HomeMy WebLinkAbout089 - 10/03/1978 - ASSESSING THE COST OF IMPROVEMENTS IN DOWNTOWN IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO 1 L ORDINANCE NO 89 , 1978 BEING AN ORDINANCE ASSESSING THE COST OF IMPROVE- MENTS IN DOWNTOWN IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO 1 AND PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT AND COLLECTION THEREOF WHEREAS, heretofore by appropriate ordinances and resolutions duly adopted by the Council of the City of Fort Collins, there was established Downtown improvement District No 1 for the purpose of installing improvements designed to improve the visual appearance of streets and other public ways within the district and to make such streets and other public ways better accommodate pedestrian and vehicular traffic, such improvements including construction and recon- struction of sidewalks, curbs, gutters and streets, installa- tion of planters and landscaping, installation of benches in the sidewalk areas, installation of plazas, signalization of traffic and other allied improvements, all pursuant to Chapter 16 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins, and WHEREAS, pursuant to said ordinances and resolutions, said improvements have been installed and accepted by the City of Fort Collins, Colorado; and WHEREAS, upon accepting said improvements, the City Council adopted the report of the City Engineer respecting the cost of such improvements and the schedule of assessments prepared by the City Engineer and ordered notice to be published as provided in Chapter 16 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins, which said notice was duly published as therein provided; and WHEREAS, September 19, 1978, is the date set for the hearing of complaints and objections and the determinations of the same and for acting upon an ordinance assessing the cost of such improvements; and t WHEREAS, all complaints and objections in writing filed by property owners within the District have been considered by the City Council NOW„ THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS i Section 1 That the total cost of the improvements in Downtown Improvement District No 1, including the cost of engineering, legal, publication'„ interest during construction, and collection, to-wit $1, 271, 256 00, less the portion of said cost to be paid by the City at large, to-wit $536,58% 60 or a net amount of $734, 966 40 is hereby assessed upon the real estate in said District in accordance with the provisions ` of Chapter 16 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins, and the proportion ,of said costs assessed upon each lot or tract of landin said District shall be as follows r� Z04E I - 1 00 SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT LOT AREA ASSESSABLE ASSESSMENT iN ZONE AREA IN RATE PER TOTAL MANE AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION SO FT FACTOR SO FT SO FT ASSESSvEV• EverittiEnterprises Inc Also 97114-15-006 6 007, Lots 5, 6, 3 S %y ft of 11,115 1 00 11,115 8861 P 0 Box 2125 Lot 7, Blk 112, FTC $ 9, i9 00 Fort Collins CO 97114-15-005 i h Everitt Enterprises, Inc Also 97114-15-009 thru 011, N 1% ft of Lot 7 22,610 1 DO 22,610 8861 20,034 72 3030 S College Ave all of Lots 8 ,thru 11 8 S 24 ft of Lot 99114`-Ybl- nt CO 12, Blk 112, FTC Pitzelle,OLLttd 22y ft by 30 ft 1n rear of Lot 12, Blk 112, FTC 675 1 00 675 8861 598 12 119 W Oak 'Fort Collins CO, 97114-15-012 Pitzelle, Ltd W 30 ft of Lots 13,thrw 16, ,Bik 112, FTC 119 W Oak 1 00 3,000 8861r 2,65a 30 3,000 Fort Collins CO, 97114-15-013 Armory Realty Co E 160 ft of N 22% ft Lot 12 61E 160 ft 1301 Arapahoe St lots '13, 14, 15 6 16,'Blk 112, FTC 19,600 J 00 19,600 8861 17,367 56 Golden CO 80401 91114-15-014 Starke, William R Also 97123-07-018 thru 022, lot A 6 Lots 18 thru 14,183 43 1 00 14,183 43 8861 12,567 94 112 N College 22, 81k 18, FTC Fort Collins CO 197123-07-002 Wagner,Paul L /Karen A Also 97123-07-031, B thru J 8 Z, Blk 18, Resub of 12,817 97 1 00 - 12,817 97 8861 11,358 00 3408 Canadian Parkway Lots 1 thrw 5 6 cam at pt 8 ft W of intsec Fort Collins CO of in bet Lots 6 8 7, Blk 18, FTC 8 S in of alley 27123-07-005 th due S to intsec with SWrly in of Lot 6, th NWrly alg SWrly in of lot 6, to NW cor sd Lot, th ,E to beg Trimble Block Also 97123-07-010 6 011, Lots 9 thru 11, Blk 18, FTC 11,260 1 00 11,250 8861 9,968 63 f Trimble, Martha Scott 1909 StoverST Fort Collins CO 91123-01-009 it ZONE I - 1 00 SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT LOT AREA ASSESSABLE ASSESSMENT NAME AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION IN ZONE AREA iN RATE PER TOTAL SQ FT FACTOR SQ FT SQ FT ASSESSMENT Raider, Earl G/Mary K All that part of Lot 9, Blk III, FTC, Lying 6 of A 2,422 5 1 00 2,422 5 886, $ 2,146 58 1116 Skyline or in desc as beg at a pt on E in sd lot 9 6 12 75 ft Fort Collins CO of SE cor sd Lot 6 run th W thru 6d Lot 9 pirs to 97114-14-009 S Ln Bloom, Albert F S 6 inches of Lot 10 8 all that part of Lot 9, Blk 111, 2,392 5 1 00 2,392 5 8861 2,119 99 312 S Washington FTC lying N of a in desc as beg at a pt on E in Lot 9 8 Fort Collins CO 12 75 ft N of SE cor of sd lot 6 run th W thru sd 97114-14-010 lot 9,para to S in Huangy, Walter W/Amy H Lot 12, Blk 111, FTC 3 25 1 00 3,250 8861 2 879 83 415 Pitkin , 0 , Fort Collins CO , 97114-14-012 Trimble Properties, Ltd Lots 13 6 14, Blk 111, FTC % Goldberg, S H 6,500 i 00 6,500 8861 5,759 65 113 S College Fort Collins CO 97114-14-013 Grovert, Arthur R Also 97114-14-016, Lots 15 8 16, Bik 111, FTC 6,500 1 00 6,500 8861 5,769 65 Harold J 101 S College Fort Collins CO 97114-14-015 Abbott, Earl M/Alexander Also 97114-14-011, Lots 10 611. less S 6 inches 6,435 1 00 6,435 8861 5,702 05 % Fort Collins Orthopedic Assn of Lot 10, Bik I11, FTC 1200 E Elizabeth Fort Collins CO 97114-14-033 Peterson, Vernon/John M Also 97114-15-002 thru 004, Lots 1 thru 4, 19,000 1 00 19,000 8861 16,835 90 2114 James Or Bik 112, FTC Loveland CO 8OS37 91114-15-001 ZONE 1 - 1 00 SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT LOT AREA ASSESSABLE ASSESSMENT NAME AND ADDRESS IN ZONE DESCRIPTION SQFT FACT A OR SQA IN RATE R FT Q FT ASSESSMEV• Columbia Savings 8 Loan,Assn Also 97123-18-034, N 80 ft Lots 7 thru 9 8 u 6,335 63 1 00 6,335 63 8861 S 5,614 00 1400 Petroleum Club Bldg 40 ft of Nis ft 6 N 3 ft 1% inches of Denver CO 80202 E 35 ft of N 75 ft Lot 10, Blk 121, FTC 97123-18-033 i Keagy, Bruce H S 20 ft of N 40 ft of Lot 10, S 20 ft ly inch of 1,542 OS 1 1,542 05 8841 1,366 41 