WHEREAS, heretofore by appropriate ordinances and resolutions duly
adopted by the Council of the City of Fort Collins, there was established
Street Improvement District No 71 for the purpose of installing curb,
gutter, sidewalk, street pavement, and street lighting on certain streets
and alleys in the City of Fort Collins , Colorado, all pursuant to Chapter
16 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins, and
WHEREAS, pursuant to said ordinances and resolutions, said improvements
have been installed and accepted by the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, and
WHEREAS, upon accepting said improvements , the City Council adopted
the report of the City Engineer respecting the cost of sucn improvements
and the schedule of assessments prepared by the City Engineer and ordered
notice to be published as provided in Chapter 16 of the Code of the City of
Fort Collins , which said notice was duly published as therein provided, and
WHEREAS, November 21 , 1978, was the date set for the hearing of
complaints and objections and the determinations of the same, and
WHEREAS, on November 21 , 1978, the Council of the City of Fort Collins
held a public hearing for said purposes and thereafter continued said public
hearing to December 5, 1978, and
WHEREAS, ali complaints and objections in writing filed by property
owners w,thin the District have been considered by the City Council
Section 1 That the total cost of the improvements in Street Improve-
ment District No 71 , including the cost of engineering, legal , publica-
tion, interest during construction and collection, to-wit $332,611 91 less
$157,781 51 of said cost to be paid by the City of Fort Collins Therefore,
$174,830 40 is hereby assessed upon the real estate in said District in
accordance with the provisions of Chapter 16 of the Code of the City of
Fort Collins, and the proportion of said costs assessed upon each lot or
tract of land in said District shall be as follows
22 00
Robinson, John H/Sharon R Comnencing at NE corner of SE 9-7-69, thence $3,234 00 $3,234 00
35 S Taft Hill Road W 450 feet, S 350 feet, E 450 feet, N 350 curb & gutter credit - 72 00
Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 feet to beginning, less BK 850 Pg 290, 1058-91 18' @ $4 00 3,162 00
Parcel No 97094-01-001 & 1189-293, FTC
Frontage Peet 147 00'
Devers, George W/Samuel C CoiTiencing 794 5 feet N of SE corner of NE of
1700 S State Street SE 9-7-69, W to W line of E 1/2 of NE of SE $ 52A 04 $ 524 04
Alamosa, Colorado 81101 N to a port 350 feet S of N line of NE of SE,
Parcel No 97094-01-005 E to E line of Section 9, thence S to beginning,
Frontage Feet 23 82' less S 150 feet of E 185 feet, rW
Burn, John W/Letty Jo Commencing at point N 0 10 1/2' E 728 5 feet $1,452 00 $1,452 00
45 S Taft Hill from SE corner of NE of SE 9-7-69, thence N
Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 89 36 3/4' W parallel with S line of NE of SE
Parcel No 97094-01-006 652 24 feet, thence N along W line of said E
Frontage Feet 66 00' 1/2 on NE of SE, 66 feet, thence S 89 36 3/4'
E 652 3 feet M/L to E line of section, thence
S 10 1/2' W 66 feet to POB, FTC
Dyer, Carolyn Stewart Commencing at point N 10 1/2' E 662 5 feet from
` William E SE corner of NE of SE 9-7-69, thence N 89 36 3/4' $1,452 00 $1,452 00
49 S Taft Hill Road W parallel with 3 line of said NE of SE 652 2
Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 feet M/L to W line of E 1/2 of 14E of SE, thence
Parcel No 97094-01-007 N along W line of said E 1/2 of NE of SE 66 feet,
Frontage Feet 66 00' thence S 89 36 3/4 ' E 652 24 feet M/L to E line
i of Section, thence S 10 1/2' W b6 feet to POB,
_V t IL1 1 Tj-\-j.l
-- -----------
Page 2
'gin'T 1A'p 7 nrn`rSS -
22 00
Burgess, Stanley rj
J-d1th E COMnancing at Pt N 10 1/2' E 596 5 feet
55 S Taft Hill Faad fram SL corner of NE of SE of g_7_69
tort Collins, C0loredo 80521 N 89 36 3/4 ' W Parallel ',ath S line of thence
$1,452 00
NE of SE c 2 17 feetine $1,952 00
Parcel e 97094-6100, 0' NE of SE, thence N along W line oOf r f E 1/2
rrontage feet 66 QO
o_ NE of SE 66 feet, thence S 89 36 3/4 ' E
652 2 feet M/L to E line of Section
S 10 1/2' W 66 feet to POB, I M
, thence
t�teY, Mary r
59 S Taft Hill Road Conr�--ncing 530 5 feet 'q of SE corner of NE of rort Collins, Colorado 80521 SE 9-7-69, thence W 652 12 feet, thence N 1
Parcel No 97094-01-009 66 feet, E 652 17 feet, S 66 feet to beginning 1 $1,452 00
FTC $1,452 00
Frontage Feet 66 00' ,
Corrr_z, Joseph 1,/p D
G5 S Taft FIi11 Read Beg'sin-Ing at Point N 0 A 1 2'
Fort Co":-", from SE corner of I� of SE 9-7-691 5 feet $1,452 00
Colorado 80521 3/,1 ' W 652 1 feet b N 89 36 $1,152 00
Parcel No 9709e-01-010 of SE I/L U line of E 1/2 of
rrontage reet 66 00, 89 36 3 SE, N along W lane 66 feet, S 1
/ E 652 12 feet ,,,/L to E line of
Section, S 0 10 1/2' W 66 feet to POB, x
"•unn, C Johnny F
busy Alice Beginning at point N 10 1/2' E 398 5 feet fra-r
09 S Tart Hill Road SE corner of NE of SE 9-7-69
tort Collj s 36 3/4 ' W Pa-rallel «th S line othence
said NE of SE I $1,452 00
Colorado 80521 652 0 feet h, $1,452 00
'arcel No 97099-01-011 r VL to �ti line of E 1/2 of NE of
'rrntage Feet 66 00, - , thence ^1 along W line of scud E 1/2 of N-E 1
Of SE 66 feet, thence S 89 36 3/4 ' E 652 1 feet j
M/L to E line of Section, thence S 10 1/2' W 66 fc-rt to POB, FTC
Taft ILV )ad
STPEE° 77MP VL�P_" 1 DI`'"'RICT NO 71 ASSI"SSM,rfP PULE Page 3
���DPrS i
tL'� SC :vTD
22 00
