Section l That Chapter 35 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins
be, and the same hereby is, repealed and the same is re-enacted to read as
Chapter 35
Article I
General Provisions
§ 35-1 Definitions
Article II
§ 35-2 License Required, Time for Application
§ 35-3 Registration
§ 35-4 License Tags, Duplicate Tags, Transfer
§ 35-5 Records
§ 35-6 Licensing Period, Expiration
§ 35-7 License Fees
Article III
§ 35-8 Quantity of Animals
§ 35-9 Reserved
§35-10 Reserved
§35-11 Reserved
§35-12 Reserved
§35-13 Reserved
0 5-14 Reserved
Article IV
Permit Issuance and Revocation
§35-15 Reserved
§35-16 Reserved
§35-17 Reserved
§35-18 Reserved
§35-19 Reserved
§35-20 Reserved
Article V
Rabies Control
635-21 Rabies Vaccination
§35-22 Reportinq Animal Bites
§35-23 Animals with Rabies
Article VI
§35-24 Running At Large
§35-25 Disturbance of Peace and Quiet
§35-26 Control of Animals
§35-27 Dogs and Cats in Heat
§35-28 Vicious Animals
Article VII
Impoundment and Violation Notice
§35-29 Impoundment
b35-30 Unclaimed Animals
§35-31 Notice of Impoundment
§35-32 Release of Impounded Animals
§35-33 Disposal of Unclaimed Animals
Article VIII
Animal Care
§35-34 Treatment of Animals, Cruelty, Abandonment
§35-35 Sales of Chickens and Ducklings
b35-36 Animals as an Inducement Prohibited
§35-37 Vehicular Accidents with Animals
§35-38 Poisoning Prohibited
§35-39 Removal of Dead Animals Required
§35-40 Trapping of Animals
§35-41 Pasture Area for Horses
Article IX
Animal Waste
§35-42 Removal Required
Article X
§35-43 Sterilization of Adopted Animals
Article XI
Keepinq of Wild Animals
§35-44 Mild Animals as Pets or for Display
§35-45 Permits for Infant Native Animals, Release
Article XII
Performing Animal Exhibitions
§35-46 Maltreatment Prohibited
§35-47 Equipment
Article XIII
Bees Declared a Nuisance and Prohibited
§35-48 Keeping of Bees Prohibited
Article XIV
Wild BIrds
§35-49 Declaration of City as Wild Bird Refuge
§35-50 Abuse of Wild Birds Prohibited
Article XV
General Penalties
§35-51 Violations, Penalties
Article XVI
§35-52 Enforcement Personnel
b35-53 Interference with Enforcement, Right of Entry
§35-54 Capture of Animals by the City
§35-55 Confiscation of Unauthorized Traps
§35-56 Unprovoked Biting of Humans
§35-57 Public Nuisance Fines
General Provisions
§35-1 Definitions For the purposes of this Chapter, the
following terms shall have the following definitions,
unless the context indicates otherwise
A Animal - Any live, vertebrate creature, domestic
or wild
B Animal Control Officer - Any person commissioned
by the State of Colorado, county government or
a municipal government as a law enforcement
officer who is qualified to perform such
duties under the laws, regulations, or ordi-
nances, of the State, county, or municipality
pertaining to animals
C Animal Shelter - Any facility operated by a
humane society, or municipal agency, or its
authorized agents for the purpose of impound-
ing or caring for animals held under the
authority of this Chapter or state law
D At Large - To be outside of a fence or other
enclosure, whether on public or private
property, which restrains the animals to a
particular premises and not under the control ,
by leash or lead, of the owner or other
authorized person capable of restraining the
animal Animals tethered to a stationary
object within range of a public street,
sidewalk, alley or common path are deemed to
be ' at large '
E Circus - A commercial variety show featuring
animal acts for public entertainment
F Commercial Animal Establishment - Any pet shop,
grooming shop, auction , riding school or
stable, zoological park, circus, performing
animal exhibition, or kennel
G Dwelling Unit - One ( 1 ) or more rooms and a
single kitchen designed for or occupied as a
unit by one (1 ) family for living and cooking
H Grooming Shop - A commercial establishment where
animals are bathed, clipped, plucked, or
otherwise groomed
I Humane Officer - Any person designated by the
State of Colorado, a municipal government, or
a humane society as a law enforcement officer
who is qualified to perform such duties
under the laws of this state
J Leash/Lead - A thong, cord, rope, chain or
similar device which holds an animal in
restraint and which is not more than six
(6) feet in length
K Owner - Any person, partnership, or corporation
in possession of, harboring, or who shall
allow any animal to remain about their pre-
mises for a period of three (3) consecutive
days or more, the person named on the regis-
