WHEREAS, heretofore by appropriate ordinances and resolutions duly
adopted by the Council of the City of Fort Collins, there was established
Street Lighting Improvement District No 5 for the purpose of installing
street lighting on certain streets and alleys in the City of Fort Collins,
Colorado, all pursuant to Chapter 16 of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins, and
WHEREAS, pursuant to said ordinances and resolutions, said improve-
ments have been installed and accepted by the City of Fort Collins, Colo-
rado, and
WHEREAS, upon accepting said improvements, the City Council adopted
the report of the City Engineer respecting the cost of such improvements
and the schedule of assessments prepared by the City Engineer ordered
notice to be published as provided in Chapter 16 of the Code of the City of
Fort Collins, which said notice was duly published as therein provided,
WHEREAS, May 20, 1980 is the date set for the hearing of complaints
and objections and the determinations of the same and for acting upon an
ordinance assessing the costs of such improvements, and
WHEREAS, all complaints and objections in writing filed by property
owners within the district have been considered by the Council
Section 1 That the total cost of the improvements in Street Lighting
Improvement District No 5 , including the cost of engineering, legal ,
publication, interest during construction and collection, to-wit Ten
Thousand Five Hundred Seventeen Dollars ($10,517 00) , less the portion of
said cost to be paid by the City of Fort Collins, to-wit Six Thousand
Sixty-Six Dollars and 38/100 ($6,066 38), is hereby assessed upon the real
estate in said district in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 16 of
the Code of the City of Fort Collins, and the proportion of said cost as
set upon each lot or tract of land in said district shall be as follows
?,IZE ', Ro.3ert J Parcel No 97134-10-001 $1 028 $401 04
j 16 Nava3o Drive Lot 1, Lenay 2nd, FTC
_t Collins, 00 80521 Frontage Feet 390 121
-PENMR, Ronald R /Aileen J Parcel No 97134-08-092 $1 028 $102 80
_273 Iroguois Drive Lot 92, University Acres 3rd,
,rt Collins, CO 80521 FPC, Frontage Feet 100 00,
L'OH, Richard L /Delores M Parcel No 97134-08-157 $1 028 $97 66
-08 Robertson Lot 157, University Acres 6th,.
)rt Collins, 00 80521 FTC, Frontage Feet 95 00'
_ U NISTRATION OF VETERAN'S Parcel No 97134-08-181 $1 028 $80 16
-'-IRS, VA REGIONAL OFFICE Lot 181 & W 3 ft of lot 180
er Federal Center University Acres 6tn, FTC
�ver, Co 80225 Frontage Feet 77 98'
_ CHARD, Van Holt J /Ruby L Parcel No 97134-08-180 $1 028 $68 88
J3 E Prospect Road Lot 180 less W 3 ft
_Lt Collins, 00 80521 University Acres 6th, FrC
Frontage Feet 67 00'
7;-�ii1S, Raymond E /Jarcella G Parcel No 97134-08-179 $1 028 $71 96
,12 E Prospect Road Lot 179, University Acres 6tn,
-t Collins, CO 80521 FIC, Frontage Feet 70 00'
,_CIA, Diego A /Cecilia A Parcel No 97134-08-178 $1 028 $71 96
1 16 E Prospect Road Lot 178, University Acres 6th,
_)rt Collins, 00 80521 PIC, Frontage Feet 70 00'
JrZENROEDER, Alvin J / Parcel No 97134-08-177 $1 028 $71 96
-izaceth J Lot 177, University Acres 6th,
120 E Prospect Read FTC, Frontage Feet 70 00'
--)rt Collins, CO 80521
)-L, Roy J /Cupie Gran Parcel No 97134-08-176 $1 023 $71 96
1024 E Prospect Road Lot 176, University Acres 6th,
t Collins, OD 80521 FrC, Ftontare Feet 70 00'