riech^r, Glenn R cann-ncing at point N 0 10 1/2' E 332 5 $1,452 00 $1,452 00
K,:thleen B feet from SE corner of NE of SE of 9-7-69,
75 S Taft Hill Pnad thence N 89 36 3/4' W parallel with S line of
Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 said NE of SE 651 99 feet NVL to W line of i
Parcel No 97094-01-012 E 1/2 of NE of SE, thence N along W line of
rrortage Peet 66 00' said E 1/2 of NE of SE 66 feet, thence 89
36 3/4' E 652 0 feet M/L to E line of Section,
thence S 0 10 1/2' VI 66 feet to POB, FTC`
fibre, Larry A Co mnncing at roint N 10 1/2' E 266 5 feet from $1,452.00 $1452 00
Priscilla J SE corner of NE of SE 9-7-69, thence N 89
101 S Taf t Bill road 36 3/4' W parallel wLth S line of said ATE of SE
Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 651 94 feet M/L to W line of E 1/2 of NE of Sr,
Parcel No 97094-01-013 thence N along W line of said E 1/2 of NE of SE
rrontage reet 66 00' 66 feet, thence S 89 36 3/4' E 651 99, thence S
66 feet to 1TOD, MC
Belcher, Gregory William -�!Beginning i 78 5 feet N of SD corner of %7, of SE $2,684 00 $2 684 00
Susan Kay 9-7-69, the ,ce N L22 feet, W 325 95 feet, S
109 S Taft lill Road 122 feet, thence E 325 95 feet to beginning,
Fort Collins, Colorado 80321 FTC
Parcel No 97094-01-014
I'ront2ge reet 122 00'
CornTenc:ng at the Sr corner of NE of SE 9-7-69, $1,507 00 $1,507 00
Stephan, rlchard r
Carol Ann thence W G51 77 feet, N 68 1/2 feet, E 651 81
125 S Taft Hill feet S 6B 1/2 feet to beginning, I'TC
tort Collins, Colorado 80521
Parcel No 97044-01-015
Frontage reet G8 1/2'
�111I,—�n�d STRT'�'P '%TRfOVDflWr T' TraCl: NO. 71 ASSnSSMWr ROLE image
27 00
YOLL^g, William F/Alyce E 1/2 of follo:nng Beginning N 0 12 220.00 $ 220 00
1118 Remington Street 1/2' E 68 1/2 feet from SE corner n of SE i $
F( rt Collins, Colorado 80521 9-7-69 therce N 89 36 3/4' W 651 81 feet,
Parcel No 97094-01-016 N 132 feet, S 89 36 3/4 ' E 325 95 feet, S
Frontage Fect 10 00, , 0 10 1/2' W 122 feet, S 89 36 3/4' E 323 95
feet, thence S 0 10 1/2' W 10 feet to beg ,
Greenwood, Lynn/C Geneva Commencing at point N 10 1/2' E 200 1/2 feet 1 $1,452 00 $1,452 00
1824 ;' Vine from SE corner of �,M of SE 9-7-69, thence N II
Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 89 36 3/1 ' W parallel with S line of said NE II
Parcel No 97094-01-017 of SF 651 9 feet M/L to W line of E 1/2 of
rn)^stage Feet 66 00' NE of SE, thence N along W line of said E
1/2 of ND of SE 66 feet, thence S 89 36 3/4'
E G51 94 feet N�j to E line of Section, thence
S 10 1/2' W 66 feet to POB, FTC
Reid, Vincent H/Mary C Beginning at a point 794 5 feet N of SE Corner $1,540 00 $1,540 00
43 S Taft dill Foad of NE of Sr 9-7-69, thence N 89 36 3/4' W
Fort Collins, Colorado 80321 105 feet, N 0 10 1/2' E 70 feet, S 89 36 3/4'
Parcel No 97094-01-019 E 185 feet, S 0 10' W 70 feet to beginning,
Frontage Feet 70 00' FTC I
Williams, milan F Beginning at point 177 feet S of NTE corner of I $1,606 00 $1,606 00
L` elyon %1 SE 9-7-G9, thence S 73 feet, W 190 feet, N
25 S Taft 1i111 Road 73 fret, E 190 feet to beginning, FIC
r'ort Collins, Colorado 80521 +
Parcel No 9709 ,-01-020
Frontage Feet 73 00'
Page 5
22 00
i Levers, Samuel C Beg'm.%ng at a point 864 5 feet N of I $1,760 00
Carmclla M $1,760 00
corner of NE of SE 9-7-69, thence N
1845 NlQhtengale Dr 89 36 3/4' W 185 feet, N 0 10 112, E 80
i Colorado Springs, CO 80907 feet, S 89 36 3/4 ' E 185 feet, S 0 10
Parcel PO 9-1094-01-021 1/2' W 80 feet to beginning, FTC
Frontage Ieet 80 00'
Robinson, John H/Sharon R Beginning at a point S 0 10, W 250 feet
35 S Taft ILL11 Road from NE corner of SE 1/4 9-7-69, thence $2,200 00 $2,200 00
J Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 N 89 38' W 192 feet, S 0 10 1/2' W 100
I Parcel No 97094-01-022 feet, S 89 38' E 192 feet to the E line
Frontage feet 100 00, said Section, thence N 0 10 1/2' E 100
feet to POB, FIC
St��1,ARi.chard E Eeginning at a point on E side of 9-7-69
which is 1230 0 feet N of SE corner of I $2,035 00 $2,035 00
125 S Taft Hill. Karl said Section, considering the E side of i
i Fort COl1Lns, Colorado 80521 said Section 9, as N & S, thence N 89 35
Pa_-cel Tb 970je-04-001 1/2' W 486 71 feet, thence N 2 1/4 ' W
frontage Feet 92 5' 92 31 feet, thence S 89 36 3/4 ' E 486 77
I feet, thence S 92 5 feet to POB
Stephan, Richard E Comnenci-ng 1137 5 feet N of SE corner
1 Carol A 9-7-69, W 501 71 feet N 92 5 feet E 1 $20035 00
125 S Taft Hill Road 501 71 feet, S 92 5 feet to beginning $2,035 00
Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 I
Parcel No 9709q-04-002
Frontage fcnt 92 5'
1 �
T, `t 'In.'" +'pad STr_= I4Pl1OVFb= Tw—Trucr NO. 71 ASSESSM= ROLF '-`age 6
22 00
Matson, NLchapl C/Damm L Beginning at a point 735 feet N of SE $2,750 00 $2,750 00
2505 S Collegc. '{venue corner 9 ` A, thence N 89 35 1/2' W �
Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 486 37 feet, N 2 1/41 W 125 feet S 89
Parcel No 9)091-0,1-003 35 1/2' E 486 46 feet, thence southerly
rrortage Feet 125 00' to beginning, FTC
Enron, Louis C/Vary F Commencing 457 1/2 feet N of SE corner of $2,233 00 $2,233 00
Rt f,4 Boy 20 SC 9-7-69, W 501 19 feet, N 101 5 feet,
I@vn Talofofo Cum 96914 thence S 89 35 1/2' E to a point N of
Parcel No 970911-04-004 BOB, thence S 101 5 feet to beginning,
rrontage feet 101 5' rTc
Ryan, Bernard G Beginning 180 feet N of SE corner 9-7-69, $1,526 36 $1,526 36
PO Box 2132 th,Jnce N 89 35 1/2' W 501 feet, N 0 02
roru C,Llins, Colorado 80522 1/4' W 138 75 feet, S 89 35 1/4' E 501 19
Parcel fro 97094-04-005 feet, S 138 75 feet to beginning, less S i
