ORDINANCE NO 163 , 1979
Section 1 That Section 112-118 of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and it hereby is, amended to read as follows
"§112-118 Schedules
The following schedule of rates is hereby adopted and
approved, which shall be the lawful rates for the City of
Fort Collins to charge and collect for all electrical
service of every kind, both within and without the corporate
limits of the City of Fort Collins, for customers connected
to the distributing system of the said City of Fort Collins,
being the scnedule of rates referred to in §l12-117 of this
A Schedule R Residential Service
(1) Availability
This schedule shall be available v,ithin the corpo-
rate limits of Fort Collins and the suburban
(2) Applicability, Single-Family Basis
This schedule aoplies to residential customers fo
all domestic uses, except space heating, in single-
family private dwellings , individually metered
apartments, and home occupations defined in Section
118-81(c) of the City Code This schedule may be
applied to existing dwellings having electric heat
as a primary or auxiliary energy sou-ce for space
heating prior to January 1, 1980 This schedule
does not apply to auxiliary or standby service or
service capacity in excess of 200 amperes
(3) Monthly Rate
Fixed charge, per account 10 1 59
Demand charge, per kilowatt-hours
First 1 ,000 kilowatt-hours $ 0235
All additional kilowatt-hours $ 0120
Energy charge, per kilowatt-hour $ 0097
In lieu of taxes and franchise
Percent of total charges
billed 3 75%
Per kilowatt-hour $ 001038
(4) Excess Capacity Charge
A monthly capacity charge of $2 00 per kilowatt may
be added to the above charges for service to
intermittent loads in accordance with the provi-
sions of the Electric Service Rules and Regula-
(5) Service Charge
There shall be a service charge of $9 80 for the
processing of a request for elecrical service under
this schedule, except where the request is made for
after hours service, in which case the service
charge shall be $62 50 The service charge is
furtner applicable for a special meter reading
and/or fractional period billing
(6) Underground Annexation Charge
There shall be an additional charge of $3 00 per
month per customer for all annexed customers
previously served by Public Service Company of
Colorado and subject to that company's underground
residential rates
(7) Interruptible Water Heater Service
Upon application by a mirimum of 500 customers,
utility-controlled water heater service will be
available, on an optional basis, to primary use
electric water heaters with single element capaci-
ties of 4 5 or more kilowatts Control equipment
will be owned , installed and maintained by the
Utility This service is subject to the availabil-
ity of suitable load control equipment Each
customer havinq such load control equipment shall
receive a monthly credit of $1 50
(8) Applicability, Multi -Family Basis (Schedule RM)
Master metering is not available for new or re-
modeled residential buildings with more than one
dwelling unit Master-metered residential build-
ings served under this schedule prior to January 1,
1980 will be charged according to the foregoing
rate schedule with each step of the demand charge
multiplied by the number of dwelling units served
(9) Payment of Charges
The foregoing rates are net Payment becomes
delinquent 25 days after the billing date
(10) Contract Period
All contracts under this schedule shall be for a
minimum period of 30 days, and thereafter until
terminated upon ten day' s written notice to the
(11) Rules and Regulations
Service supplied under this schedule is subject to
the terms and conditions set forth in the Fort
Collins Light and Power Utility Rules and Regula-
tions as approved by the City Council Copies may
be obtained from the City of Fort Collins Utility
Billing Office, 300 LaPorte Avenue, Fort Collins,
B Schedule RD Residential Demand Service
(1) Availability
This schedule shall be available within the corpo-
rate limits of Fort Collins and the suburban
(2) Applicability
This schedule applies to new residential dwellings
having electric heat as a primary or auxiliary
energy source for space heating of single-family
private dwellings, individually metered apartments,
and home occupations defined in Section 118-81(c)
of the City Code This schedule may be applied to
any individually-metered residential dwelling
This schedule does not apply to master-metered
multiple dwelling residential buildings or resi-
dences with a service capacity in excess of 200
(3) Monthly Rate
Fixed charge, per account $ 2 51
Demand charge, per kilowatt $ 1 86
Energy charge, per kilowatt-hour $ 009/
In lieu of taxes and franchise
Percent of charges billed 3 75%
Per kilowatt-hour $ 001038
(4) Excess Capacity Charge
A monthly capacity charge of $2 00 per kilowatt may
be added to the above charges for service to
intermittent loads in accordance with the provi-
sions of the Electric Service Rules ano Regula-
(5) Service Charqe
There shall be a service charge of $9 80 for the
processing of a request for electrical service
under this schedule except where the request is
made for after hours service, it which case the
service charge shall be $62 50 The service charge
is further applicable for a special meter reading
