HomeMy WebLinkAbout085 - 09/19/1978 - SUBMITTING TO THE ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS THE QUESTION OF GRANTING A FRANCHISE BY THE C ORDINANCE NO 85 , 1978 BEING AN ORDINANCE_ SUBMITTING TO THE ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS, LARIMER COUNTY, COLORADO, THE QUESTION OF GRANTING A FRANCHISE BY THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS TO THE WORLD COMPANY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, TO CONSTRUCT, PURCHASE, ACQUIRE, LOCATEE, MAINTAIN, OPERATE AND EXTEND INTO, WITHIN AND THROUGH THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS, PLANTS, WORKS, SYSTEMS AND FACILITIES FOR A CABLE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM BY MEANS OF CABLE OR OTHER- WISE, OVER, UNDER, ALONG AND ACROSS ALL STREETS, ALLEYS, VIADUCTS, BRIDGES, ROADS, LANES, PUBLIC WAYS, AND OTHER PUBLIC PLACES IN THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS; TO FURNISH AND DISTRIBUTE CABLE COMMUNICATION SIGNALS AND SERVICES TO THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS AND THE INHABITANTS THEREOF; AND FIXING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF, AND PROVIDING FOR THE CALLING AND HOLDING OF A SPECIAL ELECTION UPON SAID QUESTION, THE DETERMINATION OF THE RESULT THEREOF, AND FOR THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF SAID FRANCHISE ACCORDING TO ITS PROPOSED TERMS, IF THE RESULT OF SUCH VOTE OF THE ELECTORS AT SUCH ELECTION SHALL HAVE BEEN DETERMINED TO HAVE BEEN AFFIRMATIVE FOR THE GRANT OF SAID FRANCHISE WHEREAS, the World Company has filed its application with the City of Fort Collins for the granting to it by the City of Fort Collins of a franchise in terms as hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, the World Company, as applicant for said franchise, has made a deposit with the Director of Finance of the City of Fort Collins in the sum of Three Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($3,500 00) for the expense of the submission of the question of the granting of such franchise to the electors; and WHEREAS, the Director of Finance of the City of Fort Collins has determined that the expense of such submission to the electors is in the amount of Three Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($3 ,500 00) as deposited by the World Company, and WHEREAS, Section 1 of Article 13 of the Charter of the City of Fort Collins provides that no franchise shall be granted except upon the vote of the taxpaying electors, and WHEREAS, said City Charter requires that the Council shall provide by ordinance for the manner of holding City elections and such additional requirements in respect thereto as may be necessary to accomplish the intent of such Charter NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS Section 1. That a special election be, and the same hereby is, called to be held in the several precincts of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, on Tuesday, the 7th day of November, A D. 1978, and at said election there shall be and hereby is submitted to a vote of the electors of the City of Fort Collins the question of granting the franchise hereinafter set forth to the World Company, its successors and assigns Section 2 Said franchise, by the City of Fort Collins to the World Company, its successors and assigns, is as follows J Section 3 That said franchise election shall be held in conjunction with the Larimer County, State of Colorado, general election, at such polls as are regularly established and announced for such County elections. Section 4. The polls shall be open at the hour of 7-00 A M and shall remain open continuously until and be closed at 7 00 P M. of said date. Section 5 That said election shall be held and conducted as nearly as may be in the manner prescribed by law in the case of elections for municipal officers Each elector offering to vote in said election must be a qualified elector of the City of Fort Collins and must be registered in accordance with the provisions of the Charter The last day for a City resident to register for this election shall be October 6, 1978. Section 6. The use of automatic voting machines to record the votes at said elections is hereby authorized. Section 7 Absentee voting shall be permitted in accordance with the provisions of applicable state laws Section 8. That the official ballot on the automatic voting machines (and on the written paper ballots required) shall show the nature of the question to be voted as set forth below, and the voting mahcines and paper ballots used at said election shall carry the following designation, which shall be the submission clause, and each elector voting at said election and desirous of voting for or against the following question shall indicate his choice by depressing the appropriate counter of the voting machine which indicates the word "FOR" or the word "AGAINST° , or by appropriate marking upon paper ballots where used "Shall the City of Fort Collins grant to the World Company, its successors and assigns, a franchise to provide cable communications services within the City of Fort Collins FOR THE FRANCHISE AGAINST THE FRANCHISE" Section 9. That no vote, either for or against the question so submitted, shall received by the judge unless the person offering the same shall be a duly qualified voter in the precinct in which he offers to vote and, in addition thereto, said person is an elector of the City of Fort Collins as defined in the election laws applicable in the premises. Section 10. The City Clerk under the direction of the Board of Elections shall cause to be prepared the ballots to be used at the aforesaid election as provided in Section 7, Article 16, of the City Charter, and the City Clerk shall publish notice and call said special election as herein authorized in accordance with Section 5, Article 16 of the City Charter. Said City Clerk, under the direction of the Board of Elections, shall cause to be arranged the polling places, matters of registration and all other details necessary for the election Section 11. That the votes cast at said election on the question so submitted shall be canvassed by the Board of Elections, tallied, and the return thereof made and the result thereof declared substantially in the same manner as is provided by law of the canvass, tally, return and declaration of the results of votes at election for officers of the City of Fort Collins If the majority of all the votes cast at said election shall be for the grant of said franchise to the World Company, its successors and assigns, then, upon the filing by said company of its acceptance of such franchise with the City of Fort Collins, the same shall be in full force and effect Introduced, considered favorably on first reading and ordered published this 5th day of September , A.D. 1978, and to be presented for final passage on the 19th day of September, A.D 1978. Mayor ATTEST City C erk Passed and adopted on final reading this 19th day of September, A.D. 1978 Yo (Assistant) ATTEST C y Clerk i FRANCHISE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made this 5th day of September, 1978, by and between THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COLORADO, a municipal corporation organized under and existing by virtue of the laws of the State of Colorado, hereinafter referred to as "City" , and THE WORLD COMPANY of Lawrence, Kansas, hereinafter referred to as "Franchisee" WITNESSETH_ WHEREAS, in response to a request for proposals issued by the City of Fort Collins, Franchisee did submit to the City of Fort Collins a franchise proposal for a cable communications system for the City of Fort Collins; and WHEREAS, on August 15, 1978, the Council of the City of Fort Collins did, after having first duly published public notice of its intentions, convene a public hearing to examine the proposal submitted by Franchisee as well as proposals submitted by other franchise applicants; and WHEREAS, during the course of said public hearing, the Council of the City of Fort Collins did examine in detail all of the qualifications of the Franchisee including, but not limited to, the