HomeMy WebLinkAbout007 - 03/13/1979 - AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS OF CHAPTER 118 OF THE CITY CODE RELATING TO SIGNS (ORDINANCE WAS LEFT OFF ORDINANCE NO 7, 1979, BEING AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS OF CHAPTER 118 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS BEING A PART OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND RELATING TO SIGNS BE IT\RDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS Secti That Section A of the definition of the term "Signs" in Section 118-11\of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby, is amended by deleting the last sentence thereof Section 2 That subsection B of the definition of the term "Signs" of Section 118-11 of \the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby, is amended to read as follows "B The term "signs" shall not include the following (1 ) Flags, pennants or insignia of nations or an organization of nations, states or cities or fraternal,religious and civic organizations or any educati`nal institutions, except when such flags are used in connection with a commercial promotion oir as an advertising device (2) Window displays incorporating placards, pennants, merchandise, pictu\ or models of products or services (3) Works of fine art which in no way identify a product or business and which are not displayed in conjunction with a`commercial enterprise, which enterprise may benefit or realize direct commercial gain from such &splay (4) One ( 1 ) nameplate per puNlic entrance per business of no more than two (2,) square feet per face which is suspended un'd\r a canopy (5) Temporary decorations or displays clearly incidental and customary and commonly` associated with national , local or religious holiday celebrations (6) Signs not visible beyond the boundaries of the lot or parcel upon which they are located or from any public thoroughfare or right-of-way (7) Traffic and other official signs of any public or qovernmental agency Ord wps IeF,q 0�f 31)31l9 agerda 0 n Second re&31 Nct coneldcred BrougkH BACK Gt5 Mer Ord 140) (8) On-site traffic directional signs which do not exceed four (4) square feet per face or ten (10) feet in height and which do not carry any commercial message other than identification (9) Temporary interior paper window signs (10) Signs over gas pumps which indicate gas prices, provided that such signs shall be limited to one (1 ) per pump island and shall be no larger than four (4) square feet per face " Section 3 That Section H of the definition of the phrase "Signs, Classes of" of Section 118-11 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by deleting therefrom the following "or a sign mounted upon, painted upon or otherwise erected upon a vehicle, van, truck, automobile, bus, railroad car, tractor trailer, or other vehicle, whether or not such vehicle is in operating condition " Section 4 That Section P of the definition of the phrase "Signs, Classes of" of Section 118-11 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by deleting therefrom the word "suspended" and substituting therefor the word "located it Section 5 That Section 118-91 D of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows "D One (1 ) identification sign during the first year of construction of a new subdivision, provided such sign does not exceed one hundred (100) square feet in area per face, and is unlighted and is located within that subdivision " Section 6 That Section 118-91 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding thereto an additional subsection H to read as follow,; "H One ( 1 ) identification sign per child care center, provided suci sign does not exceed ten (10) square feet in area per face and is unlighted " Section 7 That Section 118-92 B of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by deleting the phrase at the end thereof, "and has indirect illumination " Section 8 That Section 118-93 B (5) of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows -2- "(5) For the purpose of this subsection, the sign allowance shall be calculated on the basis of the length of the one (1 ) building fascia which is most nearly parallel to the street it faces In the event a building does not have frontage on a dedicated public street, the own--r of the building may designate the one (1) building fascia which shall be used for the purpose of calculating the sign allowance In the event the only building fascia which fronts on a dedicated street is a wall containing no signs, the property owner may, at his option, designate another building fascia on said building on the basis of which the total sign allowance shall be calculated, provided that no more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the total sign allowance permitted under this Article may be placed on fasciae other than the building fascia which was the basis for the sign allowance calcu- lation In all other cases, the sign allowance for a building may be distributed in any manner among its fasciae except that no one fascia may contain more sign area than one hundred fifty percent ( 1501") of the sign area provided for by sub- sections 118-93 B( 1 ) through (4) inclusive " Section 9 That Section 118-93 B of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by deleting subsection (6) therefrom Section 10 That Section 118-94 B of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows "(B) The area of all signs (except ground signs) with backing or a background that is part of the overall sign display shall be measured by determining the sum of the area of each square, rectangle, triangle, portion of a circle or any corrbination thereof which creates the smallest single continuous perimeter enclosing the extreme limits of the display surface or face of the sign, including all frames and backing " Section 11 That Section 118-94 C of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by deleting therefrom the phrase at the end thereof, "including all frames, faceplates, nonstructural trim or other component parts not otherwise used for support " Section 12 That Section 118-95 A of the Code of the City of Fort Colli,is be, and the sane hereby is, amended by deleting therefrom the phrase, "property line on the street" and substituting therefor the phrase, "street right-of-way line " -3- ( r Section 13 That Section 118-95 C(2) of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by deleting the last sentence thereof Section 14 That Section 118-95 C of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding additional subsec- tions (3), (4), (5), (6) , and (7) thereto as follows "(3) The maximum height for ground and freestanding signs shall be twenty-four (24) feet above grade (4) No freestanding