and/or fractional period b, lling
(6) Underground Annexation CharLe
There shall be an additional charge of $3 00 per
month oer customer for all annexed customers
previously served by Public Service Company of
Colorado and subject to that company's underground
residential rates
(7) Interruptible Water Hedter Service
Upon aoplication by a minimum of 500 customers,
utility-controlled Suter neater service will be
available, on an optional basis, to primary use
electric water heaters with single element capaci-
ties of 4 5 or more kilowatts Control equipment
will be owned , installed and maintained by the
Utility This service is subject to the availabil-
ity of suitable load control equipment Each
customer having such load control equipment shall
receive a monthly credit of $1 50
(8) Payment of Charges
The foregoing rates are net Payment becomes
delinquent 25 days after the billing date
(9) Billing Demand
The billing demand shall be determined by suitable
meter measurement of the highest 15 minutes inte-
grated demand occurring during the billing period,
and shall not be less than 50% of the highest
kilowatt demand occurring in any of the preceding
11 months
(10) Contract Period
All contracts under this schedule shall be for a
minimum period of 30 days, and thereafter until
terminated upon ten day' s written notice to the
( 11) Rules and Regulations
Service supplied under this schedule is subject to
the terms and conditions set forth in the Fort
Collins Light and Power Utility Rules and Regula-
tions as approved by the City Council Copies may
be obtained from the City of Fort Collins Utility
Billino Office, 300 LaPorte Avenue, Fort Collins,
C Schedule RT Residential Time-of-Demand
( 1) Availability
This schedule shall be available within the corpo-
rate limits of Fort Collins and the suburban
(2) Applicability
This schedule applies to new residential customers
having electric heat as a primary or auxiliary
energy source for space heating of single-family
private dwellings, individually metered apartments,
and home occupations defined in Section 118-81(c)
of the City Code This schedule may be applied to
any individually-metered residential dwelling
This schedule does not apply to master-metered
multiple duelling residential buildings or services
with a service capacity in excess of 200 amperes
(3) Monthly Rate
Fixed charge, per account $ 5 37
Demand on charge, per kilowatt
On-peak kilowatts $ 1 86
Off-peak kilowatts in excess
of on-peak kilowatts $ 93
Energy charge, per kilowatt-hour $ 0097
In lieu of taxes and franchise
Percent of charges billed 3 75%
Per kilowatt-hour $ 001038
(4) Excess Capacity Charge
A monthly capacity charge of $2 00 per kilowatt may
be added to the above charges for service to
intermittent loads in accordance with the provi-
sions of the Electric Service Rules and Reoula-
(5) Service Charge
There shall be a service charge of $9 80 for the
processinq of a request for electrical service
under this schedule except where the request is
made for after hours service, in which case the
service charge shall be $62 50 The service charge
is further applicable for a special meter reading
and/or fractional period billing
(6) Underground Annexation Charge
There shall be an additional charge of $3 00 per
month per customer for all annexed customers
previously served by Public Service Company of
Colorado and subject to tnat company's underground
residential rates
(7) Interruptible Water Heater Service
Upon application by a minimum of 500 customers,
utility-controlled water heater service will be
available, on an optional basis, to primary use
electric water heaters with single element capaci-
ties of 4 5 or more kilowatts Control equipment
will be owned, installed and maintained by the
Utility This service is subject to the availabil-
ity of suitable load control equipment Each
customer having such load control equipment shall
receive a monthly credit of $1 50
(8) Payment of Charges
The foregoing rates are net Payment becomes
delinquent 25 days after the billing date
(9) Billing Demand
The billing demand shall be determined by suitable
meter measurement of the highest 15 minute inte-
grated demand occurring during the billing period,
and shall not be less than 50% of the highest
on-peak kilowatt demand occurring in any of the
preceding 11 months
(10) Demand Periods
The on-peak demand is the period from 7 00 a m to
11 00 p m weekdays except holidays The off-peak
period is anytime other than the above described
on-peak period Holidays are designated as the
observation of New Year ' s Day, Memorial Day,
Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran's Day, Thanks-
giving and Christmas
(11) Contract Period
All contracts under this schedule shall be for a
minimum period of 90 days, and thereafter until
terminated upon ten day's written notice to the
(12) Rules and Pequlations
Service supplied under this schedule is subject to
the terms and conditions set forth in the Fort
Collins Light and Power Utility Rules and Regula-
tions as approved by the City Council Copies may
be obtained from the City of Fort Collins Utility
Billing Office, 300 LaPorte Avenue, Fort Collins,
D Schedule GS General Service
(1) Availability