SCO, Roger D /Jeanette A Parcel No 97134-03-175 $1 028 $71 96
')8 E Prospect Road Lot 175, less PK 1215 PG 569
ort Collins, CO 80521 Lniversity Acres 6th, FIC
Frontage feet 70 00'
',OV, Duane J Parcel No 97134-08-174 $1 028 $71 9G
u32 E Piosnact Paid Lot 174, University Acres Gth,
Collins, CO 80521 FrC, Flontzge Feet 70 00'
6 E Pto�jpk?ct Read Lot 113, UniversiLy ncres orn,
IL Collins, CO S0521 FTC, Frontage Feet 70 00'
irEy, IAatty I Alendy A Parcel No 97134-08-172 $1 023 $71 90
10 E Prospect Road Lot 172, University Acres 6th,
C0111ns, CO 80521 FiC, Frontage Feet 70 00'
ur2,%LLCI., Michael J /Laren L Parcel No 97134-08-171 $1 028 $77 10
4 E Prospect Road Lot 171, University Acres 6th,
t Collins, CO 80521 FTC, Frontage Feet 75 00'
' ING, Tha-aras M /Haryana H Parcel No 97134-08-170 $1 028 $92 52
1 3 E Prospect Road Lot 170, University Acres 6th,
rt Collins, CO 80521 FTC, Frontage Feet 90 00,
rr^M, Jares P /Ruth A Parcel No 97134-08-193 $1 028 $88 47
, M E Lincoln; Rt 5 Lot 193, University Acres 6th,
,rt Collins, CO 80521 FTC, Frontage Feet 86 06'
%nrey O Alarguerite Parcel No 97134-08-192 $1 028 $87-42
'6 Rang view Drive Lot 192, University Acres 6th,
1_u Collins, 00 80521 FTC, Frontage Feet 85 04'
�'VISON, Larry M Parcel No 97242-06-001 $1 028 $44 20
01 Richards Lake Rd Lot 1, Glantz, FTC
,rt Collins, CO 80521 Frontage Feet 43 00'
WZ, George/Catherine Parcel No 97242-06-002 $1 028 $58 15
c-)3 E Prospect Road Lot 2, Glantz, FTC
,)r-t Collins, CO 80521 Frontage Feet 56 57'
�RLO, Ronald G /Elsa Lee Parcel No 97242-01-005 $1 028 $82 24
O Box 3063-5174 Beg at Pt 120 ft W of NE
',iladelphia, PA 19177 OOR of Nw 24-7-69, TH W 80 ft.
S 168 ft , E 80 ft , N 168 ft ,
to Beg, FTC, Frontage Feet 80 00,
7yRS, Ernest O /Margaret C Parcel No 97242-05-001 $1 028 $61 68
J9 E Prospect Road Lot 1, millsap, FI'C
)rt Collins, CO 80521 Frontage Feet 60 00'
j=, , Lyndon S /Mary H Parcel No 97240-00-010 $1 028 $177 A3
irst National Bank Beg 322 4 ft E of N 1/4 COR
-,05 W Oak of 24-7-69, TH E 172 6 ft ,
ort Collins, CO 30521 S 660 0 ft , W 172 6 ft , N
660 0 ft to Beg
Frontage Feet 172 60'
oaC E, Jean C Parcel No 97240-00-009 $1 028 $177 A3
/23 E Pro s2--ct Road E 1/2 of E 1/2 of NW of NW of
, urt Collins, CO 80521 NE 24-7-69, FPC
FtonLa<,c Foet 172 60'
Fi 1»rcl/[k>roLhy M Parcel Io 97240-00-008 $1 028 ,102 SO
,01 F P,(j i)_�t ClD , at ^ q CUR of NC of VTq of IF
, (,r-L Collins, CO 80521 24 1-69, rll S 165 ft , E 100 ft ,
_3_ N 165 ft , III W 100 ft to Beg ,
1 IC, 171t tiI,i(,e rcct 100 00'
' i ')I:1AV, lien H /1-=iY rULi.cl. Vv a -
1 ) B41or TlE W 200 ft of NE of NW of
t Collins, OD 80521 NE of 24-7-69 EXC PHE FOL `K
at NW OOR of SD NE of NW oL a1] of
SD SEC, S 165 ft , E 100 ft , N 165
ft , W 100 ft to POB, FPC
Frontage Feet 100 00,
OT=R, Delbert A /Sandra R Parcel No 97240-00-006 $1 028 $96 63
� 13 LsForte Avenue Beg at Pt 200 ft E of NW COR
L Collins, CO 80521 of NE of NW of NE 24-7-69, TH E
94 ft , S 660 ft , W 94 ft , N 660
ft to Beg , FTC
Frontage Feet 94 00'
,O.Iir, Hollis W /Leah M Parcel No 97240-00-005 $1 028 $82 24
)8 Dee Rd Beg 294 ft E of NW COR of NE
)his, TN 38117 1/4 of NW 1/4 of NE 1/4 24-7-69,
TH E 80 ft , S 660 ft M/L to S
W 80 ft , TH N to Beg , FTC
Frontage Feet 80 00,
�aTE, Robert C /Helen L Parcel No 97240-00-004 $1 028 $82 24
1 34 Sequoia St Beg at a Pt 206 ft W of NE
-t Collins, 00 80521 COR of ISM of NE 24-7-69, TH S