tration record of any animal as the owner
shall be deemed, prima facie, the owner
thereof, but the term ' owner ' shall also
include, but shall not be limited to, the
occupant of the premises where the animal is
usually kept, if such premises are other than
the premises of the owner as shown on the
registration record, or any person having
control or purporting to have control over any
animal which is running at large The parent
or guardian of an owner under eighteen (18)
years of age shall be deemed the owner, as
defined herein
L Performing Animal Exhibition - Any spectacle,
display, act, or event other than circuses, in
which performing animals are used
M Pet Shop - Any person, partnership, or corpora-
tion , whether operated separately or in
connection with another business enterprise
except for a licensed kennel , that buys,
sells, or boards any species of animal
N Public Nuisance - Any animal or animals which
1 molests passersby or passing vehicles,
2 attacks other animals,
3 trespasses on school grounds,
4 is at large,
5 damages private or public property,
6 barks , whines , howls , or makes any
other noise in an excessive, continuous,
or untimely fashion
0 Restraint - Any animal secured by a leash or
lead under the physical control of a respon-
sible person, or tethered to a stationary
object not within range of a public street,
sidewalk, alley or common path, or within a
fence or other enclosure which restrains the
animal to a particular premises
P Trap - Any device used to contain or capture an
I Humane Trap - a device designed to capture
or contain an animal without causing any
injury to the animal ,
2 Inhumane Trap - a device designed to
capture or contain an animal which causes
injury to the animal as the result of the
trap's operation
Q Veterinary Hospital - Any establishment main-
tained and operated by a licensed veterinarian
for surgery, diagnosis, and treatment of
diseases and injuries of animals
R Vicious Animal - Any animal or animals that
constitute a physical threat to human beings
or other animals
S Wild Animal - Any live ferret, fox, leopard,
lion, lynx , monkey (non-human primate) ,
panther, poisonous snake, raccoon , skunk,
tiger, or any other warmblooded animal which
can normally be found in the wild state
§35-2 License Required, Time for Application
A Any person owning, keeping, harboring, or having
custody of any canine over three (3) months of
age within this municipality must obtain a
license as herein provided
B Application for a license must be made within
thirty (30) days after obtaining a dog over
three (3) months of age, within thirty (30) days
after such dog is brought into the municipality,
or within thirty (30) days after such dog
reaches three (3) months of age, except that
this requirement will not apply to a non-
resident keeping a dog within the municipality
for no longer than sixty (60) days
§35-3 Registration Written application for licenses
shall be made to the Director of Finance Such
application shall include the following information
A The name, address and telephone number of the
B The "call-name," breed, age, color and sex of
the canine
C The appropriate fee
D A valid rabies vaccination certificate issued by
a licensed veterinarian which shall include the
following information
(1 ) The name, address and telephone number of
the owner of the vaccinated dog,
(2) The date of vaccination,
(3) The date of expiration of the vaccination,
(4) The type of rabies vaccine used,
(5) The year and number of the rabies taq,
(6) The breed , age , color and sex of the
vaccinated dog, and
(7) The signature of the veterinarian adminis-
tering the vaccine
§35-4 License Tags, Duplicate Tags, Transfer
A Upon acceptance of the license application and
fee, the Director of Finance shall issue a
durable tag stamped with an identifying number
and year of issuance Tags should be designed
so that they may be conveniently fashioned or
riveted to the animal ' s collar or harness
B Dogs must wear license tags on collars at
all times, provided that, dogs which have been
properly tattooed in the right groin area with
an identification number, approved by the
Director of Finance at the time the required
license tag is issued, shall not be required to
wear a license tag on a collar only when such
dogs are restrained on the owner 's premises
C A duplicate license may be obtained upon payment
of a $1 00 replacement fee
D No person may use any license for any animal
other than the animal for which it was issued