0eroths H iE 35 ft of N 75 ft of Lot 10, Blk 121, FTC Also cam at 316 Jackson Ave NW cor of Lot 11. Blk 121. FTC, th E 75 ft S 6 inches, Fort Collins CO N 15 ft. N 6 Inches to beg, FTC 97123-18-037 Bennett, Robertson L Also 97123-18-039, Lots 21 6 22, Blk 121, FTC 7.000 1 00 7.ODO 8861 6,202 70 Themes Wilillar&ll Jr P 0 Box 458 + Fort Collins CO 97123-18-038 Siegel, Julian/Ida lot 11, less N 6 inches of N 75 ft, Blk 121, P 0 Box 565 FTC 3.462 5 1 Do 3.462 5 8861 3,068 12 Fort Collins CO 97123-18-011 Fischer 6 Co Ltd /et al Also 97114-14-002 thru 004, Lots I thru 4, Blk 111, P 0 Box 1555 FTC 19,000 1 00 19,000 8861 16,835 90 _ Fort Collins CO 97114-14-001 Hiller Betty C Also 97114.14-006, Lots S 8 6, Blk 111, FTC Thiele, Barbara C 9,500 1 00 9,500 8861 8,417 95 11 Karnes, Allie C 11000 N 79th PI Arvada,Coy 80005 Siegel. Julian Also 97114-14-008, Lots 7 6 B.,Blk 111, FTC P 0 Box 565 9,500 1 00 9,600 8861 8,417 95 Fort Collins C8 97114-14-007 ZONE 1 - l 00 SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT LOT AREA ASSESSABLE ASSESSMENT NAME AND ADDRESS SIN ZONE AREA IN RATE PER TOTAL DESCRIPTION SQ FT FACTOR SQ FT SQ FT ASSESSMENT Carroll, RomaiM Also 97123-19-022 thru 024' Lots 21 thru 24 (Blk 122,FTC 14 000 1 00 14.000 8861 S 12,405 40 Hutchason, Ropert H i' 930 N Evergreen (Burbank CA 91505, + 97123-19-021 Knox, Blanche E Lot 12. Blk 121. FTC 3,500 1 00 3.500 8861 3,101 35 122 S College 4 Fort Collins CO ,97123-18-012 Jackson, Gerald N Also 97123-18-014. Lots 13 6 14. Blk 121, FTC 7,000 1 00 7.000 8861 6.202 10 Barbara R 1009 Knobcode 81 Loveland CO 80537 97123-18-013 i Hunsberger. Victor L 'Lot 15, OR 121, FTC 3.500 1 00 3,500 88611 3,101 35 Frances N 1004 Sunset Fort Collins CO 97123-18-016 Collins, Elton R /Helen N Lot 16, Blk 121. FTC 3,500 1100 3,500 88611 3,101 35 S United Bank Trust Dept P 0 Box 565 Fort Collins CO 80522 97123-18-016 37 r, Leeay /Sondra A Lot 17, Blk 121. FTC 3,500 1 00 3,500 8861 3,101 35 Fort Collins CO 97123-18-017 Steinman. iEsther A Also 97123-18-019 8 020, lots 18 thru 20, Blk 121, 10,500 1 DO 10,500 8861 9,304 05 Trustee/Promar,Property FTC Services, Inc 1501 lemay 0102 Fort Collins CO 97123-18-018 ZOIE I - 1 00 SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT LOT AREA ASSESSABLE ASSESSMENT NAME AND ADDRESS IN ZONE AREA IN RATE PER TOTAL DESCRIPTION SQ FT FACTOR SQ F• SQ FT ASSESSMENT Johnson, Melvin Lots 916 10, ,ess Bk 932, Pg 166, Blk 122, FTC 6,976 2 1 DO 6,976 2 8861 $ 6,181 61 Yuthas, George Anthony Trustees P 0 Box 1726 ort Collins CO 80522 _11123-19-009 Mattingly, Phyllis G Also 97123-19-.12, a wedge shaped por oflLot 10, Blk 6,440 1 00 6,440 8861 6,706 48 50315 Grant 3t 122 FTC, alg S in desc as Wm,at SW cor s&Lot 10, Fort Collins CO th iki eIg S In sd Lot to SE'cor th Nialg E in 4 inches, 97123-19-011 th Wrly in a straight in to pob 6 Lot 11 6 n 20 ft 10 inches,Lot 12, Blk 122, FTC Hospital Service Inc S 4 ft 2 inches Lot 12, al11of1ot 1318 N 10 ft 15,483 8 d 00 S,483 81 8861 4,859 20 206 S College Lot 24, Blk 122, FTC Fort Collins,CO 97123-19-013 Soukup, Jerome N S 15 ft of Lot 14 8 N' 13 ft of Lot 16, Blk 122, FTC 3,920 1 00 3,920 8861 3,473 51 Patricia L P 0 Box 453 FortlCollins CO 97123-19-014 Spencer Enterprises Also 97123-19-017 Lot116 exc N 2 ft 8 Lot 17, 6,720 J 00 6,720 8861 5,954 59 Unite&Bank Blk 122, FTC 0 Box 565 ort Collins CO 80522 97123-19-016 T 5 K Associates Lot 18 6 N Is of 19, Blk 122, FTC 5,250 1 00 5,260 8861 4,652 03 Rocky Mtn Bank Bldg Fort Collins CO 97123-19-018 Merck John R Also 97123-19-020, Lot 20 6 S % of Lot 19, Blk 122,FTC 5,250, 1100 5,250 8861 4,652 01 Gapp, Clarence J 226-228 S College Ave Fort Collins CO 97123-19-019 t l ZO,E 1 - 1 00 SPECIAL iMPROVEMEV DISTRICT LOT AREA ASSESSABLE ASSESSMENT iN ZONE AREA 9N RATEiPER TOTAL NAME AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION SQ FT FACTOR SQ FT SO FT ASSESS`"EYT Humphrey, Robert N Also 97114-05-002 6 051, Lots �l 6 2 6 S 10 ft. Lot 3, 7,800 1 00 7,800 8861 S 6,911 58 Williams, Jack,H /Edna P Blk 21, FTC % Weishampel, Charle P 0 Box 1665 1 'Milwaukee WI 53201 97114-05-0011 Weber, Claude A Also 97114-05 004, N 3/5 of Lot 3 6 all of Lot 5,200 1 00 5;200 8861 4,607 72 Ruth Orpen 4, Blk 21, FTC 18 Forest Hills Ln Fort Collins CO 97114-05-003 Long. Luke 0 /Lila Also 97114-05-006 6 007, Lots 6 thrw7, Blk 21,FTC 9,760 1' 00 9,750 8861 8,639 48 1300 Teakwood Fort Collins CO 97114-05-0o5 Portner, Roy A Lot 8, Blk 21, FTC 322 W Laurel 4,750 1 00 4,750 8861 4,208 98 ' Fort Collins CO 197114-05-008 Joyen Investments, Ltd, Also 97114-05-010 6 011, Lots 9 thru 11, less N 14,155 1 00 14,155 8861 12,542 75 %'Long, Mrs, 16 inches ofiLot 11, Blk 21, FTC 1300 Teakwood Fort Collins'CO 97114-05-009 BeJmuk, Alex Also 97114-05-013, W,6 inches of Lot 11, all 9,690i 1 0o 9,690 8861 8,586 31 P 0 Box 614 lots 12 6 13 6 S 6 inches Lot 14, 8lk 21, FTC Fort Collins CO 97114-05-012 Ellis Motor 6 Trailer Lot 14 Mess S 6 inches,1Blk 21, FTC Sales, inc 4,655 1 00 4,655 88611 4,124 60 151 N College Ave Fort Collins CO 97114-05-014 r L 24NE 1 - P 00 SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT LOT AREA ASSESSABLE ASSESSMENT MANE AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION IN' ZONE AREA IN, RATE PER TOTAL SQ FT FACTOR SQ iFT SQ FT ASSESSMENT America Building Co Also 97114-05-016, Lots 15, 16 B S 3 ft of Lot 17, 10,070 1 0o 9 Sanfilippo, Michael G 81k 21, FTC 10,010 8861 S 8,923 03 Mary Ann 1501 Lemay 0102 Fort Collins CO 97114-05-016 Briggs, John Wesley Also 97114-05-018, Lot 16 B N 22 ft of Lot 17, Blk 8,930 1 00 8.930 169 y N College 21, FTC Fort Collins CO ' 886t 7,912 87 97114-05-017 (Lamle, Kenneth C Lot 19, Blk Y1, FTC 4 R01'Dorothy A o ,750 1 00 4,760 8861 4,208 98 Wiley Co 81092 97114,05-019 McCorty's Barber Shop N 12 q ft of'Lot 20, Blk 21, FTC 179N College 2,375 1 00 Y,315 8861 2,104 49 FortiCollins CO 97114-05-020 Briggs, Mary'Alice lot 21, B1k ,21,iFTC 11 Grey, Mary Alice 4,7501 1 00 4,750 8861 4,208 98 1410 N Lincoln Loveland,CO $0537 97114-05-021 Benton, lee/Mary>Louise Also 97114-05-023, lots 22 6 23, 41k 21, FTC 1308 Lemay 9,500 1 00 9,500 8861 6,417 95 Fort Collins CO 97114-05-022 �Curby, Dorothy Maxine S 12q ft, Lot 20 Blk 21,iFTC 237& 1' 00 Joseph 0' , 2,316 B86) 2,104 49 1215 W Mountain Fort Collins CO 80521 97114-05-052 i , ZONE 1- 1 00 SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT LOT AREA ASSESSABLE ASSESSMENT N INi ZONE AREA IN RATE PER TOTAL NAME AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION SO FT FACTOR SO FT SO