following: the World Company's financial capabilities, corporate structure, experience, their proposed construction arrangements andlinstallation plans, construction time table, complaint procedures, and character and integrity; and WHEREAS, that the aforementioned public hearing in all respects was conducted in full compliance with due process require- ments as required by the Federal Communications Commission, and WHEREAS, in the considered 3udgment and opinion of the Council of the City of Fort Collins the World Company of Lawrence, Kansas, is best able to meet the needs and requirements of the citizens of the City of Fort Collins in establishing, operating and managing a cable communications system for the use and benefit of the residents of the City of Fort Collins. WHEREFORE, in consideration of the recitations above expressed and of the obligations and covenants herein contained, it as agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows- Section 1 Grant of Authority There as hereby granted by the City of Fort Collins to the World Company the franchise right, privilege and authority to construct, purchase, acquire, locate, maintain, and extend into, within and through the City of Fort Collins, plants, works, systems and facilities for a cable communication system by means of cable or otherwise, over, under, along and across all streets, alleys, viaducts, canals, bridges, roads, lanes, public ways, and other public places in the City of Fort Collins for the purpose of furnishing and distributing cable communication signals and services to the City of Fort Collins and the inhabitants thereof, all within the territory of the City of Fort Collins or any territory hereinafter included in the boundaries of the City of Fort Collins Section 2. Manner of Use - Repair. The Franchisee is further granted the right, privilege and authority to excavate in, occupy and use any and all streets, alleys, viaducts, bridges, roads, lanes, public ways and other public places under the supervision of properly constituted authority for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a cable communications system within and through the City, provided, however, that the Franchisee shall so locate its plant, works, transmission and distribution structures, equipment, conduits and cables within said City as to cause minimum interference with the proper use of streets, alleys and other public ways and places and to cause minimum interference with the rights or reasonable convenience of property owners whose property adjoins any of the said streets, alleys or other public ways and places. Should it be necessary for the Franchisee, in exercising its rights in performing its duties hereunder to interfere with any sidewalk, graveled or paved streets, -2- / y roads or alleys, or any other public or private improvement, the Franchisee shall repair in a workmanlike manner such sidewalk, graveled or paved street, road, alley, or other improvement after the installation of its equipment or other structures in conformity with City standards and specifications The Franchisee shall use due care not to interfere with or damage any water mains, sewers or other structures in said streets, alleys or other public places. Section 3. City Held Harmless The Franchisee shall so maintain its structures, appartus, conduits, and other equipment as to afford all reasonable protection against injury or damage to persons or property therefrom, and the Franchisee shall save the City harmless from all liability or damage and all reasonable expenses necessarily accruing against the City arising out of the negligent exercise by the Franchisee of the rights and privileges hereby granted, provided, that the Franchisee shall have had notice of the pendency of any action against the City arising out of such exercise by the Franchisee of its rights and privileges and be permitted at its own expense to appear and defend or assist in the defense of the same. Section 4 Services to be Provided In consideration of the grant of this franchise, Franchisee shall provide, at a minimum those services specified in Franchisee's proposal, a true copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A and which by this reference is incorporated herein as though fully set forth. Section 5. Term of Franchise The grant of authority contained in this franchise agreement shall be in effect for a period of fifteen (15) years commencing with the date this franchise is approved by the electors of the City of Fort Collins and terminating fourteen (14) years and three hundred sixty four 0 64) days thereafter. -3- W 4i Section 6 Renewal This franchise shall not be subject to renewal before one (1) year prior to its expiration, which renewal shall be subject to all provisions relating to the original grant of this franchise. Section 7. Franchise Fee. The Franchisee shall pay to the City of Fort Collins annually an amount equal to three percent (38) of the Franchisee's gross subscriber revenues per year from cable television operation both within and without the territorial limits of the City of Fort Collins Section 8 Speedy Construction Throughout Franchise Area The Franchisee shall make cable communication services available throughout the territorial limits of the City of Fort Collins in a rapid and expeditious manner, provided, however, that an equitable line extension policy may be established for those areas of the City having a dwelling unit density of less than fifty (50) units per strand mile. Headend and office facilities shall be constructed and in operation within one (1) year of the granting of this franchise Section 9 Local Access The cable system constructed pursuant to this franchise shall have available on one or more channels, public access, educational access, local government access and leased access. Until such time as there is a demand for each channel full-time for its designated use, public, educational, governmental and leased access channels programming may be combined on one or more cable channels. To the extent time is available therefor, access channels may also be used for other broadcast and non-broadcast services. Section 10 Right of City to Purchase Cable System. Upon expiration of the term of this franchise or upon other termination thereof, the City may upon the payment therefor of its fair valuation, purchase and take over the property and plant of the franchisee in whole or in part. -4- 1 i � v Section 11 Initial Subscriber Fees Those subscriber fees set forth in Franchisee' s proposal attached hereto as Exhibit A are hereby approved, said fees having been fully considered by the Council of the City of Fort Collins at the public hearing on Franchisee's proposal Section 12 Subscriber Protection Clauses Franchisee and the City of Fort Collins agree (a) That the complaint procedure specified in Franchisee's proposal attached hereto as Exhibit A are satisfactory (b) That the Franchisee shall maintain a local business office within the territorial limits of the City of Fort Collins, (c) That the City Manager of the City of Fort Collins be designated as the City of Fort Collins ' supervisory agent for the purposes of enforcement of this agreement and for resolution of subscriber complaints; (d) That the Franchisee shall provide all sub- scribers at the time of their initial sub- scription with detailed information and instructions concerning complaint procedures Section 13 Technical Standards. The Franchisee will meet or exceed all Federal Communications Commission technical standards in effect at the time of the granting of this franchise and shall, in addition, insofar as possible adopt all modifications in Federal Communications Commission technical standards within one (1) year of their adoption by the Federal Communications Commission. Section 14. Insurance. Franchisee shall be required to maintain insurance in such forms and in such companies as shall be approved by the City, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld, to protect the City and the Franchisee from and against -5- -r any and all claims, injury or damage to persons or property, both