§35-5 Records The Director of Finance shall maintain a
record of the identifying numbers of all tags and
tattoos issued and shall make this record available
to the public
§35-6 Licensing Period, Expiration
A The licensing period shall begin with the
calendar year and shall run for one (i ) year
Application for a license may be made thirty
(30) days prior to, and up to thirty (30) days
after, the start of the calendar year, except
for those animals which are acquired or brought
into the municipality or reach the age of three
(3) months, the application for license shall be
made within thirty (30) days after such event
B If not revoked, licenses for the keeping of dogs
shall be for a period of up to one ( 1 ) year
expiring on the 31st day of December of the year
of issuance
§35-7 License Fees
A A license shall be issued after payment of the
applicable fee
1 For dogs under one year
of age $ 2 00/each/l year
2 For neutered/spayed dogs $ 2 00/each/l year
3 For all other dogs $10 00/each/1 year
B Seeing-eye dogs, hearing dogs, or governmental
police dogs shall be licensed without fee
§35-8 Quantity of Animals Pets, such as dogs and cats,
which are generally kept within a dwelling , are
not permitted in quantities of more than four
(4) adult animals per dwellina
§35-9 - §35-14 (Reserved)
Permit Issuance and Revocation
§35-15 - §35-20 (Reserved)
Rabies Control
§35-21 Rabies Vaccination
A All dogs three (3) months of age or older shall
be vaccinated against rabies All dogs vacci-
nated at three (3) months of age or older shall
be revaccinated at one year of age and there-
after at intervals recommended in the current
Compendium of Animal Rabies Vaccines If any
dog is found within the City without a current
rabies vaccination tag or current license tag
affixed to its collar or harness, the owner of
such dog shall be presumed to have violated
the provisions of this Article
B All cats three (3) months of age or older shall
be vaccinated against rabies All cats vacci-
nated at three (3) months of age or older shall
be revaccinated at one year of age and there-
after at intervals recommended in the current
Compendium of Animal Rabies Vaccines If any
cat is found within the City without a current
rabies vaccination tag affixed to its collar or
harness, the owner of such cat shall be presumed
to have violated the provisions of this Article
§35-22 Reporting Animal Bites
A Any person having knowledge that an animal ,
other than a rodent, rabbit, bird or reptile,
has bitten a human shall immediately report the
incident to the Animal Control Office or Police
B If any animal is suspected of having rabies or
if any animal has bitten a person and such
animal has not had a current vaccination, such
animal shall be confined for a period of at
least ten (10) days by a leash, chain, or cage
at the animal shelter or at a veterinary hos-
pital of the owner' s choice, all at the expense
of the owner of the animal During the ten (10)
day observation period, no rabies vaccine shall
be administered to the animal
C No animal held for observation on suspicion of
rabies shall be released until the observation
period is over, except that if the owner shows
proof of current rabies vaccination, the animal
may be released into quarantine at the owner's
residence, at the discretion of the animal
control officer
D If any animal has been bitten by another animal
suspected to have rabies, the owner of such
animal so exposed to rabies shall report such
fact to the Animal Control office, local humane
society officer, health department, or police
department The animal control officer shall
have the power, in his discretion, to have the
animal suspected of having rabies or of being
exposed to rabies, removed from the owner' s
premises to a veterinary hospital and there
placed under observation for a period of up to
six (6) months at the expense of the owner,
provided that the owner may elect in lieu
thereof to have such animal destroyed
E If a standard incubation period has not been
established by the Department of Health of the
State of Colorado for the particular species of
animal , it shall be summarily destroyed and if
involved with another animal or human, a nec-
ropsy shall be performed by a certified labora-
tory to determine rabies contamination
635-23 Animals with Rabies If rabies has been ascertained
in any animal , such animal shall be summarily
§35-24 Running at Large All animals shall be kept under
restraint, as defined herein It shall be unlawful
