, relative thereto,
is contained within the houndary lines which begin at
a point which bears S 89 42'45" E 900.00 Beet, and again
S 00 17115" W 465 00 feet, $nd again S 06 27123" E
496.53 feet, and again S 13 12' E 98 09 feet from the
North 1/4 corner of said Section 35, and run thence
East 485.07 feet; thence N 05 39145" W 50.00 feet, thence
N 34°15' 45' E 322.64 feet to a point on the Westerly
right-of-wag line of the Colorado and Southern Railroad,
thence S O1 04 ' W 1511.58 feet along said Westerly right-
of-way line; thence N 89 49 ' 13" W 349.99 feet, thence N
78°53'15" W 586.54 feet, thence along the arc of a 1413 28
foot radius curve to the right a d6stance of 280 38 feet,
the long chgrd of which bears N 22 19 ' E 279.91 feet,
thence N 28 00' E 259 21 feet, thence along the arc of
a 798 13 foot radius curve to the left a distange of
573.92 feet, the long chgrd of which bears N 07 24' E
561.63 feet; thence N 13 12' W 36 91 feet to the point of
beginning, containing 20.4384 acres, more or less.
Section 2 The City Engineer is hereby authorized and
directed to amend said Zoning District Map in accordance with
this ordinance.
Introduced, considered favorably on first reading and
ordered published this Sth day of July , A D 1978,
and to bepresented for final passage on the 18th day of July,
A D. 1978
or 11
City Clerk
Passed and adopted on final reading th 18th day of
July , A.D. 1978.
City er