real and personal, caused by construction, erection, operation or maintenance of any aspect of the system authorized pursuant to this agreement Section 15 Performance-Bond. Concurrent with its acceptance of this franchise, Franchisee shall file with the City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins and at all tames thereafter, maintain in full force and effect a corporate surety bond in the amount of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000 00) , renewable annually and conditioned upon the faithful performance of the terms and conditions of this franchise agreement and Franchisee's proposal attached hereto as Exhibit A. The City Counicl may, in its sole discretion, waive said bond or reduce the required amount thereof after five (5) years of operation of the system authorized by this franchise agreement Section 16. Performance Review. Franchisee shall upgrade its facilities, equipment and service so that its system is, within reason, as advanced as the current state of economically feasible production technology will allow In furtherance of this goal, i on the fifth, tenth, and fifteenth anniversary of the granting of I t this franchise, the City Council shall conduct public hearing to i examine the performance of the Franchisee and to consider recommend- ations for changes in its facilities, equipment and services Section 11 Rules and Regulations. The Franchisee from time to time may promulgate such rules, regulations, terms and conditions governing the conduct of its business as shall be necessary to insure a continuous and uninterrupted service to each and all of its subscribers and proper payment therefor, provided that the Franchisee shall keep on tale in its offices in the City, available to the public, copies of its rate schedules, rules and regulations, r and service connection and extension policies currently in effect as well as its rules and regulations concerning public use of public access channels. -6- C r r Section 17. Police Power Reserved The tight is hereby reserved to the City to adopt, from time to time, in addition to the provisions herein contained, such regulations as may be deemed necessary in the exercise of its police power, provided that such regulations shall be reasonable and not destructive of the rights herein granted, and not in conflict with the laws of the State of Colorado, or with orders of other authorities having jurisdiction in the premises Section 18 Non-Exclusive. The right to use and occupy the streets, alleys and other public places for the purposes herein stated shall not be exclusive. Section 19 Forfeiture In the event of the failure of the Franchisee to perform and carry out any of the stipulations and agreements herein set forth in any substantial particular, and with respect to which redress is not otherwise herein provided, the City acting by and through its Mayor and Council may, after hearing, determine such substantial failure, and, thereupon, after notice given the Franchisee of such determination, the Franchisee shall have sax (6) months time in which to remedy the conditions respecting which said finding shall have been made After the expiration of such six months' period and failure to correct such conditions, the Mayor and Council may declare this franchise forfeited, and thereupon the Franchisee shall have no further right or authority hereunder Section 20 Restriction on Assignment. This franchise shall not be leased, assigned or otherwise alienated without the express consent of the City, agreed to by ordinance or resolution of the City Council of the City, and any assignment or sale of this franchise to any corporation, without the consent of the City as aforesaid, shall at the option of the City Council of the City operate as a forfeiture of the grants hereunder. -7- THE CITY OF FORT COL L S, COLORADO Mayor -- ATTEST: Y THE WORLD COMPANY, INC. President ATTEST: i -B- - _ 1 DOLPH C SINIONS JA., PALSI AND 1'U LISI,CA DOLP" SIMONe f017DR ` THE LAWRENCE DAILY JOURI' AL-WORLD PHONE (913) 843 1000 August 9, 1978 L whin= KANW 66044 Members of the Fort Collins City Council: It has been a pleasure meeting and visiting with Fort Collins city officials the past several months, and I am hopeful this initial introduction to your city will mark the beginning of a long and mutually rewarding and enjoy- able association between The World Company and the resa.- dents of Fort Collins. We are enthusiastic about the opportunity to become closely involved in the business and community affairs of Fort Collins, and we are hopeful we will be granted the franchise for construction and opera- txon of a community antenna television system (CATV) for your progressive city and University- We are eager to get started, and as I have mentioned to various members of the Cable Advisory Committee, and as I have expressed to city officials, we want to build the best possible system for Fort Collins. We want to be proud of our Fort Collins operation and we want residents � of the city to have a superior and unique communication system . . . flexible to be able to adapt to the sure-to- 1 come and ever-changing advances in visual and audio means i of transferring and exchanging information. I To be a successful and up-to-date system, it must be a sound and prosperous operation. A fiscally-weak cable system cannot employ top flight individuals, provide superior maintenance and buy new equipment. If Fort Collins is to have the cable system it deserves, it must i be a good arrangement for all parties concerned--the city, residents of the city and the owners and operators of the system. We do not propose to make any startling or flashy , promises, statements of performance relative to being under construction within an unreasonably short period of time, or overly generous fees we might be willing to pay the city in order to obtain the franchise. Nor do we im- tend to suggest we would_consider giving certain types of L%NN 111 \( I I UI 1 JoI II\ %I V OIII I) 1'-- r _ EQuang Tn given Eli= A to N Viet forces �SO[TASVALW011i.D PA64 f t "free" services or to include optional equipment at no cost to cable subscribers. All such excessive franchise fees, "free" services, extra hardware, special equipment, or in- creased costs of getting into business usually are passed on to the subscribers. Rather, what we are offering as an experienced company which as dedicated to building a first class cable television system for Fort Collins_ Our entire attention would be de- voted to this particular system. our record an Lawrence, Kansas is open for inspection, and we invite you to check with city officials, utility company officials, residents, University of Kansas representatives and others to determine whether we have performed an the manner we told the city we would operate. We have top flight people associated with our cable operation, and we are anxious to build and operate a system which wall reflect credit on our associates and our company. We cannot afford to short-change the people of Fort Collins, or The World Company. We have the fiscal resources to build and operate the Fort Collins system, and we are anxious and eager to obtain the approval of the various city bodies to get started. Thank you for allowing me to appear before the City Council on several occasions, and I am hopeful you will feel justified and enthused an awarding the franchise to The World Company. S rely, 91phV. Simons, Jr. DCSJr-df r r _ I 1 i A. FINANCIAL AND ORGANIZATION DESCRIPTION OF FRANCHISE APPLICANT 1. A certified financial statement for The World Company prepared by the accounting firm of Elmer Fox, Westheimer & Co. , Certified Public Accountants, with a balance sheet as of December 31, 1977, appears on the following two pages. This report was made following an extensive de- tailed audit. None of the figures have changed substantially as of August 1, 1978, although cash and Certificates of Deposit today total about $75,000 more than on the date of the balance sheet, and a liability a.tem of $185,565 of "Income Taxes Payable" has since been paid. ELMER FOX, WESTHEIMER & CO CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS REPORT OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS The Board of Directors and Stockholders The World Company Lawrence, Kansas We have examined the balance sheet of The World Company as of December 31, 1977, and the related statements of income and retained earnings and changes in financial position for the year then ended. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted awaiting standards and, accordingly, included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we consider necessary in the circumstances, except as stated in the following paragraph. Because we were not engaged as auditors until after December 31, 1976, we were not present to observe the physical inventory or confirm accounts receivable as of that date and we have not satisfied ourselves by means of other procedures concerning inventory quantities. The amounts of the inventory and accounts receivable at December 31, 1976, enter materially into the deter- mination of the results of operations and changes in financial position for . the year ended December 31, 1977. Therefore, we do not express an opinion on the accompanying statements of income and retained earnings and changes in financial position for the year ended December 31, 1977. In our opinion, the accompanying balance sheet presents fairly the financial position of The World Company at December 31, 1977, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. January u, 1978 Topeka, Kansas 1 THE WORLD COMPANY • BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1977 ASSETS Current assets Cash $ 2140921 Certificates of deposit 300,000 Accounts receivable, net of allowance for doubtful accounts of $20,000 276,618 Accrued interest receivable 4,224 Inventories (Note 1) 224,062 Total current assets 1,019,825 Property, plant and equipment, at cost (Note 1): Land and improvements 193,277 Buildings and improvements 642,723 Machinery and equipment 836,829 Originating channel equipment 170,900 Cable television distribution system 1,075,916 Furniture and fixtures 759721 Automotive equipment 49,297 Construction in progress 1,081 3,045,744 Less accumulated depreciation 1,887,419 1,158,325 Investments and other assets- Premiums recoverable and cash value of life insurance 27,860 Other investments 4,100 31,960 52.210.1i0 LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY_ Current liabilities* Accounts payable $ 17,459 Advances and other liabilities 11,928 Income taxes payable (Note 4) 185,562 Deferred income taxes (Notes 1 and 4) 134,272 Total current liabilities 349,221 Commitments (Note 2) - Stockholders' equity Common stock, $100 par value Authorized - 200 shares Issued - 200 shares 20,000 Retained earnings 1,840,889 1,860,889 S2.210.110 The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 2 A. FINANCIAL AND ORGANIZATION DESCRIPTION OF FRANCHISE APPLICANT 2. The World Company of Lawrence, Kansas is a Kansas corporation which publishes the Lawrence Daily Journal- World, owns and operates Sunflower Cablevision and owns and operates the World Printing Service. All of these are located in Lawrence. The Journal-World is a szx-day-a-week newspaper with a circulation of approximately 19,500. It was started by W. C. Simons in 1891, when there were eight other papers in operation in Lawrence. The Journal-World has en3oyed sound growth in both circulation and advertising, even with the severe competition of nearby newspapers. The paper has won numerous state, regional and national awards for editorial excellence, and top officials of the company have been cited at the national level for their news-editorial and community involvement. The editor and publisher of the Journal-World have served on national newspaper association boards and have held executive positions within these associations. Construction of Sunflower Cablevxsion was started in 1971 with the first subscribers receiving service in late 1971. The entire system was completed in 1972 and currently there are approximately 8,300 basic subscrib- ers to the system. There is every reason to anticipate the subscriber count will surpass 9,000 within several months. Sunflower Cablevision is a superior cable operation and it has been recognized at the national level for its excellence in local program origination. A. FINANCIAL AND ORGANIZATION DESCRIPTION OF FRANCHISE APPLICANT The World Company is a private, family owned company with four stockholders. The officers are: Chairman--Dolph Simons, Lawrence, Kansas President--Dolph C. Simons, Jr. , Lawrence, Kansas Secretary--Marie N. Simons, Lawrence, Kansas The other stockholder is John N. Simons, Scottsdale, Arizona. Dolph Simons is editor of the Journal-World and Dolph C. Simons, Jr. .is publisher of the Journal-World. As president of The World Company, Dolph C. Simons, Jr. is actively involved in the plans, policies and development of Sunflower Cablevision, with John Dennis serving as manager of the cable operation. Dennis has had extensive experience in building cable systems throughout the United States while he was employed by the Jerrold Electronics Co. of Philadelphia. In that capacity he supervised the building of the Lawrence system and then decided to accept an offer to be manager of Sunflower Cablevision. Stock ownership in The World Company is broken down in the following manner: Dolph Simons---------89 Dolph C. Simons, Jr.--76 John N. S3mons-------34 Marie N. Sunons--- 1 i J l A. FINANCIAL, AND ORGANIZATION DESCRIPTION OF FRANCHISE APPLICANT 3. The World Company has the necessary fiscal resources to build and operate a modern, well-equipped and flexible cable system for Fort Collins. The accompanying letter from P. V. Miller, president of Commerce Bank of Kansas City, Missouri, should indicate the support from this particular bank. In addition, these is the strong likelihood that arrangements would be made with one or more banks in Fort Collins to provide assistance in the fiscal needs to build the system. u VNk a COMMERCE BANK of Kansas City" Box 248 Kansas City 1.hssoun 64141 Phone- 816.234-20M A Commerce Bancshares Af hate July 18, 1978 City Council Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 Gentlemen We understand that The World Cag3wW, Iawrence, Kansas, is applying for the franchise to operate a CATV system in Fort Collins. We are pleased to give them a most favorable relation. The carpany has been well and favorably knmm to us for many years. Its principal division, The Lawrence Journal-World newspaper, is widely respected and considered one of the leading independent papers in the courttry. 7Y1ey also are experienced in the operation of CATV systems, as they hold a similar franchise in their own locale We are fan,l,ar with the company's financial condit].cn and believe they have the capacity to install and operate your system successfully. They will be adequately financed through a combination of their am resources and loans which we would be willing to make to then. We have the highest opinion of the campany's management and are confident they are properly handling any responsibilities or obligations they would assume. Please let us know if there is any further information we can provide. Very truly yam. ^C -P. V. Miller, Jr. President PVM,Jr-A3 10th and Walnut 911%and Maw 12th and Chadotte B. INSURANCE AMID BONDING The applicant, The World Company and/or the new cable-operating company in Fort Collins, would meet or exceed the minimal amount of insurance coverage required by various city codes and by the insurance required by those utility companies serving Fort Collins. Arrangements have been made with an insur- ance company in Lawrence, Kansas to work through one of several Colorado insurance brokers to purchase the required insurance. Also, a Fort Collins Insur- ance company executive, L. C. Wilson, has indicated his company is prepared to write any and all insur- ance this applicant may need. The Lawrence, Kansas insurance company also has indicated it is prepared to arrange the performance bond of $50,000 when and if a franchise agreement Is reached between this applicant and the City of Fort Collins. 