for the owner of any animal to permit such animal to
run at large within the municipality If an animal
is found to be running at large within the munici-
pality, the owner shall be presumed to have violated
this Article, except that this subsection shall not
apply during the controlled environment of a City
operated or a City approved obedience school
§35-25 Disturbance of Peace and Quiet No owner of an
animal within the municipality shall permit such
animal to disturb the peace and quiet of any family,
individual , or neighborhood by barking, whining,
howling, or making any other noise in an excessive,
continuous, or untimely fashion If any animal does
so disturb the peace and quiet, its owner shall be
deemed guilty of a violation of this Article,
provided that no such owner shall be charged in
Municipal Court with a violation of this subsection
unless they or a member of their household over the
age of eiahteen (18) years has received a warning
from the municipality of a previous complaint, at
least once within the preceding twelve (12) months
b35-26 Control of Animals No owner shall fail to exercise
proper care and control of his animals to prevent
them from becoming a public nuisance
§35-27 Dogs and Cats in Heat Every female dog or cat in
heat shall be confined in a building or secured
enclosure in such a manner that such female dog or
cat can not come into contact with another animal ,
except for planned breeding
§35-28 Vicious Animals Every vicious animal , as deter-
mined by the Municipal Court, shall be securely
muzzled or caged whenever outside a building or
secure enclosure
Impoundment and Violation Notice
§35-29 Impoundment Unrestrained dogs, maltreated animals,
and nuisance animals may be taken by police offi-
cers, animal control officers, or humane officers
and impounded in an animal shelter, or other appro-
priate location, and there confined in a humane
§35-30 Unclaimed Animals Unclaimed animals shall be kept
for not less than five (5) days
§35-31 Notice of Impoundment If, by valid license taq,
the owner of an impounded animal can be identified,
the animal control officer or humane officer shall
immediately, upon impoundment, notify the owner by
telephone or mail
§35-32 Release of Impounded Animals
A An owner reclaiming an impounded cat shall pay a
fee of $10 00 plus a daily board fee as estab-
lished by the Humane Society of Larimer County,
subject to approval by the City Hanager
B An owner reclaiming an impounded doq for the
first time within a twelve (12) month period
shall pay a fee of $10 00 plus a daily board fee
as established by the Humane Society of Larimer
County, subject to approval by the City Manager
C An owner reclaiming an impounded dog for each
subsequent time within a twelve ( 12) month
period shall pay a fee of $20 00 plus a daily
board fee as established by the Humane Society
of Larimer County, subject to approval by the
City Manaqer
D An owner reclaiming an impounded dog which is
not validly licensed must license the dog and
present evidence thereof to the person in charge
of the animal shelter If the dog does not
have the current rabies tag, the owner shall
present a current rabies vaccination certificate
for such dog duly issued by a licensed veteri-
narian, or, in lieu thereof, the owner may place
a cash deposit of $50 00 with the City to be
refunded to the owner upon presenting, within
five (5) days thereafter, proof of vaccination
and license
E An owner reclaiming an impounded cat which does
not have the current rabies tag shall present a
current rabies vaccination certificate for such
cat duly issued by a licensed veterinarian, or
in lieu thereof, the owner may place a cash
deposit of $25 00 with the City to be refunded
to the owner upon presenting, within five (5)
days thereafter, proof of vaccination
§35-33 Disposal of Unclaimed Animals Any animal not
reclaimed by its owner within five (5) days shall
become the property of the local government author-
ity, or humane society, and shall be placed for
adoption in a suitable home or humanely euthanized
In disposing of unclaimed animals , it shall be
lawful for the City to surrender them to any hos-
pital or reputable institution of learning for use
in research, provided the City Manager authorizes
such action
Animal Care
§35-34 Treatment of Animals, Cruelty, Abandonment
A No owner shall fail to provide his animals with
sufficient good and wholesome food and water,
proper shelter and protection from the weather,