356 ft E 60 ft , S 274 ft ,
E 80 ft , S 30 ft , N to N IN
E 80 ft to Beg , FIC
Frontage Feet 80 00,
-,-71 ) L,SON, Clide/Viola Parcel No 97241-06-009 $1 028 $90 46
13 E Prospect Road W 88 ft of W 176 ft of Lot 2,
- )rc Collins, OD 80521 E Acres, Frontage Feet 88 00'
;fV��.L�GION, Nellie A Parcel No 97241-06-010 $1 028 $90 46
1_1 E Prospect Road E 88 ft of W 176 ft TR2, E
art Collins, OD 80521 Acres, Frontage Feet 88 00'
YLOR, A aiayne/Helen Parcel No 97241-06-002 $1 028 $90 46
O Box 769 E 88 ft of TR2, E Acres
o.t Colli-ns, 00 80522 Frontage Feet 88 00,
'RICK, Carl H /Pauline M Parcel No 97241-06-011, 13 & 23 $1 028 $103 83
,17 E Prospect Road Beg 13 ft E of NW OOR of TR3,
)rt Collins, CO 80521 E Acres, FI'C, TH S 230 ft , E 75
ft S 30 ft E 176 ft , S 225
ft W 238 ft S 90 ft , W 145
ft N 80 ft E 119 ft , N 495
ft E 13 ft to Beg and Beg
88 ft , E of MI OOR of TR3 E
Acres, FPC, TH S 260 ft , E 88
ft , N 260 ft , W 88 ft to
Beg , Iro-itage Feet 13 00' +
38 00,
Dale W po ry E Parcel No 97241-06-003 $1 028 $77 10
,1�11 17 Bin,inam Hi 11 Beg 13 ft E of NW COR of I R3,
_)It Cr)llins, OD 80521 C 7+cres, I'll S 230 ft , E 75 ft ,
N 230 ft W 75 ft to Reg , P C,
Frontage rent 75 00'
h�t 0 1t I�S t;Sjr"Sl d-W
,1\D AT)D J SS — — DI 4Ci21 P I iOV -- - --jn l E --- P`�`��>? Ir-Wf --
Joll >/Ann Parcel No 97241-06-012 $1 028 $90 46
o ; ,ti 1G 12 Cori at N1' COR of Lot 3, E Acres
it C.011111s, 00 80522 S 260 ft , W 88 £t , N 260 ft ,
E 88 ft to Beg
Frontage 1'cet 88 00'
L- �'N, La\,eine J /Doioihy M Parcel No 97241-06-004,014,015, $1 028 $271 39
3 E Prosp,?ct Road 022
, t Collins, CO 80521 E 80 ft of N 140 ft Lot 4 &
S 10 ft of E 210 ft Lot 3,
Also Beg at Pt 754 3 ft W of
NE COR Lot 7, TH S 80 ft , W 10
ft , N 80 ft , E 10 ft to Beg ,
E Acres Also W 100 ft of Lot
41, E Acres, FIC
Frontage Feet 264 00'
'CO\NOR, James F Parcel No 92741-06-005 $1 028 $56 54
'5 E Prospect Road W 55 ft of Lot 5, E Acres,
ort Collins, CO 80521 FTC, Frontage Feet 55 00'
EEN, Maynard V. Parcel No 97241-06-017 $1 028 $91 13
1,7 E Prospect Road 0021 55 ft E of NT1 COR of TR5,
ort Collins, CO 80521 E Acres, FIC, TH S 140 ft , E
8865ft , N140 ft. , W8865
ft to POB
Frontage Feet 88 65'
v-i2ADER, -7ayne K Parcel No 97241-05-001 $1 028 $57 21
O Box 495 E 118 65 ft of N 140 ft of
rort Collins, 00 80522 Lot 5, E Acres, FTC
Frontage Feet 55 65'
2407 LaPorte Avenue Parcel No 97134-12-01
Fort Collins, 00 80521 Frontage Feet 476 00'
Parcel No 97240-00-011
Frontage Feet 322 40'
IRST BAPTIST CHURCH Parcel Nos 97240-00-001, $1 028 $483 16
of Fort Collins 97240-00-0021 97240-00-003,
0101 E Lake Street 97241-07-001, and 97241-11-001
Fort Collins, 00 80524 E Acres 2nd, FIC
Frontage Feet 470 00'
$4,450 62
Section 2 All assessments herein provided for shall be due and
payable within thirty (30) days after the final publication of this ordi-
nance, without demand, provided that all such assessments may, at the
election of the owners of the property assessed, be paid in ten equal
installments, the first installment being due on the first day of November,
1980, and on the first day of November of each year thereafter until
the full amount thereof has been paid, together with interest on the unpaid
principal at the rate of six percent (6%) per annum, said interest to be
payable at the time of the principal payments Failure to pay the whole of