1 The accompanying correspondence should assure Fort Collins officials the applicant has the ability to purchase the necessary insurance and bonding. ton9t U � 1 N 5 U R d-A N C E August 2, 1978 City Council Fort Collins, CO The World Company, Inc. This agency is prepared to issue any and all types of insurance required by the City of Fort Collins, Colorado and/or utilities serving the City of Fort Collins, Colorado covering cablevision TV operations that may be entered into by the World Company, Inc We are also prepared to issue the performance bond required in the amount of $50,000 covering faithful performance of the franchisee All such required insurances and bonds will be issued by insurance companies licensed to do business in the State of Colorado and will be countersigned as required by resident agents of Colorado pAJackLandreth PHONE 913 843 4030 901 KENTUCKY ST LAWRENCE, KANSAS 66044 C. STATEMENT OF EXPERIENCE This applicant owns and operates only one community antenna television system. The facility as called Sunflower Cablevision and at as located an Lawrence, Kansas. While attending and participating in numerous newspaper association meetings in the middle 1960's, Dolph C. S.amons, Jr. became aware of fast-breaking developments in the field of in- formation dissemination and the relationship of cable television systems and daily newspapers. Upon closer study and examination of possibilities within the field of cable television, Simons started exploring the potential of a cable system an Lawrence. Several cable and electronic firms were invited to study the Lawrence market and to assess the possibility of building and operating a successful system. In addition, contact was made with the chief executive of a major cable television company with systems scattered throughout the country. This particular in- dividual was invited to visit Lawrence to study the market as a potential investor and developer. Lawrence is a "marginal" cable market an that it is not necessary to have a cable connection an order to receive a relatively good television picture on a home TV set. For this reason, the cable company executive indicated he was not a.n- terested an investing in a Lawrence system as he did not think it could be a success. Nevertheless, Simons decided to build the system The entire project was handled by The World Company, with financing from the company' s own resources and from borrowing from a Lawrence bank. The Jerrold Electronics Co. of Philadelphia designed the system and was employed to build a "turn key" system. They were instructed to design and build a system of which city officials, residents of the city, University officials and all of us would be proud. In addition, we asked that the entire University of Kansas campus be "wired" at our expense so the University would be able to use the cable technology however and when they washed. Construction of the system was started in early 1971, as well as construction of a uniquely designed office-studio facility. The first cable subscribers were connected to the system an late 1971 with the entire facility completed by the middle of 1972. There is both aerial and underground cable in the Lawrence system. C. STATEMENT OF EXPERIENCE (cont'd) At the present tune there are approximately 8,300 basic cable subscribers with projections calling for more than 9,000 subscribers by December of this year. From the beginning, those in charge of Sunflower Cablevision were anxious to provide a superior and flexible cable system and heavy emphasis has been placed on local origination. A complete color studio is available for use by most any community educa- tional or university group or individual. Sunflower Cablevision has a mobile, remote cablecasting van and is able to either tape, or uz specific locations, cablecast "live" programs. High School football and basketball games, University sports events, community activities, interview shows, and theater pro- ductions are just a few of the programs originated by Sunflower Cablevision. We have not applied for any other cable television franchises as we have devoted all of our attention to making Sunflower Cablevision as good as we can. And, we have ideas and plans for making it even better in the years to come. Now, however, with our experience of starting from scratch, providing the financing, designing the system, building the system and developing and training the personnel to operate a successful cable system, we feel we have the ideal background and experience to build and operate a cable system in Fort Collins. We have worked closely with city officials in the development of a franchise agreement, we have been able to build a system which is attractive to subscribers, we have worked with University officials and we are confident we can build and operate a superior cable system uz Fort Collins. i D STATEMENT OF NON-DISCRIMINATION There is no d3_scrim3.nat3.on in the availability of Sunflower Cablevision service in Lawrence, nor would any such practice be allowed in a Fort Collins cable system. Sunflower Cablevision operates its facility in a sound, bus3.ness-13.ke manner and the only reasons for disconnecting or denying cable connections are based upon poor credit, non-payment of past due bills or theft of service. No discrimination is allowed in the employment of personnel. � i E. CABLE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM PROVISIONS ' 1 (a) This applicant, upon the issuance or granting of a franchise by the city of Fort Collins, will make arrangements with an acknowledged, reputable and highly professional cable and electronics firm to conduct an engineering survey of Fort Collins. This will require several individuals to "walk" the entire city, noting all streets and alley ways, all telephone and electric power poles and the city's under- ground utility network. These individuals also will confer with city officials relative to new areas likely to be developed in the next several years and they will visit with utility officials about various areas within the community where either telephone or power lines are scheduled to be placed in an underground mode. i Upon completion of the survey, the company then will design a system to serve Fort Collins, and one which is engineered electronically in such a manner as to provide clear, strong clean signals throughout the city, a system which can be expanded to provide service to new developments, and a system which will provide two-way capability to various specific locations. The franchisee will direct the engineer- ing company to design a system which will make cable service available to all residents within the city of Fort Collins, however the franchisee does suggest that the city adopt a ` . "line extension" policy which would protect the franchisee from having to provide service to isolated pockets of residences or in situations where the extension of service clearly would be economically unwise. It is suggested that the city adopt a "line extension" policy which would allow the franctnsee the flexibility of not having to provide service to any such area unless there is a minimum of 60 residences per strand mile of cable. 1 (b) The specific location of the tower site and the head end facility cannot be accurately pinpointed until completion of the electronic survey and until the Fort Collins system has been designed. However, there is every intention of having these facilities designed, built and in operation within a year after the franchise has been granted--with the one provision that should there be some event outside the control of the franchisee, such as a mayor storm, construc- tion strikes, or other like situations, there could be some delay in completing the headend and hub sites within a year. E. CABLE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM PROVISIONS 1 (b) (=ont'd) At this point it should be noted city officials will have to determine when the "franchise granting" date is to be set in motion Is the "go" or "start" date to be that specific time when the City Council takes formal action and grants a franchise to an applicant, or rather after residents of Fort Collins give their approval to the granting of a franchise at an election to be held sometime after the city council' s action? The determination of this date could be extremely critical for a franchisee having facilities under construc- tion or completed within certain time frames. Also, what is the city' s position relative to the possibility of a franchisee starting engineering work and initial construc- tion and then having the franchise re3ected by city voters? 