rron"nge reet 69 38' 69 37 feet, FTC i
Ryan, Bernard G Beginning at SE corner 9-7-69, thence N 180 i $3,300 00 $3,300 00
a-) Sox 2132 feet, N 89 35 1/2' W 286 feet, S 0 2 1/4' t Less credit for 20' - 80 00
tort Collins, Colorado 80522 E 180 feet, S 80 35 1/2' E 285 9 feet to the I of curb & gutter $3,22u 00
Parcel No 97094-04-006 POB, FTC
rrontage Peet ..50 00'
Weltzel, Betty Jean Begirding at point on E side of 9-7-69 which $4,070 00 $4,070 00
225 S Taft fill Toad Ls 860 feet N of SE corner of Section 9 &
Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 considering E site as N & S, thence N 29
Parcel % 9709,,-04-009 35 1/2' W 501 46 feet, N 2 1/4 ' W 185 feet,
rrontage Feet 185 00' S 89 35 1/2' E 501 58 feet, S 185 feet to
r, n TRTCP td0 71 ASSES..MM IDLE Pane 7
ciTrv__'P IbiPFf9VL'^'�'T t� `'
Zf� 4111 rx��l �---'—.-'
�LscRiPT?av �
s, n�D rcDrr�s ASSLSSIx—NIT
i 22 00
Lilyblade, Murdene A Beginning at point on E side of 9-7-69 $2,035 00 $2,035 00
Paul E rich is 1045 feet N of SC corner Section
2J5 S Taft N111 road 9, thence N 89 35 1/2' W 501 58 feet, N
Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 2 1/2' W 92 5 feet, S 89 35 1/2' E 501 65
p,u cel t:o 91094-04-010 feet, S 92 5 feet to POB
Fmnt,age sect 9^ 5' $3,052 50
Ski[•+nrth, F ABenn Beginning 318 75 feet N of SE corner $3,052 50
3�,5 S Taft Hill Road 9-7-69, thence N 89 35 1/2' W 501 feet,
Fort Collins, colorado 80521 N 35 1 0 02 1/4' W 138 75 feet, S 89 /2'
Parcel No 97094-01-012 � 501 19 feet to E line, thence S to PCB,
Froni_-Aga_ Feet 13fl 75' F`ry
inning at point 647 feet N of St; corner $1,936 00
$1,936 00
Olsron, Frnr , p/r-Tagene J
1319 Catcnay Dr_ve 7-7-69, thence N 89 35 1/2' W 246 feet, S
I.nveland, Colo) -ido 80537 89 feet, parallel with E line, thence N
Parcel tYo 97J9r-04-013
89 35 1/2' W 255 26 feet, N 0 02 1/4' W
Froiitagc Frnt 8fl 00' 176 feet, S 89 35 1/2' L 501 37 feet to
E line said Section, S 88 feet to POB,
Cantenbeinf Ijaalma Beginning at point 559 feet N of SE corner of $1,936 00
$1,936 00
xistian L 9-7-69, thence 'N 89 35 1/2' 47 246 feet, i
259 S Taft Hi11 Roal1 Thence N 88 feet, thence S 89 35 1/2' E246
Fort Collins, Colorar'o 80521 feet, thence S 88 feet to beginning, FTC
P,,rcel No 9'7094-04-014
Frontage Peet 88 00' $1,526 14
F.rrnld, C�rald L Beginning at Point 190 feet N of SE corner $1,526 14
V� Cn ee L 9-7-69, thence N 89 35 1/2' W 486 feet, N
�45 S ' ft Hsll Pnad 0 02 1/4 ' W 69 37 feet, S 89 35 1/2' E
' Ott (y,11.25, Colorado 80521 486 05 feet t9/L, S 69 37 feet to beginning,
ParcL-1 Ab 91094-04-016 FTC
ILontage Feet 69 37'
T.f t "i 1 '^'oad ST= DippDVF%= C- "2ICT No 71 ItSSFSShIF"+Pr ROLE 12 8
RATE ),SSLSS.^+L*'i'
22 00
Farm'ton, Lallian M Ccmrnncing at NW corner 15-7-69, thence $5,963 76 $5,963 76
2035 17 ,I-Ulberry S 30.E 08 feet, E 150 6 feet, 4 to N line of Less credit for - SO 00
Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 said Section W 150 6 feet to POB, less curb & gutter - 20' 5,363 76
Parcel No M52-02-001 CO RD, zTC
Frort ,� rcet 271 08'
Fen-e_r, 147r2.lyn J Beginning at point wtuch bears S 301 V feet
528 S Taft H-11 road & 30 feet E from NW corner 15-7-69, therite S 11 $1,375 00 $1,375 00
Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 62 50 feet, E 120 594 feet, N 62 50 feet,
Parcel No 9'1152-02-003 W 120 591 feet to POB, FTC
Frontage Fect 62 50'
Dean, Norma H Beginning at point 30 feet E & 363 58 feet
530 S Taft Hill Fold S of IAI corner of 15-7-69, S 62 50 feet, E i $1,375 00
$1,375 00
Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 120 5Q4 feet, N 62 50 feet, W 120 594 feet
Parcel 1,b 97152-02-004 to beginning, FTC
Frontage feet 62 50,
Reese, J 1%endell/Miary J Bec.-annang at point on W line 15-7-69 which
532 S Taft Hill PL\,-d bears S 426 08 feer. S & 30 feet E of A'W $1,650 00 $1,650 00
Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 corner, thence S 75 feet, E 220 59 feet, N
parcel No 97152-02-005 109 60 feet, W 100 feet, S 34 60 feet, W �
. frontage Feet 7/3 00' 12C 594 feet to b_g= ng, I DC
Pacon, Thorns R D_,,i nna.ng 570 83 feet S & 30 feet E of NW
Victoria S co,-ier 15-7-69, trence E 220 595 feet, N $1,536 04 $1,536 04
536 S Taft H-ll 69 82 feet, W 220 595 feet, S 69 82 feet,
Fort Collin3, Colora[?O 80521 to L.xeginning, FIC
ParLf2l No 97152-02-006
rrontane Feet 69 82'
Taft Hi ll-Tbad S7`I= r�aPO'Mv IT 11"rnRZCr NO 71 ASSESs= ROLE 7e 4
N>L'^' „`TJ AI;DP!'SS DESCRIPTIC'4Q -- - - ----
E 22 00
Klein, William D/Mary C Beginrg at a point 570 83 fret S & 30 1 $1,540 00 $1,540 00
538 S Taft ILLII Road feet E of NW corner 15-7-69, thence E 220 594
Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 feet, S 70 feet, W 220 594 feet, N 70 feet to I
Parcel No 97152-02-007 begixming, FTC
Frontage Feot 70 00'
D--fever, Donald G Becrin2mg at point on E houndary line CO RD
Dorothy D VI, 15-7-69, 'which point Mars S 640 83 $1,760 00 $1,760 00
540 S Tait Fill TMoad feet & E 30 feet from NW corner Section 15,
FOY-t Collins, Colorado 80521 S 80 feet, E 150 feat, N 80 feet, W 150
Parcel IJo 97152-02-008 feet to begiraurg, FTC
rrontage Feet 80 00,
Richter, Ienneth D Beginning at ooirt on E bouidary line of $1,408 00 $1,408 00
Dorothy L P/°7 of CO RD ouch point hears S 720 83 feet
1269 Fo< Pill- Dr_ve & E 30 feet from NIW corner 15-7-69, thence
Longmnt, Colorado 80501 S 64 feet, E 150 feet, N 64 feet, W 150 feet
Paicrl No 9715,-02-009 to Begim na, FTC
rront"ge feet 64 00'
Dornfeld, Roy Beginning at point w}uch bears S 872 feet I $1,917 74 $1,917 74