or ground sign shall be built within fifteen (15) feet of any interior side lot line (5) Single-faced freestanding and ground signs shall be set back from the street right-of-way line accord- ing to the provisions of this Section Any such setback shall be measured from the street right- of-way line at the street to which the sign face is most nearly parallel (6) Double-faced freestanding and ground signs shall be set back from the street right-of-way line accord- ing to the provisions of this Section Any such setback shall be measured from the street right- of-way line at the street to which the sign faces are most nearly perpendicular (7) When any freestanding or ground sign is placed at a forty-five degree (45° ) angle on property located at the intersection of two (2) dedi - cated public streets, the required setback may be measured from either of the street right-of-way lines involved " Section 15 That Section 118-95 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins, be and the same hereby is, amended by adding an additional subsec- tion E thereto, as follows "E No freestanding or ground sign shall contain more than three (3) cabinets or modules " Section 16 That Section 118-97 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follovis "A The erection, remodeling or removal of any sign shall require a permit from the Zoning Administra- tor, except that no permit shall be required for the erection, remodeling or removal of any sign regulated by Sections 118-91 A, C, and 6, and Section 118-97 C of this Chapter -4- B All sign permit applications shall be accompanied by detailed drawings indicating the dimensions, loca- tion and engineering of the particular sign and plot plans when applicable C All exterior signs shall be permanent in nature, except for "for sale" or "for rent" signs and political signs which shall not exceed six (6) square feet and eight (8) souare feet respectively in a residential zone and which shall not exceed thirty-two (32 ) square feet in all other zones, provided that no political sign shall be allowed on a lot in any zone for longer than ninety (90) days in any twelve ( 12) month period, and provided further that any person desirinq a political sign to remain on a lot in any zone longer than ninety (90) days may appply to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a variance to extend the ninety (90) day time period The Board shall determine, based upon factors other than agreement or disagreement with the contents of the particuiar political sign, whether there is sufficient reason for an extension of time and the exact amount of time to be extended, taking into consideration the purpose for which the sion was erected, %jhether or not that purpose would still be served by allowing the sign tri remain on the lot for an additional period of t , , and the appropriate amount of time necessary to effectuate that purpose D Rooftop signs and all other signs which project above the fascia wall , portable signs, revolving and rotating signs, strings of light bulbs not perma- nently mounted on a rigid background used in connec- tion with commercial premises for commercial purposes (other than traditional holiday decorations), posters and wind-driven signs (except banners and pennants) shall be prohibited in all zones E Flashing, moving, blinking, chasinq or other anima- tion effects are prohibited on all signs, except time and temperature signs F Every electric sign shall have affixed thereon an approved Underwriters ' Laboratories label , and all wiring connected to such sign shall comply with all provisions of the Code of the City of Fort Collins relating to electrical installations G Signs which identify businesses, goods or services no longer provided on the premises shall be removed within ninety (90) days after such business ceases, except that billboards made nonconforming by this Section shall be governed by the provisions of §118-98 of this Article relatinq to the termination of nonconforming signs -5- H Signs shall be engineered to withstand a wind load of thirty (30) pounds per square foot I Banners and pennants shall not be used outside signs in any zone, provided that any person who desires to male use of banners and pennants in connection with a special event may apply to the City Zoning Administrator for a specific permit to allow the use of such signs for a limited period of time not to exceed ten ( 10) days The Zoning Administrator shall grant such permit for the use of banners and pennants in locations in which the Zoning Administrator determines will not cause unreasonable annoyance or inconvenience to adjoininq property owners or other persons in the area, and upon such conditions as the Zonino Administrator determines necessary to protect adjoining premises and the public In the event any such permit is granted, the person applying for the permit shall remove the banners and pennants erected pursuant thereto on or before the time the permit expires J All signs shall be maintained in good structural condition at all times All signs shall be kept neatly painted , includinq all metal parts and supports thereof that are not galvanized or of rust-resistant metals The Chief Building Inspector or his authorized representative shall inspect and shall have authority to order the painting, repair, alteration or removal of a sign which constitutes a hazard to safety, health or public welfare by reason of inadequate maintenance, delapidation or obsoles- cence K Every electric sign shall have affixed thereon an approved Underwriters' Laboratories label , and all wiring connected to such sign shall comply with all provisions of the Code of the City of Fort Collins relating to electrical installations " Section 17 That Chapter 118 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding an additional Section 118- 97 1 thereto to read as follows "§118-97 1 Off-premise Siqns A Off-premise signs may be located on premises to which they do not relate, provided that such signs shall comply with all applicable requirements of this Article -6- B Off-premise signs shall be removed or made to conform to the provisions of this Article within five (5) years after the effective date of this Ordinance Any nonconforming sign which has been damaged by fire, wind or other cause in excess of fifty percent ( 50%) of its original cost shall not be restored except in conformance with the provisions of this Article " Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered pub- lished this 20th day of February, A D 1979, and to be presented for final passage on the I3thday of March, A D 19792 i l Mayor Zi 'A T erk ' Passed and adopted on final reading this'13th day of March A D 1979 Mayor ATTEST City Clerk -7-