veterinary care when needed to prevent suffer-
ing, and humane care and treatment
B No person shall beat, cruelly ill treat, tor-
ment, overload, overwork, or otherwise abuse or
kill an animal , or cause, instigate, or permit
any dogfight, cockfight, bullfight, or other
combat between animals or between animals and
C No owner of an animal shall abandon such animal
§35-35 Sales of Chickens and Ducklings Chickens or
ducklings younger than eight 8 weeks of age may
not be sold in quantities of less than twenty-five
(25) to a single purchaser
§35-36 Animals as an Inducement Prohibited No person
shall give away any live animal , fish, reptile, or
bird as a prize for, or as an inducement to enter,
any contest, game, or other competition, or as an
inducement to enter a place of amusement, or offer
such vertebrate as an incentive to enter into any
business agreement whereby the offer was for the
purpose of attracting trade
§35-37 Vehicular Accidents with Animals Any person who,
as the operator of a vehicle, strikes a domestic
animal , shall stop at once and shall immediately
report such injury or death to the animal 's owner,
in the event the owner can not be ascertained and
located, the operator shall at once report the
accident to the Animal Control Office or the local
humane society
§35-38 Poisoning Prohibited No person shall expose any
known poisonous substance, whether mixed with food
or not, so that same shall be liable to be eaten by
any animal , provided that it shall not be unlawful
for a person to expose on his own property common
rat poison mixed only with vegetable substances
§35-39 Removal of Dead Animals Required If any animal
shall die in the possession of any person in this
municipality, it shall be the duty of such person to
cause the same to be at once removed without the
limits of the municipality and buried at a sanitary
landfill In case the owner or person having charge
of any such animal shall neglect or refuse to remove
the same within ten (10) hours after it 's death, the
Health Department or Police Department shall cause
the same to be removed at the expense of such owner
or person having charge of the same, such expense to
be recovered by civil action Whenever the owner or
other person having charge of any dead animal can
not be found or ascertained, it shall be the duty of
the Animal Control Office to remove and have such
animal buried
§35-40 Trapping of Animals No person shall set, or cause
to be set, an unauthorized or inhumane trap within
the muncipality, except that rodent snap traps
baited with vegetable or dairy products may be used
on private property
§35-41 Pasture Area for Horses Riding horses, for use of
occupants of a lot and their guests, may be kept
provided at least one-half ( 112) acre of pasture
area is available for each horse
Animal Waste
§35-42 Removal Required The owner or any person having
control or purporting to have control over any
animal shall be responsible for the removal of any
feces deposited by his animal (s) on public walks,
recreation areas, or private property
§35-43 Sterilization of Adopted Animals No unclaimed dog
or cat shall be released for adoption without being
sterilized, or without a written agreement from the
adopter, guaranteeing that such animal be sterilized
Keeping of Wild Animals
§35-44 Wild Animals as Pets or for Display
A No person shall keep or permit to be kept any
wild animal as a pet
B No person shall keep or permit to be kept on his
premises any wild or vicious animal for display
or for exhibition purposes, whether gratuitously
or for a fee This Section shall not be
construed to apply to zoological parks, perform-
ing animal exhibitions, or circuses
§35-45 Permits for Infant Native Animals, Release
A The Animal Control Office may issue a temporary
permit for the keeping, care, and protection of
an infant animal native to this area which had
been deemed to be homeless
B The Animal Control Office shall have the power
to release or order the release of any infant
wild animal kept under temporary permit which is
deemed capable of survival
Performing Animal Exhibitions
§35-46 Maltreatment Prohibited No performing animal
exhibition or circus shall be permitted in which
animals are induced or encouraged to perform through
the use of chemical , mechanical , electrical , or
manual devices in a manner which will cause or is
likely to cause physical injury or suffering
U547 Equipment All equipment used on a performing