614 S Taft Hill road from NW corner of 141 15-7-69, thence E
Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 500 364 feet h 167 58 feet, N 75 01' W
Parcel No 97152-02-010 M 56 feet, S 3 26 feet, W 70 594 feet,
Frontage Feet 87 17' S 144 feet, W 180 feet, S 87 17 feet to '
beginning, FTC
Mitchell, Dsgene E/I;t Al Ce;mencing 872 feet S of NW corner 15-7-69, f $1,540 00 $115P0 00
1904 Crest ore Ploce thence E 2274 feet, S 229 9 feet, W 1664
Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 feet, N 71 feet, vw 610 feet, N 158 9 feet i
Parcel to 97152-07-011 to beginning, less E 140G feet & less amunt
Fcr'- 70 00' sold on contract to Jefferson & also nearly I
4 feet of rot 57, r C
TZft 1 , i `Nx-t' S`Ir=- r,,2ruva^-_'u r �nurcT NO 71 Assmsmarr rmr,
je 10
22 00
11--t7g r, Dawn Commencing 942 feet S of NW corner 15-7-69, I $1,955 80 $1,955 80
PO Ibr 1892 thence E 210 feet, S 88 9 feet, W 210 feet, i
Fort Collins, Colorado 80522 N 89 9 feet to heginning, FTC p
Pa_�cel No 97152-02-012
Piontage Feet 88 90,
Brener, Jerry A Coi-nencing 1030 9 feet S of NW corner 15- $1,562 00 $1,562 00
Marporie Jeanne 7-69, E 610 feet, S 71 feet, W 610 feet, N
630 S Taft Hill ?1tO 71 feet to beginn-ung less BI' 1615 PG 993, i
rort Collins, Colorado 80521 FTC i
M ccl %, 97152-02-013
Frontage Feet 71 00'
Teepee Tnvestmnts, Inc Bc,-nning at point which bears S 0 32' E $5,102.24 $5,102 24
1117 N 3rd Strcet 1, 5 88 feet from NW corner of NW 1/4 of
Phoeni-%, zxizoiu, c5004 15-7-69, thence E 865 feet, S 0 32' E 231 92
Parcel ,�o 47152-03-001 feet, 4I865 feet, N 0 32' W 231 92 feet to
Frontaga reet 231 92' PCb, MC less BI< 1759 PGS 893,894, 895
Bausch, Edna H Co encmg 84 rods & 11 feet S of NW corner $4,356 00 $4,356 00
1911 Sharman Aven4e of 15-7-69, E 80 rods, S 12 rods, W 80 rods,
Vanston, Illinois 60201 N 12 rods, less 1; 666 52 feet, FTC
Pare No 97152-03-002
Fronk ge reet '-98 00,
Tiahrt, Mnurice D Beginning at point 143 80 feet N of W 1/4 $4,122 58 $4,122 59
I,21anie J cc_ner of 15-7-69, thence S 89 54' 23" E
920 �j Taft Hill Ibad 190 feet, S 0 32' E 30 feet, S 89 54' 23" E
rort Collins, Colorado 80521 50 feet M/L, thence N 216 2 feet, N 09 34'
Parcel Tab 97152-03-006 W 240 feet VL to W line of said Section
rroruig� Icet 137 39' 15, three S to POB, less W 40 feet for S I
Taft Hill Road, ITC r
-Tart 11�1` rbvl
STP*,_,_'�-' IIQPL-7 F M4T L .'RICT NO 71 ASsmsmu'P noLE 7e 11
MY'f T.\ID LD')t_C'S DrgrR_TPTIC7d - ----- --_- -- — ------ -- - -
22 00
Ah 1e1, [ti n E A tract in NW 15-7-69, Beginning at a point � $3,319 36
3105 11 Bingham 't_11 Road which beat., S 0 32' -C 1595 feet from NE �� $31319 36
Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 corner of said Section, E 195 feet, s 0 32'
Parcel Ib 91152-03-015 E 150 88 feet, W 195 feet, thence N 0 32' W
rrontzge reet 150 88' 150 88 feet FTC
drsickle Alan D ,
Lot I55, huller Brothers 3rd 3rd Filing, FTC I $1,540 00 $1,540 QO
636 S 7aft Hi 11 rr_ad
rort Collins, Colorado 80521
Parcel No 97152-07-155
Frontage reet 70 00'
Arvidson, Jares L Lot 156, less E 67 feet, Miller Brothers 3rd
421 S Ham FM#1006 3rd riling, F $1,930 00 $1,430 00
Fort CO1lirns, Colorado 80521
Parcel No Q7152-07-156
Frontage reet 65 00'
Schxmon, William F Lot 157, Miller Bros 3rd 3rd Filing, FZC
2033 Orciard Place $2,2QQ.00 $2,20Q QO
tort Collins, Colorado 80521
cel No 97152-07-157
�-.ontag, reet 100 QO'
Chevron Oil Company Lot 1 & W 1/2 Lot 2, G J Reid, FTC, also $ 118 50
Property Ta.• & Lnsurance 97152-03-018, P-calmlrg at W 1/4 corner 15-7- Street licitsng $ 118 50
PO Box 599 69, thence N 0 32' W 113 80 feet to TPOB, only Q 79
Denver, Colorado 80101 N 0 32' 11 30 feet, S 89 54 ' 23" E 190 feet,
Parcel No 97152- 0-001 S 0 3)' E 30 feet, N 89 54 ' 23" W 190 feet
rront.age rect 150 00' to TFJB, except W 40 feet for S Taft Hill
^nad, rIC
Smp= 114pr4Taft I" �e,i' VE�''✓�v'T D7�^TICr NO 71 ASSL S"�t�LNT I�L1✓ - - - --- ----- _
Pace 12
22 00
r 2 & W 6 q4 feet of Lot 3, S Taft Street lighting $ 112 47
F Z & 7 Lnvestmnts At--' 1, only @ 79
,)0"'1 w PlLn A,omst7cnt 612 Bill, FTC
Fort Collins, C_.,lorado 80521
parcel No 1)7152--11-001
}Frontage Fc��t 142 37'
Farid Lnw-tm^nts Tot 3, Sleepy Willows 2nd, ITC i otnlyt@lighting $ 106 65
868 6th Street
Bo jtc'er, Colorado 80302
Parcel No 91152-14-003 �
r'iontege Feet 135 00' i
IAt 36, Miller Brothers Foothills lst Street lighting $ 67 02
Jaerg--r, Prh,cu:d L only @ 79
?A:L y Lou Filing, ITC
1000 S Za`t Hill mad j
roi-t Collins, Colorado 80521
Parcel I1.) ')7153-05-036
Frontage Fee`_ 84 1,3'
Jo}virrm, Floyd C/Doris N N 85 feet of Lot 37, Miller Brothers Street @lighting $ 67 15
1004 S Taft Iit-1 :rotiv�lls 1st Filing, FTC
Fort Co1Lns, Colorado 80521
Pa.Lcel 1\10 971:,3-05-037 I`
Frontage Feet 85 00'
^� � Street lighting $ 67 15
CM,n, > lr�n r/"`�Y L Tot 37 less N 85 feet & Lot 38 less S 2_ 1 g g
1000 S Tzfi. P111 Road feet, miller Brothers Foothills 1st Filing, ; oily @ 79
jolt Col-uis, wlor i3o 805')1 FIC I
Y _reel 1.,o 97153-05-038
Front.lr'a reet 85 00,
ma ft III1 Road S'1'= IMT"�OVDT-NT L rP7GT NO 71 ASSESS%E!4T MI0 r ge 13
22 00
Riyon, Gary Eston S 25 feet Lot 38, Miller Brothers Foothills , Street lighting $ 71 10
Carol Ann 1st, FX & Lot 74 & N 5 feet Lot 75, Miller only @ 79
1012 S Taft 9111 Road Brothers Foothills 2nd, FTC
Fort Collins, Colorado 80521
` Parcel No 97153-05-074 II
I rontage Pcet 00 00, II
Foy<_nth�1, Rr_.Ld L S 70 feet of Tot 75 & N 5 feet of Lot 76, I Street lighting $ 59 25
