WHEREAS, it appears to the City Council through the
studies of the Human Relations Commission that examples of
discrimination and intolerance exist in the City of Fort
Collins and
WHEREAS, it is the City Council ' s firm belief that such
discrimination and intolerance not only threaten the rights
and privileges of the citizens of this community but also
menace the institutions and foundations of a free and demo-
cratic society, and
WHEREAS, it is the City Council' s firm commitment to do
all in its power to eliminate pre3udice, intolerance, disorder
and discrimination in the community of Fort Collins, and
WHEREAS, the City Council desires to give effect to the
guarantees of equal rights contained in the Constitution and
laws of this state and the United States and to encourage
and bring about mutual self-respect and understanding among
all citizens and groups in the City, and
WHEREAS, the laws of both the State of Colorado and the
United States make unlawful, discriminatory practices, but
it is the observation of the City Council that the enforce-
ment of such laws at times involves great delays which
defeat the purpose of such laws and
WHEREAS, the City Council is of the opinion that the
adoption of an ordinance which defines and makes unlawful,
certain discriminatory practices will help to eliminate
discrimination and intolerance in this community and make
available a speedy remedy therefore
Section 1 Definitions The terms and phrases that
follow have the meanings or are used in this ordinance in
the frame or reference or sense as hereinafter set forth
a "City Manager" - The Chief administrative official
of the City of Fort Collins, including any person or persons
appointed or designated by him to carry out any or all of
the duties, obligations, rights, and powers appointed to the
City Manager under this ordinance
b "Discriminate" and "Discriminate Against" , "Discrim-
inatory Reason" or "Reason of Discrimination" - Under the
given circumstances, a person makes a limitation or specifi-
cation as to another because of the latter person' s race,
color, religion, national origin, sex, or marital status or
because of the race, color, religion, national origin, sex,
or marital status of the other person' s friends or associates,
also these latter two terms "discriminatory reason" or
"reason of discrimination" may be used hereinafter to have
the following sense or meaning and at the same time save
repeated use of 'based upon or because of the race, color,
religion, national origin, sex, or marital status of the
other person, or because of the race, color, religion,
national origin, sex, or marital status of such other person' s
friends or associates' Further, the foregoing terms will
include "age between 40 and 65" when used in the area of
employment under Section 3 of this ordinance
c "Person" - Any individual, group, association,
corporation, Doint apprenticeship committee, 3oint stock
company, labor union, legal representative (including but
not limited to trustees, executors and administrators,
mutual company, partnership, receiver, trust, trustee,
trustee in bankruptcy, unincorporated organization) , and
other legal or commercial entity or municipal governmental
entity or agency, further when one gender is used such as
"him" it may mean and include reference also to "her" and
the neuter "it" In addition singular use necessarily also
includes the plural
d ' Complainant' - The person filing a formal charge
or accusation of violation of this ordinance
e "Respondent" - The person being formally charged
with a violation of this ordinance
f "Employer" - Shall mean the City of Fort Collins or
any political subdivision or board, commission, department
or institution hereof, and every person employing one or
more employees within the City, but it does not mean religious
organizations, associations or bureaus or agencies maintained
by the United States of America or the State of Colorado
except such organizations or associations supported in whole
or in part by money raised by City taxation or borrowing
g "Employment Agency" - Shall mean any person securing
employment or, by any form of advertising, holds itself out
to prospective applicants as able to secure employment, or
able to provide information, intelligence, or service of any
character concerning or purporting to promote, lead to, or
consummate employment for the applicant with any person,
other than itself, except it shall not mean any bureaus or
agencies maintained by the United States of America or the
State of Colorado
h "Employment" - Shall mean any character of service
rendered or to be rendered for wages, salary, commission, or
other form of remuneration, and to use or engage any character
of service rendered or to be rendered for wages, salary,
commission or other form of remuneration
i "Place of Public Accommodations" - Any educational,
health, entertainment, business or other facility of any
kind whose goods, services, facilities, privileges, or
advantages are made available to the general public, or
which receives financial support through solicitation of the
general public or through municipal governmental subsidy of
any kind
3 "Real Estate Transaction" - The sale, exchange,
rental, or lease of any real property and also includes
offering or listing of any real property for sale, exchange,