This schedule shall be available within the corpo-
rate limits of Fort Collins and the suburban
(2) Applicability
This schedule applies to lighting service or
combined lighting and power service to commercial
and inoustrial customers including hotels, motels,
fraternities, sororities, clubs, lodges, rooming
houses, rest homes , tourist camps, churches,
hospitals, and similar uses, and residential
service over 200 ampere capacity, and optionally,
for apartments and multiple dwellings in existence
prior to January 1 , 1980 where more than one
dwelling or single living quarter is served through
one meter Standby service will be demand metered
This schedule applies to service through one meter
at single-phase or, where available, three-phase
secondary voltage Single-phase motors from one to
five horsepower may be connected witn the approval
of the Utility
(3) Monthly Rate
Fixed charge, per account
Single-phase, 200 amp service $ 2 28
Single-phase, demand service $ 3 20
Single-phase, above 200 amp
service $ 4 98
Three-phase, 200 amp service $ 3 67
Three-phase, above 200 amp
service $ 8 62
Demand charge, per kilowatt-hour
First 300 kilowatt-hours $ 046
Next 1,200 kilowatt-flours $ 022
Next 500 kilowatt-hours $ 020
All additional kilowatt-hours $ 013
Demand charge, per kilowatt
All kilowatts billed in excess
of 13 kilowatts $ 2 25
Energy charge, per kilowatt-hour $ 0097
In lieu of takes and franchise
Percent of charges billed 3 75%
Per kilowatt-hour $ 001038
(4) Excess Capacity Charge
A monthly capacity charge of $2 00 per kilowatt may
be added to the aoove charges for service to
intermittent loads in accordance with the provi-
sions of the Electric Service Rules and Regula-
(5) Service Charge
There shall be a service charge of $9 80 for the
processing of a request for electrical service
under this schedule except where the request is
made for after hours service, in which case the
service charge shall be $62 50 The service charge
is further applicable for a special meter reading
and/or fractional period billing
(6) Demand Metering
A demand meter shall be installed by the Light and
Power Utility whenever an account exceeds 1,500 Kwh
at anytime within the previous 12 months
(7) Billing Demand
The billing demand shall be determined by suitable
meter measurement of the highest 15-minute inte-
grated demand occurring during the billing period
and shall not be less than 65% of the highest
billing demand occurring in any of the preceding 11
(8) Power Factor Adjustment
Power factor shall be determined by perioaic
testing usirg graphic watt ano VAR instruments
Such test results shall be the basis of billing
adjustment until satisfactory correction has been
made Periodic testing shall be conducted on an
approximate 6-month schedule or as otherwise
determined by the Utility If the power factor
falls below 90% lagginq, power factor adjustment
may be made by increasing the billing demand by 1%
for each 1% or major fraction thereof by which the
power factor is less than 90% lagging This
adjustment shall be based on the power factor at
the time of maximum demand as recorded during the
periodic test
(9) Payment of Charges
The foregoing rates are net Payment becomes
delinquent 25 days after the billing date
(10) Contract Period
All contracts under this schedule shall be for a
minimum period of 30 days, and thereafter until
terminated upon ten day' s written notice to the
(11) Rules and Pegulations
Service supplied under this schedule is subject to
the terms and conditions set forth in the Fort
Collins Lignt and Power Utility Rules and Regula-
tions as approved by the City Council Copies may
be obtained from the City of Fort Collins Utility
Billing Office, 300 LaPorte Avenue, Fort Collins,
E Schedule GST General Service Time-of-Demand
(1) Availability
This scheaulp shall be available within the corpo-
rate limits of Fort Collins and the suburban
fri nqe
(2) Ppplicablility
This schedule applies to lighting service or
combined lighting and power service to commercial
and industrial customers including hotels, motels,
fraternities, sororities, clubs, lodges, rooming
houses, rest homes, tourist camps, churches,
hospitals, similar uses, and residential service
over 200 ampere capacity, and optionally, for
apartments ana multiple dwellings in existence
prior to January 1 , 1980 where more than one
dwelling or single living quarter is served through
one meter Standby service will be demand metered
This schedule applies to service through one meter
at single-phase or, where available, three-phase
secondary voltage Single-phase motors from one to
five horsepower may be connected with the approval
of the Utility The service under this schedule is
subject to availability of suitable metering and
control equipment
(3) Monthly Rate
Fixed charge, per account
Single-phase, demand service $ 6 06
Single-phase, above 200 amp
service $ 8 53
Three-phase, 200 amp service $ 7 82
Three-phase, above 200 amp
service $13 40
Demand charge, per kilowatt
On-peak kilowatts $ 2 25
Off-peak kilowatts in excess
of on-peal. kilowatts -0-
Demand charge, per kilowatt-hour $ 0133
Energy charge, per kilowatt-hour $ 0097
In lieu of taxes and franchise
Percent of total charges billed 3 75%
Per kilowatt-hour $ 001038