Alort�c`it, �'lllj am G Miller Brothers Foothills 2nd Filt ng, FTC �' only @ 79
1016 S Taft Iii ll -oaa
rbrt Coll-Ls, Colorarlo 80521
Parcel 140 97153-05-075
Frontage :eat 75 00,
B^_<1ugh, John P/Helen G S 75 feet of Lot 76, Miller Brothers Foothills I Street lighting $ 59 25
1020 S Taft 1-Ull 2nd Filing, FTC only @ 79
rbrt Collins, Colorado 80521
Parcel No 97-L33-05-076
Prontoge feet 75 00'
Webber, Don To/ argaret A Lot 77, Miller Brothers Foothills 2nd Filing, j Street lighting $ 62,50
1024 S Taft IIi1.L Daad rTC onl} @ 79
rbr-L Collins, Colorado 80521
Parcel Ij 971"3-05-077
Frontage Fe,=t 79 12'
Williams, rugene I Lot 78, Miller Brothers Foothills 2nd Filing, Street lighting $ 67 15
cfiirgLLL�et rlL-C i only @ 79
107E S Taft Hill Road
Ib_ _ Collis, Cnlrlrauo 80521
P-1r, r+l 110 971-)3-05-078
I__ I _ 1 00'
T Page 14
t DSL1 Y�ad Sl'1LJ11 ��lYJYi Ll�i TC �- - -
22 00
Street lighting $ 57 83
�rykzley, Char'ps ci
1032 S Taft. Hill Paad riling, I'PC
fort Oollr^s, Colorado 80521
Parcel No 97153-05-107
r.Lontage Feet 73 20' I
Street lighting $ 58 46
UrL�xn, rtic'�i D, Jr _0t 108, miller Brothers Foothills 3rd only @ 79
Barbdra J Filing, FPC
1036 S Taft bill Road
rort Collins, Colorado 80521
Parcel No 97153-05-108
rmml'-age Feet 74 00'
� Street lighting
$ 63 20
Lichten4aldt, F'ensy Lot 109 & N 6 feet of IAt 110, Miller only @ 79
Rtith raye Brothers Foothills 3rd Filing, FX
10^0 S Tdf'. TLtll Rexid
r o-c Colluis, Colorado 80521
Parc-al No 911�3-05-109
montage feet 80 00' I $ 53 72
Street lighting
Borflhtz, J I'crlin S 68 feet of Lot 110, Miller Brothers only @ 79
Dorothy Jrrootlulls 3rd Filing, F Ir-
1044 S Zaft ILti11 Poad
Fort C0111 s, Colorado 80521
Parcel 170 97153-05-110
Frontage legit 68 00'
Street lighting $ 78 45
I'ollar, R,charrl S TL)t 111, 'Miller Brothers Foothills 3rd only @ 79
i'r�u�ces Filing, rrC i
2504 Cle,0xv2.('
row L Col1�u, Colorado 80521
Parco� IYD 97153-05-111
I'rjnulgo feet 99 30'
22 00
Shea, WM D/Lorene D Lot 27, Miller Brothers S Foothills 1st Street lighting $ 86 90
2017 Springfield Drive Filing, FTC only @ 79
Fort Collins, Colorado 80521
Parcel No 97153-06-027
Frontage Feet 110 00,
Suppes, George/Marie Lot 68, Miller Brothers S Foothills 2nd Street lighting $ 86 90
2016 W Lake Filing, FTC only @ 79
Fort Collins, Colorado 80521
Parcel No 97153-06-068
Frontage Feet 110 00'
Shepard of Hills Lutheran Tract "A" of Miller Brothers S Foothills Street lighting $ 252 80
Church 1st Filing, FTC only @ 79
1200 S Taft Hill Road
Fort Collins, Colorado 80521
Parcel No 97153-06-070
Frontage Feet 320 00'
Kemp, Graham E/Wanda G Tract "B", Miller Brothers S Foothills 2nd $2,632 08 $2,632 08
2017 Evergreen Drive Filing, FTC Less credit of curb, -2,059 00
Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 gutter & paving $ 573 08
Parcel No 97153-06-075
Frontage Feet 119 64'
Stark, David C/Nicma F Lot 91, Miller Brothers S Foothills 2nd Street lighting $ 86 90
2017 W Lake Filing, FTC only @ 79
Fort Collins, Colorado 80521
Parcel No 97153-06-091
Frontage Feet 110 00'
T-Ift Ht 1`` -,d ST= Tn.TmvL--= --STRICT NO 71 ASSM&NUNT FOIE t'^ge 16
22 00
WLlli��l2s, ��th S rot 9 ', MLller Brothers S Foothills 2nd Street lighting $ 102 70
2036 '-verg_ccn Filing, r'IC only @ 79
Fo_u Collins, Colorado 80521
Parcel % 97153 06-092
Front ige Feet 130 00'
Craham F/ =da G Lot 143, Msller Brothers S Foothills 2nd Street lighting $ 102 70
201- Evcrgrcen Drive Fi13ng, FTC i only79
rorr- Collins, CDlorudO 80521
Parcel t° 97153-06-1d3
Frontage Feet 130 00'
Leslie S Eeg3nning at point 165 feet S of NE corner 1 $29750 00 $2,750 00
Et Al of 16-7-69, thence S 0 25' E 125 feet, N 89
1015 I.Torte Ave-nue 35' 30" W 165 feet, N 0 25' W 125 feet, N 89
Fort Collirr�, Colorado 80521 35' 30" E 165 feet to POD, FIX
Parcel No 97161-00-018
r'rontage Feet 123 00' I
Griff-,th, ';tilliam RcrQand Also 97161-00-020, comTencL^g at point 30 $1,320 00 $1,320 00
Elva R `eet W & 496 42 feet S of AM corner 16-7- I
e/o Robcrt A & Patrjcia S C9, thence S 60 feet, thence W 135 feet, N
Sa1znnn 130 78 fee`_, S 62 20' E 152 43 feet to
513 S '-aft Fill road baguinulg, FTC �
Fort Collins, Colorado 80521
Parcel No 97161- 00-019
Frontage Feet 60 00'
FL)rrison, Thomas E Beguuung at poi-it 30 feet W & 556 42 feet S i $1,320 00 $1,320 00
5.�12 2,Ath Street of IT corner 16-7-69, S 60 feet, W 135 feet, I
G,1e1c,,, Cr'_oraco 80631 N 60 feet, E 135 feet to beginning sub3ect to
L Lem 1--) 97161-00-021 PJoa 1 R/W, FTC
Frontage Feet 60 00'
STPFD'_' T_TML°EX)V1.ar T"--T'Tr"' NO 71 ASSr,SS'"'T�v'T rDIT, Page 17
27 00
Taauir%, John S/Rosalie M T3eginung at point 30 feet W & 616 42 feet I $1,540 00 $1,540 00
537 £, Taft I4.ill Ps-Ad S of NE corner of 16-7-69, thence S 70 feet
Fort Collin, Colorado 80521 W 135 feet, N 70 feet, E 135 feet to I
Parcel No 97161-00-022 heginning, FIC
I•rontage reet 70 00' p
110rnzr--dc7, Sarmy S Begunning at a point 30 feet W of a point on
I'r_rrf L E line 16-7-69 & G86 42 feet S of IM corner $1,566 18 $1,566 18
539 S Taft I-LI' l Ibad said Section, S 71 19 feet, W 135 feet, N
rort Oollins, Cnl( rzOo 80521 71 19 feet, E 135 feet to beginning, FTC
m-cell No 97161-00-023
rront:,^e reet 7, 19'
Collie-r, John R,/DoriG P Beginning at point 30 feet W 6 757 61 feet S
$1,566 18 $1,566 18
541 S 7aft hill ^,oad of m corner 16-7-69, tly--nce S 71 19 feet, W
fort Collirs, Colorado 80521 135 ie--t, N 71 19 feet, E 135 feet to
Parcel I.b 97161-00-024 beguuung, FTC
r`rontage Feet 71 19'
Livengood, Dice L Eeguuung at point 30 feet W & 828 80 feet S $1,456 40 $1,456 40