animal shall fit properly and be in good working
Bees Declared a Nuisance and Prohibited
§35-48 Keeping of Bees Prohibited The keeping of hives
within the municipality is a menace to public health
and safety of the inhabitants of the municipality
and is hereby declared a nuisance and hereby de-
clared prohibited
Wild Birds
§35-49 Declaration of City as Wild Bird Refuge The area
within the limits of the municipality is hereby made
and constituted a bird santuary for the refuge of
wild birds and all persons are urged to protect the
wild birds and encourage their propagation and
refuge within such santuary
§35-50 Abuse of Wild Birds Prohibited It shall be unlaw-
ful for any person at any time within the limits of
the municipality to frighten, shoot at, wound, kill ,
capture, ensnare, net, trap, or in any other manner,
molest or injure any wild bird, or in any manner,
molest or injure the nest, egos, or young of any
such birds provided that this Section shall not
be construed to apply to English or European house
sparrows, or starlings, and provided further that
the Chief of Police shall have authority to grant a
permit for the killing or the capturing of pigeons
or other birds when it is shown that the same are,
or have become, a nuisance or health hazard in any
particular location
General Penalties
§35-51 Violations, Penalties
A It is a misdemeanor for any person to violate
any of the provisions of this Chapter
B Unless another penalty is expressly provided
herein, every person found guilty of violating
any provision of this Chapter may be punished by
a fine of not more than THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS
($300 00) or by imprisonment for not more than
ninety (90) days or by both such fine and
§35-52 Enforcement Personnel The civil and criminal
provisions of this Chapter shall be enforced by
those persons or agencies designated by municipal
§35-53 Interference with Enforcement, Right of Entry
A It shall be a violation of this Chapter to
interfere with an animal control officer or a
police officer, or to fail to obey the lawful
order of an animal control officer or police
B The animal control officers and police officers
are hereby authorized to enter upon any pre-
mises, excluding a dwelling unit, within the
municipality for the purpose of impounding
animals which he is authorized hereunder to
impound or for any other purpose authorized in
this Chapter
§35-54 Capture of Animals by the City
A It shall be lawful for the municipality to place
or authorize the use of humane and safe traps
for the purpose of capturing unrestrained
animals on any property in the municipality at
the written request of the owner of such property
B It shall be lawful for the municipality to
capture nuisance, vicious, or dangerous animals
utilizing a tranquilizer dart if all other means
fail , or to destroy the animal if deemed neces-
sary to avoid a physical threat to human beings
§35-55 Confiscation of Unauthorized Traps
A The use of unauthorized or inhumane traps within
the municipality shall be prohibited
B Unauthorized or inhumane traps reported or
discovered in use within the municipality shall
be confiscated and destroyed
§35-56 Unprovoked Biting of Humans
A If any animal is involved in the unprovoked
biting of a human being for the first time, the
animal may be barred from this municipality or
destroyed, as directed by the Municipal Court
B If any animal is involved in the unprovoked
biting of a human being for the second time, the
animal shall be barred from this municipality or
destroyed, as directed by the Municipal Court
§35-57 Public Nuisance Fines The owner of an animal found
to be a public nuisance shall be assessed a minimum
fine as follows
1 First Offense $ 25 00
2 Second Offense (within 12 months) $ 50 00
3 Third Offense (within 12 months) $100 00
Section 2 Conflicting Ordinances All other ordinances of the City
of Fort Collins which are in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby
repealed to the extent of such conflict
Section 3 Severability Clause If any part of this Ordinance shall
be held invalid, such part shall be deemed severable and the invalidity
thereof shall not affect the remaining parts of this Ordinance
Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered pub-
lished this 16th day of January, A D 1979 and to be presented for
final passage on the 2otliday of Febrna A D 1979
ST Mayor
City Clerk
Passed and adopted on final reading this 20thday of February A D
EST Playor
City Clerk