(4) Excess Capacity Charge
A monthly capacity charge of $2 00 per kilowatt may
be added to the above charges for service to
intermittent loads in accordance with the provi-
sions of the Electric Service Rules and Regula-
(5) Service Charge
There shall be a service charge of $9 80 for the
processing of a request for electrical service
under this schedule except where the request is
made for after hours service, in which case the
service charge shall be $62 50 The service charge
is further applicable for a special meter reading
and/or fractional period billing
(6) Billing Demand
The billing demand shall be determined by suitable
meter measurement of the highest 15-minute inte-
grated demand occurring during the billing period
The on-peak demand shall not be less than 65% of
the highest on-peak billinq demand occurring in any
of the preceding 11 months
(7) Demand Periods
The on-peak demand is the period from 7 00 a m to
11 00 p m weekdays except holidays The off-peak
period is anytime other than the above described
on-peak period Holidays are designated as the
observation of New Year ' s Day, Memorial Day,
Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran' s Day, Thanks-
giving and Christmas
(8) Power Factor Adjustment
Power factor shall be determined by periodic
testing using graphic watt and VAR instruments
Such test results shall be the basis of billing
adjustment until satisfactory correction has been
made Periodic testing shall be conducted on an
approximate 6-month schedule or as otherwise
determined by the Utility If the power factor
falls below 90% lagging, power factor adjustment
may be made by increasing the billing demand by 19.
for each l;a cr major fraction thereof, by which the
power factor is less than 90% 1agging This
adjustment shall be based on the power factor at
the time of maximum demand as recorded during the
periodic test
(9) Interruptible Service
Interruptible service may be provided under this
schedule Billing demand charges will be at the
off-peak rate Such service is subject to inter-
ruption by the Utility without notice Service
under this provision requires monitoring and direct
control of all loads by the Light and Power Utility
Load Dispatcher Suitable communications and
control equipment and communication services shall
be provided by the customer The 65% minimum
provision of the past 11-month high billing demand
will not apply to this service Failure to elimi-
nate customer kilowatt demand during a service
interruption period because of customer equipment
or system failures shall constitute a breach of
-1 -
contract for service under this schedule, and
service will revert to and be provided under
applicable on-peak service schedules for a period
of not less than three months, beginning with and
including the month in which the breach occurred
(9) Payment of Charqes
The foregoing rates are net Payment becomes
delinquent 25 days after the billing date
(10) Contract Period
All contracts under this schedule shall be for a
minimum period of 90 days, and thereafter until
terminated upon ten day's written notice to the
(11) Rules and Regulations
Service supplied under this schedule is subject to
the terms and conditions set forth in the Fort
Collins Light and Power Utility Rules and P,egula-
tions as approved by the City Council Copies may
be obtained from the City of Fort Collins Utility
Billing Office, 300 LaPorte Avenue, Fort Collins,
F Schedule GS50 General Ser✓ice 50
(1) Availability
This service shall be available within the corpo-
rate limits of Fort Collins and the suburban
(2) Applicability
This schedule applies to customers served at the
established secondary voltage of the City's distri-
bution system and having three-phase service This
schedule may also apply to customers having a
single-phase service with approval of the Light and
Power Utility
(3) Monthly Rate
Fixed charge, per account $13 86
Demand charge, per kilowatt
but not less than 50 kilowatts $ 4 50
Demand charge, per kilowatt-hour $ 0035
Energy charge, per kilowatt-hour $ 0097
In lieu of taxes and franchise
Percent of charges billed 3 75%
Per kilowatt-hour $ 001038
(4) Excess Capacity Charge
A monthly capacity charge of $2 00 per kilowatt may
be added to the above cnarges for service to
intermittent loads in accordance with the provi-
sions of the Electric Service Rules and Regula-
(5) Service Charge
There shall be a service charge of $37 00 for the
processing of a request for electrical service
under this schedule except where the request is
made for after hours service, in which case the
service charge shall be $62 50 The service charge
is further applicable for a special meter reading
and/or fractional period billing
(6) Billin4 Demand
The bi ' lirg demand shall be determineJ by suitable
meter measurement of the highest 15-minute inte-
grated demand occurring during the billing period
and shall not be less than 70% of the highest
kilowatt demand occurring in any of the preceding
11 months
(7) Power Factor Adjustment
Power factor shall be determined by periodic
testing using graphic watt and VAR instruments
Such test results shall be the basis of billing
adjustment until satisfactory correction has been
made Periodic testing shall he conducted on an