1 (c) The franchisee will meet or exceed all Federal Communications Commission technical standards in the Fort Collins cable system. Upon completion of the engineering and electronic survey, and after the initial design of the system, the franchisee will provide city officials with a complete statement detailing the "system specifications" which will outline the electronic characteristics and capabilities of the Fort Collins system. 1 (d) The cable system to be built and operated by this applicant will have the technical capability of providing two-way digital response as required by the Federal Communications Commission. In addition, the system will be designed and engineered to allow two-way transmission capability between the "hub" or office-studio facility and various sites agreed upon by city, university and school system officials. 1 (e) In all areas of Fort Collins where telephone and power utilities currently are placed in an underground mode, this applicant will place its cable lanes underground. This also will apply to all new developments within the city. In those areas where telephone and power lines currently are above ground, the applicant will study such areas to determine if it would be best at the outset to place the cable underground or rather to attach the cable to existing E. CABLE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM PROVISIONS 1 (e) cont'd poles. There is reason to believe that in some areas which now have aerial construction for telephone and power lines, this applicant would want to place its cable underground. This is sure to be the case in those areas where telephone and power company spokesmen indicate they plan to vacate the poles within a reasonable period and that they intend to bury their lines. This applicant would work closely with power and tele- phone representatives in all new developments and would hope to share ditching expenses and shaLe the ditch in conformance with proper and safe procedures. 1 (f) This applicant plans to design and build a studio facility at the "hub" or office site which will provide the space and equipment to allow and encourage the origination of various types of live color cablecasting. Studio and control booth equipment would be of the make and design engineered for cablecasting, as opposed to "network" or commercial television facilities. However, the cameras, video tape equipment, film chain system, lighting and music-sound equipment will be as modern as the industry now is using. In addition to the studio cablecasting facilities, this applicant also would have mobile and remote cablecasting capabilities. This would permit the video taping of events throughout the Fort Collins area and there is the possibility that through the use of micro-wave transmission devices, live cablecasting could be provided throughout the area. Also, live cablecasting will be possible from the Colorado State University campus as well as other selected locations within the city. The types of programing or possible uses for these cablecasting facilities is almost unlimited. It is important to remember that due to the presence of the Educational Media Center at Colorado State University, Fort Collins has perhaps the nation' s outstanding university electronic visual media center. This expertise and interest in television, video tape and other means of video communication represents a tremendous resource for the city and for the development of cable tele- vision programing E. CABLE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM PROVISIONS 1 (f) cont'd This applicant would seek to develop a close, coopera- tive relationship with the Educational Media Center in all phases of the cablevision operation, but in particular in the development of local cablecasting and community involve- ment in cablecasting. Program possibilities include: High School events Colorado State University events Community programs and activities Educational programing Home instruction in many areas Continuing education programing The inclusion of "SURGE" programs City government programs Debates of local issues Interviews with interesting personalities And, the availability of cable studio facilities to the many organizations and programs listed in the Larimer County directory of Human Services. It is difficult to define or list specific programing possibilities as actually there is an almost unlimited source of potential cablecasting programs. A word of caution should be noted. Although the possibilities for this programing are extremely flexible and diverse, it still requires the enthus- iasm and interest of those associated with various activities along with their time to develop and devote to the programs and equipment. E. CABLE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM PROVISIONS 2 (Service Provisions) The cable television system planned for Fort Collins by this applicant will have a capacity of 30 channels. in visiting with members of the Educational Media Center staff at Colorado State University and members of the Fort Collins Cable Advisory Committee, and in trying to project the needs and uses for cable in the next 10 years, it would appear unlikely that more than 20 channels will be utilized. However, we think it wise to design a 30-channel system. Presently there are 6 off-air television signals received in the Fort Collins area. All of these would be included in the cable television package. In addition, this applicant plans to "import" distant signals via satellite transmission for insertion into the Fort Collins cable system. There also will be channels for local origination program- ing, channels for news and weather information, and channels for use by educational and governmental bodies as well as channel space for "public access". There is far more programing and potential signal availability in Fort Collins than is present in most communi- ties throughout the country and this presents some complica- tions. It means some method must be used so cable subscribers will be able to view the numerous signals, which in number are likely to surpass the normal selection choice on the typical home television set. This will necessitate the use of a "converter". 1. Current "off air" channels to be carried on the Fort Collins system would include: I,14GN -----------Denver, Channel 2 KOA-TV --------Denver, Channel 4 KMGH-TV---------Denver, Channel 7 KBTV -----------Denver, Channel 9 KRMA-TV---------Denver, Channel 6 ! KYCU-TV---------Cheyenne, Channel 5 2. Distant or "imported" signals which are likely to be carried on the Fort Collins cable system: (the term "likely" is used because in the case of station WGN-TV, Chicago, there is no firm timetable, or specific date as to when this signal will be transmitted via satellite. Nevertheless, this E. CABLE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM PROVISIONS 2 (Service Provisions) 2. cont'd W%j_m applicant plans to insert the WGN-TV signal just as soon as it is available. Perhaps this will be possible by the time the Fort Collins system is able to make its first customer connec- tion, but as of this date, the WGN-TV signal is not available) Distant signals planned for the Fort Collins system- WTCG-TV, Channel 17, Atlanta, Georgia WGN-TV, Channel 4, Chicago, Illinois CBN-TV, Christian Broadcasting network, Virgin3.a,0o- PTL-TV, another Christian broadcasting network, North Carolina. All of these signals would be received via the SatCom 1 satellite and an earth receiving station in Fort Collins. In addition to these distant signals it is planned to include a "premium" or "pay" television signal in the Fort Collins system, and this, too, would be received via satellite and an earth receiving station. 