FT ASSESSMENT Early, Alan,C Lot 12, Blk 18, FTC 3,750 1 00 3,750 B861 S 3,322 B8 809 Pitkin Fort Collins CO 97123-07-012 McMillan, Donald/Susan Lot 13, Blk 18, ,FTC j 146 N College Ave 3,750 1 00 3,150 8861 3,322 88 Fort Collins C0f 91123-07-013 Kamandy, Knalil/Fahima Lot 14, Blk 18, FTC 3,750 1 00 3,750 8861 3,322 88 1701 Welch /3 Fort Col11nsICO 97123-07-014 a Connolly, Ben F Lot 15, Blk 18, FTC 3,750 1 00 3,750 8861 3,322 88 John Weston 156 N College Fort Collins CO 97123-07-015 Griffith, Florence Lot 16, Blk 18, FTC 3,750 1 00 3,760 $861 3,322 88 1239 Juniper Ct Fort Collins CO 97123-07-016 bffitt, James W Lot 17,I111k 18, FTC 3,750 1 00 31,750, 8861 3,322 88 Eleanor M 164 N College Ave Fort Collins CO 97123-07-011 First Ch of Christ Scientist S 12 41; of Lot 15 and N 2 ft of1ot 16, Blk 122, FTC 1,960 1 00, 1,960 8861 P,736 76 97123-19-016 ZONE 1 TOTAL S 360,502 40 f IOhE 2 - 41 SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT, LOT AREA ASSESSABLE ASSESSMENT ZONENAME AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION SOINFT FACTOR AS4 FT REA TOTAL FTR ASSESSMENT United Bank of Fort Collins Also 97114-24 002, Lots 1 6 2. Blk 113, FTC 19.000 40 7,600 8861 National Assn S 6.734 36 Box 565 Fort Collins CO 97114-24-001' United Bank of Fort Collins Lot 3. Blk 113, FTC National Assn 9.500 40 3,800 8861 3.367 18 United Bank Bldg Fort Collins COi 97114-24-003 United Bank of Fort Collins Lot 4, Blk 113, FTC National Assn 9,500 40 3,600 8861 3,367 18 United Bank Bldg 'Fort Collins CO 97114-24-004 United Bank of Fort Collins Lot S. Blk 113, FTC National +Assn 9,500 40 3,800 8861 3,367 18 401 S College Fort Collins CO 97114-24-006 XY2 Corporation Also 27114-24-010, Lot 6 6 S 40 ft of Lot 7. BTk 113. 17,100 40 6.840 8861 16.060 92 P 0 Box 2160 FTC Boulder CO,80306 97114-24-006 Continental'011 Co E 80 ft of Lot 8 6 E 80 ft of N 10 ft of Lot 7, 4.800 40 1,920 9861 1.701, 31 P 0 Box 2197 Blk 113. FTC Houston TX 77001) 97114-24-007 r ZONE 2 - 40 SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT LOT AREA ASSESSABLE ASSESSMENT iN ZONE AREA iN RATE PER, TOTAL NAME AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION SQ FT FACTOR SQ FT SQ FT ASSESSMENT Dickey, Olive L S/ et al W 60 ft of E 140 ft of Lot 8 6iW 60 ft of E 440 3,600 40 1,440 8861 $ 1,275 98 109,W Olive ft of N 10 ft of Lot ,1, Blk 113, FTC Fort Collins CO 97114-24-008 Wood, Paul Florist, Inc Cam at KW cor of Lot 8, Blk 113, FTC Th E 50 3,000 40 1,200 6861 1,063 32 P 0 Box 424 ft S 601ft W 60 ft N 60 ft Fort Collins,C0,80522 97114-24-009 Warren Funeral Chapel, Inc E 100 ft of Lots 9 thru 12, E 60 ft of Lots 27,200 40 10,880 8861 9,640 77 Box 492 13 6 14 6 E 60 ft of N 20 ft of Lot 15, Fort Collins CO Blk 113, FTC 97114-24-011 Warren, Harold A/Dorothy L E 60 ft of Lot 16 6 S 30 ft of E 60 ft of 4,8D0 40 1,920 8861 1,701 31 P 0 Box 492 Lot 15, Blk 113, FTC Fort Collins CO 97114-24-015 MountainiStates Tel 6 Tel W 90 ft of Lots-9 8 10, W 90 ft of N 30 ft of Lot 11, 11,700 40 4,680 8861 4,146 95 124 West Magnolia Blk 113, FTC Fort Collins CO 97114-24-012 Mountain States Tell & Tel W 90 ft ofitot 12, S 20 ft of W 90 ft of Lot 11, 6,300 40 2,520 8861 2,232 97 124 W Magnolia Bik 113, FTC Fort Collins CO 97114-24-013 Mountain States Tel 6 Tel' IN 130 ft of lots 13,14,15 6 16, Blk 113, FTC 26,000 40 10,400 8861, 9,215 44 1244 Magnolia Fart Collins CO 97114-24-014 Keese, James C/Inw 6 N 40 ft of Lot 7, all of 8 less 38 ft off 9,180 40 3,572 8861 3,263 76 511 S Grant St N end of each. Bik 122, FTC Fort Collins CO 97123-19-027 r 40 SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT LOT AREA ASSESSABLE ASSESSMENT NAME AND ADDRESS iDESCRIPTION SQiNFT FACTOR INASQA FT RSQE FTR ASSTOTAL ESSMENT Mile-Mi Industries Lot 44. Block 21, Exc beg 80 ft N of SW cor 3 855 4p% Lopo, Virginia L said lot. E 6 inches, N 40 ft , W 6 inches ' 1,542 8861 S 1,366 37 3005 Ringneck S 40 ft, FTC Fort Collins CO 97114-05-044 Hill. Alden T /Alden V Also 97114-05-041 A 042. Lots 40 thru 42, 11,625 40 4.650 8861 4,120 37 P 0 Box 421 Blk 21, FTC Fort Collins c0 97114-05-040 Dixon,Ray/Dean/Edward M Lot 43, Blk 21. FTC, and also beg on,W to 3,895 40 1,558 8861 1,380 54 Nang, Gordon 0 Lot 44 in sd 81k, 60 ft N of SW eor ad' 971 Sandpiper Pt Lot, th E 6 inches, N 40 ft. W 6 inches. S 40 ft FTC 97110-OS-043 Moore. Jerry S Also 97114-05-053, Lot 45 A W 111inches of Lot 4,017 6 40 1,607 04 8861 1.424 00 3617 Woodridge Rd 46. Blk 21, FTC Fort Collins CO 97114-05-045 Carlson, Edwin M Lot 46, less W I1 inches a E 4 ft, Blk 21. FTC 3,112 4 40 1,244 96 8861 1.103 16 Barbara Jean 1212 W Oak Fort Collins CO 97114-05-046 )Moore, Jerry S Also 97114-05-OS4 a 05S. E 4 ft of Lot 46 3617 Woodridge Rd all of 47. atW IO ft of 48. Blk 21. FTC 6,045 40 2,418 6861 2,142 59 Fort Collins CO 97114-05-047 John's Office Equip Co Also 97114-05-049, E 15 ft of Lot 48 and 6.200 40 2,480 8861 2,197 53 130 W Mountain all of Lot 49, Bik 21, FTC Fort Collins CO 97114-OS-048 ZONE, 2 - 40 SPEC 4MPROVEMENTiDISTRICT LOT AREA ASSESSABLE ASSESSMENT TOTAL NAME AND ADDRESS DESCRIPT104 SOINFT FACTOR ASO iFT EA INRSOE FTR ASSESSMENT 'Fort Collins Lodge 9804 E 60 ft of Lots 27 6 28, Blk 121, BPO Elks — 3,000 40 1,200 8861 S 1,063 32 104 E Oak Fort Collins CO 97123-18-027 BPOE Trustees for E 107 ft of Lots 31 6 32, Blk 121, -TC Lodge 1804 5.350 40 2,140, 8861 1,896 25 140 E Oak Fort Collins CO 97123-18-031 ,Keagy Bruce H/Dorothy H W 33 ft of Lots 31 8 32, Blk 121, FTC 316 Jackson Ave 11650 40 660 8861 584 83 Fort'Coilins CO 97123-18-032 Barnes, Shelby E E 60 ft ofiLots 7 thru 10)6 E 5 ft f W 80, 16,125 40 2,450 8861' 2,170 95 809 Pine Street ft of Lot 10, Blk 121, FTC Boulder CO 80302 97123-18-035 United Bank of Fort Collins S 34 2/3 ftiof Lot 1, Blk 123, FTC 4,853 8 401 1,941 52 8861 1,720 381 National Assn 401 S College Fort Collins CO 11123-29 001 United Bank of Fort Collins N 33 1/3 ft ofiLot 2, Blk 123, FTC 4,066 2 40 1,B66 48 8861 1,653 89 National Assn 401 S College Fart Collins CO 97123-29-002 United Bank of Fort Collins 'Lot 3, Blk 123, FTC National' Assn 7,000 140 2,800, 188611 2,481 08 401 S College Fort'Collins CO 97123-29-003 ZONE . - 40 SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT LOT AREA ASSESSABLE ASSESSMENT N IN ZONE AREA IN RATE PER TOTAL NAME AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION SO FT FACTOR SQ FT SO FT ASSESSMENT United Bank of Fort Collins S 40 ft of Lot 4 Blk 123, FTC National Assn 5,600 40 2 240 8861 S 1,954 e6 401 S College Fort Collins CO 97123-29-004 