approximate 6-month schedule or as otherwise
determined by the Utility If the pourer factor
falls below 90% lagging, power factor adjustment
may be made by increasing the billing demand by
1% for each 1% or a major fraction thereof by which
the power factor is less than 90% lagging This
adjustment shall be based on the power factor at
the time of maximum demand as recorded during the
periodic test
(8) Primary Service
Where service is metered under this schedule at
primary voltage, a discount shall be made each
month of 1 112% of the bill for service Where
service is taken at the City' s established primary
voltage and the City does not own the transformers
and substations converting to secondary voltage, an
additional credit of 2% of the monthly bill shall
be allowed A charge additional to the schedule
shall be made each month of 2% of the bill for
service at 2,400 volts or 4,160 volts
(9) Payment of Charges
The foregoing rates are net Payment becomes
delinquent 25 days after the billing date
(10) Contract Period
All contracts under this schedule shall be for a
minimum period of 90 days, and thereafter until
terminated upon ten day' s written notice to the
(11) Rules and Regulations
Service supplied under this schedule is subject to
the terms and conditions set forth in the Fort
Collins Light and Power Utility Rules and Regula-
tions as approved by the City Council Copies may
be obtained from the City of Fort Collins Utility
Billing Office, 300 LaPorte Avenue, Fort Collins,
C Schedule GS50T General Service 50 Time-of-Demand
(1) Availability
This service shall be available within the corpo-
rate limits of Fort Collins and the suburban
fringe The Utility reserves the right to decline
applications for this service based on the avail-
ability of excess off-peak capacity
(2) Applicability
This schedule applies to customers served at the
established secondary voltage of the City' s distri-
bution system and having three-phase service This
schedule may also apply to customers havinq a
single-phase service with approval of the Light and
Power Utility Service under this schedule is
subject to availability of suitable metering and
control equipment
(3) Monthly Rate
Fixed charge, per account $18 64
Demand charge, per kilowatt
On-peak kilowatts, but not
less than 50 kilowatts $ 4 50
Off-peak kilowatts, in excess
of on-peak kilowatts $ 1 62
Demand charge, per kilowatt-hour $ 0035
Energy charge, per kilowatt-hour $ 0097
In lieu of taxes and franchise
Percent of charges billed 3 75%
Per kilowatt-hour $ 001038
(4) Excess C,pccity Charge
A monthly capacity cnarge of $2 00 per kilowatt may
be added to the above charges for service to
intermittent loads in accordance with the provi-
sions of the Electric Service Rules and Pegula-
(5) Service Charge
There shall be a service charge of $37 00 for the
processing of a request for electrical service
under this schedule except where the request is
made for after hours service, in which case the
service charge shall be $62 50 The service charge
is further applicable for a special meter reading
and/or fractional period billing
(6) Billing Demand
The billing demand shall be determined by suitable
meter measurement of the highest 15-minute inte-
grated demand occurring during the billing period
The on-peak demand shall not be less than 70% of
the highest on-peak kilowatt demand occurring in
any of the preceding 11 months
(7) Demand Periods
The on-peak demand is the period from 7 00 a m to
11 00 p m weekdays except holidays The off-peak
period is anytime other than the above described
on-peak period Holidays are designated as the
observation of New Year ' s Day, Memorial Day,
Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran' s Day, Thanks-
giving and Christmas
(8) Power Factor Adjustment
Power factor shall be determined by periodic
testing using graphic watt and VAR instruments
Such test results shall be the basis of billing
adjustment until satisfactory correction has been
made Periodic testing shall be conducted on an
approximate 6-month schedule or as otherwise
determined by the Utility If the power factor
falls below 90% lagging, power factor adjustment
may be made by increasing the billing demand by 1%
for each 1% or major fraction thereof by which the
power factor is less than 90% lagging This
adjustment shall be based on the power factor at
the time of maximum demand as recorded during the
periodic test
(9) Interruptible Service
Interruptible service may be provided under this
schedule Billing demand charges will be at the
off-peak rate Such service is subject to inter-
ruption by the Utility without notice Service
under this provision requires monitoring and direct
control of all loads by the Light and Power Utility
Load Dispatcher Suitable communications and
control equipment and communication services shall
be provided by the customer The 70% minimum
provision of the past 11-month hign billing demand
will not apply to this service Failure to elimi-
nate customer kilowatt demand during a service
interruption period because of customer equipment
or system failures shall constitute a breach
of contract for service under this schedule, and
service will revert to and be provided under
applicable on-peak service schedules beginning with