rental or lease
Section 2 Discriminatory Housing Practices Prohibited
a No person for any reason of discrimination shall
1 Refuse to negotiate for and/or engage in a
real estate transaction with another person
2 Discriminate against another person in the
terms, conditions, or privileges of a real estate transaction
or in the furnishing of facilities or services in connection
3 Refuse to receive from, or fail to transmit
to, another person, a bona fide offer to engage in a real
estate transaction
4 Represent to another person that any real
property is not available for inspection, or for a real
estate transaction, when in fact it is so available
5 Fail, in the ordinary course of business, to
bring a property listing to another person' s attention, or
to refuse to permit him to inspect real property under
reasonable conditions
b No person shall
1 Publish or advertise, directly or indirectly,
an intent to make a limitation or specification based on a
discriminatory reason
2 Use a form of application for a real estate
transaction, or make a record of inquiry in connection with
real estate transaction, for the purpose of making a limita-
tion or specification based on a discriminatory reason,
provided however, that it shall not be a discriminatory
practice to have programs which provide opportunities for
persons who have been the traditional targets of discrimina-
tion, or to use a form or make a record of inquiry as above
described for the purpose of required governmental reporting,
this subsection shall not be construed so as to prohibit a
person giving or being required to give his name
3 Offer, solicit, accept, use, or retain a
listing of real property with the understanding that a
person may be discriminated against in a real estate transac-
tion, or in the furnishing of facilities or services in
connection therewith
4 Initiate, instigate, or participate in representa-
tions, advertisements, or contacts within a block, neighbor-
hood, or area designed to promote real estate transactions
therein on the implication directly or indirecty that changes
have occurred or will or may occur in the composition thereof
with respect to discrimination against the owners or occupants,
or that such changes will or may result in lowering of
property values or an increase in criminal or anti-social
behavior or decline in the quality of schools in the block,
neighborhood or area
c A person or a representative of such person to whom
application is made for financial assistance in connection
with a real estate transaction, or for the construction,
rehabilitation, repair, maintenance, or improvement of real
property shall not
1 Discriminate against the applicant
2 Use a form of application for financial assist-
ance or make or keep a record of inquiry in connection with
applications for financial assistance, for the purpose of
making a limitation or specification based on a discrimina-
tory reason, provided, however, that it shall not be a
discriminatory practice to have programs which provide
opportunities for persons who have been the traditional
targets of discrimination or to use a form or make a record
of inquiry as above described for the purpose of required
governmental reporting, this subsection shall not be construed
so as to prohibit a person giving or being required to give
his name
d No person for a reason of discrimination shall
1 Provide unequal terms, conditions, privileges,
and services to another person in regard to real estate
ownership, rental, or leasing
2 Use a threat communicated either by physical,
oral, or written means of harm or in3ury to another person,
his reputation, or his property to coerce such person to not
buy, rent, or lease, or to discontinue ownership, rental, or
leasing real estate
e The following are exempt from the provisions of
this section
1 For the owner of an owner-occupied one-family
or two-family dwelling, or housing facility devoted entirely
to the housing of individuals of one sex, to restrict occu-
pancy of such facility on the basis of sex of the proposed
occupant and such owner or authorized agent can effectuate
said restrictions by advertising or otherwise arranging for
the occupancy of said dwelling
2 A religious organization or institution may
restrict its facilities of housing which are operated in
connection with its religious activities to persons of the
denomination involved if a bona fide religious purpose for
such restriction exists
Section 3 Discriminatory Employment Practices Prohibited
It is a discriminatory employment practice and a violation
of this section
a For any employer, because of discriminatory reason,
to refuse to hire another or otherwise to discriminate
against any person with respect to the hire, tenure, terms,
conditions, or privileges of employment or any matter directly
or indirectly related to employment except where based upon
a bona fide occupational qualification
b For any employment agency to fail or refuse to
classify properly, refer for employment, or otherwise to
discriminate against any person relating to employment or
prospective employment
c For any labor organization to discriminate against
any person, or to limit, segregate or qualify its membership
in any way which would tend to deprive any person of employ-