United Bank ofiFort Collins N 10 ft of1ot 4 8 all of 5, Blk 123. FTC National Assn 8,400 40 3,36p 8861i 2,977 30 401 S College Fort Collins CO 97123-29 DOS UnitediBank of Fort Collins Lot 6, Blk 123, FTC National Assn , 7.000 40 2,800 0861 2,481 On 401 S College Fort Collins CO 97123-29-006 United Bank of fort Collins iLots, 7 6 8,181k 123. FTC 14,000 40 5.600 8861' 4,962 16 National Assn 401 S College Fort Collins CO 97123-29-007 United1ank,of Fort Collins Also 97123-29-010 thru 012, Lots 9 thru 12. Blk 123, 28.000 40i 11,200 8861 9.924 32 National Assn FTC 401 S College Fort Collins CO 97123-29-009 United'Bank of Fort Collins Lot 13, Blk 123, FTC 7,000 40 2.800 88611 2,481 08 National Assn 401 S College Fort Collins CO 97123-29 013 ZONE 2 - 40 SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT LOT AREA ASSESSABLE ASSESSMENT NAME AND ADDRESS IN ZONE AREA INi RATE PER TOTAL DESCRIPTION SO FT FACTOR SO iFT SQ FT ASSESSMENT Golden Crown ofIFort Collins, Also 97123-29-015, N 401ft of Lot 15 6 all 12,600 40 15,040 8861 $ 4,465 94 ,Inc Lot 14, Blk 123,iFTC 330 South College Fort Collins CO 17123-29-014 Whiteman, Dean/Clara S 10'ft ofiLot 154 all of 16. Blk 123, ,FTC 8,400 40 3,360 8861 2,977 30 4745 Venturi Ln Fort Collins CO 97123-29-016 Motel Center Properties,ilt& Also 97123-29-018, N 15 1/3,ft of Lot I R S 4,480, 40 1,792 8861 1,587 89 P 0 Box 565 16 2/3 ft of Lot 2; Blk 123,fFTC Ft Collins Co , 97123-29-017 Wilson, Leonard C/Betty J Also 97114-14-018,8 019,lLots 17 thru 19, Blk 11,625 40 4,650 8861 4,120 37 3600 Terry Ridge Rd 111, FTC r Fort Collins�CO 97114-14-017 IOOF Also 97114-14-021 11422, Lots 20 thru 22, 11,625 40 4,650 8861+ 4,120 37 149 W Mountain Ave Blk 111, FTC Fort Collins CO 97114-14-020 ransamerica,Title Also 97114-14-024, Lots 23 6 24, Blk 111, FTC 7,760 40 3,100 8861 2,746 91 insurance Company Attn Leonard, James P 0 ,Drawer 13028 Phoenix AZ 85002 97114-14-023 Hudek, Henry J/Julia P Also 97114-14-026, lots 25 6 26, Bik 111, FTC 7,750 40 3,100 8061 2,746 91 5103 S Birch Tempe AZ 85282 97114-14-025 i I0 E 2 - 40 SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT LOT AREA ASSESSABLE ASSESSMENT ,NAME AND ADDRESS IN ZONE AREA IN RATE PER TOTAL DESCRIPTION SQ FT FACTOR SQ FT SQ FT ASSESSMENT Neinland, Ernest/Ruth N 44 ft of Lot 33 thru 35 6 S 5 2 ft of N 3,528 8 40 1,411 52 8861 $ 1,250 75 120 N Val Vista or 44 ft of Lot 32, Blk 111, FTC Mesa AZ 85203 97114-14-030 March, A E ,Jr /Claire Corn at HE cor of Lot 30, Bik 111, FTC Th N alg N in 10,937 5 4D 4,375 8861 3,876 69 805,E Elizabeth sd Lot 30, 125 ft th S to S In Lot 35, sd Blk, th E Fort Collins CO aig S in of sd Lot 35, 62 Is ft, th N to S in of sd 97114-14-031 Lot 30, th E 62� ft to SE cor of Lot 30, th Nei pob, being part of Lots 30 thru 35, Blk 111, FTC Smith Richard L/Constance E E 6N ft of Lots 31 thru 35, Bik Ill, FTC 7,812 5 40 3,126 8861 2,769 06 1733 Miramont Fort Collins CO , 97114-14-032 Prison, Robert C /Mary E N 65 ft of Lots 304 31, N 19 8 ft,of N 65 ft of Lot 32, 6,221 2 40 2,488 48 8861 2,205 04 ISO N Oak E 21 ft of N 65 ft of Lots 33 thru 36, S 6 2 ft of Fort Collins Co E 21 ft of N 65 ft of Lot 32, Blk 111, FTC 91114-14-034 Rlepinger„ Brian N/Linda E 75 ft of Lots 17 thru 19, less S 10 ft, Slit 10,500 40 4,200 8861 3,721 62 9015 E Girard Ave 112,,FTC Denver CO 80231 97114-15-015 Briggs Corporation S 30 ft Of E 75 ft of Lot 19,4 115 ft of 18,000 40 7,200 8861 6,379 92 232 Pine St (Lots 17 thru 19, Blk 112, FTC Fart Collins CO 97114-15-016 Rouse, Arthur E /Domm B Cam at SE cor of Lot 24, Blk 112, FTC , R 150 ft, N 7,125 40 2,850 8861 2,525 39 1603 N Mulberry 47's ft S 150 ft E 47% ft Fort Collins CO 97114-15-018 ZONE 2 - 40 SPECIAL iMPROVEMENTiDISTRICT LOT AREA ASSESSABLE ASSESSMENT iN ZONE AREA IN RATE PER TOTAL NAME AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION SQ FT FACTOR Sp FT tSQ FT ASSESSMENT Neutze, John W Jr Lot 20. Blk 112,iFTC 930 N Shields 9,500 40 3,800 8861 S 3 367 18 Fort Collins CO 97114-15-020 Neutze, John W/Mary S Also 97114-15.017 iLot 21 6 W 142 5 ft Lots 22 30,875 40 12,350 8861 10,943 34 9301N Shields thru 24. Blk 112,�FTC Fort Collins CO 97114-15-021 Churchill, Arthur D /Beryl E Lot 15. Blk 19. FTC 1519'W Mulberry 2,676 5 40 1,070 6 8861 948 66 Fort Collins CO 97123-08-015 Glantz Marlin 0 Lot 16,iB1k 19, iFTC Kuenmerlin,Harold}Wm 1,964 12 40 785 6 8861 696 12 5819 E Hwy f14 Fort Collins CO 97123-08-016 Kuemnerlin, Harold Wm Also 97123.08-022. Lots 17 8 A, ON 19 FTC Glantz, Marlin D 1,803 05 40 721 22 8861 639 01 $819 E Hwy #14 Fort Collins CO 97123-08-017 Yarber. Everett L SWrly 13 ft of Lot 29 6 NE % of Lot 29, less 1.553 2 ao 621 YB 8861 550 sz 1301 Welch ME 4 inches, Blk 18.iFTt Fort CollinsiCO 27123-07-001 Hutchinson,PauliL/Stephanie A Also 97123-07.006. cam at ME car of Lot 6, Blk 18, FTC 3,273 25 40 1.309 3 8861 P,160 17 1108 Pitkin at th in of Linden St, th IlWrly all; in bet Lots 6 8 7 to intsee Fort Collins CO of sd in with alley, W SIG alley 8 ft S to ln'bet Lots 54 97123.07-004 6 SErly all; some to Linden St NErly alg Linden St 25 ft to beg A 811101cm at'RWieor of Lot 7, Blk 18, FTC on alley Th SErly on 'ln bet Lots 6 6 7, 12 ft 8 inches N 8 ft to alley. W alg alley 9 ft to beg 1 V ZONE 2 - 40 SPECIAL IMPROYENENT VISTRICT LOT AREA ASSESSABLE ASSESSMENT IN ZONE INTOTAL NAME AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION SO FT FACTOR AREA SO FT RSO FTR ASSESSMENT 'Nutchinson,PaullL/Stephonie Ann Alsoi97123-07-008 6 030, Lots 7, 8, 8 30. Bit 18 5.552 40 2.620 8 8661 S 2,322 29 1108 Pitkin St FTC, exc therefrom the triang strip 12 ft 8 Fort Collins CO inches by 8 ft by 9 ft as shown in,Bk 110 �197123-07-007 Pg 560 i NalnutiProperties, 4nc Also 97123-17-024, Lots 23 6 24, 81k 18. FTC 8,738 25 40 3.495 30 8861 3,097 19 233-39tWalnut St (Fort Collins CO 97123-07 023 Peterson, Charles N Also 97123-07-026, Lots 25 6 26, Blk 18, FTC 6.554 75 40 2.621 9 8861, 2.323 27 S Elizabeth 155 Linden Ft Collins CO 97123-07-025 Yarber, Everett L Lots 27 6 28 8 NE 4' incheslof Lot 29, Blk 10, FTC 2,211 8 40 884 72 8861 783 95 t 13014elch 'Fort Collins CO 97123-07-027 C191 Railroad Lots U thru 37, Blk 21, FTC 17S N 27th St 66,500 40 26,600 8861 23,570 26 Billings Mont 69101 No parcel I available City of[Fort Collins Lots ltthru,B, Blk 121, FTC 18,200 40, 7,280, 8861 6,450-81 City of Fort Collins Lots 1 thru 8, Blk 122, FTC 46.820 40 18.728 8861 16,594 88 UNE 2 - 40 SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT LOT AREA ASSESSABLE ASSESSMENT NAME AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION IN ZONE AREA 'IN RATE PER TOTAL SQ FT 'FACTOR SQ FT SQ FT ASSESSMENT BPOE /84 lots 23-26 Blk 121, 'FTC 104E Oak 14,000 40 5,600 88611 f 4,962 16 Fort Collins CO 97123-18-021 i BPOE B84 Lots 29-30, Blk 121, FTC 104 E Oak 7,000 40 2,800 8861 2,481 08 Fort Collins CO 97123-18-030 'BPOE 084 N 80 ft of Lots 27 6 28, Blk 121, FTC 1,600 8861 1,411 76 104'E Oak 4.000 40l 'Fort Collins CO 97123-18-028 Larimer County 'Lots 27, 28, 29, Blk 1111, FTC 14,250 40 6,700 8861 5,050 77 ZONE 2 ,TOTAL f 240.098 33 �' 1 ZONE 3 - 10 SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT LOT AREA ASSESSABLE ASSESSMENT NAME AND ADDRESS IN ZONE A IN DESCRIPTION SOFT FACTOR SO A R FT S ATE R O FT ASSESSMENT Russell, Jack E L /Elsie M' Also 97123 20-012, Lots 11 8 12,1B1k 132, FTC 14,000 10 1,400 208 Remington 8861 $ 1,240 54 Fort Collins CO 97123-20-011 1 Russell, Jack f L /Elsie Mae Lot 13, Blk 132, FTC 7,000 10 700 8861 620 27 208 Remington Fort Collins CO 97123-20-013 Russell, Jack E L /Elsie Mae Lot 14, Blk 132, FTC 208 Remington 7,000 10 700 8861 620 27 Fort Collins CO 97123-20-014 Poudre Valley REA, Inc Lot 15, Blk 1321, FTC 7,000 10 700 8861; 620 27 P 0 Sox 1727 Fort Collins COISO522 97123-20-015 Poudre Valley REA, Inc Lot 16, Bik 132, FTC 7,000 10 700 8861 620 27 P 0 Box 1727 Fort Collins CO 80522 97123-20-016 Vanlear, StevawM /Mary S MISS ft of Lot 9, Blk 132, FTC 4,250 10 425 8861 376 59 202 Remington Fort Collins CO 97123-20-017 Bergildst,8rian M` E 55 ft Lot 9, Blk 132 8 beg at NE cor Lot 10,,W 35 2,773 45 10 277 8861 245 45 Vanlear, Steven N ft S 8 inches, E 35 ft N 8 inches to beg, Bik 132, FTC 215 E Oak Fort Collins CO 97123-20-018 First National Bank in FC Lots,4 thru 8, Blk 103, FTC 47,500 10 4,760 8861 4,208 98 201 West Oak Fort,Collins 00 27114-23 001 ZONE 3 - 10 SPECIAL QMPROVEMENT DISTRICT LOT AREA ASSESSABLE ASSESSMENT NAME AND ADDRESS IN TOTAL DESCRIPTION SO FT FACTOR AS R O FT S E R Q FT ASSESSMENT Bennett, L V /Jean A 9 15 ft of Lot 29 and+all of Lot 30, Elk 31, FTC 1,600 10 760 8861 $ 673 44 125 N Bryan Fort Collins, Co +� - 97114-06-052 1 - S S 6 M Properties Tr in a part of Lots 40 6 41, Elk U. FTC, deec ass 2,038 9 10 204 8861 180 76 717 Cherokee Or beg at the NV car of Lot 40, th 2 50 ft to the NE tar 'Fort Collins, Co of Lot 411 the S 40 47 ft alg the E In of Lot 41, 97114-06-055 the V 320 ft, th S O 33 ft, the V 46 80 ft to a pt on the V In of Lot 40, tb N 40 80 ft to TPOB FirstCNat'l sankin Late 1 thru 8. Elk, 102, FTC 80,000 10 8,OD0 8861 7,088 80 105 V Oak St Fort Collins, Co 97114-16-001 Fort Collins Masonic Home Lot 9 A E 10 ft of tat 10 6'V 1/2 ad3 vac alley 12,600 10 1,260 8861 1,116 49' Association on 8 Elk 202, FTC Atts Meyer, C J First National Bank Fort Collins 97114-16-009 FiretsWmt'l Bank'in All of Lots 13 6 14 6'E 120 ft of Late 15 6 16, 33,000 10 3,300 ,88611 2,924.13 Fort Colline/The Elk 102, FTC LOS V Oak JFort Collins, Co 97114-16-013 First Nat'l Bank of V 70 ft of Lots 15 A 16, Elk 102, FTC 7,000 10 700 8861 620 27 dort Collins 205 V Oak Fort Collins. Co 97114-16-016 'Russell, Jack 9 L /Elsie Mae Lot 10, Leas beg at NE tar Lot 10, V 35 ft, 6,976 55 10 698 8861 618 50 208 Remiagton 8 6 inches E 35 ft' N 8 inches Elk 132 FTC 97123-20-010 ollias, Co ' ' 7123- r ZONE 3 - 10 SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT LOT AREA ASSESSABLE ASSESSMENT iN ZONE AREA IN RATE)PER TOTAL NAME AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION SO FT FACTOR SO FT SO FT ASSESSMENT One Hundred Three Investment,Co Lot 13. Blk 103, FTC 9,500 10 950 8861 S 841 80 2678 Shadow Mountain Or Fort Collins CO / 97114-23-005 Wyatt, B111yB /Vera'B Lot 19 6 alley adjjon N as in Bk 1416.19437, Blk 103. 7.125 10 713 8861 631 79 1210 N County Rd /5 FTC Fort Collins CO 97114-23-OD6 Specht, Victor H /Doris I Lot 20 6 alley Adjron Nias in Bk 1416,119 637, Blk 103, 7,125 10 713 8861 631 79 1334 Nest Oaks FTC Fort Collins CO 97114-23-007 ' Tyro-Seventeen (217) Nest E 60,ft of Lots 9 6 10 6 E 60 ft of H 10 ft,of Lot 11, 6,930� 10 693 8861, 614 07 Olive Building Fund Blk 103, also for desc in Sk 1606, Pg 662, FTC P 0 Box 2003 _ Ft Collins CO 80522 97114-23-011, Dickson, Douglas C W 130 ft of Lot 9 6 W 130 ft of N 10 ft ofILot 10, 7,470 10 747 8861 661 921 Fox, Karen B Blk 103, less Bk 1606, Pg 662, FTC 200 S Mason Fart Collins CO 97114-23-012 McCurry. Lena B Alton L N 130 ft of S 40 ft ofiLot 10, W 130 ft ofill 10 ft of 6.500 10 650 0861 $75 91 Buckhaster Maxine B 11, Blk 103, FTC 728 W Laure{ Fort Collins CO 97114-23-0131 First National Bank S 40 ft of Lot 11 6IN 5 ft of Lot 12, Blk 103. FTC 8.550 10 855, 8861 767 62 Fort Collins 205 Nest Oak Fort Collins CO 97114-23-014 ZONE 3 - 10 SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT LOT AREA ASSESSABLE ASSESSMENT NAME AND ADDRESS 1N ZONE AREA iN RATE PER TOTAL IDESCRIoTION SQ FT FACTOR SQ FT SQ 'FT ASSESSMENT First NationaliBank S 45 ft of Lot 12, Blk 103, FTC 8;550 IO 855 8861 S 757 62 Fort Collins 205 N Oak Fort Collins CO 97I14-23-015 Unfug, Harry V N 1/2 of Lots 1 thru 3, Blk 103, FTC 14,250 10 1,425 8861 1,262 69 927 Pioneer Fort Collins CO 97114-23-016 Narshalt', Charles R Cam at a Pt 50 ft'N of SE car Blk 103, FTC N 45 ft, N 4,365 10 437 8861 381 23 206 N Ma nolia 97 ft E 45 ft S 97 ft to beg Fort Collins CO 97114-23-017 Billingsley, Alice P E 50 ft of Lots 116 2, less W 10 ft, Blk 103, FTC 4,500 10 450 8861 398 75 202 N Magnolia Fort Collins CO 97114-23-018 'Unfug, MildredfN Com 90 ft N,of SE car Blk 103, FTC, N 50 ft,IN 5,385 10 639 8861 477 61 927'Pioneer 7 ft IM 45 ft N 531ft IE 95 ft S 60 ft to beg 'Fort Collins CO 91114-23-019 Stoner, Dorothy E N 38 ft of Lots 37 6 18, Blk 103, FTC beg at NU cor 4,750 10 475 88611 420 90 ` 706 S College Ave of Lot 17, Blk 103, FTC, th N 12 ft E 95 ft S 12 ft, N Fort Collins CO 95 ft to beg 97114-23-020 Frison, Robert C /Mary E S,100 ft of1ot 17. Blk 103, FTC 6 cam 16 ft N 4,782 10 478 8861 423 56 6201Elizabeth of Show Lot 18 81k 103, 'FTC,, E 2 ft N 16 ft Fort Collins CO, N 2 ft S to beg 97114-23-021 Nixon, Gary E /Carol Ann S 100 ft of Lot 18, less to Kluver as in Sk 933 4,718 10 472 8861 418 24 1012 S Taft Hill Rd Pg 131, Blk 103, FTC Fort Collins CO 97114-23-022 ZONE 3 - 10 SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT LOT AREA ASSESSABLE ASSESSMENT NAME AND ADDRESS TOTAL DESCRIPTION A FT FACTOR ZONE AREA FT RATE FT R ASSESSMENT Metropolitan Life Ins Co Lots 1 thru 4 6 13 thru 16, Blk 114, FTC 80,000 10 6,000 8861, S 7 