543 S Taft Hi1.. of NI. corner 16-7-69, thence S 66 20 feet, W
rort Collins, Co.Lorado 80521 135 feet, N 66 20 feet, E 135 feet to beginning,
Parcel Nb 97161-00-025 FIC
rron*..;�ge roct 66 20'
Coy, Clamor 0/Josephine Beginning at point 30 feet & 895 feet S of NE $1,430 00 $1,430 00
545 S Taft hill road comar 16-7-69, S 65 feet, W 135 feet, N 65
rort Collins, Colorado 80521 feet, E 135 feet to beginning, M
P�ircol I4o �7161-00-026
I•runtage_ Peet 65 00'
STR=_ Ta"Trc� r NT r'^' "TCT No 71 ASSFSS.N= ROLE Page 18
- I
'C ^L'SS
22 00
Johnson, rugcrL L Begining at a point 30 feet W of a point $1,320 00
$1,320 00
B�°sbara J -,n I", line of 16-7-69 & 960 feet S of NE
637 S Taf comer
t 11111 Poad of said Section, thence S 60 feet,
lbrt C0111_*is, Colorado 80521 W 135 feet, N 60 feet, E 135 feet to
Parcel RD 97161-00-027 beginning,
Frontnr)c r eet 60 00'
Pedersen, Ran,lall W/Llnda Beginning 1095 feet S of NE corner of 16- 1 1 650 00 $1,650 00
G39 S Taft Hill 7-69, thence W 165 feet, N 75 feet, E 165 i $ ,
rort Col l-M, Colorado 80521 feet,
S 75 feet to MB, FTC
Parccl 'b 97161-00-028
r'ron*,zge Feet 75 00'
Beq-nning 1095 feet S of NE corner 16-7- $1,650 00 $1,650 00
Heromler, Florence R
641 S Taft Hill Fr-,ad 69, hence F] 165 feet, S 75 feet, E 165 feet,
rort Collins, Colorado 80521 N ,5 feet to begs:=9, ITC
Parcel No 97161-00-029
Frontage Feet 75 00' i
$1,650 00
Julius G le n7f feet Sf I'M corner 169 $1,650 00
70i S Taf HillRoadtriece W 165 feet, S75fet, E 165 feet,
Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 75 feet to beginning, except RDS & Ditches,
rzrcel tx) g7lr�1-00-030 i'IC
rm nt.ioN reef 75 00'
T�zslr_r, Ee7Lnning 1245 feet S of NE corner 16-7-69,
$1,650 00 $1,650 00
Charles L
Lillian S thence V, 165 feet, S 75 feet, E 165 feet,
7C5 S Tait IL111 rload N 75 feet to beginning except RDS & Ditches, I
xbrt Collln.G, Colorado 80521 r'P2
P t1rr1 "a 91361-00-031 I
^rontslgc rec t 75 00'
ft. t 1 -> d STR _' DV')I0VE.'m'T r -' Rqu.cr NO 71 ASSCSSNMIT MLE r"ne 19
22 00
Pnth�l P-intlst Church ComTr-ncing at a point which beers 11 00 32'
833 S Taft TL111 H' 1001 feet & again S 89 28' W 40 feet from i Street lighting $ 37Q 37
IbrL Collins, Colorado 80521 E 1/4 corner 16-7-69, thence along the arc of only 0 79
PLcrl "0 97161-00-0?7 a 1= f c: radius curie to the L 23 56 feet,
I'rontt;e Fect 4&0 2l' the loiy chord of which bears N 45 32' W I
21 21 feet, thence S 89 28' W 275 feet, thence i
'0 32' E 421 35 feet, thence S 89 43' 30" D
136 99, thence along the arc of a 125 foot 41
radius curve to the R 94 98 feet, the long I
chord of %inich bears S 67 57' 30" D 92 71
feet, thence along the arc of a 75 foot radius
clime to the L 58 04 feet, the long chord of
which bears S 68 21' 45" D 56 61 feet, thence
along the arc of a 15 foot radius curve to the
L 23 56, the long cl- nrd of which bears N 44
28' E' 21 21 feet, thence N 00 32' W 450 22 feet
to t1 e POB I FTC
Benedict, maxion R Beginning 1320 feet S of 'ATE corner of ATE 1/4 1 $2,904 00 $2,904 09
Dorothy P 16-7-69, S 132 feet, W 330 feet, Id 132 feet,
715 S Zaft H111 Rced E 330 feet to beginning, FPC
Tort Colliris, Colorado 80521
' a_cel ,YD 97161-10�-045
I'L:xltage ITEM- 132 00'
Hus}y Oil corpary of A tract of land in I�E 16-7-69, beginning at NE $20970 00 $2,970 00
0 00
eorncr, S 0 25' E 165 feet, N 89 35' 30" W 165 Less curb & gutter -G---
D oy380 credit - 15' �2,910 00
PO ;bx 380 feet, N U 25' 4J 165 feet, S 89 35' 30" E 165 ,
CrIly, SNrjTirg 82414 feet to beginning, ITC
Paic"I No 97161-00-048
I'cr,ntage feet 135 00'
-if t Fb ad STR.T"FT IIV.PrRVLT'1L" �"S'"77-I CP No 71 ASSrS-gmrr mr E �ige 20
22 00
Lxvon Corporation Beginning at point 20 feet N & 40 feet W of
FO Pox 53 E 1/4 coiner of 16-7-69, the , t' 0 32' W
Fou_ton, Teas 77001 150 feet, N 00 43' 30" W 150 feet, S 0 32' E Street lighting $ 118 50
P�-m el No 97161-00-061 115 5 feet, thence southerly on curve to R, , only @ 79
Frontage feet 150 00, having radius of 260 feet, 16 3 feet to point
of tzngent, the long chord of Which ]oars S
60 55' 30" E 15 8 feet, thence S 70 37' 30" E
21 feet to point 20 feet N of S line of Sr, 1/4
of TC 1/4 LhEnce S 89 43' -10" E 116 5 feet M/L
to D3B, FTC
Diamond Shamrock Corporat-1m Begiuunq at point 290 feet S of NC corner of I
PO Boz 631 16-7-69, thence S 0 25' E 206 42 feet, thence $4,541 24
$4,541 24
Pra� illo, Tam.- 7QI05 W 30 foot, thence N 62 20' W 153 01 feet, N 0
P-Lrcol No 97161-00-064 25' t� 136 54 feet, S 89 35' 30" E 165 feet to
Frontage 2ect 2^G 42' MB r FTC
Sttelt, C J Traci in NM 1/4 16-7-69, beginning at point 9
400 °cLerson Gtreet which boars N 89 43' 30" W 40 feet, N 0 32' W i
Fort Ccllins, Colorado 80521 181 08 feez from r 1/4 corner of said Section
Parce No 97161-00-065 16, thence N 0 32' W 203 92 feet, N 89 43' 30" Street lighting $ 165 05
Frontage Feet 209 92' W 290 feet, S 0 32' E 350 feet to point on N i only @ 79
1Lne of W Elizabeth Street t,`ence S 89 43' 30"
72 61 feet, therce along arc of 260 foot radius;
curve to R G8 29 feet the long chord of which
b---ir�, S 81 12' E 63 10 feet thence leavting said
N line of w rlizabeth Street, N 0 32' W 150 feet, '
S 89 43' 30 ' L 150 feet to "-M, Containing I
1 8510 acres M/L, FIC
Ttfis. ',L--, noar1 ST= IMPROVEM''P '--,NTIUCT NO 71 ASSrS5-MaW ROLE 'ale 21
22 00
Gil-dorf, '-,ctor A ComTrr_cing at a court on r line 16-7-69,
Clara E 1452 feet S of Ni, corner, thence S 132 feet, i $2,619 10 $2,619 10
roue 114 Pox 121C tharce W 330 feet, thence N 132 feet, thence