and including the month in which the breach oc-
(10) Primary Service
Where service is metered under this schedule at
primary voltage, a discount shall be made each
month of 1 112% of the bill for service Where
service is taken at the City' s established primary
voltage and the City does not own the transformers
and substations converting to secondary voltage, an
additional credit of 2% of the monthly bill shall
be allowed A charge additional to the schedule
shall be made each month of 2% of the bill for
service at 2,400 volts or 4,160 volts
(11) Payment of Charges
The foregoing rates are net Payment becomes
delinquent 25 days after the billing date
(12) Contract Period
All contracts under this schedule shall be for a
minimum period of 12 montns,and thereafter until
terminated upon ten day' s smitten notice to the
(13) Pules and Regulations
Service supplied under this schedule is subject to
the terms and conditions set forth in the Fort
Collins Light and Power Utility Rules and Regula-
tions as approved by the City Council Copies may
be obtained from the City of Fort Collins Utility
Billing Office, 300 LaPorte Avenue, Fort Collins,
H Schedule GS500 General Service 500
(1) Availability
This service shall be available within the corpo-
rate limits of Fort Collins and the suburban
(2) Applicability
This schedule applies to customers served at the
primary voltage of the City' s electric system
( 13 ,200/7,620 volts nominal ) for three-phase
industrial power and combined lighting and power
(3) Monthly Rate
Fixed charge, per account $36 69
Additional charge for magne-
tic tape, single metering
point $86 03
Additional charge for each
additional metering point $19 67
Demand charge, per kilowatt but
not less than 500 kilowatts $ 4 97
Energy charge, per kilowatt-hour $ 0097
In lieu of taxes and franchise
Percent of cnarges billed 3 75%
Per kilowatt-hour $ 001038
(4) Excess Capacity Charge
A monthly capacity charge of $2 00 per kilowatt may
be added to the above charges for service to
intermittent loads in accordance with the provi-
sions cf the Electric Service Rules and Regula-
(5) Service Charge
There shall be a service charge of $37 00 for the
processing of a request for electrical service
under this schedule except where the request is
made for after hours service, in which case the
service charge shall be $62 50 The service charge
is further applicable for a special meter reading
and/or fractional period billing
(6) Billing Demand
The billing demand shall be determined by suitable
meter measurement of the highest 15-minute inte-
grated demand occurring during the billing period
and shall not be less than 75% of the highest
kilowatt demand occurring in any of the preceding
11 months Maqnetic tape metering equipment may be
as specified by the Utility
(7) Power Factor Adjustment
Power factor shall be determined by periodic
testing using graphic watt and VAR instruments
Such test results shall be the basis of billing
adjustment until satisfactory correction has been
made Periodic testing shall be conducted on an
approximate 6-month schedule or as otherwise
determined by the Utility If the power factor
falls below 90% lagging, power factor adjustment
may be made by increasing the billing demand by 1%
for each 1% or major fraction thereof by which the
power factor is less than 90% lagging This
adjustment shall be based on the power factor at
the time of maximum demand as recorded during the
periodic test
(8) Secondary Service
Where service is rendered under this schedule at
secondary voltage ano the City owns and furnishes
the transformer and substation converting to the
lower voltage desired by the customer, an addition-
al charge shall be made each month of 2% of the
bill for service If, for any reason, metering is
accomplished at secondary voltage, an additional 1
112% shall be added to the monthly bill Instru-
ment-rated metering transformers shall be at the
expense of the owner The Utility may require that
transformers greater than 2,000 Kva be owned by the
customer and that such load be primary metered A
charge, additional to the schedule, shall be made
each month of 2/0 of the bill for service provided
by the Utility at 2 ,400 volts or 4, 160 volts
(9) Payment of Charqes
The foregoing rates are net Payment becomes
delinquent 25 days after the billing date
(10) Contract Period
All contracts under this schedule shall be for a
minimum period of 12 months, and thereafter until
terminated upon ten day' s written notice to the
(11) Pules and Regulations
Service supplied under this schedule is subject to
the terms and conditions set forth in the Fort
Collins Light and Power Utility Rules and Regula-
tions as approved by the City Council Copies may
be obtained from the City of Fort Collins Utility
Billing Office, 300 LaPorte Avenue, Fort Collins,
I Schedule GS500T General Service 500 Time-of-Demand
(1) Availability
This service shall be available within the corpo-
rate limits of Fort Collins and the suburban
fringe The Utility reserves the right to decline
applications for this service based on the avail-
ability of excess off-peak capacity
(2) Applicability
This schedule applies to customers served at the
primary voltage of the City' s electric system