O88 80 L Safeway Stores,Inc (10-51-30) P 0 Box 5927 Terminal Annx Denver CO 80217 97114-25-001 United'Bank of Fort Collins Lots'5 thru 8, 17 thru 20 8 vet alley to,lE of 75,800 10 7,580 8861, 6,716 64 National Assn Lot 17, Blk 114, FTC Box 566 Ft CollinsICO 97114-25-002 Benedict, Eugene/et al Also'97123-08-002 thru 004, Lots Ifth'rw 4, Blk 19, FTC 4,458 5 30 446 8861 395 20 P 0 Box 2146 Fort Collins CO 97123-08-001 Lewis, E Pryor/8ertie Jo Also 91123-08-006, ilots 54 6, Blk 19,tFTC 5,550 25 10 555 8861 491 79 I Spawn, Lloyd E 252 E Mountain Fort Collins,CO 97123-08-005 Cooperative Markets, Inc Lot 7, Blk 19, iFTC 3,361 63 10 336 8861 297 73 250 E Mountain Fort Collins CO 97193-08-007 Putnam, 8eraldID /Lorene A Also 97123-08-023, Lot B 6 cam 78 4 ft Nlof SW cor 4 840 26 10 484 8861 428 87 5318 S Co Rd(tll Qf Lot 9, Blk 19, FTC N to S in of alley, th alg FortiCoilins CO alley to NE cor of Lot 9 S to a pt 71 4 ft Niof SE 97123-08-008 cor of Lot 9, N 3 ft N 7ft N P ft to Deg Kechter, Vernon,R /Shirley Con at SM cor of Lot 9, Blk 19, FTC Th N 78 4 4,939 10 194 8861 171 90 1312 Lamy Ave ft E 22 ft S 7 ft E 3 ft 'S 71 4 ft N 25 Fort Collins CO ft to beg, FTC 97123-08-009 4 ` ZONE 3 - 10 SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT VISTRICT LOT AREA ASSESSABLE ASSESSMENT NAME AND ADDRESS TOTAL DESCRIPTION SO FT FACTOR,ZONE AREA FT DSO FT ASSESSMENT 2arco, Inc Also 97123-17-002 thru 006. Lots 1 thru 6; Elk 131, 19,500 10 1,950 8861 S 1,727 90 1020 American Nat'l Bank FTC Denver, Co 80202 97123-17-001 Cooper Real Estate 6 Dev Corp Alto 97123-17-008, Lots 7 i 8, Rik 131, FTC 6,500 10 650 8861 575 97 2 Automotive Specialists 215 E Mountain Ave Fort Collins, Co 97123-17-007 Vansent, B F Also 97123-17-010, Lots 9 A 10, Blk 131, FTC 6,500 10 650 8861 1575 97 2400 terry Lake Rd 'Fort Collin„Co 97123-17-009 Vansant, B F Also 97123-17-012, Lots 11 6 12, 81k 131, FTC 6,500 10 650 8861 575 97 24D0'Terry Lake4d Fort Collins, Co 97123-17-011 Chenot, Arlen L /Susie Alec 97123-17-014, Lots 13 A 14, Blk 131, FTC 7,000 10 700 ,8861 620 27 842 B Stuart Fort Collins, Co 97123-17-013 r .elty, James D Also 97123-17-016, Lots 15 6 16, Blk 131, FTC 7,000 10 700 8861 1620 27 Sevald, francie J 100 Remington Fort Collins, Co 97123-17-015 Hall, Merle,lD /Faye B Also 97123-17-018, Lots 17 A 18, Blk 131 FTC 7,000 10 700 8861 620 27 L030 Akin Fort Collins, Co 97123-17-017 ZONE 3 - 10 SPECIAL IMPROVEMERT'DISTRICT LOT AREA ASSESSABLE ASSESSMENT NAME AND ADDRESS iDESCRIPTION SQIN ZONE FT (ACTOR AREA IN FT RATE PER TOTAL ASSESSMENT Barrett, George 0 /Rosa Marie B 1/2 of Late 19,thru 22, B1k 121, FTC 7,000 210 B Oak 10 700 8861 S 620 27 Port Collins, Co '97123-17-020 DMA Plaza Inc Also 97123-28-010 thru 012; Lots V thru 12, Blk 26,000 10 2,600 8861 2,481 08 i Federal National Mtg 133, FTC 2001 Bryan,Twer F1200 Dallas, Tx 75201 97123-26-009, HooJohnson.PersFrrank ON Also 97123-28-014, Lots 13 6 14, Blk 133, FTC 140,000 10 11,400 8861 1V,240 54 "0 Savings Bldg Fort Collins .Co 97123-28-013 Crosser, Hurt Also 97123-31-010, Late 9 6 10, Blk 134, FTC 140,000 10 1,400 8661 1,240 54 1205 Buttonwood Or s Fort Collins, Go 97123-31-009 Wyss, Maude C /WalterfH tut 11, Blk 134, FTC 408 Remington 7,000 10 700 8861 620 27 Port Collins, Co 7123-31-011 Trevartha, William P M 44 ft of Lot 12, Blk 134, P7C Farrell, W Lynn 6,160 10 1616 8861 545 84 412 Remington ►ort Collins, Go 97123-31-012 Bees, Treava C 8 6 ft of Lot 12 A N 35 ft of 13, Blk 134, FTC 5,740 10 574 8861 508 62 416 Remington Fort Collins Co 97123-31-013 ZONE 3 - 10 SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT LOT AREA ASSESSABLE ASSESSMENT IN ZONE AREA IN RATE PER TOTAL NAME AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION SQ FT FACTOR SQ FT SQ FT ASSESSMENT Jones, A Bernice 8 IS it of Lot 13 4 N 22 1/2 it of Lot 14, Blk 5,250 10, 325 8861 S 465 20 Wise, Lathe Nee 134, PTC Norton, Patricia A 1020 Patton Fort Collins, Co 97123-31-014 McDonald, John P N 101ft of Lot 15, 8 27 1/2 it ofsLot 14, Blk 134, 5,250 10 523 8861 46S 20 221 S Shecuood FTC Fort Colltns, ,Co 97123-31-OIS Taney, Chauncey B the S 40 4t of Lot 15 and all of Lotl 16, Blk 134, 12,600 10 1,260 8861 1,116 49 1 Perna Nick FTC 1513 Teakwood Ct Port Collins, Co 97123-31-016 Rapid CitylClothing,Co , Inc Also 97111-25-002 thru 005, Lots 1 tbrn 3. Blk 22, 16,250 10 1,625 8861; 1,439 91 Box 1071 FTC Rapid City, S D 57701 97111-25-001 Walker, Thai= Lot 6, 61k 22, FTC (StoreiBidg 2211N College) 3,250 10 325 ,8861 287 98 1820 Indian Meadows Port Collins, Co 17111-25-006 Byrnes, Howard L /Vera M Lot 7, Blk 22, FTC 3,250 10 325 B861 287 98s 225 H College Fort Collins, Co 97111-25-007 Everitt Lumber Co , Inc Also 97111-2S-009 thru 013, Lots B thru 13, Blk 22, 28,500 10 2,850 8861 2,525 39 P O Box 1547 FTC Port Collins, Co 97111-25-008 ZONE 3 - 10 SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT LOT AREA ASSESSABLE ASSESSMENT IN ZONE AREA 1N RATE PER TOTAL NAME AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION SQ FT FACTOR SQ FT SQ FT ASSESSMENT Everitt Lumber Co , Inc Also 97111-23-015, Lots 14 6 15, Blk 22. FTC 9.500 10 950 8851 $ 841 60i P 0 Box 1547 _ tort Collins, Co 97111-25-014 Steele Lumber Co Also 97111-25-017 thru 021, Lots 16 thru 21. Elk 28,500 10 2.850 8861 2.626 39 P 0 Box 443 22, FTC Fort Collins Co 97111-25-016 Son Diego Land Investments Lots 44, 45, 6 B 12 6 ft of 43, Elk 22, FTC 9 703 10 970' 8861 859 52 2941 Main St Santa Monlea,ICa 90403 9 7 111-2 5-04 3 Streit, N Edwina Also 97123-25-002 Let 1 6 S 35 It of Lot 2, 11,900 10 1,190 8861, 1,054 46 400 Paterson Elk 124, FTC Port Collins, Co 97123-30-001 Nanny, Inc N 15 It of Lot 2 6 all Lots 3 thru 6 6 11 thru 57,802 15 10 5,180 8861 6,121 66 1000 Travis St 14. Less,Prae of Lot 14, Elk 124, PTC Plainview, Tz 79072 97123-30-003 Cappucci, Loretta Also 97123-30-008. Late 7 6 S. Least Com at NU 1,728 10 173 8861 153 30 1 Realty Brokers Exchange Cor Lot 8, Th B 32 It, S 54 It N 32 ft iN 54 it 220 N Prospect to Beg, Elk 124, FTC Fort Collins, Co 97123-30-007 Nanny Inc Lots 9 6 10, Elk 124, FTC 14,000 10 1,400 Bull 1.240 54 1000 Travis St Plainview, Tx 79072 17123-30-009 4 2014E I - to SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT LOT, AREA ASSESSABLE ASSESSMENT NAME AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION SQIN ZONE FT FACTOR AREA IN RATEVER TOTAL Q FT SQ FT ASSESSMENT Phillips Petroleum Co Also 97123-30-016, Lots 15, 16 6 S 8 inches of W 14,297 85 10 1,430 8861 S 1,267 12 1423 Security Life Bldg 105 [t 4 S 