3 (The allocation of channels for- ) Public Access: A channel will be available for use by those requesting "public access" type program- ing. At the outset or in the early development stages of the Fort Collins system, it is unknown as to how much time will be required to cablecast those taking advantage of the "public access" channel. It seems reasonable to assume that several types of programing will be carried on the same channel or perhaps several channels until the demands for use of the channel fill it to capacity. However, in the event there is the demand for a number of channels to meet all local needs, the system planned for Fort Collins will have ample channel capacity to accommodate all requests. E. CABLE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM PROVISIONS 3 (The allocation of channels for: ) cont'd Municipal government: If city officials are anxious to use cablevision facilities for programing, channel space will be available. Some of the areas which might be considered in such programing could include educational programs explaining city developments and activities, zoning, growth policies, or discussions of current topics of interest. Perhaps the city's crime prevention program could be enhanced by the use of cablecasts_ It is not known whether Fort Collins officials are anxious to move into the areas of meter reading by cable devices or other similar programs, but this is possible. Educational: There are almost unlimited programing possibilities dealing with education and channel space will be available for the Poudre R-1 School District to use the facilities of the Fort Collins cable television system. Closed circuit programing within the school system for teacher instruction, possible connections with library facilities, special program- ing for those confined to their homes, and many home extension programs could be carried on the cable system. Again, if there is the demand for channel use, the system will have ample flexibility to handle most any programing needs. Unallocated: Inasmuch as the Fort Collins system will have a 30-channel capacity, there would seem to be a good number of un- allocated channels for future use and development. e t t E. CABLE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM PROVISIONS 4 (Channels for "Home Box Office" and similar subscription services:) Channel space will be available for a "premium" or "pay" television signal and this signal will be received via satellite and an earth receiving station. This signal will not be available to all cablevisxon subscribers, but rather just for those who pay an additional charge for this particular programing. Additional channels may be added at a later date, but it is anticipated the first such programing will be provided by Home Box Office, New York City, which is a division of Time, Inc. and is the nation's largest supplier of such programing. 5 It is difficult to pinpoint the exact number of channels which will be put into use at the outset and how many addi- tional services or programs will be added at a later date. However, there will be a 24-hour-day news channel on the cable system which supplies up-to-date news from throughout the country and abroad. This service will be provided by either the Associated Press or TJnited Press International and there are new developments in this field which may pro- vide additional programing possibilities. Weather news will be carried and there is channel capacity to add whatever services in the field of news-financial news-weather, or other such specialized programing, when and if there is programing available and sufficient interest by Fort Collins residents. 6 (FM Radio Stations) The cable system will have an all-band FM antenna in order to receive all off-air FM signals and will in turn insert these signals into the cable system. At this point, it seems appropriate to make several additional comments. When a community or a cable operator is thinking about starting a new system, most everyone is enthused about the possi- bility and the opportunities of local cablecasting and local program origination, the importation of distant signals and all kinds of special service. All of this is possible and in many cases the cable systems have indeed been able to provide a sizable "smorgasbord" of programing. As mentioned before, there as almost 1 no limit as to what can be provided by cable, but at the same time there usually must be sufficient interest in the programing and a willingness to pay for something extra or special before the venture can be successful. There is no question but that Fort Collins presents a unique and exciting cablevxsion potential and this applicant is anxious to have it be an outstanding facility. In order for home television viewers to be able to see more than 12 separate pictures on their television screen, there must be a device at the subscriber's home which enables the subscriber to ad3ust his or her television set to accept various additional channels which are being transmitted through the cable system's i coaxial cable. These devices are called "converters" t "encoders" I or "decoders" and under the plans submitted by this applicant, it will be necessary for all cable subscribers to have such a device. The method of paying for these devices will be addressed later am this application. I • 1. Installation and service of the system to schools, to public service installations. The applicant proposes to provide basic cable service to the public school buildings of Fort Collins, to any private or church supported school, the city' s fire stations, the city' s police stations and the city and/or county 7axl facility. in the case of the school buildings, the cable company would extend the service at no cost to the building structure, but would prefer to have school system employees take care of the internal wiring. There would be no monthly service charge for this basic cable service to the schools. in the case of city bu3.ld3.ngs, the cable company would extend the service to the building, again at no cost, and would work with city officials to determine the amount of internal wiring required to meet the desires of officials at each facility. If there is extensive wiring required, the cost of such servicd can be worked out at a reasonable charge. Each building is likely to present a different situation so it is difficult to generalize about all city buildings. As in the case of the school buildings, no monthly service charges would be made for the basic cable service. 2. Two-way: Following completion of the engineering and electronic survey of Fort Collins and after consultation with city, school and University officials, a map will be prepared show- 3.ng the routes of a two-way operational cable system between the office-studio-hub facility and the following locations: 1. Colorado State University. The cable company will coordinate planning and engineering with University and Educational Media Center officials to insure that there is a complete and flexible two-way cablecasting capability between the University and the rest of the cable system. 2. Poudre R-1 School District Administration Building. A two-way operational system will be designed to connect the Poudre R-1 School District administration building and the cable company's studio-hub facility. 3. A two-way operational system will be designed to connect the Fort Collins municipal building and the cable company's studio-hub facility. It might be wise at this time for city officials to see if the new city building has the necessary conduit, internal wiring, and/or access routes into the building for future cable wiring. In the case of the three Fort Collins High Schools, the public library and the Lincoln Community Center, as well as other possible sites, the cable company is prepared to extend two-way operational connections when there is sufficient evidence of interest, desire and facilities in these locations to initiate or originate programing. It is possible that additional facilities can be included in the original two-way system, once the basic two-way cable routes have been designed and engineered. 