HomeMy WebLinkAbout122 - 10/16/1979 - AMENDING SECTIONS 1305 AND 1405 OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE INSOFAR AS IT RELATES TO LIGHT AND VENT or ORDINANCE NO 122 , 1979 BEING AN GRDINANCE AMEN Tf,6 SECTI 6 1305 AND 1405 OF THE UNIFOPfj BUILDIi G CODE INSOFAR AS IT RELATES TO LIGHT AiVD VEUTILATI01' BE IT OPDAINED SuY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF hORT COLLINS as follows Section 1 That Section 1305 ( d) of the Lniforrr Building Code, 1976 Edition be, and it hereby is, amenaeo to read as follows 61305 ( d) Liaht ano Ventilation All guest rooms, dormitories and habitable rooms vithin a dwel lino unit snall be provided with natural light by means of exterior glazed openings with an area not less than one- tr,entieth of the floor area of such roums with a minimum of 5 saUare feet All bathrooms , water closet coipartnents, laundry rooms and similar rooms shall be proviaed with natural ventilation by means of openable exterior ooennngs with an area not less than one-twentieth of tyre fluor area of sucrr rooms v,i th a minimum of 1-1/L square feet EXCEPTION Artificial lignt may be Substituted for natu al light for all habitablt- rooms in baser-eats other toan sleeping roams pro�ioed sich rooms ao not constitute a basement drellino u^ ,t All auPst rooms, dormitories, and habitaole roopis vithin a c�,elling unit shall r)e prcv , ded vith natural ventilation bti means of openable exterior openings 14itn an area of not less thar one-fort7Etn of the floor area of sr ,cr, r oor,,s v i th a mi nipurr of 2-112 Square feet EXCEPTIONd The area of ouenable exterior openings for the purpose of natural ventilation iaay be aecreasPd to one percent (1%) of The floor area for all habitable rooms with exterior walls in base- ments, other than sleeping rooms provioed such rooms do not constiL.rte a basement or,elling unit In lieu of required exterior oheninas for natural 1ent11 ,t1cr a ntchroical v2nfil °tiro system r -y be providca ,LActi systei snap be capable of provid- ing tro air cnanaEs per hour it all guest rocris, dormitories, habitable rooms, and in public corri- dors One-fifth of the air supply shall be taken from the outside In batnrooms, �>ater closet compartments, laundry rooms, and similar rooms a mechanical ventilation systew connected directly to the outside, capable of providing five air changes per hour, shall be provided For the purpose of determining light and ventilation requirements, any room may be considered as a portion of ar adjoining room when one-half of the area of the comrron wall is open and unobstructed and provides an ouening of not less than one-tenth of the floor area of the interior room or 25 square feet, whichever is greater required exterior openings for natural light and ventilation shall open directly onto a street or public alley or a yard or court located on the same lot as the building EXCEPTION Reauired 1n noows may open into a roofed porcn where the porch 1 ) Abuts a street, yard, or court, and 2 ) Has a ceilinq height of not less than 7 feet, and 3) Has the longer site at least sixty-five percent (650) open and unobstructed " Section 2 That Section 1405 ( a) of the Uniform Building Code, 1976 Edition, be, anq it nere,)y is, amEnded to read a� follo,vs "91405 ( 2) Light and Ventilation All guest rooms, dormi- tories, and habitable rooms within a dwelling unit shall be provided with natural light by means of exterior glazed openings with an area not less than one-te4entietn of the floor area of such rooms with a minirlum of 5 square feet All bathrooars, writ �r closet coiip,,rtiien t s, 1 dunury r oorlis and s i rri 1 a- roo^gs shall be provided with natural ventilation by means of operable exterior openings with an area not i _ 1 r -i' c f t l 't ,f Lr f 1 _ ) )r2ct of SU(_h rooms with a m1rnurui or 1-1/2 square feet -2- EXCEPTIOU Artificial light may be substituted for natural light far all habitable rooms in basements other than sleeping rooms provided such rooms do not constitute a basement owelling unit All Guest rooms, dormitories, and habitable rooms within a dvelIina unit shall be provided with natural ventilation by means of openable exterior openings with an a-ea of not less than one-twentieth of the flnor area of such rooms with a minimum of 5 square feet EXCEPTION The area of openable exterior openings for the purpose of natural ventilation may be decreased to one percent (1%) of the floor area for all habitable rooms with exterior walls in base- ments , other than sleeping rooms provided such rooms do not constitute a basement owellina unit In lieu of requirea exterior openings for natural ventilation, a mechanical ventilating system may be providea Such system shall oe capable of provioing two air changes per rout in all guest rooms , dormitories, habitable roots, and in public corri- dors Ope-fifth of the air supply shall be taken froii, the outside In bathrooms , water closet coipartments, laundry rooms, and similar rooms a mechanical ventilation syster connected directly to the outside, capable of providing five air changes per hour, shall be provided For the purpose of determining light and ventilation reouirements, any roor, may be considered as a portion of an adjoining room Shen one-half of the area of the common vall is open and unobstructed and provides an opening of not less than one-tenth of the floor area of the interior room or 25 square feet, whicnever is greater Pequired exterior openings for natural light and ventilation shall open directly onto a street or public ally, or a yard or coq-t located on the sa^e lot as the bulluing -XCEPi YK Arc lrE 11 �i s pia, ope, into a _l �'Pd porch me, e the porun 1 ) Abuts a street, yard, or court, and -3- 2 ) Has a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet, and 3) Has the longer side at least sixtk-five percent (65'/D) open and unobstructed " Introduceo , considered favorabl3 on first reading , and ordered published this 2nd day of October , A D 1979, and to be presented for final passage on the 16th day of October 4 D 1979 � A Mayor AT ST C y Passed and adopted on final reading_ this 16th day of October , A D 1979 �— M a r ' A�ST City Clerk -4-