6 1/2 ft of E 35 ft of Lot 16, Denver, Co 80202 Blk 124, FTC 9712]-]0-015 Bond, Use I Com at NW cor of Lot 8 Blk 124, FTC th B `i2 ft, 12,272 10 1,227 8861 1,087 24 P O Box 147 th 8 54 fq 1th W 32 ft, th N 54 ft to Yob Kersey, Co 60644 i 97123-30-017 t Sue Ann/Holbert, Carol L Beg at NB cor of Lot 161 th 8 41 10' W 24 4 ft to 1,045 to LOS 8861 93 04 2 Johnson J P Fob, th 8 41 10' W 20 9 ft, 8 '48 50' B 50 ft, 1332 Sherman P1 H 41 10' N 20 9 ft, N 48 30' WSO ft to Pob, Grand Island INS 69801 Blk 13, FrC a 97122-13-012 Fappermen, Gene B /Sharon 8 95 5 ft of Lot 16, Blk 13, FTC 4,775 10 478 8861 423 56 6501 Thompsow Dr Port Collins, Co 97122-12-013 Judson, Carl J Jr/ Also 97122-12-015, con at NW cor of Lot 15, Blk 13, 4,000 10 400 8861 354 44 Jeanne G PIC, tbiBerly alg Jefferson 8t 25 ft. tb SWrly pate P 0 Box 6 vith Pine 8t 80 ft, NWrly Para with Jefferson St 25 Livermore, Co $0536 ft$ th Nerly SIB Pine St,80 ft tolbeg 6 com at BE 97122-12-014 cor of Lot 15, Elk 13, FTC, th SWrly on In bet Lot Lot 13 6 15 80 ft th NWrlyiat R/A to lot course 25 ft th Nerlyipara to lot course SO ft to Jeffer- son St , th SIB Jefferson St 25 ft to beg Valdes, Verne C9m 91 ft Svrly from+NW cor Lot 155 Blk 13, PIC, 1,630 ,10 163 8861 146 21 244 Pine Serly 50 ft, SWrly 33 ft, NWrly 30 ft, Harty 33 ft Port Collins, Co to Beg 97122-12-016 Briggs Corporation SWrly 66 ft of Lot 15, Blk 13, iFTC 3,300 LO 330 8861 292 41 232 Pine St Fort Collins, Co 97122-12-017 ZONE 3 - 10 SPECIAL IMPROVEMENTIDISTRICT LOT AREA ASSESSABLE ASSESSMENT NAME AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION IN ZONE AREA IN RATE PER TOTAL SQ FT FACTOR SQ FT SO FT ASSESSMENT Smith, Roy 0 Com 60 ft SN of N cor Blk 13, PTC, 88 50 ft, 550 10 55 OB61 $ 48 74 246 Pine SW 11 ft NW 50 tt, NE 11 ft Fort Collins, Co 97t22-12-036 I Vic01, John J A part of Lot 16, Nlk 13, FTC, desc as beg at pt on 945 10 95 8861 84 18 610 S Washington Nvrly In 50 Lot 4 M 41 10' E 95 5 ft from most Fort Collins, C0 Nr1y cot th N 41 10, E 18 9 ft ala NVrly in. S 48 ! 97122-12-037 50' E SO ft to Serly In 50 Lot 8 41 10' W 18 9 ft alg Seriy In SO Lot, M 48 50' V 50 ft to beg Asmus, Harold J/Dorothy I E 24 4 It of Lot 16, Blk 13, FTC 344 Sheldon Or 1,220 ,10 121 $861 108 10 Fort Collins, Co 97122-12-038 ►rederickson, So. Ann Bea at theiNerly cor Lot 16 th S 41 10, V 45 3 ft 1,515 10 152 8861 134 69 Holbert/Bakke, Carol A to the Pob, th S 41 10' V 30 3 ft, th S 48 50' E Volbert 50 ft, th N 41 10' V 30 3 ft, th H 48 50' V 50 ft 1332 Sherman PI to th Yob. Slk 13, FTC grand Island, NB 6880L 9synol4e, Kenneth L / Also 97122-11-002 A 003 Leta I thru 3 A per of St 4,142 82 30 414 8861f 366 85 sue C adj Lot 1 0n a Blk 14, PTC 300 H College Ave ort Collins, Co 47122-11-001 61ker, Anthony T /Shirley a Also 97122-11-005, Lots 4 6 5, B1k 14, FTC 5,391 5 10 1539 BB61 477 61 316 N College Ave 9brt Collins, Co s7122-11-004 Byrnes, Howard L /Vera M Lot 6, B1k 14, FTC 3,434 97 10 344 8861 304 82 Z?5 M College ]Art Collins, Co W122-11-006 c V �Y.L lik. IMrNUicMchl UIlINILI LOT AREA ASSESSABLE ASSESSMENT N IN ZONE AREA IN RATE PER TOTAL NAME AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION SQ FT FACTOR SQ FT SO FT ASSESSMENT `tarkley, Eugene A/ Robert R Lots 7 thru 17 6 S 12 4 ft of Lot 18, Elk 14, 39,445 11 10 3,945 8861 S 3 495 66 .22 E Lake FTC Fort Collins, Co 97122-11-007 Markley, Elsie L /at al 'Beg at Pt 30 75 ft 8 of KW car lot 21, Rik 14, 398 78 10 40 8861 35 44 Fort BxCollins,348 Co 80522 FTC, th E 35 17 ft HAS 50' W 22 8 ft, th W iSift, 97122-11-021 8 151 to beg poudre valley Creamery Co Lots 21 thru 23, Rik 14, FTC, exc beg at WW car (Lot 12,032 96 10 1,203 8861 1,065 98 222 Loporta Ave 21, th 8 819 alley 30 75 ft E 35 17 ft, N 48 50' W 46 Fort Collins, Co 72 ft to beg 6 Lot14, Elk 14, FTC 6 also Lot 25 4 par 97122-11-022 Lot 26„ Elk 14, FTC, Contained within fol bdry In beg at met erly cot lot 23, th S 41 37, W 60 ft alg early 1s Lots 25 6 26, N 48 23' W 7 99 ft to pt on W In Lot 26, th N 80 26 ft N/L to moat Krly cot Lot 25 8 48 23' E 61 30 ft alg Nerly In Lot 25 to beg FTC Titus, Keith Also 97122-11-019 6 020, Lots 19 6 20 6 N 12 4 ft 3,992 81 10 399 8861 353 55 424 M Lincoln Lot 18, Elk 14, FTC Loveland, Co 80537 97122-11-027 Noel, Wallace R Also 97114-06-002 thru 005, Late I thru 5. Elk 31, 16,250 10 1,625 8861 1,439 91 12300 Terry Lake Rdf FTC Fort Collins, Cc 97114-06-001 Toliver's, Inc Also 97114-06-007 thru 011, Late 6 thru 11. Blk 25,500 10 2,550 6861 2,259 56 117 K Kasen St 31, FTC Fort Collins, Co 97114-06-006 Seavorth, William 4 Son Inc Lots 12 thru 19, Elk 31 FTC 38,000 10 3,800 8861 3,367 18 Rt i 3, Box 126 Fort Collins, Co 97114-06-012 ti ZONE 3 - 10 SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT LOT AREA ASSESSABLE ASSESSMENT NAME AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION IN ZONE RATE PER TOTAL SQFT FACTOR AREA iFT SQ FT ASSESSMENT Dixon, Ray/Nancy L Also 97114-06-025, Lots 24 6 25, Blk 31, FTC 9,500 10 950 Allen Kenneth C/Constance 8861 $ 841 80 742 Sandpiper Pt Fort Collins, Co J97114-06-024 Wasinger, Catherine Also 97114-06-027, Lot 26 6 N 20 ft of Lot 27, 136 N Bares Blk 31, FTC 8,550 10 BSS 8861' 767 62 Fort Collins, Co 97114-06-026 Bull, Elmo M A160 97114-06-032, Late 31 6 32, Ilk 31 rrC 120 N Bowes r 9,500 10 950 8861 841 80 Fort Collins, Co 97114-06-031 .� Borges, Roy W /W B Also 97114-06-034 6 035, Lots 33 thru 35, Blk 14 250 LIDO Sycamore 31 FTC . 10 1,425 8861 1,262 69 Port Collins, Co 97114-06-033 Crites, Cary L Also 97114-06-037, Lots 36 6 37, Blk 31, FrC 9,500 10 950 8861) iBgl Bp Nelson C Scott/at al 300 B Foothills Fort Collins, Co 97114-06-036 Miller, Anne Karla/Melvin C Also 97114-06-039, Late 38 6 39, Blk 31, PTC 9,500 101 950 6861 841 BO 116 N Bowes Fort Collins, Co 97114-06-038 bleat, Charles7W N 65 ft of Late 40 6 41, Slk 31, ,FTC, less 1,211 1 10 121 8861 1510 Lakeside Bk 1529, PS 911 107 22 Port Collins, Co 97114-06-040 Z04E 3 - 10 SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 0.61' AREA ASSESSABLE ASSESSMENT NAME AND ADDRESS iN ZONE AREA IN TOTAL DESCRIPTION SQFT FACTOR S R Q FT SE R Q FT ASSESSMENT No Fifty Six vest Also 97114-06-042 6 043, S 90 ft, Lots 40 6 41 12,250 10 1,225 8861 S 1,085 47 Mountain Assoc and all 42 6 43, Blk 31, FTC P 0 Box 501 Port Collins, Co 197114-06-041 Nest Mountain Properties Late 44 6 45, Blk 31, FTC 7,750 10 775 8861 686 73 2 Robinson Keith B P 0 Box 25 x Fort Collins, Co ` 97114-06-044 Nest Mountain,Propertiee Lots 46 6 47, Blk 31', FTC 7,750 10 775 8861 686 