3. The cable system will be designed so that "private" reception can be provided and certain audiences can receive specific programing. This would be achieved through the use of a "scrambled signal" and a "descrambler" device at the subscriber's home. 4. When a Spanish-speaking television signal is available via satellite transmission, the applicant would plan to insert this signal into the Fort Collins cable system. 5. Additional two-way services- As the city of Fort Collins grows and as there are increasing needs and uses for cable facilities, local program origination, "private" reception or other applications of cable technology, the applicant will be prepared to make additional two-way operational facilities available to meet these needs- In all the situations mentioned above, the applicant would like to note that the more use of the cable facilities which can be developed among Fort Collins residents, the better the chances for a truly unique and successful system. We are anxious for as many people from as many different areas of interest to use the facilities of the cable company as possible. In past months there has been some discussion among city officials relative to the need' for a cable advisory committee and/or what role city council members should play in the cable operation. This applicant would be pleased to work with and meet periodically with a group of citizens interested and knowledgeable about cable. We think this could work well for all parties--the city, the public and the cable operator. F. SUBSCRIBER RATES AND CHARGES. There are various ways to devise a fair and equitable rate structure for the Fort Collins cablevision system although there is no "perfect" or ideal yardstick to use in arriving at such charges. Inasmuch as the Fort Collins system must incorporate the use of "converters" in order for cablevisxon subscribers to be able to receive all the programing which eventually f would be available to home viewers, this applicant has developed a rate schedule which will not create a "tiered" system or make certain types of programing more accessible than others. We do not want to develop a system whereby there would be various classes or divisions of viewers in Fort Collins-- depending upon whether or not they purchased or leased a converter. Therefore, we are proposing a system where all cablevisaon subscribers will have a converter with no additional installation charge to the customer. Rates proposed by this applicant: Monthly Service Charges: First and initial outlet $ 9.60 including tax Additional outlets (each) 2.50 plus tax Connection Charges: First outlet (original order) 19.50 plus tax Additional outlets (original order) 5.00 plus tax Additional outlets (later date) 9.50 plus tax Relocation of outlets 9.50 plus tax Transfer charge 9.50 plus tax Reconnect charge (nonpay or temporary disconnect) 9.50 plus tax There will be no charge for the basic converter, however a subscriber would be charged the difference between the basic converter and a more sophisticated converter of the customer should request this latter device. i i F. SUBSCRIBER RATES AND CHARGES: (cont'd) This applicant proposes the following rates for "bulk" sales, or sales to apartment complexes where the owner- operator of the apartment or townhouse-development agrees to supply a cablevisaon signal to all units within the complex. In such an arrangement there is a single billing by the cablevision company to the owner-operator who pays a single bill to the cablevision company. Monthly Service Charges: lst Outlet Additional Outlet 2-15 units $6.75 $2.50 I 16-199 units 5.25 2.50 200 or more units 4.75 2.50 } In those apartment facilities where the owner-operator does not wish to provide service for all residents, regular basic cable rates will apply for those living within the unit. The applicant proposes the following rates for motels and hotels: Monthly Service Charges: 1-49 units $3.50 for each outlet 50 or more units 3.00 for each outlet f� In both the "bulk", or apartment complex rate, as well I as the motel rate system, no installation charge will be made if the cable system is able to utilize a master dis- tribution system which may be present, or is in workable condition, in that facility. If a master distribution system must be installed by the cablev3.s3.on company, the � charge for this will have to be negotiated. The rate for Home Box Office will be $9 95 a month. I Those wishing to receive this premium or "pay television i signal will have to use a different converter than that used by those receiving merely the basic cable service, and con- sequently they will be charged the difference between the regular converter and the more costly converter required by those receiving the HBO signal. III Security of Proposals- This applicant is prepared to pay a non-refundable sum of $10,000 to the City of Fort Collins upon the granting of the franchise, however the question of when the "franchise" actually is granted needs to be answered. Is the franchise granted when members of the City Council select one of the applicants and the franchise agreement is worked out between the I applicant and the city, or is the franchise still a tentative situation until it is approved by the voters of Fort Collins? This applicant would prefer to withhold the $10,000 until after the vote of the residents unless there is an indication by city officials that the $10,000 would be returned in case the voters should reject the franchise question. The applicant, as previously noted, is prepared to purchase the necessary insurance and performance bonds. I E IV Franchise Fee: • This applicant proposes payment of a 3 percent franchise fee as recommended by the Federal Communications Commission. In fact, the F.C.C. suggests that the 3 percent figure be used as a maximum. The 3 percent figure would apply to cablevision subscriber charges and would not include revenue from installation costs, re-connect charges or any revenues which might accrue from the sale or lease of converters or other equipment. The applicant sees no need for an additional 2 percent payment to the city for regulation or other services as there should be no need for the city to expand city offices or personnel to handle cable matters. This merely increases the costs of government and is not needed. This would be an j unnecessary expense for all parties and the money which would t be earmarked for the additional 2 percent payment to the city could be better used in modernizing and updating the cable I system. In addition, the cable operator will be paying a 2 percent city sales tax figure as well as a 3 percent state sales tax figure. As noted earlier in this application, the success of the system depends on the cooperation of all parties and the desire by the operator to provide as good a system as possible for the Fort Collins market. If higher franchise fees are required and additional payments must be made to the city, chancesare this will result in higher charges to the sub- scribers. This is counter productive as higher subscriber rates quite likely could limit the number of subscribers, which in turn handicaps the cable company and reduces the potential franchise fee for the city. i I V Complaints: The applicant will maintain an efficient system for handling service calls and complaints. It is essential to have able, courteous and prompt service personnel to meet the needs of cable subscribers. No charge will be made for service calls, and during normal working hours--8 am to 6 pm—the service, repair and maintenance personnel will reply to any such calls within a short time. in Lawrence, for example, most service calls during these hours are answered and taken care of with 1 to 3 hours of the original complaint or query. During the hours from 6 pm to 8 am there will be I personnel assigned to be on a stand-by basis for service, ; repair and maintenance. An answering service will be used to receive all phone calls and the answering service will , then contact the cable employee assigned to handle such complaints. i I I