ment opportunities or would limit his employment opportunities
or otherwise adversely affect his status as an employee or
as an applicant for employment or would adversely affect his
wages, hours, or employment terms, conditions or privileges
because of a discriminatory reason
For any person to
d / ,use a threat communicated either by physical, oral,
or written means of harm or in3ury to another person, his
reputation, or his property to coerce such a person to not
accept, or discontinue, employment
e Except where based on a bona fide occupational
qualification for any employer, employment agency, or labor
organization prior to employment or admission to membership
1 Elicit any information for the purpose of
discrimination against any applicant for employment or
2 Make or keep a record for the purpose of
discrimination against any applicant for employment or
3 Use any form of application for employment or
personnel or membership blank seeking to elicit information
for the purpose of discrimination
4 Print or publish or cause to be printed or
published any notice or advertisement relating to employment
or membership indicating any preference, limitation, or
specification based on a discriminatory reason
5 Establish, announce, or follow a policy of
denying or limiting through a quota system or otherwise
employment or membership opportunities of any group because
of a discriminatory reason
6 Utilize in the recruitment or hiring of indi-
viduals any employment agency, placement service, training
school or center, labor organization or any other employee
referring service known by such person to discriminate, or
7 Intentionally utilize in the recruitment,
hiring, upgrading, or promotion of any person any test which
tends to discriminate, provided however, that it shall not
be a discriminatory practice to have programs which provide
opportunities for persons who have been the traditional
targets of discrimination or to use a form or make a record
of inquiry as above described for the purpose of required
governmental reporting, this subsection shall not be construed
so as to prohibit a person giving or being required to give
his name
f For any person seeking employment to publish or
cause to be published any advertisement for employment with
specification or limitation based upon a discriminatory
reason, provided, however, that it shall not be a discrimin-
atory employment practice for a religious organization or
institution to restrict employment opportunities and advertise
such restriction to persons of the religious denomination
involved, if a bona fide purpose for such restriction exists
Section 4 Discriminatory Public Accommodation Practices
Prohibited No person shall
a Deny or limit access to a place of public accommoda-
tion or provide unequal terms, conditions, or privileges to
a person because of a discriminatory reason
b Use a threat communicated either by physical, oral,
or written means of harm or in3ury to another person, his
reputation, or his property to coerce such person to not
utilize a place of public accommodation
c Advertise or cause to be advertised a place of
public accommodation as being restricted on the basis of
discriminatory reason, provided, however, that it shall not
be a discriminatory public accommodation practice for a
religious organization or institution to restrict use of its
facilities and advertise such restriction to persons of the
religious denomination involved if a bona fide religious
purpose for such restriction exists
Section 5 Interfering with Operation of Ordinance
Prohibited No person shall
a Use a threat communicated either by physical, oral,
or written means of harm or injury to another person, his
reputation or his property or discriminate against any
person, or provide unequal terms, conditions, or privileges
because he has entered into a conciliation agreement under
this ordinance or because such other person has opposed a
discriminatory practice or because he has made a charge,
filed a complaint, testified, assisted, or participated in
an investigation, proceedings, or hearing before anybody
charged by law with the duty to hear complaints relating to
problems of discrimination
b Use a threat communicated either by physical, oral,
or written means of harm or injury to another person, his
reputation, or his property to coerce such person to engage
in a discriminatory practice or other violation of this
c Willfully obstruct, hinder, or interfere with the
performance or the proper exercise of a duty, obligation,
right, or power by the City Manager, the municipal court or
any other official or body with duties, obligations, rights,
and powers under this ordinance
A complaint for a violation of this section shall be
processed in accordance with Sections 7 and 8 hereof
Section 6 City Manager May Appoint Person to Assist
in Enforcement A person or persons may be appointed or
designated by the City Manager to carry out any or all of
the duties, obligations, rights, or powers under the provi-
sions of this chapter Such appointee shall have such job
titles as designated by the City Manager
Section 7 Enforcement
a Any person claiming to be aggrieved by a violation
of this ordinance may, within 90 days of the alleged viola-
tion, or 30 days after any complaint concerning the same
matter has been dismissed by another agency without a final