( 13, 20017 ,620 volts nominal ) for three-phase
industrial power and combined lighting and power
(3) Monthly Rate
Fixed charge, per account $39 00
Additional charge for magnetic
tape, single metering point $86 03
Additional charge for each
additional metering point $19 67
Demand charge, per kilowatt
On-peak kilowatts, but not less
than 500 kilowatts $ 4 97
Off-peak kilowatts in excess
of on-peak kilowatts $ 2 48
Energy charge, per kilowatt-hour $ 0097
In lieu of taxes and franchise
Percent of charges billed 3 75%
Per kilowatt-hour $ 001038
(4) Excess Capacity Charge
A monthly capacity charge of $2 00 per kilowatt may
be added to the above charges for service to
intermittent loads in accordance with the provi-
sions of the Electric Service Rules and Regula-
(5) Service Charge
There shall be a service charge of $37 00 for the
processing of a request for electrical service
under tnis schedule except where the request is
made for after hours service, in which case the
service charge shall be $62 50 The service charge
is further applicable for a special meter reading
and/or fractional period billing
(6) Billing Demand
The billing demand shall be determined by suitable
meter measurement of the highest 15-minute inte-
grated demand occurring during the billing period
The on-peak demand shall not be less than 75% of
the highest on-peak kilowatt demand occurring in
any of the preceding 11 months The type of
metering equipment will be as specified by the
(7) Demand Periods
The on-peak demand is the period from 7 00 a m to
11 00 p m weekdays except holidays The off-peak
period is anytime other than the above described
on-peak period Holidays are designated as the
observation of New Year ' s Day, Memorial Day,
Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran' s Day, Thanks-
giving and Christmas
(8) Power Factor Adjustment
Power factor shall be determined by periodic
testing using graphic watt and VAR instruments
Such test results shall be the basis of billing
adjustment until satisfactory correction has been
made Periodic testing shall be conducted on an
approximate 6-month schedule or as otherwise
determined by the Utility If the power factor
fells below 90% lagging, power factor adjustment
may be made by increasing the billing demand by 1%
for each 1% or major fraction thereof by which the
power factor is less than 90% lagging This
adjustment shall be based on the power factor at
the time of maximum demand as recorded during the
periodic test
(9) Interruptible Service
Interruptible service may be provided under this
schedule Billing demand charges will be at the
off-peak rate Such service is subject to inter-
ruption by the Utility without notice Service
under this provision requires monitoring and direct
control of all loads by the Light and Power Utility
Load Dispatcher Suitable communications and
control equipment and communication services shall
be provided by the customer The 75% minimum
provision of the past 11-month high billing demand
will not apply to this service Failure to elimi-
nate customer kilowatt demand during a service
interruption period because of customer equipment
or system failures shall constitute a breach
of contract for service under this schedule, and
service will revert to and be provided under
applicable on-peak service schedules beginning with
and including the month in which the breach oc-
(10) Secondary Service
Where service is rendered under this schedule at
secondary voltage and the City owns and furnishes
the transformer and substation converting to the
lower voltage desired by the customer, an addition-
al charge shall be made each month of 20/0' of the
bill for service If, for any reason, metering is
accomplished at secondary voltage, an additional 1
1120110 shall be added to the monthly bill Instru-
ment-rated metering transformers shall be at the
expense of the owner The Utility may require that
transformers greater than 2,000 Kva be owned by the
customer and tnat such load be primary metered A
charge, additional to the schedule, shall be made
each month of 2% of the bill for service provided
by the Utility at 2 ,400 volts or 4,160 volts
(11) Payment of Charges
The foregoing rates are net Payment becomes
delinquent 25 days after the billing date
(12) Contract Period
All contracts under this schedule shall be for a
minimum period of 12 months, and thereafter until
terminated upon ten day' s written notice to the
(13) Rules and Regulations
Service supplied under this schedule is subject to
the terms and conditions set forth in the Fort
Collins Light and Power Utility Rules and Regula-
tions as approved by the City Council Copies may
be obtained from the City of Fort Collins Utility
Billing Office, 300 LaPorte Avenue, Fort Collins,
J Schedule 10 Special Area Floodlighting
(1) Applicability
This schedule shall be available within the corpo-
rate limits of Fort Collins and the suburban fringe
for outdoor area floodlighting of consumer ' s
property from dusk to dawn
(2) Monthly Rate
Fixed charge, per account $ 84
Charge, per lamp, Mercury Vapor
175 Watt $ 6 16
250 Watt $ 8 47
400 Watt $13 18
1,000 Watt $31 49
Charge, per lamp, High Pressure
150 Watt $ 5 56
250 Watt $ 8 15
400 Watt $13 78
(3) Service Charge