rort C)llirs, Colorado 80521 E 330 feet to rOD, I=
'cv-�1 No 071c1-00-084
rrontage Peet 119 05'
Eiselste.Ln, Carl L All, Real 1st, _•PC Street lighting $ 74 52
rt Al only @ 79
1321 W bbunta-'Ln
ror-L Collirp, Colorado 80521
Parcel No 971G1-18-001
1 mntage reet 94 33'
Arr:=r on, J"L7,cT A Cnmenci.ng at point N 0 25' W 802 7 feet from i $2,200 00 $2,200 00
Sore DDu_se SE corner 16-7-69, thence N 89 33' W 238 7
1451 S ?aF_ feet, N 0 25' W 200 feet, S 89 33' E 238 7
rort Cbllins, C olo-aen 80521 feet, S 0 25' E 200 feet to oeginning less
Pared 110 97164-00-015 S 100 feet,FW t
rrontage Fect 100 00,
Whrb, xeith 2/-11 . abeth L S 100 feet of follow3mg C-- -ienci.ng at point i $2,200 00 $2,200 00
14J5 S Taft Hill Poad 802 7 feet, N 0 25' 14 of Sr, corner 16-7-69,
Fort Coll11L9, Colorado 80521 11 99 33' W 238 7 feet, N 0 Z- W 200 feet, S
Parcel No 97164-00-016 89 33' E 238 7 feet, S 0 25' 200 feet to
rrontagL Peet 100 00' Lt�gui*ung, F`IC
Foster, Jarms C/DnLly B Beg= rg at point aluch Ls 0 25' W 602 7
14°7 S Tift till_ Road feet fmn SE corner of SE of SE 16-7-69, $4,400 00 $4,400 00
Fort. Co -ins, Cbloiado 80521 th,:mce N 0 25' W 200 feet along E line of
Parcel No 97161-00-017 SL of SE saia Section, N 8q 33' W 238 7 feet
re_t 200 00, S 0 2 ,' E 2C0 Leet, S 89 33' E 238 7 feet to
Le j3.rn-ng, FTC
Taft i_ - ~ad STP= 7tTpzvrFI+`1= D RTCT NO 71 71SSESSNLTT'T ROLE I 22
22 00
G_zrf..elcl, ,r�n_rvin L reginning at point on E 11-ne 16-7-69 which
lHi S Taft `sill ra.l bears N 0 25' Y, 442 7 feet from SE corner, $2,200 00 $2,200 00
Fort CollLns, Colorado 80521 N Cj 33' W 238 7 feet, N 0 25' W 100 feet,
Pa:re_ No 3716 -00-018 S 89 .33' E 238 7 feet S 0 25' E 100 feet to
rn-, J- Fc--t 110 00, P031 1=
,Cjp„Lrg, Paal Cl'garrla J P.egirniing at point on r line 16-7-69 which
1555 S Taft Ili' 1 Toad bears N 0 25' 47 342 7 feet from SE corner, 2 200 00
Fort Collin_F, colorado 80521 N C9 33' W 238 7 feet, N 0 25' W 100 feet, $2,200 00 $ ,
Parcel }ao 971G4-f0-019 1 f9 33' E 238 7 feet, S 0 25' E 100 feet
Front-ge Felt 100 00, to POB, r-x
Crier, a ella G Pr_rgulning at SE corner 16-7-69, thence N 25'
1557 S Taft H-11 Thad 17 342 7 feet, N 89 33' W 238 71 feet, S 25' $7,539 40 $7,539 40
Iort Collins, Como auo 80521 E 312 7 feet, their_c easterly to baginrung,
Pc reel 1,0 971G4-00-025 rIC'
FronUig feet 342 1'
1�icOericY, Ebert F Beginning at a point wYu.ch bears N 0 25' W $2,928 20 $21928 20
Yvonne E 1062 7 feet, aq;an „ 89 33' /7 155 feet, again Less curb & gutter - 100 00
1213 S Taft H�11 mad N C 25' W 123 96 feet from the SE corner credit - 251T ,ago 20
brt Collins, Colorado 80521 16-7-69, thence N 0 25' 47 133 1 feet, S 89
Pa_rce.L 1,10 97164-00-0°4 34' E 155 feet M/L, along E line said Section
rrontige Feel- 133 1' 16 S 0 25' E 133 1 feet, N 89 34' W 155
fec,t rVr to PoB, cycept m) R/W across E 30
fpc-t of said property, 1'1-)C
11-mard, Wesley N _Begging at a point 1062 7 feet N of SE $2,727 12 $2,727 12
C»ra.Ldine 1, corner of Sec'uon 16-7-C9, 1:2-ence W 155
1217 S Taft y+ill Road feet, N 123 96 feet, E 155 feet, S 123 96 feet
In1* Co'_' ,nG, Cr,lo-ado 80521 tj brginning, F1C
PDXI-01- -"16, -00-037
Frolltag_ Fcc`_ 12' 96'
ST=7 LX2ROVEm" -NT S^_'nTr'P NO 71 ASSISSNnu RoLu age 23
22 00
Armri r m Oil Crop-my Part of Tract 'A' , Miller Brothers Foothills
CIO 'iar A7ernt 6t1 I ing, FI'C, described -s begmni.ng
110� S:-ruity Life BuilcLng at Fyotrt 559 57 feet N of SE cc i , S 89 Street lighting $ 98 58
Den nr, Colorado 80202 28' W 125 feet, N 150 9 feet to point on N only @ 79
Pa_rc�1 No 971Ct,-05-002 lint- szid Tract 'A' , S 70 37' 30" E 44 04
IYontage feet_ 124 79' fee. to point of cure, thence easterly on
* cur✓e to L having a radius of 180 feet,
a distance of 60 feet to point of tangent,
long chord of wuch curve bears S 80 10' 30"
r 59 73 feet, S 80 43' 30" r 10 feet to
point of curve, thence southerly along
northerly line of Tract 'A' on a curve to R
ha,•ing a radius of 15 feet, a distance of
23 53 feet to point of tangent, long chord
of wluch curve buss S 45 07' 45" E 21 06
feet, S 0 32' E llu feet %,/L to beguuung
Yling, Vi ctor/T;dia Lot 1, Miller Brothers root7�ills 4th Filing, Street lighting $ 86 91
21u1 Clcarv�e%, ITC only @ 79
rot Co11�i•s, Colorado 80521
Parce No 971G 08-001
Frontage Feet 110 Ol'
L^bcark, Namar VValma A Lot 9 & E 2 feet of Lot 10, Miller Brothers Street lighting $ 86 73
2212 t',iWY St ro't i cothills 4th Filing, rW only @ 79
Fort Collins, Colorado 80521
P reel to 9711, -08-009
j rrontage r'eet 109 79'
Pavton, "-Lr1 N/Lucille Lot L3, Miller Brothers Foothills 4th filing Street lighting $ 86 q1
In 25 S Taft lull Poad F C 'I feet Lot 81, Miller brothers Foothills only @ 79
rrjl-i Cr) L r Colorado 80521 bth I iling, rX
I ,_el b 97161-08-013
rrontage reot 110 01,
T,rr " I TMti i STT)=r -TSTPTCr NO 71 ASsl ssm= po r ^
age ?4
ri1 k�'D ' lln�rs ri^SCRIT'TION ASgr.SSA'ICUr Tarry T
22 00
``=Crac�rr_n, �a,las R r , 80, Miller Brot-ers Foothills 6th Street lighting $ 86 73
C'Dhc12.a F ding, I'IC only @ 79
221. IY Prospect
ro,+ Collins, Colorado 80521
Parcel No 971G4-08-080
FranUige reet 109 79'
Mtllery Alv n L Lot 1 of replat of a part of Tract 'A' Street lighting $ 171 09
Et Pl of t}Je reolat of Miller Brothers Foothills only @ 79
in wc,31 mt Co Inc S Mivision, 6th Filing, rTC
G5 Le-jori Stxc4-t
^nn»r, Colorado 80217
Parce.L Tva 97164-40-001
Frontage rant 216 57'
Hiller, Alv.Ln I & Carl W Lot 2 of reolat of part of Tract 'A' Street lighting $ 161 95
c/o , J�i!1 & Ihid P of tha reolat of Miller Brothers Foothills only @ 79