such assessment within thirty (30) days as aforesaid shall be conclusively
considered and held as an election on the part of the persons interested,
whether under disability or otherwise, to pay in such installments
Section 3 In the case of election of any person to pay in install-
ments as aforesaid, the failure to pay any installment when due, whether on
principal or interest, shall cause the whole of the unpaid principal to
become due and payable immediately and the whole amount of unpaid principal
and accrued interest shall thereafter draw interest at the rate of one
percent (1%) per month until the date of sale as hereinafter provided,
provided, however, that at any time prior to the date of sale, the owner of
the property assessed may pay the amount of all unpaid and due install-
ments, together with all interest that has accrued as aforesaid, and all
penalties accrued, and upon such payment shall be restored to the right to
pay the installments in the same manner as if the default had not occurred
The owners of any property not in default as to any installments or pay-
ments at any time pay the entire unpaid balance of principal , together with
interest accured thereon, to the first day of the month following such
Section 4 Payments may be made to the Director of Finance at any
time within thirty (30) days after the final publication of this ordinance
and in such event an allowance of five percent (5%) as a discount shall be
made on all payments during such period only
Section 5 In case of the default in the payment of any installment
of principal or interest when due, all property concerning which such
default is suffered shall be advertised by the County Treasurer and sold
for the payment of the entire unpaid assessment thereon at the same time or
times and in the same manner under all the same conditions and penalties
and with the same effect as provided by law for the sale of real estate in
default of the payment of general taxes, all as provided by Chapter 16 of
the Code of the City of Fort Collins
Section 6 The Director of Finance shall prepare the foregoing
assessment roll in proper form as provided in Chapter 16 of the Code of the
City of Fort Collins, and shall keep a record of all payments made during
the thirty-day period after the final publication of this ordinance and
upon the expiration of said thirty-day period , he shall deliver said
assessment roll to the County Treasurer of Larimer County with his warrant
for collection of the same, all as provided in Chapter 16 of the Code of
the City of Fort Collins
Section 7 All collections made by the County Treasurer on said
assessment roll in any calendar month shall be accounted for and paid over
to the Director of Finance on the first day of each and every month with
separate statements for all such collections for each month in the same
manner as general taxes are paid by the County Treasurer to the City
Section 8 The owner of any divided or undivided interest may pay his
share of any assessment upon producing evidence of the extent of his
interests satisfactory to the officers having the roll in their charge
Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered pub-
lished this 20th day of Mav , A D 1980, and to be presented
for final passage on the 3rd day of June A D 19
City Llerk —�
Passed and adopted on final reading this 3rd day of June ,
A D , 1980
Ci C1 rk