There shall be a service charge of $4 10 for the
initiation of a floodlighting account under this
(4) Payment of Charqes
The foregoing rates are net Payment becomes
delinquent 25 days after the billing date
(5) Contract Period and Conditions
Those desiring floodlighting service shall sign a
service contract at the Fort Collins Light & Power
Utility Office This contract may be terminated at
the end of any billing period upon ten day' s
written notice to the City
Under this schedule the Utility will own, install ,
operate and maintain standard area lighting equip-
ment Materials, installation and associated line
extension costs shall be paid by the customer to
the Utility Upon termination of service to lights
installed after January 1, 1980, the salvage value
of recoverable materials less removal expenses will
be refunded to the consumer
The lamps shall be controlled by automatic control
equipment and burning time shall be from approxi-
mately thirty minutes after sunset to approximately
thirty minutes before sunrise
The customer shall notify t{ie Utility of any
operational failure of the lamp Lamp replacements
or repairs will be performed only during regular
working hours
(6) Rules and Regulations
Service supplied under this schedule is subject to
the terms and conditions set forth in the Fort
Collins Light and Power Utility Rules and Regula-
tions as approved by the City Council Copies may
be obtaired from the City of Fort Collins Utility
Billing Office, 300 LaPorte Avenue, Fort Collins,
K Schedule M Municipal Streetli hting
(1) Availability
This service shall be available within the corpo-
rate limits of Fort Collins, Colorado
(2) Applicability
This schedule shall be auplicable only to municipal
streetlighting service
(3) Monthly Rate
Fixed charge, per account $38 33
Charge per light, Mercury Vapor
175 Watt $ 4 38
250 Watt $ 6 02
400 Watt $ 9 36
1,000 Watt $22 36
Charqe per light, High Pressure
150 Watt $ 3 95
250 Watt $ 6 26
400 Watt $ 9 78
Charge per light, Metal Halide
1,000 Watt $21 88
(4) Payment of Charges
Bills for municipal streetlighting service will be
rendered by the Light and Power Utility and paid by
the City at the end of each month Monthly bill-
ings will be based on the inventory of completed
installations at the time of billing
(5) Lighting Districts
a) Artificial-lighting districts, if not covered
by the provisions of Chapter 16, Improvements,
Local Public, of this Code, are to be financed
by the subdivider on a cash basis, subject to
material costs at the time of the installation
Participation by the City at large in artifi-
cial lighting districts shall be limited to the
additional costs incurred due to lighting
levels in excess of residential standards
b) Where requested by the City, the Light and
Power Utility shall install all lamps, wire,
poles, and fixtures and otner necessary equip-
ment for service Sucn installations are to be
financed by the City General Fund
L Schedule T Traffic Signal Service
(1) Availability
This service shall be available within the corpo-
rate limits of Fort Collins, Colorado
(2) Applicability
This schedule shall be applicable only to municipal
traffic signal service
(3) Monthly Rate
Fixed charge, per account $35 00
Charge, per kilowatt-hour $ 021888
Equipment rental charges, when applicable, will be
determined by cost analysis by the Utility
Service extensions and signal installations by the
Utility are to be financed by the City General
Fund, subject to material and installation costs at
the time of installation
(4) Payment of Charges
Bills for traffic signal energy consumption and
equipment rental shall be rendered by the Light and
Power Utility ano paid by the City at the end of
each month Monthly billings shall be based on the
inventory of completed installations at the time of
M Electric Rates General Service Rules avid Regulations
The rules and regulations applicable to electric service
and persons receiving electric service from the City of
Fort Collins shall be such rules and regulations as are
adopted by the Department of Municipal Public Utilities
and approved by resolution of the Council of the City of
Fort Collins Upon such adoption and approval , all such
rules avid regulations shall be in full force and effect
and shall apply to any person, corporation, or other
entity receiving electric service from the City
N Definitions
For the purposes of §112-118, the following terms shall
have the meanings indicated
After Hours -- Those hours between 4 00 p m and 8 00
a m , Monday through Friday and holidays
Intermittent loads -- An electrical demand of an inter-
mittent or fluctuating character or which reflects
frequent starting with high current inrush
Interruptible -- Power made available under agreements
which permit curtailment or cessation of delivery by the
Special Meter Readinq and/or Fractional Period Billing
-- 4 meter reading or billing performed at the request
of the consumer in addition to the normal monthly meter
reading or billing "
Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered pub-
lished this 6th day of November A D 1979, and to be pre-
sented for final passage on the 4th day of December A D
City Clerk
Passed and adopted on final reading this 4th day of December
A D 1979
Ci y Clerk