tii Sub-livision, 6th Filing, FTC
,'017 Cpru^.c L�J me
tort Co11Lns, Colorado 80521
Parcel to 91164-40-002
Frontage Feet 205 00'
ttt'_l�s, Alvin L/Et Al Tot 3 of replat of part of Tract 'A' Street lighting $ 109 02
InvestrrRt Cc Lne of the replat of Miller Brothers Foothills only @ 79
65 Tejon Strut Suldivision, 6th Filing, rTC
Genve-L, Color-mo 80217
Parcel f o 971G4-40-003
Fran"-IvO Feet 138 00'
22 00
Howard, Wesley N Beginning at a point 1062 7 feet N of SE $2,750 00 $2,750 00
Geraldine M. corner of Section 16-7-69, thence W 155 feet, Less street light - 98 75
1217 S Taft Hill Road N 123 96 feet, E 155 feet, S 123 96 feet to credit $2,651 25
Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 beginning, FTC
Parcel No 97164-00-037
Frontage Feet 125 00'
Farmer, Harry R/Charla W Lot 1, Blk 1, of the vacation & rededication $2,530 00 $2,530 00
2112 Springfield Court of Blocks 1,2,3, and Lots 1,2, and 3 Block Less curb & gutter, - 90 85
Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 4 of W Lake Street Subdivision, FTC & street light credit - 812 55
Parcel No 97164-11-001 115' - 920 00
Frontage Feet 115 00' $ 706 60
Webb, Robert Keith Beginning at point on E line of SE 1/4 of SE $ 380 60 $ 380 60
Elizabeth Ann 1/4 of 16-7-69 & N 0 25' 4, 202 7 feet fran SE Less credit for - 13 67
1455 S Taft Hill Road corner of said Section, tr a^ce N 89 33' W 238 7 street lights $ 366 93
Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 feet, N 0 25' W 200 feet, N 89 33' W 12 feet to
Parcel No 97164-00-043 TPOB, thence N 89 33' W 90 feet, S 0 25' E 150
Frontage Feet 17 3' feet, S 89 33' E 90 feet, N 0 25' W 150 feet to
Webb, Keith T/Elizabeth L Beginning at point N 0 25' W 802 7 feet from $ 264 00 $ 264 00
1455 S Taft Hill Road SE corner 16-7-69, thence 4 89 33' W 238 7 Less street light credit - 9 48
Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 feet to TPOB, N 0 25' W 2C0 feet, N 89 33' $ 254 52
Parcel No 97164-00-032 W 200 feet, S 0 25' E 200 feet, S 89 33' E
Frontage Feet 12 00' 200 feet to TPOB, FTC together with R/W for
RD purpose over & across tie following,
beginning at point on E line of SE of SE 16-
7-69, thence N 0 25' W 1002 7 feet from SE
corner, N 89 33' W 438 7 feet, N 0 25' W
60 feet, S 89 33' E 438 7 feet, S 0 25' E
60 feet to TPOB less Bk 1336 Pg 30 & 1549-
555, FTC
,If IL DILve STn1;l': T-',T VL24M7 L LRTcr N0. 71 ASSL'SSMd a ROLE � je 26
A " T DC t 7- T)E=I TICK ASSf:cS.a 7P 'PJ_T'AL
22 00
AnjV son, Jsmes N CoTrnencina at point N 0 25' W 802 7 feet,
'xAdie Lomse fran SC corner 16-7-69, thence N 89 33' $4,591 40 $4,591 40
1451 S Taft W 238 7 feet, N 0 25' W 200 feet, S 89 Less street light - 164 87
Fort, Coll ms, ColoraOo 80521 33' E 238 7 feet, S 0 25' C 200 feet to credit $4,426 53
Pia-cel No 971(4-00-015 beguuu_ng less S 100 feet, PIC
rrontzae Feet 208 70'
Section 2 All assessments herein provided for shall be due and
payable within thirty (30) days after the final publication of this Ordi-
nance, without demand, provided that all such assessments may, at the
election of the owners of the property assessed, be paid in ten (10) equal
installments , the first installment being due on the first day of April ,
1979, and on the first day of April of each year thereafter until the
full amount thereof has been paid, together with interest on the unpaid
principal at the rate of six percent (6%) per annum, said interest to be
payable at the time of the principal payments Failure to pay the whole of
such assessment within thirty (30) days as aforesaid shall be conclusively
considered and held as an election on the part of the persons interested,
whether under disability or otherwise, to pay in such installments
Section 3 In the case of election of any person to pay in install -
ments as aforesaid, the failure to pay any installment when due, whether on
principal or interest, shall cause the whole of the unpaid principal to
become due and payable immediately and the whole amount of unpaid principal
and accrued interest shall thereafter draw interest at the rate of one
percent (1%) per month until the date of sale as hereinafter provided,
provided, however, that at any time prior to the date of sale, the owner of
the property assessed may pay the amount of all unpaid and due installments ,
together with all interest that has accrued as aforesaid, and all penalties
accrued, and upon such payment shall be restored to the right to pay the
installments in the same manner as if the default had not occurred The
owners of any property not in default as to any installments or payments
may at any time pay the entire unpaid balance of principal , together with
interest accrued thereon, to the first day of the month following such
Section 4 Payments may be mane to the Director of Finance at any
time within thirty (30) days after the final publication of this Ordinance,
and in such event, an allowance of tive percent (5%) as a discount shall be
made on all payments during such period only
Section 5 City Council hereby determines that an emergency exists
requiring the immediate passage of this Ordinance, and this Ordinance is,
therefore, enacted pursuant to Section 6 of Article II of the Charter of the
City of Fort Collins as an emergency ordinance and shall be effective upon its
Introduced, considered favorably by �- members of the City Council ,
finally passed as an Emergency Ordinance, and ordered published this 16th
day of January, A D 1979
L V I ' Mayor
City Clerk