73 2 Robinson, Keith B P 0 Box 25 Fort Coiling, Co 97114-06-046 Toliver's, Inc Also 97114-06-049, Lots 48 6 49, Blk 31, FTC 7,730 10 775 8861 686 73 III N Mason St Fort Collins, Co 97114-06-048 Quinn, Lorraine A B 1401ft of Lots 20 thru 23, Blk 31, FTC 14,000 10 2,400 $8611 1,240 54 115,N Meldrum St Port Collins, Co 97114-06-050 goody, Warren Com'1 Co N 50 ft of Lots 20 thru 23, �B1k 31, FTC 5,000 10 500 8861 443 OS Box 435 Fart Collins, Co 97114-06-051 Sennett, L N /Jean A IS 51ft of Lot 27, All of 28 6 N 10 ft of 29, 7,600 30 760 88611 673 44 125 M Bryan Blk 31, FTC, (134 N Howes) Part Collins, Co 97114-06-052 ' ZONE 3 - 10� SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT LOT AREA ASSESSABLE ASSESSMENT IN ZONE AREA IN RATE PER TOTAL NAME AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION SO FT FACTOR SQ FT SO FT ASSESSMENT Stevens, Cecil L /Mae J Also 97123-08-011 thru 013, Lots 10 thru 13. Blk 19, FTC 12,872 63 10 1,287 8861 f 1,140 41 243 Jefferson Fort Collins CO 97123-08-010 Dixon, Ray, Lot 14, Blk 19, FTC 3 365 66 10 337 8861 298 62 Porter, Judith A Vandervorste, M 300 E Foothills Pkwy ,Fort Collins CO 97123-08-014 Carter, Mollie P Also 97123-08-019 thru 021, Lots 18 thru 21, 6,300 10 630 8861 558 24 S Carter J Braxton/Joan E Blk 19, FTC 427 S Shields Fort Collins CO 97123-08-018 iC A S RR Lots 22 thru 42 and the M 12 4 ft of Lot 43 95,547 10 9,555 8861 8,466 69 Blk 22, FTC Faith Tabernacle lots 15 6 16, Blk 133, FTC 14,000 10 1,400 8861 1,240 54 S Rev R C Harris 1309 Kirkwood Or Fort Collins CO 97123-28-016 U S Government M 1/2 of Lots 19 thru 22,18lk 131, FTC 7,000 10 700 8861 620 27 97123-17-019 Larimer County Blk 101, FTC 160,000 10 16,000 8861 14,177 60 97114-13-001 ,Fort Collins Masonic Lots 10, 11 8 12, less the E 10 ft of Lot 10, 23,400 10 2,340 8861 2,073 47 Temple Blk 102, FTC 97114-16-010 ZONE 3 TOTAL $ 134.365 67 SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT TOTAL 734,966 40 DISTRICT Section 2 All assessments herein provided for shall be due and payable within thirty (30) days after the final publication of this ordinance, without demand, provided that all such assessments may, at the election of the owners of the property assessed, be paid in ten (10) equal installments, the first installment being due on the second day of January, 1979, and on the second day of January of each year thereafter until the full amount thereof has been paid, together with interest on the unpaid principal at the rate of six percent (6%) per annum, said interest to be payable at the time of the principal payments Failure to pay the whole of such assessment within thirty (30) days as aforesaid shall be conclusively considered and held as an election on the part of the persons interested, whether under disability or otherwise, to pay in such installments Section 3 In the case of election of any person to pay in installments as aforesaid, the failure to pay any installment when due, whether on principal or interest, shall cause the whole of thb unpaid principal to become due and payable immediately and the whole amount of unpaid principal and accrued interest shall thereafter draw interest at the rate of one percent (1%) per month until the date of sale as hereinafter provided; provided, however, that at any time prior to the date of sale, the owner of the property assessed may pay the amount of all unpaid and due installments, together with all interest that has accrued as aforesaid, and all penalties accrued, and upon such payment shall be restored to the right to pay the installments in the same manner as if the default had not occurred The owners of any property not in default as to any installments or payments may at any time pay the entire unpaid balance of principal, together with interest accrued thereon, to the first day of the month following such payment. Section 4 Payments may be made to the Director of Finance at any time within thirty (30) days after the final publication of this ordinance and in such event an allowance of five percent (5%) as a discount shall be made on all payments during such period only Section 5. In case of the default in the payment of any installment of principal or interest when due, all property concerning which such default is suffered shall be advertised by the County Treasurer and sold for the payment of the entire unpaid assessment thereon at the same time or times and' in the same manner under all the same conditions and penalties and with the same effect as provided by law for the sale of real estate in default of the payment of general taxes, all as provided by Chapter 16 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins. Section 6 The Director of Finance shall prepare the foregoing assessment roll in proper form as provided in Chapter 16 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins, and shall keep a record of all payments made during the thirty- day period after the final publication of this ordinance and upon the expiration of said thirty-day period, he shall deliver said assessment roll to the County Treasurer of Larimer County with his warrant for collection of the same, all as provided in Chapter 16 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins Section 7. All collections made by the County Treasurer on said assessment roll in any calendar month shall be accounted for and paid over to the Director of Finance on the first day of each and every month with separate statements for all such collections for each month in the same manner as general taxes are paid by the County Treasurer to the City Section 8. The owner of any divided or undivided interest may pay his share of any assessment upon producing evidence of the extent of his interests satisfactory to the officers having the roll in their charge Section 9. If any property owner eligible therefor is granted a deferment from the assessments made by this ordin- ance pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No 106, 1973, then the lien created on such owner's property by this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect, but the same shall not be due or payable until the deferment granted pursuant to Ordinance No 106, 1973 has expired. Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered published this 19th day of September, A D 1978, and to be presented for final passage on the 3rd day of October, A D 1978 Mayo esi ) OF ZATTE ty Cler Passed and adopted on final reading t 3rd day of October, A D 1978. Di r A TEST Clerk