judgment on the merits, whichever shall last occur, file a
written complaint under oath with the City Manager The
complaint shall contain the name of the alleged violator, or
set forth facts sufficient to identify such person, and
include an outline of the material facts upon which the
complaint is based and the date of the alleged violation
In addition, the complaint shall state, if and as applicable,
that any acts or conduct of the complainant were for the
purpose of accomplishing the real estate transaction, employ-
ment objective, or public accommodation use in question, and
not for the purpose of harassment or entrapment of the
person against whom the complaint is made The complaint
must also state
1 Whether or not a complaint concerning this
same matter has been filed with another agency, and
2 Whether any complaint concerning this same
matter that has been filed with another agency has been
dismissed without a final 3udgment on the merits
In the event that a complaint concerning the same
sub3ect matter has been previously filed with another public
agency, the City Manager shall hold such in abeyance and
take no action until such other agency has made a final
3udgment on the merits If such other agency makes the
final 3udgment on the merits, the City Manager shall dismiss
the complaint If such other agency dismisses the complaint
without a final 3udgment on the merits, or waives jurisdic-
tion, or if by mutual agreement the City is given jurisdic-
tion, the City Manager shall proceed with an investigation
pursuant to the provisions of subparagraph b The City
Manager shall furnish a copy of the complaint to the Respondent
within 10 days after the complaint is filed
b The City Manager shall promptly conduct a prelimin-
ary investigation to determine whether the factual allegations
of the complaint constitute probable cause to believe there
has been a violation of this ordinance If the City Manager
determines that there is probable cause to suspect a viola-
tion, he shall endeavor to eliminate the alleged violation
by conference, conciliation, and persuasion The City
Manager is authorized to work toward conciliation agreements
whereunder the alleged violation is eliminated and the
complaining person is made whole to the extent possible
Neither the complaint, nor information gathered in the
investigation shall be made public prior to the time a
conciliation is reached, or the City Manager determines that
he is unable to effectuate a conciliation
If such an agreement is reached, it will be signed by
the City Manager, the complainant and the respondent The
agreement shall provide for specific performance It will
not be necessary for the agreement to contain a declaration
or finding that a violation has in fact occurred It may
also provide for the dismissal of the complaint without
pre3udice The complainant and respondent shall be furnished
a copy of the conciliation agreement The terms of such an
agreement may be made public but no other information relat-
ing to any complaint, its investigation and disposition,
will be disclosed or made public without the consent of the
complainant and the respondent
c If at any time the City Manager determines that the
factual allegations are materially untrue, he shall dismiss
the complaint and take no further action thereon other than
informing the complainant and the respondent that the complaint
has been dismissed, which action shall inform the complainant
and the respondent of the complainant' s right of appeal and
who has 3urisdiction of the appeal In the event the com-
plainant is dissatisfied with the City Manager' s decision to
dismiss the complaint, the complainant shall have right to
appeal such decision to the Human Relations Commission
Such appeal shall be perfected by filing a Notice of Appeal
with the City Manager within 30 days of the complainant' s
receipt of the Notice of Dismissal which notice shall inform
the complainant of his or her right of appeal and who has
3urisdiction of such appeal Should the Human Relations
Commission reverse the decision of the City Manager and
determine that the factual allegations of the complainant
are materially true, the City Manager shall pursue the
complaint in the same manner as if he had found the allega-
tions to be materially true
If the City Manager determines that the material allega-
tions of the complaint are true, but that a violation under
this ordinance cannot be established, he shall dismiss the
complaint and notify the complainant and the respondent of
such action, which notice shall inform the complainant of
his right of appeal and who has 3urisdiction of the appeal
In the event the complainant is dissatisfied with the decision
to dismiss, made by the City Manager, the complainant shall
have the right to appeal such decision to the Municipal
Court by filing a Notice of Appeal in the Municipal Court
within 30 days of the complainant' s receipt of the dismissal
notice The Municipal Court shall either affirm or reverse
the City Manager' s finding of no-violation Should the
Municipal Court order the complaint be revised and prosecuted,
a Municipal Judge other than the one making such order shall
hear the case when it comes before the Court, for final
In the event the City Manager is unable to effectuate
an agreement through conference, conciliation, or persuasion,
and he is of the view that a violation can be established
under the terms of this ordinance, he shall file a complaint
in the Municipal Court Any disclosure or statements made
by the person charged in the course of conciliation efforts
will not be used in Municipal Court
d The City Manager may, on his own initiative, file a
complaint pursuant to this section based on information and
belief that a violation of this ordinance has occurred In
using such power, the City Manager may adopt specific standards
or administrative regulations as to when the same will be
relied on The standards shall include that if and when the
power is used
1 Any testing used was directly supervised by
the City Manager,
2 Any testing has to be designed so as not to
induce a person to behave in a manner other than his usual
manner, and
3 No case shall be brought for the purpose of
4 The same time limits and procedures shall
apply in the case of a complaint initiated by the City
Manager as apply in the case of a complaint by a private
person Any such regulation shall be published by the City
Manager and will not become effective until ten (10) days
after publication
Section 8 Discrimination Actions in Municipal Court
a The complaint shall make it clear whether the City
Manager is invoking the police court powers and Jurisdiction
of the Municipal Court or the civil powers and 3urisdiction
conferred by the terms of this section
1 If the former, the action will be treated as a
criminal proceeding with the burden of proof beyond a reason-
able doubt and in all other respects as are other actions in
Municipal Court
2 If the civil 3urisdiction is invoked, the
violation must be proved by a preponderance of the evidence
The Court will adopt and follow procedural rules for disposi-
tion of cases brought hereunder using, when applicable, the
Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure or rules adopted by the
Court which afford the parties substantially the same pro-
cedural protections
1 Temporary Relief The powers of the
Court will include the power, on request of the City Manager
after a complaint has been filed, to issue an order of
in3unction, requiring bond therefor, which restrains the
respondent from doing or procuring any act tending to render
ineffectual any order or decree which may ultimately be
entered in respect to the complaint Anything to the contrary
notwithstanding anywhere contained in this ordinance, such
temporary relief may be requested and granted even though no
efforts have been made at conciliating the complaint
ii Final Orders and Decrees If the Municipal
Court finds that no violation of this ordinance has occurred,
an order will be entered to that effect, and the Court after
a hearing may determine the amount to be assessed against
the City or the bond if the same has been required Where
the Municipal Court finds a violation of this ordinance has
occurred, it is granted the power to issue such orders as
will carry out the purposes of this ordinance, including
a Requiring the defendant to cease and
desist from the discriminatory practice
b Providing for the sale, exchange,
lease, rental, assignment or sublease of real property to a
particular person
c Requiring the defendant to pay back-
pay for discriminatory termination of employment, layoff or
denial of promotion opportunity, make an offer of employment
in case of discriminatory refusal of employment, make an
offer of promotion in the case of discriminatory denial of
promotion opportunity
d Requiring that the defendant make
available a facility of public accommodation in the case of
discriminatory denial of the use of such facility, and
e Requiring reporting by the defendant
as to his manner of compliance with the order or orders
issued pursuant to this section
The Court may, for a period of up to three (3) months
from the date of the order, require the defendnat to make,
keep and make available such reasonable records to the City
Manager as are relevant in assisting him to determine whether
the defendant is complying with the order or orders of the
Section 9 All other sections, or parts of sections of
the Ordinances of the City of Fort Collins, in conflict or
inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed, provided, however,
that any part, section or ordinance so repealed shall remain
in effect and be applicable to all matters to which the same
is applicable prior to the effective date of this Ordinance,
that the repeal of any section or parts of sections of the
Ordinances of the City of Fort Collins shall not revive any
other ordinance heretofore repealed or superseded
Section 10 If any part or parts hereof is for any
reason held to be invalid, such shall not affect the remain-
ing portions of this ordinance and each part hereof shall be
considered a separate and distinct part and the Council
hereby declares that it would have passed each part hereof
independently of the other notwithstanding the invalidity of
any other part or portion hereof
Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and
ordered published this j_LL day of A D 1974 ,
and to be presented for inal passagdjon the day of
a7� A D 1974
ATTEST Assistant Mayor
Ci Clerk
Passed and adopted on final reading this /„�(� day of
A D 1974
City Cierk